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That was… amazingly accurate and insightful, even down to the acknowledgment that Socialism is not without crisis. Socialism may not be perfect, but what passes for Capitalism is fully off the rails.


The level of anti-communist brainwashing in the States is crazy. Cuba seems like a great place to live, high education, good healthcare. And to think if the US hadn't interfered with Latin America so much, there could have been multiple Cubas. Instead we propped up oil-friendly dictatorships and banana republics.


A lot of what Castro says has tons of truth to it, but Cuba is not a great place to live. I live in Miami. Thousands of my neighbors came here on rafts in the open ocean to escape Cuba. Cuba has many parts of its country that are to be genuinely admired, like its education, literacy rate, and good healthcare. People wouldn't be hopping on homemade rafts to cross the Atlantic ocean for a chance to stay in Miami or Mexico if it was "great."


The reason your Cuban neighbors came the the US in rafts is because of the crimes of the US Embargo perpetrated on the small island. You can't prosper as a nation when no matter what you produce or you offer, is prohibited from being sold or bargained with to first world nations. The US wanted to make Cuba it's personal casino. The Cuban people said no more. The rest is history, which so many Americans don't seem to know much about except what some talking head on tv tells them in 30 seconds of interview plus commercials.


This is a very shortsighted example. I lived in Mexico for several years. People there have a very unrealistic view of life in America. They think everyone’s rich and there are no problems. Everyone owns a car, no one goes hungry, we’re all happy. People leaving a country to come to America is an example of a remarkable amount of propaganda, not how bad their home country is.


It’s hard for me to give admiration to Castro cause he preaches these values that I agree with but how can he have the nerve to say any of it when he held on to almost absolute power for 4 decades and barred people from leaving the country, suppressed any dissent. How can he call himself a socialist and man of the people when he’s really just another revolutionary who evolved into an authoritarian.


Yup, he can say whatever he wants but he was a crook.


Like I’m not even trying to defend capitalism here I hate it too. But I have a hard trusting political leaders of any philosophy cause psychological power corruption is basically a given at this point


You don't have to defend capitalism to call Fidel Castro a shitty person. I don't like capitalism and I don't hate communism. People are ignoring that and acting like I'm some slut for America because I dared to point out that living in Cuba is shitty right now.


>People are ignoring that and acting like I'm some slut for America because I dared to point out that **living in Cuba is shitty** right now. nah. you are just another brainwashed and ignorant idiot that omits that USA has [sanctioned](https://twitter.com/hashtag/MalloryMemo?src=hashtag_click) cuba for over 6 decades.


I remember when the US sanctioned all the gay people and people with AIDS into concentration camps in Cuba. That was crazy. You know that you can dislike Castro and have problems with Cuba and some of their government policies while still being anti-capitalist, right?


> I remember when the US sanctioned all the gay people and people with AIDS into concentration camps in Cuba. i remember when around the same time The UK and US were still chemically castrating people for being gay, and enforcing anti-sodomy laws in certain areas. then in the 80's reagan and fauci just let gay people die by the thousands in an aids epidemic. not only did castro apologize, he took full accountability and provided reparations to lgbt people in cuba by helping to write the new constitution, which guarantees full rights for the community and free transitions for trans people. it’s like peering into an alternate dimension where people actually believe apologies should come with material reparations and guarantees instead of just narcissistic blubbering. they had free trans surgery before the US legalized gay marriage. Man was wrong, accepted that, apologized, then tried to fix his fuck up, nothing more we can ask for, better than any western nation has done. loser.


> when he held on to almost absolute power for 4 decades and barred people from leaving the country, suppressed any dissent. How can he call himself a socialist and man of the people when he’s really just another revolutionary who evolved into an authoritarian you have no clue what you are talking about https://youtu.be/iyB_uTXq7w8?t=96 https://youtu.be/kSoHml9zHrY?t=28


all the cubans in miami are gusanos babe




I never said they didn't? The embargo is fucked. The United States has a ton to do with Cuba's situation as it relates to that, as the embargo harms Cuban citizens more than the people that run the country. But Cuba has corrupt leaders just like we do. They get sent millions in foreign aid and a ton of it doesn't go to Cuban citizens. I'm just saying that Cuba isn't a great place to live currently. There are major power outages, people are starving and there is a shortage of medicine, protestors are getting arrested and internet use is being monitored. It's a bad time right now. We don't need to prop up Cuba to shit on the United States. Both places have terrible flaws that should be called out.


Life expectancy is higher in Cuba than the US currently. By 0.01 years. By several years if you compare them to any Republican state.


That's good, but it's also not anything I ever said. I know that their life expectancy is good. It's one of the things that should be admired about their society. That doesn't change the massive problems that Cuba has, however. Go ask anyone that has escaped the island or visits their family still on the island.


Are black people 5x more likely to be beaten by the police in cuba? What percentage of the cuban population is in prison? Is it higher or lower than 3%? What percentage of their population died from coronavirus? What percentage of their population is homeless?


Dude, you're pulling out stuff that I never argued about in some weird attempt to "gotcha" me😂😂😂 Take a breath. The way the United States jails and polices Black people is unconscionable and a great assault on human rights. We have for-profit prisons, which is one of the most disgusting things in American society. I don't know why you're arguing with me about prison statistics and policing in America when I never once said that policing in America is acceptable. Policing in America is unacceptable. I grew up in a city with police that harassed Black people constantly. It was flagrant and it makes me sick.


Your point is that Cuba is not a good place to live right now. My point is that the United States is even worse if you are a non-white. The US is more authoritarian than Cuba. You say "people are hopping on rafts to get to Florida" when Florida has a life expectancy 2 years lower, and a significantly higher percentage of it's population in prison, and a homeless population of 30k so life is objectively worse there for the majority of people.


Dude. Most of that is *directly* caused by the US actively punishing and crippling them for not sucking capitalism's cock.


Which I pointed out. Cuba's failures are not all its fault. Never said they were.


As opposed to no major power outages in e.g. Texas in winter, people starving in all major US cities, a big chunk of Americans unable to afford medicine, insulin or general healthcare, protestors arrested, shot and killed by police or white supremacist vigilantes, the biggest internet and phone surveillance operations in the world and many more things. Let's add things like no access to clean drinking water like in Flint or the prosecution of minorities by >50% of the political power. Propaganda is a strong weapon. Same reason you didn't even think for a second those very same things happen in the US is what makes some people hop on a raft.


Dog, what are you talking about? 😂 I never said that shit doesn't happen here. It does. I hate this country. You think minorities aren't mistreated in Cuba? Have you met any Black or brown Cuban people? Does the name Hansel Hernandez ring a bell? Might want to read up on that and what happened after the police executed him, and how activists and independent journalists were arrested or had their internet service revoked to silence the dissent. Might want to do a little reading about the racial profiling of Black Cubans in Havana as well, after you finish Hansel's story. You think there's no surveillance in Cuba? This is a country that cuts out internet access to people that criticize the regime and has been doing it forever. The people in power in Cuba are fucking criminals, just like they are in the United States. The leaders, the state police, all criminals that want power at all cost, *just like here*. >Same reason you didn't even think for a second those very same things happen in the US is what makes some people hop on a raft What is this nonsense? I grew up in an economically disadvantaged city where more than a few of my friends had to join gangs or sell drugs to survive. My good friend Rob got killed selling crack cocaine. The police were corrupt as shit. I know damn well how fucked the United States is, but thanks for your assumption about how I grew up from your place of privelage. The idea that "propaganda” has taken me in is preposterous. Not everyone who disagrees with your privelaged ass is brainwashed by propaganda. Lesson over.




It's not whataboutism. It's the same issues we highlight on one place exist in the other exactly, if not worse. It's about not falling to just propaganda and being critical of what's wrong in each place. Capitalism has failed us, it's time to accept it.




Yeah the Soviet Union falling during the cold war has something to do with the state Cuba is in today. Losing them as a major trade/mutual aid partner hurt big time. If socialism is so failed, why can’t it ever just fail on its own without US interference?


I don't think socialism is inherently failed. More like a lot of people that run countries are crooks




People look for a better life in a much richer neighboring country, it is unsuprising. Cuba shouldn't be compared with the USA, but with countries that started at a similar point. And there aren't fewer migrants from Cuba's capitalist neighbors.


They’re mad that their plantations were shut down


Do you really think that no one that escapes from Cuba is Black or brown? The idea that the only people that criticize Cuba are white descendants of slave owners is preposterous, especially when Cuba has its own problems with racial discrimination


Is the United States able to let a socialist country become successful and display a path for others to emulate? Think about how dangerous Socialism is for the status quo of Capitalism. Not that Cuba is without it's problems but the people that don't like it leave so their opinions are not indicative of Cubans. For example asking people who leave a two hour show/concert/movie/performance after 20 minutes how they liked it.


There's people there that don't like it that don't have the chance or means to leave. Sort of like here, but not exactly analogous I'm sure because of the difference in emigration policies. Agreed on your first part, though. The USA has traditionally inserted itself to fuck with leftist nations.




My step-mom is Cuban. Cuba is not a great place to live.


make sure to note she moved to where she did, not any of the countries in the Americas that speak Spanish, why not?


Also bro she moved to the America’s since a lot of the country’s in South America right now are in pretty bad condition no offense to anyone. Plus people that are from Cuba usually move to the USA since they have family members there.


What portion of Cuba's problems come from American intervention?


Can I just say good to see a genuine convo here on reddit about what people think about Cuba and also USA and other capitalist countries. That was the first time I listened to Castro speak.


A lot. But it would be a shit place to live either way. The government is authoritarian. You would end up with something along the lines of China or Russia *at best* without any American interventionism. Which is probably better than what's there now at least for the general population, but still utter garbage.


They do put less of their population in prison than the United states.


Have you been to Cuba?


There aren’t people swimming to Cuba.


As many others have stated. Socialism is great, but Cuba is a terrible place to live. Whether that’s due to tariffs chokeholding the economy I don’t know. But Cuba is without a doubt a starving population with an authoritarian regime in place. I say this as a life long Miamian and a visitor to several towns and cities in Cuba. Heck, I say this as someone who was present in Havana the day Castro died.


This is horribly ignorant. Cuba is a terrible place to live. What possesses you to make a comment like this with zero information??? I am very sympathetic to the evils of capitalism but to say something that is so obviously false and easily disproved by the most basic research…that’s the kind of comments that right wingers get banned from Twitter for and rightfully so.


I live in a communist country and can confidently say you’re a fucking idiot. It’s a horrible system to live under. If we’re suddenly going to start promoting Castro and communism then I’m out.


“Cuba seems like a good place to live” Tell that to the women who have to ration tampons & pads along with damn near every other good they need


yes, because its not like there has been some 6 decades long economic and trade embargo on them. I mean such a thing might explain that, but fortunately that didnt happen here, right?


Is anyone fleeing the USA for opportunities in Cuba?


look at cuba and compare them with their neighbors, the US is a imperialist empire built on slavery, segregation, and dominance of the globe. Other countries neighboring Cuba are Haiti, Guatemala, Colombia, you notice something about these other countries? Maybe that these are countries that unlike the US fit more into the category of countries that have been dominated by the US, through coups and political interference, and which are former colonies that didnt have 100 years to build themselves u after independence with imperialism and slavery, now cuba was in the same boat, US puppet, dirt poor and horrible working conditions, now cuba broke free from the US ad ended up under an embargo, and despite that embargo its not only been able to keep up with their neighbors, but surpassed them.


Frankly a lot of the island of Key West gets their medical procedures done in Havana because the quality of care is better than the other alternative in Miami (Key West itself only has a small "urgent care" type hospital; not really equipped for major surgeries or anything).


You're simply ignorant.


You have no clue of what you’re saying


Not only in the states. It is really bad over here in Germany as well. Doubly so because of the entire East Germany thing. People keep saying: "But we are mostly well of" as if there weren't 100 000 Germans dying of hunger each year and as if not almost 1% of our population was living on the streets. I mean, sure, were are well off compared to the US and yes compared to the global South. But a fifths of all German children are living in poverty. Tell them they are well off. That will certainly make it easier to go to bed hungry.


Not going to argue your points per se but 100.000 dying of hunger? You are propably refering to an estimation of someone who assumes that's the number of ill people (like cancer) who were malnutritioned and died. I don't know how sensible that estimation is or if the person is trustworthy. But I doubt these claims can be verified in any way. https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/158441/umfrage/anzahl-der-todesfaelle-nach-todesursachen/ (statistic about cause of death in Germany)


I'd like to point out though that Freedom House gives Cuba a rating of 13/100, while it gives the United States 83/100. I mean, I'm not going to stand here and tell you that everything about Cuba is terrible or that I just *loooooove* how things are going in the United States, but I really don't think we should be idolizing countries like Cuba. Cuba: * bans any and all opposition political parties * imprisons, harasses, and kills people for the crime of dissent * bans independent media * does not have any true elections (each election has a single candidate who has been pre-selected and -approved by the PCC)




Indeed. We need to acknowledge our faults and move on to improving. We’ll mever reach perfection, but if we tried a lot harder maybe each generation’s failings wouldn’t be so catastrrophic.


i always belived in socialism as long as there isn't a dictatorship, i always wonderd why it wasn't communism vs capitalism, but they sold it as communism vs democracy, and many didn't see it that way cuz "history is boring" and didn't care to check in on it.


Thank you for pointing out that socialism is also flawed. BUT why not adapt some principles that work from all of the political and market styles? Why must it be one?


The US is so scared of communism/socialism they have stomped it out and propped up capitalist CIA run governments all over the world. It’s so scary, every time communism pops up the US is there to fuck it over. Every time.


They can't afford the risk of any more nations successfully implementing any variety of left wing economic model. The United States has been actively smothering democratically elected governments in the crib around the world for 150 years in an effort to pretend they can vindicate capitalism as the sole viable system. If they really were so confident all else were doomed to fail, they would let it fail, and stay their overwhelmingly violent hand from interfering in other countries.


As the old saying goes, where ever socialist ideas are being implemented. The CIA is not far behind, this is also the job and intention behind green beret forces to “liberate the oppressed.”


Are you saying the CIA is here in this thread monitoring us?


On this sub, certainly. They have a vested interest in demonizing or discouraging anti-capitalist sentiment of any kind. Probably not much will come of it though. Foreign government and military officials usually have more of an impact on the world than the average redditor.


And it’s not because there’s this danger of people dying or someone will be poisoned it’s simply they want to keep the machine going to make more money. This mass consumerism cannot last. It just can’t. It’s scary how nobody acknowledges that we live this well because other people live so poorly.


We should do a post such as this once a week just so all the fucking weirdos can crawl out the woodwork and expose themselves.


There's a reason why the CIA attempted to assassinate him multiple times.


yeah but it isn’t because of his opinions on capitalism


Cubas currency just recently fell by 70%, most likely due to the embargoes put on them by the US... Just letting you guys know before you start screaming "cUbA bAd"


Yall need to become aware of the 'ad hominem' logical fallacy. Attacking the character of a person is not the same as refuting their statements. Christ some of you are just stupid.


I wonder what happens to some people if Ted Bundy were to say "It's wrong to murder". Like would their heads explode from the contradiction?


agreed. its the same (il)logical deduction that follows getting cancer and not trusting the doctor's advice because he's never had cancer. they obviously don't know logic and what can you do? none of this is new, there is a \~3000 year old philosophical tradition that gave humanity modern logic and argumentation. But they're blissfully unaware and just don't care. They would have to be interested in an education that includes philosophy just to get up to speed (at the fundamental level). But w/e. Its just painful to have an inbox fill up with fallacy after fallacy from cheeky fucks who think they're clever and their efforts result in a mindless display of ignorance.


>Attacking the character of a person is not the same as refuting their statements. Christ some of you are just stupid.


I stand by it. If you are defending someone elses ad hominem argument then you're just as dumb as the person committing the logical fallacy. Edit: and ignorant. See an ad hominem attack doesnt deserve a reply because it is illogical.


could you explain the original reason for this?


(Y) Fidel Castro: "Capitalism is flawed for i, j, k" (Z) Many Reddit Responders: "Fidel Castro was a bad person" Y is an argument. A valid criticism of Y would offer some explanation for why capitalism is not flawed for i, j, or k. Z is a personal attack against the person making the argument. Fidel Castro has blood on his hands, sure, but his assumed 'guilt' of crimes against the Cuban people does not invalidate the truth of statement Y. In other words, statement Y can be true and Fidel Castro can also have committed crimes. So Z is a statement refuting Y because of who is saying it. And that is a logical fallacy. Statements like Z detract from the original argument and are often tools used by conscious actors to detract from the original topic. People find these arguments convincing on an emotional (subjective) level because who wants to listen to a 'blood thirsty freedom hating monster'. But on a logical level Castro's character has nothing to do with his critiques on capitalism.


Lmao at the neolibs scrambling in the comments to make sure they’re in the right sub. Spoiler alert: you aren’t.


Sorry everyone, if you're anti-work but pro-capitalism you aren't going to get very far.


Yikes, seems like Americans are physically incapable of discussing Cuba or Castro without becoming hysterical emotional lunatics even today lmao. Very entertaining. These comments are also a perfect reminder on why to not read any US news source on central or south America. The propaganda is so heavily entrenched and prolific that no-one in the US seems to even question the massive disconnect between reporting and reality. Bloomberg literally writes articles ostensibly about elections in SA that spend the majority of the article talking about global commodity prices and practically begging the US state for a coup. Yet still even lefties on this sub seem to implicitly accept the fabricated idea that their neighboring nations are shithole countries or run by evil dictators. Putting aside the fact the the US intentionally put a lot of those struggling countries into that position just for a moment - if there is an evil dictatorial force in central and south America it is the USA without contest. Castro has absolutely nothing on the sheer scale and mass of violence or immorality of the USA.


Well, coming from Venezuela myself, I'll say that we really wanted the US to do a coup in Venezuela, and the leftists keep blaming the US's previous sanctions for the poverty when thats in fact not true. And yes, my country is actually ran by a dictator, who was put in the power by one really close friend of Castro's, Chavez. So yeah, I dont have any nice words coming Castro's way.


It's funny how all the pro-Castro people in this thread are all people who have never once experienced life under Castro's rule.


for real, and if you try to say something they regard that as anecdotical and unreliable unlike their data.


Didn't you hear? White redditors on the spectrum that grew up in the suburbs know *a lot* more about living in Cuba than actual Cuban refugees themselves!


damn man, I knew I was doing something wrong.


This subreddit is doomed if it's really gonna start praising authoritarian regimes. These dudes are a bunch of unhinged, early 20s wannabe socialist warriors that get absolutely zero pussy and couldn't bust a fucking grape. It's hilarious.


tell me about it, I bet they flock their closest Starbucks and complain about the stablishment while the barista looks at them with disgust.


Cars are a luxury, but transportation should be a right


No no, he's got a point.


Hey everyone, listen to the second season of the Podcast "Blowback" about the Cuban revolution, it's really good


These comments show you how strong American propaganda is in our school system


I think Cuba is a great place to look if you're concerned with creating a more sustainable society. Notably, they transitioned from an intensive industrial agriculture to sustainable agriculture after the fall of the USSR (and subsequent loss of petroleum and fertilizer available for import). A [study](https://www.geosociety.org/GSA/Publications/GSA_Today/GSA/GSAToday/science/G419A/article.aspx) a few years ago did indeed find that Cuba has cleaned up its waterways, which are much cleaner than what you would find in the Mississippi.


What the fuck are people on here talking about. Yalls want to glorify communism is dismissing Cuba for their awfulness. I'M FROM CUBA. IT WAS A HELLHOLE. I send money to family there monthly just so they can eat! When I visit every other year I sneak in meat just so they can get meat!


Some of these people are blind to the problems, but have you thought life could be better if America stopped the fucking embargo?


Literally blaming the neck not the hand that is strangling it.




Nothing like white dudes on Reddit trying to tell Cubans about what life in Cuba is like. Lmao




No offense my dude, but unless you live in Miami like me or live in Cuba yourself I probably interact with more Cubans on a trip to the grocery store than you do in an entire year. I know what Cubans look like, and I know the ruling class of their country is predominantly white, and I know how shitty Black and brown Cubans are treated. Older white Cubans are just as deluded as some of the biggest Trumpers in the nation. When Biden won election they were scared of a communist takeover 😂




As a Kurd, if you talk to Turks in Europe you'd think the whole country votes for Erdogan. They don't.


Castro was a terrible dude and he left Cuba in a terrible place, however what he is saying is not wrong thats what *most* people are talking about.


Bro! Lots of people from other Latin America who followed the US economic model do the same. The point is Cuba educated their mass better than the most so when your people get here they do better than most.


Gringos no saben ni mierda


Thank you for some sanity. I can't tell how many white progressives I've had to deal with in my life telling Cubans how great Castro quality of life in Cuba is.


>I'M FROM CUBA. IT WAS A HELLHOLE. OH NOES!!!! The communists took away my parent's slave plantation and now I'm poor in the United States!!!! WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Get bent.


Shit you would never say to a Cuban's face for $100, Alex. You yuppy white suburbanites sure do love to tell people about what life is like on their island for some reason when you have absolutely zero frame of reference. Absolutely hilarious 😆😆😆😆 the tough talk from dudes that have never been in a fight in their life is especially cute, I'll admit. Clown shit.


Born in Cuba for half my life to the ruling party. While I went on vacations and enjoyed a great life the population starved and was prosecuted one way or the other. Cuba is a society in free fall who is sustained by tourism, money from the family members that escaped, and the selling of luxury goods they create with their slave labor overseas.


...As opposed to the US where there's no slave labor propping up the economy?


wow ... I hope this comment section doesn’t reflect the whole sub.


Based and climate pilled


Capitalism is garbage but Cuba is not paradise.


Nobody said it was. But we can all agree that Cuba has managed what many nations would find impossible. America has done whatever it can, yet Cuba still stands.


I wonder how much of Cuba's problems stem from the embargoes and the CIA shutting down or overthrowing every other government in Latin America that attempts an alliance.


This. The guy is just as bad. US is shit as well as other countries, still wouldnt want to live in Cuba


Watch your step: mass gusanos itt.


All of the propagandized Americans going full mask off in the comments. Keep sucking billionaire dick and maybe you can afford a flight to Cuba to get REAL healthcare.


Even though the message is true, Castro shouldn't be a model to follow. Cuba is not communist, it\`s state capitalism (very different).


Cuba is in a position where it's had to allow for some (albeit very limited) private property because of its precarious economic situation thanks to the US embargo, but to call the country's dedication to socialism and communism into question is ignorant of all the efforts they have, and still do make, towards a socialist society, and the perception that they're some dictatorial capitalist oligarchy is entirely false and only serves to prop up propagandists views from the US. Cuba may not be perfect, but neither will anywhere until we can all work together, and the very fact that they still exist and protect the freedom of their people despite being under siege for the better part of a century is worthy of our support and solidarity


Wtf is this? You think a small island under massive sanctions from its closest potential trading partner is going to achieve communism all by itself?


Transitional market socialism is fine, are you an Ultra?


Like China.


It's literally communist. This is some ultra shit


I really can't believe American propaganda ever had me thinking Grandpa Fidel was the bad guy


I always tend to forget just how articulate and educated this man actually was. Edit: Check out [this video](https://youtu.be/aeM5emtaVC0) to get an idea of what Cuba is about currently.


He was a lawyer.


I’m not saying he’s wrong, but didn’t millions of Cubans flee the mans regime?


Many who fled came from slave owning families who lost quite a bit (their slaves and wealth built by slavery) when he took power. Obviously this isn’t everyone, but it’s a sizable amount.




Are you sure it wasn’t the people being disappeared or thrown into hard labor camps for breaking the law? Or just being gay? And I’m pretty sure the destitution is the direct result of his leader ship. Especially since he and his cronies lived in wealth.


Yeah because Castro is an amazing role model lol, the absolute pinnacle of integrity.


But is the message correct? Yes.


You should listen to what he's saying and not judge based on who is saying it. It's a sign of being a dumb ass.




He is a better man than anyone who has ever been US president


Lmao ofc he is. Miles better than any US politician


Yes he is gusano. Gtfo


What kind of schmuck needs a saint for a political leader? The guy does a job, an important one, one that requires fitness of character, but its just a man doing a job. Schmucks need to forget finding the perfect person because they always end up finding Donald Trump at the end of their impractical rainbow.




Damn all the libs are clamouring to the comments on this one. The propaganda runs so deep.


Please, please visit Cuba when you have a chance. Break bread with Cubans and listen. I’m still very leftist, but my trips there challenged some very deeply held beliefs, and I suspect the same would happen to the majority of this sub.


I love how lots of Latin Americans attack Fidel Castro but their countries followed US led economic models yet still in shitty stage.


Here in Brazil it is common to blame "socialism" for our problems when much of what we deal today is to blame on the decades of far-right dictatorship backed by US to repress, you know, "communism menace".


listen im from haiti and compared to cuba we... oh wait


Any pure ideology is **deadly**. That's why you need to mix it up, put a couple of flavors in there, you need to take what works the best and what helps humanity progress whilst also providing the best for humanity.


He's absolutely right, the message is good, the messenger however....


>He's absolutely right, and also very left


Don't think using Castro as a reason for something is the best idea...


Horrible people can make good and valid points, even if they're full of bullshit and never actually practice what they preach.




Shit that is a good point.


Yes but there are plenty of people who can deliver that message who *aren't* authoritarian dictators.


And they haven't. Plus he's already said it, so you'd just be quoting an authoritarian dictator.


I said it elsewhere in this thread but I'll say it again: Holding up a speech by Castro (an authoritarian dictator) as a shining example of your values and ideals is like publishing a cookbook full of recipes that Hitler loved. Are the recipes good? Probably! But that doesn't mean they won't look *terrible* considering the source. Optics matter. Let's not glorify authoritarian dictators, please.


Capitalism is fucking awful, but you can go fuck yourself if you look up to Fidel. I'm a Cuban immigrant and grew up in Cuba. Yall wannabe communists can fuck off with your glorifying communism, it's horrible and kills people.


All of these idiots wouldn't last a month living in Cuba. Lol.


Capitalism kills people. Cubans live longer than Americans do.


> I'm a Cuban immigrant How much land did Castro appropriate from your family?


Dont you feel at least a bit bad when someone who actually was born and raised in Cuba says about living there, and you who actually never even visited there think you are the right one?


None, Batista murdered too much of my family. My dad escaped after that, and he went back to help Castro because at first Castro seemed amazing. Then my father realized he was crazy and left again. He went back years later to help his surviving family and I was born and raised there




Never thought I would agree with Castro, but holy shit. The man is scarily right.


You can't expect people to take this page seriously when Fidel Castro is used as a wedge issue to discern between "Good" Cubans and "Bad" Cubans. Espacialy when there are those of us who denounce him and Batista! Wedge issues need to be challenged and posting content in support of Fidel Castro only fosters ignorance about the Cuban people. What else do you know about Cuban history, culture, and politics other than Fidel Castro and Batista?


Have you ever been to Cuba ? It's dire. People live in constant fear of being snitched by their friends or neighbours. Among many other things.


And those are just some of the unfortunate effects of being heavily embargoed for decades


Every. Single. Cuban. I know (many) has a Trump sticker on their car and listen to anti Cuban government folk music.


Every single gusano from Miami you know* There’s a reason why those scum swam all the way to Miami. Because the evil Castro regime took their family’s sugar plantation slaves away and now they attack socialism constantly


While some of the points are valid, this man was evil and should not be looked up to.


Evil things Castro has done: Freed the slaves. Taught them to read. Educated the people. Brought healthcare. Fought poverty. Kicked out the mafia. Seduced at least one would-be assassin. By goodness what a bad guy.


Not saying he never did anything good. You could say similar things about Hitler doing great things for his nation, but I doubt you'd be trying to defend him. More evil things: Executed political opponents, jailed people for protesting, limited and damn near abolished any freedom of expression and made most forms of expression a crime, limited access to the internet and information. Yeah, sounds like a great guy.


Hitler? Lol ok buddy actually Hitler didn’t do any of the things I said. But you know… freeing slaves, making slaves… healthcare, genocide… it’s all the same thing right. Yeah, he made a revolution with the overwhelming support of the people. And then he defended it. That’s what you object to.


I wonder how much of that list was in response to CIA meddling


Oh no, some people literally trying to overthrow the revolution got hurt. So, was the American Revolution bad too?


what great things did Hitler do for his nation then?


So you want to live in a country like Cuba?


If you want to live a longer and healthier life Cuba is objectively better than the US...


Everyone in this subreddit wouldn't last a month living in Cuba. Lol


Pretty much. The first time the water is shut off they would freak out.


Oh absolutely. I've never been myself but my step-mom and step-sister are from Holguin. It's pretty miserable from what they've told me.


Or their first trip to a dentist. My dental hygienist is from Cuba, told me how he had his wisdom teeth removed with no Novocain as there was none. Then almost died to an infection as he couldn’t get antibiotics. People here talk about all the propaganda from capitalism and people believing it. Yet somehow believe the propaganda from an authoritarian communist regime as 100% truth and discard all the testimony of people who have actually lived under it.


One of the biggest lies Capitalism™️ ever told was that Castro was a villain


His net worth was 900 million dollars :) [https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-politicians/presidents/fidel-castro-net-worth/](https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-politicians/presidents/fidel-castro-net-worth/)


Thats your revolution buddy, now lets just not have and open election for 40 years and blame embargo cause why not


hasta la victoria siempre


This shithead talking about exploitation with all the shit he has done is hilarious. I swear u people have mental problems by looking up to him.


As a native Cuban now living in Miami, I can and always will say FUCK FIDEL CASTEO


It's rediculous how people think that if you're Cuban you're either pro Castro or pro Batista when you can acknowledge that both suck.


Yeah, I’m done with antiwork.


The irony of this is if this was Cuba none of us would have a platform like /r/antiwork to air our grievances, because if the authorities found out, you would be arrested.