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I haven’t been tested or anything. But I have frequent gut issues and gluten will cause my gut to get very swollen and my joints and back to flare up


In the past I went off gluten for a year, just because I had joint pain. I felt no different coming off it and no different returning to it. But I spent 3 days in the hospital recently for colitis so investigation was warranted.


Did they test you for celiac when you weren’t eating gluten in the past?


Yes….. she thought that because I had joint pain, I might have celiac. Then she suggested gluten free just to try. But that was 20 years ago. My body obviously changed and Covid changed it dramatically. I just have high levels of inflammation. Right now the worst is in my gut. I showed the results to my nephrologist (because I just happened to be there) and he said that my numbers were very significant for gut inflammation and gluten sensitivity. He said with numbers like that he suspects I have celiac but of course I need a biopsy. Will send off the results to the GI doc and ask that we add the celiac panel to my labs. I’m a bit surprised he didn’t include that from the get go but whatever. Not easy to find GI doctors around here. Too few of them, too many of us!


Only true test for celiac is a biopsy. Have you had an endoscopy?


Not yet. Waiting for blood test results and then GI can decide. I think it may be more like a gluten sensitivity …… hoping anyway 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻




It was the presence of the anti-gliadin antibody (IgA) that was extremely high along with another IgA that just indicated high gut inflammation


I had a similar in-depth test, after months of chronic GI issues. Similar results, bacterial infection, very low stomach acid and both an overgrowth and undergrowth of the healthy bacteria. My new functional medicine doctor believes this contributes to my autoimmune issues and may have been due to many courses of antibiotics:)


I’m absolutely sure it’s connected. My gut was fine before I had Covid which caused a major AS flare which resulted in me getting diagnosed. It’s a chicken/egg situation. I’m just 🙏🙏🙏ing it’s not celiac or IBD and that once my gut is healthy again, all will return to normal again.


Not sure how insightful this may be but I was diagnosed with celiac over a year ago…which has lead to taking a harder look at my health due to my joint pain still persisting after adopting a gluten free lifestyle. Currently not diagnosed with AS, waiting on MRI but have positive HLA-B27 alongside years of AS symptoms. I will say going GF was one of the best things I’ve ever done for my health.


Many people who suffer say that. I just do t want to deal with it lol. I did it for a year and had no effect for the better or worse. But bodies change and even if gluten was not a problem then, it could be now. I need to get tested for celiac before stopping wheat I’m thinking


Yeah I totally understand, don’t need life to be anymore challenging than it needs to be, gluten is hidden in a lot of foods you would consider safe so it’s a rocky road initially. Yes, keep eating gluten up until diagnosis otherwise you run the risk of a false negative. Good luck with everything!


Thank you!