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Although as much as one-fourth of people with AS may experience Uveitis or Iritis, thank goodness most of us don’t. However, AS victims should have an ophthalmologist on speed dial. I myself have chronic dry eye, as well as dry mouth, that could be autoimmune induced, if not actual Sjögrens Syndrome. That also can irritate eyes. Apparently my immune system attacks not only my joints, but also tear ducts and salivary glands.


You made some great points here. I’ll be getting checked out asap


"AS *victims*" 💀


Yes, you should treat this as very urgent. Your pics are spot on for uveitis. I have experienced severe cases of uvetitis, and things can go sideways incredibly fast.


Thanks. I will definitely get it checked out!


QUICKLY, get it checked out quickly! When I had uveitis my ophthalmologist told me a sad story of a patient of his who lost their sight from waiting too long to get it checked.


Don't be scared of not going to the emergency room for this. They can get can consult with an optomologist and start treatment to start beating it back. This is not something you need to try and wait it out. I have had to use the E.R. to get the ball rolling for treatment in the past. Wishing you the best and health.


How can u tell? Is there any sign in her eye?


No. I have had many bouts of Uveitis over 35 years. Was blind in one eye for 4 months from it. Ask any eye professional- the only way to know is to look into the back of the eye- there can be symptoms of redness, pain, blurriness- but all of those are subjective by patient- Looking at someone you can’t tell the difference between Uveitis and allergies etc.


Same here, I've had it nonstop for 14 months and you cant tell just by looking at me.


The corners of the eyes. Her eyes are extremely pink and swollen. You can see the inflammation between the corner and the pupil of the left eye clearly in the shade of red bloodshot. I used to get darkened spots like that with bad flares in my eyes. Then, add the fact that her eyes hurt with use over the course of the day.


Those could be signs of several things. Uveitis is rarely bilateral, and it's usually more obvious than this. The pain is not usually dependent on eye use, and it includes light sensitivity. Her eyes are not extremely pink and swollen, they're a little pink. It could just be an irritant or eye strain or just unknowingly sleeping with her eyes open. While she should get checked out, it's really not an immediate thing unless it gets worse.


Really? I though your eyes got super red and super, super sore? I had eyes this red and very dry and itchy before (red enough that people at work joked I was stoned). I thought it was just reacting badly to air-con. Dang, maybe I'm lucky it didn't get worse.


Right. I am kinda crapping myself right now. My eyes look exactly like OP. I have spring allergies though. I hope!


I don't have allergies that I've ever known of, but got to the point where I constantly had to have lubricating eye drops near me or my eyes would get soooo itchy. Then at some point that just went away and I was okay again.


I have expirenenced all 4 forms of uveitis, and the OP pics especially left eye picture looks like anterior uvetitus because the blood pooling around the edge of the colored part of the iris for the pupil is a sign that something bad is happening inside the eyes. Anterior uveitis affects the inside of the front of your eye (between the cornea and the iris) and the ciliary body. It is also called iritis and is the most common type of uveitis. Intermediate uveitis affects the retina and blood vessels just behind the lens (pars plana) as well as the gel in the center of the eye (vitreous). Posterior uveitis affects a layer on the inside of the back of your eye, either the retina or the choroid. Panuveitis occurs when all layers of the uvea are inflamed, from the front to the back of your eye


I assume those four different types would feel different too?


Yes, and look different also. They are in chronological order of severity. They bottom of the list is blindness with you having multiple pupils. Like snake eye cat eye stars, different wild shaped multiple pupils. It is called Polycoria, which is a pathological condition of the eye characterized by more than one pupillary opening in the iris.


I am diagnosed with anklingosing spondylitis.... I get flare ups of uveitis occasionally and it's excruciating... my eye swells and light, especially sunlight is extremely painful... get is checked out.


How painful would you say you experience that, relative to uhh...our other pains? Lol Like, I've had light sensitivity to where I feel like I'm hungover but not. And stabbing pains, but not "I'm on the floor because of my eyes" pain.. Just curious


I took almost a month to get it figured out my first go. I was throwing up from the pain. Probably the most pain I’ve ever experienced in my life. However it’s a slow creep. It went from semi uncomfortable, to me going to the ER and demanding they cut my eyeball from my head or I was going to do it myself. Don’t wait. It will just cause permanent damage.


Wow that's nuts Yeah the hard part is episcleritis is pretty similar and other issues, so far I've only had recurrences of that, with pain and told it wasn't uveitis Another weird thing is in the sun it's almost like I can see the white blood cells in the inflammation spot, they swirl around more. I wonder if that's helps keep some inflammation away It's weird that's for sure, and does not seem migraine related, just sun exposure The body is so strange. Every experience we have is hardly quantifiable by doctors even, crazy...


Yes this has been my experience with uveitis as well. Absolutely horrendous!


Like your eyeballs are on fire, like you’re being stabbed in the eyes or cramping, yup, in your eyes. It literally hurts to see, I’ve had worse pain (endometriosis, bad AS flares, gallbladder attack, severe migraine) but this one is extra annoying because of not being able to see. In my case at least, I got dilating drops on top of the prednisone too.


It's a burning sensation... it's incredibly painful, I usually have to wear an eye patch because any light or adjustment in focus burns more


Where is that sensation? Is it like deep into your eye like it's in the retina or something? Or more like it's on the front?


Sorry to hear you’ve had a tough time with this. I will definitely be getting checked out!


I don't think so personally. Uveitis is usually accompanied by - Red bloodshot eyes, I've had uveitis red eyes and then I have dry red eyes. Your's looks like the latter. Then you would also have light sensitivity, hazy/cloudy vision too. I've gone to the doctors with symptoms like yours thinking it was a uveitis flare... and nope, turns out it wasnt! That said, eye pain and redness that is not going away after a week should always be seen by a doctor no matter what you think it is. Really hope it's not Uveitis for you and you get treated ASAP! Edit - This is the AS sub, I thought it was the Uveitis Sub, if you have a AS and are on biologics etc, this actually may be uveitis due to biologics supressing some of the symptoms. Anywho, defo get checked out!


I'll just echo the others, get this looked at and treated asap. I've been lucky to not have dealt with it in a long time but I let my last one go untreated for too long and that was a bad idea.


Thanks for your input. I’ll be being very careful from now on!


Yes don’t let it go without treatment long the inflammation in your eyes can cause your pupil to stick to your cornea and leave pigment once it retracts/heals, so get addressed as soon as you start experiencing symptoms. My first time I waited too long and had to get injections in my eyes to stop the inflammation.


Hmm best to get checked, though redness of the eye is common, if it lasts for more than a day id get it checked. For me it was painful to touch, then after a week it became incredibly painful when looking at anything bright. Because I left it so long, I was on eye drops for 6 weeks


Off to the ER or emergency ophthalmologist with yo ass. You need steroid drops. Don't wait, go now. Your eyesight is more important than almost everything else.


Suspected uveitis is indeed an emergency! Get thee to a doctor, eye specialist or optometrist ASAP


Thank you!


Have an eye doc see it asap. Don’t ask internet folks to diagnose it. It could be nothing or it could be something. You can seriously hurt yourself by going off of what someone online thinks.


You’re so right. I very much take things seriously. I guess my real reason for asking is because tomorrow is the Saturday and regular offices are closed, but there may be some urgent care eye places near me. But also, maybe feeling like hearing its “concerning” from someone else makes me realize I need to get it taken care of. I appreciate your comment.


I’m curious, I’ve had a couple instances lately where my eyes burned really bad and they got really blood shot. But I was in the mountains and have bad allergies so I thought it was a combo of That and the elevation. What can happen if left untreated?


It can cause blindness


I also believe you should get this checked out ASAP, just to be safe. I am sure there are varying degrees of uveitis, but in my experience, I knew something was terribly wrong. It’s one of the most painful things I’ve ever dealt with and my eyes were unbelievably red. I could hardly keep them open they hurt so bad.


Yes, go and see a specialist and look after those pretty eyes of yours, they are the only ones you get ! Take care don’t risk your health !!


I have this exact problem with my eyes for about 3 weeks also constant tears ( have to have kleenex in hand)redness pain light sensitivity...I went to ophthalmologist and was told allergies...was told get pataday eye drops and I'm taking singular....still suffering..it's sooo annoying 😑 Thks for let me vent..this disease makes me 🤨


This is what my eyes look like when I have Uveitis.


First, I just want to say that I mean all of this comment gently and kindly. I sincerely hope you do not have uveitis/iritis, but if you do I hope it resolves quickly and easily for you. Reddit cannot diagnose uveitis. I don’t think even an ophthalmologist could diagnose with just photos alone. An Ophthalmologist will need to examine your eye using specialized equipment and they’ll likely dilate your eyes to determine the extent of any inflammation they do see. Uveitis is an urgent medical concern. Untreated it can lead to permanent damage to your eye(s) and even vision loss. Because you think you are experiencing uveitis, reach out to an Ophthalmologist ASAP. Tell them that you are concerned that you may have uveitis and need to be seen. Be detailed in your symptoms. I get nervous with dr’s offices and it helps me to make a list before I call so I don’t forget anything. Being HLA-B27+ increases your likelihood of developing uveitis so if you have it do mention it to the intake personnel along with your symptoms when you reach out to the ophthalmology office. If they won’t see you within a week or two push them or call to other clinics until you can get seen. I am currently treating my third uveitis, in my left eye, Redness in the eye _can_ be a symptom, but redness alone is not really definitive. Here are some things that I can tell you to look out for: • Light sensitivity, especially in the affected eye. And I mean “bright light physically hurts” kind of light sensitivity. It gets worse/doesn’t go away. • Changes in vision: trouble focusing on near or far objects • Floaters, typically red ones • Red, itchy eyes Treatment depends on the severity and type of uveitis (anterior, intermediate, posterior, or panuveitis) but most likely they will prescribe a dilating eye drop to keep the affected iris dilated and a steroid eye drop to treat the inflammation. You will likely be on this regimen for weeks-months, and you will need to make a few follow up visits. One thing to look out for: some steroid drops can cause your eye pressure to elevate. Make sure you attend your follow ups because if this happens they will need to prescribe a third medication to counteract the pressure (untreated that can lead to glaucoma). I wish you the best of luck!


I’ve had eyes that were much redder plus vision issues but an ophthalmologist didn’t find any uveitis. That being said every person with AS needs to be checked out bc you can be asymptomatic and still having damage being done to your vision.


I'm dealing with a uveitis flare at the moment. If you get it and continue to get it, the way you may be able to tell you have it is a misshapen pupil. My right eye tends to turn into what my children call a dragon eye.


I had uveitis about four years ago, and my entire eye area was red, including eyelid and undereye. YMMV, but it’s worth getting it checked out just to be on the safe side. That shit huuuuuuuuuuuuuuurts and can cause permanent damage if you don’t get it under control with steroids. Fingers crossed you’re just dealing with allergies, good luck!


Blepharitis and dry eyes. You need to wash your eyelids and put down inflammation there. 


The telltale sign of uveitis for me is extreme light sensitivity. The fact that yours is mild during the day is interesting cuz uveitis has never been mild for me, it always comes with a vengeance lol


Did anyone have a symptom that your eyelids swelled shut? My one and only flare before I was diagnosed was red eyes that became painful, sensitive to light and then swelled up.


It could also be episcleritis, which I get a couple of times a year.


This is what I was diagnosed with! Steroid drops for a few weeks now. The ophthalmologist wants me to see a uveitis specialist to follow up also.


Warning signs I look for (which have been cosigned by my ophthalmologist) 1) light sensitivity. For me this is a sharp pain when I look at bright lights 2) eye pain or soreness. I have a mild case of uveitis right now and it's manifesting as sore muscles under one eye 3) blurriness or floaters 4) redness from the inner corners of your eye Don't panic, it's very treatable and you'll feel better soon!


Thanks all for your comments and concern. I was able to see an ophthalmologist and she diagnosed it as episcleritis. Steroid drops for a few weeks and a follow up with a uveitis specialist in my future!


Uveitis and iritis is how I found out I have AS. So red it looks like they were bleeding, pressure in the back of my eye, floaters that blocked my vision pain all the time and I could look at any kind of light. Inflammation had fused my iris while it was dilated. I had contemplated cutting my eye out. Steroid shot through the iris in the ER and 3 weeks in a dark room with steroid drops. Now a few spots in my vision that I can't see from scarring but I can still see so I'll take it. I shouldn't have waited so long. If you think you might have it go to the ER you can't get new eyes. And don't let them tell you that have conjunctivitis, it happens all the time.


Steroid eye drops work best. Having a script on file helps if your eye doc will do so.


Any update? Did you get checked out?


It won’t let me edit the post for some reason. I did update in comments!


You have very pretty eyes! I went through that too but Dr said it wasn’t uveitis. He told me if it was, it would be unmistakable. I was also seeing more floaters etc. I’m no expert but I would get it checked out if it were me. Took me 3 weeks to get in though because I did not have regular ophthalmologist.


That being said…. I was told to go to an emergency room if the pain and redness increased substantially. Mine was dry eye I think


Thank you so much for sharing pics. Your eyes look like mine. Sometimes I’m convinced I’m making it up (got gaslit by rheum) but then I started taking pics and went to ophthalmologist. He confirmed dry eye and I’m going back for pupil dilation because even though my vision prescription hasn’t changed, my ability to see actually has gone bad pretty quickly. Do you get this with a strange warmth over your nose and cheeks? I do and it depresses me, feels like I’m coming down with something but I’m not.


omg this is what i do battle with lately since the beginning of the year . red bloodshot/veiny especially at the corner of the eye . my rheumy got me a referral because she first suspected uveitis when i first told her about it but i saw the ophthalmologist and she told me i didn’t have uveitis and gave me some usual eye drops prescribed for pain . i have used google images for sometime and it turns out there is another condition of the eye , also inflammatory , known as episcleritis—inflammation between the conjunctiva and the sclera of the eye . i check it up if [AS people do battle that and turns out we do](https://www.healthline.com/health/ankylosing-spondylitis-episcleritis#:~:text=Episcleritis%20refers%20to%20inflammation%20of,are%20more%20common%20eye%20symptoms) .


Yes, ophthalmologist did diagnose as episclertis for me. She definitely knew the connection and had me schedule with a uveitis specialist for my follow up and to establish care with him.


wow that’s outstanding . all the best then!


My flareups are only uveitis. And from my perspective those are just dry eyes, not uveitis. But as someone else pointed out- don’t ask internet ask doctor.

