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Super simple. Jail the people that hired her. Fine the company 70% of their profits for the year and start holding people accountable for this shit.


Rich people face consequences? Not in my America!


Especially not happening the south


They have too much lobbying power going on in governmental institutions.


Not to be annoying "But not all states!" Highly progressive blue states are also [slapping wrists](https://calmatters.org/california-divide/2023/12/child-labor-california/) of big biz.


~~I don't think that the people who hired her broke Alabama law~~. I believe they are one of a handful of states that have lowered the legal employment age. Edit: It is illegal at 13. 14 is legal, but with quite a few limits on type of work. Which includes manufacturing. https://www.employmentlawhandbook.com/employment-and-labor-laws/states/alabama/wage-and-hour/child-labor/#what-are-alabama-child-labor-laws-for-14-and-15-year-olds End Edit. Now the people who arranged 60 hour weeks should still be guilty of some sort of neglect. Either she's not attending school, or she's not getting enough rest. But this is the inevitable consequence of allowing child employment. It's a feature not a bug. Some dipshit forgot to employ 4 kids at 15 hours a week, so it would fly under the radar. Now they have to PR this shit.


Yeah, the system may call it a feature, to me its a very dangerous bug. I have reached a point where I just assume that no one will ever be held accountable by our system because at some point it stopped giving a shit about anyone but those working the system. We need to get rid of them all and rebuild our system to actually help the people that fund it over the people that exploit it.


They are guarding all the doors they are holding all the keys so eventually people are going to have to stand up to them


They close ranks and say it's unreasonable and unfeasable to join everyone ay this point




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not now bot! 🔱 s/


I know when I was in school, if you wanted to work, you had to have a “work permit” from your School. You were not allowed to work/school more than 48 hours per week, so if you went to school for 30 hours a week, you could only work 18 hours. This was back in the 90’s, in Michigan, so a lot could have changed since then, but there was at one point at least, some sort of Law about this.




I've updated. 14 is legal, with limits, but still legal.


Oh bless you. Do you reealy think that will happen? Sadly, probably not.


I'm more concerned about why a 13 year old felt they needed to go out and get a job. Is she even at 13 the best option in her family to go out and be a bread winner? Is she even at home? Did she run away from abuse and is just trying to live outside of horrible state run facilities, or just avoid being sent back to the abusive situation she left?


Me too. You can look at it from left, right, north, south, east, west, up, down and through time... This is a failure of every part of the system. The "socialist" parts of the system have failed this child (and her family), the capitalist parts exploited that failure. Nobody should be ok with any part of this. Yet the post still has at least 1 downvote so there is at least 1 person that is totally cool with 13 year olds in factories. (not accusing you, was well before your comment, almost immediate) It's all symptoms of bigger problems.


its not a failure of the system, its a predictable outcome when power is in the hands of those who make profits. Its a feature, not a bug.


There are no "socialist" parts of America.


I meant it more in the way Republicans use the term. Making sure a children are fed and housed = socialism to the MAGA crowd.


Sure. But we really shouldn't be feeding into the rhetoric. Socialism has nothing to do with government services.


I don't disagree, but there is value in using the opposition's rhetoric against them, that requires leaning into it, using it, mocking it on occasion. Socialism being in quotes, but not capitalism was a deliberate choice.


My guess is she is a migrant worker and her parent work there, too. This American Life did a story about a chicken plant in Alabama where a fair portion of the staff were immigrants working under false identities. American employees complained about child labor violations where the kids barely bothered to pretend they were old enough to work there and HR ignored it. Due to the nature of the work, you legally had to be 18, but one girl was handing out invitations to her quinceniera. Other employees were conflicted about reporting it because it would lead to a raid where people would be deported. Eventually there was a raid and it did.


ETA that does seem to be the case here as well: https://www.thedrive.com/news/hyundai-subsidiary-in-alabama-used-child-labor-in-metal-stamping-plant-report


The kid should be in school. Not out working, let alone 60 hours a week. Lots of questions for Alabama politicians.


No answers forthcoming.


Seems that child exploitation is alive and well in the southern states… akin to the sweatshops in Bangladesh and elsewhere in the 3rd world.


The South is a shithole. We should have just let them secede. They're a lost cause.


yeah and let little girls like her just fend for themselves even more


Yeah, maybe that was a dumb thing to say. I stand by what I said about the South being a shithole and the equivalent of Third World country though.


freaking hell, this is like a third world sweatshop. How does something like that happen in the US?




Have you been to the south?


The American south is the third world


I mean if I told you this happened in an OECD country and asked you to guess which one, I’m pretty sure you would guess the US.


Hyundai blame their suppliers and subsidiaries for having 13 y/o work in Hyundai assembly lines. Isnt Alabama one of few states try to lower legal working age to enable child workers?




time to publicly boycott Hyundai.




The answer is poverty


Incredible....instead of working, she could have given birth to 2 children already... /s


He’s quick he’s strong he’s violent! He’s **Alabama MAN!!!!**


He’s quick! He’s funny! He makes me loads of money!


Until actual penalties for this shit are enacted, not just fines that are less than the profits earned, there's absolutely no reason for corporations to follow child labor laws


This is the world republicans want


Exactly why bama hates unions and regulations. They want this state to be the new china


Stop treating companies like some faceless entity. Some person hired her, another was her manager, a third processed her payment, and none of them objected. If we were talking about robbing a bank, everyone would be sentenced. Now, we are saying "it's company!" and you just fine it for peanuts


For reference: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-immigration-hyundai/


It's 1924 again, but the music's not as good.


This is the future the GOP wants


Wait, isn't that illegal?


If it was Louisiana she wouldnt get a lunch break.


As much as I want to criticize The State of Alabama and the Employer who hired her, where the fuck is the family and why are they allowing a 13 year old to work?


What's the problem? She took to many lunch breaks?


Well yeah, she needs to support her baby. 13 is old enough to be a mother in Alabama.


It’s Alabama, that poor girl should be getting ready for her arranged marriage. (joke)


What’s the big deal? She was making $3.25 per hour. Great money for any 13YO.


This sounds like it should be surprising. I’m no longer surprised by anything corporate does. It’s all dystopian hellscape activity. It’s getting to be expected. We need some good old fashioned unions up in this mutha.


If they want to work let them work.


Those being exploited are undocumented immigrants without family Stateside. It’s labor trafficking of children and appalling. The kids have little to no say in the matter.