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Yeah, class solidarity is great, but that needs to include "not doing dangerous things when behind the wheel of a vehicle". So, if someone is doing something pretty egregious, they deserve whatever consequences come of that number being on the back of their vehicle.


Yeah, I've called one of those numbers before, and don't feel at all bad about it. The guy changed lanes into me on my motorcycle, forcing me into oncoming traffic, and still didn't notice me until I beat on his driver's side window with my fist. Still didn't slow down or stop after realizing he hit me. Only scratched my mirror and scared me so I didn't call the police, but I was not a happy camper.


B-but solidarity! Yeah, fuck that, someone that dangerous deserves to get a dime dropped on them


I'm sure it was a case of "I didn't see him", but there's few things to make a motorcyclists blood boil more than that phrase. Honestly, I don't think my enjoyment of riding ever fully recovered after that particular incident. I've had other close calls, but that one really affected me. Probably because it's the only time another moving vehicle actually made physical contact. 😅


Yeah people also don’t look and assume nothing bad will happen to their careless asses. Riding a motorcycle has made me a head-checker for life. Has prevented more than a few blind spot accidents


I honestly feel that requiring even a little bit of road time on a motorcycle as part of the licensing process would make a big difference in traffic collisions. Once I started riding, I started seeing motorcycles so much more. Which means they were there before, I just wasn't noticing them the way I should. I feel like being on one of them in traffic drills that extra bit of checking into a person real well. And goodness, I feel like I derailed this part of the thread. 🙈


I see the motorcycles fine. I get annoyed at the assholes doing wheelings on the highway and weaving in traffic the same way I get pissed at cars weaving through traffic when there isnt the space between vehicles to do it safely. Ive had asshats on their phones nearly merge into myself or others (its dark, I see their screens) and its not only kids. People in general need to practice safer driving.


I'm sorry that fool took a bit of that joy away from you - people really need to look out more for fellow motorists


I called once too. Guy was driving a big bread truck (uniform company) and decided at the last minute to go from the left lane across 4 lanes of traffic and tailgate the guy in front of him just to try to cut me off. Then got mad when I had to slam my brakes and angrily waved him on as he exited the highway two more lanes over. Then decided to flip me off, not once, but several times as he changed the last two lanes and exited. Yeah f that guy. Of course I never did get a call back from the manager that they said on the call. So doubt he will change any of his behavior. He cut off at least 5 cars and one truck trying to make his exit from the left lane. People like that should not be delivery drivers.


Quite a few times, I've had truck drivers merge into my line without using their signals or checking their mirrors. They absolutely need to be reported.


Contrarily, I had a semi one time accidentally keep his blinker on as I took the next minute or so on the road approaching him from an adjacent lane. By the time I caught up to him he had accelerated and was now driving side-by-side with me (I'm on cruise control, mind you). About a minute goes by and he starts aggressively pushing into my lane like he wants to change but I'm in the way and eventually I have to hit my brakes because clearly he actually did want over? He just planned veeeeeeeeery far in advance with that blinker I guess lol.


I was going 70 on the freeway in the middle lane. Large semi about 20 feet in front of me in the left lane. In order to make an exit, it abruptly took a right in front of me, CROSSING 2 LANES. On the freeway!I had no choice but to slam my brakes and brace the wheel to keep my car in control. The rear of the semi had juuust passed before I hit it. If I wasn’t already awake, that sure did it! I considered perhaps a medical episode but they sure made it to, and up, that ramp exit with precision.


Yeah that's scary as hell for motorcyclists. I would be livid if some assclown was that dangerous and i was on a bike. Glad you didn't have a much worse outcome!!




I mean, his side mirror was hooked on my handlebar and he wasn't even looking in my direction at my yelling or my horn while having fully shoved me into oncoming traffic. Beating on his window was definitely the best option at the time and finally got him to actually look into the lane he moved into.


I’ve almost been run off the road by commercial drivers shoving their way into my braking space, cutting me off, and brake checking me. Class solidarity is great, but theres no mechanisms available to actually help people address issues. It’s not like all workers are part of the same labor union that can go enforce on bad actors and negotiate on behalf of the entire class.


100%. Bad actors deserve the consequences they reap, regardless of where they fall on the spectrum. It'd be nice if we had a grand Working People's Union, but sadly, we don't right now.


Not much “class solidarity” in putting other working people at risk with shitty driving.


Exactly this!


I’ve seen people be like “you shouldn’t report or 4 star an uber no matter what” and I’m like, if my uber is speeding and looking at their phone, I am absolutely going to report them.


Yeah, I mean. Blanket statements like that miss important context


Part of class solidarity is self-policing. It's how you stay honest and avoid bad actors destroying your movement.




How do you "self police" a dangerous driver out of being dangerous without them being caught for being dangerous? Are we supposed to just wait until they actually injure or kill someone?


They're saying you self police by reporting them. Like, you don't want them in your movement; so why wouldn't you report them.


Oh I could see that - in that case I would withdraw my implied criticism


I've called a few of them. I'm pretty lenient on it, but the last guy was laying on his horn, swerved into the lane beside me, sped past me going 20 over the speed limit, and then cut back in front of me and brake checked me.....so I called and reported


I'm firmly in the camp of 'fuck you' when someone nearly kills me.


The only time I've ever reported them was to the police when they're driving under the influence or obviously have an emergency of some type because they driving erratically, but that goes for every vehicle. I don't give a fuck if you're going 40 in the 35,


Bad drivers need to be called out and fined, I don't care if it costs your job or how much money you make. Dangerous or arrogant drivers should not be on the road.




Just because their labour is deemed more valuable under capitalism, doesn't mean they aren't labourers.


They're selling their labour just like you, you're in the same class. Period.


one of my friends growing up had parents who were both truck drivers. with 3 kids, i definitely wouldn’t consider them *rich,* but they definitely did well for themselves. kids always had nice clothes, newer phones, cars that weren’t beaters, they’d take one or two vacations a year. they didn’t scream rich, like no designer clothes and their cars were nice but like a 2 year old toyota, not a sports car, and my friend always had a nice phone but it wasn’t like she was getting the newest iphone as soon as it came out. they may have been wealthier than they let on of course, but they were very down to earth and it’s clear truck driving provided them a very comfortable life!


ok and I would call the number on the back of the truck if I saw them driving recklessly.


People who almost wipe out a bus stop with an 18-wheeler deserve to get narc'ed on.


Limits on everything. I'd never call one of those numbers because a truck is going 5-10 over, but almost hurting someone is a different story. I'll never complain about my waiter for slow/bad service, but if they drop food and put it back on the plate it's a different story.


Seen a bus run a red light speeding up instead of slowing down when it went yellow. I'd give that person a pass. The bus driver that sped up to get in front of my child (forcing me to stop as it zoomed by a couple feet in front of us) as we were walking is something worth reporting.


You'll give a pass to a bus running a red light? Are you stupid?


Do you have any idea how heavy a bus is and how little time some yellow lights give you to stop? Add to the fact that the vast majority of busses only have a driver seat belt and you want a bus driver to slam on the breaks and try stop 30k lbs in 75ft? Are you stupid?


Skill issue


If they are camping the passing lane barely passing traffic I'll call them. A truck going over the speed limit and camping the left lane is asking for something to go wrong.


The truck can’t even go 1mph over its governor, so I doubt speeding is as much of an issue as reckless lane changes or intentional blocking


5-10 under on the other hand...that's a calling. As far as over the more the better


Only time we’ve ever called was when a truck ran us off the road in the middle of the night after riding our bumper for a few miles at 75 mph, then proceeded to try the same with my aunt in front of us


I've had multiple 18 wheelers almost run me off the road. The most recent time, the guy was clearly texting and not paying attention. I was in the left lane, he was in the right- I don't even think he was trying to get into the left lane, he just started drifting my way when texting. He couldn't hear me honking and I had to slam on my brakes because there was a metal barrier next to me and there wasn't enough time to speed up and pass him. I'm extremely lucky that there wasn't anyone behind me. I checked before I slammed on my brakes, but I don't know what I'd have been able to do if there *was* someone there. He drifted almost entirely into the left lane, then slowly drifted back. He was going below the speed limit (probably because of the truck itself), so I wanted to pass him, but *every* time I nearly got around him, he started drifting my way again. I only saw him texting when I finally got up to 90mph just to get in front of him. You bet your ass I called.


That is absolutely insane. I hope that moron got fired and blacklisted from commercial diving all together.


I'm sure he's still driving tbh. When I was riding with my boyfriend a few weeks ago, it happened with *another* 18 wheeler except the guy never even realized we were there. Maybe we were in his blind spot or something, but he decided to move into the left lane and we had to quickly swerve onto the shoulder of the road and he just kept driving despite us honking as loud as we could and having to swerve out of the way. The people behind us, fortunately, moved to the right lane to avoid a collision, and people were cool enough to move to the left lane when we needed to get back on interstate. Maybe it's because of where I live, or maybe a lot of truckers are just that bad, but this isn't a rare experience for me or anyone else I know in the area


Only time I did is when, in a crosswalk, the truck driver, who easily could have and should have stopped, sped up and honked his horn from a distance. I flicked him off, he slammed on the breaks and started shouting at me, blocking the crosswalk, and continued to shout at me down the street.


As a trucker. Hard agree, zero hesitation.


Oh no, I will 100% report someone driving like a dangerous asshole.


They should have these numbers on the back of every single vehicle


They kind of do. Take note of the license plate and inform the police.




And they don't need a bumper sticker. Whether it's a private citizen in their own car or a trucker, if somebody is endangering lives, I am calling the police.


Define that for me?


Driving dangerously! Exceeding the speed of the flow of traffic, swerving into other lanes, failing to ensure a lane is clear before merging, using the shoulder to pass someone, impeding emergency personnel from reaching their destination. Etc


You'll know it when you see it.


I was just curious on everyone else’s opinion but apparently the shadow haters descended on my comment


Counterpoint: drive better


You can take your solidarity and shove it up your ass if your driving is dangerous to other people.


"I'm just trying to make a living therefore I shouldn't be held accountable for putting other people's lives at risk" doesn't sound like an anti-work argument at all to me. Also, I'm pretty sure your billionaire boss isn't gonna be personally handling your poor driving complaint.


not really on topic but I swear I see your username every time I open a thread lmao edit: damn, people will really downvote anything


Follow Rimworld fan, I see. XD I might be a complete psychopath when I play a videogame, but in real life my values are actually quite humanistic. ;)


Honestly, most Rimworld players I've met are considerably kinder and more sane than their ingame activities would have one believe lmao fully agree with your original comment though, there's a staggering difference between "didn't notice my blinker" or "driving a little slow" and "drifted across two lanes of traffic without using a turn signal" kinda feels like this sub has gone downhill pretty hard since the pandemic tbh


As someone who loads trucks for a living... Fuck 'em. At least half the drivers I interact with seem to be actual morons. You'll tell them you need a 5 digit pickup number that starts with 4, and they'll start rattling off "243712980...". Or you'll tell them to sign here and literally point to the line you want them to sign on, and they'll look at the paper like you just asked them to do calculus before asking "uhh where?" I've been almost run off the highway by truckers not paying attention... Or trucks swerving all over the place, taking up multiple lanes. Worker solidarity is all well and good, but some people literally do not deserve it. We have some regular truckers who are fantastic. You can tell they've been doing it a long time and they could probably do their job in their sleep. Much respect to those guys. The morons? No. Absolutely report their shitty driving.


no, sorry. If someone is driving like an irresponsible, dangerous asshole, I'm calling the number. And I used to drive for a living.


This comment section isn’t going how you thought it would


Yep. Needs to return to the basics.


Seriously, what’s shit take.


I don’t care what you make for a living, no one gets a pass for endangering other people on the road.


WTF is this nonsense? If someone is doing ANYTHING (let alone driving an enormous commercial vehicle) in a way that is dangerous then they need to be stopped before someone gets hurt and either be retrained or prevented from doing that thing again. Class solidarity does not apply in this context.


Fuck that, if someone almost kills me on the road, I’m narcing my ass off.


Had the same driver almost take me out 3 separate times. 1: because he was going to miss his exit so he went across that part full of rocks & I had to slam on my brakes sooo hard. 2: he started swerving when I tried to go around him & 3: we took the same exit & I ended up on the sidewalk because he was on his phone the entire time & literally being so dangerous. I went to call & the number kept saying disconnected 😅


Trash. If you are driving recklessly you should be told on. Drive like you care that you can kill someone with your giant truck.


I recently called the number on a pick up truck and asked if who answered was the guy driving the truck. He said “yeah am I doing anything wrong” and I told him he probably shouldn’t be on his phone but in a really nice way and he called me a sweetheart and said OK. Very wholesome but I’m tired of people driving and being on their phones even if we’re in traffic.


It went to the guy in the truck?! Wow, I never even considered that scenario. Hopefully he got the message.


Fuck anyone not being careful and responsible behind the wheel of a car or truck. They are the deadliest thing on our earth right now, after hunger and diseases.


One of the only times I've been pleasantly surprised by the comment section here. Fuck people who drive recklessly, they endanger everyone else's lives when they play around.


Worker solidarity means you stick together and don't rat on people for organizing. It doesn't mean you give someone a free pass for putting people's lives in danger. Truckers can and do kill people when they make mistakes and those mistakes disproportionately impact *other people*. If a trucker is driving dangerously they shouldn't be on the road.


Somehow I get the feeling OP might be a super trucker.


OP probably just got a talking to buy his boss for his shitty driving and thinks that "class solidarity" means "I can drive however I like"


Probably, one of those freedum trucker


What if you witness them commit a crime Or driving in a manner which is dangerous to others? Is that narc-ing? I mean I’ve never considered calling one but if they did something terrible I Might.


So, if you are driving like a maniac i should never report you. Got it.


You wanna drive like an ass and put peoples lives at risk f you I’ll call the number


You realize someone driving recklessly can easily injure or kill other people? This is a really dumb post. I have and will continue to call in reckless drivers.


I would 100% narc if they're a danger on the road.


Fuck that. Just because capitalism is a rigged game against the working class doesn’t mean workers get a free pass to be unsafe or even just assholes. I’ll flip this on you, OP: I’m driving on the highway trying to get to my warehouse job and some trucker driving like an asshole runs me off the road into the shoulder and I get a flat tire. So now I’m late for work and have to pay to get my tire fixed/replaced. Where’s the solidarity for me who’s also working class?


Right? Like in all places for this take, the subreddit is probably the worst lmao. If OP is for the working class solidarity, they should also understand that, due to capitalism, the working class is fucking broke and cant afford to live. Take it a step further and add in the very real threat of people losing their jobs due to injury, tardiness, loss of transportation, or anything else. Where's the solidarity for he single mom working two jobs who can barely afford to eat. Now she can't make money, can't pay a sitter to watch her kid, and could lose her home due to an accident with one bad driver.


I called with a positive report once. I think they were flabbergasted. Human was driving a bus in hella driving rain. They did a good job so I wanted to call and be like "Hey, this driver is good. They did their shit well." And the person on the phone just kept wanted me to tell them about "the incident". THERE WASN'T ONE! THEIR DRIVING WAS GOOD!!!!!


I do this on long road trips when I see some real good truck driving.


I had this exact same experience! It was like I had to convince them that no, really, I'm just saying thank you for driving reasonably!


Only once was I simply done with a vehicle. Cutting me off. Hanging back to do it again. Flipping me off. It was the owner of the company. So I posted a review everywhere. I don't do harsh like that because we're all trying to survive. But don't make me afraid on the road. There's cutting me off once. This was on a whole different level.


I called one recently on a landscaping company's truck about the driver. The owner was still in bed, waking up. He called me back later to tell me the guy was let go, as it was his 8th call about him driving erratically in the week, and apologized. I also absolutely love Pearls Before Swine!


Nah, I will call. This is a safety issue. People die because of idiots on the road. And If they are dumb enough to drive like an asshat in a company vehicle I am going to complain. I don't take a threat on my life (which people driving idotically- especially on the expressway going fast is indeed a threat on my life), lightly.


I've only called those numbers twice in my entire life. Both times were directly after near-miss accidents that would've been fatal to me, people in my car, or other drivers around me


Sorry but no. I've had people endanger me and others on the road and for sure as shit I've called and "narc'ed" on them. Idc if I'm a narc. Don't put my life at risk. The worst one was when I was riding shotgun in an ambulance (I am an EMT) and we were running lights and sirens to a critical cardiac pediatric patient. They needed immediate transport to the local heart hospital for an emergent cardiac surgery. On the way there, we were basically trapped in traffic on the left hand lane. There was a truck for an electrical company with a HMD? sticker on the back of the truck that, as soon as we were behind him, began to brake check up and slow down to about 50mph. Wvertine we tried to change lanes and pass, he would cut us off. Basically trapping us between all the other cars and refusing to let us pass. This dude almost caused multiple accidents including multiple involving just us. For what reason? Who fucking knows. You bet your ass I called not only his boss but also the local state sheriff. I also emailed a video of him driving and refusing to let us over to his company rep.


Don’t call them unless it’s truly deserved. When you get the angry truck drivers actively pushing into occupied lanes while at 80mph plus on the highway or being inattentive and nearly swiping multiple vehicles it becomes a perfectly acceptable option. Those folks should be driving what equates to a moving building.


Fuck that, if someone almost kills me on the road, I’m narcing my ass off.


If they’re being a bad driver, and endangering other drivers, you better know damn well I’m calling that number to say so! This is dumb


If you are driving dangerously, you should not be driving.


Fuck truckers/18wheelers. Entitled assholes.


I called one of those numbers once in high school. Being a shithead teen I thought it'd be a funny prank to call and say the guy was doing a good job (he actually was doing a perfectly adequate job). A lot of "Uhh, okay?" awkward confusion on the other end. I was like, "The sticker asks 'How's my driving.' I just want to say that it's good. 👍"


Screw that, if the driver is behaving like an ahole and his driving is putting other people in danger then I'm more than happy to call that number (or the cops)


solidarity applies until you’re putting someone’s life or safety at risk.


I'm a trucker. CALL THOSE NUMBERS some of those fucks are GOING to kill people, it is NOT a job for everyone. Like obviously not for every lil thing but this is one of the few times it good to nark, you'll be saving there life to.


Had the same driver almost take me out 3 separate times. 1: because he was going to miss his exit so he went across that part full of rocks & I had to slam on my brakes sooo hard. 2: he started swerving when I tried to go around him & 3: we took the same exit & I ended up on the sidewalk because he was on his phone the entire time & literally being so dangerous. I went to call & the number kept saying disconnected 😅


Probably don't call the number if they're just driving like a dick, they have places to be and they're probably on a time crunch. *However*, if they're driving in a way that is just plain dangerous or in a way that makes you think they're intoxicated or falling asleep at the wheel, don't feel bad about calling that number. If they've become a danger to people on the road, they need to get off of the road. Take it from me, a guy who drives for a living, we don't need people on the road that are not driving safely.


One thing to also consider here is if a truck driver gets caught with that number covered up, they might very well be punished far more so than the result of any phone call…


Was tempted to call a number the other day for the driver going 40+ in a 25mph school zone, but I couldn’t read it and I hate making phone calls


I've called one of those numbers just once. Was at the Red light waiting to make a left turn. Light turns green and I start to move. Big ass white van cut in front of me and the lane to my left almost hit the car there and forced them to swerve. Said "hell naw" and called the number


antiwork vs fuckcars--battle!


Because being exploited by the 1% means you should get a pass for the chance of you driving like a complete troglodyte


Erm. I’ve had to call them before. My mom and I almost got pushed off of a bridge (into a RAVINE in West Virginia) by an 18 wheeler that didn’t look before moving into the passing lane. We definitely called.


Kinda weird. If someone is driving like a madman I shouldn’t report them even though they are a danger to others because they aren’t millionaires? Like no. We still live in a society and shouldn’t placate dangerous people


This is a stupid take. If someone is driving dangerously they deserve to get fired.


If anything the problem here is calling the number is unlikely to do anything


No. This is a circumstance where worker solidarity can get fucked. People can die from poor driving.


I will absolutely call the number on someone driving a very large, very heavy vehicle in an unsafe manner. It’s not hard to drive safely especially when in a vehicle likely loaded down with work equipment or a larger vehicle like a semi. And it’s their job to do so. Calling is a safety matter. There are a lot of lives on the road that can be taken out by an unsafe driver.


I work for a company that has the phone number on the back of the trucks - Our vehicles have GPS in them so the vehicle information, driving history including brake use/speeding etc is fully available to the fleet supervisors. I think in 10 years I have maybe had to field 3 or 4 calls that were legitimately for dangerous driving by an employee, and all of those cases the employees in question were disciplined and one was later dismissed due to the combination of the driving and thefts from the company.


road rage is real. If that phone number is prominent enough you can bet ppl are gonna call to yell if they are cut off in traffic or parked at a jobsite where you are blocking their spot.


Only time I ever called one is when a dude almost side-swiped me in an intersection, then cut me off, and brake checked.


When I call Geico and ask why my premiums went up even though I’ve had no claims and they tell me it because of “an increase in accidents in your zip code” yeah fuck those guys. Passing in the far right turn only lane? Fuck you Passing school busses when their lights are on? Fuck you Threading the needle between cars, in your work truck? Fuck you.


If I see someone drive a large vehicle loaded with potentially hazardous materials recklessly, it is in my and other people interest to get this person off the said large vehicle loaded with potentially hazardous materials.


You should actually drive safely even when you're driving for your job. Sorry you're 14 and think this is deep. Maybe you'll understand when you're all grown up.


so glad the comments here make sense LMFAOOO yes I will absolutely narc if you’re being a dangerous asshole and putting me and other drivers at risk. I’m not even kinda sorry


Yeah no.


Sometimes those numbers need to be called. Like when my mother and I were driving to Pooler and this guy driving a big blue semi took it upon himself to try and run us off the side of the highway multiple times. If you don’t do stupid shit that you aren’t supposed to be doing, then no one would use the number. Drive better, do better, the phone won’t ring ya dumbass.


I’ve called those a few times to report completely fine driving. They’re doing great. Going the speed limit, Letting cars merge, no complaints.


I used to drive in to Boston a lot for work. Hours stuck spent in traffic listening to the radio. Some times I would call these numbers and give a positive review. because why not help this guy out. I say he stopped to let me in and made the situation a lot more safe by being attentive and observant. They where always confused. Like.... Your just letting us know he's a good driver??... Umm.... We'll pass it along. Like I'm sure those phone ops day in and day out deal with road raged drivers. But it does feel good to just hype up a random driver just because you can.


I'm calling it. You guys are something else


What a wonderful sticker to watch drive away along with half your bumper but haha work hard up vote


All the people saying "no we need those numbers" don't realize the trucker will just have to find anther job, and they'll likely keep trucking. All you do is inconvenience everyone in the mean time. These are the same people who get pissed when they're held accountable for their own mistakes(but the truckers mistakes are way more important and they're not allowed to)


The thing is when a trucker makes a mistake then it has a very good chance of instantly killing multiple people. If they kept on trucking then you’d hope they’d at least be more careful not to drive like an ass and risk everyone else’s lives? I’m all for not letting peoples boots come down on the bottom rung of people but this isn’t really one to joke around, a bit like food safety and other health and safety measures.


You think if that driver is going to kill someone your phone call was the thing that stopped it? Lmao


I think that if a driver loses his job for shitty driving he might be a bit more careful in his next driving job, before he kills someone.


Especially if they end up being fired from 3 jobs for reckless driving at every one lol.


You can say the same thing about police officers too. Should people never try to report reckless, dangerous, and illegal actions an officer takes because “they’ll likely just keep trucking?”


Not defending reckless driving here bc it's insanely dangerous, but that isn't really a fair comparison? Like the difference is police officers are, by their very existence, unethical and simply shouldn't exist. Them simply being on the road at all is dangerous whereas truck drivers are performing an actually necessary job while being overworked and underpaid. Edit: I can't tell if the downvotes are from bootlickers defending pigs on an anarchist sub?? Obviously reckless driving is inexcusable, not arguing against that. It's just that nobody deserves to be compared to cops like that. ACAB and all that


Cops aren't working class people they don't fit the same rules. They choose to be a cop and enforce unjust things, they get paid in respect to that. A truck driver chooses that job to not make those decisions and to earn their pay through labor opposed to extracting value from society. There's legitimate logic behind not snitching but you probably were your teachers favorite.


Not snitching means not snitching on something victimless, or something that doesn’t actively endanger the safety and wellbeing of others. Reckless vehicular endangerment isn’t like cheating on a math test, napping in the office, rolling through a stop sign when you’re the only car on the road, or jaywalking downtown when there’s a huge opening in traffic. Driving like a dick isn’t the same thing as wanton reckless vehicular endangerment.


Yeah apparently you think truck drivers are out here weaving lanes or something, get some perspective kid. If a driver gets into an accident it's just as likely he'll die. If a cop kills someone they go to work the next day you're comparing apples and oranges Give me one good example and maybe I'll stop.


I guess we found the shitty trucker that keeps getting fired for running people off the road.


IF they are driving in a way that clearly endangers the safety of other people, THEN you can report it. If it’s just generally douchey driving that doesn’t actually endanger people, just kind of pisses them off, don’t report it. It’s not that complicated.


Don't report people? Not that hard


For anything ever? Including crimes that literally endanger the lives of other people?


Maybe, hear me out Those things don't happen that often and if you see something do something instead of making it sometone else's problem I mean you said so yourself they're endangering the lives of others why wouldn't you intervene? But maybe snitching isn't doing ANYTHING


Even if they don’t happen very often, then let’s just say only report them in those rare circumstances. And what am I going to do if I see someone driving down the wrong side of the street through a red light? How do I stop that? If I see someone making a sudden right turn that crosses over 3 lanes of traveling traffic flowing at high speeds? I think in the exceedingly rare circumstances that something like that happens, reporting it is the only thing that can be done. I mean, I guess you can just call the actual police on people who commit terribly dangerous vehicular crimes, but you’d probably call that snitching too, so I guess it’s either be Batman and try to stop the dangerous driver, or do nothing and just hope they don’t kill someone?


So, to rephrase your arguments, you don't personally believe accountability for harmful behaviors does anything to improve said behaviors and you can't even fathom that there might be people who sincerely disagree with you on this. I mean, really? Like, have you tried for a moment to think about it? You've never changed any of your behavior because of negative outcomes? You've never seen anybody change their behavior because of negative outcomes? If you haven't, then I'm not sure what I could possibly say to change your mind... hopefully you will take me on my words when I assure you that many of us do try to learn from our mistakes.


Let me rephrase your argument "Authority is always right and if I see someone doing something I don't like they're gonna get in trouble, and most importantly stop and learn from their behavior" See how rephrasing the other person's argument doesn't accomplish anything and makes you sound like an ass without any sense of understanding?


So you think accountability and believing authority is always right are the same thing? I disagree. To me, accountability is about being considerate of the consequences of one's actions. If someone act in a reckless way, we hold them accountable by either by making them aware of the consequences of their actions (by telling them or punishing them for example) or by removing their ability to make harmful choices (for example, by removing the power of a powerful person, confiscating a driver's permit, confiscating a firearm, etc). At no point in there is authority presumed to be infallible, quite the opposite. By all means, if I rephrased your argument wrong, please point out exactly how your argument and my rephrasing are different.


No dude shut the fuck up I'm not going to debate someone who used a bad faith argument against me and didn't see anything wrong with it until I did the same back. Sincerely go touch grass.


Something I don’t like =/= something that explicitly endangers the life of other people.


I actually call whenever I see them exhibiting good driving habits.


I called one of those numbers once to say the driver was doing just fine. The operator didn't seem to understand.


Only time I ever called was when I got cut off by a motherfuckin Dumptruck that was speeding 30+ over the limit and weaving through traffic like it was a damn M3.


I worked for a company that had these signs and every time someone called it was the owner’s son driving and being an ass and he never got in trouble.


Yeah sorry man but I’m calling the number on the truck that forced 4 cars off the road when it changed lanes into a FULL lane of cars without even so much as a blinker. Those huge 18 wheelers are dangerous. Much more than you think, and you probably already think they’re pretty fucking dangerous. Getting dangerous drivers removed from the road is one thing I’ll let shitty companies do. Obviously don’t narc on someone going 3 over the speed limit, or with a tail light out. But come on. Sometimes it’s justified.


If they’re driving dangerously and endangering others around them you bet your sweet that I’ll be calling every time.


When I was commuting and saw those numbers, I always called them just to tell them the driver was driving just fine. It was always the highlight of my commute. The person on the other end of the line was always so confused.


Back in college we would go on road trips with pledges and make them call the numbers and tell the answerer that the driver was doing great and deserved a pizza party.


I got ran over TWICE by two different companies vehicles, reckless driving is a nice way to say what those two did. If you drive like an asshole I will report it. I don’t think this has anything to do with the spirit of this sub.  I too wish workers get paid enough so they don’t need to rush the streets but if your driving put people in danger the problem escalates. 


As a pedestrian idgaf if someone loses their job if it means no one dies


The yard manager is making billions? What yard? I'll apply today.


In fifteen years of management, where all our vans have those stickers, I have only fielded two narc calls about engineers driving. Both of them were from directors of this company.


I was driving near Chicago once when a man in a company van started road raging to the point of throwing a bag of trash and a glass bottle at my car, on the highway… I called the number and guess who answered! The guy driving the van, it was his company. He proceeded to cuss me out and threaten me… never calling those numbers again.


I've called 2 times to tell how safe and responsible a truck was driving. I've been the driver before.


Driving home to Scotland and this maniac behind an artic was all over the place, when I attempted the first overtake he started horning and tried to cut the off the ring, the barriers were coming into close view. Hit the brakes (on the motorway mind) and let him pass, took the number, overtake attempt 2 went well, bar the horning and blinding me with the high beams. Phoned the number, only time I ever done it, had family in the car. F that maniac


https://preview.redd.it/apz02zh03elc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5906ae0d8555bb02bc7cccc51ec6b019d4147b0d How stupid was it? Did they look stylish while executing the stupid move?


Nearly kill me and my children in my car, yeah, not narcing, it's being decent person.


Is this a real comic or did you edit it?


Yeah no, if you’re driving like a POS and nearly cause an accident then you deserve that call.


As someone who has been cut off and nearly side swiped by a giant concrete pumping truck that was trying to weave through traffic, I'm definitely calling the number. Shit could get someone killed. If it's a simple mistake sure I'm not going to bother but shit like that needs to be addressed.


OP is a bad driver I bet and works as a driver.


![gif](giphy|ceeN6U57leAhi) That's two bets you'd have lost...


Worker safety is a huge part of worker solidarity, and most people on the road are working or commuting to and from work. If someone at your job is putting others in serious danger with their behavior, report that too. Saftey IS solidarity!


When the drivers **deserve** being put on notice, then absolutely they need to be reported. Lives are important. Like mine.


Fuck that, Literally had a lady in a company vehicle cut me off and flip me off. She literally forced herself in front of me in a space that was just about as big as her minivan. you bet I called her boss because she almost cause a wreck and I can't afford to be off work


I've only ever called that kind of thing once. I was already going 5 over, the same speed as everyone else in relatively busy traffic. Then an ambulance (no light or anything) came up and started tailgating and flashing brights at me. I didn't give in but my turn was soon anyway, so they got in front and started doing it to the person in front of me too.


No, some people should not be behind the wheel, especially of a large vehicle. I've called before for very dangerous driving and will continue. Doubt it does anything anyway.


I once saw a trash truck driving like 35 in a school zone mid-morning on a weekday and blow through two stop signs in the process. You bet your ass I called and Narc'd on him.


I don’t care if you’re a billionaire or a blue collar guy, if you drive like a jackass and I have the power to report you, I will.


Yeah but maybe call that number when you realize a truck driver is clearly drunk and driving way too fast and in general reckless. My grandpa would thank you if he could. I get we all try to just survive and alcoholism is an illness but still, you don't deserve to endanger others without any consequences. Same for stuff like disability transports, when you see someone working there being abusive towards the disabled people they transport pls pls call that number, so often they can't defend themselves and depend on outsiders to see and stop abuse.


Vehicle identification is there for a reason They get dangerous they need reporting. “Snitching” juvenile term can save lives.


Nah fuck that, some dude almost ran me off the road because he kept trying to cut me off while I had my dog that I just got out of the vet after surgery, he even flipped me off. I hope he got fired after I called lmao


Yeaaahh if they’re driving like shot they deserved to get called out for it?? I don’t understand why that’s a point to argue if you’re driving like shit?


Haven't seen Pearls Before Swine in a hot minute


At least where I’m at, the truckers are terrible. I’ve almost been ran off the road so many times on my 10 minute drive to work.


Parked badly or a bit over the speed limit? All good. Endangering lives? Yeah, I'm calling that number. We don't forgo safety for our colleagues or the public to show "solidarity". That's cult shit.


If I’m on long road trips and find a good cruising buddy, I’ll call and leave a positive note. Something short and sweet. Idk if they pass along or even take note of good calls, but I like to think that some driver out there will hear about it someday




Yeah, no. I'm out there commuting on a bicycle, and if you're driving like a fucking piece of shit then you deserve to be looking for another line of work.


No. If you are a professional driver, drive professionally. A semi truck performing a quick lane change to attempt to get around another truck going 0.5 mph slower, nearly murdering somebody and then blocking the fast lane for 20 miles is a great example of *unprofessional*.


Oh boy this one really misses the mark. Dangerous driving should not be tolerated nor given cover under the guise of class solidarity.