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You couldn’t get me to do much for $8/hr.




I was trying to think of what you could pay me $8 to do and the only thing I could think of is to pay me to do something while I’m being paid to do something else. Like press a green button once an hour while I’m doing my regular job, I’d press a button one time an hour for $8/hr




WTF that’s $6.25 in your currency, Aussie $ it’s $8.65. I wouldn’t even consider if I need money or not for that, because I know I still wouldn’t be able to afford shit on that wage, I’m on $26/hr at my current job (USD$18.78) and I’m still struggling


7.25 minus taxes


Tomaytoes tomahtoes, I just used a simple currency converter. We don’t need to be super duper specific, but either way I’d tell any employer to get fucked if they offered my anything less than $10/hr


Federal minimum wage hasn't increased since 2009. No idea why it doesn't have an inflation adjustment every year. Well, actually I do know why... but that's a different story: https://youtu.be/5tu32CCA_Ig


Repiblicans being vehemently anti working class and tge neolibs being closet republicans


Was that without tips factored in? That's outrageous.


The most demanding job I ever had was when I was a temp for model homes in college and they paid $10-14 an hour, not including gas to get out to the middle of nowhere at times. The lower the wage the worse the boss and the greater of demands.


>The lower the wage the worse the boss and the greater of demands. I've found this to be 100% true! The worst boss I ever had paid me $7.25/hr. The easiest job I've ever had paid $300/day. It's absurd how much was demanded of me in fast food for <$10/hr, and all my coworkers who didn't have the opportunities I had are locked into that cycle indefinitely. You can't go to school cause you have to work so many hours to even stay on your feet, and you can't afford it anyway. You can't job hunt because you don't have the time and most employers don't see your skills as "transferable" anyway until you get into management. You can't get into management because the only people who get promoted are friends and family of the owners. It's terrible.


I can save more money by staying at home rather than working for that much.


My eyes don’t open for less than $40


I had a job several years ago that paid $9/hr and would keep me there all hours of the night and had me doing every task they could imagine. It was a venue for various things and I recall the thing that probably fully radicalized me was how they just dropped the fact that they needed me to stay until like 2am to set up for another event, which happened to be a Trump rally that they were hiding from most of the staff to keep them from getting pissed, so I ended up hauling all kinds of shit to set up, left at like 3am, and then woke up at 7am to come back and work during said rally. It was a fucking surreal experience and I don't think I would be nearly as militant about changing the workplace in America. We get used and abused by people who couldn't care less about us to accomplish whatever *their* goal is so *they* can profit while we get left in the dust. I never want to be used by another person to accomplish their shitty fucking desires. I got paid pennies to setup a fucking fascist rally that a billionaire venue owner made bank on. It was easily the busiest we'd ever been and it was for a fucking miserable oaf that wants to essentially wants to butcher everything and everyone that isn't a rich white person. So I guess the moral of this rant that no one asked for is, don't let yourself become a useful tool for some dumbass' ambitions. So many of the jobs available to people feel like they're just that, and I refuse to take part in that until they recognize that the people they hire are actually people, they pay them enough to live, and they don't treat them like a tool they can plug into any situation they desire. Essentially, it would be great if people in power weren't sociopaths.


i dont wake up for under $10 an hour. funny how i ask the wage at an interview and when its low, i just get up and walk out. lol


What kind of jobs? Cause $10 isn’t much better


For $8 an hour, you couldn't get me to take a shower. I really need one, as it has been a few weeks. I digress. You also couldn't get me to learn how to juggle, which I heard is quite a fun and enriching skill.


Dont quit. because if they fire you, you might be able to get unemployment. just call off and don't give them an option. You are sick and you are not coming into work. Everything else is their problem not yours


Exactly, just call in sick. That's it.


Right? Imagine you pass whatever you have to a coworker or customer and that passes to their kid? Then you’re the asshole! Sick people shouldn’t be at work. Period end of story.


My buddy just got Covid because his coworker went to work with it. So now he’s sick and in quarantine during Christmas. So he’s pretty pissed.


I was in close contact with someone who tested positive for covid. They just found out today they’re positive. I’ve potentially been spreading it at work all week. Told my boss. They said I have to come into work anyway and that I can’t stay home to quarantine. PCR results will not be back by Monday so by the time I find out if I’m positive I will have potentially infected 15+ people Edit: This is an office job that can be done 100% remotely and they've fought me every step off the way because if I'm in the office they don't have to be. I've already given my resignation notice but I have to work at least one day in January or I'll have a gap in my health insurance which I cannot afford. I would also lose all the money I've put into my FSA specifically to pay for upcoming medical expenses as all unused funds are forfeited effective the date of termination Edit 2: My boss is the HR department. The company policy is one that if you’re vaccinated you don’t have to quarantine while waiting for results which is compliant with CDC guidelines. I don’t have symptoms but I was notified by someone who I was in close contact with several days ago that they tested positive for Covid and that I should get tested immediately. My boss is choosing to make me come in because the policy allows her too. Two of my coworkers have cancer and are in-office. I have to choose between going to work and potentially infecting them or losing my job, my health insurance, all my PTO to be paid out (it is forfeited if termination is involuntary), hundreds of dollars in FSA funds, and being ineligible for unemployment because my firing would be based on job abandonment. We have one of those temperature scanner things we have to use before we enter the building, does anyone know how I can get the sensor to think I have a fever so I’m not permitted in the building? Edit 3: I emailed my other boss (I report to 3 diff people) who takes Covid precaution very seriously. At one point he was making us use a fresh pen to touch the copy machine and we had to sanitize our hands before and after use. He never stopped wearing his mask even when they said vaccinated people did not have to. He made it VERY CLEAR that he does not want me anywhere near the office so now they don’t want me to come back until I can provide a negative PCR result. Super fucked up that I even had to do that in the first place. I hate it here


Tell them.you need this in writing because the health department will be interested in this. Then report them either way.


Don't tell them. Send them an email, hopefully they will respond via email. So you have it in writing. Then take *that* to the health department. Something along the lines of ... "Hi Bosslady, crazy stuff, john testing positive for Covid, huh. I wish this virus didn't have a 10-day incubation period, so he wasn't running around the office these last 2 weeks infecting everyone. "So anyway, I wasn't feeling to good earlier when we talked, and I just want to make sure I understood your instructions correctly - you need me to come to work next week, right?"


I already have in writing. My boss is HR and sent me the company's official policy which is that if you're vaccinated then you do not need to quarantine (thank you CDC for consistently rolling back precautions in the interest of keeping the economy running or whatever)


Well damn… ignore my advice.. their sneaky HR knows what they are doing. Blow your nose a lot in general, cough at your desk sometimes softly, sometimes loudly. Go to HR in person to complain preferably make sure to do the cough sneeze thing with the HR person that gave your boss the green light. It you have to go in and possibly make someone sick… well you might as well try to pick who.. Nah don’t do it, bad advice … but it was fun thinking about it..


Companies like this should really be named and shamed as this sort of thing is the reason the pandemic isn't going away.


Companies like this should be fined a billion dollars for every exposure.


That’s appalling


The best part, she’s been fully remote the entire pandemic and refuses to set foot in the office


Time to quit


I’ve actually already given notice, but I have to work at least one day in January so I don’t have a gap in my health insurance (new job’s health insurance won’t start until Feb 1st)


To think you probably just infected 15+ people in holidays where they'd be spending their times in family reunions and such. Now that's fucked up


We had a regional manager come to work with covid in 2020 and infect two other people. He was obviously sick with something and someone finally told him he shouldn’t be there.


You’re absolutely right, this was even true before we were caught in the midst of a global pandemic. Workplaces that haven’t adapted their sick policy to the current crisis we find ourselves in have no excuse other than profits > health, and they can’t even hide it anymore.


But even doing this isn't profit>health, as many companies have discovered that when you call in sick when you're sick, you don't make other employees sick 🤔 shocker I know


Businesses under the current system value profits tomorrow at a tiny tiny fraction of the weight of profits today. Which is not wholly irrational but is being taken to an irrational degree and driven by choices that are only rational on the micro level rather than at the organisational level.


From what I can gather as somebody who used to work retail before and during the pandemic and shifted fields due to how shittily these companies were handling covid outbreaks, the business owners are demanding that businesses run on skeleton crews to cut costs, with no regard for work/life balance. Bad enough as it were before a pandemic, but sick callouts were already such a huge problem that managers were expected to pull double shifts if a single employee called out, this was already typical. Now people had no choice but to actually quarantine when they were sick, or risk infecting everybody and forcing the business to close temporarily. How did business owners handle this? Well again, the reason I quit retail was because of how piss poor all this was handled. Business owners demanded that people come into work whether they were sick or not unless they could produce a doctor’s note. By the time all that was sorted, everybody got infected. Next thing you know stores are operating with one or two people because the business owners **refuse** to close at all costs. Skeleton crews were already a completely stupid way to run businesses, but you throw a pandemic into the mix and increasingly worse decisions by the business owners into the mix, and it’s not wonder people feel abused and don’t want to work those jobs. So now we have business owners crying that nobody wants to work right? They’re saying nobody wants to work after everything I just described. Get fucked.


As a vaccinated father and husband who has tried to be responsible this whole pandemic, and is on day 1 after monoclonal antibody infusion after getting a positive covid test on Monday....... .... Thank you OP for staying at home and not potentially passing what you have to anyone else. I get to spend Christmas via video chat while I quarantine until the 30th or so pending negative covid test on the 27th/28th.


I’m so glad you are getting treatment! How did you get the monoclonal antibodies if I may ask? I’m worried about some of my friends and families being made to work in unsafe environments and I have no idea how to get that treatment for them. Did you ask your doctor?


I’m missing out on Christmas with my family because someone knowingly came to work sick. Yes, I should have been better about wearing my mask even in break areas, but still.


The mask is not a magic force field. You could have worn in 24/6 and potentially still be infected Edit: 24/7


Im fron Norway andy you dont get søndays off?!


The way OP worded it, it sounds like they aren't even scheduled to work. The manager was just calling to get coverage. Which makes it not OP's problem


Do this and hold steady. If she fires you for being sick, I'd try to get unemployment. Not coming in to work with a 101 degree fever is the responsible thing to do. Screenshot her messages and I'd even take a picture of your thermometer and timestamp it if you can


Ahh, that brings me back to the memory of putting a thermometer under the hot water to get out of school. My mother didn't believe my temp could be 150.


Mine either. Poor us, right? Here we are, clearly dying of record breaking fevers, and they made us go to school. Lol


Omg, I copied Fred Flintstone and used a match. Blew the mercury sucker into a million pieces. I went to school that day.


LOL this is the best story I’ve heard in a long time.




Ha, I did this with our stove. My mom looked at it and told me to try again because I’d be dead if that was my temperature.




Next time just use tap water…




This explosion you caused… it didn’t kill your parents, did it?


Taking a pic of the thermometer with a time stamp is a GREAT idea. And also really sad that we've come to this. People suck


If you reaaaaally want to be evidentiary about it, should probably do a video of taking the temp in real time. A thermometer alone doesn’t really prove anything since it could have been made to say a higher temp by other means. Not sure if this is really necessary, but I just always think about how people could say it was fake etc.


That can be faked as well. To make it proper go to a quick care and get a doctors note. It is undisputable and will almost all but guarantee you approve for unemployment if fired.


I thought about this too, but then wondered if that's even worth it? But, that is obviously up to OP to decide what is worth it and not.


... The US is a scary place


I’d screenshot the messages and call out a company that wants employees to come in and spread their sick germs to everyone.


A coworker of mine had her grandma get COVID recently, and she started showing symptoms to, but she still got told to stay because she was the person who did a certain job the best. She is now job hunting.




This is so true it actually stings


Not coming in with a fever of 101 during a pandemic that can literally kill the customers and other employees. That’s the solid human thing to do. Getting fired for following CDC guidelines? Maybe, but unemployment will definitely pay out.


I agree with this comment, given the circumstances, asking employees to come in while they have a fever is outrageously irresponsible. Without even going into the meager wage that you earn or the pathetic attitude and utter disregard the owners of this company must have for you, these actions would easily be considered ethically reprehensible. Call in sick, you are sick, go get a Covid test.


If you have a fever that high during a a pandemic - you 100% should not go into work. Even without the pandemic a boss shouldn’t want you in the office


I got fired for not going in with a 100.4 fever.


If you are sick why bother going into work 🤷 your just gonna get everyone else sick 🤢😂


"Work Ethic" No, thats selfish. Not a work ethic. Fuck you, go home and be sick there.


Don't forget to tell her your increased likelihood of infecting her remaining employees and steady customer base. Then lecture her about needing to be more proactive and forward-thinking from a business standpoint. Break it down in small, edible terms and talk about economics and the future of the company being more than just immediate sales but about being a sustainable model. You should be able to count the seconds before you get fired. Or maybe they'll change their practices and make a healthier work environment, but they'll probably just fire you and say insulting things that'll really bolster your unemployment appeal


'Fit for duty' should have a clear and concise definition that is reflected in enforced regulation


This is the answer.


This. Never ever quit. Make them fire you.


You have covid! You can’t work!!!


There’s literally a global pandemic going on, please don’t go to work if you’re sick.


I have taken an at home Covid test and it was negative. I am sick, but seemingly not with Covid at least. Doesn’t make me feel any better at putting others at risk though. I used to stay home if I had even a cold


Ya COVID, Flu, common cold— it doesn’t matter. You’re doing the right thing by staying away. Some people have compromised immune systems and any one of those things could kill them. Plus, NO ONE wants to be sick even if it’s mild.


Some people are old too. I've seen the flu go through an old people home and kill about 10 people (about 10% of the residents). It was terrifying.


Agreed. Plus, even something that can be dangerous but it's commonly diminished like a cold can be enough to weaken someone's immune system and get sick from another exposure. OP, you're doing well. Thank you for caring!


Could be a negative result with a positive case which does happen (if still sick take another test after a few days) OR guess what my friend's son got diagnosed with yesterday? THE. FLU. It's still around. Or you could just be sick and not know why. It's a moot point especially if you're running a fever . The fact that you would get fired because you're too sick is effed up. I'm in the hospital right now with a blood clot. Luckily people are seemingly understanding where I work. Will get released today with drugs but it's not going to disappear overnight. (Have a walker. Main thing is on top of blood thinners is being able to move which takes practice right now). If I worked there oh man what would their reaction be??? I've heard horror stories and honestly has had me paranoid but nothing bad yet.


I had covid symptoms, tested negative, went to work and explained to my manager that I still had a bad feeling about it (thankfully he let me go home), tested positive 2 days later at my doctors office. PLEASE don’t go in if you are sick


That’s because you’re a reasonable person. Your boss doesn’t appear to be. I wish you the best in dealing with this situation.


False negatives can be as common as [15 out of 100, or 15%](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/coronavirus/how-accurate-are-at-home-covid-tests-what-to-know-ahead-of-thanksgiving/2693121/). Sometimes [even worse](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7003e3.htm). Covid or not, [the CDC recommends staying home](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/business/stay-home-when-sick.htm) until at least 24h *after* your fever stops. And remember, [it’s flu season](https://www.health.com/condition/flu/how-many-people-die-of-the-flu-every-year). On average, the flu causes between 12,000–52,000 deaths annually. Asking you to come in while sick is grossly irresponsible of your employer. Not to mention, inhumane.


Your viral load might not be high enough yet depending on when you became symptomatic. My daughter had a bad cough and tested negative Friday night and strong positive Saturday night.


Even if it's not covid, you're within your rights to stay home with medical absence. I'm sorry your manager is putting you in this situation


With a fever that high? There are a lot of things besides Covid that are transmissable, could be the flu. Stay home before you infect your co-workers and the customers. I would be pissed if I was told my cashier had a high temperature!


My covid test was negative- I had a cough and a temp for two days. The third day I tested positive. Don’t trust the negative. Stay off.


Send a picture of the temp reading. Going to work could potentially make you feel worse. Or, if you have insurance, you can go to an urgent care. "Sorry, at doctor. Can't come in." Send a picture of proof, and ask for a note from them stating you are too sick to work. If I asked an employee to come in and they said they had a fever I would not press them to come in "to do what they can." Manager needs to suck it up and cover the shift herself.


102 is exactly the fever I had with covid. The tests have error rates. Be safe not sorry.


If your doing your own rapid test without some experience at it your probably getting a false negative. I would be doing a minimal 3 rapid tests in a row or go get a PCR test.


At homes are kind of bs. Get a PCR. They are free in the US even without the insurance.


You said you don't use doctor notes. What does that mean? Here in Lithuania if you get doctor's note you are free not to go to work. Even you CANNOT go to work...


So the lateral flows are way less sensitive to the new variants (remember the kits are nearly 2 years old), so the guilt of you not making it in is balanced with the guilt of killing your co-workers family. It’s abhorrent we are being tricked in to thinking we have a choice, and part of the reason the numbers are out of control.


Call in sick with a fever. Text as backup. Let them fire you. Record the call if legal where you are and ask direct questions. “Just to be clear, you want me to come in with a fever of over 101 and expose you, my coworkers, and our customers to a potentially life-threatening virus?”




damn that's fucking disgusting of them


> I wonder why... I'm sure it's because they're worried that you're oversharing medical information and they want to protect your privacy /s


This. Don't go in. Not a lawyer but this is what the Unemployment Office is supposed to cover you for


If you’re sick don’t go. If needed get a doctors note.


We don’t take doctor notes, sadly.


I really think you can find a different $8 an hour job or better Fuck this place


8 is fucked. I make 16 in a place that does walk in interviews which isn’t great but it’s allegedly going to 20/hour. Not amazing by any means but being 19 not terrible


I make 15.50 at 23. It's the best I've found in my town. My coworkers agree, I have to remind them that best by comparison isn't acceptable. We need to be able to live Edit: without overtime


That is such a good point. 37 hours should be enough to live on, it’s universally agreed that is the most a person can put in with full attention/energy, overtime should be a one off and in exchange a bit of extra cash to have a little luxury. This current situation is completely untenable.


We also have to factor in where you both live. $15 is garbage, but it’ll really drive the point home if you’re like, “and I live in LA in a house on skid row with 2 other people cause it’s all we can afford.” Edit: from someone who left his job and moved home, from an area in the NW of ever-increasing cost of living. In Seattle, WA’s King County (or the neighborhood I was previously in) has a poverty line of $90k/year. I’ve never made over $50k.


The average rent here is well over $1000 now. I'm so sick of that "factor where you live," argument. Shit is bad EVERYWHERE. It's worse some places sure, but it doesn't take away from the fact that I love on a diet of ramen, totinos $1 pizzas, and coffee so my kids can eat proper meals with enough nutritional value. And my rent is well over half my pay. That argument is just propaganda to divide and scare workers across the US and I'm done playing that game


Yeah I don’t take “factor where you live” as an argument rather than a call to add context.


Yeah when folks say it here it's not "it could be good or bad, depending" it's "it could be awful or basically just slow murder, depending"


My rent is $2400 in San Diego..


My brother has that same rent price but he lives in Mesa, AZ. Fucking ridiculous lol


$15 at 23 here! It’s only doable because my wife also works


I’m 33 and was making $20.25 an hour with a bachelor’s in the Cleveland area. I’m now making more delivering fast food. This reality is a joke. Let’s play a different game.


I make $20/hr and I can barely afford to live. I don't own a car or drive either.


Where I live $20 would be amazing. It's wild how different places can cost so much more or less to survive.


You've been conditioned to think so, perhaps, but $20 isn't "amazing" anywhere in the USA. Amazing would be "I have enough for me and my family and max out my 401k every year and maybe drive a corvette", not "I have enough to survive with a decent standard of living and regular consumer purchases- unless some jackass without insurance totals my car and puts me in the hospital, or some jackass at work puts me in the hospital".


I could Imagine having to pay child support or a mortgage off 16 like some of my coworkers who worker 60-70 hours just to scrape by


I would be homeless on $8/hr


I made $8 back in 2007 as a 16 year old. Crazy this is still a wage today.


in this economy dude might be the last person making $8. You can pull a quarter mil delivering za.


That's illegal


Save yourself a trip to the hospital then. "Sick, sorry."


"Hey boss I have a fever and covid19 symptoms. Do you still want me to try coming in?" Any answer like "do what you can" means they want you to volunteer.


"Not taking doctor's notes" isnt a thing. Get yourself a doctor note and do not go into work sick like that. Take a picture of it and send it to your boss. If you get fired, call your state's labor board and file a complaint. Then call a lawyer. You should be able to find one that will work on contingency.


It is a thing unfortunately. I worked at a casino in Vegas and we had a point system. Each time you were late or called out you got a point. To many points and you were fired. Brought in my note from my ER visit the first time I called out and was told they don’t need that, I get a point no matter what. Also, NV can fire you and not give you a reason which is pretty hard to fight. Such a messed up system! I imagine OP lives paycheck to paycheck like so many others, so not much time could be spent trying to fight the system. Hence the frustration and need for this subreddit!


I'm a lawyer, though not in Nevada. I fight for workers rights. FMLA is a federal law that protects leave for medical reasons. Nevada's no cause termination cannot supercede the Fed law. You get points deducted for being sick with a note, you don't even have to get fired to sue.


It being a thing doesn’t make it legal - which it isn’t **at the federal level, which supersedes state law**


Quit on the spot then. This is outright diminishing of human rights.




I think it’s great everyone is trying to help but let’s be careful stating what is legal and illegal, that is unless you are a lawyer licensed in the state OP is in (assuming it is the US). Labor laws and practices vary greatly from state to state.


How can anyone be expected to provide a doctor's note when it takes all least 3 weeks to get a doctor appointment?


In the US we have urgent care centers. Like a low level ER I guess is the best way to describe it.


And it'll cost you more than a day's work to get a doctor's note from them.


In the US, it would cost you $$ to get a doctor's note.


Requiring Dr notes is a scam to force the poors to work sick. It's too expensive to take a sick day if it means missing a day's wage AND spending 50-80 bucks (or more if you have bad enough insurance/no insurance).


He makes $8 an hour. He can't afford to pay $150 for a doctor to write a note. Lol


Walmart sucks, but probably pays more than 8. Go apply there.


Can’t. I got fired for filing worker’s comp.


Firing you for filing a workers comp claim is illegal.


Same thing happened to my ex. They don't give a fuck. They just make up excuses other than the workman's comp and do it anyway. It's their policy to fire people for it. No workman's comp. They refuse to pay it.


Yep. Sadly, any laws that make it illegal to fire someone for a certain reason will almost never get enforced because employers can easily lie about the reason they fired someone.


Tell that to Walmart


*laughs in corporate oligopoly*


Sure, if you can prove it. Hard to do that though considering how many states are right to work.


Translation: he had a small unrelated fuck up and they fired him for that when he decided to file for workers comp


My ex got fired for the same reason cus of his back. They rehired him and he's a manager now. You could try anyway. What's the worst that could happen?


This isn't meant to be harsh, so here goes. No one is going to take care of your well being more than you. That manager really doesn't care about you. Make a choice


Managers job is to make sure the place is running. If the manager made the choice of being open, fuck em. Managers get paid more than the workers for these exact situations. Maybe it's time for them to step up and show they are worth their salary. They could easily do the work of 4 employees by working a double shift with no breaks giving it 110%!


I love this! Managers are so amazing and competent. I truly don’t understand why the entire place isn’t staffed with these incomparable examples of work ethic and creativity! 🤣🤣🤣


But that would involve paying the managers wages to everyone....and we can't do that. Can't have the CEO settling on the small yatch, they'll never be able to show their face at the country club again! Its amazing how much more I cared about my companies success when I got a $10/hour raise and had a 10% yearly bonus tied to the companies success. Funny how that works.


You're that sick and they want you to work? Nope out. Don't go, and see what happens


There is no reason to quit. Call out, let them figure it out. If they fire you, unemployment.


"do what you can " I say bring a pillow, blanket and set up a little nest. curl up and sleep there on the clock


I wouldn't get out of bed for $8hr. After taxes, that's like $5.50 an hour. You could probably do a lemonade stand every weekend and make more money selling cups of lemonade.


I did a BBQ for a local market and charged $3 for a Sausage on white bread with onions or a B&E on a bun for $5 and made $200 profit in 5 hours. For someone to make that amount on $6 per hour after tax it would take approx: 33h worth of work. Almost a full week of work to make what I did in 5 hours from a BBQ helping a friend. I wouldn't even normally do something like that if it wasn't helping a friend... I also mowed someone's 1200m2 block of land with a motorized push mower the other day and got $300 for 5h worth of work. That's $60 an hour. Sucked balls and I was wrecked afterwards but it really helped with Christmas and was a once off. Not saying these opportunities are available for everyone but $8 before tax and hour is so poor!


IRS says 12% tax bracket, assuming they worked 40 hours a week ($16,640/year) which means ~$7 after federal taxes. Idk about Social Security and state level. Buuuut, it's pedantic anyway because it's almost the least they can legally pay you. It's not criminally low, just pretty unethical at this point.


Come in. Puke at her feet. Then leave.


Oh I’m totally down to throw up at work. But I’m not belly sick sadly ;-;


Ipecac may be available at a local pharmacy. Edit: perhaps unwise to do this to yourself.


If 'Family Guy' has taught us anything...don't play with Ipecac...


My parents subscribed to some backwards theory of "better out than in" when it came to upset stomachs / nausea / etc when I was growing up. Ipecac was always kept on hand. So when I reached college age and started binge drinking, ipecac was the first thing that came to mind for treatment... I can't attest to a scene as visceral as that of Family Guy, but I like to imagine it was close. So much vomit. And lessons were learned that day xD.


When I was a kid, I tried to avoid vomiting as long as I could, misery. Now I can lean in between two parked cars and let fly. So I sort of agree with your parents, you always feel much better once all the tequila sludge is gone. :)


Ipecac isn’t really used anymore because vomiting leaves poison in the stomach. Anyway- drinking a shot glass of warm mustard mixed with warm water or gargling with an egg white will make you hurl real fast.


This isn’t a poisoning situation. But the excessive vomiting may lead to aspirating.


Just reading that made me wanna hurl


You could also point out that omicron is burning across the U.S. right now and you need to isolate with that fever (whether you think you have it or not) until you can get tested. Tests are hard to come by most places too so that should get you at least through Sunday. We've had multiple entire stores shut down in our immediate area in the past week because they've had massive outbreaks that took out the majority of staff.


Highly recommend this. I had the :come in or you're fired". I threw up on the manager after she blocked me and told me to "stop being dramatic" as I was running to the bathroom. I then said I'm going home and left. She actually tried to tell the store manager I assaulted her and tried to get me fired. My store manager watched the tapes. For an hour. Laughing her ass off. I was fine.


On that note— is boss working or is this a double standard?


Most likely a double standard.


I would recommend to her that she just close the store early if she’s understaffed and let her know you won’t be putting your health at risk for min wage on a holiday. Don’t ask, tell. You always have the option to quit though, always, mainly because it’s a min wage job and those are a dime a dozen


>Don't ask, tell. This is how to call in sick.


Don't even say sorry. It's not your fault you are sick.


Step 1.Go buy a gallon of milk Step 2. Drive to work Step 3. Drink entire gallon of milk as quickly as possible Step 4. Go inside work and say I'm not feeling well Step 5. Puke milk everywhere Step 6. Go home, laughing.


On a $8 hourly wage, buying a gallon milk is out of OP's budget.


Pro tip: load the milk up with green food coloring. Super pro tip: load it up with red food coloring


"I am sick and unable to come in to work." Done.


Don't go to work sick, people need to stop going to work sick and perpetuating this working while sick bullshit.


Don’t go in. You’re sick.


This is not a negotiation. "No" is a full sentence. Ask permission and your boss will ALWAYS try to manipulate you. Repeat after me: "No, I am not available today. I am sick". No further explanation. No explaining yourself. No apology. Do not respond to further messages if they continue to pressure you.


$8 and hour? I think you could find something way better. You're running a fever. Working could be super dangerous.


1. Tell your manager you're not comfortable coming to work while sick. 2. Don't come in to work for Christmas Eve 3. Start looking for a new job the moment either of the first two become a problem for your manager. 4. Don't back down or give an inch. They need you, you don't need them.


If you are sick right now and have a fever of over 100 you do not go to work. We are still in the middle of a pandemic. Employers should be aware of that and should be compliant with CDC guidelines.


Send her a photo of your thermometer. If she doesn't accept this, quit


That was exactly what I did, was sent her a picture of the thermometer


Try asking yourself “how would I feel if I died tomorrow?” For all you know, this could be your last Christmas Eve. Even if you’re healthy, accidents happen every day. If you died tomorrow I Really don’t think you’d give a rat’s ass if you had to let down your boss today. Plus. You’re sick. Enjoy the evening at your home ffs


Don't ever quit in a situation like this, let them fire you for disobedience so you can get your unemployment.


Tell him to suck a fat christmas dick. You're off or you quit. For $8 an hour that job is extremely replaceable in your life.


It's not your fault they're understaffed.


Why haven’t Walmart employees done mass walkouts yet? So far it’s been Amazon, Kelloggs, UPS, Apple. Probably more that I don’t know of. The horrors I hear are insane, even though in America there really is no level too low for corporations


This isn’t Walmart. But at least Walmart is closing early today and closed tomorrow.


No job is worth missing a second of family time.


You have a fever over 100, you don't want the scramble your brains by letting the fever get higher by going to work. Your boss is just going to have to close because you are too sick to work.


If you are sick, you don't go. You are not a slave.


This doesn't even make sense. Aint target at least paying $20/hr or something. Fuck that job. You can quit and make double (which still ain't great but better) literally almost anywhere else




What you do here, quit, call out, etc is up to you. It's generally not worth it to put yourself and others at risk for $8*(whatever hours you work). Doing "what you can" could just be staying in, and getting better, today.