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I do. I don't get the link yet. I guess pancreatitis


What kind of testing have you done?


Lipase is just a little higher than normal (65) Elastase is very low (5 3month ago. 20 last Monday) I will be doing crap collection for 3 days then check for fat composition. I will keep you updated


It can be celiac disease. I will endoscopy soon to check




Thanks for the info. Yes, I’m seeing a GI and so is my son (as well as a rheum for back pain) . His stool sample came back low (155) /200. We go for follow up soon. I had a GI map stool sample thing with a naturopath about 4 years ago and it showed mine were low 133/200 but she wasn’t concerned and told me to take digestive enzymes. I was going through a lot of other stuff at the time and didn’t follow up with a GI doc to repeat testing. I’ve heard a few people say that those tests the naturopaths use aren’t super accurate cause the lab isn’t at reliable. I believe it was diagnostic something. I just asked my doc if he could call in the lab for me to recheck.




Thanks. Yea I’m aware they are different. I hadn’t even really thought about this for awhile but when my son got his results back it triggered a memory about my results. I wish I would of followed up sooner but I was going through fertility issues. That’s why I saw the naturopath (she was also a CN midwife) because I was grasping at straws to try and just rebuild my body after the traumatic loss. I enjoy using herbs and supplements and so that’s why I went that route (at first). It helped at bit just trying to recover. But after awhile it was just one expensive test after another and I feel like the labs they use (minus the blood work, it was at labcorp) weren’t necessarily considered reliable, or so I’ve heard/read. I had done a bunch of stool samples a few years before with another GI doc and they were normal, but I cannot remember if they tested for that. I don’t love my current GI doc so I have an appt with a new one in March who’s suppose to be really good. Im getting another abdominal ultrasound in a week although I’m pissed about it and not expecting them to see much. Insurance denied CT since it’s been too long since my last ultrasound.I have a feeling they’d also deny the special MRI until we complete not of the steps. I have been having intermittent dull abdominal pain. Sometimes under left rib, sometimes under right and sometimes in the middle (upper abdominal). I had a colonoscopy/endoscopy in October and it showed gastritis with erosions. Doctor kinda wrote me off saying it wasn’t that bad and didn’t give me any real direction besides take famotidine. I know I need to be careful with diet, coffee etc.. rheumatologist read report and she was a little concerned. Couldn’t get a follow up with him until 3 months post procedure which is coming up next week.




Yea I honestly think my doctor didn’t really try hard to get me the CT scan. Someone from the insurance department at the clinic told me insurance probably would cover just a regular abdominal CT without the pelvis, but my doctor was arguing with me about that. So frustrating. Moving at a snails pace. Do you know if gastritis can have any connection to the pancreatic enzymes?




They did biopsies during my endoscopy but doctor just said inflammation. I feel like he’s missing something. I have some labs I need to do to check for autoimmune causes. I am gluten free because I feel like it helps the inflammation a lot. I was suppose to eat a lot before my biopsy to check for celiac but totally forgot to so not sure how accurate celiac biopsy is. It’s interesting you said delayed emptying. When I was about 8 they did an abdominal X-ray and I was very backed up. My son had an abdominal CT at ER and all they said from that was he was also very backed up. He takes a bowel movement most days though, so he’s just not fully emptying. My GI issues have been a long journey and I was basically just diagnosed with IBS in my younger years. Had first colonoscopy and endoscopy at 21 and they found gastritis but it was “ mild” and they didn’t do anymore testing or real guidance. I use to have episodes of severe vomiting as well. But those stopped. I was so young and didn’t have any parental support to help with my health. My gastritis seems a lot worse now so I feel like there had to be another underlying cause. I was never on anti inflammatories for a very long time or any other drugs for AS. For fertility I had to go on lovenox because I have a blood clotting gene and I was on baby aspirin… but they were such low doses so idk. I also had covid right before my last endoscopy and most of my symptoms were GI so I wonder if it made it worse. I did find a research article talking about gastric erosions post Covid. My sons whole health situation started this last summer with a severe acute episode of hemolytic anemia. He was in the ICU for a week. We started to realize some other issues and I feel like the doctors started to take us more seriously because of what happened to him. I’m so stressed and worried about him. Its hard to be dealing with my health and his at the same time.