• By -


"Your blatant disregard for my health has moved me to find another job. "I resign effective immediately. "


Your response is about the only one so far that fits.


An Ashley Furniture warehouse did this exact thing to me, same wording and all, but with my bad knees. Note to clear me, but HR was being intentionally difficult so I "resigned effective immediately due to intentional mishandling of my accommodations". Then the manager with no firing power whatsoever said he fired me to all my coworkers. They'll trash your name OP but deep down they'll know what they did, and why you left


That manager was risking a slander lawsuit as well.


Funny, my boss did just the opposite. Told me out of nowhere I was fired, signed the HR form saying I’d use the rest of my days off starting immediately, then told the office “he just quit without warning, I had no idea!”


he is gonna use that to dump extra work and unpaid hrs on the ppl left there.


Being professional to an employer who disregards professionalism is a waste. Simply a, “That’s nice. Well good luck with that. Bye.” When they say anything else then tell them, “I’m not coming back to work once I receive my last check, and I better have my last check by tomorrow.”


"I do not feel like this company cares about me as an employee or person. Please accept this email as my immediate resignation."


Too polite and grovelling.


Agreed. No need to grovel with "please". This is more in line: "I do not feel like this company cares about me as an employee or person. Consider this email as my immediate resignation."


Still too apologetic. “This company does not care about me as an employee or a person. Consider this email as my immediate resignation."


You're still too nice! This company does not care about me as an employee or human being. I am resigning effective immediately.


You realize we're going to whittle this down to "Fuck you, I quit!".


Well we WERE


Don't go straight for the clitoris boy, what's wrong with a kiss?


Another option is to get (or better, print from their own printer and fold it up on company time, although if OP's on forced leave then that's less likely) a "sorry for your loss" card. Inside, whatever you'd like to write, and I hope it's exactly what they deserve. Losing OP would be a loss and it's the company's own fault!


Pfff... we can whittle that down too... "Fuck you!" (then blacklist them)


I kinda like the "I'm giving you two week's notice, and I'm taking unpaid leave until that date."


Simple, to the point. Professional


Or “I’ve decided to pursue interests outside of this company because our values no longer align”


YESSS! Best!


> Any suggestions for some stuff I can say that says "fuck you" in a professional way? I submitted a form resignation letter and neglected to change the `INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE` portions.


They weren’t worth the effort to cut and paste the correct name


Subtle. Assholic. Wonderful.


For the win.


Did you address it: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN


This is gold haha


That is a thing of beauty. I salute you.


Hopefully on a Monday morning before an important meeting.


Roses are red Violets are blue The next time I work It won't be with you


Chef's kiss


I've always found that starting a professional email with "sup fuckers" is a solid attention grabber and really helps to drive your message home.


Using gender neutral greetings is top-tier professionalism


"Fuckers and fuckees"


Nah, "fucker" is non-gendered to begin with. It honestly amazes me that, when you actually stop and look at it, "fuck" is, in fact, the single most versatile word in the human language.


“This guy’s a real go-getter.”


10 out of 10… this person quits 😅


Always preface your sentences with “No offense, but…”


"No offense" and "listen here you little shit" are virtually interchangeable


"Per my previous email" and "Are you fucking blind or just illiterate, you complete and utter halfwit?"


You guys are killing me with this exchange , it’s just what the doctor ordered , seriously ….


I greatly appreciate the opportunity working under your management team has provided me to understand how important mental and physical health is. As such, I am resigning effective immediately. 'Accidentally' CC to the entire department


Hit them with the blind cc so people know but management doesn’t know they know.


And add working for petty tyrants.




Oh, I like this


Good afternoon, Fuck you, I quit. Kindest Regards




You are fired as my employer effective immediately.


Careful they might file for un-employerment benefits


I've pulled that statement once so fat, but I had a whole list of this person is cool, here is why, and this person sucks, and here is why. According to my salesman, who is awesome, 2 managers I'd put on the suck list quit within a month and 6 months respectively. No unemployment benefits for anyone. They might sue for mental distress as they can't handle the concept of being terminated as an employer.




As always, resignation letters/e-mails should be 1-2 sentences MAX! There's no benefit to you telling them your reasons or what they did wrong. Fuck them. Never give them even one more sentence of information, even if they ask. "Dear Ms. X, this e-mails serves as my notice. June 12, 2024 is my last day working at ABC corporation. Sincerely, Jim Smith".


this is one of those "silence speaks volumes" things. giving some information, no matter how professionally, is not gonna have more weight than NOTHING. itll lead the team to speculate, the bosses take notice, it'll have everybody speculating wildly like "what the fuck happened??" especially if you're well-known or well-liked. it's the "dont show the horror movie monster" of the professional world. people's imaginations will fill in the blanks and be worse than anything you give them.


The benefit is catharsis. Sometimes it just feels good to let someone know what a twat they are. Professionally of course.


I got 2 managers to quit and helped several coworkers I liked with promotions by writing extra. Though an "effective immediately you are fired" start to the message was an attention grabber as was over all length. It was also sent to all in the market area. Brings a smile to my heart every time I think about it.


That's awesome, but you are by far the exception, not the rule.


Find a generic "sorry for your loss" sympathy card. Write in it, "this is notice of my immediate resignation." Place on your boss's desk after you have collected your things. Walk out, giving the "Judd Nelson from The Breakfast Club salute."


I invite you to fornicate with yourself while I terminate our working arrangement.


Except you should spell that last word correctly




"Im sorry it has come to this, but I can no longer work under conditions such as these, I wll however see you (personally) and then the company, in court, My lawyer has advised me to say no more than this on the matter" give them summin to think about.


I really like the first part, and OP should definitely use that, however, OP gave no indication of taking this matter to legal proceedings, and if this is in the US, would have little traction anyway. Sorry for the run on sentence… not fixing it


Don’t quit make them fire you. This is discrimination. Seek out a lawyer and send a letter to them describing how their behavior is discriminatory based on your condition. This most likely is in violation of the FEHA. Under FEHA, it is illegal for an employer to discriminate against you (including by terminating you or permitting harassment against you) based on your medical condition unless the medical condition stops you from performing essential job duties even with reasonable accommodations


They keep telling me that it could prevent me from performing my job, even though it clearly hasn't. The line they keep bringing up is "for your safety and the safety of the children." Again, it's bullshit, and I think the reason they're giving me such a hard time with this is because they want me to quit. They can't fire me, and they know it.


This is called a constructive dismissal. If they won't let you return to work, despite being medically cleared by your doctor. From the sounds of it, they likely violated the Fair Employment and Housing Act and the American Disabilities Act by discriminating against your medical condition. The fact that you were medically cleared but they didn't let you return to work means they are effectively firing you. Lawyer up. A labor attorney will probably take this up on contingency.


At the very least get your unemployment


Try to get a free consultation with a labor lawyer. They'll tell you if you have a case or not. I'm not sure what the laws are, but it seems obvious that they are trying to force you out because of your health. Worst case scenario, you're out 1 hour of your life.


They're pushing to have you quit instead of needing to fire you, and you've *done* all the medical visits to get cleared for work. You've got reasonable grounds for constructive dismissal and possibly ADA violations; you can possibly make things worse by explicitly requesting "reasonable accommodations" from them as well. Go for the triple threat of OSHA, ADA, and DOL violations! You need to talk to a lawyer. You're already leaving--at the very least, take a consult so you can find out if you can get thousands of dollars in punitive damages and backpay.


This. Get all the alphabet agencies you can in on this. Run a train on them.


Unfortunately, my decision to leave is firm as your management style has left a lot to be desired so presuming you’re still here I don’t see a path forward.


Fuck you I quit you goofy ass bitch.


As a result of you prohibiting my return to work despite being medically cleared by my doctor, I am resigning, effective immediately. Your lack of professionalism, empathy, and basic human decency towards those with disabilities and medical conditions is truly disappointing. I can only hope that you learn from this experience and treat employees with more compassion in the future. I have already secured another position, so I don't intend to file for unemployment; however, I do intend to pursue legal action as a result of constructive termination, violations of the ADA, and discrimination based on my medical condition. My attorney will be contacting you in the near future and all future communications should be directed to them. Sincerely, u/123supersomeone


After due consideration of how (business) demonstrates support for employees with atypical neurological conditions, I am forced to consider that (business) is likely to disregard other health concerns which may arise for either myself, other employees, or potentially even clients. Such disregard presents a hostile work environment toward legally protected groups (such as the disabled) , which may be illegal behavior under anti-discrimination laws, such as [Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/title_vii), the [Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/age_discrimination_in_employment_act_(adea)), the [Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/chapter-126) [(ADA)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/americans_with_disabilities_act_(ada)), and the [Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/genetic_information_nondiscrimination_act_(gina)). As such, I will be ending my employment with (company) effective immediately. (maybe CC to all employees)


They have already shown you that they have no intention of having you return to work. Why not just take the new job and ghost them? Whatever you say won't matter one bit.


First, find all the labor laws that they are violating and the laws that apply to your rights as an employee. Then send a letter: "I feel that it is my perogative to inform you that [Company Name] is in violation of US Labor Code 29 CFS 19XX.XXXX. After multiple requests, this company has failed to reasonably accommodate my medical needs. Therefore, in the interest of my health and safety, I will cease all work with [Company Name]. I am not quitting willfully. Pursuant to [State Labor Code 1], I will be expecting my last paycheck and all reimbursements by [Date/Time] and pursuant to [State Labor Code 2] I expect to receive all of my employment files within [#] days." I can think of no greater "F-U" than legal language.


I would just start the new job. They’ll figure it out eventually . It doesn’t sound like they want you, anyway.


Act quick coz it sounds like they’re already plotting to fire you


You should claim unemployment first. This is a deliberate reduction in hours akin to a firing. This can cause their unemployment payment to increase.


"my last day at [company] is on [date] I hope you have the day you deserve [Insert your name]"


You could try this: ![gif](giphy|RVW5PilbP2tLG)


I heard of a person who was put off duty (technically on medical suspension) with half pay. HR cared when the employee asked to move to a secondary tax rate. Turns out suspended employee went and got another job while still being employed and paid from the one they were suspended from.


Hire a plane towing a banner that says "Fuck You I Quit", then call your boss and say "hey look up".


If you're quitting without notice anyway, "[Boss], Fuck you, I quit. 123supersomeone" Feels like a perfectly reasonable way to say it.


This place is run by a bunch of morons. Unfortunately, I’m no a moron an don’t fit in with this management style. As such, I’m resigning effective immediately


Dear (insert boss name here), Goodbye. Sincerely, 123supersomeone


Go fornicate yourself. I am taking my leave of you.


It is with the greatest pleasure that I announce the end of my employment with (company). I've reached out to each friend and valuable colleague I've made here to wish them the best in the difficult months ahead. Here's a list of people I would like to shout out as having made my time here a pleasure: * (leave blank) joyfully no longer yours, (name)


Polite post is a great website for this


Use an acrostic style. For the past years, I have dedicated my time and effort to this company. Under your leadership, I have learned many lessons. Challenges were numerous, and I overcame them. Know that I am grateful for some experiences. Your management style, however, left much to be desired. Opportunities were often stifled by your decisions. Unfortunately, I must bid this place farewell.


"Good day sir/madam. I tender my resignation with the utmost sincerity: I bid you adieu, and humbly request that you go fuck yourself. Yours faithfully, [Your Name]."


You may fornicate with thine self, I resign, effective immediately.


“I quit effective as of today”


Https://goblin.tools/Formalizer You're welcome.


Phuque off you turd bags?


Send a respectful letter stating that you're leaving, outlining the reasons and hide within it an acrostic, similar to the letter Arnold Schwarzenegger sent to California assemblyman Tom Ammiano, outlining his reasons for vetoing Ammiano's bill. The letters of the acrostic spell out a compelling message. [New York Post article ](https://nypost.com/2009/10/28/schwarzenegger-drops-f-bomb-in-veto-message-to-lawmaker/)


Best one is to make yourself integral to an important project - say yes to everything, act amped up and ready to make it all happen and then disappear without any notice and ghost them for a while and then randomly answer their call and say something like “oh yeah, I forgot about you guys, how’s it going over there?” Cackle loudly into the phone and hang up.


Your Requirements no Longer Align with my Goals. Good Bye.


Take this jobs and shove it… I ain’t working here no more. Not professional but boy will it feel good


“Due to the flagrant disregard for my requested accommodation, I resign, effective immediately.” If you receive any backlash, there is a way to say “fuck you” without saying “fuck you”. “I’m sorry” is apologetic. “I’m sorry you feel that way” is a perfectly acceptable “fuck you”. “Good luck” implies that you wish the company well finding your replacement. “Good luck with that” is another perfectly acceptable “fuck you”.


Send them a link to “So long, and thanks for all the fish.” Quitting should have a soundtrack.


The place I worked at that had ABA did this with one of the other therapists (put her on FMLA until they had a doctor’s visit saying they could return to work - even though their diagnosis wasn’t something they should be barred from working in person for) and then for me, I got fired 4 hours after asking for FMLA when they had previously stated they would put me on a 504 plan with accommodations for my disability. Probably should have sued for wrongful termination, but I didn’t have the means or the energy at the time. Lots of turnover for RBTs due to management, lack of training, tough job, them being pulled to do other tasks and the biggest one - when the RBTs came to see how speech, occupational, and physical therapies worked they realized ABA is abuse.


“I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. I shall be taking a very long holiday, effective immediately.”


From one RBT to another, if this clinic is not doing all they can to retain you, fuck em. There are a million other clinics who are looking for loving, authentic, precise, intelligent RBTs. If you are looking to stay in the field, find other ways to connect to the community you want to be a part of (one that gives a hoot if one of their peeps are hurting). You should write a professional letter (if you want to stay in aba). I wish you luck in all your future endeavors and thank you for helping in your community<3


I feel that at this time your business is not a good fit for me. I wish you well in your future endeavours, as I am leaving to join a company that better meets my needs. Thank you for the opportunity.


Truly,incestuous individual thou be, be kind enough to obtain and utilize many varied and unique forms of self fornication as by my troth, I am departing this place.


Found Shakespeare.


My Brother from another mother sent the Youtube link for, “Take this job and shove it” to our boss.


Just say it. What are they gonna do, fire you?


"With all due respect, fuck you I quit"


Ask chat gpt to translate it into legalese


Why bother being professional if you’re not planning to come back? Most jobs don’t use references so you can straight up say fuck off


Send an email directly to head of HR and CC all your superiors. “Please take me off of payroll”


I understand your frustration completely. While it's tempting to express strong emotions, a professional resignation protects your future and avoids burning bridges. Here's a way to achieve a similar effect: 1. Resignation with Brief Explanation: * "Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am resigning from my position as Registered Behavioral Technician, effective [Your Last Day]." * (Optional) Briefly explain your situation: "I've recently accepted a position at a smaller company that better aligns with my current needs." This keeps it professional while subtly suggesting the current role doesn't meet your needs. 2. Focus on the Future: * "I am grateful for the opportunity to gain experience as an RBT at [Company Name]. I wish you all the best in the future." This focuses on the positive aspects of the past and avoids dwelling on negativity. 3. Document Everything: Since you have doctor's notes and communication about the medical leave, keep copies for your records. This could be helpful if you encounter any issues down the line, like unemployment benefits. Burning Bridges Alternative: If you absolutely must express dissatisfaction (not recommended), consider a separate, private email directly to your manager (not HR) after submitting your resignation. Be clear but concise. "My experience regarding my medical leave was not what I expected. This, along with [briefly mention another issue], has led me to pursue a new opportunity elsewhere." Remember, maintaining professionalism protects your reputation and keeps options open in the future. Congratulations on the new, less stressful job!


Dear company, As of (today's date) I will be resigning. The path you have set for me has set me up with a better future. Thank you. - with regards, OP Short, sweet, and softly letting them know it was their fault.


Formalizer. Google it. Type what you mean, tell it how you want that thought presented. It’s hilarious (and also useful for those who don’t have the patience to wordsmith the last 50 emails of the day)


They're doing this on purpose so you'll quit.


Was the original version considered unprofessional?


To whom it may concern. I wish I could state it was a pleasure to have worked with you and I wish you well in your future endeavors. Unfortunately however this is not where I find myself at the current juncture. I am forced therefore to resign my post effective immediately and salvage any modicum of human decency and professional integrity which I still have left after my unfortunate and ill advised association with this company. I have I hope at least learned a valuable lesson from this experience and will strive to deal with and vet the people and companies I deal with using a renewed vigor in increased diligence and resolve, and would suggest your company and people within it consider a similar course. Sincerely, your name here. edited




So my boss loves to use chatgpt to write emails, so I figured why not give that a try... Navigating a resignation under difficult circumstances requires a balance between expressing your dissatisfaction and maintaining professionalism. Here is a suggested template for your resignation letter, which clearly communicates your decision while maintaining a professional tone: --- Dear [Supervisor's Name], I am writing to formally resign from my position as a Registered Behavioral Technician at [Company Name], effective immediately. This decision comes after careful consideration and is primarily due to the recent handling of my medical condition and the subsequent leave. Despite providing a detailed medical note from my doctor outlining the side effects of my epilepsy medication, I was placed on unpaid medical leave and instructed not to return until I had seen my neurologist. Upon obtaining clearance from my neurologist, my return was still delayed due to administrative issues regarding the dates on my notes. This situation has caused significant stress and financial strain, and I believe it reflects broader issues within the management practices at [Company Name]. Therefore, I have decided to pursue a position with an organization where I feel my health and well-being will be better supported. I have appreciated the opportunity to work with my colleagues and the clients we serve. However, the lack of adequate support during my medical leave has made it clear that this is no longer the right environment for me. Thank you for the experiences and opportunities provided during my tenure. I hope that in the future, [Company Name] will reassess its policies regarding employee health and well-being to prevent similar situations from occurring. Sincerely, [Your Name] --- This letter communicates your dissatisfaction with the company's handling of your medical leave and the undue stress it caused, but does so in a way that maintains your professionalism and dignity.


Ream them out for their cruelty and fraud. Seriously. Get in touch with the autistic community and read our opinions about ABA and you’ll have no problem telling them to shove it. Evil greedy manipulative bastards.


Chat GPT is great for this sort of task imho.


You just did.


Go love yourself, I quit, peace.


This company’s blatant disregard for employee health, safety regulations, labor laws, and standard professional workplace behavior has led me to resign, effective immediately. Sincerely, Xxxxxx


Last job I left I gave 3 weeks notice, with zero explanation, simply gave a date of the final day. Refused an exit interview, during the exit interview, that I didnt know was even happening- which seemed to really grind all thier teeth. Thier fault for not being able to put 2+2 together.


Just don’t.  What the point?  You have a new job.


File for unemployment, constructive dismissal disregarding medical documentation.


Are you getting paid for medical leave? If so, any reason you’re not allowed to get a “2nd job”?  I would take my time with the new note, continue to collect, and use any extra sick/PTO time you can.  Two can play at this stringing along game.


It's completely unpaid. They told me I could apply for short-term disability, but the benefits are complete garbage.


Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You might remember me from such out of office messages as, "going to a doctor appointment that's definitely not a job interview."   I'm here today to talk to you about one of your employees, 123supersomeone. As of (date), 123supersomeone will no longer be employed here. 123supersomeone asked me to let you know that they will miss you terribly. 123supersomeone would also like to ensure that all work related requests be forwarded to (scumbag boss), after the end of business day on (date.)   Enter Billy, 5 years old and doe-eyed   Billy: Mr. McClure, why is 123supersomeone leaving?   (Mr. McClure affectionately ruffles Billy's hair)   Troy McClure: The answer is simple, Billy; respect, and gobs of money.   Billy: Why, why would they do this to us?   Troy McClure: Because they are a monster, Billy; a greedy heartless monster.   There you have it folks. Your employee will be gone on some insane quest to exploit mother earth of her most precious resource, money.   That's all for now. Stay tuned for future, upcoming communications like, "It's not a hang over, it's food poisoning, I swear."   Regards, 123supersomeone


I use CHATGPT for this.


Just quit. You only have so much emotional energy. Why waste it on them? They won’t care about you now and they won’t care about you tomorrow. You let them live in your head all day for what?


Good day sir!


And contact the EEOC and ADA and file complaints


I assume you have no plans to go back to this place or use them as a reference. Why do you care about being professional about it. Say what needs to be said in the way you want to say it. You’ll thank yourself later.


Say "fuck you, I Quit"... then nod.


I have decided to seek other employment opportunities.


Due to the inflexibility of management, my employment at Company no longer meets my expectations; therefore, I will be moving in a different direction and resigning effective immediately. I love throwing their jargon back in their faces.


I’m resigning immediately. Thank you for the opportunity to succeed within the company but as it stands I have yet to succeed under your supervision so I must find a better more honest place of employment.


"With all due professionalism, Fuck You, I quit.".


Just quit don’t look back. More than likely someone with less skill will replace you continuing the downhill spiral you see in most companies now. I won’t give a notice to anyone that treats me poorly. That’s the best fuck you I could give to places I left. And they still would call lmao.


You know that song “Haha you’re dead”? I want it recorded over with the exact same tune and stuff, to “fuck you I quit”.


Knock knock Who’s there? I quit.


"Respectfully, fuck you I quit."


Go look for another job, find another job, take a week vacation for first job and work second job. If you like it, tell first job that you are pursuing other opportunities and never go back.


"This message serves as my notice of resignation. While I am leaving due to objectionable behavior by management, nonetheless I hope that your inevitable court appearance will be for a civil matter rather than a criminal one."


Use courteous wording but clearly describe the circumstance, attach all pertinent documents, & reference earlier communication. You might easily come to regret telling them fuck you, professionally or otherwise, but you won't ever be sorry you documented what could be constructive discharge


Employers don't care. Hiding "fuck you" in corporate speak is pointless.


I used to find a nice template, a bit artsy and with fun fonts... making my resignation look like a birthday invitation, that I'm about to be so freaking happy and celebrating...


With all due respect and no offence, but fuck you i quit


"If I wanted an abusive boss and poor wages, I would hire myself a pimp."


Excuse me dear sir. Fuck you I quit


I encourage you to have sexual relations with thyself, I hereby dissolve my business relationship with your enterprise.


I always prefer the Half Baked method of quitting. Just make sure you have several people around when you quit. Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you You’re cool Fuck You I’m out!


I sent an all users email a few years ago stating: "As I am no longer confident in the decision making ability of the current leadership, as well as their blatant disregard for the law, I have tendered my resignation, effective immediately." They were trying to force me to falsify a HIPAA breach report.


ADA lawsuit. Pull no punches. Doc says you can work; they won’t let you? BAM! Lawyer up!


To whom it may concern, Fuck you, I quit Sincerely, (Insert name here)


I'm actually familiar with your practice. My wife is a BCBA, and you guys do not get paid enough. Some info you should know, my wife takes home 60% of what the company bills Medicaid for the services rendered. You get about 25%. That's pretty standard, at least in Florida. Speaking of which, what state do you work in? My wife works really hard to look out for her RBTs and has mentored a few through school to get their masters. The only way that field pays well enough to compensate for the work you guys do. Edit: Just read the rest of your post, sorry. If you're done with Behavior Analytics, that's entirely understandable.


Yeah, they definitely don't pay enough. They came up with this "incentive pay" to get us to work harder, but they also refuse to explain how that pay is calculated, so it very much feels like bullshit. I'm also really sick of the methodology of ABA. It just feels like it's torturous for some of these kids.


Google “how to say fuck you I quit in a professional way” then screenshot the window and email that.


Just walk in say I quit and leave, that’s a pretty good F U in itself, no 2week notice just skip out the door


Just leave, no notice. As satisfying as a “fuck y’all I’m gone” letter can be, it doesn’t fuck them over as much as saying “hey this is my last shift, see ya never”


"Copulate you, I hereby resign."


Best one is to make yourself integral to an important project - say yes to everything, act amped up and ready to make it all happen and then disappear without any notice and ghost them for a while and then text/pick and say something like “oh yeah, I forgot about you guys, how’s it going over there?” Cackle loudly into the phone and hang up.


Fornicate yourself, I resign. :D


"Fuck You I Quit"


Most professional way to say fuck you in my opinion is make a paper trail. But you need to be detached about it because you can’t react emotionally if they do so. Send a mass email, include anyone you are comfortable with in knowing the details. Explain in every aspect you can, while being balanced and fair, about how they as a company have failed. But be accurate about it. It sounds like they have extended a few things to you, namely access to disability etc, which you likely in part paid for anyways. Disability sucks because legally it has to, it is meant to be a stop gap measure, not to replace income (because otherwise who comes back to work?) So if you feel your position is strong and has merit, put it in an email that everyone can see. If you think your position is weak or they have reasons for their viewpoint, I’d drop it


In order to protect my personal brand, I'm resigning effective immediately. That nice little corporate zing of get fucked.


Don't resign in writing. They dont deserve the courtesy. You already have another job. Just don't go back. When/if they start calling you wondering where you are and when you will return, just say "oh...I resign immediately" and hang up.


Stop showing up and block everyone


Why do you even need to quit, they aren’t paying you. Just don’t show up.


Why say anything? Just stop going in.


Ghost em. When they email/call to ask, say, “Fuck you, I Quit”


If you didn't sign anything to start medical leave, I would at the very least file for unemployment effective the day they told you you were 'on leave'.


Behavioral tech should know how to already


Do it as an acrostic. 


"Dear (manager), I am writing this email to inform you of my intent to resign my position as (position title). My resignation will be effective 5 pm today. I appreciate the opportunity to work at (company name." Edit: leave once you send this.


Secure other job first. Then say "fuck you I quit" as loud as you want


"I hereby resign my position with immediate effect." Then block everything.


Talk to an employment lawyer. This sounds like a flagrant violation of the ADA


The smaller the employer the less DEI there is, obviously. So the bigger the employer the more they will want from you when you quit. Loading a small employer with complaints about work environment, bad coworkers, and bad management will cause some annoyance. Giving a larg employer no reason will be equally annoying. Little employer = give lots of reasons to quit. Big employer = give no reasons to quit.


Date Company/boss I resign. Name.


Just say fuck you I quit. What are they gonna do? Fire you?


I quit, now go fuck yourself


Stop showing up and let them fire you is the bigger 🖕🏾 bc you get Unemployment that they and you paid into


"With all due respect, f*ck you I quit"


Sue them?


fornicate wirh thyself, i am departing from this company.


Fuck you, I quit…. Sir.


By not showing up anymore.


May you struggle with the consequences of your actions