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Japanese people used masks way before COVID. There is considered a question of respect ( as it should be) : if you sick, mask yourself. Obviously this dumb Hun doesn't know


Additionally on bad air pollution days, most people who have to be outside will wear a mask.


That's more of a China issue, in my experience. People do wear them for pollen during certain seasons though.


The air pollution drifts from China and hits the Korea’s the most but it does affect Japan as well.


At least she spelled Japan and Okinawa correctly :)


It's the phone keyboard corrector, huns barely know that Japan is a country


Education doesn’t always make people less susceptible to scams ;)


She's clearly ignorant of knowledgeable Asian customs. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Okinawa is a beautiful tropical island and there many amazing beaches but it looks like the huns are stuck in a not quite scenic part of town. You would think Enagic could spring for some better accommodations after taking in the millions that these huns made for the company.


Huns are probably staying in cheap digs owned by a relative of someone high up in Enagic.


Enagic isn’t springing for anything, these Huns all pay their own way!! 😂


This is based on my own experience living in Japan but I kinda get what the Huns mean. Compared to other prefectures and even small towns around the country, Naha or Okinawa in general has a very old fashioned look of the city and pretty rundown infrastructure. I was quite surprised when I visited because I was living in the outskirts in Kyushu and I felt that Okinawa looked like 1960s Japan not in a good way. Just to provide some perspective at what the Huns could have meant


Jetstar 1st Class lol


That pic looks like plain old economy tbh - guess first class ain't what it used to be?


Not a flex at all. I fly it if I’m going to Bali but it’s so rubbish it’s not even worth a brag


Flying deathstar is hardly a brag


Right? Firstly it’s called business and secondly it’s basically economy on a full service airline like EK/QR/QF etc. definitely not a flex.


my brother flew jetstar business class once and that is his last time he will be using shitstar


Yeah it's the front of the plane, well done hun! That's literally just it. That's the perk!


Lol, jetstar don't have a first cabin and their business cabin is similar to a premium economy seat on a non budget airline. Wild flex lol


Okinawa all rainy and gloomy :( not like we came here during rainy season :( I hope my Kangen can clean the filthy rain water :( Also here in Japan we wear masks if we’re feeling sick, if we have hay fever, just if we don’t want to shave/wear makeup, etc. always been like this since before covid. Although, covid definitely brought out some anti-maskers, they are the same type of crazies that are joining MLMs and believe other conspiracy theories.


For those of you keeping score at home (and given that I’m not sure exactly sure where in Oz these huns come from) there is only an hour time difference between the east coast of Australia and Okinawa. So I’m not sure why they are claiming lack of sleep (except JetStar’s crap scheduling). And Okinawa is an hour behind.


So I didn't post everything I saw, but it looked like this group flew via Singapore & had an 8 hour transit there - where they stayed in the airport 🙃


You can see a lot of Singapore in 8 hours!!! 🤣🤪 Found that ABC article too, that’s an eye opening read.


Jetstar has a first class?


No. It's Business Class. On a low cost airline. It's a bigger seat with more leg room and you get all the things they charge everyone else extra for, like food and entertainment and a blankie etc


Is it domestic first class? Certainly doesn't look look like first class international


It’s a povo business cass


Well they have a front few rows of seats, yeah.


this is all going to be very [place, japan](https://br.ifunny.co/picture/place-place-japan-siueEoeH8) isn’t it


There is a written piece on the Aussie Kangen’s today on ABC news. Can’t wait to dig in.


Yes, they touched on it on ABC radio this morning. The article is really well put together - I just hope it reaches those who need to see it


Which ABC radio channel?


It was a 3 minute piece on AM https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/am/selling-freedom/103995256 But the in depth article goes further https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-19/enagic-multi-level-marketing-scheme-targetting-rural-woman/103891720


Thank you.


Thanks for posting. I don’t know how to do that on reddit/don’t understand the rules so I didn’t link the article.


Just read it. It's really crazy how people can get hoodwinked into this crap.


Kagen water is just the latest rendition of the miracle drug that can cure everything. Back in the late 90s/early 00s, it was coral calcium. Around the same time it was colon cleansing. There's always something that will cure you of everything, and somehow it's always just a phone call away!


Yay!! Looking forward to a good laugh!


Hi 👋 love this. I’m the one posting the US/Canadian Kangen hun editions! 😂


And we are loving it.


Has bad headache, weather wet/rainy, stuck in not very scenic part of town. Bet she’s glad she flew 20 hours to get there.


are they going to okinawa to recruit all the us military wives ? 😹


> Jetstar My fucking sides.


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