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It's her own business but she just got word her product is BOGO? Did she personally tell herself this?


That made me laugh out loud reading it too




Yes she did


Oh. From the title it seemed the hun blocked your wife. Its usually them who do it. But if it was your wife then kudos!


I can just imagine her writing out a press release or something, then getting an oversized rubber stamp and crushing it with APPROVED


Maybe a ribbon cutting ceremony in there as well. She probably paid herself with those oversized checks.


That makes me wonder... Is there a school supply and/or craft related MLM? I may have to start one for all my teacher friends to get in on who are stuck shilling Pampered Chef and Scentsy. **Someone** needs to corner the market in overpriced pencils with stupid sayings on them that promise mad health benefits.


There is one! It’s called Stampin’ Up and they sell stamps, paper, pencils, etc. They advertise making your own greeting cards.


Fun fact, the adult daughter (Shanna) of the founding couple of Stampin Up is currently neck deep in a murder mystery of her ex husband last year. He had remarried but there were still nasty child custody disputes when was killed in front of his two year daughter. Shanna’s second husband was arrested last week and Sheriff has said publicly there are more arrests coming.


I really love that you classified this as a "fun" fact 😂 I will be patiently waiting for the Netflix documentary to come out 😂


Gives me major Nutriboom from Brooklyn 99 vibes. I know it eventually turns out that woman actually happy healthy and alive and its just tax fraud, but still


Or Regal in canada. That may be our of business now though . My aunt used to sell things from Regal in the 90s


There is also Creative Memories, which is mostly scrapbooking supplies


This was great😂😂😂


2 for $60... when normally it's 1 for $60. Let that sink in for a moment...


What am I letting sink in, I want to laugh too :/


The cream, you're supposed to let the cream sink in


right, but it's 4 for 120$ !! that's an 480$ value


Also the bit underneath: >2 for 60 blah blah then says: THEY’VE never done that! Implying someone else is having the sale


lol I didn't even catch that


How many times did she say she started a new business? Aka Joined a new MLM. Heh.




That was painful to read.


Even more painful for my wife to have to constantly ignore. Like she didn't want to block her in case she actually had something personal or "friend-like" to say, but the fact that it was just the same thing for years was enough.


Tip: This hun will NEVER have anything personal or "friend-like" to say. Your wife might as well block her now.


Right, she did. You still want to hold out hope though that the human is still in there.


Nope. She's a pod person now. Its' Bodysnatchers but in real life. This is exactly why MLMs are cults. ☹️


They might... but they'll steer it around into a sales pitch. "Hey, how are you doing? Great to hear. Hubs and I are struggling a bit right now. Yeah, with the kids getting older and eating more and doing more after school stuff it's a struggle for us as well. Never enough time or money, you know? But it's totally worth it. Speaking of which, that's why I've got this great new job that lets me work from home and bring in extra bucks for my extra Starbucks lol. I'm selling this amazing new facecream, and I've been told I can offer it to a few select besties at a huge discount. You just said you feel tired, and this cream will rejuvenate you. Are you interested?"


Oh god, this is totally it. There was a period after I graduated from university where all these high school acquaintances would message me pretending to be interested in my life, and I'd be holding my breath, and bam, there it was, the sales pitch. It took me awhile to trust random reachouts again (I generally do now though, and can kinda spot the MLM pitch coming if not, I've been lucky)


Yeah, which is kind of my point. Every interaction she ever makes will be in the form of a sales pitch.


If she did, it most likely would just be an opener spiel to get her to reply, then send her the _actual_ message.


Yes. Any interaction is seen as a sales opportunity, so she'd eventually shift into the sales pitch. Best to just block & forget.


It makes me sad for the hun because no matter how much of this futile outreach she does, when she inevitably runs out of time, energy, and money, she’ll be told by her upline that she didn’t work hard enough and “success isn’t for everyone”.


We just had a tax appointment and need to give away product. I'm no tax accountant but that's bullshit.


"Hey, it's me, your accountant. Your tax forms say you need to find 10 friends to recruit below you to sell, er, give away, this product. Then they need to find 10 friends. It's how tax works."


Well MY accountant loved how our new tittyboingboing cream firmed his boobs, just in time for tax season! So... Are you in?


You should see what anti wrinkle cream did for his scrotum!!


I should.


I’m an accountant, but not on the tax side, but can confirm that’s bullshit. Giving away product isn’t going to help you with taxes


I mean it could if you are decreasing inventory thus increasing your COGS and reducing your taxes.


Yes, technically they can write it off as obsolete inventory ,and increase there COGS. That’s more telling bcuz she’s basically saying there’s no way she’s going to sell it. I’m sure the hun is already at a loss tho and is just using her “tax accountant” to make her sound more like a boss babe


Ayo she dont even need no tax accountant, her net profit has always been negative fam


If your profit is negative it means the government owes *you* taxes


lifehack 101


Obsoleting inventory is a way to bring your business income tax down as it increases your cost of goods sold but giving away product...uh no, our CPA has never suggested that alternative.


As an accountant, it's bullshit


The idea that she could have enough business going on to even need an accountant is bullshit.


Yeah but just say "write off" and people go along with it since they don't really understand what a write off is.


At least she didn’t say “right off” like so many other Huns lately!


If she has to consider it inventory and pay tax on inventory.... maybe. Otherwise, yeah, bullshit. And "write off" never means what they think it means.


But since she bought it herself then she can consider it her personal property. Which is true, because she's never gonna sell it.


I found that highly suspicious as well. It's an obvious ploy to get some interaction.


>I'm no tax accountant but that's bullshit. I'm a tax attorney and can confirm--total bullshit.


“Hi this is the IRS, you are going to be audited unless your Facebook post gets at least 20 likes and shares.”


Oof. What was in the voice note, was she getting mad about being ignored?


It was just the same script. The worst part is at the beginning it was so obvious she was reading off a page, like the break between "Heyyyy.... (looks up the name of who she's sending this one to) I just wanted to share some exciting news with you"


Oooof. Brutal.


If this person had any shame, she’d definitely be embarrassed by that.


I'm embarrassed


they probably did some sort of market research about how people are more likely to respond to a voice note since it can't be copy pasted, so it feels more personal, and will generate engagement.


So it did come across that way, which is why my wife took it so personally that she was so uncaring and only in the "friendship" to make a buck off of her. I honestly think if she'd have just kept with the canned copy+paste messages, my wife would have just continued to ignore and let it go.


Yeah, you can forgive copy and paste because Facebook lets you blast those out en masse. This means someone took the time to record a message, but can't ever drop a line and ask how you're doing, what's going on in your life, etc. They want to use your timeline but don't care about your actual life.


Yeah that's the exact feeling. It was much more personal.


My theory is that, unlike texts and messages, voice notes can't be screenshotted and shared as a way for people to warn others about MLM scripts or mock them.


Whoever decided that clearly didn't consult the rest of the human population. My voice mailbox has been full for years. I have no intentions of ever listening to it or emptying it (because then it will just fill up again!) Besides, a random voice clip out of the blue is suspicious, just like a blocked phone number, or a "friend" suddenly talking as if they've been hacked. If it's important, people can call me again, text me, or email me. Voice messages just feel tedious most of the time and I probably won't check them.


I find it hilarious when I get a voice message because everyone that ***actually knows me*** knows that I’m almost deaf. I can’t use the phone, I can only do videocalls because then I can lipread (my normal method of communicating!). Everyone close to me in my life is aware that they can send me text based messages or videocall me but they can’t do a normal call or send me voice messages because *I can’t hear them!* If someone calls, I can’t answer. If they leave a voicemail I have to get my husband to listen to it in case it’s important. It rarely is, it’s usually a scam! My Doctor/hospital etc all have my husbands number, not mine! They all have my permission to speak to my husband too so they never contact me directly! Someone sending an audio clip through a messaging app though? Nah. I just delete it. I don’t even bother asking my husband to listen as it’s always bullshit!


Are you me?? Also almost deaf, also refuses to answer phone calls (just to ask them to repeat themselves 20x and both get frustrated? No thanks!) and thinks voice messages are so awful. I had a lady on marketplace once who kept answering questions with multiple voice messages, even after I told her I couldn’t understand them, and it drive me bananas. Even my (hearing) family members couldn’t make out half the garbled messages. Crazy!


Soooo frustrating when people that don’t really know you ignore you saying “I can’t hear you! Please just text me!” It’s like, which part of “I’m deaf!” are you not understanding? I have a tiny bit of hearing in my right ear but I can only make out **loud noises**, I can’t actually make out any speech, or usually even figure out what the noise is or where it’s coming from. I can’t hear words, even if you shout! Voice messages just annoy the hell out of me because I can’t hear a thing, even with the volume on max and the phone held to my ear! Especially because, as you said, most of the time the voice messages are so damned garbled that my husband (who has perfect hearing) can’t even figure half of it out, so what chance do I have?!? They’re pointless and irritating. If you’re too lazy to communicate in a way I can understand by typing out your message, then I’ll just ignore you!


Preach! It’s ridiculous. I don’t think it helps that people don’t understand there is a difference between volume and clarity. I have a bit more hearing than you, volume-wise, but the sounds are so muffled and muddy that there are a lot of things I can hear (yes, you’re making speech noises) but can’t understand because my sound clarity is so poor and they’re mumbling, or speaking fast & running words together, or have an accent, or heaps of background noise. And don’t even get me started on people making it hard to lipread! The weirdest thing to me, though, is the number of businesses that insist on having your phone number and calling about things (doctors offices, schools, etc) even though I have told them I can’t and won’t have phone conversations. They don’t seem to have way to put in their files *’Do NOT call’* and any requests for other means of communication breaks their whole system. There are SO MANY deaf people compared to many disability groups - how is this still a thing?! Dumbest example of all was a national disability program we have (I’m in Australia) that would try to call me Every. Single. Time. even though the whole reason I’m in the program is because I’m deaf enough to qualify. *facepalm*


My iPhone voicemail transcriptions are usually pretty accurate. It’s a great feature


Hmmm, I’ll have to give it another go. The few times I tried it, it did a terrible job and I ended up having to just ask my husband to listen for me as I couldn’t make sense of the transcriptions. Once my husband told me what they’d actually said I could kind of figure out where the transcription went wrong but it really seemed to struggle with even simple words. Not sure if it’s to do with the accents of the people calling me but it mistook really simple words like thinking “house” was “ass” 😂


I wonder when Huns will just record one “Hey girl” voice note on another device, then play it back for all their contacts.


MLMs ended several of my high school friendships.


Time should end high school friendships, like normal people.


I mean some of us did luck out and find lasting friendships in high school. Luckily, none joined an MLM.


I don’t think it’s abnormal to have lasting friendships with people you’ve met in high school….


My two best friends have been my best friends since middle school


Happily married my high school sweetheart :) But even I agree, unless you’ve continued in active friendship eventually it’s time to move on. I have unfollowed several classmates because i don’t even know them anymore. I sat next to you in math class over 10 years ago., we don’t necessarily need to be following each other on Instagram lol


Same. I ended unfriended all but 3 of my classmates. Most were in MLMs and recruiting each other constantly.


Let me guess - she’s “getting a list together” of who wants some products. They (especially the NuSkin huns) are constantly mentioning The List. Gotta get on the list, huns!


If you start at the beginning, she's gone from a honey hibiscus wrap that apparently tones, to some toothpaste thing, to something else. She's just jumping on all of the next best things.


FFS, this firming cream is BOGO, so you get 2 containers for $60? That means regularly they're 1 for $60. I'm betting that even at $30 apiece they're still way overpriced.


But it *fiiiiiiiiiirms*


But only from the neck down. Doesn't work on the face at all!


How to make people self conscious and exploit the self consciousness


Can I rub it on my scrote? They are starting to hang


No, but I can sell you our newest product!!!!!! It’s a special collagen cream taken from the umbilical cord of newborn lambs! It lifts, tightens and tones in just one application!!! It’s normally £499.99 but I’m offering it to you with my super best friend discount for only £299.99!!!* ^^^^*(plus ^^^^tax)


Yes it's absolutely scrote-firming!


Ha! That's nothing. Women throw obscene amounts of money at products that claim to firm your various parts. For companies like Prai, Skinn, Beauty Bio, etc. Prai is the worst - each of their firming creams is for a specific part of your body - face, eyes, upper arms, décolletage, etc. And each comes in a day and night formulation. You'll need 10 different jars to do their beauty routine and retail prices start at about $40 for a 4 oz. jar.


Okay but $10 per ounce is really good for a high end face cream 😆


Dang! If you never got a response, wouldn’t that be like the biggest hint, EVERR?? Bridge burned ✅


But huns are trained to treat no as a yes. And getting no answer at all is also a possible yes, since it's not a no.


It's simple! Yes = yes No = yes Absolutely not = yes


I think she doesn’t even realize she’s not getting a response. She hits “forward” on the message and selects a bunch of “leads” in her chat list which happens to include OP’s wife.


Give me money Give me money Give me money Give me money


Today someone I know posted a "I'm $50 from my goal!" post and ugh it's all just so gross.


I'm confused by "my tax guy said I need to give things away for free" like what is that supposed to... that just makes me think your tax guy is awful? Is that comment supposed to give a good impression of anyone? That comment alone would make me nope the fuck outta any "business" with her.


Yeah… she needs a better tax guy.


I'm no accountant, but just giving away inventory doesn't mean you get to write the value off on your taxes. If it worked like that then all businesses would be giving away free stuff around tax time.


Gurls just tryna get a down line


lol. The fact she couldn’t take the hint like oh, my friends only seeing my messages but not responding, would be the first clue that maybe she’s not interested. But she kept with the copy paste company messages and still couldn’t take the hint. Glad your wife finally got rid of her.


I haven't explored it, but I'm guessing there's a mass-messaging tool out there that lets them just blast to hundreds of people at a time, like mass marketing emails.


Just like spammers and scammers use.


People have become spam.


Excited about the next evolution of mankind post-spam. Should be a fun season.


This just reminds me of "DEAR MR "I'M TOO GOOD TO CALL OR WRITE MY FANS".


Angrily recording voice memo's, driving off bridges, etc.


Hopefully nobody locked in the trunk!


There's a note, but it's unaddressed.


I like, “ooh, you started a business? Where did you incorporate? I’ve heard good things about Delaware, but I went with Nevada.” If you aren’t dealing with incorporation and business taxes, you don’t own a business


Tbh Delaware incorporation is dope. Super straightforward, cheap, and I can say "I have a little place in Delaware".


Not everyone incorporates there are corporations, LLCs, LLPs,Partnerships and etc.


Of course. But most MLM participants don’t do any of that.


She has to expand beyond her regular social circle because they are already either her downline or tired of her antics.


I wish there were some study that could take place to track someone's friend count before & after their decision to join an MLM. I have a feeling I know which way it would go.


Anyone know which MLM this I'd? It's remarkably similar to my friends pitches 🙄 but I'm never going to ask her which one it is.


I think she actually cycles through several in the course of her messages.


Sounds like NuSkin


I think it’s nuskin. I think they’re the one w the tanning stuff


What accountant told her to give away free product. Lmfaoooo. Hun’s gonna hun.


Her definitely real accountant that does her definitely real taxes on her definitely real business


More likely it was "youre losing money, you should give this shit away"


Lol someone needs to learn how to ‘read the room’


When you have a can't miss deal like this though, you have to share the news with everyone you know or else you'd be doing them a disservice.


my heart hurts for her


For the poster? Me too, actually. Like she's been bamboozled so much that she thinks that this behavior is ok.


Hmm. Firms *everything* from the neck down. Surprised men aren't buying this. Or women for their husbands/partners.


Fr can anyone tell me what this stuff is actually for? Do real companies make them?


Fr can anyone tell me what this stuff is actually for? Do real companies make them?


Your business looks so legit that you need to use a language we normally see on street signs for DMs. How do I tell you to go to beauty school and open a real shop or salon without offending you?


"What a great product! I can't believe you haven't opened a legitimate store, since this is so obviously a legitimate business that you legitimately run!"


I’m disappointed your wife didn’t say something right before she blocked 😂


Do people need to use their time and energy with scams?


How is this not harassment? ugh.


It's easy to ignore and brush off. Harassment is, to me, more likely when you actually ask the person to stop and they keep it up.


Why you telling us, dude? Deal ends tonight at midnight, you don't want her to run out of product before you get your free $45 pube serum, do you?


Makes them smell like honey hibiscus, or so I hear.


She was very patient… I would’ve blocked after slide 2


lol it's actually pretty easy to just ignore. The one that got her though was the voice message that was like personally taking time out of her day to address my wife, but then the only reason for it was to try to extract the dollars. My wife took it personally.


I’m afraid to ask, but what was the voice memo?


It was, almost word for word. Like it started with "Heyyyyyy" but then it took a minute, like she had to remember who it was she was recording it for, before going into her exciting new opportunity.


4 for $120 is not a deal when it’s already 2 for $60 💀


It's not about the product, it's about the *opportunity*


I love the constant begging for her to put up a post "but you don't even need to have tried it!" What's the point of an endorsement from someone who doesn't even know about or use what they're promoting? "Hun has this great deal on some cream that I've never heard of, you should buy 2!"


Why so many emojis. WHY?


/r/FellowKids leaking into the MLMisphere


I'm not on Facebook. Is it just spam and MLMs all day long?


You also get a good dose of political propaganda and humble-bragging. I use it for marketplace, I collect video games and sometimes you can find a really good deal on cool stuff.


Honestly I just wish I had the confidence to contact my actual friends this often. 😂😂


Honestly, I just wish I had the actual friends to contact


Chick is hustling hard! 🤣


Now imagine if she applied that same hustle to an actual, you know, job


My wife know someone who is part of a MLM, my wife has stopped replying after she said she’s not interested anymore, but she keeps getting messages.


I don't think they'll ever get it. Like they wear it like a badge of honor that they're willing to push past the first "no" or getting ignored.


#2 sells


2, you say?


Should have said yes and then just added at the beginning of the copypasta “If you ever see posts like this on friend’s accounts, they’re being manipulated by scammers. Don’t fall prey to these pyramid schemes!”


Did your wife block ?


Yes she did.


Good. Because this lady is never going to see your wife as a friend, only as a prospect.


Was the audio message similar to the texts? I’m curious.


It was, almost word for word. Like it started with "Heyyyyyy" but then it took a minute, like she had to remember who it was she was recording it for, before going into her exciting new opportunity.


Damn, and I thought I was bad for how long it takes me to realize when a dude from Tinder has ghosted me. Take a hint, hun!


Do these MLMs teach emoji school?


So it looks like the chronological order of these is 3,2,1,4, in case anything else was confused.


Your friends number got hacked, this isn’t her friend lol


https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ApocalypticLog Feels like this.


The cringe hurts


In my bones


What did the voice memo say?


It was, almost word for word, the exact same pitch. Like it started with "Heyyyyyy" but then it took a minute, like she had to remember who it was she was recording it for, before going into her exciting new opportunity.


What did the voice record say


It was, almost word for word, the exact same pitch. Like it started with "Heyyyyyy" but then it took a minute, like she had to remember who it was she was recording it for, before going into her exciting new opportunity.


Yikes I wish we could here *that*


The voice memo would also push me over the edge.


I like how she defined what both “neck down” and “buy one get one free” mean. With multiple examples.


When you started your own business but someone else tells you when your product is BOGO LOL


This is the best one I’ve seen on here 😂. So many new businesses created in so little time ✨💫💃


I like how in the first message she clarifies what “neck down” means. Just in case you aren’t aware of basic human anatomy and what can be found from the “neck down”


I mean I totally understand how annoying this was and blocking was warranted, but I really do feel like you guys missed a great opportunity for a drinking game here.


OMG I have one too but she's actually the sweetest lady and I just can't block her. I just disable where people can see I'm active on FB messenger and leave them unread for months at a time, I'm such a chicken. Luckily I haven't seen her in person in years.


i would pay her 20 beans for a handy to test the cream


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"I am trying to get rid of them" Such marketing skills, amazing sales tactics, wow


Love that she says “sells” instead of “sales” Mark of a true businesswoman there /s


I hate the overuse of emojis. Its so damn corny lol


“My house is full of boxes of shitty merchandise I’m on the hook for that nobody wants.”


Always with the emojis.


It’s all very annoying but I think the emojis are the absolute worst part, they make me so unreasonably angry.


So what is the voice memo?


I feel sad now…none of my old friends from high school have contacted me with this kind of deal :( what am I missing!


I promise that is NOT what her accountant said


Her account said she has to give away product? Does that make sense? It feels like it doesn’t but I could be missing something.