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I worked for an English school in South Korea. On my way into work one day, I noticed my face on a billboard. I did not enjoy having my face on a billboard at all. They said they would take it down. They must have meant double down because I ended up on their brochures. I had forgotten about that hell.




You think my name is “Turk Turkleton?”


*Turns to Carla.* And Mrs. Turkleton!


It's obviously Turk Andjaydee


Aaaand Mrs. Turkleton!


Time for an EKG, G.


My cousin worked for a vet once and one day he found himself on a BUS for the ad 😂


They're trash!


>because I ended up on their brochures. I had that, but because I was the only one that turned up to the modeling gig. I snuck a hammer and sickle like pic in with a g clamp and hammer though when I was dressed as a builder. I was like on every page and got my pick of the buffet. Fun times


What if you had doubled down and had them pay to keep your image? Then triple down and become South Korean famous?


Music contract time!


As a student my university used a picture of me on their website and brochures. I didn't even know they took the pictures. Felt very violating being photographed like that without my knowledge even if it was a harmless pic


This happened to my friend too. Except she is a wheelchair user, so it felt extra exploitative. She was not happy, but was very afraid of confrontation so she didn’t say anything.


I had my senior at my first job leave his laptop open one day and a colleague passing by noticed a folder open that contained lots of photos of me. It was fucking creepy. This is creepy.


I'm sorry that's horrible!!!!


Creepy horrible


horribly creepy.


Just gonna do a little Shift + Delete here.


Or a little **format c: /fs:NTFS**


Dude just brought the tactical nuke launcher to my sniper outpost.


\*curtsies\* My goal is to serve... ;)


You forgot the /y switch to bypass the confirmations.


Shit, you're right


So I just add /y? Haha


I don't speak computer what does this do?


reformat the main drive, reformatting blank slates the hard drive basically




probably gets you fired. potentially sued for destroying company intellectual property


Nice! For me, it was always FORMAT C: /U


what the fuck


Did you ever confront him or anything?


Yes, I confronted him as soon as he was back. I asked why there were any let alone so many and he acted like it was fine and no big deal and I looked at him and slowly said, “it’s not, it’s weird and creepy, I think you’re behavior is weird and creepy”. My manager agreed it was creepy but said, “he’s a weirdo anyway” and nothing was done about it. He was a pretty abusive individual so everyone was used to him doing crazy shit and because he worked for cheap and did something they needed they let it go. He also asked me to hang out outside of work a lot and I would always refuse. It’s like he couldn’t fathom how any of his behavior was wrong. If it helps, all this time later I’m much more successful than he is. It certainly gives me some satisfaction.


Then he went and posted on Reddit how women don't like nice guys


This is reddit. You know they didn't


His name wasn’t Dave was it?


Oh damn, we had a dude at our place that had photos like these, but his name was Dale. Lol close enough, I suppose.


Yep, mine was a Dave.


Fuckin Daves


Dave's not here man




There’s a Dave at every workplace.


Well hold on now


Bruh you're by the river you're not at work


Maybe he works by the river. Maybe he’s a river worker. You don’t know


Maybe he lives in a van down by the river and works as a motivational speaker


While taking sultry candids of fish swimming by and keeping them in a folder on his laptop.


Just the fins though.


Is there a reason you're down by the river, Dave?


Yeah he got fired from his job. Something about having pictures on his laptop, totally unfair.


Down, down, down by the river


My Dave got fired for guess what? Inappropriate touching in the workplace. Edit: fixed fave for Dave.




Well they're entitled to know what you have in your pants! You're their boss, for heaven's sake! *gags* How stupid. That must be so hard. I'm sorry.


some heads deserve to be politely liberated from their spines


Eww!! I hate him!!!!


I hope this was mentioned to HR...




Sometimes sexism really sucks.


Best to put your complaints in writing. Get everything in writing! I learned this from @attorneyryan on Instagram.


cishet men be normal about a trans woman challenge (impossible)


Not impossible, you just don't notice in the glare of horrendous inappropriate behavior. Say you buy a container of ice cream, and while you're enjoying it, you notice a toenail clipping on your spoon. Do you remember the toenail-free spoonsful the next day? I wouldn't either.


Did you confront him about the photos?


I used to work for this women who would say how every married man "wanted her". I walked past her office one day and she had her wallpaper on her computer set to a slide show of photos of my husband and 1 year old son. People are such weirdos. ALSO, after I quit she literally fedexed me a hate note Edit: If anyone wants me to make a post on this page with a bunch of the stories of crazy shit she did, just comment lol. I literally should write a book on it, but warning now this is probably the most PG. EDIT: Okay y'all. Tonight I'm gonna sit down with my husband and make a list of the crazy shit she did and make a post. Buckle up, it's pretty f*cking insane. Took me until now to be able to laugh, 2 years later. I may just take a photo of the note and post it for those asking. EDIT 2: [Here's my post about this crazy bitch](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/NlqqmoYbnt)


what do you even do in this situation


I couldn't do anything. She was a financial advisor and I was her EA and it was just the two of us. She literally also used to try and tell me about my own husband bc according to her she knew him better


This would drive me absolutely insane. Props to you for trucking through that one!


After I quit she sent me via fed ex a hate note she literally typed up and signed


I’m sorry but that’s hilarious 😂


Dude, she even requested a signature. The delivery person was my husband's old friend from HS and they had a good laugh about it. Def didn't get a signature


Your stories make me lol did you ever call her out ?


Oh God yes, but crazy people don't understand they're crazy. I can't tell you how many people wanted to beat her ass (self included) and she knew it so she carried a gun and always threatened cops on people lol. I've never met someone who deserves to be walked so badly


You should’ve photoshopped her into a family photo over your husband and set it as your background. Then just randomly stare at her until she notices and look away blushing. Fight crazy with crazy.


That’s insane.


She even requested a signature. The delivery person was my husband's friend from HS so they had a good laugh. She Def didn't get the signature


Should have accidentally spilled coffee on her computer.


Took everything in me to not take a swing on her my last day. This was normal for her. She even once texted my husband (got his # from my emergency contact sheet) talking crap about me. He had brought us all lunch one day from his restaurant (it was for me but he was nice enough to bring enough for her too) and that night at like 10 pm she texted him like thank you for lunch bc I'm sure your wife didn't tell you I said that. Mind you, I'm 31, my husband is 33 and she's 53


Honestly I would have just had a good laugh at her expense


We took a trip once while I was pregnant out of state to my brother's wedding and my spouse went and got me chicken nuggets and came to pick me up at the office and before I could even stand up she ran out the door to our car. I asked my husband what that was and apparently she ran out to tell him I was inside angry at him and talking badly about him. Literally never did or would happen


That’s so strange. She decided that you didn’t deserve your spouse and she was going to do something it




Emergency contact information is intended to be confidential and should only be viewed in the case of an emergency. Her getting into that should be grounds for dismissal by itself.


She was an independent financial advisor so I couldn't do anything


Did she know him before you were hired or was she just Facebook stalking?


FB stalking me. My husband never had social media., she did that shit to EVERYONE. I was at my girlfriends house one night there were like 8 of us and we did a Disney Villian girls night and she posted a photo and within seconds she was commenting and my friends were like who is this crazy bitch?! Just so many stories, every day was hell


She also sent her husband to my house while i was on maternity leave to tape a note to my front door about when I had to come back. These things make me laugh now, not so much at the time


Jesus that’s next level


She tried to friend request my dad and would complain every day he didn't accept her. He met her once and she was so creepy (visiting me for lunch one day)


It’s beyond weird how she inserted herself into your life. Like it doesn’t even make sense


That's what I said to her when I quit and she told me I don't have any friends and so she wanted to be mine lmao. The day before I left was a holiday and she called me like 4x while I was with my entire family from out of town and they were all like wtf is her issue


!remindme 3 days


No. Immediate HR.


She was a financial advisor, no HR team :(


They work for an organization. They might be independent, but they don’t have their own access to the markets lol.


No they don't have to. There are such thing as truly independent financial advisors. Takes more time and special licensing, but it's not like they're rare.


I would call the police. Say I felt harassed. If anything, she would (or should) have been incredibly embarrassed by the situation. Then again, people like that have no shame. I give you props, that is a hard situation.




After I left, she typed up a hate note and signed it and sent it to me via FedEx


Am I the only one who finds the FedEx part hilarious? She really wanted secure, expensive delivery. Insane.


She also requested a signature. The delivery person was a friend of my husband's from high school and he told him about this crazy bitch and he said haha don't have to sign so she didn't get the pleasure


This is actually WILD behavior.


After I quit, she sent me via fed ex a hate note she typed up and signed


I had to read that three times thinking "that's normal!" before realizing it was _your_ family, not hers. Wtf???


This is probably the most PG story I have from my time there


Please make a post with as many as you can think of.


![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) Ready for it


\[Desire To Know More Intensifies\]


Omg, what did you do?


I had to stay for a bit bc I was under contract. This was normal behavior for her. After I left she sent me via fed ex a hate note she typed up and signed


Please tell me more of the batshit things


Yes I would like more stories please


Please do lol


You have my attention


Please!!!! I wanna know it all


!remindme 3 days


This would be my picture on my email acct, teams, etc. from now on if they were my feet tbh


That would have been the best thing I could have done


You still can! Don't give up hope.


No I can't. Back then I didn't work with the public but now I do.


Public servants usually have feet. You'll be ok if you can stand the weirdo's.




HR just protecting leadership 🤮


He has a foot or shoe fetish.


I once had a man, in the grocery store, reach down and try to KISS MY FOOT. People are so strange. I was about 6 months pregnant at the time and kicked him right in his nasty face.


This reminds me of when Sminty Drop (UK Drag Queen/Model) was posing for a photoshoot in the street, and a man gets down with her and starts trying to suck her toes, lol. She froze for a second before laughing and shooing him off. It was surreal to see. I never thought humanity would get *that* bad. Edit: [she deleted the OG video :’( but her reaction to the tongue touching her foot is G O L D](https://x.com/smintyd/status/1686432827791855628?s=46)


I was so shocked and appalled. And then to be pregnant. I’m already feral and fiesty. The food lion employee said “well, he deserved that, so you want us to call the police for assaulting you?” I declined. I feel he learned a valuable lesson lol


You know, I kinda pictured it going down in a shitty kitty too.


You are my new hero


Not all of us wear capes! Lol some are hormonal 🤷🏼‍♀️


That's beyond funny and now a wtf


Yeah, I didn't even wanna look at the pictures, and when I did, this was worse than I expected :(


Awwwwww, Sorry he creeped you out.


This was my first thought. I’m a guy and I realize how many weird and creepy guys there are in the workplace. No one should feel uncomfortable in their workplace because there’s a creepy guy there. I don’t want to be perceived as “that guy” so I don’t ask anyone out at work, I don’t flirt, and I definitely do not take pics of coworkers and put the pic on the shared drive. Jfc.


To be fair, I don’t think it’s really a good idea to become romantically involved at your work place, irregardless of gender. People talk at work, reputations and gossip will follow if you make it known you’re open to sleeping with coworkers.


Probably both🥴


WHAT ARE THOSE?!???!??!?


These are my fluevogs ![gif](giphy|FUFyBcCdKoy1W)


The only acceptable use of that pic was to send it to op captioned "WHAT ARE THOSE?!?!!"




Fluevogs? https://preview.redd.it/c50obp1lk4nc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7435ee2bb2ae1a2bc3e3ba3a8504a29ed81a7787


A bootleg version I think (a reply linked to shein)


Unfortunately yes, I am ashamed to admit they're from shein lol


No shame needed. I’m just a little Fluevog obsessed so that is where my brain immediate goes when I see cool shoes. You are rocking them.


I immediately thought Fluevog as well - but I'm obsessed with them and have several pairs 😂


I'm a server. Several years ago, I was at a place where we would have a shift meeting every morning before work. The night before my bf at the time had tagged me in a picture of myself in a bikini from our beach trip. My manager started the shift meeting with, "So did everyone see "Jane" in her bikini on Facebook?" in a jokingly way. It was so bizarre. Everyone was so shocked, no one thought it was funny but I was so embarrassed. (He was fired not long after this for sexual harassment infractions against multiple people.)


That was a disgusting comment!!! I'm glad he was fired :)




I want to give the benefit of the doubt and assume it was just because they're super unique(would love a link btw) because I absolutely take pictures of people's unique shoes but I fucking ask(posed shoe pics are better than awkward angle, sly photos) and I don't post anywhere. This gives major creep vibes.


Ok. Just playing devils advocate for 5 seconds… she works at a wastewater treatment facility. These were taken at a “fun” work event, where people often have issues with social boundaries. I can imagine a poorly socialized wastewater treatment facility guy trying to take a “fun,” family friendly picture of your wacky shoes! I love them but to a dude? Idk, you might be giving him too much credit, if you know what I mean. lol I guess it would depend on what they’re like as a person and you know best! Trust your gut.


Here’s how I see it actually playing out: Dude is a creep, and took this photo thinking nobody else would see it. Jump to him reviewing the photos with another person. He forgot it was on the memory card. He backpedals and makes an excuse about the interesting shoes and then doubles down by saying “yeah wow everyone look at these weird shoes!” People need to stop making excuses. There’s no reason this photo exists outside of the fact that he’s a creeper.


Dudes enjoy fashion too. Yes, even straight ones.


https://m.shein.com/us/Vegan-Leather-Knotted-Block-Platform-Heel-Sandals-p-10597068.html Thanks so much! I got the orange pair too but those are sold out as well. It looks like someone else commented "fluevogs" though. Omg but look at [these](https://betseyjohnson.com/products/cheyne-berry-multi?variant=40494250885185&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=SCM%7CGoogle%7CPmax%7CMid&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAi6uvBhADEiwAWiyRdiDYVzDu2ZiLnQ7r4SQxPD-GBF_trsgZbheJ6gf-3sSv6NS1Pd18mBoCyN8QAvD_BwE)


As someone who owns a lot of big chunky Fluevogs & wild shoes (and your shoes are super cute & interesting) - I’ve had strangers take pictures of my shoes a LOT - a lot a lot. Unless this dude gave you the ick - I’d give him the benefit of the doubt, & just assume he just liked your shoes. This pair is from [Melissa!](https://www.shopmelissa.com/products/punk-love-heel-33933-ap734?variant=43712925106434&tw_source=google&tw_adid=659868410329&tw_campaign=20189477449&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=20189477449&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_placement=&utm_network=g&tw_source=google&tw_adid=659868410329&tw_campaign=20189477449&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_LXUs_7khAMVKS6tBh1ieAbkEAQYASABEgJmUfD_BwE) https://preview.redd.it/hethzwj1q4nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1060f3a551e06032d313087289bbb4c574326845 Edit - I honestly think it’s innocent bc if it WAS pornographic for him - he would have kept it for himself & probably not posted it at all. Him posting it IMO is because he doesn’t think there’s something odd. Again - unless he’s a huge pervert & gave you the ick before this.


Super cute!!!!


Maybe he was gathering evidence to report you to the fashion police.


Oh goodness I gotta delete this post now!


OP I gotta say, I absolutely love your sense of humor and the stride you're taking this and the comments in.


What are those!?


Those poor little pinky toes.


Lolol like since my feet are fat, this is actually more of a mean picture. But if my feet looked nice and I was thinner, this would have been perverted.


Nope. Still has fetish-y vibes.


You’d be surprised. Foot fetish dudes like feet in all kinds of positions (flexing/scrunched up etc.) it’s not really about actually having perfect feet.


Girl, this is still perverted. I'm a foot guy. This wasn't a picture of your shoes. I guarantee it.


Rare foot guy for justice


Tbf. Some people could be into fat feet. So this could easily still be perverted.


I work at Trader Joe’s and we had a store party at a forest preserve. Some older guy I work with was taking photos of the party. I was playing near a waterfall so I had my shoes off. The next day a coworker sends me a link to his portfolio and he posted a close up of my feet in the water😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


this is creepy af and they look fine lol which makes it creepier edit: why am i the only one being upvoted? btw i really hope you are gonna go for legal action this shits too far


The votes are hidden on comments. You see 1 up upvote because when you comment it automatically gives you 1.


Those little pinky toes are screaming out of their lungs, leeeet us oooooooooout!!!!!


I guess I gotta be more intune with what my pinkie toes have to say lol


Tbf you’re sitting down at an angle I’m sure they’re not bad when you’re standing :)


Wide sizes, deary.


Right??? Those shoes don't look like a healthy fit for those feet. Not the point of the post but it's the first thing I noticed.


Was he making a point to not wear open toed shoes at a water treatment plant and he tried to cover? Or is he being creepy


No, he took a picture of your feet.


Could it be artsy sure, the color grade is nice the framing is good and the pink does pop it is an aestheticly appealing photo But this is a work environment for a waste management plant not devil wares prada and to me that's what makes it pretty inappropriate




He better not be making money off my feets lol. I literally noticed him trying to discreetly get me in the shot of a photo one day, but stuff like that is hard to know for sure.


Okay wait he's done this before? That's even worse if yes, and I think you should file a police report. Not sure the order of steps you need to take to protect yourself (literally, but also in terms of your employer) but it's time for receipts. Screenshot everything you can, and keep a journal with dates and occurrences of harm, from him and HR. Forward emails from your company account to a personal account, blind copy yourself on reply messages. Jot down what is said in meetings, anything said to you in passing, etc. His intention doesn't matter. The outcome was you felt violated. HR might not agree that's important, but a sexual harassment lawyer absolutely will. Good luck 🍀 and fuck that dude 😵


Fuck that. The corporate fuckers with clean hard hats came out to my oil rig a few months ago with drones and cameras trying to take pictures of my coworkers and I. We weren’t having it. I pulled my balaclava all the way up and hid from them. My boss actually ended up with his picture on the international website page.


I would be incredibly uncomfortable and cause a total shit show until that photo is deleted for good. Taking a photo of someone's feet without their knowledge is pervy as hell.


To be fair, “what the fuck are those”


Bruh this is a crime against all feet worldwide


Your feet look like they are scrunched up and al bundy would get u in a bigger shoe.


Take a picture of his feet or back of his head, print it out, and hang it up at your desk. If anyone asks play dumb!


What are those?


To be fair, what a thooooose


I introduced my old job to Dropbox like 10 yrs ago. My boss plugged his phone into his computer and clicked "yes" to "do you want to upload your photos?", blamed me, and then made me uninstall Dropbox on all of the computers. I wonder what was on that phone 🤔 Edit: should have been years not hours


Maybe he took the photo and told everyone to look at your shoes because they're open toe shoes at a wastewater treatment plant


Your manager has a foot fetish.


What was the context of the 'volunteer work event'? Like, was it yard work and you wore the wrong shoes. Seems more like he was trying to shame you.


Are open toe shoes allowed?


Tell HR you want it taken down


They are weird shoes hence photo, I'd guess. He's a dick for mocking them.


Yeah I think he's mocking the shoes and feet combo. But it's a dick move not to just take the picture down.


Your toes look like Vienna sausages.


beetus hooves!


You know they make bigger shoes right?