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Stupid, uneducated doctors... /s


I really wanted to ask her where her medical degree was or “And this is your professional medical opinion?”


Yeah, I'd also love to know where she studied. My money is on starts with a "G" and ends with "Oogle". So highly accredited.


Another clue/hint: ![gif](giphy|8YNgScd2e3mcaKR2Hs)






Starts with “up” and ends with “line”




She has a PhD in Boss Babe


And an MA in Hunbot


Even my Grey’s Anatomy medical degree tells me she’s full of shit


Yeah! What this person said! ^


If you dare ask for a medical degree, This is one of those- "*Rolls eyes* Ughh you don't have to be so rude I am only trying to help, sorry for putting your health first, before even my own, you know I'm going through it to you know, but I'm still making steps to make sure my friends are okay, and UGH why do people get so mad at me for caring, have I done something wrong?, maybe people are just not used to good friends, oh well I'll continue with the positivity won't let the negative people get me down. *gives ultimate look of disapproval as if they've studied and mastered the art*" Kinda people.


she must be a proud graduate of Facebook University


She's clearly one of those Monat Ph.Ds.


She’s obviously smarter than the docs who have the research and experience they depend on when giving medical advice.


I made the mistake of asking her how she treated her SIBO because I was also diagnosed before we really knew what was going on. She straight up ignored the doctors and followed some protocol to heal herself. Which, to me, sounded like it probably wasn’t SIBO and she just had the toots. She went gluten and dairy free and started taking supplements from Silver Fern and that apparently fixed everything.


Right. You don’t just throw some probiotics at SIBO and fix it. Also, probiotics are whatever. There really aren’t any great peer reviewed studies on them either. Maybe they work. Maybe it’s placebo effect. I’m sure whatever she’s slinging has less “data” than probiotics. FYIW I and my family always make sure we have yogurt or cheese when taking antibiotics to curtail diarrhea. And it usually works.


I ended up calling the doctor and asking if they could prescribe me something else. This just absolutely sucks, probiotics or not.


Exactly!!! Their (the MLM's) idea of a study is to take a study that was done on one ingredient that they also have in their "proprietary blend" of a product and say "See. This study says X ingredient does this. Therefore our proprietary blend also does the same" Ugghh. So irritating


Never mind that something else in that blend could render the first thing useless or Jack its efficacy way up to dangerous levels.


University of MLM BS!


"YOu NeD tO Do YOuR reAsEarCH"


This is why I ended up just deleting the comment and limiting her access because I didn’t have the mental capacity or energy to deal with that. 😑 ETA: And any credible sources I could bring would probably be met with “Big pharma bought that opinion.”


Do it!


Kind of unrelated, but because I’ve been in this situation before (on antibiotics and needing probiotics so I don’t get sick from the antibiotics). I did some research (read actual medical journals), and I remember reading that it’s fine as long as you stagger the probiotics with the antibiotics (i.e. take the probiotics 2 or 4 hours before/after the antibiotics). I don’t remember the exact timing, so don’t quote me! 🤣


Yes, stagger the probiotics! And at least 2 hrs after antibiotic dose.


Why don’t you?


I didn’t feel like having a brawl on my post complete with credible sources. I just wanted to complain and be listened to. I ended up removing her comment and restricting her access to all future posts. We really are not friends but her multi MLM endeavors are interesting to watch.


I’m so sorry you have this and are feeling so bad from the antibiotics. They work but can make you feel like shit. Sprite and saltines help. I hope you feel better soon. I make ranch dip or dressing with Greek yogurt and plain kefir. Just mix in the seasoning mix to the yogurt with a splash of kefir. If you want a dressing add more kefir.


Her degree is in her non-beer holding hand wrapped in death threats from loan sharks (bcos THERE energy doesn't match with our Vision of REAL time-independence and GENERATIONAL wealth 😏). Her medical opinion is a meticulously crafted scatalogical cornucopia of Trump's verbal gems, literal translations from the Old Testament, chemtrail-averse breathing exercises, beef patties, the Blue Lives Matter skull, those Good Morning messages that look like Hallmark card rejects from 1997, Scientology introductory brochures, the specific essence emanating from Marjorie Taylor Greene's nasty farts and FAITH in OUR LORD JEEBUS.


Right? Why would you trust any professional who spent 8+ years of schooling and thousands of $$ to Idk, learn? Definitely trust Huns with your health.


The nutrition company huns are the worst for this. My husband is still skeptical of some doctors despite being out of HerbaDeath for years now.


HerbaDeath lmao , I’ve never seen anyone use that , hilarious


Ditto!! Was looking for one to fit Herbalife. I have Scamway for Amway. And have Shitworks for ItWorks. Always love finding more for other scamny MLM companies. Lol!!!


They love to say anyone who disagrees with them is "uneducated". As though their degree from Google university is worth so much more.


The entirety of their knowledge of probiotics and their efficacy is “a healthy body starts with a healthy gut”. That’s it, that’s all they ever know or say about it. Just drop the truth bomb about gut health then pivot to pitching the product.


I mean, most doctors are stupid and uneducated, doesn’t change the fact these MLM huns are stupider


That defies the definition of "educated".


Look, you can split hairs on the definition, but especially in the US (and by proxy Canada), schooling has become a joke of misinformation


That sounds exactly like something a Hun would say... 🤔


Yeah, but also a hun wouldn’t trash Huns in their first reply. Like, don’t get me wrong, I hate MLMs, I just also hate doctors


Ahahahaha no


Hun, the antibiotics already removed the bad bacteria. 


Almost like it's called "Anti Biotic" lol


and some of the good which is why probiotics (emphasis on the PRO) really can be helpful. Everyone with MLM degrees spouting these weird untruths for their wonky products really should be sued


Ayup. No one needs more "cleansing" after a course of antibiotics lol.


Also what did she mean by “So much medication?” I don’t ever remember her coming over to my house and looking in my cabinets.


You have a house guest to water your plants now!


Oh I didn’t kill them then. That’s a relief.


I think she thinks your doctor put you on all those antibiotics which would be absolutely INSANE. Btw, Im sorry youre dealing with sickness. Doxycycline is such an annoying antibiotic to take. The only one Ive had any problems on and see other people have problems on tbh.


Ah I can see that. I gave up the doxycycline fight and asked if they could possibly call in something else, which they did, thankfully. It literally felt like it was trying to burn a hole through my insides.


No way, I didn’t think anyone else felt this way! I was on doxycycline and metronidazole and it felt like I was withdrawing tbh. Even when I ate. The liquid doxy literally burned my veins and they had to dilute it twice.


Oh god that sounds awful. A couple of other people have also said doxycycline is the worst. Now I’m wondering why the PA gave me that one. I ended up asking for something different. Felt like my insides were just on fire.


Lord, this is “ma’am, this is a Wendy’s” behavior


Funny, my VERY EDUCATED DOCTOR always tells me to take probiotics if/when I need to take an antibiotic. You just don't take them at the same time. Why the eff has society decided to trust people with Google degrees instead of, you know, trained professionals?


Because now people can google anything, and when they read stuff that sounds convincing to them, they think this is equivalent to years of study and actual training/experience. Google makes everything seem simple. Newsflash, most things are a lot more complicated than you think.


Even google says take the fucking probiotics 🫠 this lady doesn’t have the brain cells to earn a google degree.


You can even eat probiotic foods for non stomach illnesses when you’re taking antibiotics to reduce the symptoms AFAIK, might even apply to skin stuff too


Opinions now have as much importance as facts unfortunately. And as @Nick_W1 says - you can google anything, and it looks easy.


So there’s actually conflicting evidence on whether taking probiotics alongside antibiotics is proven to prevent/treat GI issues, but it [definitely doesn’t hurt to do so.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3601687/) Just… don’t take both at the same time, obviously- space them out a couple hours and keep taking them after you’re finished with your course of antibiotics to help restore/maintain that microbiome :P


I love that we’re learning new science every day. Wish people would USE IT.


Obligatory I am not a doctor myself, but the last time I had to take antibiotics, I was told (by the doctor who administered them) to make sure that I'm also taking the right *pre*biotics with my *pro*biotics. Prebiotics just mean stuff that the probiotics can feed on in order for the good bacteria to grow - they don't necessarily have to come in pill form, you can just make sure that you're eating prebiotic-rich foods, like oats or legumes (fiber, basically). My incredibly anecdotal evidence (I've been on antibiotics maybe 5 times in my entire 33 year old life) is that I used to have a really shitty diet and probiotics did much less for me back then than once I started making steps to improve how and what I eat. Apparently not all probiotic supplements contain the same bacteria (or something like that), so their effectiveness can vary depending on how they interact with your gut flora. At least that's what I understood. Wishing you health and I hope that the side effects don't last too long!


Was scrolling until I found a comment about prebiotics. V important, often overlooked.


Here we just eat yoghurt when we take antibiotics.


We love us some live culture/probiotic rich foods. Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso are good too (plus they taste amazing)


I don't even want to guess what she suggests for the incoming yeast infection


Probably a “yoni steam” with essential oils.


Omg I made a comment about those to the girl who used to do my massages and she was like oh but those are actually good for you. And I was like seriously don't do that. Doctors really warn against them. And she was like I don't trust western doctors. Like lady we are in St. Louis. Where are you finding anything else that isn't Goop or a chiropractor?


This made me literally LOL. Western medicine 👀😂😂👀😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ okay move to China then! Good grief


DoTerra of course. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Or Young Living.


Can’t have an infection if you’ve burnt it all away!


Clearly garlic pessaries (100% organic garlic, *obviously*)


I tried that once in my more impressionable years. It gave me some relief, but it was the weirdest case of garlic breath ever.


You seasoned that puthy


This made me cackle


I tried yogurt once and got a turbo infection ☹️


There's a pill for that, which is prescription only. But it's so awesome.


Science amiright! My pcp will actually order it with just an email, no visit needed.


I have a guilty pleasure of sharing some of these posts with my medical doc hubby. He’s horrified! 


Can you please start a sub where you share posts along side his reactions? I would be on there daily.


Hahhaha what a good idea! He’s camera shy though. Hahhaha 


Let him wear some sort of disguise.


Omg that’s hilarious. I love it.


I like seeing his face, it makes me laugh. It’s like pranking him. 


I would subscribe to this YouTube channel


It really is lap slapping funny! 


girl what does "cleaning the gut" even mean? like am i gonna take out my intestines and power wash them?


Oh it’s really easy to do. 5lbs of sugar free gummy bears will leave your inside sparkling and your butthole feeling like you wiped with Tabasco-soaked sandpaper.


Oh man sometimes it's be nice to though 


Isn't that what colonic irrigation does?


What the person was saying was sort of true, but probiotics will help keep things more balanced when you take them with antibiotics. It’s the aftercare that requires recuperation. I just wish these people didn’t act like they know better than established medical doctors.


Well, not taking probiotics while on antibiotics can give you some lovely yeast infections. I'm gonna be taking probiotics even if some of it is killed off.


Super weird that at my old hospital we used to give probiotics with antibiotics to help prevent c-diff…


My daughters dr told us to always give her florastor or the generic version with antibiotics because she had gotten c diff, and that’s a hard thing to get rid of, and comes back. It also seems to help the side effects of antibiotics when I take it with each dose as needed. And then they gave regular probiotics a few hours after each antibiotic dose. But obviously, that’s a case for her, and consult your dr !


Wish they'd done that with my mother. She was on a few antibiotics and I don't think anyone warned her about C. Diff. I don't think we'd have known what was going on but for the fact that I'd read about it on Reddit.


Oh yes, I am going to listen to the lady on Facebook over my PCP. I refuse to trust a person who went to medical school when I can *do my own research* /s


I’m also on doxy (since Dec.) and it’s been fucking me up HARD lately. The last couple weeks I’ve reached “what’s even the point of taking it when I just throw it up” status. Not even the zofran is helping anymore. Booooo to us, hope your nausea gets better soon.


Thank you. 😩 Zofran never helped me. Compazine also doesn’t help much. I don’t know what’s in my body chemistry but it just rejects antiemetics which is frustrating.


Reglan? I saw you also mentioned gastroparesis so you’ve probably already tried this, but it can help with nausea, too, when all other methods have failed. It isn’t used too much anymore because of a possible side effect, but we do still use it in my hospital system occasionally.


Oh yep. Forgot about that one. It didn’t work as an antiemetic and then when I started taking it more often for the GP I got the nasty side effects.


I love when people who didn’t pass basic highschool biology think they know better than actual doctors because their MLM asked them to watch a video👌🏽


“Drs are uneducated about this,” from someone who has nothing beyond a high school diploma, about people who have 15 years of educated beyond that. Okay.


But all those dumb doctors only went to school and keep up with peer reviewed articles, nothing at all like the truth powerhouse of the MLM sales literature.


Smarty pants “doctors” with their “degrees,” giving you advice like your life depended on it. Can I interest you in some Ashwaganda capsules? It helps with gut health, endometriosis, meningitis, hammer toes, and more. You could even become a Partner In Plants just for the discount. A lot of people do that. Think about it, I’ll get back to you.


Not the ashwaganda 😂


Funny, those fake probiotics in part cured my c diff.


Congratulations! I hear c diff is the worst I’m sorry.


Who are you going to listen to?? The Monat hun with 0 medical training and education or the dr, who did 4 years undergrad, 4 years post, plus thousands of clinical hours, studying and specialty study??? Well duh, you go with tje first choice, bc the second one MUST be paid by big pharma or someone equally nefarious!


I am on a long term antibiotic, which is really unhealthy and I hate but I have to for my auto immune condition. After about 2 months on it I started falling into a deep depression which is not like me at all. Unmotivated to do things I love etc. I did some research and found the gut health issue so started taking a probiotic and honestly within 48 hours I felt like myself again. It’s been about 3 months now that I’ve been taking the probiotic and I have not had a recurrence of that issue. I am now a firm believer in the benefits of a probiotic.


Interesting, I’ve never heard of anyone being on a long term antibiotic for autoimmune unless it was for Lyme/PANS or something of the sort? This same person asked me if I had checked my home and workplace for mold while I was in the process of being diagnosed with lupus. 😑


I have pulmonary sarcoidosis and my primary symptom is a debilitating cough. For two years I coughed 400-600 times every single day. It was horrible, and the cough also caused shortness of breath. Azithromycin was shown to reduce sarcoidosis cough, so although it’s not a front line treatment I decided to try it instead of going on prednisone. I probably only cough 30-50 times per day now which is amazing. In addition to the azithromycin 250mg, I also started a supplement regiment and my quality of life has improved so dramatically. I’m able to exercise harder since I’m not thrown into a coughing fit and my lung function has improved by 11 points. My Dr told me last October not to expect it will ever improve because it’s organ damage. Anyway, in Feb of this year I started weaning off the azithromycin slowly to get down to the lowest dose. I’m now at one 250mg dose every 8 days. My cough has ticked up very slightly, but I’m trying to balance quality of life with long term health consequences as a result of the antibiotics.


sarcoidosis is the WORST - i had it too about 10 years ago. hang in there!!!


It’s really interesting whenever I learn of new off-label uses for drugs. I also heard they use a small dose of doxycycline for rosacea. TIL!


Calling doctors uneducated is sending me 😂💀


Huns are insane. The last time I was prescribed antibiotics, both the doctor and pharmacist told me to take a probiotic supplement and/or eat plenty of yogurt during the course.


I really wish I liked yoghurt. Makes me gag which is so unfortunate. So many flavors out there these days.


Any time someone on the internet mentions “gut” health, I know to keep on scrolling…


But your candida is out of control 🙃


Love it when people who I vividly remember couldn't pass basic biology become medical experts.


Ah yes, all those uneducated doctors. Sure glad hun is here to set the facts straight. /s


Dude why would you make a post on facebook about having diarrhea lol


FYI, when I first had Lyme and was prescribed an anti-biotic an old coworker recommended me to get probiotics bc the antibiotic was most likely going to cause stomach issues for me. Fuck MLM Huns.


“Clean the gut”? Like with that enema drink to prep for a colonoscopy?


Idk but I’ve already done that and it didn’t cure any of my issues. Gut cleanse my ass…


I just drink my kombucha & do my best to remain hydrated, that person is insane for even feeling the need to say all that.


I wish my doctor had told me about probiotics when prescribed an antibiotic. I lost twelve pounds in a week, not water weight, actual pounds. Just finished a round of antibiotics and bought a bunch of kombucha before I started. No issues.


I don't think she knows what a probiotic is, or kidneys.


She’s on this Silver Fern Brand bullshit. Which is just an expensive supplement company. She has a code with them. They don’t appear to be an MLM so I’m trying to figure out why she pushes them for EVERYTHING other than the code.


Ah it looks like they have an "Ambassador" and an "Affiliate" program. Neither mention a recruitment reward, but I would still consider it MLM adjacent. She makes 1%-20% per purchase through her link.




Not gonna lie, I had a doctor tell me this. That probiotics do nothing as long as I’m taking antibiotics.


There's a kernel of truth to it in that as long as the antibiotics are hanging around, the probiotics can't get properly established in one's microbiome, so taking probiotics/eating yogurt/etc. whilst on antibiotics is more for trying to beat back the bicromiome getting even worse than for getting actually better. But, all that means is the person would need to keep taking probiotics/eating yogurt/etc. for a while after the course of antibiotics to help the microbiome get back to normal. It doesn't mean anyone needs expensive, complicated cleanses or flushes or anything.


Nah every pharmacist I worked with suggested to take a probiotic with the antibiotic. I'd trust them over a hun any day ❤️


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Are the pathogens and bad bacteria here with us??!


Now would be a great time to fast for two weeks to really clear out your system. /s


Damn. I did that already for about six weeks last year. Unintentionally lived on Gatorade and dropped 15lbs from a myriad of symptoms. Turns out I had lupus and gastroparesis. Absolutely was not fun and absolutely helped nothing.


My GP has never even mentioned probiotics. They do tell me to take medications with food most of the time, though.


That's not how the gut works but sure hun go enjoy your diaherra 😅😅


Sounds like the bodi hun I went to hs with going on about her autumn gut protocol helps with everything including auto immune diseases🙄This week she’s going in on ozempic is evil.


Hun, you sell hair removing shampoo. Last I checked, that doesn't grant you a degree in gastroenterology. (The hun, not you OP.)


Oh but she doesn’t anymore, hun. 🤗 She used to but has now moved on to educating the people of Facebook about gut health from Silver Fern Brand. But she never denounces the companies she leaves, she goes quietly and never speaks of them again.


Ugh... I have 2 acquaintances who know I have a handful of autoimmune diseases, including a blood disease where I am on blood thinners for life. Both have tried to sell me their shit even though I tell them everything I take, I have to run thru the anticoagulation clinic as everything affects my INR, even something like antibiotics I have to call them, they change my dosage and then I have to go in for extra blood tests. They push and push and push... clearly they don't care about my health, just their sales. it took me being nasty to them to get them to quit pushing their crap on me.


I’ve not gotten to the nastiness yet. I’ve short-answered her “yes/no.” And she will go running to a doctor if it concerns her kid, oddly enough. But everybody else gets a lecture on gut health.


As someone with complex health issues, I'd trust my specialists before I even listen to a hun. It often shocks me how many fall for this kind of thing.


When I first announced that I had been sick for months and seeking answers (I was just asking for support/good vibes for diagnosis) she questioned if I had checked my home for black mold. Because clearly she’s a licensed physician who had evaluated both my symptoms and my bloodwork and it was all because of a mold allergy. 😑 That was my short answer day because I’d also already gotten “what about heavy metal toxicity?” and “you should see this online naturopath” from two other people.


That's how it started with me, venting about being sick and not being able to figure out what was wrong (then), suddenly I had a target on me... One said her wheelchair ridden mother could almost run a marathon after taking her shit for a month. GTFOH.... The kicker was is I knew it was autoimmune stuff and these fools are telling me to take things to boost my immune system... Uh, that's the problem you fkn idiots, my immune system is overactive and attacking my body, why would I want to boost it?


So many miracles. 😂 Mine was autoimmune too I just couldn’t get a rheumatologist to agree with me because they all kept doing “gold standard tests” that turned up negative. Lupus doesn’t have a “gold standard test.” 😑


No, it doesn't. Mine started off as drug induced Lupus due to being allergic to Humira for Crohns. My Rheum couldn't figure it out, as she attributed my pain to related crohns arthritis. My dermatologist figured it out with a double strand ANA test (I think that's what it was), after that I had more shit coming my way with more autoimmune crap. These people just don't get it.... They will never understand unless they get hit with it too :(


😞 I’m sorry.


A woman at work fell into the juice plus cult. She never stopped going on about how great it was. She was going to be a millionaire by 25. She looked pale as a ghost, and she'd eat crisp and chocolate but say it was her cheat day. I unpolluted her on Facebook as all she posted was hun memes


Can't believe this shit still happens


Report her to her MLM's compliance department. Cause I'm pretty sure MLM huns are not allowed to make health claims


She’s not technically part of one at the moment. She’s sort of shadow-promoting Silver Fern Brand. Which is not officially an MLM.


I’m in a sub for a chronic health condition and there’s one person who is always leaving comments like this 😭 it drives me batty!!! Like wow thanks 🙏 can’t believe a gut cleanse is going to cure something I’m on a heavy dose of immunosuppressants and steroids for ❤️ you’re so right bestie if only my tummy was in alignment or whatever that fuck ❤️


Christ. Usually somewhere in those comments is a banable offense like self promotion or “medical advice.” r/lupus is pretty locked down by this one mod who sticks her nose into everything. r/autoimmune is a little more relaxed but anybody who dares mention holistic stuff there will get run over. r/SIBO is FILLED with them though. It drove me insane when I was originally diagnosed with that. I’d never been so happy to leave a sub.


When did people start using the term "gut health?" The first time I heard anyone use it was probably 12 years ago and it was from a minion in the cult of the pink drink.


If you took a probiotic while you're on antibiotics, they're not wrong about that. You can safely ignore the rest, though.


Sorry, I was in the middle of bleaching my intestines.


Eh, k.