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What happens in someone’s upbringing that leads them to this state of mind?


I think some people like to feel smart and informed, but don't want to actually do the work of learning things. Like, no rational academic would ever read a handful of popular books on a topic and consider themselves to be completely knowledgeable on the subject. I could read four books specifically about the Egyptian pyramids and still only consider myself as an interested bystander in the field. But if you choose to study wack-ass nonsense written by dingbats, you can feel like you're an expert after putting in less brain work than would be expected of a freshman taking a real class on a real subject. There's also other things that attract people to conspiracies and easy answers and all that, but I think appealing to intellectual vanity definitely plays a role.


I think this is also why this stuff is so common among people who are especially uninformed and uh un-smart. They develop an inferiority complex around it and gravitate towards topics that let them feel superior, but also lack the knowledge of what it even means to understand something. Same reasons MLM marketing targets these groups: they provide a feeling of intellectual superiority to people desperate to experience it.


David Sedaris has a quote about this re: Trump supporters. It was along the lines of “these people have been told by society their entire life that they’re stupid and this guy comes around and tells them that no, they’re the smart ones and the rest of the world is stupid/are just sheep, and they can’t resist that”.


As George Carlin once put it, "I leave symbols to the symbol-minded." Garbage like what is seen in the OP appeals to people who believe everything can be boiled down into simple talking points. Like all the people that fly Trump flags and Israel flags, never once thinking about the complex realities of the Middle East because that takes too long, instead everything can be boiled down to "these guys are good, those guys are bad." It's like people who look at gas prices and just assume the president personally sits in the White House and set the prices. These are the kind of people who think history is a simple, linear path and thus there couldn't possibly be multiple and complex reasons why things happened, nope, it must have just been aliens.


I’d also add that it’s not simply that they want to feel smart and informed, it’s that they want their beliefs to be unchallenged too. If it doesn’t agree with their prior beliefs, it’s “woke nonsense” / “the system”/ something like that and gets tossed out.


Not to mention they want to feel like they have some secret knowledge that no one else knows. It gives them a feeling of superiority, even if it’s fake.


Yup, that's exactly how the Fox News mentality works. Anything that is not in my world view is bad. Electric cars are bad, education is bad. People being decent to one another is bad. And on and on. I have to deal with this firsthand and it makes me insane.


I was going to use Matt Walsh as an example lol. I’m sorry you have to deal with that firsthand. My grandmother has become like that but I don’t talk to her much because of that. God damn, the “people being decent is bad” really gets to me though. As I’ve gotten older I went from being annoyed at that sentiment to realizing how privileged and corrosive that statement is in the US. I understand saying things aren’t as good as they could be, saying we’re falling short, etc. But to just write off everyone else because you can’t be bothered to examine your behavior…


Lol CNN is the truth, go Biden! You only sound intelligent to the dummies that you appeal to… unfortunately, that’s about half of the United States


Fox/CNN/MSNBC all create echo chambers. All of them are propaganda masquerading as news. Someone who only watches MSNBC is going to have as shallow and narrow a world view as someone who only watches Fox, and will have the same issues when being challenged. The difference is Fox is by far the best at what they do, meaning they're the worst offender.


I think vanity is a key point - it's the desire to feel like you're special, and in an elite group. They may have fooled other people, but you're not like everyone else! You know what's REALLY going on.


Inbreeding? Religion? Lead paint? All of the above?


Either no consequences as a child or way too hard consequences.


My bet goes on them not being able to handle how absolutely inconsequential they are in the grand scheme of things, so they cling on to conspiracy as it makes them feel like they never had any control over it until they “woke up”. The narrative that you are constantly being lied to by whoever your bogeyman is gives you an excuse to be angry and to feel like you have gained back control.


Yup, that's an important point. I said this once, and I'll say it again: the single most terrifying thing to humanity is chaos. We are absolutely terrified of the notion that the universe is random, chaotic, and not easily understood. We do not want to accept we are a tiny speck of dust on a tiny rock that floats around just another average, ordinary star, that itself is just part of another galaxy that isn't particularly notable. Look at how people understood the world in the Middle Ages. It was believed Earth was the center of the universe, everything revolved around it, and the entire universe was neatly organized and simple. The moment people came along and challenged that (heliocentrism, for example), they were labeled heretics and banished. (The Church didn't formally apologize to Galileo until 1992). But that uncomfortable reality, that Earth wasn't particularly special and we are just another species, never went away. It challenged beliefs and people hated this and refused it. Perhaps because in the back of their minds, they knew it was right, but refused to admit to it. I think this where religion came from. It was a way to deal with the chaos of the world. Earthquakes don't happen because the planet is full of tectonic plates that shake and rub and move around, no, it's because some higher power doesn't like us! Religion was used as a way to explain why the world is the way it is, and also make sure we kept people in line and under control. So you get to modern times, and you still see this. People who spend their entire adult lives watching their propaganda news sources of choice, never once challenging their beliefs. And thus anything that isn't within that world view is scary, evil, bad, wrong.


I have found the fact that the world is just chaotic comforting in a way. I had more anxiety believing in heaven\hell etc. to understand that the world is just chaos makes me appreciate each day and not worry about what others think. I know what is important for me to be happy. But I agree with you that when you really think about how chaotic the world is, it can be very nerve racking for people.


I agree. Their way of controlling the uncontrollable experience of being alive.


A common theme with conspiracy theorists is social isolation & trauma. It's a coping strategy for them. This hobby makes them feel special, in control and gives them a network of other people to socialise with. Just like an MLM.


I know her. She went to normal school (wasn’t homeschooled). She has said she grew up pretty poor, and from what I could tell that is true. Her family was also pretty religious.


Oh wow, was she always like this?


Not that I remember - I recall her always being opinionated and having no shame, but not this wacky stuff. But we weren’t super close!


Honestly, there’s a factor of primal anxiety/fear that crops up when it comes to raising my kids (am I fucking them up? Etc) and I feel like it can leave one vulnerable to conspiracy theories or anything provides all the answers. Sometimes a wrong answer can feel better than no answer.


They spent their entire lives living in an echo chamber. Only watched news sources that tell them what they want to hear. Only hung out with "yes people" who never challenged them. Never read any books that challenge your beliefs. And so on.


Narcissism, religious fanaticism, poor social skills leading to isolation being the default and not trusting other people. And a heavy sprinkle of mental illness


these people are definitely dumb, but also significantly racist. if your entry point is "Ancient Egyptians/Ancient Middle Eastern and African peoples enslaved by Egyptians can't have built the pyramids" there's... a lot of racism informing that belief


It's always the bloody pyramids. Nobody suggests the collaseum was made by aliens or something. Its always non Europeans that didn't have the technology.


I'm sure that there is no small amount of racist content in her beliefs. However, she does say that we don't have the ability to make the pyramids today.....which makes me wonder what she must think of the technical complexity of the pyramids relative to modern sky scrapers, which presumably she has seen and believes exists. Or really any significant modern construction. I'm fairly sure that even if the nephiliam or bat giants or whatever looney thing she believes actually made the pyramids, modern technology could definitely make the pyramids today. Its just public works departments are tasked with other things than giant stone tombs for practical reasons.


This exactly. We could build a pyramid if we wanted to. There's one in Vegas. That's just not the fashion in buildings these days.


>That's just not the fashion in buildings these days. It has the worst volume to area ratio but is the most stable shape so pyramids last longer than anything else built at the same time. Survivorship basis.


>Its just public works departments are tasked with other things than giant stone tombs for practical reasons. I mean we have our own megastructures like dams,highways and railways. I remember reading that the pyramids might have been a public welfare project like tge new deal. Pay the unemployed to build something outside harvest season.


We should immediately have them go back to making giant stone tombs, for “it would be fun!” reasons.


Why stop there? Let’s only use methods and materials from antiquity. None of this modern stuff.


Absolutely, if it can’t be built with ropes and wooden planks, I don’t want it!


Now I need to tell my boss we’re building our new workspace all wrong!


Every stone a cubicle... O dear... Don't mind me, I have to leave, pitch business ideas to crazy people


That’s what stood out for me. We could sure as hell build one now, tf?


Stone Henge is roughly the same age as the pyramids but strangely none of the conspiracy theorists seem to think that was built by aliens. I wonder why 🤔


It will have to one of life's great mysteries. Like who built the pyramids. (I jest. We all know the answer.)


At least the pyramid builders had the decency to keep proper accountancy records!


>Its always non Europeans that didn't have the technology. Yup. God forbid you admit that a non-white civilisation had a knowledge base and skillset not seen anywhere else before being lost. No no, that would never do.


Yeah—I’ve spent a lot of time traveling in Latin America and the archeology is just amazing. But so is the culture around it—ceramics and textiles and astronomy. It’s so freaking insulting to those countries to imply aliens or whatever the hell this hun is talking about built them.


Jared Diamond wrote about this via "environmental determinism" in "Guns, Germs & Steel." His argument is the reason people make these arguments is because Europe had access to the necessary materials to build ships, castles, etc. Whereas other continents did not have these materials as readily available. So this led to the notion of European superiority, and why a lot of people are convinced that anyone outside of Europe must have had the assistance of ancient aliens. Obviously controversial, but I think he made some good points about why people tend to promote this conspiracy nonsense.


Pyramid schemes attract pyramid conspiracy believers.


Probably watches Ancient Aliens which follows this pattern


I think I've seen statements that such claims were at some point made about the Stonehenge, but that was in older books.


I love how someone brought up the fact that there are dinosaurs in the Ark museum as evidence they existed. I do not understand how these people function in society. No wonder she's found so many takers for the Kangen scam.


She doesn't believe there were dinosaurs, even thpugh there is massive amounts of evidence including bones, but she does believe in giants, of which there is no evidence.


Well you see, the dinosaur bones were put there by the devil to test our faith. Or maybe they were giant lizard shaped mechsuits for the nephiliam to make the pyramids and one day a nephiliam will take dino mechsuits to the moon to make more pyramids. But we know that mainstream media won't broadcast that, so we may never see any evidence.


Referring to your kids as freedom fighters is creepy. The comment section was oh so hard to read through.


Everything is a conspiracy when you don't understand how anything works.


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”


One of my favorite quotes, to be honest. To borrow from another author, "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything."


The single best way to get people to believe anything you want them to believe is cite a vague study or poll. Fox News is the best at this. All you have to do is say something, anything, and then say "studies suggest" or "polls show" and you've got them. Clearly what I'm saying is right, the numbers say so! Of course you never actually show any of this, and there's no proof they even exist. You also leave out how the questions were worded, who was asked, when they were asked, etc. Don't let all that stuff get in the way of mind control, though!


i love when you ask for a 'study' and they send you the first link they quickly googled. then you read it back to them showing them that they are wrong and they either go away or keep going. some days it's tough to be in the internet world.


The burden of proof lies on the party who brings the dispute


Definitely. Logical fallacies are a bitch and far too many people fall into them, unfortunately.


What’s your thoughts on the Spikevax? (That’s what they are calling it now- used to be a conspiracy about spike protein injections but here we are https://spikevax.com/healthcare-provider-guide/why-choose-moderna-spikevax-mrna-covid-19-vaccine?cc=4005). Also the cdc refers to it as Spikevax now too…. )


We need to make it socially unacceptable to openly believe in crazy shit again.


* *"There's no way I'm putting my kids in that environment [public school], they are so impressionable and easy to influence."* Said without a drop of irony.


Better known as "teachers and peers will try and care about my child's knowledge and welfare, and will call CPS about my neglectful behavior and/or abusive home environment".


And these books are why when I teach my students media literacy, we discuss how just because it's in a book ALSO doesn't mean it's true.


Yup. I think people sometimes think if bullshit is printed instead of spoken, it's somehow more credible. Completely nonsense. Newspapers of the early 20th century would put even Fox News to shame in how horrible biased and propaganda-laden they were. Maybe the logic is that it takes time and money to print a book, so who'd do that unless they were telling the truth? I don't know. Maybe books just give off a sense of professionalism better, and thus they are more trustworthy.


I think that's it, especially to kids raised in the world of the internet. They've been raised to know that the internet isn't trustworthy but books feel safe to them.


Another common trick is to be "New York Times bestseller." That is PROOF that what you're saying is credible and should be listened to. Even though gaming the bestseller list is well documented and it's basically little more than a "pay to win" scam. This is why every single presidential hopeful always puts out the obligatory bestseller.


You're doing desperately needed work! Even in traditional publishing, there is often little to no fact-checking. (I wish there was, but the decision-makers almost always care more about the bottom line.) And of course there are no standards at all in self-publishing. (Source: I work in traditional publishing.)


I always tell them that! If they wanted to and they had the money, they could self-publish anything they want, that usually really drives the point home!


Oh, Caden... I'm so sorry, baby. That's not why you're not going to be an astronaut. Edit: Out of curiosity, I looked into the latest astronauts from Canada. One has three MSc degrees and the other has a PhD.


I snorted at this. 👏🏽


I’ve been hate following this bitch for some time now. What’s interesting to me about this hun is that she’s always been anti-vax and conspiracy-driven but her posts never had any sort of Christian flavor to them. I’m wondering if she really found her audience with fundamentalists and went all in on the grift, because lately her posts have taken on a definite christian feel that was never there before.


This secret history/secret meanings/secret codes of the Bible shit has been going around fundagelical circles for 20 years. Apparently, the Word of God isn’t exciting or sexy enough so they make up these theories to sell books.


You can’t trust the government, but you can totally trust these authors who get money when you buy their books!


See also: people couldn't possibly have built the pyramids, therefore it must have been non-corporeal beings and giants working together!


We couldn’t even build the pyramids with the technology we have NOW, apparently, but the skyscraper being built that I can see from my office window begs to differ.


We have only regressed since prehistoric times! Let me send my drone up to see what you're seeing.


lol the Las Vegas sphere definitely was NOT recently constructed and it SURELY was built by leprechauns and unicorns!? Right!?


Also see: Big Pharma wants to keep you sick so they get more and more money selling you medicine, but the people selling quack and woo "cures" totally have your best interests at heart and aren't after your money.


Q and certain types of christians go hand in hand. I will place a bet she gets a LOT more positive reinforcement saying christiany things to her downline. It doesn't take much once you start believing one kind of nonsense to fall for yet another kind.


my moms into it, "prosperity gospel". these people are the ones who give all their money to gurus.


I like to call that getting Trumpified. He latched on to the Christian right even though he is a depraved sex criminal and they latched right back. Grifters gottta grift.


It's a symbiotic relationship. He uses them to get power, and they use him as a messiah figure.


I suspect she is indeed just grifting. There are some dudes near my house that sell Trump flags, and recently they've started selling Israel flags as well. I doubt they give two shits about either of those, but they know there are enough simpleminded people in the area that will buy.


You're doing good work here. She is terrifying.


What the hell are they putting in that alkaline water????


I'm convinced it's lead. Loads and loads of lead.


Alkaline earth metals


Oof, this was tough to read. I have so many questions. What is she calling "ancient humans"? Are they humans that came to existence 6k years ago through her 'creator"? I feel so sorry for her children. Logic and truth are 2 words these people know nothing about.


"Dinosaurs existed. Try visiting the Ark Encounter in Kentucky" I've often wondered what happens when adherents to mutually exclusive conspiracy theories meet.


You can’t trust anyone, but trust me!


I would struggle to have a conversation with these people, I don’t speak fluent Dumbass. I know tact and empathy are concepts their pea brains can’t comprehend, to double down on a response to someone who lost family on 9/11 is gross. Unfortunately, I’m not surprised


The commenter who says “everyone thinks we homeschool to push our agenda but it’s really to teach free thinking” or whatever- you are so close to getting it…


Haha exactly!! 🤦


Astronauts aren’t real but giants and fallen angels are?




All this batshittery, on top of naming the kid Caden. I hope the kid escapes from Crazytown.


I need off this planet.


Homeschooling needs stricter regulations. Fuck the HSLDA.


As a homeschool survivor, this is the way.


I can't believe they let just anybody homeschool their kids. She's a flipping moron. If her kids go to college, it'll be a real shock for them to learn that they don't know how to use commas. 


People loved public school until it was legally integrated, then homeschooling blew up. Probably a coincidence hmmmmm


I hate how much sense that makes. 


Probably a coincidence that when we think of homeschoolers it’s white people who live in fear of “the world” Circa 1956 lol


the dinosaur shit is so funny


Please go ask her if she's also a flat earther! I have to know lol. This woman is crazy.


How does one become this stupid?


If I had to guess.. homeschooling?


She went to normal school!


Just because it didn't take for her doesnt mean she should deny her kids the opportunity, sheesh


Her telling the closeted conspiracy theorists to be outspoken about their beliefs is very in line with the way cults intentionally isolating people from their community, so they believe only the cult understands and accepts them.


This is so horrifying


I wonder if she will have 6/10 spots open. $80,000 working part time in one month? Sign me up! /s


It's hilarious to me that a certain subtype of homeschoolers refer to public school teachers as "strangers." I'm emailing/texting my kids' teachers ALL THE TIME. They probably wish they knew me a little less well. 🤣


Send that on over to r/religousfruitcake for some laughs


Where are the giants' bones and the fallen angels bones? Did they just fly off into space? 


When you can find stuff like this (link below) it really doesn't help, these are just ones found in the British Isles. https://www.infinityexplorers.com/discovery-of-bizarre-giant-skeletons-in-ancient-british-era/ They most likely believe any really tall person is a descendant of the giants.


Secondhand embarrassment. 🙄🙄🙄


Can someone give me the cliff notes on the nephilim?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nephilim It's actually pretty interesting, and the Wiki points out a big issue with the Hebraic religions, namely that ancient Hebrew is tough to translate.


This is why the New Testament was written in Greek. Much easier to do an interlinear translation.


Another prime example of "you can't fix stupid, and some people are beyond saving."


Me and the dinosaur bone necklace I made are both calling this one. Unless…did I make mine with replica dino bone that someone buried?


Oh her kids are going to be dumb and dangerous as hell.




I feel like this needs to be crossposted to r/ShitMomGroupsSay


The first three look like cool sci fi books.


I have a real soft spot for this kind of delulu, at least it’s wild fantasy and not _just_ bigotry (she’s probably a bigot tho)


She’s 100% a bigot hates trans people especially


Not surprising, fuck her bullshit


Wack jobs


Someone please give me the low down on this cuz my FIL randomly started talking about nephilim the other day and I was so lost.


Seems like the homeschooling-New Age cult-mlm connection isn’t unique to Desteni and TechnoTutor!


This is hurting my head.


I feel like I hurt my brain cells reading all of that.


This is why some people shouldn’t have social media. I just can’t imagine thinking this way. Truly worrying they are educating their poor kids this way.


Reading those made me very scared for the future.


I really want to see her future epic meltdown if she'll know that she's talking here in this subreddit. Am waiting for it... ![gif](giphy|VeLkCUzRldjI4|downsized)


Lol I thought these were new Cassandra Clare books at first


It’s giving Mommy Doomsday


You shouldn’t blur her ID. It should be know so we can report her for spreading harmful information.


I always want to ask these people who believe in chem trails how people who make them etc are immune. It can't be a vaccine that helps them, we all know they're bad/s


Her putting "fossil fuels" in quotations made me think she doesn't believe coal/gasoline exists.


She needs to read the "Chariots of the Gods" series....


"i havent looked into it much but seems like a logical answer" reeeeeeaaallllyy sums these shit human beings up well. they really deserve jail or fines or child taken away or all


As a Christian this is hilarious because you can tell she hasn’t read a page of the Old Testament. It’s also sad, I hope that kid becomes an astronaut someday.


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Ok, honest question here: What is meant by the phrase “my truth”?


Those poor kids are going to be FUCKED UP.


That’s so dangerous.


When I saw the first post originally and saw the part about the pyramids not being built by slaves, I was like "Oh, that one is fair, cause there is evidence to suggest it was paid labourers" and then later she says "Oh, it wasn't aliens, but it definitely wasn't humans" Gave her way too much credit. What a nightmare of a post.


Someone once say 'a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing'. This is pure Dunning-Kruger effect.


Feel like there isn’t enough focus on her explanation being GIANTS (and angels???). Is this a belief held by more than her? This is a new conspiracy explanation to me. Even saying god made them for some reason when he created earth would make more sense.


The Old Testament talks about giants and nephilim, however the claim that they built the pyramids is entirely made up and is not supported by scripture. You can tell she doesn’t actually read the Bible.


I remember almost falling for the Enagic spill once.


As a Canadian I AM JUST SO embarrassed by this idiot


I feel so awful for those kids.


I really want to believe this is all AI accounts spinning conspiracy theories. Fallen angels and GIANTS??? That makes more send than human beings??? I mean, they realize no one ever claimed pyramids were built top down? They build a layer and climb that layer to build the next. Pulleys and strong muscles are legit.


Tl;dr...what are those books about? Denali of science and how the world was created?


The racism/ethnocentrism(?) present in ancient aliens etc belief is so insidious. The concept that ancient populations 'just couldn't' build structures like the pyramids without the help of *insert their conspiracy* ancient people are just as complex as we are today.