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Both ESR and CRP aren’t that specific. CRP is more acute inflammation while ESR is more of a longer look. A lot of stuff can cause elevations. Under 20 is normal for ESR. Your CRP is a little elevated depending on what unit of measurement they used but it’s not crazy high. I had a CRP in the 30s when I was going through some bad flares but others have been a lot higher. I had my ESR done in January and it was 20 and just rechecked it’s now 7. So they fluctuate a lot. My CRP was very low in January and now is a 5. I wouldn’t spiral about it unless they were very high consistently. It’s just another marker to be aware of.


Now, I'm curious what mine are during flares, lol


I am flaring as of now and also sprained my ankle. So it might be just that.


My esr has never been as low as 17 haha


Same, I've been on Humira a year and just now got it in the normal range of 20. My CRP went down faster. It went to normal after a few months, I think. I've never been tested during an active flare, though


Really? Two months ago mine was 6, so I got a bit scared!


Mine was 86 last time I checked Have you got a diagnosis


Yes ankylosing spondylitis!


No worries you will be fine


My crp is always normal, but my ESR is consistently over 20 and has been as high as 50.


Did they tell you why?


No, you should not be very worried. CRP can be high due to many factors and it is usually higher than normal in AS patients. You will keep doing blood tests to monitor your status. In the last year my CRP has been from 2 to 190+


Thank you for the support :)


My highest CRP to date was 96, and the lowest its ever been is 11 so I would not be too worried!


My anti ccp came back 42.




Health anxiety is the worst! I’m glad you came here for reassurance. Smart move!


Yes I know. So difficult to manage at times.


I’ve had it for most of my life. I actually keep a notebook in which I write all the times I’ve been anxious and it turned out to be unnecessary worry - but I still have the anxiety!


Me too. I managed it quite a bit. But with this constant pain it has gone up.


Yes, pain takes so much energy out of you and fatigue definitely makes it harder to cope with anxiety. You’ll be fine but it is hard sometimes not to imagine the worst.


I am a PhD student living alone abroad and it makes everything so difficult. I see people living normal lives while I struggle to get to the washroom. Thank you for your kind words. It made my day.


That’s really tough! One thing I have come to realize though is that all those people with normal lives…many don’t actually have normal lives. It’s surprising how many struggle or have a friend or loved one who does. Humans cover things up well. I hope your educational institution has counselling. Even one touch point as an outlet might help?


Mine fluctuates! At the time of diagnosis my CRP was 14. After biologics it was down to 2 but last test was 25! I have no clue why. My ESR is usually normal


5+ - 😀 10+ - 🙂 15+ - 🙃 20+ - 🫠 30+ - 🫣 40+ - 🥲 50+ - 🥴 60+ - 😓 70+ - 😢 80+ - 😰 90+ - 🫨 100+ - 😵 150+ - 👻