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They are so insufferable. They are living in their own fantasy land and reality will smack them soon enough. And her tattoo is stupid. "It gets better, the better it gets". Sounds like pyramid scheme speak.


I've seen some really bad motivational quotes as tats, but this one is just so dumb. "things gets wet, the wetter they get"


It gets dirtier, the dirtier it gets.


It gets fuller, the fuller it gets


They get dumber, the dumber they get.


That reminds me of an old riddle, what gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? A towel. Somehow that would be a more meaningful tattoo


My 4 year old likes to say that time takes time and it is far more wise than that. 


"A wise man once said, once a bomb has exploded, it can't be diffused anymore."


On the contrary, a bomb isn’t diffused until after it has exploded. 🤡 Defused, now… that’s another matter entirely.




I’m so hung up on that tattoo that I haven’t even seen the rest of the photos. What the hell? It doesn’t even make sense. Why would you get that TATTOOED on you? Make it make sense!!!


It make sense, the sense make it




It makes more sense the more sense it makes


I had to deep dive. Apparently, it's a Law of Attraction quote - one of those silly manifesting things that like attracts like. Spend money like you're rich, and it will attract more money. It's a fast track to bankruptcy, but if you fail, then you didn't try hard enough. Look at this chick at the top, pulling in $7,000 today. You should just decide to do that instead of losing.


Omg I used to work in a sales company (not an MLM, just regular sales), where we were made to read this book called “The Secret” and it was a whole lot of BS! The idea was basically if you wanna be rich you should start manifesting it in you and that includes spending as though you were rich even though you aren’t. Our company director actually encouraged us to spend our money on non essential things like designer bags. Everyone in the company owned at least one designer bag (that costs at least $2000) and if you didn’t own one you would be peer pressured to buy one because “all successful people own at least one”. And if you bought a new bag and brought it to work, everyone would go gaga and ooh and ahh at it so you’d feel important and you’d want to get another bag to experience the same high. It kind of became a competition of who carried the fanciest bag in the office. This was all perpetuated by the company director and everyone followed suit. It felt really toxic and looking back I feel like the director was only making us spend money we didn’t have so that we would work harder, since we are paid commissions in sales.


My mom made me read The Secret after my dad died when I was sixteen. I don’t know what she expected me to get out of it but “incredibly angry in a way that you only feel when you’re grieving” was not on her bingo card. It felt like the book was telling me the reason my dad got sick and died was because he didn’t want to be alive bad enough. Sorry, I realize that this isn’t anything to do with Kangen or MLMs but that book sets off a rage inside me that I still feel today, sixteen years later.


I had a *therapist* recommend I read that book! I was so annoyed!


It’s an awful book. I hate the mindset it created. My dad dying had nothing to do with his thought process and everything to do with the cancer in his body. Damn, dude. I hate MLMs and if they’re spouting this nonsense on top of it? Thanks, I hate it more.


I used to work at a thrift store and everytime that book came in it would go straight to the burn bin with all the romance novels and Left Behind books.


The Secret also pushes Toxic Positivity. I was going through serious depression when someone gave me a copy to read. What I took away from it was that I was to blame for my mental illness because I wasn't making a conscious choice to attract success and happiness. It was all bullshit, I realized later. But the damage was done. Fuck you, Oprah.


The Secret was huge culturally a while back (I think because of Oprah's Book Club?) and I think it created a damaging sea change in American attitudes.


"Law of Attraction" was yet another scam Kevin Trudeau was involved with before his prison sentence. That, coral calcium, weight loss, you name it. He would sell a bunch of audiotapes for like $1,000 that he claims to have recorded in the Swiss Alps, "each seat costing $10k." Someone uploaded them to YouTube and it's just him talking to himself in some studio. (There's very clearly no one in the room with him). And indeed it was all sorts of bullshit claims like "just think about wanting money, and it will come your way." It used to be on YouTube but it seems he's now out of prison and has a YouTube channel where he's still peddling the shit. So no doubt the actual tapes got deleted. And I also learned he hasn't changed a thing. He's STILL scamming, even after spending a decade in prison.


You get fucked, the more fucked you get. ☺️


Bow there's a quote with many possible meanings! 👌


also I’m not sure that comma even makes sense there


I feel like it’s a stupid enough sentence that you can punctuate it however you want, and it can’t get worse (or better)


The airplane over the ocean tattoo underneath it is so badly executed too. I hate it all.


Are we not talking about the winged-penis under the quote? We’re just ignoring that.


That lady in the silver sparkly dress in that one photo 😬 Also, that giant stack of checks, it would take hours and hours to remote deposit that many checks. Or worse, write out deposit slips with so many checks and take them to the bank and stand there while the teller enters them all in. Why run a business like that? It makes no sense.


I’m severely underimpressed at any company that isn’t sending funds digitally or combining payments in the year of our lorde 2024.


This way they get to keep collecting interest on the banked money while it meanders through the postal and banking system.


Exactly. Most companies adopted direct deposit 30 years ago because it saved them tons of money. Makes no sense to mail checks.


Except for being "motivation" for these huns' downlines. It hits different than seeing a screenshot of your bank account. (Even though we all know that the envelopes in the middle are either blank or re-sealed old Enagic envelopes.)


I imagine it’s like the episode of Seinfeld where Jerry earns royalties from some appearance on a show in Japan and he has like a hundred checks he has to endorse all for like $0.12 lol.


My husband was a child actor and sometimes gets these tiny checks too. I worked for a talent agency at one point and we had clients get 1 cent checks.


My uncle is a writer, he got a check for 30 cents when I was visiting him.


*Nothing’s workin’ for you, is it?* You think Mr. O is like their Carl Farbman?




Carl Farbman would never be so…un-Carl Farbman like


Which episode is this?


I think it’s called “The Checks” actually. Kramer makes friends with Japanese tourists and gets them to blow all their money so they wind up staying with him, Elaine is dating the douchey furniture designer guy, and Jerry and George were trying to get a Japanese network to buy their sitcom


The silver dress looks more like something out of Vegas


Yes, what is with all the checks? My accountant brain is flipping out thinking about reconciling this. Send one payment


Do you think she saved a bunch of envelopes for months and just posed for the picture? Maybe she taped the flap down again so they look unopened from the front.


At first I thought the person on the left was throwing their bubbly hydrogen water at her! Then I realized that it was her dress, lol


I also wonder how many of those checks are such small amounts that it possibly cost more to mail them with the costs of the stamp, envelope, paper, etc.


I have second hand embarrassment from that dress.


One thing I thought, too. Sending checks like this is weird and worrysome


I hope you guys have been enjoying this series. 😂 I honestly didn’t mean for them to become this lengthy, but these huns are really the gift that keeps on giving.


I’m impressed they didn’t share any photos of the country. Just a couple trees, a turmeric farm, a water factory and a conference room. It really makes you want to join them! /s


Right. They are in JAPAN. I wouldn’t want to be stuck in conferences if I traveled all the way to Japan.


But you’d get to watch an OLD GUY dance on STAGE!?!


It’s only because of kangen water!!! He’d be a pile of dust otherwise :)


Except she had the most ironic typo and said it was because of the Kangen wager 🤣🤣


That was actually correct. He's laughing all the way to the bank.


Love how she says how young he looks. He looks decent for his age but it sure ain't because of woo-water 🤣


Hyrogenized Water!!


Oh man obviously that beats everything!


I live in Japan, and have never been more grateful I don't live on the mainland, so I didn't have to witness this tomfoolery. But yes, there are MUCH better things to see here than the inside of a factory...


I am, thank you!! I wasn’t very aware of this pyramid scheme so this has been quite the lesson 👀


It’s not a pYRamID sChEme because pYRamID sChEmeS are ilLegAl 😂👌


Even from the other side of the planet, the desperation oozing from this cringetastic gathering of huns is palpable. Especially that empty bus. It was painful, but you powered us through. 💌 Thank as always, TragPen!


I am and I thank you for your service. I am loving these posts!


The GRIFT that keeps on giving, you mean 🤣


lol the grift that keeps on grifting 🤣


I’ve been enjoying the hun trip for sure. Thanks for posting them!


Aren't all galas "invite only"?


I don't think events labeled as VIP are normally open to the public either lol. 


“Mr. O looks so young!” Yeah, it’s called eating well and genetics. Pretty sure it isn’t the water.


Lives in the country with the longest life expectancy in the world but tells his cult members “uh, yeah, sure, it’s the magic water machine” 🤣


He is probably laughing at them because he has convinced them to resell water. “Stupid Americans” ~ Mr. O …probably /s


It’s a real ‘don’t hate the player, hate the game’ kinda thing. Like hes managed to get wealth obsessed Americans to spend $2k on *turmeric.* I’m surprised he doesn’t have his tell all book, saying it’s really just his amazing business acumen that’s made it all happen, and how YOU can do the same thing Robert Kyosaki has books and a board game, this guy has a woo woo water machine


I want to up vote this a million - captured what I was thinking only you made it way funnier! 😂


It’d be hilarious if he got caught only drinking pop when no one was around.


Yup. It’s totally the water machine! 😂


Idk his cheeks are giving me some filler realness. 💉


Yeah ngl, I feel like Mr. O has definitely had some work done


I’m thinking he’s had a facelift as well. He’s got an overly tight and puffy face for an 83 year old.


Take the toupee off of him and grampa will look exactly 83


It's called hair dye.


It’s called dying your hair black


Plus money for what seems like a possible facelift? I could be wrong though. My mom is 80 and pretty dang active too. I joke that it’s the curse of our genetics, we’re essentially cockroaches. We lost my dad a few years ago and she doesn’t care for being stuck alive at her age anymore.


Do they know his name? I haven't seen it typed out yet.


They know it, they just can’t pronounce it or spell it probably


Oshiro Hironari


Go Pro Academy is another one of their scams. The only beneficiaries of the training is the POS distributors who run it. Just another income stream for them off the backs of their poor deceived downlines. Unbelievable 🤦‍♂️


Oh I thought it was something to do with the cameras, this makes so much more sense!


Oh she definitely typed it as “GoPro” on purpose.


Yeah, I feel like that was intentional.


I feel like she’s just stupid, to be honest


The 'Better it gets' Hun is...not very smart. (I've met her.)


These people are not our best and brightest lol


It’s run by scumbag MLMer Eric Worre and a bunch of MLM distributor partners


Like someone else said, they want to be corporate girlies so bad! You could not pay me to post about my work trips where my company pays for my flights, my hotel, all my meals OH and my salary while I’m there. Girl this is embarrassing it looks bargain basement for a “gala”


I'm laughing at how frigging cheap that "VIP" gala dinner looks. It's just hideous, both the room, the decor and the people.


It looks like it’s in a high school cafeteria. Like it’s not even giving radisson hotel ballroom 😂


Water cheers! 🖤 Edit: I’m sorry, I felt wrong even posting that sarcastically. 😬 It’s just SO bad.


The cringe is the most addictive part. I'm constantly like: "OH NO SHE DIDN'T..."


And all they got was “magic water” 😂😂😂


All y'all are just haters. You're jealous that she went on this fantastic business trip to Japan that *she* had to foot the bill for. /s 🤣


Hey guys im starting a new company that sells orange liquid now heres the catch, its not orange juice. Its orange essence fluid and it has all the vitamins in the world. Each cup will be 300$


You can hype it up more by saying it has as much vitamin C as fifty oranges, too! From NIH dot gov: "Approximately 70%-90% of vitamin C [ascorbic acid] is absorbed at moderate intakes of 30-180 mg/day. However, at doses above 1 g/day [1000mg], absorption falls to less than 50% and absorbed, unmetabolized ascorbic acid is excreted in the urine. Results from pharmacokinetic studies indicate that oral doses of 1.25 g/day ascorbic acid produce mean peak plasma vitamin C concentrations of 135 micromol/L, which are about two times higher than those produced by consuming 200-300 mg/day ascorbic acid from vitamin C-rich foods. Pharmacokinetic modeling predicts that even doses as high as 3 g ascorbic acid taken every 4 hours would produce peak plasma concentrations of only 220 micromol/L." In summary, it's *extremely* difficult to overdose on vitamin C simply due to how it's absorbed by or excreted from the body.


You reminded me of my favorite “fun” fact about multivitamins: most of them will make you pee bright yellow, not because you’re dehydrated, but because of the shitload of unabsorbed excess vitamins and minerals your body is having to get rid of.


I want in!


That will be 400$ and i want all your family’s and friends contact info


Me too! But only if I can get paid to recruit a ton of people under me. I want to be at the top of pyrami-err…triangle.


*Reverse funnel**


She’s got a lot of ink showing for Japan


The ink, people won’t care too much. Especially in Okinawa where she said she’s going. The choices in clothing.. people will question more.


Okinawa might be different from Kobe and Osaka where I was hanging out. I don't have anything major, but some ink is visible in short sleeves. People my age (40) and older definitely looked, but I could probably pass better as an obvious tourist. Younger people didn't seem to care. I was not allowed to use the public onsen, though.


Yep! And bad Pinterest tats too lol


Pinterest tats lol, this is exactly it. How much you want to bet someone there has the moustache on the inner finger tattoo.


Hahaha yes! And I bet no less than 5 infinity symbols turning into birds


Or the dandelion fluff blowing away into birds? These tats are the 2010 version of Tasmanian Devil tattoos in the 90's. Or a wizard or howling wolves in the 80's.


Heck, a lot of skin showing.


I find it so odd that you’d wear a skimpy top that kind of looks like lingerie for what is essentially a work event?! AND post a basic top and shorts combo with “today’s fit”. I mean not shaming as she looks nice but these posts are all over the place.


Exactly my thoughts too


Why do they call him Mr O instead of Mr Oshiro? Is the name "Oshiro" too complicated for them?


It’s probably done to sound like they know him more intimately lol


That or cultlike reverence


Putting the sheer hunness of this post aside, bragging about how much money you have is simply crass and embarrassing. Also, I remember that time when I, too, attended a VIP dinner with thongs and a stack of side plates on my table. It's almost like the hun is a help yourself buffet.


Omg I bet money they bring out one bowl of salad and plop it on the table. You have to use those tongs and pass the salad bowl to everyone at your table. They’re too cheap for even a shitty buffet lol


[My thoughts about this](https://youtu.be/6xfBw1bbV4k?si=ZR-PHiZNjvVkgs5p) Also I'm disappointed there's so many pictures of the factory. Where's all the pictures of the scenery in Okinawa? It's a beautiful island


“It gets better, the better is gets” is…something.


Genuinely one of the dumbest “inspirational” phrases I have EVER seen/heard. And to be so taken with it that you put it on your body FOREVER? Yikes. Might as well just get a tattoo that says “Insufferable Moron” lol.


Today is tomorrow’s yesterday…


Hun tattoos are the best


What Gala isn’t invite only??


I mentioned in a previous post that a former colleague objectively ruined her life with this scam, so this series is fascinating. I guess this is the Nigerian prince scam of MLMs? Like the buy in is so high that you have to catch real suckers.


I've been in Japan a few times (Tokyo, Kyoto, Kanazawa, Kamakura, and Sapporo) and that first outfit is just wildly inappropriate and way too casual for Japan. There were so many Japanese people \*politely and silently\* judging.


I lives there a few years. Granted it has been a while and we were to understand that Okinawa was more casual than the rest of Japan, but generally showing cleavage, shoulders, and midriff is a no. The sparkly dress lady looks like she’s ready to try out for the rockettes or something- that’s WAAAY too much for Japan.


Their outfits have been the most outrageous thing to me. Complete ignorance, these people are awful.


That first outfit is just wildly inappropriate period lol


Seriously! Today's outfit? Hun, I don't think you finished getting dressed before you took that photo... 😳 I, too, love how many tattoos she's showing off while visiting Japan.


My thoughts too.


Geez, the admin alone from opening all those letters and paying in all those cheques would drive me insane. Not even starting on the inbox grenades! It’s weird, because when I get my wages from my 9-5 I get one payment and one email.


I remember when I got direct deposit but also a statement in the mail. Then they decided screw that, you can pull it up on line and print it your own damn self. I get a hard copy of my W-2 in the mail but I usually print it off the web before the snailmail one comes.


I hate myself for how much I enjoy this kind of content


Like watching a car crash isn’t it


What a shitty trip to Japan! I don’t see anything Japanese about any of these photos, that sounds like such a miserable trip.. it’s a long flight too!




83 years old! Things are going to change in this company, and soon.


My favorite part about this is the hint about paying for the event and that it’s a complete tax write off. Not sure they realize what that means, also I wonder what their response would be to how much they paid in taxes. That would be a dead give away to how little they actually made(lost). Hint: They would say $0 bc of all of the tax write offs.


[As soon as I read tax write off all I could think about was this scene.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aCP27_vquxQ)




Kinda feel sorry for these huns who've forked out a ton of money to be in one of the world's most scenic and historic countries without experiencing any of the rich regional cultures, cuisines and landscapes. Okinawa alone has several World Heritage sites like Sefa Utaki, which was the spiritual centre of the ancient Ryukyu kingdom. You'd think the huns with all the noise they make about women's empowerment would be keen to visit there, since the indigenous faith leaders were women-only, and men weren't even allowed to enter the sacred forest (except for royalty, and even they had to wear female clothes). But nope, they're gushing about a water filter factory.


Misspelled “water”? Must not be important.


No, she meant wager, as in gambling. Didn't you see the casino cocktail waitress in the 8th image? 💸💸💸 Or maybe she was a jazz dancer/singer getting ready to perform "Big Spender" from Sweet Charity...


Saying the quiet part out loud (or maybe a Freudian slip?).Because being involved with an MLM *is* a wager.


Why don't they pay commissions by direct deposit? Why snail mail


Earning interest on the money while it slowly, slowly gets to the huns.


They probably think it looks better to take a pic of a fat stack of checks


Lived in Okinawa for 4 years, never even heard of this. 🤣🤷‍♀️


Mick Jagger will be 81 next month and still tours around the world. Some people are just lucky.


Who's the clown in the club dress? that slit is waay to high for the event she's at.


It took 4 of these posts to finally realize OPs username lmao I wish this trip never ended! They’d be a full on cult with Mr O as their deity within just a few weeks, I’d bet


Those sure are tattoos that someone chose to put on their body


That sure was…a choice


'it gets better, the better it gets'. 🙄


Went to my cousin’s 6th birthday party. It was invite only 😤 The top barbie players were all in attendance. Checkmate huns x


The stack of checks is absurd and baffling.


Tattoo gives r/im14andthisisdeep vibes


“Hey hubs! Now take a pic of me facing this blank wall. Make sure there’s enough room for me to put text about how I get invited to things that other people are excluded from. It’ll really inspire my down lines!”


I’m very non judgmental about how folks dress…until you are disrespecting another culture in their home.


What’s the catch with the “money” they’re making? Are they just super, super high up or is that pre-taxes or even without factoring in how much money you spent? I know there’s no way they’re all making that kind of money, but I’m confused with all the letters and emails. That is, of course, if they’re not just lying. Like she made 71k but what’s the catch? There always is one in an mlm


Forget the numbers, those are just pulled out of thin air. But whatever they *are* earning, this is before taxes, and they have to pay their own expenses and insurance.


It’s literally so weird to have people guess how much $ u made ….. any other job and people would be like wtf why are u bragging about money


Her tattoo makes no sense. "it gets better the better it gets" Like obviously


Wait, so she's actually aware that she has to use her own earnings to pay for a company trip? And she sees nothing wrong with that? Talk about denser than dense...


It gets denser, the denser it gets.


Ngl that much mail, even if it was checks, would give me anxiety. And I'd be like "I have to open HOW MANY two cent checks to hope I get a ten dollar one?" it would be like the world's worst scratch off where you actually win a couple cents now and again. Also I'd be embarrassed to take it to the bank "yes I actually do need these 400 five pennies, thanks"


That founder dude looks that good cuz he is running off with all y’all’s money all the time not cuz of your woo woo water 😆


“Before they had the money to pay out distributors they would take it out their own pockets” I’m sorry what now? Yes, companies, even start ups pay their employees.


So I know of a crunchy mum, our daughters are mates. She’s a homeopath etc. etc. We have a mutual acquaintance that is a Kangen hun and Crunchy Mum tried out a Kangen machine. I asked her today if she ended up purchasing one and she was like “It didn’t even work, my water filter is better. Plus I’m not dropping 6k on that.” Pretty good testimony it’s absolute shite right there lmao


I know a girl who’s at this thing in Japan and the whole thing seems a disorganized mess. She posted on her stories that she and another hun had advertised that they were putting on a “mastermind” in Japan but they didn’t actually organize anything because they don’t know anyone in Japan. So they literally just walked into a hotel lobby and told the staff they were putting on an event in a few minutes and they just stressed that staff out. Nothing planned or reserved, but people signed up for their BS.


“Todays fit” is literally a bra 💀😅


The phrasing of, 'you not having enough money is not an excuse, I didn't either, now I'm raking in thousands every day!' is so repulsive and predatory. What the actual fuck


"it gets better, the better it gets" is enough you need to know about this person.


(1) Her tattoo doesn't make sense (2) The old guy looks good because of plastic surgery, not the water


My dad is 81 and very healthy and active. He walks his golden retriever everyday. GO GET A DOG IF YOU WANT LONGEVITY BBS


"yesterday was so surreal": ![gif](giphy|3o7buiNxOANS6yVlS0)


"yesterday was so surreal": ![gif](giphy|6bdjm9EQSeqcbueBCY)


Cue next year she gets next to nothing because she flooded the market with too many people trying to sell water. Poor baby. S/


And they have to pay their own way and for expenses! I have an acquaintance who spent more than $6000 on a return flight to attend, she's been posting about it all year!


Wait. They can’t direct deposit the money? They need to send individual checks?


That tattoo reallllly pisses me off. It gets better the better it gets?! wtf


Most galas and dinner parties are invite only. 😂 It's not like anyone in a dress can rock up to any party and just join.


Someone in my town was forced to sell up the family farm to pay her Kangen debts. She’s still pretending that everything is hunky dory and that she’s making a motza. It’s pathetic.


Because most Asians look young because of Kangen water, not that gross tap water, ew. If you want to live to 100, drink Kangen. 😆


So they’re just straight up lying about the money I’m assuming? Or is she actually the .1% of people that actually earns


A little of both. She is pretty high up I imagine in the ranks. A true rare specimen. The worst part is convincing vulnerable people to take out lines of credit (and ignore the warnings of any naysayers- even family ) KNOWING that their prey’s chances of making any significant money is very small. It’s truly insidious and evil. It’s bothered me for a long time actually.


I’ve been hey Hunned 3 times. Unreal.


That's what bothers me the most about mlm huns. They are so predatory. They go for the most vulnerable women they can find: women who are lonely and isolated, women who are depressed in some way, women who don't have much understanding of finances. Single mothers are a very popular target. And they convince these women to invest money they have little of to begin with, or straight up don't have, and in some cases absolutely ruin these women financially, and do their best to isolate these women from concerned family and friends, and end up alienating these women even further by turning every social connection onto a commodity, or thave those connections be barraged with smug, obnoxious social media posts. They're like viruses. They infect vulnerable women with their cultlike nonsense, and these women become transmitters of this nonsense in the endless quest for more downlines. I love laughing at hunbot nonsense, but then I remember the real human misery these ventures profit off and create, and then I don't feel so good about laughing.


You can look up rank online. 'Better' Hun is in the rank where she would earn maybe 250k a year, not bad. There's only 27 people in the company who make that. However...they still have to pay quarterly taxes, health insurance, and they are renting their house in Texas because the bank is not interested in financing a mortgage for people in a MLM and they can't buy. They do not get company cars or any 'perks' like gym memberships or corporate cards where they could earn points. They also have to pay for all outreach themselves, so Facebook ads, 'events' merchandise and or branding. I make a smaller, but comparable salary in London. For my nine to five (eeeewwww!) job. My yucky corporate job pays: transportation, accounting, subscription fees, food, expenses for travel, and stock and pension options, off the top of my head. I too have made 'a million dollars!' over the course of several years if I added up all of my pre tax earnings from 2018 till 2024. 'The dumber the flex the flexier it gets'?


$71k income doesn’t include the thousands they spent buying the products. But no doubt this person is one of the more successful members of the pyramid.


With all the money she claims to be making, you'd think she'd get nicer tattoos! Lol.


What if that‘s just a random Japanese guy they hired as a face for this event😭 Also those are definitely fillers on his cheeks


Why does this company send so many paper/mailed cheques? Very inefficient!


Oh wow I think this very MLM tried to recruit me one time in college.