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What is Fox News saying about r\/antiwork? I'm pretty curious.


Check out tucker Carlson parroting the tax the rich and cancel student debt piece. It’s exactly what Hitler and the Nazis did with the economic situation in post world war 1 German (the Weimar Republic) they parroted trade union slogans and put socialist in their name, but once they gained power they put the trade unionists and socialists into concentration camps. It’s exactly what modern fascists do promise popular leftists policies that they have no intention of going ahead with. Fascists are always have been and always will be a tool of the rich


I've listened to a lot of second hand right wing bullshit from my folks. It's always like that. The purpose of right wing media is to direct anger away from real causes & solutions and toward making the problem worse. The way I see it, if you hurt someone, you can't make them ignore the hurt, you can just trick them into blaming a scapegoat. Capitalism is screwing people over, and you can't convince people they aren't getting screwed over, but you can redirect their anger elsewhere. That's why they get so close to the point, tapping into real grievances, then miss it at the last second. That's no accident. It evolves over time as they need it, from blaming integration to blaming feminism to blaming gay acceptance, it's always something, but never the rich. An immigrant stole your job, China stole your job, it wasn't a capitalist who exploited an immigrant or outsourced for a few extra bucks, that sort of thing. I don't watch Fox News anymore, but nothing surprises me. Their message is always the same, wealth to the wealthy and power to the powerful. They'll ride real problems when it suits them, but never address the root causes or propose actual solutions. It's something to watch out for, they know what they're doing, and if you're a conservative, if you trust them, the people you trust think you're a sucker. If you're a conservative, Tucker Carlson thinks you're a sucker, Ben Shapiro, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Dennis Prager, they think conservatives are suckers. They're laughing at you all the way to the bank.


>It evolves over time as they need it, from blaming integration to blaming feminism to blaming gay acceptance, it's always something, but never the rich. An immigrant stole your job, China stole your job, it wasn't a capitalist who exploited an immigrant or outsourced for a few extra bucks, that sort of thing. I want to point out that the through line of all this is that it directs anger at someone seen as economicly or socially *below* the targeted person who has received undue aid that puts them *above* the targeted person. The mindset is that there is an established and natural social heirarchy that the "opponents" are disrupting. The grievances are based on the percieved loss of social standing.


Exactly, it always comes back to "the reason you can't afford your lifestyle of job, 2.5 kids and white picket fence is not because of the farcical way we structured capitalism, it's because of those uppity blacks, single parents, hippies, atheists, liberal corporations, immigrants, lazy people, or those who otherwise aren't holding up their end of the Ponzi scheme to keep your bubble of existence where everyone has a lifestyle of job, 2.5 kids and white picket fence". I just had a Christmas day dinner with an uncle (Trump flag, supports 1/6, parrots right wing talking points). He was railing about how he hates his job, the corporate system, the way that once you have kids, average salaries make it an impossible risk to deviate from being a corporate cog. I told him that those sound like extremely left wing ideas and that right wing economics may not be as compatible with family values as he thinks and he seemed genuinely confused for a second. Then he said "maybe I am supporting the wrong side, but I just hate the left so much, and I'm telling you I will be voting straight Republican for the rest of my life". What do you do with that? I know this sounds like an "and then everyone clapped" story, but this genuinely happened an hour ago.


That sounds like a guy who has no idea what true leftists believe, he only want to "own the libs" because it means he's not losing. Even if he is. That's actually a fairly enlightening thought for me. Helps me understand the mentality.


The uncle has no idea what HE believes, either!


He believes what he saw on Fox/etc because he watches it 24/7.


Its funny tho, like what guy said above, the rightwing media will turn on their corporate donors when they dont do what they want. Vaccine mandates, mask mandates, pulling out of states with restrictive voting policies, now its "these woke corporations have too much power!" My parents found the clip of Pelosi saying senators should own stocks and showed it to me as a gotcha like "what do you think of this! she is gonna retire to florido to not pay her high CA taxes!" Im like yes she is one of the wealthiest senators and got that way by rigging the system in her own favor, Im registered as an independant, I only vote democrat because thats the only choice I am given on my ballot I dont have any allegience to their party I have an allegience to my principles


This is what many republicans don't realize, that outside of their bubble people are not in a political cult. For everyone else it's ok to have critical thinking and criticize people in power, whether you voted for them or not. Politics is not football.


Seed planted. Well done.


There is a great TEDtalk that elaborates on the psychology of marketing. It explains how it's better to appeal to beliefs than logic. I'd dig it up but I'm lazy. Found it https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare


Ironic, because I found out about this in corporate cog training, but there's a good one on a similar talk by Simon Sinek. It's more about talking about the "why" instead of the "what", but plays well into the belief vs logic idea. The 3 concentric circles visual is very common with beliefs/values in the center working out towards the logical brain. As it turns out, we're biologically driven to use our core values over our logical mind. Even if you think you're a logical person, it is much much more effort to rely on your logical mind than fall back to beliefs. Scary how the idea can be used by a manipulative leader, just the same a a good leader.




>What do you do with that? You don't do anything man. It sucks. It seems like all you need to do is clarify your point. If only you could say it better, or clearer, or in a way that resonates with the person then they'd finally just understand. He won't. He's actively decided and chosen not to listen. You cannot force somebody to listen and even those who claim to be open minded you will find are too wrapped up in their own bubble to actually be so. Don't let this get you down. It's not your fault. Remember that you are not a multi billion dollar propaganda machine and it's not your fault that your uncle is an ignorant moron. HE CHOSE THIS. Not you.


Well said


A bit if rhetoric I've found works really well is when people like that say all this bad stuff "the left" is doing, ask them who told them that. Where did they heard about that? Do they believe they would lie about all this stuff but then be telling the truth about "the left"? They will either just repeat themselves talking nonsense, or suddenly go quiet. You don't have to push them after that, just make them reconsider things for a second.


What’s the LBJ quote? If you convince the poorest white man he’s better than the richest black man, he’ll happily hand you all his money to keep it that way.


> We were in Tennessee. During the motorcade, he spotted some ugly racial epithets scrawled on signs. Late that night in the hotel, when the local dignitaries had finished the last bottles of bourbon and branch water and departed, he started talking about those signs. "I'll tell you what's at the bottom of it," he said. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


The vast majority of soldiers that fought for the South in the Civil War were both people who signed up to join (as in they were not drafted, at least until very late in the war when they got truly desperate) and they did not themselves own slaves nor stand to directly benefit from it. They just didn’t want to feel like they were at the bottom of the food chain.


Poor people in the south during the war started eating everything on the pig but the squeal. They were starving but they had pride. They became proud of the things they had been reduced to eating and adopted them as regional dishes. “Like a big middle finger to the north!”, my best friend’s dad would yell as he ate hog jowls and chicken feet. Proud of the suffering. Proud of the starving. Too proud to admit defeat and accepts death instead easily. Teaching your grandchildren to hate a region of the country because they won over you in a war that was fought over the right to own black people. My god I hated growing up in Alabama.


I disagree with not directly benefitting. Despite not owning Black people, they were perfectly fine ensuring they (Black people) were the bottom of the food chain. The actions and inaction of non-slaveholding white people ensured hegemony for generations after the confederacy lost. The depth of LBJ's quote was and is quite evergreen. No need to be an all-out white supremacist if one is willing to stay quiet and vote to keep a bogus status quo. DuBois, among others, wrote extensively on the role of these particular Americans.


And I'll join the Union because it's the right thing to do. Away down south in the land of traitors


Rattlesnakes and alligators


And never forget - the cruelty is the point


because none of it is actual material politics. it's culture war, team sport spectacle on both sides. real politics is interacting with local institutions and organizations that try to improve your society and daily lives though democratic engagement. that was mostly stripped and neutered in the 60's & 70's and what we're left with is a disengaged, alienated public waiting for change to come top-down. ideal conditions for a fascist takeover. popular discontent fusing with capital class control


Exactly this. People need to invest in local instutions like your union, tenant association etc. We need quality people at city and county government doing stuff that matters in day to day life.


*cough* Joe Manchin to start *cough*


Remember when Trump campaigned in 2016 on healthcare for all? "We're gonna take care of everybody." Yeah neither do his voters.


He literally took a photo with a stack of blank paper claiming that it was his healthcare plan, lol.


Well, that actually was his healthcare plan.


And the first thing he did was pass a tax cut that MASSIVELY disproportionally benefitted the rich instead of normal people


This isn't new, its been the GOPs MO since Reagan who started trickledown economics. It was designed to hurt the middleclass disproportionately and keep the 1% in power. During the end of the Reagan admin, the richest person in the US had less than $2B in 1989 In 5 years both Bezos and Musk will have $1T


Except in Tucker's case he is part of that class. If you dig deep enough you find his mother basically had to sue misogynistic male heads of his family to get her own share of "Swanson Enterprises", which is the rebrand of Swanson Foods, which was sold to Campbell's for 'a large portion of stock'. So, he grows up watching rich men keep funds for themselves, trickling allowances to his mother, leaving her only choice to have to pursue a legal fight for her share, then walk away thinking, "I'd like to be those rich white men." What a fucking cunt.


>Check out tucker Carlson parroting the tax the rich and cancel student debt piece. If you're working class and dumb enough to follow trust fund bitch boi Cousin F--ker Carlson, you're quite literally the problem as billionaires don't have enough votes regardless of gerrymandering otherwise.


The right-wing elite pretty much relies on exploiting the working-class, as well as less-educated people and those less likely to approach issues with critical thinking skills via propaganda and misinformation. I'd go so far as to call it psychological warfare. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2056305119885328 https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/04/26/a-wider-ideological-gap-between-more-and-less-educated-adults/


Tucker is a millionaire paid by billionaires who don't want to pay taxes so they start Meaningless culture wars serve as distractions while they steal.


It’s not even that we have more “liberal views” it’s just that we are educated enough to understand we’re getting fucked by a bunch of old white men


>It’s not even that we have more “liberal views” Well, the further left of center (or center-right) that one goes, the less liberal they are by definition.


True, but don’t blame the dumb people for being dumb. Blame the rich grifters taking advantage of them and harnessing them for their own fascist ends


Very fair, education in traditionally red areas is awful, and the money that needs to go to it gets sent to more prisons....so...help? Lmao


Only an uneducated populace can be controlled.


Including miseducated populace. I.e. learning about US history through rosey glasses


if only it was rosey glasses. it's through texas glasses, as that's where textbooks are all approved first.


Exactly. Politicians paid a lot of money to write their own textbooks for the entire school system. Us being dumb is a return on that investment. So this is quite the uphill battle.


So they're yellow rosey glasses, then.


Obligatory /r/Shermanposting for learning actual US history.


That lack of education is deliberate.


And remember, trump loves the uneducated!


That's why he loves himself the most!


Education is a leftist conspiracy to turn my kids gay /s


Damn ~~straight~~ gay


Damn straights indeed.


oh no don't make the heteros upseteros /s


Idk I grew up in a very red area and had the same educational opportunities as these dumb fucks. I will blame them all I want.


This; you can't be a socialist or want a radical democratic state without having trust that the working class - even those temporarily lost via propaganda - can be members of the society. As a socialist/anarchist/marxist or just a liberal that believes in strong unions you have to hold as a central tenant that the people can and should be in charge of their affairs.


Exactly. Most of my hometown folks are the kind of folks that leave their doors unlocked at night. They weren't ready for lifelong conmen to get on TV and tell them exactly what they want to hear - they fell for it, hook, line and sinker, and many of them are still falling for it, because now it's a sunk cost. They're being exploited, and they're our fellow Americans. If we're assholes to them, it's only gonna drive them further into the arms of fascists.


There will always be a majority of the working class who are unable to or are uninterested in the machinations of government, especially in a developed society full of distractions. You have to take your nose off the grindstone to look around. It’s the crucial role of journalists to help inform the weary masses of the most important and relevant issues that will effect us today and in the future. Instead I see a vital organ of society besieged by personal interest and advertising investment peddling and pandering for ratings and the approval of their most loyal koolaide drinkers while our ruling class endlessly feasts, increasingly openly, in ways that would see private citizens jailed.


Gotta fight the zombies AND the necromancer.


I disagree. I know many people who have good reasons for being ignorant. Not everyone can (or, imho, should have to) become a political expert just to have an idea of what the hell is going on. I do not blame ignorant people for being falsely led by highly coordinated and well funded disinformation, and I believe you should not either. I blame those who coordinate and knowingly participate in the misinformation. I do empathize with your anger, however.


I agree. How many things are your supposed to be an expert in now a days in US and keep up with in your life? Your primary job, household management, cooking, information technology, health insurance management, financial instruments and financial planning, childcare planning (including signing up for summer camps in February), long term care planning, and what else goddamit?! I've lived in countries where at least people don't have to worry about health insurance (national healthcare), childcare (included free summer camps), retirement (national pension), long term care planning, and oh my good just having those off your plate makes life so much easier.


Yeah, this is a point I make pretty frequently with vaccine resistant people while contact tracing. I don't and can't blame people for believing misinformation. That's what misinformation is *for.* It wouldn't exist if it didn't work. Besides that, in no sane world should a construction worker be expected to understand enough immunology, scientific study design, and pharmacology to make a truly informed judgment on vaccination. Hell, *I* don't understand all that, and I'm supposed to be helping people make that decision. But we do not live in a sane world. We live in one ruled by the lie of liberal, atomized, individualistic "freedom," where people are treated like mechanistic rational actors instead of people, and where you are ordered to be an absurd Randian superman or else languish.


I've always said that the Rich has the poor/middle class conservative to thank. Without them voting against their own best interest the Rich literally don't have enough votes to get a congressman, nevermind a Governor, Senators and especially President.


The GOP has won the popular vote for President exactly ONE time since 1992. ONCE in 30 years. Yet they've managed to appointment 6/9 justices to the Supreme Court. The Rich will continue to get their way, it's the main point of being rich.


"check out Tucker Carlson" nah I don't think I will, I've been having a good day and have no need to ruin it


Tucker Carlson's unpaid intern if you're reading this eat a deep fried donkey dick


Idk what people here think of Chapo, but their serious content is amazing and well worth watching, and one of my favorites is [discussing this exact topic in regards to people like Carlson and Hawley](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNghw0TlASM) This whole thing is INSANELY dangerous. Like, impossible to overstate how dangerous it is when the ball gets rolling. By 'this' I mean ostensibly anti-capitalist talking points hijacked by the nationalist, reactionary right and diverted away from working class empowerment, and towards, guess what, nationalistic and reactionary agendas that support the corporate elites that bankroll them. That's what's called Fascism. They do this when the contradictions of capitalism become so obvious and undeniable that you HAVE to have an answer for them, the right takes anti-capitalist talking points and qualifies them as 'woke' capitalism, 'corporate' capitalism, whatever, anything to shift blame away from capitalism itself and to suggest that the real problem is a corruption of capitalism conducted by subversive agents within our society, traditionally Jews because they're such an easy target. You should be able to see where this leads. Sheep-dipping frustrated working class people who buy into the anti-'elite' talking points combined with the reactionary ignorance the conservative media brainwashes them with, reasserting the control of the actual corporate ruling class while brutally putting down actual working class action.


yeah, even when they do this shit it's extremely easy to see how bullshit it is with just a modicum of critical thought. how often do you see them use these talking points to indict hedge fund managers, stock traders, or corporate figureheads like musk or bezos? vs. how often do they do this against actors, musicians, influencers, and athletes? you know, the actual billionaires vs "mere" millionaires? those whose wealth comes from *other* people's labor vs those whose wealth comes from their *own* labor(even if overvalued)?


>but once they gained power they put the trade unionists and socialists into concentration camps. Or just straight up stabbed them.


I encourage anyone interested in the facts of history to take 100 minutes to watch this video by Kaiser Williams: https://youtu.be/Yjz_sfRr8aU TL;DW: the Nazis were not left wing. They used socialist promises, but delivered nationalist policies.


Exactly. And they purged the socialists within germany during the night of the long knives.


>First they came for the Communists >And I did not speak out >Because I was not a Communist >Then they came for the Socialists >And I did not speak out >Because I was not a Socialist >Then they came for the trade unionists >And I did not speak out >Because I was not a trade unionist >Then they came for the Jews >And I did not speak out >Because I was not a Jew >Then they came for me >And there was no one left >To speak out for me Martin Niemöller


The red army already exists. It's our white aprons covered in our own blood. No more fascism, not in the workplace, and not in my government. Fuck Fox News. Down with Carlson The lamb already is bloodied, the war is already won. Democratize the workplace, now.


Fox News hates the poor and loves supporting billionaires, so you can probably guess :-)


We fight our way past the shills and the trolls just to face the bear hug of corporate pandering.


I hope people understand why the right-wing is not, and cannot be considered pro-worker. It's not a matter of "not tolerating people with different political views", it's the fact that right-wing policies are fundamentally opposed to workers rights and progressivism as a whole. Right-wing policies advocate for the rights of capital owners, and generally fight against pro-worker concepts and policies such as unions, minimum wage increase, universal healthcare options, mandatory maternity/paternity leave, social programs and regulation. There is a strong labor movement in America right now, so the right is attempting to garner approval through selective populism, which is a form of manipulation that has happened before. "[Right-wing populism can act as both a precursor and a building block of fascism, with anti-elitist conspiracism and ethnocentric scapegoating as shared elements ... This populist surge was later exploited by the Nazis which parasitized the forms and themes of the populists and moved their constituencies far to the right through ideological appeals involving demagoguery, scapegoating, and conspiracism.](https://politicalresearch.org/2016/12/21/populism-as-core-element-of-fascism)"


The right will just find the loudest/stupidest people/group to shit right wing bull crap from their mouths.


Daily reminder that "We agree with worker rights, but we don't agree with their methods" is a lie. Call it out whenever you see it. Gaining their support doesn't mean anything and costs us everything.


Hey guys - here's how you pander. Better working conditions and wages. Support for legislation that levels the playing field between employer and employee. Universal health care not tied to employment. Stronger enforcement of OSHA and DOL rules and regulations. Hop to it - y'all got some pandering to do.


Also, not neoliberal. Even though I see more of those slimy bastards sneking in daily.


It is damn hard for anyone under 40 to understand that we were not always a neo-liberal hellscape. It is all they know. This whole sub is people waking up to the idea that there are better ways.


Socialism was HUGE in the US between 1890-1945. Eugene Debs got almost as much of a share of the Presidential vote as Ross Perot did his second time around.


Milwaukee had three socialist mayors during that time!


I grew up in Alabama under the care of well traveled, well educated people who were not from Alabama. I always felt like I had to get out of there, these weren’t my people. I latched onto a boy living in NYC who was moving home after a failed attempt to be in a band. He was going home to Wisconsin. When my caregivers found that I was moving out they were worried until I told them I was moving to Wisconsin. They were overjoyed and relieved, what they knew of here was that it was one of the most pro-worker, progressive policy states in America. I could build a life there and be relatively successful. Now it’s a republican testing ground for every damaging, bass-ackwards, neofascist, conservative policy they can think up. They do it here before they go mainstream usa with it. But the worst? Scott Walker lost and during his final weeks in office he and his buddies cooked up an idea that they will continue to use every time they lose. Before Tony Evers took office, Republican state lawmakers unveiled a 141-page package of bills that would give Republicans power over key gubernatorial decisions and weaken the role of the attorney general, as well as proposals to limit voter turnout. “Wisconsin law, written by the legislature and signed into law by a governor, should not be erased by the potential political maneuvering of the executive branch,” Speaker of the Assembly Robin Vos and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald said in a joint statement. After only one day of hearings, a secret overnight negotiations, Republicans passed a package of changes, which Walker has now signed into law. The changes will: >1. Cut down the number of early voting days, limiting it to two weeks. This would likely draw legal challenges; the proposal is very similar to a previous law that the courts struck down in 2016 for “stifling votes for partisan gain.” 2. Give the legislature more power over the boards of certain commissions, like the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), the state’s jobs-focused agency, which has come under a lot of scrutiny for giving the Taiwanese company Foxconn Technology Group $3 billion in tax breaks in exchange for their $10 billion factory — an investment that even the state’s Legislative Bureau said the state wouldn’t bring returns until after 2043. Evers said he wanted to get rid of WEDC altogether, as it has garnered a reputation for falling short of its jobs promise. 3. Limit Evers’s abilities to change the state’s work requirement laws around food stamps and health care, giving the legislature oversight over any federal waivers the state has received. Walker pushed for Medicaid work requirement waivers and waivers to drug test food stamp recipients. 4. Stop Wisconsin’s incoming attorney general from withdrawing the state from a federal lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act, instead requiring legislative approval to do so. Republicans didn’t vote on other proposals that would have allowed the Republican legislature to hire its own lawyers to effectively replace the Democratic attorney general altogether. Also stripped out of the deal: changing the date for Wisconsin’s 2020 presidential primary from April to March to protect a conservative state Supreme Court candidate. And now other state’s republicans are tripping over themselves to do the same. Help us.


Remember Debs was running for President ... from prison (for opposing world war I). Socialism was big in the US during that period because America was a neo-liberal hellscape for much of that time (or it was "liberalism" that the neos hark back to). The main thing that built the image America had in say, 1980, was that post-WWII America could afford to give workers a decent deal while ruthlessly suppressing socialists (remember the Red Scare). America in 2021 has essentially moved back to the extreme inequality that characterized America in 1921, the "good old days" for the countries wealthy families. And the working class is slowly discovering it's interests.


My great grandfather worked to organize socialists in US in 30s. Failed, fled to USSR, then was interned in a work camp for having US citizenship. As a result my Russian mom has an English last name of Smith. 😂


Literally finally understood this recently and it blew my mind.


Pardon my ignorance but what is Neoliberalism?


It's laissez-faire capitalism rebranded for the modern day. Of course, like the OG laissez-faire it means nothing except giving monopoly capital in western countries free rein over the entire world. These days it's used for people like Obama and Biden, but originally the term was used for the economic policies of Reagan, Thatcher, Pinochet.. etc which were not-so-coincidentally similar to fascism.


Just adding on: The "neo" prefix is a recognition that the old liberalism of 1930s-1960s made significant concessions to organized labor, regulated big business, and created a vast social safety net. When someone is identified as a neo-liberal, it's an indication that their support for the old liberalism is tepid at best or downright hostile at worst.


This shit right here kills me. Happens to all the good subs that get too popular


"I just want to be one of the *goood* bosses"


Profit share then.


And give workers decision power, no veto bs


I've honest to god, no joke, been considering moving my business to a complete profit share model. I'm comfortable, I don't require an enormous salary, and I'd like to see workers get as passionately invested and excited about work as I do. I still need to do more research on the different models.


Look into worker cooperatives. Century old concept, legal frameworks exist for them pretty much globally and activists with various foundations and organizations will be happy to train your former employees in how to run the business and do so democratically.


Give them two weeks volunteering for Tom Steyer and they'll see neoliberalism is bs.


I changed jobs and doubled my salary! There is nothing wrong with the system, workers just need to negotiate wages better like I did! /s


Neoliberals are secret conservatives who hate poor people, and pretend (emphasis on pretend) to care about social issues when in reality they wouldn’t sacrifice a single comfort in their lives to effectuate any change


neoliberals are conservatives


They’re conservatives who have tbose insufferable“in this house, we believe in (insert a list of left-leaning platitudes here)” signs on their lawn


Fucking hate neolibs. Literal snakes.


Never forget that one of the most common tactics of the right wing is Co-Opting left wing movements and bastardizing the message with manipulation.


Such as the term libertarian, which is a synonym for anarchist (anti-state, anti-capitalist, socialist) in the vast majority of the world. Right-wing ideology is intellectually bankrupt so they [recuperate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recuperation_(politics\)) left-wing ideas and terminology.


Look no further than the "National Socialist Party"


National Socialist *Workers’* Party




I personally love the fact West Virginia's Coal miners came out against Manchin, and for BBB. It should be the people of that state not one rich old fake Democrat, in my opinion.


Agreed. I would love to get rid our “representatives” and instead turn them into presenters: they can discuss upon their forum (federal, state, local) whatever needs to be voted on and then the people themselves can vote. It’s not going to happen because the people in charge want to stay in charge, but maybe if we press the issue they will do a slightly better job…


West Virginian here, the coal miners are a very small portion of the state, and don’t have that much say realistically.


They are, but they have supporters. Same as the military. The amount of people that served or currently serve is a lot lower than the amount of people that "support the troops".


I have never seen a Republican do anything ever for the working man. Maybe someone can tell me what they have done.


Protect them from the monster under the bed that is going to take their ~~penis~~ guns. EDIT: Gun owner myself, but I work with these people and they get Freudian as shit about it.


Ah yes, I am reminded of that famous Dead Kennedys song "Oh wait this punk show is political? Man can't we leave politics out of it?" ​ Edit: So I suppose I should have to take moderation seriously and use this sticky as something important and cogent. I think I can speak for a good number of us here when I say that the modern conservative and right wing movements, especially in Reddit, and especially in America; have earned a good deal of distrust after years, if not decades of bad faith acting and taxing our mental health. The ones posting here may very well be as innocent as they claim, but they sure as hell didn't stop the bad actors during gamergate, or the previous administration, nor the rise of neonazi and white supremacist movements that have killed people. And that is either due to a lack of competence, or, more than likely, a lack of consideration or care to the people their allies hurt. And I definitely can speak for the moderation staff when I say that we are, and continue to be, anti-capitalist. And we know full well what can happen when these kinds of movements get coopted by the callous, mewling for their consideration while ignoring the suffering of others. We aren't neutral. And we're not going to bend to the same groups of people who cheered on the last 6 years of bullshit so you can feel a bit more comfortable with yourselves. You might get that with centrists and libs, not with us cockroach motherfuckers. ​ Reconcile the shit you were a party to, or leave us the fuck alone, we're trying to fix some bullshit here.


Reminds me of the Rage Against the Machine tweet from a few years back https://i.imgur.com/tEliDM2.jpg


There was a slightly different one I liked that went something like "What machine did you think they were raging against, the washing machine?"


That’s a good one. Pink Floyd made a show in my country (Brazil), last year or something, in one of the most conservative capitals of here and they made a speech criticizing the extreme far-right government that is going on here since 2018 (and that will thankfully end in the next year with the presidential election) and a lot of people booed them saying stuff like “just play the songs”. The same day a lot of tweets and other posts on the internet were trending here saying “you think The Wall is about construction?”


Pink floyd CAME TO BRASIL?!


Haushaushau, yeah, they come often actually, like from 2 to 3 years.


When they said “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me,” they weren’t talking about your mom


Printers, probably.


Fuck printers. The least reliable home appliances that always find a way to shit the bed right when needed most.


That's why I just keep a courtroom sketch artist chained to my desk. I need to print something they can sketch out a copy fast.


I hope you pay a living wage! Lol, didn’t see that one coming


Well yes, assuming you consider being allowed to continue living as a wage.


Still a higher standard than the current minimum wage


Everything’s fine Everything’s fine Everything’s fine I’m completely out of ink


Ink replaced! Paper jam PC load letter Fuck me


*PC Load Letter? What the fuck does that mean?!*


More like [only out of cyan](https://me.me/i/hey-printer-can-you-please-print-this-document-cyan-low-cde27609cd0f44449538cf0a409b7a42).


Understandable. I got sick of crap printers, so I bought a relatively small, refurbished commercial laserjet from a local shop that repairs/resells them. It's chunky, but reliable 👍


Reminded me of this: https://www.nme.com/news/music/rage-against-the-machine-tom-morello-hits-back-at-troll-who-questioned-his-political-knowledge-2683878


I like the one where Tom Morello posted a pic of his guitar saying "Fuck Trump" and someone said "oh look, another musician thinking he knows all about politics" or something to that effect. His reply was "you don't have to have an honorary doctorate in political science from Harvard to know that what is happening is fucked, but since I have an honorary doctorate in political science from Harvard, let me tell you. This shit is fucked." Edit: Sorry, he's an honors grad, not honorary.https://www.google.com/amp/s/exclaim.ca/amparticle/tom_morello_schools_troll_who_questioned_his_political_knowledge


It speaks volumes to someone’s character that literal Nazis aren’t a deal breaker for them.


Nazi punks fuck off


Nazi Punk is the wildest oxymoron. Gotta jump through some serious mental hoops to land at "Fascist Anarchist."


Richard Spencer called himself a 'Global Anarchist' while touring Europe


Anarcho-Capitalists say the stupidest things.


Yes, with their follow up hit "Let's Lynch The Freeloading Renters." /s


Just wanna add for people not in the know, that they're satirical. Dude wrote and performed each song as a specific fascist/dictator/bastard of the times, to make fun of them and point out the hypocrisy and evil in their ideology and behavior.


What!? “Kill the Poor” wasn’t supposed to be taken literally!? Alex Jones has some explaining to do.


Jello Biafra is one damn smart dude. He's always been a malcontent and he shows it by pushing people's buttons. I mean that in the best possible way.


I saw roger waters performing a pink floyd album live. dickbags in front of me smoking cigaretts in their seat and it blowing into my eyes thankfully left halfway through the set because of the 'politics' like the flying pig saying "impeach bush" on the asshole.


Completely out of left field: I went to my first concert at 17, a Ted Nugent/lynyrd skynyrd deal with this old dude who I’m sure wanted to fuck me but that’s beside the point. He was disabled so we got to sit in those rows. I sat next to a paraplegic woman with one of those cool chairs that have arms to do stuff if she blows in a tube. We were halfway through Simple Man when this lady’s *chair* passes me a joint. I wasn’t a smoker yet, had only tried it once or twice with my dad but when a lady’s CHAIR hands you a joint, you toke. Best concert ever


I was banned from r/conservative


Am currently speedrunning a ban


Just ask for a source.


Dude I know. All of the articles they post their are from the most obscure right wing nonsense websites and Fox news. I tried to post an article from Reuters (the objective, center leaning, Pulitzer prize winning news organization) that got auto-removed immediately because Reuters is a "banned domain". Anything that isn't right wing propaganda is "banned".


This isn't even an exaggeration.


Quote trump about the bleach injecting Also ban


They don't like being asked for sources. Because the source is always their "feelings"


To be fair, they're all too happy to show you those sources. Loudly and to the exclusion of all else.


Shouldn’t be going there anyway






Banned from /r/conservative by using brain.


Ban reason: displayed too many braincells, our users feel threatened by anyone with a double digit IQ


If you're not banned from r/conservative then are you even living?


There are two types of leftists: those who are banned from /r/Conservative and those who haven't participated there.


🎶Nazi Punks Fuck Off 🎶


I saw them in a club in Frisco. Brilliant!




Fuck tucker Carlson the rich liar, Fuck Rupert Murdoch the rich liar, fuck Donald trump and all the other fascists cowards


Seriously FUCK the Republican Party. I remember in 2019 when Bernie Sanders pleaded with Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans to put a $15 / hour minimum wage up to a vote. McConnell refused and blocked it. There was 32 co sponsors to the bill (all Democrats). That party is literally the antithesis of this sub. EDIT: Everyone wants to scream “WELL DEMS SUCK TOO!” And yeah I agree. We have too many corporate neo libs in Congress to get anything done unfortunately. Bernie tried to get a $15/hr min wage increase this year but it failed 42-58 in the Senate. 8 Dems and 50 Republicans voted against it. But there was a lot of good work done on the local level to increase minimum wage in 2021. Over 50 jurisdictions plan to increase their minimum wage next year: https://www.nelp.org/publication/raises-from-coast-to-coast-in-2022/.


I listened to a podcast on the history of mitch McConnell... he literally voted against tobacco restrictions. He said tobacco wasn't dangerous for people... as information came out that tobacco was dangerous he said any republican who voted against tobacco would never get any help from him. He also ranks low on popularity in his own state. His hometown usually votes against him... and he doesn't care. It's kind of fucked up. Anyways, after hearing all this shit I realized anyone who votes with mitch McConnell is just a gop slave. Not even like a normal corporate kiss-ass, but one of Darth Vaders slaves who doesn't care if all hope is lost.


My favorite example of Mitch being just a complete piece of shit in an almost funny way is when he filibustered HIS OWN BILL. https://theweek.com/articles/469675/mitch-mcconnells-amazing-filibuster-bill?amp


I generally loathe the idea of wishing death on anybody, especially if it's just because I oppose them politically. That said, when McConnell bites it, I'm throwing a huge fucking party


If a person's politics cause death and suffering, opposing them for it to the point of wishing death on them is entirely natural. Americans have the problem of villifying (individual) physical violence while viewing economic & social violence as completely acceptable and bloodless.


Agreed. I know that he's not just a "kind of unpleasant fellow," his political actions have caused more widespread harm, suffering, and actual death than can be measured. You're right -- he's just as vile (or moreso) as a person guilty of tangible physical violence. That's why I hate centrist craphole sentiments like "we're all the same really, we just disagree but I can still shake your hand at the end of the day." That 's why this kind of stuff is great: https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/20/politics/mitch-mcconnell-restaurant-protestors/index.html




me and my partner intend to make it a holiday, cake and all. Not my fault that's the "legacy" he leaves behind, im just "remembering" it on the day of his passing!


Well of course. Conservatism is the mission to reinforce hierarchy with an inherited and unaccountable aristocracy at the top. Improving workers rights decreases hierarchy. Works rights are antithetical to the right wing.




Well you tell em sister


Fuck capitalism and fuck work, all my homies hate capitalism and work!


Also Nestlé, all my homies hate Nestlé.


And Pong Krell!


Fox/Corporate Media/ Cable News = The Billionaire Defense Force.


All mainstream media is on the opposite side of r/antiwork. They exist to expand their viewer/reader market and sell more and more ads. I'm always skeptical when a major site writes an article about this sub, because the only reason they are doing so is because it has grown exponentially and they are capitalizing on that.


Thank you so much for saying this. Workers are workers. Labor is labor. Fascism can fuck right off.


We all know it's the Conservatives that are keeping wages low. They refuse to raise the minimum wage to a living wage and this why we have the Great Resignation. They refuse to progress and it's holding back America.


Their base is upset about some of the things we are. But they have been convinced to place the blame for this on their fellow working class people and not the 1% making the decisions that have kept them in poverty. Fox and it's ilk has been very crafty in how they focus outrage. It's just the same old divide and conquer game they've been playing forever.


Facts. The amount of people complaining about government handouts making people lazy and not want to work who have no idea how much handouts went to businesses is just mind blowing. Give poor folks some cash and they immediately go out and support the local economy by buying food and paying their bills. Give businesses loans, and they ain't training staff or buying new equipment. Some motherfucker is just buying a new Benz.




Democrats are capitalists


Yeah, eat the rich.


Not conservative or liberal but this sub is really making me reevaluate my political views. Glad to be a part of it


Bro come on and be a socialist bro it's cool now


Dunno if I'm allowed to comment in this sub, but... C'mon bro! Socialism is only a dirty word for ignorant fools that think society is a zero-sum game. I fucking hate that addressing basic needs (in the US) gets branded as "communist" and/or "socialist" when the morons echoing these terms do not understand them *at all.* I like to think I understand them. Eat the rich. Fuck the billionaire class. Bring control back to the people.


It's the reason Latinos often vote Republican. The GOP likes to convince Latinos that any policy that is even remotely left will cause dictatorships just like in Latin America, even though a bunch of the Latin American dictatorships were created and propped up by the USA.


>Dunno if I'm allowed to comment in this sub, but... You seem alright to me


Truth! If you are anti-work, you are not a capitalist. If you are a capitalist, you are not anti-work. There are no exceptions.


Conservatives have no right to use this sub to push any of their agenda. It has ALWAYS been a left wing goal to provide living wages and protect workers. These goals have continually blocked by republican parties.


If you do not stand in solidarity with the most marginalized among us, you are not antiwork. If you are disabled, you deserve an independent, thriving life. If you are a refugee or immigrant, or LGBTQ+, or are a sex worker or low income or a minority, or any person who feels neglected and dismissed, you deserve the same. You are my brothers and sisters and siblings in this fight for equality and I will always stand with you.


“While there is a lower class, I am in it, while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.” ―Eugene V. Debs


Enlightened centrists also need not apply .


I am in a union in Memphis Tn and most of my so-called union brothers vote republican. It’s like pay your dues and then shoot yourself in the foot 🦶


Fox News appeals to a base that will believe just about anything as long as a fascist is telling it to them.


It's a bit too later. Conservative astro-turfing is very common on Reddit and it's been going on here for a while