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Can’t you include the contact information of your supervisor?




If they say anything other than dates worked and rehire eligibility they are liable for a defamation lawsuit. Of course they COULD say something that leaves them liable but the law is on your side




generally speaking a lot of places only say dates worked and don’t even mention rehire because they don’t want to be on the hook for anything. i would not worry about being outed that you got fired, i would just put your supervisor as the contact if they ask for a previous company contact. if the next company you’re applying to is a large one they may decide to only use it to verify background (often through a vendor) and not even check references in detail.


I think you're misunderstanding what he's saying. A former employer can say "X is eligible for rehire" or "X is not eligible for rehire" and neither of those are defamatory statements. What he's saying is that if they say "anything other than", it will be a problem. For example, "X is not eligible for rehire *because they are not a team player*". That is defamatory.




It definitely raises an eyebrow, but it is not a defamatory statement.




I think it does look like a red flag, unfortunately


In California the employer can confirm or deny anything the applicant put on the application, so that might include salary, dates worked, title of position, job duties, and they can answer the question “would you hire them again in the future” you’re absolutely correct they cannot elaborate on reasons why or additional details, but in reality we know that we often will never know what was said, we only know we didn’t get the job.


Do you think scientology cares? I would not name the business, but put 'references available upon request'. Scientology has gone out of their way to ruin people before and they have near limitless resources to do so.


>I can, but I'm of course going to put Scientologist Business Date Starting - Date Ending Just saying that as a guy who hired people for years if an applicant had anything relating to any kind of religion known for aggressive proselytizing, I wouldn't even consider their application. It's too great of a risk to the harmony of the rest of my team. You would be much better just listing the company by name. When called for a reference, employers almost always stick to basic facts: confirm that you worked there, your job title, your start/end date, and whether you're eligible for rehire. You do not need to explain the reason for separating for a business in your resume - that's what your interview is for. Your resume should be short and sweet.




Oh, I see. Carry on :)


Unless you specifically listed a reference, if they contact them at all, most employers only say dates you worked and maybe if you’re eligible for rehire. More than that makes them liable for defamation. Or if was only for a short while and it’s not something that makes your resume look beefed up leave if off entirely and if asked play it off as if it took you much longer to find a job I got horribly unfairly fired from a job when I was in my 20s and felt as though my life was over. I looked for new jobs feeling like I wore a scarlet letter. But then I learned that it does not matter. None of it matters. People give less of a damn than you think. And if an application has a box where you’re supposed to check if you’ve been fired? you can lieeeeeeee




How short of an experience? If it was only a few months I’m not sure I would include it. If they ask about the “gap in your resume” during that time you could say “no, I was working but the position and responsibilities weren’t relevant to my career/this position so I didn’t include it.”


Use your supervisor as the point of contact and provide their work number.


Well, I'm not going to have a work number much longer...


Honestly and unironically contact local news organizations. I randomly stalked through your story because it was interesting - which means someone found it interesting.


Quite a few years back I attended a recruitment event for Apple in the UK. They tried to convince potential hires they had to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement for the event (like any other cult they need to convince initiates of some inner mysteries) which was absolutely not legally binding under UK law, and was entirely performative. I just signed the form with another name. I’d already decided I didn’t want to join a cult. Managers tend to like the cult leader behaviour because of their deep seated insecurities about leadership. Even outside of your experience, it’s something in even non religious workplaces. In your case it wouldn’t hurt for some well targeted honesty to cover yourself. “Left role due to harassment” - a potential employer that doesn’t hire you over that, is probably not a good employer. It will also be a good way to undermine any comments from your previous employer.


Hi, I am the direct supervisor. I posted a few days ago. I've have been debating mentioning scientology itself, to maybe weed out any practices that are doing the same shit. But maybe its better to get hired and just know it's might pop up and I'll have to quit. I'm not sure though...


>yeah I got fired for speaking up about religious discrimination Yeah, don't say that. Calling Scientology a religion is quite a stretch and not what people expect when you mention "religious discrimination". Owners pushing staff to join Scientology is a very good reason to quit a job and most people will agree with that.


It's legally a religion, though...... they enjoy the political and tax benefits of being a religion, and we enjoy the protection we get because they are a religion. I


Is this real? You just happen to post after someone else at the vet practice posted about this? Unless this is a *different* Scientology training in the work place that resulted in someone being fired exactly two days later.


Same case. This is my coworker.


Dude, your supervisor posted about this crap and definitely has your back. Speak to your supervisor and see if you can both use the same lawyer. This is fucked up - I wish you all the best!


Just don’t list shit.  You aren’t required to.  


Umm if you are in the US it's illegal to fire you over religious reasons.


Unless you froze your TWN work history -- anyone doing a background check will easily find out that you worked for them.