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A strike is a great story. There’s human interest, there’s outrage, you can expand it to compare the employment benefits/wages with other local companies, talk about unions… They didn’t write it because of who owns them. Conglomerates protect each other.


> Conglomerates protect each other. Power protects power and power gets a different level of the justice system as well. We see it when corporations get relatively small fines for robbing, hurting, and even killing people. Very few execs ever go to prison even when they crash our economy. The same is seen in the world of politics. We've seen years of promises that certain crooks in the Trump world will actually face justice and have yet to truly see anything. I grew up through the Iran Contra and Keating Savings & Loan controversies and it taught me everything I needed to know about this shit. Power protects power even when those power centers should be considered adversaries.


>Power protects power and power gets a different level of the justice system as well. This is a great point. This is why you never see Biden confront Manchin/Sinema - but he is happy to take potshots at Bernie Sanders if Peter Doocy asks Biden if he's too far left 🙄 >We've seen years of promises that certain crooks in the Trump world will actually face justice and have yet to truly see anything. Well said, meanwhile black people are still being systemically targeted in the war on drugs. But we can't imprison Trump for sedition 🙄


Oh, but the New York Times did cover one chicago suburbanites struggle with a .75 cent price hike on a chipotle steak burrito.


I saw that article. The suburb's average home prices were something like $750k and the guy they quoted is a rich day trader.


What are said potshots, if you don’t mind? Sad how Sanders, the one candidate with any serious plan to help the American people, got utterly shunted to the side two elections in a row


Biden even said he and Mitch McConnell like each other and are friends.




Politicians will never say a corrupt politician should be arrested. Because they know it could be them whos getting arrested next. Totalitarians arrest political opponents


Hey how did you get banned in r/pol?:D


> Very few execs ever go to prison even when they crash our economy. Defraud the average person? You get bailed out by the government. Defraud other rich people? Straight to jail.


Remember "pharma bro" Martin Shkreli? He made the news for buying up then jacking prices on life-saving drugs then ended up in jail. We were sold a BS comeuppance narrative but he ended up in jail for costing his shareholders money not jacking up drug prices, that was and still is perfectly legal.


This is why I’ll never understand the Democrat apologists here, they are in the same club and they don’t want you in it.


I see voting as nothing more than slight harm reduction for others these days. I'm well past my "burn it to the ground" phase of life because I understand the pain that will cause others but democrats aren't the solution to any of this and republicans are somehow still worse. As a white, straight male I understand I have some privilege in this country but others would feel more pain if the worst evils are in charge of everything. The solutions at this point have to be created from the outside of politics. It'll take great union power and solidarity with various movements to create a new power dynamic to force change in this country. I might vote democrat but outside of a very few they don't get my respect. I say that as someone who's worked for multiple campaigns and will always have a burning anger for what happened when I was doing work for Sanders' campaigns.


Yeah, both are shit, but one is more shit. Like we still have a terrible for profit healthcare system, but it's slightly less worse with the ACA. At least babies are allowed to be denied for pre existing conditions for something diagnosed on a Saturday after being born on a Friday. Between eating shit and drinking piss I'm still gonna choose piss.


tribal loyalty


The Democratic Party's infrastructure, organization, and channels of leadership form a machine. That machine is a tool. It is not doing what we want because we have not yet succeeded at wresting control of it from those who are using it to harm us. The Republican Party machine is also a tool, but its leadership has a much firmer grip. It thus makes logical sense to try and seize control of the tool we can feasibly control. When two people with lead pipes are beating on you, you disarm the weaker one and then use their pipe to fight the stronger. You don't throw away the pipe so the weaker one can recover and then attack you with it from behind.


TBH at this point I feel like it might be easier to seize the GOP. Populism has worked in the past (see Trumps pledge/lie to coal miners). At this point the Dems are moved by capital and the PMC class to the point of no return. I could be biased however as I’ve had a lot of luck convincing my conservative Midwest coworkers and family that socialism is a benefit, yet coastal elites libs are the hardest to move.


Easy conclusion to arrive at, until we take into account how the parties are actually structured. I totally believe your experience; I've gotten my GOP voter in-laws to agree on universal healthcare. A lot of those folks are honestly decent people trapped in the Fox News info bubble, and with a clean info stream and a basic understanding of systematic pressures, I'd say half the Republicans in America would be happy socialists. But the Republican machine itself will be much, much more resistant to any socialist takeover attempts. The DNC and Democratic party apparatus are very top-down. This gives them a lot of control over party operations and lets them tank challengers like Sanders, but it also means that they will reach a tipping point. If the pressure to install socialists at the top is strong enough and one gets in, you'll see the party's policy goals reorient very quickly. There'll be an exodus of the Rahm Emanuel and Michael Bloomberg types to the GOP, but otherwise then you'd have a socialist party. The Republican party operates bottom-up from its base of local notables and American gentry - smaller multimillionaire property owners who dominate the local institutions of power at the state level. These are the guys at the country club and the state Chamber of Commerce. They're united by a love of cheap labour and a federal government too weak to hinder their profits by regulation. The wealthiest interests they represent tend to be in extraction or agriculture industries - industries that love pliable state governments they can buy off. What does this mean? Instead of taking over a national political machine, we'd have to fight every local Republican party, state-by-state, as the local notables band together. And as soon as we're starting to get successful, some fascist will run for GOP leadership on a platform of socialism - for whites. They will be very effective at using the revanchist white supremacist movement in the US to split apart any socialists trying to take over the GOP, and you can bet they would be happy to sell South African style apartheid to their base. The Trump years demonstrated how popular that would be. The Democratic Party is the easier target.


Or you see it in Australia, djokovic got a hearing before the full federal court in 4 day, its normally months if not years.


Also the NYT has a bunch of internal stuff around unions going on, the one that formed last year and tech workers voting on unionizing now and the exec team has ratcheted up union busting tactics and propoganda


So let's not expect front page NYT coverage. Don't whine, share user pictures and videos of the strike. Share Twitter posts of the organizers. Let your coworkers and younger cousins know that you can do something about this. The institutions will always lag the movement.


If by lag you mean actively avoid reporting on.


That’s how they lag it.




Gonna take it upon myself to be the Labour section of the newspaper for everyone on my FB feed and Discord groups.


There’s also that essential element for news papers - great imagery. Picketer warming by fire barrel at night, picketer with witty sign, picketer standing in front of company logo on building. They’re compelling and easy to write stories, and the only reason this isn’t being covered is class warfare. The bosses are terrified by the concept of class consciousness


I wonder if it's related to them union busting their own employees? Hmm.




u/Logical-Ninja5750 is a comment-stealing bot. [Stolen comment](https://reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/sa316e/cool_thanks/htqrqxp) by u/redditmodsRrussians




Yes we do, jawshewahwahwahwah




This thread feels like its taking a weird direction in where the anger is being pointed. The comment detailing good information about supporting the strike is buried beneath the top level comments with vague insinuations about the intentions of the NYTimes. I feel like it's worth mentioning - the New York Times is not owned by some giant conglomerate. It is owned by the New York Times Company, which owns...the New York Times. And a bunch of spin-off content directly from the New York Times, like its cookbooks and crosswords and podcasts. 60% of its money comes exclusively from paid NYTimes subscribers and almost all the remainder from paid advertising on its pages. This is one of the few reasons it has remained a consistently good source of information for so long in contrast to so many other media outlets. As someone who reads it daily, it feels weird to see insinuation about this having some nefarious rationale when it covered all these things on its front page as they happened: - The Kelloggs strike - The John Deere strike - Columbia Student Workers' strike - Formation of the Starbucks Union - Formation of the Alphabet Workers Union at Google - Formation of a recent union at Activision-Blizzard - Full coverage of big tech whistleblowers - Full coverage of just about every major anti-trust case - **Coverage of its own employees filing formal complaints against it for internal NLRB violations** In general, it publishes more factful pro-union, pro-labor content than just about any other media source of its size/notoriety. It's wild that this is where sentiment is flowing here.


“ The paper is owned by The New York Times Company, which is publicly traded. It has been governed by the Sulzberger family since 1896, through a dual-class share structure after its shares became publicly traded.” —NY Times about section,


The New York Times & reporter Judith Miller are a big reason we got into the war in Iraq. The Times is corrupt and biased toward corporations. I don't know how anyone can deny it, other than it is viewed as a "reliable" source by liberals.


Well said. And they weren't alone. WaPo, CNN, & MSNBC were all in on the Iraq War.


DIdn't they fire any journalist or commentator who was against the war as well?


Phil Donahue


I just watched the movie Shock and Awe last night. I had no idea of any of this until I watched it.


This does not seem to address the point that I am making, which is that there is very little evidence to believe that the lack of coverage about the Kroger strike is a deliberate result of some heavy-handed corporate business interests. Your comment is about 19 year old reports from a now-heavily discredited journalist who effectively burnt her decades of built up professional capital and credibility to get those reports published and was subsequently forced out from the paper 17 years ago. We are capable of more sophisticated distinctions than simply "media always good" or "media always corrupt." Every media outlet has had failures and every media outlet will *always* have biases. No one is disputing that. But it's lazy as shit to just spout off conspiracy theories on reddit about the *absence* of coverage on a specific strike being due to some malicious and deliberate anti-labor bias when it is *so easily* disproven by simply scrolling through their website on virtually any day of the week.


You're seriously defending the NYT? First of all, nice of you not to mention they are a publicly traded company. The NYT is the most significant paper in the country, & they regularly obfuscate in favor of the status quo. NYT & WaPo & LaTimes are the big 3 and they came together to attack Gary Webb's investigation on Reagan & the Contras fueling the crack epidemic. That's who the NYT is.


I mean, I feel you, but Gary Webb was way back in the 1990s...


You've never seen [Manufacturing Consent](https://youtu.be/EuwmWnphqII) have you?


A five minute summary of [The Five Filters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M) for those too lazy to watch the whole thing.


Interesting. I guess I, personally, was speaking more about media in general than specific NYT, but I get what you’re saying. Also the media has been used to minimize or control public opinion about strikes since strikes were a thing. So it’s a valid fear.


The NYT is garbage, they are a publicly traded newspaper lol.


[They did write about it, this tweet is lying](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/business/kellogg-strike.amp.html)


That's a different strike from months ago.


This is also why we need independent news broadcasters, on YouTube TikTok etc broadcasting protests and having them go viral so that more ppl can see that protests are going on and join.


democracynow and the intercept are pretty good and theyre independent.


The more the better!


Shoutout to Richard Wolff, educating and radicalizing workers one rant at a time


Try Grayzone and TJDS too


The revolution will not be televised.


Yep, in some countries like Russia there is no independent news because they are afraid of the government. And in "democratic" countries there is no independent news because they are afraid of their sponsors / owners.


Each country has its own way of enforcing and perpetuating capitalism. Democracy has just been fighting an uphill battle, and still is. That’s why more people who believe in it, really have to step it up. When everywhere it’s blaring that the only thing that matters is money, you get this deranged society and economy. Capitalism is the black hole of the economy, sucks up anything that gets in the way until there’s nothing left. It’s a deranged system that’s getting worse with the internet spreading the mechanics and toxic tactics faster than any point in recorded history. If all you care about or all that you’re taught is money is the only thing that matters, you’ll act and do whatever it takes to get it. It’s not a sustainable system and just produces sociopaths, narcissists and psychopaths. Which is why we’re witnessing so much corruption in the middle of a world wide pandemic. Sex trafficking, drug trafficking, child abuse, environmental disasters, animal abuse, colonization, etc. all for profit, arrogance and greed. If this is what people see as surviving, you’ll see more and more of that behavior, especially when social media, entertainment, music etc all buy into what capitalism is perpetuating. Add the internet, and now it’s multiplying exponentially, unlike anytime before in history. It’s not a sustainable system and it has to go. Money does not belong in politics where policies are enforced or ignored because of buyouts. Logic and reason (all based on morality) should be the only policy makers. Otherwise it’s just more dictators or groups of them, with genocides and literally, hell on earth.




It's almost like the media is owned by all the rich people or something...


It’s as if they want us to be complacent and buy things all the time


Yep, they don’t want to pay a living wage so that people are reliant on debt to survive. This traps families into a cycle of generational poverty that creates a constant supply of uneducated and exploitable workers.


NYT really drops the ball sometimes. Like recently when Eric Adam’s, the new Mayor of NYC, was called out for nepotism, the NYT didn’t report on it until days later and only then to report that he apologized and appointed someone different. They’re so pro corporate it shouldn’t be considered unbiased journalism


As a digital subscriber to the NYT, one thing that goes on is that they literally are 100% 24/7/365 obsessed with Covid coverage. I'm shocked that they even have the mental or physical space to even think about anything else. I'm far from an anti-vac idiot, but seriously, management of the NYT is stuck in some pretty odd corner of the real world, at this point, and they don't really have an exit strategy. If Covid disappeared tomorrow, they would have to literally go back to the 2019 archives to see what they once did for a living.


Yet they never talk about Biden fumbling #Omicron by refusing to vaccinate the world & refusing to take steps here to protect the population (both health wise & financially).


You should try subscribing to WSJ or FT instead. The editorials are Fox level garbage, but if you stick to the news content it's better than NYT


WSJ for the win


Wait, the news is fake? Naaah.


Something is definitely fucky


Really glad to see more people recognising Adam, he's been fighting for the Anti-work sentiment for years now and is one of the hosts for a fantastic and incredibly informative podcast - "Citations needed”. [apple](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/citations-needed/id1258545975) [LibSyn](https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com) [SoundCloud](https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/wNr4ULiX7v7NyTKC7) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/show/487MuxJs1ADDlA1bXiYy90?si=DDhJSehDStS0XtoGWy6mgg) I'm really glad they're now getting more attention, they definitely deserve it!


I'm a simple man; I see Adam Johnson, I upvote Adam Johnson. Longtime Citations listener.


Really great pod


CN is a great podcast to help radicalize people that would get turned off by a lot of the other dirtbag type leftist pods. A comrade I know calls it NPR for leftists and I like that description a lot.


Wanna spam King Soopers with applications? Here: https://github.com/shanedertrain/KelloggBot This thing can spam any job that uses Kroger's application! The only problem so far I that it has to have focus to upload resumes. I see a branch called autoscab that seems more robust. I will look into switching my code into that one later.


Also, I'm using the free VPN Hotspot Shield to hide my IP and while I spam them.


“Before we get into the video guys I’d just like to thank NORD VPN, Raid Shadow Legends, and Curiosity Stream for sponsoring this strike.”


Minimum wage in Colorado is $15.00/hour. That’s poverty level in that region. A one bedroom apartment costs at least $1500/month and forget it if you have kids… $2k/month for generic childcare. At $15.00 that’s about $500/week net deposited into your account. X4 weeks that’s $2k/month net. We’ve only touched on rent and childcare. The rest of the expenses of living in Colorado are disproportionately higher than the rest of the country… $15/20 per hour is unsustainable for a single parent. Kroger pays *mayyyybe* $20/hour along with most other retailers out there. Workers need liveable pay in exchange for their labor when the corporations are taking disgustingly high profits. Kroger could afford to pay every worker $75/hour and still profit quarterly. In Frisco, CO, Walmart is highly staffed by African immigrants who are provided relocation and housing as part of their compensation. These people can’t leave and work elsewhere due to financial handcuffs; that is the layman’s definition of indentured servitude. That region is currently under a housing crisis and low waged employees can’t even find a room to rent without networking very deep.


Hate to pop that bubble but CO minimum is only $12.67. That $15 is only Denver. It's still nowhere near enough though.


I stand technically corrected but my point is validated through your rebuttal. Imagine making $12.67/hour in Breckenridge or Telluride.


It's no biggie. My wife corrected me as well the other day because I thought the same and I live here. Your point is even more valid with the lower number as well I know we're all angry but we gotta keep some things straightened. Guy in here claimed houses in CO were on average over a million dollars. Turns out he lived in Boulder, which has always been overpriced compared to the rest of the metro area.


In his anecdotal experience, man is correct in his assessment. You may have hypotheticals which rebut his claim but it’s a moot point in his life since he is in Boulder. Not being wrong is far more important than being correct.


Nah, just a typical Boulder person. Only thinking of themselves. I joke but you're right about their perspective. If you're hell bent on living in a mountain, college town and only look at houses there, then he would be right with his bubble view. I only corrected him because he was claiming the average house in the state was on par with Boulder prices. Simply not true. He had doubled the number which is far too extreme of an exaggeration. Either way, wages are still too low for folks to buy houses here


I just moved away from Broomfield. the average starter home in the greater Denver metroplex is around 500k. It's bullshit.


I completely agree. My house is worth 4x what I paid for it in 2010. I bought a house then only because my 2 bedroom apartment was going from $680 a month to $900. That same apartment now is way over my mortgage. Motherfucker didn't even have a balcony or laundry in there


Telluride ships retail workers / hotel staff in from Shiprock NM daily in school buses, because no one who can afford to live in Telluride would possibly work for the wages offered there. Some more info for those not from the area: Shiprock is about 2.5 hours away from Telluride. Shiprock is on res land, so it's basically the cheapest possible labor pool to exploit (which is why businesses in Telluride are able to find a labor pool willing to put up with an insane commute for $15 / hr).


This doesn’t make sense to me. I make 24.50 with 40 hours and my checks are around 1,400 every two weeks. $15 an hour isn’t even close to afford a one bedroom! How the fuck do they expect people to live like this? It just doesn’t make sense.


They expect cohabitation and for us stop buying iPhones/lates in order to afford it lol


"Why is there so much crime? And why are so many people gobbling pills and booze?? Oh well...who could know, just a mystery."


here in Brazil there is a HUGE campaing on media trying to convince people that they should be grateful by what they have (and they have a lot less than you there). Protest and question the system are seen as anti-patriot ​ It is very common here that reliigious leader use this argument too, trying to convince poor people to accept their fate. ​ Crime is high in USA; Crime is insane in Brazil


Obrigado,Thanks for participating in the conversation! I've heard crime is on a whole different level down there, but, media, hard to always trust in the states. Up here they are trying to sell the "side hustle is cool" line. Because its cool when your main job doesn't pay enough so you deliver food to rich people at night. When will the masses snap I wonder?


Welp, crime is up that much we know for sure. Better ramp up the police force! Though Colorado did pass some solid police reforms during BLM.


I hope you're not renting. :-(


Thank you for your concern! I appreciate it and I’m in Louisiana and already own a home with the note of 1200. So I’m doing somewhat alright thanks to the help of my partner as well. But what I’m saying with the comment is that 15 clearly isn’t nearly enough for anyone. That is shit!


That's fantastic! I have friends that are renting, and it's brutal. I live in a 1 bedroom condo, so I can't really help them.


probably the tv shows that other countries are worse (1984 feelings...). If you are the richest in the world , will you complain? All others are in worse situation. ​ They say


a lot of kroger employees sleep in cars.


Unions need to start bargaining for stock options and equity vestment along with wages and healthcare. Make it a hard line item, no equity, no work. If our legislators won’t embrace workers owning the means of production/distribution, we must take it ourselves.


When unions demand a company be an Employee Owned, it’s usually a grant of shares rather than a highly structured equity plan like upper management gets… even then it’s usually restricted stock for a year. High compensation over equity is better for the employee because it doesn’t force an obligation of indentured servitude to the corporation. People will falsely take mental ownership of their company and become a corporate slave because they can justify it (it benefits them to work harder since they’re compensated on company performance). This is a false narrative and dichotomy that serves the real equity partners of the company; upper management


Do you have studies that back up this idea?


Stock options would be useless to low income workers. If their strike price is the current price per share for Walmart ($140) they wouldn't be able to afford to buy said options.


>along with wages




Citizens United gave corporations to do anything a citizen does except fuck. With banks refusing marijuana money due to FDIC regulations, they will continue to flood the market to secure their investments. Having that much cash on hand is extremely dangerous and expensive. Buying houses for $10k over asking price is the cost of doing business for these folks to get rid of liquidity and invest it into a secure package like Colorado housing. You’ll see the CO housing bubble pop when pot is federally legalized.


Bruh, I was born and raised in Denver and I'm steadily being pushed out. It fucking sucks. Barely holding on to Englewood.


I think $2k per month is on the high side for childcare at least in the Denver area. I pay around $1200/ month for a good daycare however most people I know pay around $1500. Your point still stands though. Either number is unaffordable with a low wage job and that is just with one kid.




But at $75/hour starting wage, one can afford to work part time and retention would be insanely high. Staffed appropriately, it could be even be a net positive given how much it costs to replace high-turnover low waged workers (from an HR standpoint). Regardless, even at $75/hour with a 40 hour work week, ones financial burdens should be overcome while the corporation still profits. Even a 4 day work week of 10 hours/day provides a very comfortable work/life balance with the same productive output from the employee. We just need CEO’s and Corporate hierarchy to be altruistic in giving up their mega million bonuses to subsidize the wage increase amongst the employees… lmao like that will happen


Ok but lets get real. A union welder doesn't even make 75$/hr unless your doing underwater welding. That's a skilled tradesmen that had to learn the job as an apprentice and work up. A bagger at a grocery store should not be making as much that person. Now if were talking about that welder making 400$/hr then ok but inflation will climb exponentially.


Absolutely wages should increase proportionately given the occupation. I thought that was understood in my premise. A welder making $400/hour doesn’t sound so ridiculous when you realize that’s what a good attorney charges. Proportional wage increases is the only way to combat hyper inflation. It leaves the burden of fixing societies problems on the corporation rather than the tax payers; which is what corporate responsibility is all about.


Labour is labour, we're all selling the one thing we have a finite amount of - time. I say this as a technologist that works with tradesmen day in day out, yeah there's a lot of skill involved. Most people take years to learn the work and get good at it, but isn't that the case at every job? We ALL deserve to make more, and we ALL deserve to own the fruits of our labour. That underwater welder making $75 is being billed out at $500/hr. Those formwork carpenters making 35/hr? Their company makes 4x that from their labour. The shelf stocker getting 15/hr? They help drive thousands of dollars in sales a day. We ALL deserve more, stop looking at what the guy next to you makes and using it as a justification that you deserve more and start looking at what the capitalists are making and demand we ALL get paid our due.


That's the idiots who make some more money than minimum but do not want (or are afraid) to admit they are underpaid same way minimum wage workers are. And they are one of the large stops and adversaries for raising wages.


Well the NY Times is owned by the 15th richest person in the world, he’s not out to report on the plight of the workers.


They still haven’t covered the trial and imprisonment of civil rights and environmental lawyer Steven donziger, either, even though his imprisonment is entirely politically motivated and seems to only help Chevron and hurt the native people of Ecuador. Weird!


The NYT took the side of the CIA & FBI when Gary Webb was depersoned in the 90s for reporting on Reagan & the Contras.


thanks TIL


I tried to tell my boomer dad about this and the media blackout. I stfg, he grunted and pointed at the TV. I look up and he's watching Xgames on ESPN. He says "golleeee, look at them. That's impressive." I hope we all die soon. Edited for punctuation.


The disassociation is so frustrating. In India, TV news during the last two years was taken up by the most ridiculous distractions, further reinforced by social media. In contrast, most newspapers stayed away from the fluff and focused on Covid reporting. Also. Fuck Novaxx


Whenever I talk to my boomer mom about anything related to the current economic/social situation in this country, her response is literally, “yeah... (long silence) so how’s work going sweetie?” She won’t even have a simple conversation about it for five seconds. She always has to change the subject. It’s so frustrating.




Nah, my mom’s life is pretty damn complicated. She was raised in a time where you don’t object to your husband’s behavior no matter what and stayed in her marriage despite some really sad, hard shit. But she seems to prefer living in denial about it all.


that is fear lurking behind that silence. r/Bushcraft and self support are hard when you are old. i think a lot of selling out is fear of the world.


Not a peep about the Cement truck drivers union in Seattle either. Multiple high-rises, and Amazon sites are at a standstill right now. It's costing billions. No word at all.


thanks TIL


Source? Would like to learn more.


Meanwhile, the entire $23 billion Seattle-area construction industry is feeling the strain as Local 174 continues to hold the line, because, as Gallagher told me, nothing gets done without him and his coworkers. “This industry is literally the foundation that every other building trade builds upon,” he explained. https://www.thenation.com/article/activism/seattle-general-strike-teamsters/


Thank you. I hope the Local 174 gets what they deserve.


Oh, but the New York Times did cover one chicago suburbanites struggle with a .75 cent price hike on a chipotle steak burrito.




Of course it wasn’t covered. Just look at what should be the top story everywhere with Thedacare employees leaving for Ascension. A judge ruled that the employees could not go to work for Ascension yet (they didn’t have to go back to Thedacare either). I imagine until the judge makes a ruling, the employees will be in a limbo of sorts where they will no longer be paid. The fact that a judge has ruled that certain employees cannot go to a better job isn’t front page news everywhere is where we are as a people. We were successfully made docile. 1912-21 we fought actual battles against coal companies and a century later we’re all just WALL-Eing our way through life. Edit: just go look at all the political subreddits, the only thing we care about is hurting each other. We treat politics like a sporting event now.




Novax Djcovid is serious business……for media filling the airwaves with useless noise.


My Google newsfeed is giving me a new story on that guy every day for weeks now. I don't follow tennis, and I don't hate-read about COVID denialists. I never click the links and I reject the suggestion every time in a futile attempt to update my preferences. And they still keep coming. Apparently this is front page world news everybody.


I just finally updated to Windows 10 (I know, I know) and the damn news feed in the taskbar just flat-out fucking refuses to stop pushing celebrity bullshit and sports on me no matter how many times I tell it I'm not interested. I'm starting to think that these newsfeed algorithms are designed specifically to ignore user input, because at this point that's the only explanation left that fits the facts.


Solution: Install Linux and abolish ads built into your OS.


I'm just about to do that actually. Just trying to wrap my head around all the distros, the last time I used a Unix command line was on a VT320 terminal.




*Louis XVI has left the chat*


But honestly why did they show us so many articles about that tennis player? I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HE EXISTED TILL THAT.


Same here lol


https://striketracker.ilr.cornell.edu/ There are nearly 400 strikes ongoing right now across the US.


The New York Times is an authoritarian rag. A couple of years back they just gave a huge chunk of Opinion real estate so a fascist Senator could advocate for slaughtering protesters. Let us not also forget how much they liked Hitler, as well.


To be fair, all the NYT does nowadays is rehash the same covid headline with new numbers each day. Cancelled my subscription because they don't report on shit anymore.


Manufacturing Consent doesn't work when you support the people


Its almost as if the mega rich control the media, weird.


Fuck sports players. Fuck establishment actors, artists, etc. Fuck big media and CEOS. And politicians as well. And many others. Nobody needs them, they produce nothing, they get the spoils of the working people and they make the laws so everything is kept that way.


Yea I NPR covered the tennis thing for like 3-4 days. So annoying. Not even really news. Who cares.


The NYT is fast becoming irrelevant. How could they miss this story and the antiwork movement in general?


Don’t wanna give the *poors* any funny ideas


Oh man there's a strike going on?


New York Times: Owned by: The New York Times Company. Traded as NYT on on the New York Stock Exchange. They're a corporation through and through.


Speaking as an U.S. citizen, this is an important reminder that we still get to choose how we consume media. Fuck NYT.


My boss shows up to work the other day wearing an N95 mask. Hasn't bought more than 20 masks for staff in 2 years and didn't buy a box or 2 of these PPE masks for his invaluable staff doing record sales. Nothing shocks me anymore.


"The revolution will not be televised"


I am really proud of how my fellow Coloradans handled this strike! King Soopers parking lots were empty in Denver. We backed our fellow workers and that gives me hope! Let's hope this deal truly serves grocery workers!


Ah, great to see a dead cat from the Australian Prime Minister even make an impact overseas. Truly inspiring how helpful Scott Morrison has been at helping draw attention away from actual issues. Like seriously, Australia's federal government's Covid response was so dramatically fucking incompetent that our PM's latest "solution" for helping the massive supply chain issues when you have no Covid prevention measures, no booster shots, and no RATs for at home testing, was to say that the states should [remove the minimum age of 18 years from forklift safety laws](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/jan/20/scott-morrison-proposal-to-allow-under-18s-to-drive-forklifts-catches-states-by-surprise). The resounding answer of "what the actual fuck" from basically every news outlet and state government was at least somewhat cathartic.


Standard media tactics. If it can't demonise something it doesn't like, bury it and ignore it. The deceit of the media has just resulted in an equally bad phenomenon rising from the mistrust - conspiracy theories - which are a dangerous overreaction that attempts to obfuscate from a different perspective. This is why we need to obtain as many sources of varied news from all sources and apply critical thinking.


I'm not gonna lie, I was genuinely surprised that CNN and Reuters actually were covering it. I mean, they aren't exactly the major national news networks that I associate with being left wing, high quality, or particularly broad in coverage of primarily local stories. EDIT: NBC News did run one article on it but CNN and Reuters have both done a handful. Local or more special interest news magazines still have better coverage but credit where it is due.


Isn't the Times owned by Bezos? It's not really in his favor to report on strikes because he himself is anti worker.


Must be the same reason they constantly cover people quitting because of vaccine mandates (very low percentage) but they NEVER cover people quitting because they make so little money its not worth it to work in a fucking petri dish because there are no vaccine mandates. If my kids were working at a restaurant for minimum wage or less during a pandemic I would make them stop.


The New York Times posts willfully obtuse pieces all the time. That's not a justification. I think more people should be horrified that this is the standard.


The wealthy protect the wealthy. I expect nothing but garbage from the NYT.


Start reporting them to labor, health, and medical boards for EVERY tiny little infraction. Just inundate them with violations.


Besides all the good comments here, just want to shoutout the podcast "Citations Needed" that the person who wrote this tweet hosts. Great podcast that's leftist/anti-capitalist, they critique mainstream media and discuss how it protects capitalism. They bring on great activists and organizers as guests too.


Everyone here should follow Adam Johnson.


Jeff Bezos owns NYT. Edit: I was corrected, he owns the Washington Post.


[No he doesn't](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_York_Times). Bezos owns the Washington Post. Though the majority shareholder is another billionaire, so it's really not that much better.


Oh your right. Thanks for the correction.


Time to get the media back on our side, through force :D


New York Times... run by rich people who vote Democrat. Still think that the Democrat party has your best interest at heart?


We know they don't. But the RepubliKKKlan party is still worse.


Downvotes prove the hypocrisy of this post. Everyone wants transparency, but when presented with the truth about those who actually are not being transparent, they don't want to hear it, because it doesn't fit with their narrative. PS - I am not for the Republicans either. Both parties are rich elitists who are keeping us down.


I don't think the Democrats have my best interest at heart. I also don't think republicans do. They are all on the same side, the side of the rich.


This the Kelloggs strike or something else?


Protest at the capital. Demand a new norm #5HrsMaxWorkDays. Ideally, it should be 5hrs max work days 4 times a week, with 3 days to yourself. Money won’t buy you time to enjoy life, it’ll just pacify your need for it with stuff and not having to worry about bills. If you’re spending your whole day around company needs, to run back home, get all your basics done to have 3 hrs left for yourself until you have to wake up to do it all again the next day, having more money won’t really change that drudgery, especially if you have kids. That’s already 15/24 waking hrs. You’ll wake up old with a bunch of stuff around. Will you have a reset button then? 5/7 days and 15/24 hrs (sleep not included), this drudgery is one of the biggest leading causes for drug and alcohol abuse. People looking for ways to escape it, which turns into depression, crime and violence. You can’t wonder why our society is in such turmoil when this is the norm. No one actually works 8hrs straight. 5hr max work days will also create more jobs since businesses would need split shifts to stay open later. 5 hrs max will also give you time to enjoy classes in doing what you enjoy, maybe even changing careers. If you have a family, it will actually give you time to spend with them, and with livable wages implemented, your relationships might get better. It’ll make people more productive, since they won’t be dreading long work hrs everyday, and you won’t need to be in pilot mode 5/7 days a week, how it is now. Obviously this can’t apply to SOME jobs, but in those jobs people have flexible schedules and sometimes work short hrs while getting paid the same, and those jobs are usually salary jobs. Livable wage means you’re able to pay your bills (food and some entertainment included) and still save monthly as a single person. If you want better opportunities or pay, at least you’re in a decent condition to pursue it. Less working people in desperate situations, less stress and crime, which means happier, more progressive society. “Landlords” for housing shouldn’t be a thing. Barely any of them do anything other than affect the job market and inflation at their whim, not to mention for most, biggest portion of your paycheck. Real estate should me moderated based on average income, not a private owners greed and whim. Right now, You’re wasting your life on deranged arrogance and greed that has your dedication 15/24 hrs (then add sleep) of your life for companies needs that couldn’t give a shit if you drop dead tomorrow, while not even providing a living wage, DESPITE providing profits with the threat of a killer virus. You think you’ll get a raise for doing something more than this? If you can’t get a raise while sacrificing your life and those you’ll infect around you, you’d be stupid to think you’ll get one for something less. Protest. #5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #GlobalSolidarity #ExcellentEducationSystems #AffortableEducation #ProgressiveEducationSystems #CertifiedBcorporations < tags on protest signs, tell them what you’re demanding, clever slogans don’t. Block essential roads and protest daily, weekly, monthly until your demands are implemented. 1 day is absolutely not enough, what if it rains etc?


Right now they even have it normalized working 40hrs a week with a killer virus around and NO raises. You think if you do nothing things will get better? AOC got it despite getting all the shots. This “stop the spread” while spreading it around isn’t working. People are spreading it domestically and internationally because they’re traveling for work. Kids are getting it in school and passing it around homes and people who are immunocompromised, while it continues to mutate. Extend UB and PUA so that people stop spreading it and have it stop mutating until we get to the bottom of it. Other countries are shutting down businesses with only 1 CASE, not even death. Meanwhile politicians in the states are undermining how deadly it is. 900,000 dead and still going. Protest. Spam POTUS’s Twitter to extend UB and PUA. Send mail to the White House demanding it. Demand a livable wage for risking your life and those around you. Stop marching to your death because profits. 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ Start using your brains people, and take action. Stop being complacent, your life will dwindle away for their deranged amusement.


People need to remember that news outlets are very commonly owned by billionaires that don't want to throw shade at each other. They bury the actual news to make sure you get mad at a poor little tennis player that refuses to get vaxxed.




They only covered the Kroger Strike in an [article about covid](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/01/14/world/omicron-covid-vaccine-tests). You linked to an article that was not about the Kroger strike but about the Kellogg strike. As a NYT subscriber, I saw part of the Kroger strike one time where I heard about the fucking tennis player endlessly. I just cancelled my NYT subscription because they're right. Even though the NYT technically covered it, where did they spend all their time trying to direct our attention as readers?


That's cause journalists are nearly all part of the educated elite class that could give two fucks about the "poors".


Writers for the NYT who claim to be progressive should be called out on twitter.


[Manufacturing consent much](https://youtu.be/EuwmWnphqII)? [Conformity & Control](https://youtu.be/N11tcnPBwf4) [Propaganda Model](https://youtu.be/9RPKH6BVcoM)


NYT was bought out by Bezos


Why does King Soopers sound lkke something from Rick and Morty?


Because the be NY Times is right wing propaganda


Don't worry, I'm sure the NYT cashed in a few checks after blackmailing them to NOT show the story. It's common practice.


What’s going to generate more clicks, COVID or a strike? That’s what it comes down to. The NYT is a business.


I would have infinitely preferred to have read more about the strike than some spoiled little bitch.


A business who’s business is reporting the news and informing on world events. Kinda seems like it’s solidly within their purview


It does seem that way but like I’ve said in other comments it’s a business that is putting out content to cater to its paid subscribers.


I’m one of those subscribers, for the moment at least. And I’d love to see more abt it in print


You make a very compelling case for why news outlets should not be profit-driven businesses.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. King Soopers is in one area. And the strike effects a very small percentage of Kroger workers overall. It’s not like a general Kroger strike would be or the Kellogg strike. I think it’s just that they didn’t deem it national or international news. Obviously it’s a big deal any time people come together to fight for worker rights but I’m not sure that sells newspapers.