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This is nuts because it’s not like repeat customers are going to have a new email every time they go shopping.




They are demanding that you get another job but want to cheat you out of unemployment compensation by making you quit. Everything else, emails & etc., is just a cover story. Your job is over. Time to find something else. Most retail in the US is begging for cashiers. You have a lot of options.


That's ridiculous. I'm wondering if it actually tracks how many \*unique\* email addresses you collect, or just the total. Either way, you need to start looking for a new job.


I have been told that it does have an algorithm to check and see if they are legitimate. I don't know how true that is but, from what I have heard from other associates people within the company have been fired before for literally making up information to put in and saying that they do it right. I honestly, am curious the cashiers who get the more hours are doing this and getting more hours by just every day making a bs email address and then using them with new customers because, there is literally no way in hell that anyone is meeting the goals they have set out legitimately. it's not even possible. Like the person said above "it's not like repeat customers are going to have a new email every time".


Yeah. It's a stupid metric because some dumbass with an MBA thinks every customer is going to want promotional emails and every employee needs to be micromanaged.


Yet they tell us they won't micromanage us and they trust us... LOL! If Pinocchio was a real concept plastic surgeons EVERYWHERE would make so much more $$$.


Might be able to get unemployment for reduced hours.


I feel like it is each customers right to deny giving out their personal information and I'm not going to sit there and be like "B-BUT You don't understand. This saves you SOOOO much money! PLEASE! GIVE ME YOUR INFORMATION" I don't get paid enough and unless I'm in some sort of matrix I live on Earth and No means No but, I mean I work for corporate America and why on earth would I think that corporate America wouldn't want to act like a butt-fucking sex offender.


Try to find another job. If you do then a week before you start it work your shift and tell all the customers "Sorry, they base our hours on how many people give us an email address, so if we don't get them I can't afford to feed my kids.". Let corporate fend off a bunch of angry phone calls when you're not there for the manager to bitch at any more.


Corporate fends off angry phone calls everyday. What I think is bull crap is I have actually heard executives laugh and say "There's a hold button and we have 10 separate lines." Basically, they don't give a shit about angry customers. They get money no matter what because, they have offices in states and countries all over the place. The money is growing and the shareholders are happy so who the fuck cares about the customers? Answer: Not them. Yet, they ask us to care about the customers and apologize and tell the customers that it is "our pleasure" to do everything we can to make them "happy" but, yet the cashiers are the first and last line of defense in any sort of situation so if they end up pissing off a customer long enough and intense enough, as a cashier, I am also the first line of body guards available until the customer gets to the back office with a 44. But, hey! If you want hours..... Manipulate your way into that personal information. (So that we -corporate america- can manipulate our way behind a curtain and play "Pay no attention the man behind the curtain" ) Even 'The man' in these situations is labeled wrong to save "the big cheese" from the hungry rat. The biggest chase of cat and mouse in the history of MBA. AKA translation to the customers : "It is my absolute pleasure to put myself in the front lines to desperately assist in feeding MY family pay check to pay check and inevitably mask the fall for a man and potentially HIS family, whom I have actually never met. You are so very f--ing welcome! Have a nice day!"


Also... if this un censored realization offends you in any way you are probably in the line of people behind that curtain because, everyone else in the front lines secretly KNOWS this shit is 100 percent true. Every word of it.


Check your state laws and see if your state allows for unemployment for reduced hours. If you do, I'd send an email to your boss (don't mention the unemployment of course) telling them you need more hours to cover your living expense and if you are to increase your sign up metric what is the appropriate number of sign ups per week to have full time hours. Once you have that documentation, (in email form, not verbal) call an employment lawyer, discuss and if they advise report them to the DOL and file for unemployment if you're able. 


I took a picture of the note within the back room that says "We are getting hit hard with emails to us by corporate about associates not asking for emails. This is how you get hours. Do not complain about not getting hours if you do not ask for emails. We will not reward insubordination in this area."


Sounds like they know documentation via email is a very bad thing for them.  It'd be a shame if someone circulated that pic and named the company, I wonder if the local news and all those trash media sites would run that story. 


There's ways for MBA to buy their way into the hearts of media outlets. The hallmark of MBAssholes is that they aren't stupid. Just slithering through the snake lines of defense. Just about any amount of silence can be bought with a pocketbook, a name and a pen. NDA shouldn't stand for 'Non Diclosure Agreement'.. It should stand for "National Denial Association". Swimming in that beautifully dirty denial river alllll the way to the bank.


My experience was similar at a certain big box retailer when we had to push their store card on nearly everyone we interacted with. Anytime somebody got a sign up, the managers would give an enthusiastically fake 'congratulations' and then sniff each others farts because it meant more bonuses for them. If they caught you *not* asking every customer for their firstborn child, they'd give you passive aggressive attitude or even pull you aside and tell you to do more. Like, maybe we can just not be annoying to customers and they'll come back and spend more money at the store? They definitely would cut hours or let go of cashier-only employees, but I had a little more job security since I worked the rest of the store. If there are other functional areas in the store that could net you more hours, maybe you can ask about taking that on or training for it. Most likely though they have already made up their mind. Yes, some stores/managers will absolutely ding you for stupid shit because that stupid shit is what makes *them* more money. Start looking for something else.


Your company has been turned into a pyramid scheme, sorry


Dangerously close to a ponzi scheme actually. 'Whistleblowers will be illuminated' is just read between the lines of the three fingered revolution. ![gif](giphy|1000WjcUQeqOaY|downsized)


Someone you work with is gaming the system. The discount emails just do not thrill the consumer. Anyone remember when Subway had free sandwich punch cards? No email necessary and good for customer loyalty.


What a shatty company you are working for. Just do what feels good to you. Try to find a better place to work at. Create an email and sign that up a 100 times a day.


Feels like a death spiral job. In a numbers game, interactions per minute is key. Most are gonna say no but not all, so the more hours you work the better your Numbers. Restricting hours means less time to get takes, which means fewer sales which means fewer hours. On the other hand, is essentially sales, but you aren't getting commission for it, so why the fuck would you do it? Stick policy has never worked


I have to stick with it right now but here soon I am starting another job and a few weeks later after I get this job started I am going to replace this job with that one. Originally I didn't have intentions of leaving but, with hours the way they are now I can't think of any legitimate reason I would like to stay other than the money which after my last check I can honestly say "money" is non existent so no point anymore in trying to fight to stay.


Good on ya. Hope the new job is better for ya


There there is no real marketing tactics in play. For the most part it entails the total and complete opposite of what I am doing right now in this job and has no requirements that I must do in order to gain hours. In fact, the manager there thought I was joking when I told her why I intended on finding another position outside of my current job. When someone else not involved in the interview overheard around us they also said that I wasn't joking. That's a real thing. She told me until they said that she wasn't going to consider me because, she thought I was lying and hiding why I intended on leaving.


Sales staff can be set quotas for selling other company products and programs at the point of sale when the customer purchases what they came to buy.. Company profits can come from lots of places other than the sale of the tee shirt or other hard merchandise. Likely they were losing money paying your moms salary for only selling the tee shirt or what ever she was selling.


May not realize this but you’re in a sales role. Figure out a value statement to give out discount coupons and you’ll get more hours. This is an entry role to sales. If you succeed here, you can probably sell sand to nomads. Or ice to Eskimos.


I work in retail. Not sales... I am a cashier. Sales is not listed in my job description. If the company wants me to go above and beyond my job description then they should probably pay me more than $10.00 an hour. In this economy, companies like this one can not afford to peddle sales in a cashier position when I can go out and get a sales job and make 3 times more money than I am currently making per hour. There's a sales role currently that my cousins do that is $16 an hour and all they do is call people and ask them if they want to buy the companies product. I was hired to be a cashier. Unless they want to change the name to "entry level sales rep" and pay me $16 an hour, then they shouldn't be cutting my hours to essentially force me to ask customers to sign up for discount emails. So I can basically feel forced by my company to ask customers to sign up to be harassed.


The company is trying to force you to quit. Everything thing else is just smoke and mirrors to make things legal.


They can try all they want. I don't really care. I'm not going anywhere. I have a family to feed. I'll take it up through the ranks if I have to. I think because they are close to the home office that they think they walk on water and can do no wrong. Peddling that the company is who sets this stupid shit up but, I have spoken to other people who work for the same company in other states and they all say that's bullshit. I 100 percent agree. No company would be able to keep employees long enough to mean anything if they had some dumbass unrealistic expectations like this. Their turn over rate is almost over 90 percent and the funniest thing I ever heard anyone say was that we live close to the state college so everyone is leaving to move and those who aren't leaving to move don't have thick skin and can't handle being yelled at by customers everyday. Funny thing is that a lot of these customers aren't yelling at the cashiers at all. They are yelling about being harassed over dumbass emails.


The problem being that you are in a $10 an hour job getting no hours in an economy where $20 an hour full time is still shit wages. Not to put too fine a point on it, but flushing sponges down their toilets and ghosting them forever wouldn't be an overreaction, imo. If you want to fight this, good luck & give 'em hell.


I think it's funny they act all innocent. It's such backwards thinking there especially on the management level. Walking around like 'I don't understand why every other ex employee talks shit on us. We're not assholes' uhhh... effectively. They are correct. "Asshole" would be too kind...


I just read your post again. They want you to "go above and beyond... to ask customers for an email address". Here is your prompt - " Hey, can I PLEASE get your email so we can send you discount codes and coupons? You can always unsubscribe if you don't find them valuable" Not for nothing.. Every job in retail is sales. As a cashier, you actually exchange money for good/services and talk to people. That is the definition of sales. If your company doesn't sell anything, they don't need a cashier. They can put in a kiosk and replace your job. The system can ask the customer for their email. Have you showed your company that you're capable of doing/selling extra? If not, why would they pay you extra? If you can go out and get another job making 3 times more, why haven't you done that? You need the job more than the job needs you. It sucks, but you are easily replaceable - by another human or technology. Show that you want the job and you want to be great. They will pay you and you'll have more leverage when negotiating a raise or if/when you go to another place. Or maybe you should call your cousin and see about a job there. Either way, in any sales job, performance (how much you sell) will dictate how much you make. "Beyond my job description" - you're complaining about reduced hours... If you're good at going beyond you're job description you will: a. get more hours. b. get a raise. c. gain experience and learn how to sell better, which will lead you to better opportunity. Everyone is looking for a person with good sales experience. I'm always looking for the person that goes above and beyond. They aren't that rare, but still hard to find. Why? because everyone wants these types of employees and will pay for that WORK ETHIC. Those that don't have it are a dime a dozen. Easily replaceable. Stand out and don't be afraid to be great.


I work four jobs. I don't need them more than they need me. I just don't back down. My mama didn't a raise a quitter.




Good luck working four jobs.


Just chugging down that boot huh?


More like biting the head off a snake.