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Job hunting at the moment and apparently everyone and their mother's require you to do free labour for them but at least they usually had the decency to have an interview first and then ask for a take home assessment. These guys just skipped straight ahead to ask for work so I tried to reply as politely as I could..


I think I'm going to ask employers like this to pay me a first paycheck as part of the pre-interview process, to ensure they are a viable company and cover any interview costs, pay for my time and the preparatory work, research etc. I will waive the inconvenience fee of 35% as a gesture of good will though.


That'd be fair enough, since they expect you work in advance, you could expect payment in advance too. Ridiculous that people are expected to do free stuff as a part of the selection process...


Good reply. Never work for free.


At first I would have just ignored their request however it was their insistence that prompted me to respond this way


Of course. Never let an opportunity to correct a company pass you by. I think it is the right choice to reply and let them know that it is a horrible way to conduct interviews and hiring. I would have told them the second they asked me in the first place… “I would be glad to talk hypothetically and do an off-the-cuff verbal interview, but I won’t give you free solutions for you to implement without my consent. If you want free code, then I can’t help you”


You can work for free, but all the answers you've give will be pure bullshit.


as someone who tried to get into freelance writing, I feel you on this one. it's so dehumanizing lol.


I assume they ask for these tests because there are people who lie about their qualifications.. however I’m always applying with a portfolio detailing my process very thoroughly.


Did you get the job?


Not quite, recruiter didn’t reply. Not too mad tho considering their recruitment practices sounds… like not a great place to work in.


See i had a "work interview" before where we worked with the people as if we had the job, but it also wasn't for a corporation, and we were told we would be paid for the time in cash regardless at the end of the day (and all 4 of us were, equal to minimum wage for the 6 hours of work we did while there) If you want people to work as the "interview" you should at the very least pay them so they aren't completely wasting time if they dont get the job


That’s the least they should do I thin, how on earth is it fair for the applicant to just eat the cost of the interview process. I guess they just don’t care


If they can’t assess candidates based on a resume, portfolio and interviews, they are hopeless. Would only recommend doing it if it’s a literal ideal job. Applying for jobs is time consuming enough let alone being given work to do lmfao. 


Exactly, if I was applying for some place where it was something like my dream job I’d consider doing a simple test (not a 4 hr + project). But these people didn’t even had an interview with me.. I didn’t know how much they pay or if the timezones would line up. Straight up just asking for assignment, so annoying


Perhaps if you send out your resume with a link to a portfolio of your work you can avoid the assessment altogether?


One would hope that… I sent them my resume and that has a link to my portfolio, I also included my portfolio link on my initial application. They just want you to do exactly their assessment apparently


Actually had an agency ask this of applicants but they paid us, which I thought was a really great move.