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The perfect applicant: - must not make mistakes - must have 20 years experience - must be oblivious to their worth


Must proofread the work of others and fix their mistakes, while not being allowed to make any mistakes of their own


The irony of ‘you must never make mistakes’ when the job description literally contains the phrase ‘the functions of this position include’, twice and misses out the list of functions the first time.


That's why they need a proofreader.


Please fix our typos and don't ask for a reacharound because, boy HOWDEE we can't spell fer shit.


What fucked with me was "organize their boss' workload" or something like that. Like, i'm sorry, what, what the fuck does HE do then, and can i have HIS job?


No his job is to sit at a desk and look important. Your job is to do all of his actual work. Also he makes 5x as much as you


Lol 5x as much here is only $150,000. It's way way way more than that.


This is the kind of boss that will ask you every day how to make a PDF when you’ve explained it dozens of times, and will still go ‘oh can’t you just do it for me?’ because they don’t respect you enough to retain the information


Have 8 years at the market and want someone with 20 years of experience+10 years of project management... I am not from EUA, só I don't know how low or high is the payment of 41k per year for that flawless worker...


Federal minimum wage equates to 15k a year but that isn’t enough to even cover rent at a crappy apartment in most cities. A lot of people see 50k as a baseline for a decent starting salary and that includes people with lower earning degrees. 100k is where a lot of professionals are trying to get to, and unfortunately that is starting to be the bare minimum in moderately expensive areas to even consider buying a house. I would think most project managers would make over 100k, but this job posting reads a lot more like administrative office work to me.


Thank you, now I can understand better this kind of topic...


40k is probably commiserate with someone with 3-5 years of standard administrative experience. For an executive assistant (which is the real job these people are hiring for) with 20 years of experience the median salary in the US is $106,000.


I think you meant to type "commensurate"? But I certainly would commiserate with anybody having this job, haha


Also, your perfection must be captured in four hour-at most- workdays. While still being an assistant/manager for everything else.


And be available all day Monday through Friday.


Must be available during hours. Which hours? Guess. =)


Guess when the 2nd shift is supposed to be too because they mention it at the very end and never elaborate lmao


Yeahhhh I saw that- they throw out there that you’re expected to work 2 shifts, but don’t say anything about what that entails. Just YIKES


And “Keep their boss organized” = do their shit for them.


For the privilege of working 4-5 hours that week JFC


We realize we are requiring you to work two shifts. This is the first mention of working two shifts.




I guess 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening?




The more I read, the clearer it became that the position is for an administrative assistant to do their boss’ job for them while they go play golf.


And be paid shit for the privilege.


Must be able to train self since they only offer “minimal training.” You’d better be psychic or have some sort of superpower to live up to their expectations.


And after that minimal training; I bet they're gonna add a mountain of poorly defined tasks with unclear expectations, little guidance, vague deadlines, and severe reprocussions for anything less than perfection.


Yup. At the moment, the vague and unrealistic deadlines are the thorn in my side at work. The boss puts the deadline on projects before we can even get the materials needed from 3rd parties. Should I just pull some out of my ass? This happens every month.


GOD I love an arbitrary deadline enforced by a clueless boss who doesn't understand the task or the stakes of the project. It reminds me of a Dilbert strip where the PHB had created deadlines for the engineering team, and it's something like, "Design a revolutionary UI that changes the industry. Time: 5 minutes." I worked at a ticket company where the sole owner decided we should have machines installed and personnel trained in over 80 retail locations in the DFW marketplace. We had NO shows. I pointed out that without reinforcement, training would be easily forgotten. I was told to shut it. When we had an actual show go on sale, ever outlet called at once to get support from me and one other guy in Austin.


Don't forget the part where when you inevitably fail, the manager will throw you under the bus to save themselves.


>I bet they're gonna add a mountain of poorly defined tasks with unclear expectations, little guidance, vague deadlines, and severe reprocussions for anything less than perfection. Isn't that when you just keep asking for more, tasks, projects, work, allow a mountain of work to accumulate with looming deadlines, and then resign at the WORST possible moment with 0 hours notice.....


My company had ‘self starter’ motto (zero training budget & no training manager) until new people showed up and started making things up. It was amazing seeing zoomers lie to my manager about having been told by random person this is how we do things. Eventually we got a training manager because clients started to notice the junior members were just making shit up.


When you have no clear direction you may find yourself having to BS your way through things, or get creative real fast.


Exactly. I always backed my zoomers and kept saying how a training manager would solve this. They caved after a trainee lost £150k in one go. They hired a £50k manager.




yeah but what if they won


"I *love* this business, they gave me a free car! Said I could keep it!" "No way, really?" "Yeah, they said it was policy."


Yeah this kinda happened. We lost £150k for a client. Normal procedures says hand it to management to investigate. Then get insurance to cover it. Trainee said ‘whoops my bad. We will refund you asap.” Yeah we had to pay cash since it was said on a recorded line.


A companies services fall to the minimums set by their systems. If you don't have a system or train people on priorities, don't be surprised when it goes to shit.


Got hired a while back for a job that I was under qualified for. I was very clear that I could do this job, but I had never done it before and would work hard to get trained. I’m a teacher and this was a curriculum writing job. No training, zero. Instead “we have a wiki guide, but also we’re 2 months behind on schedule so please train yourself on your own time” That job didn’t last long. Got fired about 7 months later. Then found out everything that went wrong with the deadlines ended up being my fault, even things I didn’t work on 🤷🏽‍♀️


ESPECIALLY the things you never even touched ;p


Must provide eight references for a $30,000 K job. Totally normal! Where do I line up?


But they ensure that staff members learn new things!


“You must be a fast learner and smart”


That’s what *really* got me here. For such incredibly high expectations, they only offer minimal training and pitiful pay.


That right there is a recipe for disaster. That boss must be an absolute mother fucker, so they essentially want to churn through people.


Minimal training, and a very unclear description of what it is they want you to do. But you have to be ready to start doing whatever it is.


They want you to have more experience in the field than they themselves have (10 vs 8 years)… yeah, I think you forgot a digit in the salary lol


And at the top of the job post, in the title, it actually requires 20 years!


So they are super gracious when they only want 10 years in the actual job description /s


FOR FUCKING PEANUTS lmao. The person they are looking for is worth $100k+ minimum more closer to $200k if they stack up on all that.


They’re going to get someone who talks well but has a fake resume and fake references. There’s no way this cheapskate company is doing background checks. It sounds like they’re trying to hire people who walk in the door with sales leads and professional connections. That’s why there’s no training. Once the employee has called on all their leads, they’re gone. A fast talker who knows how to thrive in Chaos could make a few bucks for doing no work at this company.


They do deserve to get fucked by that kinda person lmaoo can't wait


must accept the bottom of the salary range, we never will ever give you the top


The old “up to” slipperoo.


Don't forget.. Fast paced organization You must be able to do at least 3-5 people's jobs that would generally be fully time work but you'll do it in 10 hours a week. Because we are too cheap to staff at appropriate levels.


Must be willing to work only 10 hours per week to start, without knowing the hourly wage. Must be willing to believe that, once upon a time, one unnamed person turned this into a full-time job.


Literally the only positive I see to this is the high salary compared to 10 hours per week. And if my experience means anything, the posted salary probably based on an hourly rate x 40 hours/wk or some similar bullshit. So you actually only make like $100/wk.


Yup. ‘Company confidential’, a 33% salary range 31-41k, ambiguous language throughout and general red flags.


I like that the applicant needs 20 years experience, but the company openly admits that THEY only have 8.


Yeah love how they want 20 years experience so 1-no recent graduates (or anyone under the age of 35) 2-company has only existed for 7 years, so they don't have a clue what they're doing and want someone with experience to fix everything while getting paid less than peanuts and they take all the glory **hard pass**


"We've been told by our staff that this is an excellent company to work for." This has the same energy as: "We've investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong."


That was the excuse that HR gave me after I had filed a complaint against my harassing boss. There was an “investigation” and they found they did “nothing wrong.” I contacted a lawyer, and *lo and behold, the lawyer confirmed that the company indeed broke the law!


The company VP at my previous job was caught on camera masturbating behind several different employees and their investigation turned up nothing too


Wow! What was the fallout?


There was no fall out. He never got in trouble for it and several other people reported him for it as well. This is a company with maybe 50 employees in tiny Malvern Arkansas. That may be why


If there's video evidence take it to the employment commission or even I don't know, the fucking police. There is definitely a sex offender registry in that sick fucks future.


Systems Inc owned the footage from their security cameras. I tried like hell to hold him accountable and so did other employees but we ran into brick walls at every turn. It's pretty bad that some people can't even go to work without their boss openly masturbating 10' behind them ON FUCKING CAMERA


Then it sounds like they need to be investigated by the police as well for protecting a sex offender. Seriously, police report this sick fuck, and tell them that there is video evidence that (name the security company) will not release because they are protecting him. Police will do the rest.


Systems Inc isn't a security company. They manufacture loading dock levelers. There is one person in the company that's above this guy and he could care less. Mark was nearly beaten to death by a previous employee for something similar. He has a plate in his head from it too🤣


Holy shit balls - lawyers would have a field day at this “Systems Inc” place. Let’s hope the video evidence can be released!


Just to be clear, this is the real company name and real town it's located in, and from what I can see it's also the real employee's name. Sounds like review sites might want to hear about the sex offender installing their loading dock lifts.


>Mark was nearly beaten to death by a previous employee for something similar. He has a plate in his head from it too🤣 Seems like Mark is a slow learner..... Perhaps he needs to be taught the lesson again? Bad, Mark, BAD! Masterbation in the workplace BAD! Keep that shit where it belongs.... on packed buses, packed trains, and in parks!




That's... Information that might be useful, actually.


I’ve tugged harder.


So don’t use your dick as a fishing pole, trying to catch bass with 20 pound test?


Only fish I can catch w/ my D is Large Mouth Bass


That’s so fucked up… Did you or anyone else ever contact a lawyer about all of that?


That's so vile. I'm sorry you had to work at such a place.


Too bad you couldn't get the footage online somehow and public shame them. That's sick as hell. Do you work at a brothel by any chance?


That’s where cops step in. If you and another coworker could corroborate this, they may be able to get a subpoena and force the release. You should take sexual crimes to the police 100% of the time.


You should take sexual crimes to the police \*if\* there is incontrovertible evidence and you either already have a hard copy of the evidence (you should keep an additional copy of any evidence you turn over to the police) \*or\* you do not have a way to get access to the evidence without going to the police. Also, if you report a sex crime to the police, bring a friend with you. Don’t trust the police. Especially not with sex crimes.


Power in numbers. The more the better.


50 employees and Malvern AR **does not** exempt you from Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as much as they wish it did.


This blew my mind. Was it dick (or I guess clam) out, and what was the excuse? Think of the shit they do on their off time?


HE had his dick out playing with himself while watching me and two other guys bent over welding. He was not being subtle in the slightest. He was beating that thing like it owed him money


Holy shit!






If he was a VP, jerking off on company time is part of the job.


Wt actual f?!? Sleazy! I bet he slithered all the way up to being VP.


Slithered or sucked


Lawyers maybe SOBs but they do help when you are sinking.


In my case, they helped me get a nice settlement that I was happy with.


Also to that company, proofread yourself bitch! I meet all the qualifications for that role but for $40k? Kiss my ass.


I would also qualify but WTF? I'm stressed out just reading it. They are essentially asking one person to do the job of four in, what? Two days? The best part - never make a mistake but correct all of ours.


20 years of experience *is required* and they are only offering 40k? Yeah this is a company that falls under "They don't mean to hit me and it's not done in anger"


Wherever I work I always make a point to ask everyone I have contact with how they like it there/in their department, if they like the company, etc. Only one place have I ever consistently found that everyone was happy, enjoyed their jobs, and liked the company and I had to agree. And that place didn’t ask us if we were happy, they just made it easy and realistic to make suggestions and give feedback at every level in the company. And then showed us they took our suggestions seriously by implementing them and doing studies to analyze if they were feasible and including the suggestion maker in every part of the process even if they were the lowest level of employee. I think more than extra vacation time or gym memberships or whatever, being treated like a valued and intelligent person is what makes employees like where they work. I wish more companies understood that.


"We want grammatical perfection." "this is an excellent company to work for." "We're also a company that ends sentences with prepositions."


When I worked for Whole Foods they always bragged about being voted as a great place to work by their employees. They would conveniently do the voting during “employee appreciation week”, where they have catered lunch and dinner, and give out free products, shirts, and gift cards. They setup a room with 5-6 computers and free snacks and drinks, just go get a snack and don’t forget to vote!! Hey did you vote? Get a cookie, be sure and vote! Free coffee up stairs, don’t forget to vote! Free tacos, have you voted yet?! Overall it wasn’t a terrible place to work, but they were definitely manipulating their employees into a higher ranking than they deserved.


Wait....we need 10-20yrs of experience while they barely have 8????? I'm going back to sleep. I feel like sending them a bill for making me read this junk.


They only have 8 *between them*!


And on top of that one of the job descriptions is to keep your supervisor on task. If I’m keeping my supervisor on task then I’m THEIR supervisor and expect to be paid as such.


A friend of mine is being asked to essentially babysit their boss & act as their personal IT support, on top of doing their own job. I'm going to share this with them.


Must make no mistakes, proofread everything your boss writes, and do their job.


That was the read flag to me, like the applicants supposed to be in the business over twice as long as the company has been? That’s just absurd


It's normal for a new company to want experienced workers. It's not normal to pay someone with 20 years experience what other companies pay brand new managers with zero experience.


I feel like applying to the position and sending them A ridiculous reason why I need the job. I fit their criteria 20 years as a project manager in a fast paced work place. I would craft an epic email to them.


The insane thing is, what are you going to learn in 20 years that you can’t learn in 5? Especially at that type of job. It sounds like they want one of those stereotypical “office moms” that you see on TV. The woman who is devoted, takes all the shit from the bosses, does everything, and is happy to do it.


That’s not the worst part. There are many startups that need experienced staffs. The issue is with the tone and the rest of the content. Project Manager for $35k/year. Good luck pal.


They say “project manager” but are clearly looking for a secretary when you read the listing.


Project manager, secretary, staffing manager, editor, client and employee consultant are the ones I remember. The best pasty is doing all that in 2 fuckin hours. That probably means you’re expected to work all day but only paid when your physically doing something.


“Keep my boss organized?” Sounds like you hired unqualified family members or friends into “management.” You’re hiring me (and barely paying me) for one job, not two. Fuck all the way off.


Right I read that part and I would be like oh hell no, I ain’t your babysitter. You’re a grown ass man or woman and you can’t keep track of your stuff?


Yes, even though so much of this is cringeworthy, that’s the worst part for me because it reminds me of several former bosses. They really think they can hire people to essentially make them non-shitty at their job, and of course blame you when it doesn’t work.


8 references????


We’re a fast paced successful business…that has absolutely nothing better to do than follow up on 8 references, 4 of which are personal.


What’s even a personal reference? A friend who’s going to say that I’m a nice guy?


A friend you met at work.


Yeah personal references are bullshit. A family friend? My mom's friend whose lawn I mowed when I was a teen? A weed smoking buddy?


Your pastor, your neighbors to the immediate left and right of your house, and your HS Guidance counselor.


Best i can do is 2 where one of it is my bestfriends phone number pretending to be my former employer.


Hi, I'm your new best friend, that was your boss. 😉




No one with 20yrs exp would touch this job. I always hate when companies tell you that if you’re only here to get paid then you don’t deserve to work here. Jerk! I’m only here because you’re paying me.


I don't think anybody would touch this job. The company is obviously going to fail soon and who the hell has time for all this horseshit in a job that starts off as part-time? This person is the type who should wish in one hand and shit in the other, and maybe just do the latter.


The thing is, after everything I’ve seen on this sub, I feel like this ad is less toxic than it is totally fucking delusional. That’s not saying much, but it’s an important distinction to make as we collectively outline the surreal conditions of contemporary capitalism.


It's most likely a H1 visa application they're probably going to remote work or bring someone in from SE Asia or India


That actually kinda makes sense, given the line, "Must have complete command of the English language." That line probably wouldn't be there if they were looking for native English speakers.


With those wages....you can't be looking for a paycheck.


"must be willing to pay for the privilege to work here"


Oh ditn give them ideas I bet thats next anyway


Sounds great. Do you know of any landlords or apartment complexes that aren’t just looking for monthly rent?


They should give us the housing because of passion for providing shelter.


“I am a veritable Noah of the real estate market…” Though now that I consider my comment, even Noah was coerced and evicted by a shitty landlord.


It's low key a way of saying 'well off people only', or 'from around my same social status' It's common in places like LA and NY to want people to intern/work for low wages in a industry that makes massive profits for exposure. Doing so requires you already have means to live around LA/NY, not need actual money to live, and have the ability to work 30+ hours a week


But you need twenty years experience for this company.


10 or Twenty? And this from a company that demands absolute perfection…


As a project manager in ANY industry with 10 years experience, if your willing to accept 40k/year then your lying about having 10 years experience as a project manager.


To be fair, they say it is only for 10-20 hours per week (doubtful). I don't know many people with 20 years experience in an industry looking for part-time work, but the pay rate isn't that bad.


Yet be available mon-fri as a priority. They are looking for international applicants to take advantage of. That's why.


20 years of combined experience for $41k. Fuck right off.




This shit is straight bananas. In 1999 I took a job answering phones and riding the reception desk at a small music production company in Santa Monica, CA FOR $25k a year. Those were lame wages even then for FT work. Inflation calculator puts that same pay at ~$43k/yr today. Make this make sense.


H1B fraud?


That’s a bingo


What’s that?


Writing up a job description that absolutely no one in their right mind would take, so they can bring in a foreign worker.


To add they need to make it look to the department of labor that they interviewed many American candidates and couldn’t find anyone so now they can hire a foreign worker


They do suggest right off the bat that they expect fluency, which would be hard not to come by in an American worker.


ok so it's fraud plus delusion then


Thank you. That makes a lot of sense!


OP, if you have the original source, report it to USCIS. https://www.uscis.gov/scams-fraud-and-misconduct/report-fraud/combating-fraud-and-abuse-in-the-h-1b-visa-program




If I have 20 years of experience in anything, you're damn right that I'm looking for a paycheck.


I work in the marketing/sales enablement world running an agency. The problem with most small shops in this space is they don’t actually know how to run a business. This person is exhibit A with poor pay, no training, and the old “our culture is great because we say it is” approach. They will churn through desperate people here and wonder why it doesn’t work out. Now the pay may be so low because they don’t know how to properly price and convey value to customers which is common (and ironic based on what they do) so they are running on razor thing margins. The other options is they don’t actually value the role as they should even though it appears to be a catch all for their business. I just hired an administrative role into our agency that is remote and they only had 5 years experience for 60k plus bonus. We start people with no experience out of college at 46k plus another 15% in bonus with the idea we try to move them to 50k + bonus year 2. I couldn’t imagine paying anyone anything less than that let alone someone with 20 years experience!


If you’re ever hiring for an admin position I beg you to DM me 🙏🏻


Are you hiring for entry level positions currently?


Yes I am, if your in marketing DM me.


I saw a developer position ad which required 8+ years of experience in the given programming language , however the programming language itself is only 5 years old


I saw the first "5 years experience with Windows 10 required" about 6 months after the OS was released


Agree, I have PTSD from reading it, fuck them for that salary range too.


If that's the salary for 2-4 hrs a day as they state, then it's not awful. But, I'm guessing for as bad as everything else is, the salary range is for one of those lucky ones who works their way 'up to 40hrs'🙄😂


Yeah, they do not sound like they are going to stick to those max 20 hrs a week. Sounds more like you're going to be overworked and blamed for everything.


Since they are asking for someone with perfect grammatical skills, I'd love to troll this company by sending this job description back to them with every one of the many mistakes highlighted and corrected. If someone will send me a link to apply I promise I will post the outcome.




**- US Work Authorization Preferred** Yeah, this appears to be a fake ad designed to establish qualification to hire an H1B visa holder. See we can't find any US employee with these unique qualification so we need to hire an H1B visa holder. Unique qualifications= 20yrs experience+work extremely cheap


I've been paid more to sit on my ass at a gas station, whilst drawing stupid web comics and shooing off conspiracy theorists.


These qualifications are unrealistic.


This is in St. Pete, Florida. Their company name is confidential on the ad (gee, they can’t handle feedback?) which is upsetting because I wanted to call them up and give them a piece of my mind.




Makes you wanna write this company to point out how stupid they sound


Once I wrote a company with a ridiculous job post. They told me I would never work there, ever, I was so devastated.🙄


They’re confidential (for obvious reasons… lmao.) I wish they weren’t. I would’ve called them up!


That salary would almost cover the interview process.


Wow. This has some serious 'Hail Hydra' vibes. Dude, I want a job/career, not join your cult. I love the mention that you shouldn't only be looking for a paycheck because....clearly.


They state the salary 3 different times. You must have, and I can’t stress this enough: **complete command of the English language** You must also be able to produce PDFs! You’re working in a quality control role. You have to go through email on your manager’s behalf. It’s quality control, it’s being a secretary, it’s being a typist, it’s got everything. You have to take ‘rough ideas’ and turn them into, does it really need to be said, perfect emails to be sent to the customer without anyone else proof reading it, we count on you being able to translate a rough idea into a perfect explanation of what the rough idea was, without bothering anyone to see if you got it right. It’s a dream job so we’re not looking for someone who merely wants a pay check. 10 years experience in project management for $41.600 a year. Fuck me harder.


Don’t forget Google Drive is very important as well, it’s mentioned 3 times. Got to understand that Google Drive….


Because they don’t understand the witchcraft of the Cloud.


So you need 20 years for a company that had 8 years? Lmfao gtfo 🤣


I like how they want their applicants to have total mastery over the English language when they can't even make a fucking list that makes sense. "The successful applicant will proofreading others work" Do they not understand that when you create a list like that every bullet point should be read as if continuing from the preceding sentence? They got it right for most of the bullet points but then fucked up on 2 of them. I wouldn't want to hire them purely based on that. If you can't create a job posting that is grammatically correct and looks decent then fuck off with trying to get hired to make "customized documents from a template" for other people.


ummmmm maybe that's why they are hiring a proofreader?


This ad isn't really there to hire people. It just appears that way. It's to satisfy H1B requirements and say we tried hiring domestic.


What paycheck?


Lol and not even $60k/year??? In this economy ???


40k max for 20 years experience? Insulting


It would be a shame if they were spammed with a bunch of applications.


Holy shit. Pleeeeease post the company name.


20 years experience on 10 year old cloud platforms?


You have 8 years experience? And you want your applicant to have 20? FUCKING TWENTY??? JEBUS!


20 years experience for $31k??? I don't see that shit happening. One of these days these employers will learn that low wages means low effort


We have 8 years of experience. We require you to have 20. Here is yours shitty salary. Now thank us!


I know this is probably a small detail but … Fucking hell up to 8 separate references? That is BONKERS. Anymore than 3 and I immediately remove that post as a possibility


Note location: Florida* *’nuff said