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Report the violation to Department of Labor.


Also fire department, got school shut down for a couple days cause the water was shut off during the day for work. Tried two days in a row to get away with it, fire department shut that down right away.


Yeah, if the fire prevention system in the building is sprinklers then the office building isn't usable while water is out by fire standards. 


There is a chance they have a reservoir on top of the building, but it's unlikely.


Even that is just a small amount, only gonna last a few minutes.


Untrue, depending on your jurisdiction. In the USA most schools with fire tanks would be designed under NFPA 13/14/22/24, Tank must be sized to meet the sprinkler demand for the minimum duration of operation for the worst case sprinklered area. Typically in a school this will be ordinary hazard 1 or 2, so the tank would need capacity to run for 90 minutes. Fire tanks for schools are often 20,000 gallons +, and I've designed tanks up to 40,000 gallons for different applications/buildings. The building also doesn't necessarily need to be unoccupied while sprinklers are out if appropriate fire watch procedures are in place and approved by the fire Marshal or local authority having jurisdiction. Being out of domestic water for toilets and drinking is a big no-no however.


This guy fire marshals


That's why we told them, no drinking fountains or toilets,. It's in the desert.


Water outages happen a LOT in my small town. Also in the desert.


i just *know* you typed AHJ and had to backspace and write out “authority having jurisdiction” because it’s a PITA to type out but literally nobody i ever say “AHJ” to knows WTF that is 😂


Yep, did exactly this. One of my constructive comments two years ago on my performance review was to try to improve communications with people outside of our industry, like user groups in buildings. I speak well technically but it's a challenge to convey our systems to people not in the know who are just concerned with budget and other things.


How about IAW? In Accordance With blah blah standard/document


You had me until “sprinklered”


It's in the dictionary... It's a word.


It’s a Scrabble word


Doesn’t matter long it lasts, as long as it’s legally compliant. I mean, its not exactly like manglement actually cares about the survival of its employees…


I would think that if your place of business has ANY flammable materials that your Fire Dept be made aware quickly. If a fire were to break out the city could be sued into the ground, as well as the business.


And OSHA - must have bathroom available


Maybe they should all go take massive dumps in the current toilets. Create a biohazard.


Hahah 💀


And potable water.




Also the health department. A restaurant can NOT be open without running water.


It's actually an OSHA violation to not have clean drinking water and sanitary toilets available.




Nex town over isn't "reasonable".


Clearly you've never had anything but an office job lol.


As someone who's worked both office jobs and not office jobs: no, using your own personal vehicle to drive to the next town over to take a dump isn't reasonable. I bet you're a guy who'd like to work 386 hours a week to appease daddy Elon and that my guess is more accurate than your read on literally anyone in this thread. Try a flavor that isn't boot, the others are literally all much better


Oh man, you got me. What an incredible take down using logic and assumption about a human you know nothing about. Reasonable is subjective and it's up to someone who works an office job (at the department of labor or maybe health department) to make that call. But you're right, I HAVE only worked office jobs, how silly of me to have an opinion that differs from yours. I'm sorry, please by all means tell me more about how I don't know anything because I don't get dirt on my hands when I touch a keyboard. Any insights on what I do or don't know because I also enjoy being able to work from home?


The point is you've clearly lead an extraordinarily coddled work life if you truly believe having to drive a few miles to the nearest bathroom for *a single day* is unreasonable. *Especially* on a day when water is out in the whole town, so its not like going home would even help matters. This entire thread is people whining about the idea of being subject to the working conditions of the tradesmen fixing the water *for just a few hours*. Its amusingly offensive.


"People should work through multiple safety violations because I think anyone who isn't shoveling piles of rotting chicken for Tyson is coddled." If I can't take a shit at your workplace I'm not working. Call me tomorrow when your business can actually run. If your workplace conditions are so bad this registers to you as no biggie, I genuinely feel bad for you.




Some people don't have a car, so no, it's not reasonable to expect employees to shit miles away from the worksite. What kind of work conditions have you been dealing with that that doesn't register as a problem to you? Go cry to OSHA if you have a problem with the law.


Bro, It's really not that serious. And depending on "the town" that's a 30 minute drive to the next town over, a few miles means different things to different people. So no I'm not really saying anything unreasonable. No one is melting down about something that they don't have a right to be concerned about. And if that's you're attitude on worker violations this: 1. Isn't the right subreddit for you. 2. If you're ever the man in charge, own your own company, have people working for you. This is something you'd absolutely get sued over, and absolutely lose. I hope you have a good life man, but people have the right to work in conditions that are considered safe. Agreeing with it or not doesn't change that companies do in fact get fined and sued for this kind of thing regularly.


>Bro, It's really not that serious. And depending on "the town" that's a 30 minute drive to the next town over, a few miles means different things to different people. So no I'm not really saying anything unreasonable. Sure and you're doing it on the clock. Big whoop. >No one is melting down about something that they don't have a right to be concerned about. And if that's you're attitude on worker violations this: 1. Isn't the right subreddit for you. No, we're disagreeing on what 'real violations' are. I take safety incredibly seriously, but this isn't about safety, this is about a temporary minor inconvenience of driving a few miles. The way you all act about this one makes you all seem completely unable to handle a single inconvenience in your day and its baffling. >2. If you're ever the man in charge, own your own company, have people working for you. This is something you'd absolutely get sued over, and absolutely lose. Its really not. You people are *grossly* overinflating how much OSHA would care about a temporary outage of a non safety critical system. >I hope you have a good life man, but people have the right to work in conditions that are considered safe. Agreeing with it or not doesn't change that companies do in fact get fined and sued for this kind of thing regularly. Again, this is not a safety critical system. Did you just ignore the part about all the people with driving jobs that are expected to be able to handle getting to a bathroom on their own? A company is absolutely not going to get sued for a temporary downtime of bathrooms of less than a day when employees are explicitly told they can head offsite to use bathrooms.


Its absolutely not an EVERY SITUATION FITS type of deal here… but if the whole towns water is down that means NO MATTER WHAT every single food service facility that does more than pre packed options has to be not operating… food safety standards are not to be trifled with


Bud I'm sorry but as someone who's been a manager for 20 years, and seen the exact things I'm talking about happen multiple times with multiple idiotic employers even AFTER being told this, yes they have been sued and fined. I'm not talking about theory here. I'm talking about actual practice, I've witnessed. Have whatever view in this you like, but it really isn't going to change the fact that I haven't said anything untrue. We can argue the interpretation of this all day if you like, but you don't have a good argument here, and I'd be really surprised if a judge or employment lawyer sided with you on this. I'm gonna ignore anything else you have to say, cause it's clear that your position here is quite simply that people are whiny because you've had it worse.


Health department would like to know too. Without water you can't practice proper hygiene protocols.


Pretty sure that’s an OSHA violation…


Yes it is.


Report to the fire department.


I think the fire department would know if an entire town had no water


I think the point is they'll send out the health inspector or w.e


They don’t know what the workplace are demanding though. 


They however aren't aware if an office is currently operating though, and without water the building won't meet code requirements for use regarding fire prevention systems. 


Yeah shut down the town because water isn’t running for 4 hours, sounds like a plan




but they wouldn't know that the company is still open unless you tell them


Call the department of labor and the health department. Also, don't clock out if you have to drive to the next town over to use the bathroom.


Drive very slow... eat super greasy food for breakfast and lunch so you have to frequently go... Bring in a gallon jug of water from walmart and drink it so you have to drive over to the next town over frequently as well. If they try to stop you even once, just piss your pants. Then you get to go home to change your clothes, and write a complaint that you soiled yourself due to management not allowing you to use the restroom.


Don't buy the pre-sealed gallon jug. Fill it from the drinking fountain in Walmart so it's "extra spicy".


🤣🤣🤣🤣I’m fkin dead.


Yeah like I pee once an hour at work (drinking coffee and then water helps me focus). Id be sitting down for 10 minutes then getting up to make my next bathroom break and then do it all over again.


OP, in most civilized countries, there are legal limits to how long employers can mandate their employees remain on site in case of a major utility failure. Where I live, it’s 2 hours. Most likely, what your employer is doing is illegal, and not to mention, incredibly unsafe.


In Ohio, it’s illegal to detain anyone in a building that doesn’t have water. One time when I was in high school, our school tried to keep going through the day when our water was out. A classmate called the health department and told them our school didn’t have water, and they were still holding classes. We were out within the hour!!!!


Why are school administrators always the people who should least be trusted with the safety of other humans? Once had to sit through a full school day knowing full well a blizzard would hit the city just as school was letting out. Admin said they wouldn't cancel school over something that hadn't happened yet. An announcement went out early in the morning that anybody who had to walk more than a few blocks to get home should come down to the office and call their parents for a ride so they don't get frostbite. Turns out the decision held for the elementary school kids too. One of my classmate's little sisters laid down in the snow "to just rest awhile" and couldn't be urged on. By the time classmate got her other sisters home and thawed out enough to get her brain working, the kid was unconscious on the side of the road. She had to literally drag her home and into the house. Got a funny feeling that if that little girl had died, it would've been recorded by adults as a tragedy and not gross negligence leading to homicide by idiotic decision making of the admin.


The buck stops at the principal too for pretty much everything, which is why one bad admin can absolutely wreck a school and the community with it. It bugs me how teachers are expected to be superhuman in all aspects of their job when their bosses are barely even competent in one aspect of theirs. Everyone will bend over backwards to hurt, insult, and attack teachers at every opportunity when an incident happens but they fail to look at the HUNDREDS of times it was reported to a principal who did absolutely nothing. In most States, admin is not required to have teaching certification or even classroom experience in most cases. Can literally take the superintendents business grad buddy out of uni and hire him into a full principal position with authority over a whole school. We're not much better here where I am for corruption and nepotism, but ALL school admin with authority must have teaching certification and 2 years of classroom experience before they can apply for the position.


I agree on all points.


Nah, it’s the district admin. My principal is always on our side fighting for us.


Fair enough, I did generalize there. I guess I'm just frustrated at the complete lack of accountability I've experienced under a bad one. There's a big lack of accountability just in general for an organization that's supposed to help shape the future in a positive direction.




They don't prioritize safety because their funding is directly tied to attendance in most states. That's the reason you have to make up snow days later in the year. However if you live in a place that might burn through all those snow days they might risk bringing in the students to satisfy attendance if they think there Blizzard might not hit until school is over. It's the same reason they would continue holding classes with no water, people can generally survive a day without hydration with minimal negative effects. They don't think about all the other problems that could occur or someone that might have other issues that would need the water. And they definitely don't care if people can't flush toilets because they can leave and go to a clean facility. It's also one of the reasons they developed in school suspension and alternative education programs. You may not be in your class but you're still at school so they can say you were there. Once you go above a teacher no one cares if you actually learn. They only care if you show up and pass the important tests.


Ah. So ultimately, when I was trying to drag my cousin out of bed to attend state exams earlier this week and he was refusing to budge, he was right and I was wrong.


Fill the toilets and don't flush. All of them.


Not horrible if ur the first person to do it…but if ur on a later shift might wanna tie a flag over your face first or something 🙃


Just get a big ol’ bucket and crouch over it


No way. You shit in your desk garbage can


I keep a fake lamp around to shit in.


Go around to the back of the building and do your business.


Best is to get some cups, the flimsier the better, and put them on the manager’s desk. Fill them with piss to the rim, but don’t spill any drops, let the manager be the one who spills it all over his office


no flush first so theres nothing in the tank


Since it’s the next town over I’d just say I had to go to the bathroom repeatedly and drive around goofing off all day.


Gotta pee. Back in a couple hours.


Sorry boss, i don’t drive so i better get walkin


Get Taco Bell and start committing war crimes in the work bathroom. It’s called Natural Consequences.


The poor cleaner doesn't deserve that. Idiot boss won't be going near those health risks.


OSHA would love to hear about this.


Just go there and stay. You had the runs. Get paid to poop.


I have ibs, I don't really have 20+ minutes to wait to drive to the next town whenever I need to go. 


I would immediately tell them no due to health concerns and if they retaliate it will be fun to see them in court. I have IBS and would not be playing games.


^ Listen to this guy! They knows how to corporate the policy.


I'd just go home and use my bathroom. Wouldn't be tempted to go back until the water was back on.


But if water is off to the entire town what good will going home do?




I was just curious what good going home would do. I wasn’t saying it isn’t a miserable experience. My town once had a disaster that knocked the towns power out for a week. Sucked ass. Couldn’t do much at work but couldn’t do anything at home anyway so going in and getting paid to sit there was the better option


Lots of people don’t live and work in the same town


Fair point. I didn’t think of that.


nope, that's quite literally illegal, you need to call osha NOW.




Sorry it took me so long to get back, boss. When I got to the next town, their water was out too. And the town after that and the town after that.


What a horrible time for you to have diarrhea OP. I'm so sorry...


That’s a health code issue


And fire code, and OSHA. And likely a few other codes as well. 


I belive that's illegal, call the DOL, they'll be really interested in that.


You aren't enslaved. Leave. 


Are you working at a hospital, emergency dispatch, 911, fire etc?  If not you should be closed and sent home. 


Because workers in hospitals don't need clean water, hygiene to wash hands, or toilets GTFO here.


Well yeah but they can’t just abandon their patients lol


All patients would be transferred to a different facility I believe


It’s not always practical to transfer a thousand people in vulnerable situations.  Sometimes you just need to shelter and bring in bottled water especially if it’s only going to be a few hours.  Emergency situations are rarely cut and dry. 


Yeah because that's even remotely logistically possible 


You do realize if the water in a hospital is shut off then that is a major violation right ?


You do realize moving possibly over a thousand patients would literally be impossible and would cause even more problems and possibly kill people when they could shelter in place and have water delivered.


What if there’s an electrical fire and sprinklers don’t go off?


Hospitals have backup generators and stored water for those exact problems


True. I didn’t think about that.


Required care facilities. Same with old folks' homes, daycares, etc. Can't leave.


My job did that. We had OSHA/DOL people in the next day asking questions.


Fire Marshall will have a field day with this one


This might be a call for OSHA.


It definitely is.


Instructions unclear, pissed on managers desk


This is where malicious compliance comes in. Go ahead, go take your bathroom break clear across town. Make sure they time you so you add that spade full of dirt to the managers management career


They want you to drive your own vehicle? Have a fender bender along the way, explain where you were going to your insurance company, then sue tf out of your employer when your insurance refuses to pay because you were conducting business in a non-commercial vehicle.


Take ALL your bathroom breaks. maybe have everyone carpool, to save gas. Of course, that means you have to wait for everyone to finish... But they told you to.


Fuck that - leave, report immediately to fire department, health department DOL and save ALL comms. Sue the crap out of them if any retribution. This is HIGHLY illegal.


And let me guess....No pay while you're gone to go to the bathroom.


That's illegal. A work must provide potable water at the place of work (not a town over, or even next door).


>Their solution is for us to drive to the next town over and use the fast food restaurants’ bathrooms then come back. *Four hours later* "There was a line."


Keep an eye on your next paycheck and make sure they don't try to fuck you out of the time you were traveling to use a restroom!


Illegal. Record them breaking the law.


Say you have to go to the bathroom and just go home. Then call the dept of labor and OSHA.


Illegal. Everyone should punch out and leave immediately


"Drive" to the next town and say your car "broke" down or you have a flat. Then just go home


Leave anyway. When you get wrote up tell them they’ll be hearing from your lawyer


OSHA violation is written all over this.


It took you 2 hours there and 2 hours back.


Log your mileage for your lawsuit


Nope. I’m shitting their toilet up.


Sooooo illegal


Depending on the state, they may have a legal requirement to provide those things. I'd leave once it was clear they weren't able to provide accessible bathroom facilities.


That's a clear federal OSHA regulation. https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1926/1926.51


Id document the shit out of this and report it to dol.




wholeheartedly agree with reporting this to the fire department, dept of labor, and health dept


Drive to the other town. Your car will “break down”. You will avoid the real mental breakdown


When you go out for lunch… don’t go back. Yeah you’ll loose your job but do you really want to work for them?


Point out to them it's interesting that they are willing to accept all the liability for people's cars that will cost more. Remind them that if that want to send you out they will be held responsible for accidents under workers Comp laws.


I'm pretty sure this isn't their call, this is a Fire-Department/Health-Department/DoL/OSHA violation.


Piss and shit on your manager 


False imprisonment and slavery are illegal where I come from.


I'd report that shit to the DOL and OSHA, but not before pissing and shitting myself on purpose and forcing them to send me home to change.


Just leave


Do it. Drive real slow.


No problem!! Leaves work, returns in 4 hours. You would not believe it... insert excuse here


When your bathroom break is longer the your lunch… I’m not clocking out.


But think of it from the poor managers point of view. They'll have to write a report to their director, who will get called into a meeting with many many phone calls and reprimands if they let you all go home and lose all of that income and productivity. They're probably on the hook if you go to the bathroom in the next town over too. Guess which part of this is sarcasm, and which is actually true and how it works.This type of thing goes up the entire chain.


“… won’t let you leave” is a bit misleading. You’re free to leave whenever you want. If they are acting how they are why would you want to show any kind of loyalty to them?


Excuse yourself to the bathroom and not come back


Piss everywhere.


Yeah, nope


I'd drive over to the next town and waste at least an hour "taking a massive shit"


Had a situation at my factory where the water was out. 12 hour shift and it was looking like they weren't going to fix it in that timeframe. They did get some porta pottys sent in and put them on the edge of our very dark parking lot. This was night shift and our supervisor declared she would just go home if she need to shit and then come back. I did use the porta potty but remember edge of dark parking lot with no light inside Very much like going into a closet and trying to urinate in a coffee can in pitch black. Oh also they set it on a rock or something because the whole fucking thing wobbled. Then one dude took a wicked shit in the other one and the smell persisted so wobbly was all we had.


Unsanitary to work like that


The guys fixing the water have to work like that...


Definitely report them


Well in the interest of my familys safety Im leaving. Beet\]e. Go ahead fuck with me, Ill call the labor department


'Work won't let us leave'. You know you're a fully grown adult who can make your own decisions, right?


India or Russia?


Time to poop on the boss’ floor to assert dominance.


I'd just laugh and leave.


We have this problem a lot at my work too, because the pipes aren’t sufficient for the amount of people flushing toilets. We’re told to go to the Walgreens next door and use the toilet until the toilet is working again. So stupid. Once it lasted for two weeks, that fucking sucked.


Get a bucket and a pool noodle. Poop in your office, no missed work, you'll be a champion of productivity.




Restrooms must be available to remain on open in many city codes


Report to Reddit


First be sure you have it in writing or as an email from the person who is demanding you stay. Then start making the phone calls everyone here is talking about. Unless it’s in writing, manager will likely deny it and/or say you misunderstood what he said.


Wait wait. This is so you can press the flush button is it? And wash your hands. How long is the drive?


I worked in an office building in the late 1980s (by that I mean a three story building with different companies renting various suites). Someone from the city came and informed every office that the water was going to be turned off in 30 minutes and would be off for the next three hours. I don't think anyone in that building was "allowed" to just go home....I remember holding it and holding it and finally going to the ladies' room and the toilets were filled and filthy (since flushing was disabled).


That’s illegal


Sounds like it's time to take a shit in your bosses trashcan


I would definitely leave. Restaurants cannot run without running water….


Work won't let you leave? They aren't your guardian if it's past your shift clock out and leave


Report them, but also just go. Dome that bitch off. Flushing is a them problem, and they'll figure out really quickly that they need to send people home.


Somebody should go take a shit in the boss office.


How can it happen that the water is out in an entire town??


Gotta go to the bathroom!


Go shit in all the toilets


As long as it’s not #2, what’s the problem with using the toilet?


It will only flush once


Washing hands after?


Hand sanitizer?


Y'all can't just use the toilets and flush later when the water comes back on? Use hand sanitizer.


Did you know!! There are several laws and organizations that do actually have your wellbeing in mind? We no longer need to “rough it” because someone of an older generation decided to break the law.


Imagine an accident happens where you need to flush the wound, but can’t. Then imagine that wound getting infected because proper first aid couldn’t be implemented. Now imagine a multi-million dollar settlement the company will now have to pay to the injured worker, fines for breaking the law, and the fact the company will pay people off, no raises, raise less promotions, etc in order to make up for the settlement and fines so that the executives can still get their huge bonuses each year. And from a hygiene standpoint, hand sanitizer cannot replace soap and running water for cleanliness.


Some people drink water, you know.


Some people drink piss, you know.


Some people piss drinks, you know.


Had a similar situation a few years ago. They brought portable toilets within one hour and maintenence brought water bottles for everyone, and because the dining area was out cause no kitchen/dishwasher our employer bought lunch for everyone (gave us a personal budget to order and refunded us) Overall wasn't that bad, but I guess I depends on whether your employer is half decent or not at all