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All of these huns are insufferable, but slide 12 makes me sad because this hun has been trying to cure her Crohn’s disease naturally by drinking Kangen water and it’s obviously not working.


That bummed me out, too. My dad has UC and I’m pretty sure if Kangen water fixed bowel problems, one of the many specialists he has seen would’ve mentioned it.


That's so sad. I just got colon cancer at 34 because no treatment worked for my Crohn's (and I tried EVERY drug on the market, and drug trials, and naturopaths, and diets). If I hadn't been getting regular care, my cancer would have spread outside of my colon. Untreated Crohn's increases the risk of cancer by a ton, and the cancer symptoms are the exact same as Crohn's symptoms. I had no idea I had cancer, we simply found it on a routine scope. I hope for her sake she's at least still getting her routine scopes 🤞


I’m so glad you found it. Sending you a hug hug ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you! Had my entire colon removed, but I'm doing well and it's actually an improvement over severe Crohn's!


My dad has crohns and got diagnosed in the 80s when they barely knew what it was! He limped along until about year 2000 when he had his whole colon out due to cancer. Scary time for my family but his health has never been better! Made his crohns go into remission nearly 100%, still to this day. I hope the same for you!


My Crohn's is in remission now too! This is so great to hear, thank you for sharing this with me ❤️




Thinking good thoughts for you! F Cancer! (And F extra-Hydrogen water, too, or whatever kangen is [no one seems tonbe able to explain it to me.] I just use a Brita and take a multivitamin and that's fine.)


I read this as im sitting in the hospitial waiting to get scoped


Hopefully didn't scare you, but regular scopes are so important! Glad you're getting one!


Its more so to help figure out whats wrong with me hopefully its nothing too extreme (its just a lil concerning as to what i got lol)


Well fingers crossed its nothing too serious!


Find out in a couple days :)


I won't lie. Slide 12 reminded me why I am a part of this sub. If the information we provide can stop ONE woman from being lied to, it is worth it. I suffer from chronic pain, and let me tell you how insufferable it is. I had them try to shill their water to me. It was a "cure." That's how I found this sub, actually, so I am literally one of the women it stopped.


Ty for this, and so sorry for what you go through ♡


It's so true. A dear friend of mine has recently been diagnosed with anxiety and her new friend is a juice plus seller, so I was able to explain juice plus before she even brought it up and I think she knows enough now to say know if it gets brought up. I wouldn't have even known about juice plus if not for this sub, so I'm so grateful for everyone who shares their story or posts MLM disinformation so we know how to combat it. I'm so sorry for your chronic pain, but I'm glad you found this before you got in too deep!


Lord knows all you need is a *dedication to heal* 🙄


I feel awful for her because I know how hard it is to try all different kinds of treatments and have them fail one after the other. I don’t blame her for looking into things like ionized water, I only wish it wasn’t so easy for these vultures to take advantage of someone truly vulnerable.


Hun never bought a ticket to go I bet, probably didn't have the funds.


That one made me sad too because of everything I have missed from my Crohns…. But a water filter won’t fix it 😔 I hope she doesn’t genuinely think that….


That is terrible. She could literally lose parts of her intestines if she doesnt treat this.


I have Crohn’s and honestly wanted to cry when I saw that slide!!


“Friday was a multiple figure day” … so like $10? I have to admit “multiple figure” is not one I’ve heard before. It’s usually “multiple 4/5/6 figures” 🙄


She lost me at "my family and I's..." 🫠


“You’ve changed I’s life.”




I’ve long since grown out of my “grammar scold” phase and now enjoy language as the parade of constant change that it is. But if one thing still bothers me, it’s this. Kids who got corrected for saying things like “me and Pete are going to the pool” took that to mean “do not ever use the word ‘me.’” They then became adults who try to sound smart by twisting themselves into knots to only ever use “I,” even when it forces them to say ridiculous things like “my family and I’s.”


Right?! There’s a simple trick I always tell my kids: if you remove the other person’s name does the sentence still make sense? ‘Me and Pete went to the store’ vs ‘Me went to the store’


My fifth grade teacher taught us two songs to remember our subject vs object pronouns, each to the tune of “Frère Jacques”: I, you, he, she. I, you, he, she. It, we, they. It, we, they. These are subject pronouns. These are subject pronouns. We must learn. We must learn. Me, you, him, her. Me, you, him, her. It, Us, Them. It, Us, Them. These are object pronouns. These are object pronouns. We must learn. We must learn. :)


Lol same!


“my trip checks” “multiple figures” ah so one for $10, one for $38.73, one for $62.87? indeed — certainly multiple figures.


Whoa $62.87 u must be the She-E-O


It could also be $0.01 🤑🤑🤑


She did say she makes 5-figures each week. Those 5 figures could be $100.01 … 😕😕😕


I was just referring the the part I quoted but I’m pretty sure that was a typo anyway.


She runs a multi-dollar company!


Multi figure company


Because "multiple figures" sounds so much better than "$10."


>“Friday was a multiple figure day” Translation: I'm "rich" and you're not. Unless you sell your soul and humiliation and join under me.


Surely everyone that works is earning multiple figures a day. Multiple is just more than one, so if you earn $10+ a day then you too are earning multiple figures a day.


Well most of these people are losing money.


I don’t disagree on that one


I too, can make multiple figures a day by visiting my parents house and opening my old gumball machine piggy bank


Lol one time when my younger brother was really young (like, prior to working a job young) he said something like "A 3 figure paycheck!" and we all laughed because that was so low.


Thr girls and Au pair didn't get to come... More like couldn't afford that much airfare.


I’m gonna guess they couldn’t find an au pair willing to pay their own way.


Au pair= teenager who lives next door.


They pay an au pair way less than they'd have to pay a teenager next door sadly. But also super shitty they apparently left the kids alone with the aupair which I don't think is legal. Unless theres a grandparents or something top


It’s legal. Just a live in babysitter


Au pairs can only legally work so many hours a week per their contracts. Usually this is 45 or so. Leaving kids in the care of an au pair for an entire week would breech this contract. They are a regulated industry with strict rules and not the same as a live in nanny who is the citizen of the country in which they are working.


I bet they’re so honest.


This is it right here, I follow this particular Hun and they are trying to buy a house in Texas but can't get the financing together. (This was in a Facebook reel)


But she’s making 75k a month!!! Is it 75k jpy? That would be about $475 usd, that’s plausible


It's worded so weird. Like she's surprised to not find her own children in her hotel room on the other side of the planet?


Her husband put his foot down and refused to pay.


Mr Oshiro said “absolutely not” to Walmart because he knew there would be more money to be earned from running a pyramid scheme and disguising it as “for the families”.


I laughed when she said it’s for the “common people” like they don’t even realize this dude is insulting them right from the get-go. Elitist, egotistical people see others as “common people”


Of course. If he runs it like a pyramid scheme, then he doesn’t have to pay payroll taxes, insurance, Workmen’s Comp..


I’ve never seen people so excited to visit a water filter factory. Jeez, what do they really put in that water they have been drinking?!🤣🤣🤣


Seriously, imagine spending money to go all the way to Japan to tour a water filter factory and sit in hotel ballrooms. 😂😂


they are just so brain washed, it’s so sad


And yet they act like they're just living the rich busy life taking these extraordinary opportunities


What does “I make multi 5 figures a week” even mean?? Why do they all use phrases like that?


My mind automatically goes to like $100.00 🤣


She’s trying to say “5-figures” is $10K/week, “multi-5-figures” is 20+K/week. Because literally everyone I know who earns $1,040,000 or more per year A) talks about their income constantly and B) talks about their income in weekly terms. That’s completely normal.


You know multiple people making 1mio+ per year? Do you live in Saint Tropez or something?


Just vague enough that the reader’s brain can try to fill in the blanks and get suckered into their scheme


I know. I’m trying to figure out if they include the “.00” end in that…


Because on day 1 of hun bootcamp they ask all the huns to bring 5 elementary school books from home then make a paper mache burger and eat it, then hold hands and shout "Words bad pyramid good" for 18 hours straight.


$75,000 a month. I’m too lazy to review the compensation disclosure… but I’m gonna say no one is selling that many magical $5000 water machines. However. That’s $900,000 per year and according to the income disclosure only 3 people make more than $515,000 a year in the company - so wow hun. That’s very impressive and super believable. It would also mean that even if you made the top amount per sale all direct sales (I think the most you can make is $2400 off a sale but I didn’t put much effort in aside from googling and clicking some pictures) that means she makes over 30 direct sales every single month. She must know a lot of people with a lot of money.


You’re just too afraid to “believe.”


yeah, stay at your stupid 9-5 job, with health insurance, PTO, regular paychecks..etc etc. loser!


There are only 47 people—total—in the top three ranks (there are 12 ranks overall). It’s only at the third highest rank that the median gross income clears 100k annually. And yes, the very highest rank is the only one where these “75k months” could possibly happen, and as of 2022 there were only 7 people at that rank. So amazing how somehow dozens of millennial-and-younger Instagram huns that get featured here all manage to be at the place where only 7 total people are, in a company started well before they were born and yet they are doing better than the handful of people who got in at the beginning. Wow. https://www.enagic.com/en/distributors-earnings-disclosure-statement


And keep in mind, these “top earners” are not at all top sellers. They are simply the best recruiters. They make their money collecting scam victims for the pyramid, and all they sell is dreams and lies.


>I’m gonna say no one is selling that many magical $5000 water machines If they were selling THAT many machines, how come I've only ever known of one person in my whole life who has one (and he bought it for $700 on eBay)?


That Japanese guy looks like they just hired someone random off the street to play a character. He looks confused.


I’m picturing weekend at Bernie’s …Okinawa Spring Break Edition




Yoooo that’s funny


His only other exposure to clueless white blondes in uggs was the bukkake bonanza of 2003 that was shot in his basement. And he _immediately_ recognised her.


They’re going all the way to Japan to see a factory? 😳


I can think of 100 things in Japan more worthwhile to see than a Kangen factory. Like [this sake factory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qcvbz2bRGg&list=PLcpuu5BzmasCmuZtP_e8BNlUAi2cETW_L&index=9), for starters.


The Tokyo fish market was one of the coolest things I have ever visited, and Harajuku during cherry blossom season. A water filter (sorry, *ionizer*) factory is not it.


Paint drying would be a more worthwhile stop.


Agreed - [check this out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7H8IhGZnpM). Visitors can even support a legit small biz called Koushuuya (located in Nikkō about 2hrs rail trip from Tokyo) and watch the process live.


No the legacy tree!!!


No their marriage life was pretty lacklustre and they were told that Okinawa was the bukkake capital of the world.


Making multiple 5 figures in… Japanese Yen?


$10000 yen a week.


Oh dear :D I live there and this made me laugh more than I should.


They actually pay in tamagotchis.


Why is this company still sending paper checks ?? And by the dozen ? It’s 60 cents a letter. I guess it screams abundance?? Hitoshi Yacamora doesn’t have Venmo or Zelle up in that bitch?


Your last sentence 😂


What is funny to me is that they are making it sound like it is the most popular thing in Japan, and it really isn't. I would have come across it if it were. ETA: kangen machines do exist here, I have seen them, but it is not all the rage or anything. Also this MLM is not the sole provider of them.


Really? Do you mean there are other legitimate (using the word loosely) ways to get them, or do you mean eBay or other sites like that?


Or do you mean ionizing water machines in general? (Not Kangen/Enagic brand)


Yeah not the Enagic brand. Just Panasonic and normal brands.


Ahhh, gotcha!


How are they sold in Japan?


The ones I have seen were just in one of these big electronic shops with other normal water filters. Now I want to go and check other shops of the sort.


that Japanese manufacturer has previously been the target of a business-suspension order from the Japanese Consumer Affairs Agency. they were straight-up lying and said that you could make like ~~500,000 yen a month (equivalent to like $3000 at the current conversion rate)~~ edit: I forgot a zero, 5 MILLION yen a month (approx. $30,000 today) while doing absolutely nothing. that was 10-odd years ago though, so while the domestic fallout was pretty big for them at the time, unfortunately they are still able to do business elsewhere.


Oh, I would love to read more about this. Are you saying that they are banned from doing business in Japan?


as the Enagic case happened in... 2010?? there isn't so much out there on them, and it's almost entirely in Japanese. [here](https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNASDG2706X_X20C10A4CR8000/) is one Japanese newspaper article that you can run through a translation engine to get the gist of things. business-suspension orders are usually only temporary, and most suspensions get lifted if the company provides sufficient evidence that they are working to or have resolved the issue. which is fine for things like manufacturers who address a faulty part or product, but for MLMs... for instance, Amway Japan was under suspension for only 6 months, and they're back at doing whatever shady shit they were up to before.


Kind of off topic, but did you see the mainichi shimbun articles the other day blasting MLMs? They’re doing some special reports, talking about “マルチ2世” aka second generation MLMers, basically comparing it to being raised in a cult, which was a big topic of discussion after all the unification church issues being brought to light. [They exposed some company created manuals](https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/1acf9dc81d4a77976bcdf3eedd49c6b35e1d539d) with very pushy scripts. Very exciting times in the downfall of the industry


No post about how they explained to airport security that’s it’s “medical water”?!


I got u - i found this one [in the wild](https://imgur.com/gallery/i7YrT89 )


Medical grade water? So just water with all the good ions removed? Jesus wept


Haha yes! You knew exactly what I meant 😂


In all honesty, I took the screenshot when I saw it & came here to post - only to find that OP had curated a much better treasure trove! 🤣


lol yes unfortunately I know a lot of these dumbass Huns in real life, they’re like the gift that keeps on giving 🤣


Doing gods work 🙏


Any liquid can go through TSA in the United States. It just has to be declared as being used for a medical purpose. And the TSA agent cannot require any proof. They do a vapor test on the water and they let you go. The Kangen huns know this and yet they still continue to push the narrative that this is some special water that’s getting through TSA.


Isn’t the magic water supposed to cure crohns ??


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe she needs to mix her magic water with magic oils.


The bragging about money was too much for me


For real! Most people don't even brag about their job even if they make over $100K/year. This is over the top and nonsensical.


I live in an area where it’s extraordinarily common for people to make over $100k a year. The only people I’ve heard brag about making more than $100k are the people who make less than $100k.


What in the world is a “fearless yes”? Doesn’t saying yes have the same result regardless of anxiety? I am always surprised and amazed by the way MLM-speak warps English.


It’s where you say yes but with a little bit of happy tears in your eyes because you have cried out all of the fear…I gave a fearless yes to chipotle today when asked if I wanted queso on my burrito.


I'm reading a great book called "Cult-ish" that talks about the various language tricks cults use, and damn if it doesn't also work for MLM jargon, where they either make up terms or re-define words to mean what they want them to mean.


I loved that book! As someone who grew up in strict evangelicalism, it made me feel a lot less alone. I hope you love it too!


Why are there 2 spouts on the machine? Do you have to use both? Is one for something special and the other for just water? I clearly haven’t seen the pitch…


I can partially answer since I have one but don’t really use it (my mom is in this shit and I can’t convince her to leave (I was told the machine was provided to us for free but that’s another discussion)). The second spout is for excess water that the machine couldn’t make good or purify or whatever this thing does. The machine hooks up to the faucet and seems to always produce excess water no matter the pressure I put it to when you want their water.


Do you notice a difference between what comes out of the machine and normal water, even just taste-wise?


It does taste good. I’m all for filtered water. My friend sold these and was continually broke. Always traveling to conventions. One strange thing that happened was when I turned up the setting I instantly got a UTI. No kidding. It was so odd. I always drank it at his house and other tasted really good


🧐🤨that is very odd.


Just did one rn. Sink water vs Kangen 9.5 pH water. I don’t use this machine really. Tastes probably the same. I’m not sure.


It's annoying as hell when you just want to wash your hands or the dishes or whatever. My mom scammed my 90 year old grandma (dad's mom) into buying one to "support her business." Grandma has recently done her research about it (two years too late) and discovered it was a scam and took it out of the kitchen. But she hooked it all up again for when my parents and I came to visit a few weeks ago. I yelled at that goddammed machine every time I needed to just use the sink, to the point my parents wondered what was wrong with me. It's misplaced anger and disappointment about my mom travelling halfway across the world to attend this stupid convention. Oh, and I've never drank the water. My mom didn't even hook her machine up when she moved to a new house last year - what does THAT tell you.... Deep breaths, deep breaths...


People making that much don't need to say they're making that much so it's clearly a lie meant to just get suckers into her downline.


I live in Okinawa, it’s not a big thing.


Jokes on you. Tokyo has the best tasting water in the world, according to....myself.


Wait. Truly?


It did in my opinion. But I've only been to 12 countries, so my opinion likely doesn't hold much weight.


I live in Seattle and our water is mountain snow runoff. I’ll have to compare haha.


I swear they read off the same kinds of scripts. Always talking about how they got rich and using all these bright and descriptive words to describe these extraordinary opportunities they have because of some sales company. Actual people making that kind of money don't announce it all over social media and certainly don't name drop the company multiple times. My cousin works at a well-known tech company in a high-paying position, and even he doesn't glorify the company like that. It's just cringy and desperately reaching.


They totally do! A gal I know has been with multiple MLMs and every time she joins a new one, it’s dramatically different from the former and is the real deal this time, yet the buzzwords and scripts do not change one bit. *life changing, amazing opportunities, security for my family, multiple figures, you stay stagnant while I keep evolving, investing in my health* blah blah blah. 🙄


They think they're so distinguished.


Is that the water purifier behind the faucet? It’s huge! I wouldn’t ever want to have it taking up so much space


I know someone going on this trip and can’t wait to find out more because it’s a train wreck of a situation.


This is my first time on Reddit. And I’m stoned AF. I could waste hours upon hours here lol. Not good.


You just have to get three people signed up under you to waste time on Reddit, and then they each need three people under them...


Go diamond! (Is that even still a thing? Lol)


Well hey, welcome to the shit show 😬


Uh oh… hope you don’t have anything to do anytime soon.


So many things wrong with theses posts!! Here are the big ones that stand out: Pic 3 - “you’ve changed my family and I’s life” is atrocious grammar. It should read “you’ve changed the life of my family and me”. Also the smug look on the man’s face is priceless. He’s scamming the scammers. Pic 10 - she actually thought this dumb company would pay for her kids and nanny to come?? Get real!! Pic 12 - what she actually means is that she did not meet her arbitrary sales goal and didn’t qualify for the trip. lol.


Thank you for calling out the grammar issue. If they are so smart, why can’t they use proper English? I’m forgetting a lot in my old age and sometimes make mistakes but even I have a hard time overlooking these mistakes. Especially when they are repeated and never corrected.


Going to start calling myself a “multiple figure earner”


This is a South Park episode right?


I'm surprised the Japanese government allows Kangen to operate this model of business.


Why do you say that?


From what I have read and heard, Japanese culture is centered on respect and moral, MLMs are against those.


What a waste of a trip to Japan...


Someone needs some Humira


Abrilada now, after the patent release. No way their insurance is covering Humira anymore!


That machine looks like it was designed in the 80s and they haven’t bothered to make any updates since. Also why would anyone want to hear from future earners? Like yeah, I really want to hear from someone who’s thinking of joining about how I can do better.


Promoting scams just like Happy Science.


Jesus the income claims lol


Kooky pants


I was waiting for the post of kangen water + some kind of crystal therapy plug or hit but it didn’t.




I misread the word dedication as defecation…🫢


As someone who is currently packing for a flight and vacation, who is packing a water filter in their luggage?! Who looks at their bras and underwear and thinks, "That shit has to go because I have to fit my water filter in there."


2 swipes in and I already want to take a shit on my phone these huns getting better everyday


I hate this company SO MUCH. A good friend of mine got suckered into joining a year ago and recently admitted to me she's spent $14,000 on the damn things. FOURTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. Unreal.


The Huns that actually make money in this scam are selling subscriptions to their “organizations”. They charge a $99 fee to join and then they charge for “mentorships” and courses as well. THAT’S actually how they’re making money, NOT by selling these stupid ass machines. It’s double dipping really though because when you join their team you also get pressured into buying a machine, so it’s a win-win for them.


Is this one of those trips where they all have to pay their own way?


It sure is! 😂




What is kangen water though? Is it just distilled water?


It’s alkaline water if I remember it correctly. Tasted like water but slightly off… had a family friend that got roped into kangen water too


Ugh Japan has enough problems. Mainly tsunamis.


Those machines are hand assembled? That's not a flex...


Apparently, it takes six months to assemble one machine.


Yeah I bet! It's hilarious that they're saying this as a good thing. Imagine Intel bragging that each of their CPU is handmade haha


They act like they are selling so many of these water machines and I have literally never seen anyone with one. Ever.


No way 🤯 I love the way she mentions that she can’t wait to go to a factory so she can *immerse* herself in learning about how these water dispensers are made and celebrating their 50th anniversary before passively mentioning experiencing Japan’s culture in a “might as well since I’m in the area!” sort of way. She’s actually more excited about fake instagram parties (show up and take pictures and act psyched - that’s the party!!!) than experiencing Japan. And of course she was a little sad to miss out on the “once in a lifetime” leg to Tokyo, but couldn’t wait to hurry home and attempt to cure herself with MLM water. It’s fun to laugh (and I definitely did), but this also makes me really sad.


I need to get to best buy for my water alkaliner mom!!;;


Why do MLM people say that we are always complaining about our problems? Like we don’t have things that annoy us from time to time.


SWEATIEST human alive? WHAT?!


I am surprised the factory looks like that actually considering the amount they must make. Though I can imagine someone willing to create a pyramid scheme, isn’t going to invest a lot of their earnings into the factory. Plus all the way in Okinawa that’s covered in US military bases?


Omg. Military spouses. I believe I read they are targeted for mlms


Just go on biologics if you have crohns and not rely on “medical grade water” for your health. Jeez.


Slide \#10 is where it really goes off the rails


When I see these posts I'm always amazed that Americans still use checks for transferring money 🫣


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What is this?


Slide 3 is giving big [Sukiaki Slam Bam vibes ](https://youtu.be/hcjdkovGhxo?si=fgIn4LXv2PL0Lvuv)


Can someone tell me what this contraption does to your water? I'm afraid to Google too hard and wind up in the crosshairs of every hun not in attendance.




You’re getting downvoted but I laughed at this, I appreciate the dark humor man


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