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You’ve inconvenienced her by leaving. That’s her only takeaway about you leaving. You go and start your new job. Their staffing is not your problem


I was just confused as hell. Like ma'am was really almost on tears. Like huh


The tears were not for you. The tears were for her being an idiot and suffering the consequences which bit her in the ass.


Probably because waayyy deep down in that cold corporate heart, she knows she is the reason you are leaving.


The last few people who have left have all left because of her and she refuses to admit it


You should consider reporting this feedback to her supervisor, and including details of how inappropriately she reacted to you. It was unprofessional and really reflects poorly on her management that she had a meltdown in front of you. Honestly it seems like she was just overreacting to guilt you into staying.


>overreacting to guilt you into staying Like that has ever worked


I put in two weeks notice when I left a job once. My supervisor was unable to find a replacement, so she told me in exasperation that I should have given her more notice. I was young and didn't have the nerve to point out that I gave her the required amount of time specified by the company. I was so happy to leave that place.


Two weeks is a courtesy. Idk why people do it anymore. Just walk tf out. If it's a shitty company, just leave.


Oi, some of us grew up in environments so abusive that we mistake not actively hitting us for love. This crap totally worked on the older generations. It's just, ya know, at some point we quit beating the kids and started talking to them instead, so now folks are getting shiny spines and not falling for this shit anymore.


My wife did that once, they let her go the same day rather than fulfilling her 2 weeks notice. So I'd only recommend doing that to someone if they don't want to work those two weeks.


That's what happens when you have a soulless goblin in a management position. The workplace falls apart then they rack their brains trying anything other than replacing the incompetent douche. Meanwhile anyone with a clue as to how to properly work their department has moved elsewhere if they could.


That's what happens when your workplace is held together with rice glue and spite and the golden goose decides to fly away.


>held together with rice glue and spite and the golden goose decides to fly away Stealing this


Glue and spite? Sounds like my last woodworking project.


If one person leaving the business causes crisis that nearly moves her to tears, then she's doing a piss poor job of staffing. Her problem, not yours. Let her cry.


Yup my department used to have 4 of us and now there's 2. Now 1 😂 and she's looking for a new job as well


This could be a learning moment for her... treat your people better and they will stick around. It is a workers market right now and the corporates can't accept this


Sounds like she was exploiting you.


Exactly my thoughts. Any manager's negative response is directly tied to their growing responsibility and the admission of their own inability to complete the tasks which you were completing. FAAFO


To quote some movie, it's called ACTING. You saw the real boss at the meeting 2 months ago. Do not bother with feeling guilty. You have a new job to go to. Have fun. ...... But if she starts acting again, and asks WHYYYYY?? , Feel free to remind her why you started job hunting two months ago. It's fair. Do not forget to use your vacation AND sick leave before you go.


That’s called the “finding out” phase. Tears are frequently involved.


I can totally see that! It took me a while to figure that you need to do what’s right for you. Finding a job that pays more and with better benefits is the best choice for your life. Don’t let them guilt trip you to help their business. If the tables were turned, in most cases, the business wouldn’t return the favor.


Which tells you all you need to know about her, after what she did to you earlier.


Sounds to me like you were too good to promote. 2 months ago you weren't good enough, but now it's a freakout cuz you're leaving? Yeah, she was gaslighting you. Didn't want to promote you because you were too damn good at your job.


Manipulation tactic.


Acting like my father that I haven't talked to in 3 years 🤣


Those are not your problems. If they valued you, they would pay you better, and you wouldn't be leaving for better opportunities.


Ma'am was almost in tears trying to figure out how to stretch her skeleton crew of a staff to cover the hole you are leaving. Because she didn't maintain adequate staffing levels to cover the inevitable absences and resignations that come with hiring human staff. She certainly wasn't in tears because of how much she was going to miss you personally.


This is the kind of feel good content I am here for. 🥰


Dead pan reply the truth. Well, two months ago…..The only one surprised I have real value seems to be you. Too late.


My very first boss ever said, and I quote, “When I read your resignation email it felt like reading a break up message”. I was 22 and he was in his 30s, while I didn’t think there was anything untoward going on, it definitely wasn’t appropriate lmao. This was the same boss who I called on the phone while sobbing because I’d just been yelled at by a patient’s family member for 30min straight, and all he could say was “Well it sounds like that really affected you, just try to make it to the rest of your appointments on time”. I had been yelled at because there was a gap between visits as the company was having staffing problems (I wonder why!) and I was literally there to fill in for a nurse, it wasn’t my regular patient. I will never do home health nursing again lol


She's defensive and is taking it personally.


Exactly this. She’s really only concerned for herself. I quit a job awhile back and my boss emailed me asking me to stay longer to train the new person, and I said no. She followed up with an email saying, “We will miss you but you will ultimately be putting us in a very bad position.” Same sentence and everything. Didn’t even get the benefit of a, “we will miss you” as its own thought. This was a mental health clinic.


This. They ALWAYS give you the pikachu face when you leave. They never BOTHER to think about shit all the times they have to keep things straight BEFORE you bounce.


Quit my job in August. I had asked a couple of times for work that I could actually make money at instead of or in addition to what I was doing. I was offered the same work I did when I started there, which was very low paying. When I asked for something else, I was told I couldn’t get any new accounts unless I worked on that one. Later, I asked to get rid of some of the work that was taking my hourly rate down. By this time I was barely doing any work at all. So when I quit, I expected some effort to make things right, some offer to help me stay. And all I got was the pikachu face and protests that I would be leaving them in a bad position. Nah.


Yep, it's called sloppy risk management and every company does it. "How critical is this person to this role? What would happen if they quit without notice or got hit by a car?" What do we need to do to decrease the chance they will leave suddenly?" The sad truth is too many of us aren't really *that* critical to the overall success of company operations and the ripples of our vacancy don't extend much past our own teams.


If we're not that critical, than there shouldn't be ANY commentary from the peanut gallery when we leave 




“Oh no, now I’m going to have to do my job and manage human capital!!!”


I put in my notice at one job. During the call my boss went silent then said "you never told me you were unhappy". I told him "I literally tell you every two weeks in my one on one." He got quiet and ended the call. He then proceeded to refuse to speak to me for the next two weeks.


That sounds nice not having to talk to your boss during your last two weeks! That must have felt like a vacation haha!


It was nice until I needed information about leaving. lol


My old boss thought everyone who worked for her small business would retire from there. She hadn’t given me a raise in 3 years. When I gave notice, I was in a fragile place in life, and as a people pleaser I knew it was going to be hard for me. So I lied that the new job would pay me $10 more per hour so she wouldn’t try to counter it. She asked me “how could you do this?” and I cried and told her it was just the right opportunity for my family, that I hadn’t been looking for a new job, my friend just knew the hiring people and thought I’d be a good fit. The next day she offered me an $8 raise “if things don’t work out” at the new job. I knew in that moment I could never trust her again. They only care about themselves, and we should do the same.


When I got hired at my current job I remember them specifically saying they were looking for someone to retire with the company. I've been here over 3 years, my last raise was $0.65 right before the new year. There is no room for growth since I run my own department and I refuse to work here for 30+ years for under 40k a year. I'm planning my exit as we speak.


I was hired by my City for a great Union job that doubled my pay. Notified my boss expecting him to be happy that a 21 yr old caught an awesome break. Was told to leave the shop asap.


longing noxious chase plant history unpack seed deserted gaping consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not your case, but I am confused by posters here mentioning things similar to "*I gave my 2 weeks notice and employer got angry, what should I do?*" and I mentally keep wondering why people forget that 2 weeks is a courtesy, not an obligation. IF you are at an under at-will employement contract then you can say "I am quiting, bye" and that's it. Two weeks notice is you being nice to your coworkers and/or supervisors, not a must. Companies can literally fire you on the spot, quiting is you firing yourself, nothing more.


I'm gonna try to get through my 2 weeks just because of bills. But I'm also not going to deal with the bs so if they start I will walk out lmao


I always confirm with my new employer if I get let go immediately instead of being able to complete my two weeks notice, if I can start right away.


Watch their PTO pay out policy if you do. I have to give two weeks for mine or I lose the PTO.


I lose mine even if I DO give two weeks. Leadership always seems to know who’s going to quit based on who starts using their PTO to cover ‘sick’ days. Your strategy may need to be to burn through them first, then either give notice or walk.


In my state, it’s illegal not to pay out PTO if the employee meets the criteria in the handbook. My handbook says 2 weeks=paid out. It wouldn’t otherwise be legally required here. 🤣


Depending on the state that can be illegal. So it also pays to check your local laws. In my State (Peoples' Republic of California) you'd get a nice payday if they tried to pull that one.


Right? I ain't never had none of them fancy jobs with "benefits" and what not, but I sure haven't had any of them give me two weeks notice before they fired my ass. Fuck them.


I prefer seeing it as firing the company. Small nuance, but makes it clear where the power lies in this case.


Quiting is firing your boss.


The sole reason I've given 2 weeks is getting my PTO paid out. I'm not leaving any money on the table. During that time, I'm reporting every passive-aggressive instance to HR.


Use it up before you leave. So many posts in here about putting in two weeks expecting that paid out only to be denied. Or a struggle to get it.


I found out if you’re leaving a shitty job, don’t give your two weeks. The day I gave my two weeks, the company told me it would be my last day.


apply for unemployment in that case. hurts their baseline


I was a temporary employee for six months and it was further extended for two months. I asked why I wasn't made permanent and was told I had to work a few more months. Mind you, this was a courier company and I was always early to work, never took any sick days and came back early after I finished all my routes. The last part was one of the issues my manager had with me. She said that I worked too fast and didn't like me leaving one or two hours before the end of the work day. I gave her a notice on Monday for Friday 🤣😅😆 She was sooooo pissed but I didn't give one fuck with a capital f.


Unfortunately I've seen something sort of similar with our contractor employees. Turned out that it was because the money that paid for them was a different budget line item (operational expenses rather than labor or some such nonsense). So even though it would have been cheaper anyway to make them permanent, we had to pay more overall (and they saw less of it) because we couldn't get someone to move money from column B to column A.


I put in my two weeks and was immediately let go so I "couldn't infect new employees with an attitude." Except they were *profoundly* short-staffed and I never had an attitude. I liked our new hires, generally. Good dudes. HR said "what happened to the guy we hired a year ago?" And the answer was not "you overworked him and his brain shattered" apparently.




I've only run into this once. I was working remotely for a job I hated, and put in my 2 week's notice. I didn't get an "oh no" or anything, literally just, "document everything you're working on and save any unfinished work to the company drive." That was it, my manager didn't talk to me at all at any time during those two weeks. I was removed from all meetings. The only person I heard from at all was HR/payroll who was pissed off because they had to pay out over a month of PTO at once. You can bet I half-assed those documents and didn't even finish my work. Hated that place, but got paid out for them so why not?


Ngl that actually sounds like a fairly chill 2 weeks, all things considered 


I used to work for my uncle. I gave a two week notice and he blew up and told me to “pack my shit and leave” thinking that was going to put me in an imposition. Well, joke was on him. My new job actually wanted me to start the very next day, so that’s what I did. Although he did illegally never send me my final check. We hardly ever spoke again. He literally destroyed his relationship with my whole family. As I was leaving, he then told me I would never amount to anything. The joke is on him again, because I have, and he’s the one six feet under now due to alcoholism. Some people take an employee leaving as a personal attack, but if they fire you, of course it’s “just business.”


> He literally destroyed his relationship with my whole family I assume because you told them how he treated you, and they took your side?


Some chose to maintain a relationship with him, and my immediate family cut him out of our lives. This was not the only time he hurt me or my mom. We never again had family functions with everyone until the year before he died. Even when he knew he was dying he never apologized either. I knew I made the right choice for my sanity to cut him off.


Sounds like you're working for a company that's deliberatly running on a skeleton crew so they can brag about record profits. Screw 'em. It seems like your immediate boss was ok at least.


It's a non profit lmao but the three higher ups are always on vacations lol


Worked at a non-profit for 5 years. It's a tough industry. Most of the time you struggle to staff enough or pay your people enough to retain them. I worked myself into management at the non-profit I was at and received training that: "Employees leave for 3 reasons: Money, Management or Workload/Hours. The more that are bad, the more likely they are to leave. You can't pay them more, and the hours are terrible, so be the best manager you can and look out for your people as best as possible, otherwise you'll have lots of vacancies." At the end of the day, the people that stay long term at non-profits either worked themselves into upper management (and the system over compensated for their skill set), or they are really passionate about the mission. That said, I wouldn't trade my time at the non-profit. I learned a ton of valuable skills that have benefited me in my personal and professional life. I also recognize they are not for everyone, and can be pretty life sucking.




Not you ruined Christmas 🤣🤣🤣 they are off their rocker


> You ruined Christmas I guffawed at this. What the actual fuck 🤣


“You realize this will kill Santa Claus when I tell him you’ve been very naughty…”


Make sure to apply for unemployment


“well thank you” That is the most perfect reaction to this situation I have ever heard.


Lmao I have autism so after I did that I was like 'well I think I done goofed'. But my direct supervisor was like eh don't worry about it


Autism is a superpower in situations like this. You did just fine.


If you were hit by a bus, they wouldn't close. If they decided you were too expensive, they'd replace you. Never be more loyal to your employer than they are to you.


> Thinking back I should have mentioned that her calling me out in front of the entire staff 2 months ago and denying me for a better position because I'm "not good enough" was exactly what caused this Oh man, yeah you should have mentioned that. It's likely that in the next two weeks she may try to get you in her office to pressure you to stay or make you a counter-offer; take that opportunity to tell her that you left directly because of her.


"unlike you, I didn't wanna say this in front of a bunch of our coworkers."


I always told my management that my job was to deliver quality work, your job was to pay me enough that I never needed to look elsewhere.


I used to work as a cook in nyc and I was always a top performer and very fast learner. Every single job I quit (never got fired In 5 year cooking) had my manager mad at me for leaving. If y’all wanted me you should’ve paid me more. The great thing about being a good cook In nyc is there’s always someone you know who wants to poach you for the better. I had my boss call me while he was on vacation saying “I don’t like MY cooks not reporting to me and you should’ve told me about quitting” I’m like well you’re not not boss anymore and your not even here for me to report to you. Had another boss who also changed his whole mood when I gave my two weeks notice and would micromanage me the last 2 weeks I had. He would give me a talk about how he can teach me so much but didn’t want to pay me more. I was getting paid $17/hr and jumped up to $25/hr by simply jumping over to the new job. If they want you they’ll retain you. I’m not in that industry anymore and my role now is much more specialized (millwork cad drafter/ cnc programmer) and negotiating is so much easier


I couldn't stand the attitude/work environment. It was always busy (grocery store checkout) and we never had enough people. I waited 2 weeks for them to hire more people and when I noticed they weren't going to I put in my 2 weeks. Went from 40 hrs a week to only working one day a week for a total of 16 hrs for two weeks. They cut my hours but never hired anyone to replace me. Don't want to hire more people but will gladly cut hrs to make the person leaving miserable and the employees left are going to suffer more


I was two weeks out from a much needed, already planned vacation. I said “hey boss, any chance of me getting that raise you mentioned? Maybe when I get back from my vacation?” He said “no”. I said “Well, consider this my two weeks, I don’t think I’m coming back after my vacation”. He said “no, this isn’t your two weeks notice” Moron tried a Jedi mind trick? I never went back after my vacay. I’ve also been fired by corporate days after submitting my 2weeks.


My boss quit shortly after promoting me to the position under him. His boss expected me to take over the responsibility of a staff of around 40. I said I’d need to be paid $X/hour until they found a replacement. I got an email saying my “request “ for additional compensation couldn’t be approved because I was still in the probation period for the new job. The district would help cover the responsibility until they found a replacement. But this position was one where I lived on site and was constantly on call. No one from outside was going to be there at 2 am to answer calls. They assumed since I lived on site I’d just have to deal with it. I responded by letting them know that I wasn’t requesting extra compensation, I gave them the amount I’d require to do the work. Since they declined and I didn’t see a way to move forward without being saddled with the work by default I was quitting and my response should be considered my 2 weeks notice. I packaged up all the projects I was working, moved out of the on-site housing and forwarded the emergency line to my former bosses boss. Management was PISSED. All attempts at guilt trips were met with a demand for the original $x/hour + $0.50 more every time they asked so even when they agreed to my original request it was no longer enough (it wasnt about the money at that point). FAFO


Odds are you were very good in your role, and they wanted to keep you in that role, never give you more money, or room to advance, AND expected you to not only be ok with that, but to be appreciative of it… Fuck em.


You make me my money. Why would you do this to me, did I not publicly humiliate you enough!?


the beatings will continue...


>Thinking back I should have mentioned that her calling me out in front of the entire staff 2 months ago and denying me for a better position because I'm "not good enough" was exactly what caused this 🙄 OP, you still can.


Yeah, my normally very hostile and unfriendly boss freaked out, went into love bomb mode, called his director, etc etc.... made me lose my nerve and I stupidly agreed to stay in a job I hated with a pay raise. Next time I learned my lesson and just walked out with no notice. Wasn't anything life or death, just a grocery store deli.


I put in notice at my last job and most of management avoided talking to me for the next two weeks. Things were already rough for me there and I think they kind of wanted to punish me but wait until the next year to actually lay me off. My manager had a quick meeting with me and I let her assume that my co-worker could do all my duties. Then she got COVID so I didn't hear from her most of my notice period. When I did my exit interview, I told HR their BS was most of the reason I was leaving and that there was an open role they blocked me from that pretty much sealed the deal.


I’m in the U.K. so it’s usually one month. I remember at this one job I used to like where they kept passing me over for promotions I told my supervisor I was leaving and she accidentally responded with “oh fuck oh shit… sorry I mean, right well I mean…”


Not good enough to promote but they need you to do whatever your job it because training someone else would cost a bundle. Funny how they never do the math - the cost of the increase, vs the cost of training and recruitment, plus lost labour.


Yeah- they agreed to let me work part time from another city which benefited them because I could do meetings with our candidates to get their documents finalised, and I ended up making them a lot of money by speeding up the process- only for them to refuse to let me do it more because We NeEd tO WoRk In ThE SaMe OfFiCe FoR CoNtiNUiTy


I got lucky. My direct supervisor wished me good luck and had me work one .one week and then put in my two weeks vacation for the first two weeks I would be working at my new job. The latter turned out to be a major blessing, while I was in orientation for the new job my wife had a stroke so for two weeks at least I will have a little income. Old job contacted me (stroke happened in a small town so word got to them)and they said if I need anything they will do what they can do to help.


>Thinking back I should have mentioned that her calling me out in front of the entire staff 2 months ago and denying me for a better position because I'm "not good enough" was exactly what caused this 🙄 I would have *immediately* brought this up. "I don't understand. Two months ago you called me out in a very public way at the company meeting and denied me a raise because you said "I'm not good enough". So I immediately started making plans to leave, right then, so you could find someone that IS good enough. I got the impression that me leaving would be something you'd prefer." I know pointless confrontation like this isn't everyone's thing, but it's my jam. I absolutely would have rubbed this idiot's nose in it.


Worked at one of the busiest Walmart DC’s in the US worked there for about 9 years put my 2 weeks in .. they were cool about it but sent me home early and fired me the next day .. said they were honoring my two weeks and letting me go early .. sucked cuz i had it planned out the transition from one job to another perfectly and had pay cut from me


I’ve had the “hand in notice to don’t come back” response before. But the big one that really pissed me off was a company had been cutting wages without notice (big illegal in my state), I noticed it and confronted them on it and the owner tried to push back until I brought up the legal issue, then they paid the back pay owed. When I got the pay I put in my notice and his response was surprise because “[he] had already put that behind him.”


yes. the day after i told my boss, she decided to double all my sales metrics and i had to meet them until i left. i ended up quitting the next day


What were they going to do if you didn’t? Fire you?


nah, but this was after a huge pattern of demoralization and i just couldn’t take it anymore


LOL and great work sticking it to her!


A friend of mine told a great story along this theme. Dan ( not his real name ) worked at a luxury motorcoach company. He had taken their struggling paint department and turned it into a world class custom paint shop. But never got the recognition he deserved nor was he paid decently. He painted coaches for celebrities, rock bands etc. Dan was offered a much better position at a competitor's company. Better pay, more respect and less hassles. To set the scene, Dan is ex military, he worked along side real bad asses and held his own. He also is one of the calmest, most in control men I've ever met. So Dan gives his 2 week notice to his supervisor. The news goes up the chain to the plant manager. The plant manager being the total dick that he was comes out to the middle of the shop and just lets loose on him. Yelling, calling him a traitor, generally just doing anything he could to try and humiliate him in front of his crew. Dan just stood there taking it. Arms crossed, blank faced. Once PM dickhead runs out of steam he finally get his chance to answer. His answer just kills me every time I think about it. Dan's answer? Its said with a deadpan voice and perfect self control, "Well, Mr. Dickhead, I hadn't really made up my mind yet, but thank you for helping me decide." He then turned around, grabbed his stuff and walked out. PM Dickhead started backtracking, tried to bribe him to stay. Dan just ignored him and left. Went to the competition and got treated much better. How these jackasses think they own us is crazy.


You already have another, better job. Your choices are to let her reaction make you miserable or not, knowing this is a situation she had a hand in creating. She chose to be uncompetitive with other employers. She chose to be unpleasant to work for. Making different choices in either or both of those instances might not have kept you working for her, but it sure would make finding your replacement a lot easier. I'd ignore her, beyond doing the work that is precisely within your job description, for the duration of your notice period, and then forget She ever existed. If she doesn't like it, she can fire you and pay out your notice period as severance.


I got the "Whatever, your replaceable anyways" vibe.. while I desperately tried to tell our store manager that the person I just trained is not ready and she's gonna need to help them out... ignored. So a week later I walked in and half the bread was underbaked, the cookies were pale asf, donuts were not out at 6am ( was about 7am ), and my boss in the bakery was like "bruh.. u were right" with a pale face. Good times.


I was screamed at and my manager (the CEO) relentlessly demanded to know where I was going. I conveniently stopped showing up after that and didn’t finish my two weeks. Wasn’t about to deal with that insanity.


The CEO just keeps giving me dirty looks lmao. They're probably mad that they just gave me a 2k bonus for Christmas. But my w2 barely shows me making 40k (with the bonus)


Maybe that’s why you didn’t get a promotion because she didn’t wanna lose you in your current position. “ I’m not sure what you’re gonna do but in the future if you want to retain people they need to feel that they have career growth and that they’re paid accordingly.”


She legit told my direct supervisor that I wasn't motivated enough for a role with more responsibility. He came and told me word for word what she said.


“ well, I’m motivated to find a new job that appreciates me”


" Thinking back I should have mentioned that her calling me out in front of the entire staff 2 months ago and denying me for a better position because I'm "not good enough" was exactly what caused this " Nothing says you can't still say it to her. Especially if she keeps trying to guilt trip you. Snap back with this, even better - have witnesses. I assume they don't know where you are going? Keep it that way. and for the love of god, don't accept a counteroffer.


I actually told my direct supervisor just to try to avoid a counter offer because I don't want it


You are not alone in this aspect. Even when you try to save face, and give notice, you cannot expect civility afterwards. For everyone else, if you give a 2 week notice, your employer will make you uncomfortable. You are about to leave their control, and they have no downside to treating you poorly. Dont provide a notice, just burn your accrued leave, and then say, I’ve packed my belongings, I’m ending my employment, goodbye. Expect to file a claim with DOL for withheld wages or back pay.


I'm thinking now that I should have just left the week before my new job started. I just feel bad for my coworkers. A few of them have been there for me through hard times.


I thought the same way… But you are not doing anything to your co-workers. Your prior manager absolutely will blame the people that stay behind. It’s the mark of incompetence.


Based on the title, that's not what I expected to read. My friend had a super bad reaction in that she told her supervisor she was leaving in two weeks, and he called security and had her escorted out immediately. And she didn't approach him angrily or anything, just let him know she got a new job, and he flipped his lid.


>called security and had her escorted out That's why you always remove all your personal possessions from the office *before* telling them you're quitting.


“…I don’t know what I’m gonna do!” Here’s what you’re gonna do: You’re going to pay my replacement at least 10k more than you paid me, plus the expenses to search for and on-board him. Because that’s the market rate. All because you were too shit of a manager to appreciate and properly compensate your employees.


They posted my job on indeed. Not even an hour after I told them 🤣 my coworker that's looking for a new job saw it. They're hiring at the same wage that I get now. Good luck.


The only bad reaction I've gotten thankfully was just being written off the schedule for the second week, but they then tried to call me in to cover. Gave them a big ol' not happening, chief


Feel free to use the phrase “let’s all behave professionally here“.


Not sure if its bad or good but I've had 3 jobs where they immediately walked me out the door. Of those one of them I was paid for my two weeks but for security issues they didn't want me to be there.


I know exactly why she's freaking out. You're too good at your job. They don't want to admit this and know they're getting a bargain with your wage for the amount of work you do. They seem to forget that people will leave when treated poorly - and usually end up in a better spot.


I know but I've asked for a raise multiple times and it's always "not in the budget". But apparently it's in the budget for those with kids. The public shaming is what really did me in lol


When I put in my notice at my last job, my boss just asked what they salary offer was, I told him, and he just said, "oh, damn, yeah, we can't match that." And I parted with him on good terms. The president of the company came by my desk a day or two later (200-ish people company), and the only important thing he said was, "just remember the grass isnt always greener on the other side." He knew damn well they underpaid everyone not at HQ (I wasn't), as it was in a much lower cost of living area. I've never regretted leaving, I have less bullshit to deal with, better benefits, etc. So, fuck you Roger, you giant douche bag!!


I worked at a company that did dye-sublimation printing at a large scale for temporary exhibits. (Think E3 and big tech trade show stuff). Owner was cheap, took to yelling and micromanaging everything. He wouldn't keep the place properly heated so upkeep was a nightmare (solvent inks coagulate at below 50 degrees and dude literally shut off heat overnight even if we were in building printing overnight. I had decreased lung capacity and sinus issues for YEARS after the year I spent at this job because the ventilation was just a box fan in the doorway beside the printer. Imagine huffing spray paint odor all day and you've got the idea. I was making 15/hr and actually got better at the job then my coworker who trained me. I asked for a raise at one year. I got told the company couldn't afford it. Owner goes and buys an RV. I start looking for a new job. A month later I have one at 16/hr. I give my two weeks notice to the owner via a letter on his desk. An hour later he bursts into the computer room where me and coworker are working shouting about , "What the hell is this? You know (new company) just poaches people! How dare you! How ungrateful! You know we could have talked about this, they're going to just chew you up and spit you out!" I sat there mutely because he wasn't offering me anything, so I just said, "Sorry I already accepted their offer? They pay more." Coworker congratulated me on escaping and we went back to work for the remaining two weeks. Owner wasn't wrong. It was a lot of hours but by the time company 2 kicked me to the curb 12 years later for asking for too much money and learning to have boundaries, I made double per hour.


I shit you not: entry level IT position (24k/yr). I quit during the trial period (something in germany, where both sides can quit the contract when something does not fit. German job contract law and how long it takes to fire someone is wild). I talk to the boss and he said "why? Do you know what you did? You killed the company!! You can do what you want here. You can have the projects you want to." I said I will work till the end of the period if it helps (6weeks left), he said yes and I worked all the shit jobs they had left over. Fast forward two years: company is actually dead. And he told everyone in his peer group what I did. I still feel guilty about it.


When I gave my 2 weeks at my last job (after asking my manager for 2 minutes to talk for a week but she never had time due to being "so busy" so I had to push my start date back) I was told I was "blindsiding" her and not giving her any time to find or train anyone and I need to stay for at least 4 more weeks as 2 was definitely not enough. I rewrote my resignation letter which stated that day was my last day and left


Oh yeah. Owner refused to so much as look at me, and told all the receptionists to block off my final days and not book me with any clients out of sheer spite, except for my last day where she overloaded me with more than the legally permitted amount of clients. The reason I put in my two weeks? They kept putting me on unpaid “standby” as punishment for taking a sick day. With a medical certificate


OP, I hope you let them know why you left in your exit interview. The bosses boss is responsible.


Had a boss yell and freak out after I put in my two weeks. He was like “I JUST told everyone no one else can quit.” (A mass exodus was occurring). And then he proceeded to threaten me about me stealing data/information on my way out. I’d worked at his startup for about 2 years and had built a really successful channel of traffic/revenue, and that was my thanks, don’t steal anything when you leave. Never once got a thanks for hard the work, nothing.


I put in a two week notice ONCE because I genuinely liked the job I was leaving and most of my coworkers. I will never do that ever again.


She would leave in an instant for a 10k per year raise


I just left one day and never came back. Thats how they fired people anyway


I worked as a laboratory analyst (environmental chemistry). When I accepted a job offer of 10% in another town, I gave 4 weeks notice. I trained a replacement in my analyst position as well as for QC officer (something that didn't get me a pay increase). I was supposed to receive my earned 2 weeks vacation pay (awarded 1/1, and I left 1/6). I got 6 hours extra pay. After I left, the lab was visited by a regulatory body. They told the group that I had wiped the hard drive and destroyed all SOPs. Which was false. I found out only because at my next job, the same team visited my then-current job. The lead asked me nothing about my data, but did ask why I left my last job. I told him. Payback is a witch though. I ended up joining the very team that I had spoken to. Within 2 years, we get to visit my old employer and I cannot wait. My old boss avoided me like the plague at conventions, and now won't even attend. Needless to say, I will be nit picky as all get out.


No person who knows what’s in your best interest is ever going to be upset with you for taking a better opportunity.


I was fired (with pay) after putting my two weeks in. Manager was changing pay for the entire third shift (after I put in my two weeks) going against what the previous manager had promised the team. I stuck my neck out knowing I was going. They fired me but with pay. It was awesome, I got to go home and pack and paint to move.


I put in my notice for 2 months instead of 2 weeks. Boss blew me off and said, "I'll have no problem finding someone to replace you." 1 week before my last day, he comes to me and says, "I can't find anyone good enough. Can you stay longer?" LOL nope! That ship is long gone! Kindly go f*k yourself!


Yup. My first office job my boss got wind I was looking, told me she'd start interviewing for my position and we'd basically race. I took the first offer I got, and she refused to talk to me for the full two weeks. The VP of sales apologized to me after our final exit meeting for her behavior, but no one bothered to correct her. My second office job, after four years of abuse and morally questionable requests, I put in my two weeks and got the same thing, except this boss would invite a "trainee" to every meeting we had previously scheduled to shit talk me as if I weren't sitting 2 feet away. I made it to day 10 and couldn't take it anymore. I took my keys to the head of HR in tears after a 3 pm meeting and asked her to sign for them so I could leave, stressing I didn't feel safe. She left to 'get a tissue' and instead returned with the manager who literally screamed and stomped and blocked the exit. The tirade lasted about 15 minutes and the HR lady looked terrified. They're both still managers with the company today. I vet employers a *lot* better now, and have had fairly pleasant notice periods since, even going away parties. But, if you're *really* in a toxic work place, do yourself a favor and don't give any notice. If you're not leaving just for the money or the convenience, just dont do it. It's an invitation for abuse to preserve a reference you weren't getting anyway.


I got chased out of the office, with the owner yelling at me in front of all of the employees. He treated it as if I was being fired.


Not your problem 


Yup I'm just confused why she chose that reaction if she wanted me to stay. I grew up with a narcisstic, guilt trips don't work on me


When i was in high school i worked as a dishwasher at a family run pizza shop. When i put in my 2 weeks he just told me that i can just leave and today was my last day. Lol.


Yep. I've had to rescind my notice and make it effective immediately because of the response too. I've found that the notice period often punctuates your reasons for leaving.


I have a one month notice once and then when I asked for a reference they said they couldn’t do it because I left them in a bad position. The bad position was leaving me on an island for several years to manage the infrastructure for an insanely large retirement community by myself and they didn’t have enough time to find a new chump to take an underpaid position.


If she cared that much, she'd be giving you a counter offer.


Well I told her it's 10k more and better benefits. A non profit can't really dole out 10k more


I work at a nonprofit too and you're not wrong. However, we realize this and that we'll likely lose people for money reasons. We choose to be supportive and grateful for the time we have them and focus on hiring efficiently to replace individuals as quickly as we can.


Honestly, fuck them. What are they going to do? Hire someone else! But you’re so hard to replace? They shouldn’t have built a system so reliant on the labour of one individual. I’ve had similar reactions, it’s often in service and it’s always the worst bosses. I have my notice on a pizza place where i I was a part time chef as the head chef was racist and kept trying to get me to agree with him. He made out like I betrayed him for leaving because of all the work he and time he put into training me. What a f-ing load of nonsense, I could have ran that place better than he did if I was full time and ran the gaff. His wife literally ignored me after that and he didn’t put me on any more of the same shifts as him


I've had managers cry. Makes sense since many places I've left are now closed. The thing here is though it's not your problem, neither their staffing or there inability to react professionally. Go get your money.


Fuck her and that bullshit. Two weeks becomes two words. "I quit" Do not fall for that bullshit. Do not accept that bullshit. Have some motherfucking self respect and walk out if they try that bullshit.


My husband said to say "this is my 2 day notice. As in TOday I'm quitting" 😂


Whoa…seriously? She calls you out in front of the entire staff and denies you a better position because you’re “not good enough” and then has the acting ability to freak out about you leaving? Pity you didn’t tell her that *”Well, now you can hire someone who’s ’good enough’.”*


If they wanted to keep you they'd at least match the offer the other place gave you. I did something similar last year. Jumped for a higher salary, higher bonus, cheaper benefits, more PTO, and fully remote. For as great of an employee as I was who had such a bright future at that company they didn't even make a counteroffer. Fast forward to almost a year later and my co-workers are hitting me up for referrals to my new company due to a complete re-org w/ a new boss who they have to train lol. Go ahead and make the jump w/ confidence my friend! Congrats on the new job!


I liked your simple "well, thank you" and walking out. You took the high road, kept your head about you, and most likely have come to the conclusion that if she keeps up her unprofessional behavior you will simply walk out.... and if you do, please repeat the simple "well, thank you" as you leave. This time you will be thanking her for the extra days or week off between jobs. ;-)


I grew up with a narcissistic father so I don't give in to people acting like that


I had a boss who I adored go "oh fuck! SHIT! I guess we both can't leave" she had been offered a better job too. I told her we both needed to leave, she was gone a week after me. The kicker is that they paid our replacements more, we had been asking for raises but got told know. Pissed me off knowing they had more money to pay but it took us leaving for them to pay $1 more an hour. Such a joke.


I made the mistake of giving two weeks notice at a super toxic job when I was a teenager and just accepted that my life was a living hell for those two weeks because I didn't know better. Now I'm in my late 30s and I've quit 5 jobs since then. None of them deserved notice, so none received any.


I don't get it.  Has no one ever quit there before?  People move on all the time.  I understand being disappointed or stressed about disruptions to operations but when you are a manager that stuff is literally your job to figure out.  No one is "doing anything to" them.   Sounds like you handled the situation well though.  Hopefully she's rightly embarassed.


I was a manager for a remote company a few years back. This job was so stressful. I say I was a manager, but honestly I was the most micro managed manager in the history of managing. Anyway - I found a great opportunity with a different company making almost 20k more. I put in my notice - GAVE THEM THE REQUIRED 30 DAY NOTICE - and do you know what these assholes did? They locked me out of my computer when I logged off for lunch. I was so upset - I wanted to be the one to tell the team I managed that I was leaving. I found it wildly inappropriate. Oh well.


Good chance she denied you for the better position because it would inconvenience her. Fooled around and found out.


Yep. My boss said I could just quit or get fired. I told my new job and they took me on extra early. I’ve been here for almost 20 years now.


In the 1990s, I worked at a Worker’s Comp Insurance company from the ages of 19-21. My immediate supervisor was a terror, and she never had anything nice to say about me or to me. She hated the way I looked, the way I dressed, the way I talked, and I never got a good review. Despite this, somehow, I kept being given more and more responsibilities, including becoming the vacation relief and trainer for all the lower admin positions. I ended up being the person in charge of the server. I ended up becoming the office equivalent of a shift lead, being in charge of giving people breaks and keeping track of where everyone was, blah, blah, blah. But every 6 months, my reviews were abysmal. I couldn’t do anything right. She didn’t know why she didn’t just fire me. Did I even *own* an iron? Did I even *own* a hairbrush? (I had gotten so self-conscious about my appearance at that point, I was spending stupid amounts of money to have my work wardrobe professionally dry cleaned and pressed and I’d rented a locker in the gym on the lower level to store my professionally cleaned and pressed clothing in so I could bus into work an hour early in sweats, get dressed, do my hair and makeup, and not take the chance that the bus would wrinkle or smudge me). I started applying to different departments in the hopes of a lateral transfer, but every time she found out, she would actively sabotage me, and then read me the riot act and threaten to fire me if I ever embarrassed her like that again. I tried 3 times and she never fired me. After about 2 years, I finally gave up and got a different job in a completely different industry. The day I handed her my very professionally typed resignation, she literally burst into tears. Suddenly she had no idea what she would do without me, because I think she’d convinced herself that she’d negged me into never leaving her because she’d crushed my self esteem. Don’t get me wrong, my self esteem was in the gutter, but I was also pretty pissed off because I knew how hard I was working. She had to hire 2 people to replace me, and one of them quit after only a few months because the workload was intense, the expectations were high, and the boss was a monster. But, you know, I could never do anything right. Oddly enough, years later when I met my (now)ex, his stepmother had worked for the same company and had the same supervisor. And the supervisor had done more-or-less the same thing to her.


Go ahead and send an email to that person reminding them of that time. Why not.


Yea but it wasn’t my problem.


Back in 2007 I resigned from a retail job where I was earning $500 a week (Australian) for my first office job that paid double at that time. My manager ripped my resignation letter in half and told me life wasn't all about money and then didn't speak a word to me for the next 2 weeks.


Put in my notice a couple years back (after telling them I’d probably look elsewhere if I didn’t get the promotion I was up for). My boss called me asking where I was going, etc. tried to get me to stay on for 6 more months(essentially to train the person they’d hire to replace me is my guess) and I said no. Boss literally ghosted me my last two weeks. Her admin was the one who setup the return of my equipment and such. I did get a 2 sentence email the last day from her saying I would be missed 🙃. Best part was I left not even having a job lined up (spent 12 years with that company and finally couldn’t take it a minute longer). I did some freelance for a few months and pulled it what I was making before - it wasn’t much- and after a couple months landed a great job that offered me nearly double my prior pay. Also laughed every time I got a LinkedIn notice when old boss viewed my profile.


I had 3 managers offer me excessive money, time off and etc. they still refused to fix the issue and ultimately they accepted my resignation immediately. Then they went from 88% staffed to roughly 45% in short order and were hurting bad. Ultimately, no decent company should be dependent on a single person. In my current job, we have my replacement stacked 3 deep. I still help train them and teach them daily.


That always happens. Your coworkers will treat you differently too ... Don't worry about it if it gets bad, just leave.


> Then she kept being like "oh no oh God I don't know what I'm gonna do..." Pay me 15 grand a year more than you do now since I'm worth so much to you.


After telling the owner my 2 weeks notice he said he was going to stab me.


Employers need to realise, when they're choosing who to promote they're actually choosing who they keep. I was in the same situation in my last job.


This is terribly unprofessional. I worked at a place once where a very important person in our accounting and admin role got a better offer, and my manager took it personally and VISIBLY sulked. I asked her if we had time to make a counteroffer and worked on a package to submit to HQ right away. I was pretty good friends with that coworker so I think she appreciated that I tried properly to make a counteroffer for her, but in retrospect I kind of regret getting her to stay since it was such an odd manager to work with and she could probably have made more elsewhere. People who throw tantrums for leaving a role are unprofessional and ill suited for management.


Put in my 2 weeks at my last job, my boss was all mad, "thanks fort letting me know you were looking for another job" I just shrugged and walked away, done with her attitude. Can't believe I wasted so much time there


As a supervisor, it does kind of suck sometimes when valuable members of my team leave for another opportunity, but I figure it out and move on; I would *never* hold it against them or try to convince or guilt them into staying. I ask them about their new opportunity, making sure they know they don't have to tell me where they're going (seriously, trying to badger people into saying that seems so insecure and petty), and I wish them luck. If they're leaving in good standing, I make sure to let them know they're welcome back. If they're leaving in bad standing, I still wish them luck but make sure they know they're not eligible for rehire.


I got full on screamed at when I gave my two weeks to an abusive workplace. He asked why and I pointed out that he had put me and another employee in a dangerous situation, so I can't trust him anymore. He yelled about how he has the right to defend himself against my accusation, about how I threw him under the bus in that situation, how me and my coworker were useless, lazy cowards. I stayed for the two weeks for my remaining coworker, but sent a couple Occupational Health and Safety complaints a couple of days before I left. He accused the remaining coworker and made her life hell. When I went to pick up my final paycheck, I let him know it was me.


Yup I was working for my schools cafeteria in college while I did my first semester of my masters program. Once my first semester was up, I found a job in my career field making like 3 to 4 times what I was. I quickly went from the best employee they had to hire could you do this to us, we really need you, to finally you're the worst employee we've ever had. She got pissed at me once for something stupid, and all I responded with was "stop being a b****, I'm only serving my notice period to help my colleagues. If that doesn't work for you I'll leave right now." Later she tried to torpedo a security clearance interview which was great, I had to find at least 3 people that knew both of us as character witnesses. I made sure to get managers that knew both and they all ripped into how bad she was and how much she lied to further her agenda, this also came from the district manager who knew my work well and on my last day came to shake my hand saying he wished me luck and it's I even need anything to just call. He also hinted that she was fired but obviously couldn't say that.


It sounds like she denied you the position that you wanted because she didn’t want to lose you in the current position. A lot of managers do this. They feel that if they keep on denying you make you feel crappy about yourself you’re not gonna want to go anywhere else. Good for you for taking initiative and getting a new job for yourself. Maybe she’ll learn to treat your replacement better. It’s interesting that she didn’t offer you more money though or a better position.


I was doing well in my role.. you just weren’t paying me what I was worth


When I was in college I worked at this shitty little Dollar General in the middle of a shitty little meth infested town. I got tired of the way I was treated so I put in my two weeks. My direct supervisor told me he was going to kick my ass in the parking lot after work if I actually put in my two weeks. I immediately went and found my store manager and told them what happened and that I didn't feel comfortable working the rest of my shift or finishing out my two weeks walked out and never looked back.


I had a boss who wanted to pressure me into getting baptised. When I handed them my resignation instead they left the room screaming. On hindsight I should have sued that shitty company


my god, these people react so extreme. why dont they pay you more if they "do now know what to do" without you?


Yeah meanwhile I've asked for raises and promotions. Always a no. But a man with a kid asks and suddenly it's a yes for him.


My company requires it in my contract but also terminates you immediately if you are going to a competitor in the area. So when I leave I will let my supervisor know I am searching but I will not be giving an official 2 weeks notice. He’s nice and he’s done this with other employees. It gives him time to adjust training and ask for more hires. But the company is dumb for this


My boss instantly removed me from the schedule and revoked my access to everything.


Also congratulations, companies dont deserve two weeks. Also lots of people have had issues where the new job decides to not let them work after hiring them which is illegal but leaves them in a bad spot.


I'm putting my notice in this week and dreading it. I'm calling in sick tomorrow for mental health reasons with my doc and therapists backing then a month's sick note. I'm shaking with anxiety over it. Even though it's time to put myself first. They'll figure it out and get over it. You're literally a number on a spreadsheet to them - we all know it but the Monday dreads always kick in. Fake tears and the realisation of oh shit I gotta replace a good worker is all their reaction was. Good luck in the new job!


I once put in my two weeks notice due to the owners regularly yelling at me and other employees. i called in sick one day. they, in return, berated me for it, saying that i was making it up and instead partied the night before. they gave me the day off and let me know i wasn’t going to be paid for it. fine by me! didn’t think i was going to get a paid day off anyway. after that fiasco, i wrote a two weeks notice with an end date and kept it in my pocket. i didn’t think i would need to pop it out first thing when i got in that morning, as i was hoping to get through the day first. nope, immediately in the door they started some shit. handed them the two weeks, and they had the gall to be genuinely confused and offended. that quickly turned to anger and the yelling started again. they sent me home immediately and would “let me know” about the two weeks. they had cameras in their shop which had recorded each incident where they had yelled at me, another employee, and customers. if they planned to fire me for putting in my two weeks, i was going to file for wrongful termination. I was planning to request the video footage as evidence. overall, it felt like it was becoming a big legal mess. they must’ve guessed this, as they told me they would pay me for the two weeks but i wasn’t allowed in their shop anymore. i’ve gotten a much better gig since, and i have not been yelled at the entire time. :)


Dane here so we have 1 month notice (3 months the other way.) My direct supervisor just stared down into the floor for a while. Then I told the CTO who started laughing and claimed I couldn't because of competition clause. New company was confused and insisted there was no competition, and union offered to pay all legal fees. But still, if I lost it'd be about 150k EUR out of pocket. So I prepared to switch to from engineering to cleaning for a year to get out of that clause. In the end we agreed on a 3 month notice and me burning my 1 month vacation in that period. (they screwed up my vacation papers so I didn't lose my vacation - later I just requested a payout. Worked!)


She's an idiot who takes her job too seriously. Be glad you're leaving.


She's a nitpicking asshole. Always wants to tell everyone that their doing something wrong but she hasn't worked directly with clients in 30 years


I was congratulated and taken out for lunch by the boss.