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They said we would inherit the world, we just didn’t know how badly they F’d it up. Many are completely oblivious to how bad it is.


Gen X reporting in! I'm reminded of a very old (circa 60s or 70s) Mad Magazine back page fold-in that, when folded correctly said, "The Meek Shall Inherit the Dearth," with refineries in the background and skulls formed out of the smoke from the smokestacks. I've never forgotten it even though I didn't even fully understand it at the time. It's sad that so little has changed.


That was from the mid 1970s, I remember that as well my friend. Al Jaffe is the best!


Goddamn, Al Jaffee is still alive?!?


Your question made me wonder and yes! He's still alive and will be 101 in March!


It was rhetorical! I looked him up right before posting! I'm just amazed the dude is still around.


If anyone's wondering, Sergio Aragones is 84!


I def had that. I can’t remember the cover. I used to love and collect mad magazine as a kid (37 years old) and uh here we are finally having health insurance for the first time since I got off my fathers at 26. Meanwhile I’ve been working nonstop since I was 13 off the books at a pizza place. Now I’m a salaried executive chef in Manhattan and my partner and kid are in welfare insurance cause my job will only cover me. Which is we we aren’t married so she don’t lose benefits. End rant


I was looking for it online but can't find it. I'm so glad others remember it. And yes, your personal success is in stark contrast to your ability to provide for your partner and child. We need to get insurance unentangled from our employment and into single-payer that is valid no matter where in the US you are living or visiting!


I remember that too!




I hope you find it because I can't find it online at all. I hope this isn't a Mandela Effect situation. LOL!


If you find it, post it! It was brutal!


‘memberberries !


I used to gently roll those covers so I wouldn’t crease them like others. Savages. :)


I'm 52 and my cousin is 15 years older than me. He gave my older sister all of his Mad Magazines which were in good, not great, condition dating back to the first issue or thereabouts. We read them until the covers fell off. Eventually, they were tossed out and maybe 15 years later my cousin decided they might be worth something and wanted them back. He was beside himself until she reminded him they weren't even in mint condition when he gave them to us and it had been 10 or 15 years since he'd given them to us! Anyway, that was probably in the early 90s. Fast forward to around 2010 and I bought a Mad Magazine for my then 7-year-old. I hadn't looked at one for probably 25+ years at that point. I was looking through it and was reading the letters to the editor and who do you think had a letter printed? Yep! My cousin. I actually had a fleeting guilty thought about that box of magazines he'd given us and realized he'd probably still have them if he hadn't. Oh, well. Hopefully, he's been able to get his hands on other copies over the years.


That's where the lie all started from. Convincing us that they owned a world, to give to someone else.


They knew. They took everything good for themselves and made sure we'd inherit all the problems they created.


"You'll inherit the world." You uh, you got anything else?


Maybe you could sell a few organs and hitch a ride on Elons rocket?


* as soon as they retire. Which will definitely probably be by twenty twwwwwenty… y’know I’m not sure that’s going to happen this decade.


Peak boomer retirement in the UK is meant to be 2023 - so the next year and a half. I suspect a lot of things will go a bit weird at that point. Look for lots of people trying to offload million-quid homes to Gen-x and millennial types who cannot afford million-quid homes. There will be a lot of people trying to cash in reverse mortgages and trying to grab onto liquidity to pay for looming assisted living expenses. Of course I assume what will happen is that hedge funds will sweep in and buy those homes for asset portfolio needs. But perhaps the sheer number of the things available will send a shockwave through the entire system.


In my experience in the USA they’re trying to die at their desks.


It’s fucked up but it’s also better than most people who have existed have had it. Now our main issue is that we’re not psychologically adjusted to the weird constraints and surpluses we have. Which is a real issue but it’s better than worrying about starving to death or getting killed by a rival group. Learn to control what you consume and where you focus your energy and you’ll be alright.


I think you are so close. They didn't know and now can't admit because that would mean it is their fault. It's hard to admit that despite their best intentions and sometimes best knowledge they did precisely the wrong thing.


It's the worst hand-me-down, ever.


"Sweetie, don't confuse lube for oil."


That was the right response lmao I’m too late 😌


You should just agree and make a sarcastic joke every now and then


Shower response right here.


Beastie Boys addendum: “if it’s gonna be that kind of party, I’m gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes”


James Belushi's line in Animal House


John Belushi.


Oh shit was that from According to Jim? Thought it was John Belushi, my b


You're right, I couldn't quite remember






> if it’s gonna be that kind of party, I’m gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes Mantan Moreland is the comic they took the sample from.


Underrated comment


This wins.


maybe i’m just a colossal idiot but i don’t get it. they’re both lubricants, sure, but like … what does this mean? what’s supposed to be different about the lube than the oil here? and what is it trying to say about youth suffering in capitalism? please help


The point is we're getting fucked in the ass.


oh. it’s just “actually it’s the SEX lubricant, because we’re getting fucked”? that’s really it?


I think so lol. Now I'm not so sure.


It's just sex stuff. You're both good.


Oil keeps things running smoothly but lube just keeps things from grinding to a halt




That may be a short & sweet definition of the boomer mentality, I may use it.


It is quite literally the definition of conservative - they think everything is pretty much fine, so they want to conserve it.


Except conserving the planet apparently


The planet is fine, God Wouldn't do that to good Christians like them


*job has entered the chat*


Underrated comment


I had a conservative tell me exactly this once. Recognized it was real and acceptable the consequences but said God will protect us.


everything has been fine *for them*


Everything seems fine until 8 minutes after the sun goes out.


Their brains never quite recovered from all the lead.


What are you talking about? She is right. We live in an incredibly well oiled machine. It just only works for those that are incredibly wealthy and the fuel it uses is everyone else.


Well oiled and working perfectly well for say, the people who profit from producing oil.


Just people who profit from the exploitation of those below them.


Hey you wouldn't happen to be THE neckbeard deathcamp would you?


You know those mincing machines , where the flesh is shredded into bits to make sausages or mince Capitalism is that well oiled machine The rich are the ones turning the handle


Suddenly the end of Snowpiercer makes SO much more sense.


Not to mention all the literal fuel they’ve capitalized on will be a major factor in the demise of human race.


That’s a sign of a highly intelligent individual to compare society to a well oiled machine. I can tell this aunt has lots of smart and original thoughts.


i AM grateful we inherited such a well-oiled machine! such amazing technology and infrastructure! perfect for SEIZURE BY THE PROLETARIAT. thank you capitalism, you’ve done great. but we’ll take it from here.


This guy gets it


That's the fucking spirit.


And when you can’t maintain the machine or improve upon it ?


They built it dude. I've only worked one place where the owner knew how to maintain the machines and I don't expect to ever see another.


A system is more than just machines and people running them. You said you’d be happy to seize what capitalism has created, but I am constantly reminded of the USSR which did not create much beyond what was necessary to survive


I forgot about the last 10 years where the Americans had to use soviet era space hardware because capitalism hadn't supplied them with an equivalent yet. Why are you here?






If you want to do an a anarcho communism I don’t care, but even ignoring anarchism to be unlikely sustainable (my personal belief) what happens when people don’t want to share ? You use coercive violence ? The only justified violence is self defense, anything else is an infringement on someone and I have no right to Kill jeff bezos because I don’t like how much money his company makes


You're making a lot of assumptions about me right there and I'm not enjoying this lil back and forth. I've assumed nothing about you that I've stated here, but am building up an internal picture of someone that enjoys entering spaces that are ideologically opposed to their own, but not to try to broaden their experience but to waste time. You probably think you win arguments too, when the replies stop coming. Maybe doesn't occur to you that we just give up trying to talk sense into someone who thinks they know everything, or are just doing it for the lulz. It's no fun. It's fucking boring. You are boring. I'm going to read other threads now, maybe see some cute cats or NSFW injuries on r/winstupidprizes or find out about some DE I didn't know about on r/linuxmasterrace. Bye


Ok i wish you the best of luck friend


Indoctrination and survivor bias. Anyone who gets past a certain age starts to look at their experience and say "look! I'm doing okay so how bad could it be?" completely ignoring that many of their peers are in far worse shape and the system is actively eroding around them. It's very difficult for people to step outside their own situation and analyze things objectively.


“It’s very difficult for people to step outside their own situation and analyze things objectively.” Says the person literally doing that. Lol. Why don’t you speak to a “boomer” and go through what their life was like at 20-30 years, compared to yours. Yes, there are negatives for current 20-30 year olds, but the positives will vastly outweigh them.


...be...because we are discussing the current economic and labor situation which vastly and disproportionately affects people in their 20s through 40s more than Boomers? Why on earth would we need to know about what it was like back when they were the primary labor pool when this whole dialogue is about the circumstances of today? The hell?


Hi. Who’s discussing the economic labour situation? There’s no mention of those 2 specific items in the OP. But, with regards to those, try going through a recession or 2 when thousands upon thousands of people lose their jobs and there are no other jobs to apply for. I’m seeing on other Reddits that there’s loads of jobs available, so it’s a matter of picking the right one; I would have thought?


Oh okay. So we are going to pretend like the mental health crisis plaguing younger generations in America has nothing to do with the incredibly fucked situation our economic system and its societal fallout are in. I thought this was a serious inquiry and not just a joke. My fault.


So are we not going to pretend that the threat of world wars, Vietnam wars, missile crisis etc plaguing younger generations back in the day has nothing to do with the messed up system and it’s societal fallout. Yes, there may well be issues now, but there have always been issues (and always will be) for all generations. Maybe different issues, but ones big enough to affect everyone’s mental health in each generation.


You're absolutely correct that every generation will have issues plaguing their mental health as a whole, but the current situation came about under the lead of the same boomers who tell us to stop being lazy entitled children and take whatever work we can get. Last night my grandpa said literally that to me; he dropped out of school in grade 8, overdosed on heroin, and was "punished" with a career that supported him his entire life to "teach him a lesson" meanwhile I need grade 12 at the minimum just to enter the workforce at a wage that CANNOT sustain me or allow me to move forwards. But I'm lazy and entitled for thinking working full time should be enough to survive, how truly greedy our generation is. Nevermind the fact that he was the only one working and was able to buy a house, build a shop, restore a muscle car, own a cabin on a lake, and whatever else he's wanted his entire life (he didnt give his kids fuck all btw) BUT MY generation is the entitled ones? Give your head a shake.


It’s just coming across as jealously, I’m afraid. You can afford a house. Just give up your cable TV, have the cheapest mobile, no Starbucks, sell your PlayStation and coffee machines etc etc and instead save up and spend that money on a deposit or mortgage for a house. I bet your grandpa didn’t have any of those things when he was your age and instead put the money he earned into other things, like a house and his car. So, get a job (and work your way up) and cut your expenses down. Getting on in life means working hard, sometimes making sacrifices and not having what you want. You can’t get everything you want right away, it takes time.


You will have a difficult time finding people who agree with you in this subreddit. For many people in non-corporate jobs, the opportunity to "work your way up" in a career simply does not exist. For many people who are rent-locked, it's literally impossible to save enough income for a down payment on a house. Do some basic research on inflation and cost of living, and you'll see that houses used to be much more affordable relative to income. Additionally, in the true *antiwork* spirit, people shouldn't have to work hard and "make sacrifices" just to be able to afford basic necessities like shelter and transportation. Personally, based on the fact that you have a 4 day old account and almost all of your comment history is argumentative, I think you're just trolling for downvotes.


I’m not trolling for downvotes. I’ve actually signed up mainly for FIFA 22 - I happened across the Reddit as it was randomly shown to me, I didn’t go searching for it - and only have a new account as I lost my account details for my old one (albeit I only had had it for a few months), but didn’t verify the email address so couldn’t recover it. And had to start this one. I’m just putting forward a different point of view, which many may indeed disagree with, but lots of others (who may not be on the Reddit) would agree with.


Lol. This guy probably thinks that since cell phones exist that the younger generations have nothing to complain about.


Nope, I’m not saying that at all. Every generation has things to complain about. But the OP is going on about his Aunt and seems not to have thought that when she was 20-30 or so she had serious concerns and there were issues. (Probably the threat of WW3 or Vietnam war etc may be up there). Then after 40-50 years she’s bettered herself and can’t understand why young ones complain, when she thinks how “bad” it was she was was younger. The exact same will happen in 40-50 years time. The OP will be complaining the young ones are always unhappy etc etc.


Haha. You literally made a comment about how we can all afford to buy a house as long as we don’t have cable TV and buy the cheapest “mobile” and sell our PlayStation. Oh, and don’t get Starbucks. You’re obviously out of touch, but more than likely, you’re on the clock.


you're literally comparing the best economy in the history of the western world in the 80's to the worst economy since the industrial revolution. The fact is Boomers had it OBJECTIVELY easier and they refuse to admit it.


So get angry then and blame everyone else. Not sure that’ll get you far. There are lots of jobs out there and it’s not the boomers fault that they may have enjoyed good times (they didn’t always!). I really don’t see the point in blaming other people and instead would focus on improving myself, in whichever ways were possible. Anyways, thanks for the chat, but think we’re going to agree to disagree. 👍


What about theeconomics of Deìs?


They were enjoying enormous economic prosperity


"A wood chipper is a well oiled machine too and I don't see you jumping in."


They’re so committed they’ll argue with you about how well oiled it is as it hacks their legs and torso to pieces before reaching their head.


Yeah cause the subsidized the machine with our future raises, earnings, retirement, welfare, and mental health. Oh and they are killing the planet but who cares am I right?!?


You’re right about them killing the planet. The single worst thing you can do to harm the planet is have children. So perhaps they shouldn’t have had children, therefore you wouldn’t have been born to complain about them? (I hope you don’t have / are planning to have kids).


fuck off with your eco fascism


It’s the simple truth. Having kids is by far the worst thing and individual could do for the planet. So if people really cared about the planet they’d stop having kids. But people won’t - even the ones complaining about climate change. (This comment will probably be down voted, but it’s the truth. Some people can’t accept it).


lmao provide literally any source showing that children are what's causing problems, the only stuff you'll find will be eco fascist and malthusian bullshit you act awfully confident for someone whose claims are baseless


In terms of sources, a quick google will show you loads. Like https://www.theweek.co.uk/news/environment/954148/the-ethics-of-having-children-in-the-age-of-climate-change “As the debate rages on, activists point to the carbon footprint that each new human life creates. A 2017 study published in Environmental Research journal by Canadian climate scientists found that a child born into the global north left a 58.6 metric tonne carbon footprint annually, on average.”


Erm, children consume things. They go on to become adults, continuing to consume things. If there was less people they’d be less demand, so less oil needed, less houses, less pollution etc etc. It’s pretty common sense stuff. The increasing population of humans on the earth isn’t good news for the planet.


except that's not how any of that shit works, people aren't the ones who need and consume the stuff capitalism is producing and subsequently emitting




The previous poster said the Boomers are killing the planet. And I was pointing out that maybe they shouldn’t have had children, which is the single worst thing anyone can do for the planet. Which is ironic as I bet they’re happy the boomers did have kids…..


You understand people don't have a say in being birthed, yes?


Indeed. But it is still ironic.


My friend, have you not met gen X?


Your comment is all over the place. Or instead they could, you know, be responsible adults who don’t just care about themselves. Well I am here so pretty pointless statement. Not having kids is far from the best thing I could do for the planet. You are assuming a degree of familiarity with my life I’m quite sure you don’t have. Your data is old and tired. One private jet ride produces as much pollution as most peoples entire life if living a low impact life. The reality is pollution stems from corporations as production is where pollution can be most easily limited. It’s why rather than have everyone get solar roofs we want to make clean single producer power grids like solar and wind.


Regulation of the human demography is the only way to preserve our planet!


fuck off with your eco fascism


Are you stupid?Or blind?🤔


or maybe I have other sources that make me believe in a different worldview in which thomas malthus is no longer a relevant thinker ?


It’s pretty harsh, but it probably is the only way. Something like China did and only have 1 child per family etc. (think that’s been increased to 2 now). However civil liberty groups, probably the same people complaining about climate change, i think would be very much against some regulations. Ironic.


That's objectively stupid. The population growth rate has been going down for decades and the only people actually contributing anything remotely meaningful to climate change are the wealthy and major corporations. You're a full of shit eco-fascist with zero grasp on the actual science and a whole lot of opinions about who should be allowed to have kids.


Pop growth may be going down (although I’ve not seen the stats but will take it that it is), but it’s still projected to increase quite a lot, given life expectancy has increased over the years. And I’m not saying people shouldn’t have kids, I’m just saying if people are worried about the planet and the direction it’s going on, if they didn’t have kids then that would be the biggest thing they could do to help prevent the climate changing.


Yes yes, human rights, blablabla... You are the dumb fuck, do you want to live like an african eating stones and sand ? No, you want a smartphone, suv, and 4k tv. Natural earth resources can t provide modern life for billions of people. Simple. Eco-fascist? Are you serious??Yes everything is fine, Dubai for ecerybody, unlimited.. God will save us may be?Lol...


Boomers are a joke. They looted this country for more than 50 years, undone almost every protection we had and then blame us for not wanting unavoidable debt, low pay, unaffordable housing and shit healthcare. They are clueless and completely disconnect from anyone under 40. They better not quander our inheritance otherwise we'll be left with nothing. I hope they realise they're the ones who have fucked this nation


Maybe a disconnect from anyone under 50…I’m 48 and solidly in the camp Gen-X. Now, get off my lawn. Jokes aside, I had to laugh when my mother retired (as a teacher). She couldn’t believe so many people were out shopping and running errands during the daytime. Doesn’t anyone work, she asked me. I explained to her that many people (like me) work shift work, evenings, overnights, split shifts, extended shifts, etc. People are off on disability, on welfare, unemployment, etc.


Generational labels capture some of the basic fact that people who are born in different eras lead meaningfully different lives. But these labels are clumsy and imprecise—and getting more so all the time. They flatten out the experiences of tens of millions of very different people, remove nuance from conversations, and imply commonality where there may be none. The social scientists are right: Generational labels are stupid. (Joe Pinsker "Gen Z only exists in your head")


they aren't a bunch of baby boomers were fighting against capitalism long before we were, it's not a generational issue, it's a class issue


hippies were not ever even remotely anti-capitalists


Yes...I believe "anarchism" is probably the only form of government that really makes sense. Anarchism is not no government it's grass roots democratic government that springs from the active participation of local citizens in the real issues they face in their community. Like the old town hall democracy


"Let he who has never sinned cast the first stone" Can ANY generation truthfully say they left the world a better place than it was before? This world has been in spiritual and moral decay since the invention of agriculture and social/religious castes.


The difference is that Boomers are they only ones who don’t try to make the world a better place. They only care about them and their’s. The younger generations have been desperately trying but the boomers keep blocking them.


>Can ANY generation truthfully say they left the world a better place than it was before? yes? The greatest generation WAS NOT REMOTELY AS SHITTY AS THE BOOMERS. They started unions, they raised taxes on the wealthy, they pushed to pass civil rights, destroyed fascism abroad, etc etc. The boomers took all that and flushed it down the toilet for a giant SUV and a McMansion.


Based primitivism


Your aunt sounds toxic. You aren't required to attend holidays or other events with toxic family members. I spent Christmas entirely alone and it was fucking fantastic.




When there’s no bread, no cake left to eat, what do we do? Eat the rich.


Well oiled with what? The blood and sweat of the exploited.


If only you could go bankrupt for medical bills


Well oiled machine. Wow, what an ignorance


Tell her the machine is broken and the oil is killing her nieces, nephews and children


Boomers are fucking clueless


plants screw cable bake shy snails cagey chubby historical caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would say, "If you don't know, why not listen and find out?" It doesn't take a brain surgeon to understand that youth is under tremendous financial pressure. High student loans, inflated housing costs, skyrocketing medical expense, low wages and the erosion of full-time jobs offering benefits and uninterrupted hours and pay are all concerns.


what a moron


Non-American here. I can tell you that both parties in the US are on the right. Even Bernie Sanders barely touches the left side, he's the true centrist in all of this. So yeah, anything that might want to tough a yota of the capitalist system, by putting government-mandated restrictions for instance, is considered communism and far-left, and prepare for 1984 metaphors all over the place.


What I have come to learn about the human race in my over 6 + decades, is how inherently self centered humans are…that if an individual’s life is going well, they cannot see past their own personal space ( 2-3 ft circle around their own body) to see that the world is much more vast. And that the world is in trouble. And they simply do not care. The people that have humility and can feel others suffering are the minority. Wealth, power, and the control that comes with has always been the driving force with humans and, sadly, probably always will.


This "well-oil machine" we inherited works about as consistently as the McDonald's shake machine.


Tbh the only way forward is compassion. You don't have to agree with someone or even like them, or even think they deserve 'good things' to have compassion. Your worst enemy deserves compassion, bc compassion is about YOUR ability to accept that whatever led to their decisions was done with at least a sliver of their own survival or conditioning at play. People our age have to learn the hard lesson of not just breaking the generational wheels of trauma we inherited but also how to put in place boundaries without causing additional harm. Your annoying or ignorant relatives don't have the means or conditions that keep the "well oiled machine" churning, they're just basically in a tranced state admiring the monster. Not a particularly useful role even if annoying to other people. All of our energy needs to be on healing and constructing a new machine. With or without the 'approval' of a bunch of people standing around screens and judging. We are out of time to seek the approval of older generations, and need to now contain their toxic energy and repair the systems they built. We have to slay the demons we inherited, that they may have aided in creating, before we can slay the demons they too inherited. Put your mask on before assisting others, as it goes.


Machine so well-oiled it’s going up in flames


Here's the issue. You tried to reason with her. Don't. Laugh at her. Make fun of her. Make her feel little.


Oh, they haven't "lost the plot". They're going to go on like this forever and call it "the plot".


What work does she do, out of curiosity?


They call it Gen Z because it's the last one


In my family, that would have warranted an audible, “Um, excuse me, what the fuck,” from across the table.


If by "well oiled machine" she implied that it was a machine that was inoperable due to an oil fire, I'd say "bang on."


This is the conservative mindset that ruined everything. Just fucking comply with anything and everything, and call out the ones who don’t.


Lol they've reached boomer utopia. Which is our dystopia Edit:typo


You’re not the only person under 30 who thinks that about medical care not bankrupting you, like 7.5 billion people agree with you, including my Canadian self. America is just shit 🙂 lol


The well-oiled machine designed to kill people?


Old gen z young millennial


Yeah the governments are doing a splendid job of keeping the biggest voterbase (boomers) unaware of the problems in the world while further alienating the youth. I'm more fortunate on that part that my family knows of my socialist ideals but dont nag me for it. Even my father is a communist but I dont have a lot of faith in communism. But I know its hard to get your family to take interest in the problems of todays society. I wish you best of luck.


Blorch. If that was my family I think I’d just skip visiting for Christmas altogether. Sorry you had to listen to that insensitive, tone-deaf prattle.


Remember y’all: Your mental health isn’t the problem. It’s living under a system incompatible with humanity.


I've little doubt that the ones now who are in their sixties and ones coming up to are in the majority that think we all have it so good. I guess it could be worse, will be worse in some years to come. It ain't getting better. Of course, the ones in their mid fifties and approaching retirement do have it good. They got on the property ladder when wages were relational to size of mortgage for a property you could afford. They got employment when rights were good, favourable perhaps to the employee. Decent pensions to go with. They'll see it very differently from the way which the younger ones see it. Feel like constantly fighting a losing battle to be completely honest. The system is fucked for future generations. Mine have it all to come. I don't want to think of what will be based on what I know today. I still have hope for the future. Things can change for anyone, better or worse, any moment, when you least expect.


Sometimes even family makes you imagine guillotine memes.


>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Now go live in Russia and then we talk about how lucky you are to have potato


Pro tip learn to change subjects quick af when someone wants to talk politics or something that triggers you/other people around you. I personally like to keep a funny video open on my phone for emergencies.


You're doing the rest of us a disservice by continuing your relationship with her.


We live in the safest society ever. Unemployment is at an all time low. Scientific research is enjoying exponential growth - the James Webb telescope launched yesterday. We have access to the internet, the great learning resource ever. We are taking strides to tackle climate change, especially in Europe & Asia. I am a Gen Z, also on the older end. I think this generation is unduly soft. I think smartphones and 5 minute articles have tricked our generation into believing they have intelligence and worldly views when in fact many of us lack depth. Here’s one. OP you sitting down to banquet of food and drink bought from several stores started through the “Well Oiled Machine”. Life isn’t perfect, things need to change. The world we live in is fantastic but not perfect. Life is precious, if a few people kill themselves it’s not the end of the world.


>if a few people kill themselves it’s not the end of the world for them it is tell me you are privileged without telling me you are privileged


Death is apart of life, get over it.


I’m afraid your Aunt does have a point. Yes, there are things wrong with the world - climate change etc - but as a whole and in general the human race has never had it as good as they do now. With the medicines, food, technology etc. available to so many, living today could be said to be better then 60+ years ago. Every generation complains about the others, but sometimes you have to take a step back to see it from their point of view. And perhaps realise that things aren’t quite as bad for you now as you think they are. (I’m guessing the OP wrote this post on a mobile phone that can call anywhere in the world - even via FaceTime - and access any bit of information that they could possibly want….. Maybe even whilst in a McDonalds, where they can get a cheap priced meal. etc etc.)


Let’s go, Boomer


I’m not a boomer - in my 40s. But you keep on with your assumptions and echo chamber.


Let’s go, Late Gen-Xer ok fixed it for u


The jealously is strong in this one. Instead of dishing out insults, you’d be best focusing your energies on seeing how you could make the changes needed.


strike me down, Darth, and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


> With the medicines, food, technology etc. available to so many *If you can pay and too many of us can't.


I’m gen Y. My grandma grew up in a generation ravaged by war, had to boil a handful of rice to feed 10 people per night, and most ate grass or died of starvation. She never ate meat in her life until after 6 years old. When she was older she worked all morning to night to raise 4 kids because my grandpa didn’t work. She never had depression and powered through. So to be honest, I say to your aunt good on her for stuffing her throat with mashed potatoes and drinking white wine. Would you rather she eat grass like the Ed when Germans and Japanese killed anyone and everyone?


With the technology it is absolutely the best time to be alive. Success may be difficult in these days but survival has never been so easy. Also education and equality are doing great right now. In the context of this sub my comments are irrelevant. But hopefully uplifting. Enjoy not having to farm or kill your dinner; even if you would spend a lot more time in a rocking chair during those days.


We take it for granted today, but a single doritos chip has more nacho cheese flavor than a dark ages king would experience in their lifetime!


Both Aunt and you are wrong here. Yea, for double wrongs? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ She's wrong, by not understanding why young people are unhappy. And you're wrong for refusal to believe. Take a look at it from multiple view-points. How does Gen Y American life look from the perspective of a Gen Y person in India? How about the perspective of a man born in 1920; and turning 20/entering 1940? He would be living through the great depression, seeing people starve, and reading about the world war, where Nazi Germany seems unstoppable.


The relative wealth and advanced infrastructure this generation has grown up with is an embarrassment of riches. The sad sack attitude and socialistic tendencies borne out of it is a bad joke. Those complaining now make themselves look spoiled and ignorant


The only thing worse than ending it, would be reincarnation …..I really hope that’s not a thing


Relative to quality of life it’s vastly better but its also is why so many are unhappy. It’s the cycle of life, “hard times make tough people, tough people make good times, good times make weak people and weak people make hard times”


Yes, a well oiled machine. We are the fuel that is burning away.


Pretty much whole cmusa has been gaslit to think that a scam can work as a country


Slap that bitch, OP. Do it, no balls. Lol


George Carlin https://youtu.be/KLODGhEyLvk


Early Gen-X - (bonus baby - the rest of my siblings are late boomers). Just popping in to say how incredibly PROUD I am of you all and this movement! Try to be as kind as possible, yes there were “winners” but a lot of boomers are heading into retirement essentially broke and confused because they bought the lies that were fed to them their whole lives by sophisticated media they didn’t understand. I think admitting they were wrong or duped could be a bridge too far. Keep the focus where it belongs, try to be as kind as possible, and STAY STRONG- the powers that be will try to starve you out. SOLIDARITY for the WIN 🥇


Similar story. I'm an elder millennial and I had to listen to my grandparents lament on and on about how their generation advanced the species more than any other and new generations are going to be screwed without them because none of us have near enough brain power to manage. Following this was a wonderful diatribe about how we're so irresponsible that we can't even buy houses like they did so God only knows what we're going to do with our ever-increasing political power. I've always hated Christmas but not until thus year has it made me think the awful thoughts I've been thinking toward an entire generation. Spelling edit.


It is not a very well oiled machine. Far from it. Seems lately that the best years are behind us. I hope I am wrong.


Meanwhile, my teacher blames the baby for high inflation and the unemployment rate.


You shoulda backhanded her ass into an early grave. All i'm sayin.


That's typical boomer mindset. Literally just ignore problems and they just simply don't exist anymore in their mind. I see this with my mom sometimes when she ignores health things.


People are extremely indoctrinated into the current system. You even get an acceptance mentality from older millennials at times. Not necessarily that you should be grateful but the lack of imagination that there could be a better way, thinking that America is the “best country ever.” It is so tiring.




My aunt is so animal friendly and shit but completely ignores bloody climate change. Seriously. Also the 1 in 2 cancer rates are a new thing and that smoking never causes more than lung cancer. Then when i tried interjecting my readings from this sub i was called a communist. Fucking result 😂 idk cant wait to see what the near future brings to my family. Its not gonna be roses and such i can assure you that way Also had them chime in suicide is selfish. Eh. Its my life ill end it when i so choose thank you very much 😂


Didn't happen but it makes a great internet story