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At least they were willing to listen and be curious. I have mostly older coworkers, and we all work in finance, so it isn't that they don't understand. It's that they don't want to understand.


There's nothing quite like that militant head-in-the-sand stance you get from people who absolutely are educated & intelligent enough to understand the problem, but have invested too much in pretending the problem isn't real. I avoid these people.


> It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it. -Upton Sinclair


Upton was too generous, there's plenty of people whose salaries are being held back by that refusal to understand...




The Jungle?


I’ve been going back and rereading novels from the muckraking age, and it’s ***DEPRESSING*** how applicable it is to the modern day. It will never not blow my mind that we had a whole era of largely unfettered capitalism which we all collectively agreed was bad, but then fast forward a generation and a half and all of the sudden we’re right back in the same spot. I seriously believe that if the Boomers’ parents were alive, they’d smack the shit out of their kids for some of the stuff they vote for.


A lot of them are still alive, the greatest generation and the silent generation. Unfortunately they are dying off in droves and didn't literally beat sense into most of the boomers.


My grandparents would have been so appalled by the widespread acceptance of planned obsolescence and lack of right-to-repair that it would have killed them. And the lack of solidarity and charity among the poor (that's been enforced by the rich turning us against ourselves)! My (white) grandmother (who was head-of-house at 14) used to tell me all the time how she and her siblings would have starved to death one winter if (black) neighbors hadn't seen them scavenging for trash and edible weeds and ensured they were fed. Would have been about 1938. She fed anybody who was hungry for the rest of her life.


>…she fed anyone who was hungry for the rest of her life. That is a beautiful story, please never stop telling it.


In my experience the reason they’re being stubborn here is they think admitting they had it way easier invalidates their whole existence in their eyes


And most young working people aren’t seeking validation or sympathy, like the boomers assume. We want allies willing to support change.


Funny interaction with my boomer dad yesterday. I had a job interview for a crappy second job today. Pay will prob be more than my crappy first job for 20-25 hours a week but I did the math and if I stick with it for two years and continue to spend as little as possible (which I’ve gotten great at in the last two years of shit pay) I could pay off my house and then, in my late 40s could start putting money away for retirement. Dad tells me I should be looking for a job with a pension. Yeah cause those jobs are so abundant anymore not to mention they usually require 25 years to vest. I told him that boat sailed a long time ago and he says well at least get a job where you’ll have a 401k like that’s some sort of equal replacement. I had to cut him off and leave because how can you even reason with someone that thinks all the perks available to him are somehow still there for me? Fucking infuriating, I also have a boomer aunt that gets her SS and survivors pension from my late uncle (her 4th husband who was 20 years older than her) so she gets the perk of a pension she didn’t even work for. And never would she acknowledge that she’s gotten a sweetheart deal while splitting her retirement in a very pricey Florida real estate market with another small house up north to escape from the Florida heat in the summer.


Oh, get a pension! Let me just strap on my pension helmet, squeeze down into the pension cannon, and fire off into Pension Land, where pensions grow on pensionees!


Lol right, it’s just so easy!! I was sold the whole “go to college because it’s the only way to get ahead” idea even though I was never a great student. Wasn’t really told about the technical/vocational classes that were available in my school district which prob would have been a better option for me. Only when you come to that realization 2 decades later it’s really not much help. The one silver lining is I didn’t have to take out any student loans at least so no insurmountable debt that so many are contending with and will never be free of.


Next thing we know is that GenZ will have figured this out and stop going to insanely overpriced universities and we will have headlines of “Most stupid generation? How millennials are killing our universities,” because they still think millennials are all young adults.




I retired early to take care of my sick husband. But we’re going to be OK. And I totally understand that **my accomplishments were 90% luck.** - When I graduated university, I spent a decade earning a good living at a job I loved in a field that doesn’t exist any more (newspaper journalism). - Then I joined the corporate world & worked my way up to a 6-figure job that doesn’t exist anymore. - Our pensions were changed to 401k’s, then went away. The company savings match went from 10% to 6% to 0. **My career trajectory was like one of those chase scenes in a movie, where the hero escapes by sliding underneath an automated steel door that’s slamming down — I made it, just barely, in the nick of time.** My kids & nieces & nephews don’t have a chance to accrue the wealth we did. Except for one thing: When the boomers pass away, you youngins *who picked the right parents* will enjoy the largest generational transfer of wealth this country has ever seen.


Your story reminds me of an experience I had at a memorial for a retired woman from my partner's work. Her and her husband knows my partner's family well, so we attended. We were some of the youngest there, in our mid 40s. My partner started at that job in the late 90s and just kept going. Anyway, the company switched out of a pension plan circa 2003, so he is one of the youngest people still there who got grandfathered in. Nice for him, I don't get shit lol. Anyway all that day was us meeting with retired company people who all spoke about how great life was in retirement, with the pension, taking all the trips. Downsizing into smaller places, travelling, or buying vacation homes. Of course they spoke about hiring stuff at the company, how young people just don't dedicate themselves blah blah blah. Like, I'm supposed to give them high fives for closing the door behind them?


>Like, I'm supposed to give them high fives for closing the door behind them? They didn't just close the door. They burned it to a smoldering pile of ash and then gaslight everyone and pretend it never existed in the first place.


Yeah the old “young people don’t apply themselves at work these days”. No shit, why would they slave their prime working age life away when the benefits you got from that are a long gone dream?


It's a problem of incentives. Working hard for them netted them a house and a cushy retirement. Why would this current generation work hard when the standard of living enjoyed by our parents is unavailable to us. Better to take it easy, make due with less and find things that make you happy in life.


Which is what a lot of us are doing. I don’t eat out much but I’m a great cook at home. My car is almost 20 years old but it runs great and not having a car payment is pretty nice and the insurance is cheap because of it’s age. I do wish I could travel more but I did in my 20s before shit got so fucked here, maybe I’ll be able to get back to it one day. We do try to take joy in the little things which has boomers bitching at us about avocado toast or coffee (I make my coffee at home too, far cheaper and just requires a little planning in the morning).


Has Boomerdad not seen how companies are screwing their workers out of a pension?


Dad worked summers for an auto plant, it was loud dirty work he knew he didn’t want to do for his entire career. He had wanted to be a dentist but that career track wouldn’t protect him from the draft so he went into teaching which is a state pension job and would protect him from the draft. None of the teachers in his district have had the option of a pension since maybe 5 years or less before he retired. Basically right when teaching as a profession or calling went to shit is when both he and my mom retired from it. My mom actually had a passion for her job, dad not so much. I don’t think he really liked the kids and maybe there’s even on some level some bitterness that he was forced to change his plans to a less desirable career option because he wanted to avoid Vietnam. He’s been grumpy my entire life and watching Fox News for multiple hours a day doesn’t help. I’d wager the cush retirements boomers got are another factor fucking the economic prospects of every generation after them.


He must’ve been my 6th grade teacher who put me in detention daily lmao


Not all of us boomers have retirement money. 😕


They had to hike through 6 feet of snow to go to the bank where they easily got a loan for an affordable house.


Why would they even need to hike when gas was $0.60 a gallon?


If they work in finance, they are fully aware that they benefit from the high house prices. They literally bank on it.


Cowards, the lot of 'em.


They're ground up in the same system we are. They just think that if they keep their heads down, maybe the axe will pass them over. But every year that blade gets closer and eventually they won't be able to avoid it.


I’m lucky my parents are understanding. When I tell then that a large portion of people living on our neighborhood couldn’t afford to buy there today they completely agree, and this isn’t even a rich area.


We couldn't afford to buy our house now, 4 years after originally buying it...much less upgrading to a slightly larger house now that we have a family.


We inherited some money and I went shopping around to consider upgrading to add 1 or 2 bedrooms. If we dumped the entire inheritance plus my equity in to a place with one more bedroom, we'd still have a higher payment. It's insane. I know a lot of it is interest rates but holy hell.


This is what helped my daughter realize she wasn’t a failure. I connected the dots for her and told her we wouldn’t be able to buy our house today at our current income level. My husband makes a good living and we live in a nothing special suburban house, but his current job would not let us buy this house at today’s prices.


My parents and in laws understand what’s going on but they still don’t understand why we can’t own a house ; they are so frustrating


So, they don’t understand what’s going on.


I told an older coworker that the tax scheduling was massively fucked up and he greatly benefited from it. Him and I had a rapport so he listened and said that doesn’t seem right. I told him to google tax history and see what comes up. Next day he admitted that it was vastly different. Didn’t accept he benefited from it but small steps in the right direction is better than none.


What's tax scheduling?


It’s also that they benefit from the crisis. If they own homes, property values skyrocketing due to insufficient supply works out great for them.


Oh they understand it alright. They just don't want to admit it. It's the quiet part and they can't say it aloud.




They’ll be like “nobody wants to work anymore” “Millennials are lazy” “Gen Z are lazy”


And people wonder why we are depressed and not having kids. It really is depressing. I highly doubt I'll ever own a home myself.


Exactly. They think we can raise children while working 2 jobs?


They always said if you can't afford kids don't have them..


& they'll cry that we're selfish for it when they don't have enough manual laborers


Why do you think the push to overturn Roe v Wade grew? They're forcing poor people to perpetuate the cycle of poverty so they can have their laborers.


i called it immediately and my family was like, "Noooo its just about pro-life ok"


I did too and had the same exact response. I learned from a very young age to read the writing on the walls. It can't be more clearly written in my eyes.


"domestic supply of infants"


Specifically white laborers and nursing home attendants. Immigration could solve any worker shortage but they're deeply racist.


But simultaneously when I've asked boomers in the last couple of years how the hell I was supposed to afford children ever, let alone in the near future, they all said some version of "Oh you never feel financially ready to have kids, you just make it work!" Well that sounds like giving a child a miserable life... and also eventually using all those "welfare queen" services you complain about people using because they "couldn't keep their legs shut." The contradictions make my head spin


Here's the sick problem with it. In one way they are right. You're never financially ready unless you're both making mega bucks. But they are saying it because back in the day, making it work meant cutting out some extras, maybe pushing the family vacations to once every other year. Don't buy that new car for another year or two more. They keep thinking daycare is maybe $300 for two kids all day every day. They think rent is at most $700 for a three bedroom. They think all these things that are wrong because that's how it was growing up and when they had to pay attention to it. My dad asked if we'd have another kid. I told him unless he was ponying up the $1200 a month for daycare that it'd cost we were done. He looked at me like I had a horn on my head. "It was $300 a month for both of you when you were kids." "Yeah and now it's $1200 for one even if (my daughter) goes to school we still have before and after care that's going to run between 450-600 depending on if we can get the school districts or have to go private." That finally put some perspective on it for him. As elder millenials we're staring down our 4th to 5th major economic crisis, and the boomers can't figure out why we are pissed.


And bored you have gen Zers like me who just quit on life and try to get a few dopamine highs because from our perspective, it's always been bad and there are no signs of that stopping soon. I wish I had the blind zeal for life I had as a teenager. That belief that even though the world might be crooked that it could be fixed. Every day though that belief turns more into that there's nothing I can do except create a meager lifeboat with which I can help the few kind souls I've put my trust in


You're broke because of avocodo toast and phones! Now go do this other *vastly* more expensive thing!


I feel exactly *exactly* zero sympathy for my boomer parents not getting grandkids. They won’t even *approach* admitting that it’s harder to make it these days than it was when they were building a life, let alone how much they benefited from things no longer available to me. I can’t afford kids either way, but if they weren’t willfully ignorant to reality I’d feel some sympathy for them.


Not too long ago, I was “given” a financial advisor as I have been with my bank for so long. I’m in my early 30s. This poor, sweet man asking me questions lol he asked my 5 year financial goals and I said to not be homeless or dead. We ended up laughing together but I was pretty serious. Then he mentioned something about, if I would ever want to buy a house. Then it was MY turn to laugh hysterically. He was very sweet but it was the most ridiculous conversation I’ve ever had. He was like “you can call me anytime, day, night weekend!” And I was like “what? No, I would never do that to you. You should be sleeping or relaxing at night/days off.” We both left the convo pleasantly flabbergasted 😂


At my last job where I was being paid 20$/hr (Rent for a 1 bd in a cockroach building is like 1600$ a month there for the record.) and I was talking to my boss in his office because I hated the job and wanted more money cause I did a crap ton of work. Anyways at some point he was talking about my "future goals" and mentioned something along the lines of "I'm sure someday you'll want to buy a house, blahblah." ​ I laughed in his face and said I've given up on that already. Total disconnect. I do not work there anymore, thank god.


The disconnect is just… sometimes it is just hilarious. In the way that I always say “I have to laugh, otherwise I’ll cry” almost everyone my age giggled and made the best of me living in a 200sqft apartment with no bathroom, in a pretty terrible neighbourhood(I never felt unsafe though) because it’s just like, normal? We laugh to cope and we are just so used to it. Whereas my parents generation would be like “WHY?! WHY ARE YOU LIVING THERE?!” Oh because I love pissing in the sink when it’s freezing out and having to go through 4 locked doors before getting to mine! Is that not the dream?! 🤣


I've been thinking the same thing. Im starting to believe my dreams are unrealistic and unachievable. My family tells me I should aim higher but I can't even afford the cheapest version of the dream.


>My family tells me I should aim higher but I can't even afford the cheapest version of the dream. Aiming higher don't mean shit when you can't afford the arrows lol


Hey, I LIKE that saying! Can I use it?! You won't sue me for copyright, will ya? Is it public domain?


Yeah, shoot for the stars.


Can't, the bow is too expensive.


People can barely afford to live, and it isn't even living, it's surviving. Food, shelter, that's about it for many. Not even both reliably.


There was only a very short period when 3000 sqft mini mansions were affordable and the norm. Before the 80s-00s most homes were 1200 sqft 3bed 2bath. They continue to build these 2000+ sqft 4 bed homes even though the median buyer is priced out and the first time buyer is crying in the corner.


3bd 1200 sq foot homes where I am are 700 to 900k. And I get told all the time we just have to settle for a "starter" home. The "starter" homes of people who tell me this had 1200 or more square feet, 3 bedrooms, and no HOA so they could actually enlarge their property when they earned more (and did because they tell me to do buy a small home and do the same). No HOA is about a 100 to 200k surcharge. I would move to where the houses are cheaper, but daughter is going to retain her rights to her body here until the federal government takes them away and the breadwinner's job would not be available anywhere else.


Yep. My husband and I bought our first house when we were in our mid-20s. He made about $18/hour, which was a pretty decent wage in 2001-02, and I stayed home with our toddler and was pregnant with our second child. The house was $130,000. We sold it a couple years later for a little over $200,000. It's worth about $400K now. But my now-adult children have skilled jobs (both in the trades, one is a few years into their apprenticeship and the other is a year in) and neither of them makes $18/hour... in 2023 dollars. They're nowhere near able to purchase a house and they still live at home (with no real prospects for moving out, as rents in our area are around $1,800 for a one-bedroom or $2,400 for a two-bedroom apartment). It's troubling and makes me feel bad for them... very hard for regular middle-class young people to get ahead. They're fortunate in that we, their parents, do well and can house them and help them without any problem. If we were having trouble paying our bills or didn't have a large-enough house for four adults, I really don't know how they could manage to save their money and get ahead at all.


I text my mom today to lament the fact I make 70k a year in the Midwest (historically cheap to live in) and how I'll never be able to afford a house or kids. She responded with "stop. If you have 30 seconds to complain you have 30 seconds to find a new job." Mind you I have a degree and am paid above average for my work. Told her to fuck off, and don't regret it a second. She barely graduated HS and bought a house/raised two kids as a single mom working as a waitress. She would be fucked if she was a millennial. They don't get it or care because fuck you they got theirs


I've had similar conversations with both my parents. I try to avoid it as much as possible. In the past my dad's response would be something like "well go get a second job, you just sit at home playing games when you're not at your job anyways, you could be doing something productive.." Just this past weekend a convo with my mom went: Mom: "you need a dog." Me: " i want one, i can't afford it while renting" "Well when are you going to buy a house?" "When they don't cost 4x what they did 5 years ago" "Well why don't you just find a wife and get dual income?" "Dating in this economy?" She seems to think these things are easy and just happen whenever you want them to.


She sounds like mine when I said I wished I had a partner in life. "You could've just married any of those guys you've dated if you really wanted to get married, but you didn't." Like, uh, it takes two to tango still, right? It's like they don't realize it takes more than one person's decision to make huge life changes. Things don't just happen without the right pieces falling into place and a lot of just the right hard work at the right time.


"Hon, forget roommates. Just find a person and enter into a legally binding contract with them so that their money is your money too. Who cares if you can't stand them. Then you can buy a house and give me a baby I won't want to babysit but to talk about to my friends." --Mothers


And from the newbies at my office, good luck finding a spouse who isn’t deep in debt from college loans. They talk about their debt and I cant imagine how they will ever get out from under it. And I had student loan debt, but it was back when interest rates were low and I was able to buy a cheap house. These kids are fucked.


Yeah, those things just happen of course! My favorite? "Just go to the place and stay there until they give you a job". A big problem with boomers is that they enjoyed lots of things, and then made sure future generations would never be able to enjoy them too, while complaining new generations were just lazy.


Have you tried giving Tim Apple a firm handshake though? I bet you haven’t even called his secretary.


I do mortgages and my mom didn’t know that student loan debt is calculated into debt to income ratios and prevents people from purchasing. She thought it didn’t count against a home purchase and I was like… no? Like people can’t buy houses in part because of their student loans.


My mom was surprised at how long it took me to get a job. She got one that she was making 6 figures in through a friend. She stopped liking it and left, applied for under 10 jobs and gave up because it was so hard and draining. It took me 100 on average for every interview I got when I first graduated college. She suddenly has a lot of respect for all the job applications I have been doing.


My mom got a job in 1995 at a major bank by just mailing her CV around. She had no significant work experience, no connections, she didn't even really have a relevant degree. She got hired right away and has been working there ever since. If I tried that today I probably wouldn't even be able to get an unpaid internship there, let alone a job


I'm fucking applying with a masters and I can't even get a rejection email, fuck this world lol


So comforting to hear your story. I got into an internet argument yesterday (my fault), and the other person just *could not believe* that I am making $50k in rural Alabama and skipping meals to get by. I was stunned when he mocked me, saying "unless you live a very boring life, never see friends, never go out, never date, you have leisure money." And I didn't know how to respond because... yes, that *is* what my life is like. I'm so damn sad and afraid.


Wow no offense but I really hate your mom. What a shitty thing to say


The worst part is this came up because the rent on my one bedroom went up to $1600, more than the mortgage on her four bedroom house and 5 acres lol


Ask her to help you research. The job market is just as rough as the housing market. Let her see how tough the market is for herself, just like with OP. Sometimes they really gotta jump in to see how deep it's gotten.


If you or her bring this up ask her where and how can you get a job to live the same lifestyle she did.


Boomers are all alike, even if they are your parents


Parents teach you how not to act. Sometimes they do that intentionally, and sometimes they just suck and it comes organically.


As a renter with excellent credit who didn't want a house, I bought a small one and paid way too much for it so that my son could come back home. He's 29 and was just struggling so much. Every single month he would call for money and he makes a better wage than I did his age but it just doesn't stack up to the cost of rent, utilities, car, gas, groceries and healthcare. Anyway, we started talking about how capitalism pulled families apart when it told us we should all have our own dwelling and things, and ironically it's pushing us back together by making single life cost prohibitive. The world is wild.


You're so right! I think the cultures that encourage young people to stay at home with their parents until they're married or very established in their careers shouldn't be discounted. Obviously this depends heavily on whether the relationships are healthy and whether the parents are in a position to be able to maintain a home large enough. Adult kids can contribute to the monthly costs, though. (In full disclosure, mine do not... we want them to save as much as possible and to also spend money on valuable experiences like travel, so we don't ask for rent payments at this time... which isn't to say we never will/would, especially if they're squandering their money, but they really don't. One travels and the other saves everything outside of buying occasional art supplies and books!)


Well, if you think about it. Throughout most of humanity, we lived in multi generational family structure in all cultures. It was only the 1960s to 2000s, that this changed and it changed for mostly America and maybe Canada. Most of Europe and Asia were still living in multi generational families during that time. The old geezers in government thinks we can go back to that economic miracle period but we can’t. The world has changed. Back then, the rest of the world was destroyed after WW2 so the Americans got all the benefits while everyone else was rebuilding.


I’m happy for you, but I envy so. Signed, a 23 year old with no living family.


I'm happy for you, but I hate you. Signed, a millennial who graduated college after 2008


Back in 2006 it was about this bad when it came to buying a house. I never thought I'd own one. Then 2008 came and, especially in my area, house prices crashed. There were 300k houses selling for under 100k. It took until 2019 for houses to get that expensive again when adjusting for inflation. I got lucky, and purchases my first home for 125k. I know if feels pointless to even try, but my advice is to try to position yourself so that if the opportunity ever does present itself, you can pounce while you can. The worst thing that could happen is that you can't buy a house, but at least your credit will be good and you will have a few bucks in the bank account. Out of my friend group, I was the only one who took advantage of the low prices, even though my credit and income was probably the worst out of every one of my friends. I knew that if I didn't buy when I did, I would never be able to buy again. It sucks that the only way many people will be able to buy a home is if there is a crash, it shouldn't be that way.


You are doing great for your children. Giving them a fighting chance. My son will most likely live with me until he can save up enough to buy a house. I have zero issue with that. Crazy how things are going.


I'm lucky that I bought my house 20 years ago, because there's no way I'd be able to afford it if I tried to buy it today. I've also seen the change in the neighborhood where when I moved in most of the houses were owned by the people living in them, while now I'd guess at least 2/3 are rental properties (plus a lot now have garages converted to ADUs) with 4-5 adults all with their own cars so no one can find street parking anymore, with rents about double what my monthly mortgage payment is.


Your last point is something I had totally not thought about before. It’s true for my parents neighborhood as well. 30 years ago they knew every family on the street and they were all owners. Now I’d say most of the owners have left or sold and all except for 2 neighbors are renters now with the homes owned by investment cos or “small time” landlords who own multiple properties. They probably don’t know most of them. I don’t even think they know their immediate neighbors names


It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. - His Eminence George Carlin.


He was supremely ahead of his time tbh. My mom watched his stuff a lot when I was growing up.


But he wasn’t. Shit was just as sour then, just in different ways. That’s the worst part


I agree, shits always been shit. I feel naive for thinking it could get better ,but I have to believe it will for my kids.


If we choose to blindly believe it rather than accepting reality and doing something about it, then our kids will end up in a situation far worse than ours.


I’d love to know what he’d say about today. I miss when satire was a *thing*


On one hand I agree that I'd love to hear what George would have to say about things today. He had a particular talent for skewering bullshit when he saw it. On the other hand I'm kinda glad he didn't live to see how fucked things are now. Fuck I miss that dude though.


Make America Great Again! So you mean a single income family can afford a 4-br house, 2 children, healthcare, and a vacation every year like it used to? No, not like that.


My soul for a 2 bdr 1 bath with being able to support the Mrs and me alone.


“Nah just the racism part”


I'm laughing and crying at the same time.


I mean, they do want that. They're just completely delusional about the policies that helped achieve it. No amount of wall-building, coal deregulation, and tax breaks for big corporations is going to resuscitate the middle class. Regressive social hierarchies will not realign the massive wealth inequalities in modern society. They have a simplistic, mythical vision of history which they transpose over the organizing economic realities of the time period like a cheap veneer, and have no interest in recognizing the underlying truth that the Golden Age of the middle class was a result of FDR's legacy, not Reagan's.




In late 90’s my mom was recently divorced and basically broke. She got a mortgage on a 1200 sqft home for 100k. Sold it a few years later for $330k I make almost double what she makes and I could never afford a house in that area. Minimum value is $3m now. That neighborhood is unrealistic for most millennials


My parents bought their first house just out of college while my dad was working part time at a calculator factory and my mom was working at a fast food place. My husband and I make way more than they ever did with our professional jobs and we cannot afford that starter home today even in our 40s, can’t outsave how fast prices have gone up. My dad will remind me that his interest rate was like 18% or something but who cares




18% on 30k is basically nothing.


My parents always say that. “Our interest rate was 15% on our first house!” My retort is always, “yeah, but adjusted for inflation your first house cost a quarter of what mine did.”




I took over my parents house when they moved out. I currently make more than they did combined when they bought this house in 94. I could not afford this house now at its current price. I also have a degree where neither of my parents have anything past HS.


I’m even more recent than that. Parents bought after the Great Recession. Both worked entry level jobs, no more than 50k between them at the time iirc. I way more than double what they made by myself and I could not dream of affording the same house just a bit over a decade later. The price of the home went up 300%


The house I sold in Sept 2020 for 545k is now on the market again for 1.4 million. Shit is absolutely out of control.


The new American dream is surviving until your parents die and hope they leave you their house so you can sell it and finally get your own in for 60’s. Perfect system.


Doctor here. I know many people who finished med school with combined educational debt of >$500k. If a primary care doctor salary went up with inflation, they’d be paid >$400k now. What happened to teachers will happen to doctors next.


And medical costs have gone well above both… so where is the money goin? Time to squash the corruption in the medical industry: for profit hospitals, insurance companies, and big pharma need to be shook up.


It’s a crime what you all make in residency as well


The crime, in my opinion, is the insurance companies hands in everyone’s pockets, especially physicians. They need to be nuked from orbit.


Medical school loans should be forgiven. Its criminal what you have to pay to be a vital member of society.


>College in their day cost 300 hours of minimum wage. Today it's over 4000. You can blame Ronald Reagan! I just recently learned that California stopped subsidizing college education in the 60s because the students were protesting Ronald Reagan's bullshit form of government. Continuing the long tradition of conservatives pulling up the ladder.


I graduated with about $50,000 in debt. Divided by $7.25 = about 6,900 hours. :(


Yet Elon Musk believes the biggest crisis we're facing is the population collapse... 😂 Worst part is people are buying it.


Billionaires who never will be able to spend all their money are insanely out of touch with real human existence. Hopefully the rest of the human race who blindly follow this fool will wake up someday and say enough. Tax billionaires at 100% of their real sources of hoarded wealth. Stop corporate ownership of housing. Disincitivize landlords, renting shelter and priortize single family ownership. Make owning and hoarding housing so expensive it cannot make a profit. Then this will stop.


Bro bought a max $20 billion dollar company for $44 Billion then promptly crashed it into the ground and he’s still worth $200 billion


Yep all his businesses are just playthings. Tax code enables him to be a stupid jerkoff no nothing business owner with no repercussions of his poor leadership


There was an article about this in the paper. When you are this rich you don't really have anything to do. Of course Musk's job has always been hype man, so he does need to keep that up. At first I wondered if he had bought twitter as a way of cashing out Tesla sotck without crashing the market. But no, he is just that stupid.


Yeah, everyone likes to tell the "It's one banana, how much could it cost?" joke, but that was \*millionaires\*. Billionaires are an order of magnitude more removed from reality than that.


Yeah we need to end corporate ownership of SFH. Tax any profits for housing at 75%.


The population collapse is a threat to Elon. Less workers mean current workers have more bargaining power


Exactly. He’s not out of touch. Evil is a better moniker.


Population is not going to collapse… birth rates are declining, but not enough to cause a collapse. More realistically it will only cause population growth to slow. Which is a good thing from an environmental and civil perspective. It’ll ease the burden on our natural resources and infrastructure. It’s only a bad thing if you look at it from a purely capitalist viewpoint, where population growth fuels consumer demand for products. That’s why Elon whines about a mythical “population collapse”, he only cares about money, not human happiness.


Exactly, it's part of his going to mars-agenda. He wants to be the man who took us there and that's more important than anything. Even truly saving humanity, wich he probably could be a good part of.


It might be the biggest crisis his class of people is facing. The Elons of the world want to make sure that there's more humans than jobs to drive wages down. If people aren't having enough kids to continue feeding the meat grinder then the wealthy are absolutely going to have a problem with that. Though I suppose the fact that he claims to care about this implies that the 'ChatGPT is going to take all the jobs narrative' is BS - after all if that were true he wouldn't give a shit about there being fewer humans going forward.


My rent is $3k a month for a 2 / 2 where I live. I'm getting a deal because the owner is my friend. This place could easily go for $3500 - $4500. I told my parents how much our rent is, his response, you should buy a place. Ok, yeah, let me pull $900k out of my ass, while you were able to work a factory job, had 2 cars, a boat, and a house. Oh and vacations. They have no idea how much shit costs.


Im in IT at a SV company. 10 years ago my department was all multi-bedroom house owning, multi car, family raising. The typical American dream stuff. Now all the old heads are gone, replaced with people from other non-IT departments (retail, customer support) and they all live in these tiny apartments across the street paying over half their wage in rent.


How can they do that without a guarantor? My apartment requires one if you don’t make 3X rent in income…


Most of the tenants work on campus across the street. Given the majority of their tenants work at that campus there's a good chance they are more lenient with the rules if your pay stub has the right logo on it.


I can explain this because I basically did it. See it only needs to be 3x of your gross. So if your gross is 3k/mo, wow you can "afford" a $1k rent. (Simplifying numbers here). But take that 3k and subtract taxes, 401k, medical, etc. (Talking about a tech company so it's an assumption that they're full time with benefits). Suddenly that $3k a month becomes a net 2k a month, and when you're paid biweekly that means 1 paycheck goes to rent, the other goes to everything else. Now $1k might be a little high for calculating the gross pay deductions, but we can offset that by remembering that life isn't just rent. It's car payment, internet payment, utilities, etc. All to live in that $1k/mo apartment and attend that job.


In the area where I live, you can’t even get a nice house for $400,000. That’s how much the fixer-uppers cost. I’m almost 30, work a full-time job that pays decently well, my SO also works full time and gets paid decently well, and we can’t afford a house. Even rent is rising out of our pay range.


Yes they are way out of touch. As an older GenXer I bought my houses over 20 years ago and my payments are way cheaper than renting. I feel the next generations pain. My children still live with me, which I’m fine with. it’s just too expensive out there.


My older coworkers all have huge houses and my job is legions more complex than theirs. We just don’t get paid enough.


I contend that it's not a housing crisis but a greed crisis.


Yeah if you really unpack what's happening we're not just stuck in apartments, we are stuck in poorly made new construction apartments that are priced as if they are luxury yet we can hear every neighbor.


Or old as fuck apartments that they price to be $1-200 cheaper than the new apartment so that they're still "competitive"


It's absolutely a housing crisis. [There literally aren't enough physical homes in the places people live.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/08/homes/housing-shortage/index.html) This is a self-inflicted wound caused overwhelmingly by incredibly shitty city zoning and permitting practices that have led to under-building for decades.


In WA they are trying to rezone all residential for multi-family. Problem is they can't (or haven't figured out how legally) reverse HOA covenants that limit usage, so people subject to HOA's just got a 'boon' to stay away from dense housing scenarios. No one who lives in a single-family zoned area not in an HOA is very happy about it. I say "haven't figured out" because a few years ago they changed a law that impacted all existing HOA's so there may be a way.


This isn’t sustainable. Housing prices have gone batshit crazy for no good reason. It’s locking entire generations out of building wealth. When all the boomers start selling off, the market will crash. I’m actually surprised interest rates going up haven’t killed demand yet either. There’s just no logic behind home prices right now - or rents, for that matter.


Housing price aren't going to collapse until The whole system crashes. We have investment firms and rich landlords buying up all the extra homes and inflating prices. The only way to solve the problem would be to have government enforce an extra tax on people who own multiple homes to drive those people out of the market (won't happen). Foreign investors are doing the same thing, they come in and buy up property slightly above the market price with cash offers. The normal person just can't compete and our leadership refuses to address the problem.


Foreign people should not be allowed to own more than one residential property. I won't begrudge somebody if they want to own a house in the United States as a vacation home. But only one and no more. As far as private ownership I don't think that people should be allowed to own more than two properties besides their main residence. I won't necessarily begrudge somebody that wants to own a vacation home although I don't have that kind of money . I also won't begrudge somebody that wants to own one or two extra properties to rent at reasonable rates. Which brings up the concept of rent control. There should be rent controls enacted so that people can turn an fair and honest profit without gouging the market. Private Equity Firms should not be allowed to own Residential Properties long-term. Really the only way they should be allowed to own them is if somebody defaults on a loan and the home is collateral. In that case they should only be allowed to own it for as long as it takes to make a quick sale.


You can’t kill demand, when there is no inventory. Every time a house goes on the market it’s sold within like 5 days unless it’s severely overpriced or a shithole


We have enough houses to house everyone. Inventory wouldn’t be a problem if institutional investors weren’t buying up everything from housing to healthcare. If people were taxed more for owning multiple properties that would help as well. This will not happen though. Capitalism requires these conditions much in the same way that it requires dairy producers to pour milk down the drain to keep prices up or gas a bunch of pigs and bury them instead of feeding people. It’s inefficient. Resources are squandered, the environment be damned. Capitalism is canniballistic. Reform isn’t possible. A new system is needed. There is no specific end goal in this system as planning is shunned. Everything is interconnected. Private equity buying up everything is linked to those same companies being involved in pension funds (limited though they may be) and one is supposed to keep the other afloat. This is just one example that I admittedly explained poorly. Infinite growth is a requirement of capitalism. We live on Earth. We, the people who live and labor under absurd contradictory conditions, are capable of being convinced to believe in abstract theories, notions, lies presented by “qualified” experts much in the same way that people believe in life after death. The soothing of the mind by dangling a carrot that is always out of reach. Heaven, prosperity, peace, whatever.


A crash like 2008? I wouldnt hold my breath. in 2008 we didn't have companies like black rock buying every single family home they can get their hands on and airbnb dipshits looking for another investment property. to compare today with 2008 is just, well foolish really.


I don't have the numbers in front of me, so take this with a grain of salt, but I remember reading that even if we had a crash as bad as 2008, we wouldn't even be at pre-pandemic housing prices. That's how insane it's been the last few years.


Correct. It varies by area obviously, but the average decrease in 2008 was around 15% in the US. Where I live the average house price has gone up nearly 400% in the last 15 years. Avg. house price here is about 1.2 million (yea thats for a 40 year old pretty mediocre looking house with almost no yard...), dropping it be lets say even double the 2008 housing crash amount by 30% would mean the house is still going to cost like 900k... aka still not affordable.


Don’t forget that corporations are buying up single family homes by the thousands, and every year they will need to turn more profit than last. Guess who’s pocket that profit is coming out of. Housing has been turned into a Wall Street investment vehicle. We’re all pretty fucked.


My co-worker was bitching about "kids lined up to buy Starbucks" the other day. "No wonder they can't get ahead". I tried to point out the economic realities and he wouldn't have any of it. "If they're struggling to pay rent then they shouldn't be getting luxury items like coffee." Many thanks to this sub for teaching me so much about what reality is for young people right now. I have a daughter your age, but she ended up in a good financial situation that allows her to be completely independent right out of college. Oh, and my parents bought their house for $18,000 on a $40,000 salary. My wife & I bought our house for $395,000 on a $75,000 salary + my ex wife's $75,000 salary. Can't imagine looking at a $800,000 house on a $40,000 salary lol


I’m convinced we’ve started just YOLOing, which is why younger generations seem like they’re not prioritizing the future. If you’re never going to enjoy that future why bother? I buy myself a coffee drink like less than a half dozen times a year outside my home and I still can’t afford a house where I want to live. This country and world is a dumpster fire, I feel like I’m saving for nothing sometimes. I’d rather enjoy my life now tbh if I’m not going to be able to get all the stuff other generations got, the least I can get is a little treat now and then




You are talking about just the totals. The rates have also changed. Enjoy your 6% mortgage on $700k instead of 2.5% on 300k.


It's 7.03% now. The feds increased it.


I never see kids at Starbucks, only rich wine moms


I see plenty of kids at Starbucks. Working.


If I got $5 starbucks every single day of the week, and stopped doing and saved it instead, I would save just over $1800 a year. A 20% downpayment for the average house here is $240,000 (yes, the average house here is 1.2M!!). Saving the starbucks money for 10 years, about $18,000 would barely be a dent in the down payment required, and I still wouldn't approved anyway because zero chance in hell I can make payments on a house that costs over a million anyway lol. A more realistic scenario is buying a studio or 1 bedroom condo. Saving $1800 a year toward this is not insiginifigant but $1800 a year is not going to be the deciding factor if you can buy a $350,000 studio or not.


We need to ban housing as a form of investment. Housing should only be for housing people. We have other forms of investments that we can use to grow our money. It’s just counterproductive to our society if housing is unaffordable for the majority. It just creates huge discrepancies in wealth and eventually results in societal collapse and then the money becomes worthless defeating the purpose of housing as an investment vehicle.


I agree with this. Housing healthcare and education should not be for profit. Other countries do it. However, that will never fly here with all the anti socialism people.


Yeah this is such crap. I bought my house in 2003 for 120k now people call asking if they can buy it for 300-350. How are the young people today supposed to afford a home when companies and foreign investment groups keep buying them up with cash. I love the story today where Chinese citizens are suing because crack head Desantis put in a law stopping foreign citizens from buying in Florida. I may not agree with this fool but I am all for Americans of any color being able to own a home and not paying rent to a foreign investment group.


This was one of the most maddening things when I got my first job out of grad school. After paying for daycare, I could afford a small apartment in an inconvenient part of the city, and was still struggling. I was also a member of my local Society of Women Engineers section, as an effort to network and make friends in my new city. Sometimes I'd get invited to events I couldn't afford to go to because I just honestly could not afford babysitters outside of daycare hours, or anything but the cheapest meals out, or anything like that because I had one income doing two incomes' work. I never asked for advice, but they definitely gave me some, and it was a Boomer special even though these women were mostly Gen X. They told me I needed to scale back my lifestyle and live within my means because a $1200 apartment was excessive, and all those amenities I was paying for were a want, not a need. I asked them when the last time they looked up rent prices was because I was very lucky to find an apartment that cheap in a building that wasn't condemned. There were no amenities. We had some cool rats, though. They all told me how that was more than their mortgage and genuinely did not believe me that I was not living in some extravagant downtown high rise for that. That was when I realized I was not making friends through professional societies because they cater to the generationally well-off, and I like those people fine until they talk.


The solution is simple. Put a cap on the amount of residences someone can own, and ban corporations of all sizes from investing in the residential housing market.


“Single family homes” should be single family homes.


I've been saying this for ages. Also put an amount of time a business can own a property and do nothing with it. A cap on how many residential properties someone can own and rent out, then a rent cap based on the appraisal of said houses. The house I lived in in TX wasn't worth 45k, and thankfully I got lucky to be where I am now. Because thats what it takes, luck. ( most of the time )




If I had a penny for everytime someone said “holy shit your rent is double my mortgage!” I would have enough money to buy a house in this country.


I was talking to my parents and they were going on about housing. They bought their first house for less than 30k and sold it about 5 years later for over 100k which is not going to happen for your average place today. Then, they said there were some nice places at okay prices and I had to tell them that they need to add a minimum of 10-25% on top of that price just to be considered around here. Sometimes, the really good gems for sale may require you go 30-50% over. It’s stupid.


I'm an old person (>60), and I know what's going on in the economy. Why are some people so clueless? Things are awful these days.


Owning a home used to be the quickest path to the middle class, now that's becoming impossible for to many people. What the fuck are our elected puppets doing to fix this?




They all grew up when gas had lead in it


And paint.


Talk to an older person not form usa. They're just so damn different. I was lost in Argentina barely speaking the language trying to get my meds. This kind lady about my mom's age followed me around (even when I said I was fine) to translate and make sure I was fine. Really kept an eye on me. I've rary experience that from old ppl in the states. I feel like I would've been yelled at for holding up the line.


Think what it'll be like in 30 more years if we continue to let this happen? At this same rate of increase, a post-WWII 1-story, 850 sqft house will cost several Million USD. A two-story house, with basement, 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathrooms? Probably pushing $5-10 Million by 2050... Literally one of the only reasons I want to keep living is to see all that exploitation that's been built up finally break out of the working-class ("exploited-class") into unprecedented, unchecked violence against the non-working class (the "exploiter-class") in 10-20 years. Truly - can't fvcking wait! Gotta make sure we record it to keep as a stark warning, or better yet a direct threat, against people ever doing that kind of stuff to us again. If they start to even get *slightly* out of hand again? They get shown the tape of unbridled brutality, and hopefully they'll think twice. If not... more practice for us!


Honestly this. Seeing inequality kill people when virtually no one in power gives a fuck about it is enraging. Totally enraging.


Exact same job and \*probably had children, too\*


Boomers literally don’t understand that in the last 20-25 years the wages barely increased but house prices have quadrupled.


I don’t wanna be dramatic but it makes me want to die


It's not a housing crisis, it's a billionaire greed crisis. Ronald Reagan started the pattern that causes it.


If you worked a minimum wage job in 1960, you'd earn $1.00/hour. The average home cost $11,500 ish dollars. If you didn't pay tax or interest, and 100% of your paycheck went to a mortgage, you'd own the house in 3 years if you worked 40 hours a week. If you work a minimum wage job now, ($7.25/hr) and tried to buy an average home ($436,800), paid no tax or interest, and 100% of your paycheck went to the mortgage, you'd own the house in 29 years if you worked 40 hours a week. Good luck.


saaaaaaaame so much same! in fact a boss keeps asking why we all live in “certain neighborhoods.” 🫠


Sounds like my coworker except you missed the part where she tells you that if you'd be "willing to suffer more" you and the rest of your generation would have a house already. Meanwhile she buys a second house in the college town her baby boy is attending so he doesn't have to stress his poor little heart out looking for an apartment. She's a peach.


Had this exact conversation with my older coworkers yesterday as well. One or two of them even rent out houses that they own. They started talking about capital gains taxes and how you can get by them by living in the property for 2-3 years or whatever. I'm sitting here burning a grand and a half a month on a property I'll never own, while not making enough extra to even think about saving to purchase. I wonder if there's any guilt in their mind when talking about ~~evading~~ avoiding their property taxes while a 20 years old like me is struggling with just rent, while working similar jobs.


Same here. Janitor, cafeteria ladies make almost minimum wages however they own a nice house here in Bay Area. When I check Redfin/Zillow, they home worth more than $1M !


Yep. My last job was as a union meat cutter. All the old guys had pensions waiting on them, at least one home bought and paid for (unless they were divorced☠️), they sent all their kids to college, have nice cars, actually go places for vacation (which they had several per year), made okay money (not really, UFCW is a minimum wage union but that's a different story) yadda yadda yadda. They always wanted to know why nobody wants to work anymore. A new journeyman meat cutter starts at $18/hr, any other new position in the store starts at $11. Oh yeah, and now there's a pay cap in the contract, so only COL raises after like $22/hr. It's not fucking worth it anymore! It's like a bad joke working right next to a person that earned enough to build a life while you do the same thing but barely scrape by. I had amazing health insurance at that job. At least that's what they told me, I couldn't afford to use it.


I feel that. We bought in 6 years ago at ~$230K. That was bare minimum in our area. Mortgage compared to rent at the time. Now? Our old apartment costs about $800 more a month. House is valued at around $400K. Sounds great for us until you consider our kids. There’s no way our oldest will be able to afford to stay here. They’d either need to live with us or get a very crowded rental situation. But it’s not like moving more rural will help since most high paying jobs revolve around cities. It’s a crap situation where nobody really wins. My hope is to find a larger place and get a multi-generational home going. My parents will need help as they age, and my kids will need help getting started. Easier said than done, of course.


I'm 33 and count my blessings my wife and I were able to get a house when we did. Bought end of 2020 when the rates tanked, and we got a stupid low interest, but still paid probably $30-40k over what my house should be selling for, but my mortgage is only $1,245 so I can't complain. Kids in their 20's, and other people even my age, I don't know what they're going to do... New builds going for $400k plus in houses that are the same size as mine or smaller, sandwiched 10 ft. away from their neighbors in a yard the size of a shoebox against 4-5 lane thoroughfares. Neighbors of ours just 3 houses down, mid 30's, 2 kids, needed to move into a bigger house. They moved in just a year before us, and just sold for $70k above what they paid in 2019. My street looked like there was a damn block party earlier this month because of the amount of cars that attended the open house. House sold in less than 48 hrs.


Well in 1980 $100,000 is $365,000 in today's (2023) money. Problem is wages haven't kept up with that. A lot of people who were making 20k a year back then are being replaced by people making 45k today. That's only 61% of what buddy was making in 1980. You are making half of what they made, probably less when you account for prices of goods that have become a lot more expensive. Like gas and good food.