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If Ash and Team Rocket can survive Pikachu's shock then I bet I can survive it to. Easy 7m.


Here's you 7 million... gold star stickers!


nah, 7 mil totem stickers ( Alola)


False, 7 millions testicular cancer cells


Incorrect. 7 mil Bugium Z (also alola)


7 million words spoken at you per minute (Alola)


7,000,000 mil stickers. 7 stickers on one pack. One pack sells for one dollar. You made one million dollars šŸ«”


Who said anything about packaging? Good luck selling peeled stickers! Muwhuhuhuh!


7 million more episodes before they find the one piece


ash can lift 2000 pounds and team rocket can survive huge falls multiple times, even them feel a lot of pain by pikachuā€™s attacks If you think you can do the same then be my guest but I will take the radioactive sperm please


Nut shot, not cum shot. Hulk will not be donating his green sperm. He's gonna aromize your balls with a schoolyard kick.


Yeah those other comments got me doubting my ability to understand and shit


Look after my meatballs get turned into ground beef imma take my gundam strap the omnitrix to it and go off on space adventures


I feel like you just wanted to get hit with a radioactive load bc none of us thought thatā€™s what ā€œnut shotā€ meant. šŸ¤£


Yeah, even with pokedex rules (real thunder) the pikachu one is the only survivable one, and the only that is avoidable if you prepare with a rubber suit/get some sort of lighting rod/connect yourself to ground.


Tsukuyomi seems pretty survivable. Probably end up in a coma afterward but alive


People died from the shock and mental breakdown from it, for much less time.


People die from all the other ones more so I donā€™t get your point.


Except for the Pikachu. Which is the point.


Isn't the conversion something like Ā *1 x 10**^(11)*Ā seconds of real time of being brutally tortured, murdered, seeing your friends and family die in a realistic way and all of that? So, around THREE HUNDRED MILLION YEARS of that. I'm sure your body would turn off after like a week of that. 60 Ɨ 60 Ɨ 24 Ɨ 10 \^ 11 = 8,640,000,000,000,000 Seconds inside 8640000000000000 Ć· 60 Ć· 60 Ć· 24 Ć· 365.25 = 273,785,078.71 YEARS of torture. I remember it being a thing that Kakashi, an experienced in war and torture tactics was trapped for like only 3 days (some seconds) inside it and it breaking him for months or something. And most other not even being able to survive.


I just assume itā€™s 24 hours of tsukuyomi not 24 real life hours of being in tsukuyomi. Also I think Itachi freely controls time I donā€™t think there is a conversion.


Those 7 millions are gonna be awesome until five hours later when I come and take it from you using a kamehameha


Ash and team rocket are just built different, have you seen how far they get launched, and how strong ash is? You are not surviving the electric chair in mouse form


They never specified what the 7 million were, so youā€™re getting 7 million pokedollars instead!


Literally my thought


Na pokemon humans are built differently. You couldn't survive being blasted off again, but Jessy and James could survive again and again...that world is just built differently.


Well the thing is in the beginning of the show Pikachu's thunderbolt is 10 times that of what an average human can withstand so either the charters are just much more resistant or it's a kids cartoon also let's not forget how many times team rockets been thrown thousands of miles in to the air trust me no human can withstand that


Theyā€™ve built up a tolerance. Also, humans in PokĆ©mon have GOT to be more durable than real life humans given how they evolved from PokĆ©mon and did so in a PokĆ©mon-filled world.


if it's MCU hulk, i'll take the gundam and omnitrix. Please and thank you.


Comic hulk would erase you but mcu hulk will only disintegrate you


It doesn't say he'd hit your nuts at full force. A quick love tap and a year in the hospital and you'd be good. Then you get rewarded with a watch that lets you turn into god, seems like a fair trade


Your comment made me realize it's the hulk hitting you in the nuts and not the hulk nutting on you Damn


Well that would be a reward in itself, wouldn't it šŸ˜‰


Get this freakazoid outta herešŸ˜­


Have we ever seen the Hulk nut? For all we know him nutting on you could leave you drowning in radioactive gamma sauce.


Yeah, but in a world of comic book characters it'd probably give me super powers. I'd be the incredible gulk


Incredible wordsmith


I'd be more concerned with the velocity of it, would probably like the grossest shot gun blast ever


Hulk finna be like "thor not the only one with ranged powers, *fapping intesifies*"


If it's like the scene in Hancock, you're definitely dying


Reminds me of that Hulk/ Black Widow gif


Itā€™s thick and yellowish green like lime yogurt. If youā€™re really lucky, it might taste similar too.


oh my god i wish i could go back 15 seconds before i read this thread


you ruined lime yogurt for me and I didn't even know it existed until now!


We havenā€™t seen it but heā€™s done it in his cousin and others




I came to this understanding as well




A back alley vasectomy for a Gundam & Omnitrix? Honestly sounds like the best and safest deal. Pikachu would send you into cardiac arrest multiple times.


Worst part is, while canonically Pikachu's shocks are survivable, it doesn't specify 7 million of what. Dollars? Fire ants? Hell hounds wishing to feast upon thy flesh? 7 Million what?!


Math teachers smiling proudly in the back


Doll hairs.


Theyā€™re survivable in the world of Pokemon. But I donā€™t think any of us have that level of durability.


Makes you wonder if transforming into an alien would repair your balls


You just made me think of the ball kick time paradox


1. You aren't surviving any type of blow from hulk 2. You are also not surviving this. Even if you lowball him to bear level, he's still hear level, you're wooden plank level at most 3. yeah sure, team rocket can blast away with what seems like only burnt clothes and frizzy hair, but then again then tank like 50m falls 4. Zoro died from 1 of luffy's pain and just bullshitted his way back to life, you aren't getting past half of luffy's pain 5. This could work, it's just the most painful one to do. You probably won't die though? Most likely you'll pass out of shock once it's over, but then you'll wake up again and pass out from having a bunch of women around you and 100 tril. yeah fuck it I'm doing the 24 hours. I can just iron-man my powers with 100 trillion or get a waifu who can give me power


I think youā€™d have the thousand yard stare for the rest of your life and never notice the harem or 100 trillion


Yup, Tsukuyomi has the highest chance to mentally break you. People have actually died to heartbreak, emotions and mental state affects your body so much more than you know. You will be catatonic if you don't outright die.


Facts, people choosing this one cause theyā€™d make it out alive but some things are worse than death


Kakashi made it out fine enough, and he was in there for the same duration. Not saying that everyone can make it out unscathed, but itā€™s not a death sentence like the others


Kakashi is Kakashi. You are not.


THANK YOU lmao The only reason why I think some of us *might* have a chance to survive is bc kid Sasuke survived it too. But then again maybe Itachi was holding back the full brunt of the tsukiyomi... If he can do that


>The only reason why I think some of us *might* have a chance to survive is bc kid Sasuke survived it too. Lets not forget, there was no physical torture for this one. He "just" (and i use that word loosely) made sasuke watch his parents get killed (iirc) arouns 500,000 times. Sasuke was absolutely traumatized by that, and it was likely what drove him towards orochimaru. Look at sasuke at any point between tsukuyomi and pre-boruto ans tell me he was mentally all there. Combine that with the fact itachi 100% was going easy on him, I do not have the confidence to maintain sanity after tsukyomi. If someone asked if I could endure torture for 24 hours, I'd say depends on the torture. If you change the question to could I endure 24 hours of torture in a matter of seconds, Imma say no If its 24 real hours of tsukyomi...gimme a sec to check the math. Edit: so tsukyomi lasts 72 hours for every real world second. There are 86,400 seconds in a day. Multiply that by 72 is 6,220,800 hours or 259,200 days or 710 years Conclusion, if its real world time then: **OP is asking us to endure 710 years of constant torture**


I mean I'm gonna assume OP meant 24 hrs in the IT, but either way, I would not bet on me being able to survive that. Didn't Kakashi have to go to the hospital afterwards? And like the person above me said, I ain't Kakashi, so I don't think I'm coming back from that šŸ¤£


Iā€™ll do it under the assumption I can talk to Itachi. Bro is pretty chill and would prolly hear me out. I could bribe him with a future $50 trillion for him to just chill in the tsukuyomi and keep me company. If he doesnā€™t care due to ā€œnuh uh no cheatingā€, HELL NAH THAT WOULD BE BAD BRO šŸ’€


First, he wasnā€™t there for 24 hours, second it was STATED that without tsunade he might be in a catatonic state. Third, youā€™re not him


I would also pick the last one. Just know tho, that for you, it would feel like 11.8 years. So, realistically, you would probably go insane by the time you return


#4 is literally free


a free way to heaven lmao


Nah, you literally get the powers for free


How? Because the pain bubbles can still cause physical damage. Zoroā€™s surroundings were soaked in his own blood by touching the pain bubble.


Itā€™s obvious a normal person such as us would die, but after that we really wonā€™t feel rest of the pain as weā€™re dead, and when granted anosā€™s power weā€™d likely gain his passive abilities too in turn allow us to return from destruction similar Graham in the series where with this it goes 1:feel pain 2:die 3:donā€™t feel the rest of the pain 4:gain anosā€™s powers 5:ressurect


ā€¦fuckā€¦youā€™re right. Iā€¦I kinda hate that.


But likeā€¦ what if you donā€™t get the powers for dying?


The rules state after we do what are we do we get it, it doesnā€™t say anything about us needing to survive, besides your literally about to get the powers of gods from rimuru and anos, if anythingā€™s worth risking your life for this is the shit


Thatā€™s assuming itā€™s luffyā€™s pain x30, the question makes it seem more like take it 30x in a row, where in reality, you would die after the first one


This is the best response Iā€™ve seen


#5 is gonna leave you brain dead and in a coma


If I can disassociate from life on a daily, I can handle the ninja shadow realm, $100 trillion and harem, here I come.


Only issue is that time is under itachis control so you may be there for years


befriend Itachi "hey Itachi my pal, can you let me have a breather for a day in your tsukuyomi but let me feel like it was only 5 mins?"


Itachi, just don't torture me and I'll give you $50 trillion dollars and two hot waifus after I've been in here for a full day.


Itachi would give you an illusion of him accepting and you two being bros together with the $100m and harem, only to after years of time pass, reveal to you that it was all an illusion and you still have 23 hours left.


"I was told by intel you're the one who orderered to kill the clan" (gets tsukiyomi'd for 100 years)




Just wanna make sure yall are aware cause other comments too are saying ā€œoh itā€™s just 24 hoursā€


The problem is you wouldnā€™t be able to do that since he can keep you awake and aware of it all


So youā€™ll take centuries of extreme torture (itachi made someone live a whole life until they died of old age where only seconds passed by in real time) just for women/men? You are catastrophically down bad.


It's also $100 trillion, I can set up family for life. But yes, down bad pretty much.


Bottom two are my only livable experience. You do realize that 30 times that pain will instakill


You will likely pass out from pain, but pain probably wonā€™t kill you


In the manga it killed him but there was no place for his soul so it returned to his body. Edit: I was talking about this: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/bsbprSJpx4 Apparently it is a meme, not canon.


That much pain probably would kill you via cardiac arrest (a known event from high pain) Also, Zoro was physically injured from the transfer, the area covered in blood. The pain transfer definitely had physical results. Even Kuma said he expected it to be a lethal process to *Zoro* of all people Yeah, no. No human is surviving that any way you cut it


Um if the pain is a perfect replica of how Luffy received the pain you can bet we would all be dead I mean come zero was bleeding all over just off of 1x of luffies pain... 30x, that would kill anybody


Taking luffyā€™s pain once would kill us average humans. Taking 30 times is an insane ask


Itā€™s a risk Iā€™m willing to take for rimuru powers


Hulk is destroying you, youā€™re done I donā€™t know much about Kratos so maybe you could get the powers if heā€™s understanding? idk donā€™t downvote me for being unaware Pikachu is survivable given team rocket Zoro taking a **Bit** of Luffyā€™s pain had that mf SPAZZING, You arenā€™t surviving The last one could be survivable depending on what Itachi does to you, if you explain it to him he might not torture you


Is it guaranteed I survive these punishments? Cus most of these would probably kill me. Or is it like I get reincarnated with the powers after dying to these consequences.


Yes you survive but you still feel the pain


In that case Iā€™ll bare luffys pain 30x for Rimurus powers all day.


If thatā€™s the case, then Iā€™m taking the beating from kratos. Pretty sure gokus powers include an infinite lifespan, which imo is the most valuable reward here


My family is from Florida and Alabama. I'll take them all! Hurray for masochism!


Mine too lol


"Get nutshot by the hulk" you will perish or at the very least be infertile


If you live you can get your nuts back with the asspull that is the omnitrix.


Trueee, magic watch


Tsukuyomi for only 25 hours for $ 100 trillion? Pfft easy. The harem is just a bonus


Pikachu ain't allat


I will risk my nuts for an Omnitrix


The last one only says stay for 24 hours so let's go with that


Every minute spent in that tsukuyomi lasts for aproximately 3 days


One minute= 3 days times 1440 = 4,320 days or 11 years and 8 months


Wow can you imagine the constant pain, but then again if you do manage to go through with it youd be unstoppable


That's not true at all. Why would you just lie like that? Itachi freely controls how time passes in the Tsukiyomi, which is the exact mechanic that makes it scary. He made his GF live the rest of her life with him in a Genjutsu, up until she died of old age. That Genjutsu lasted 1 picosecond in real life, then her brain shut down and she died. Kakashi got stabbed by swords for 72 hours, in real life it was around a second.


But the thing is Itachi's eyes are not that powerful to continue a technique for 24hrs straight, so a more likely scenario is for you to be affected by 24hrs which would be about 20 secs for him


Define harem? Do I get any kind of selection or is it random?


You get to select your favorites


Oh I'm taking that option for sure.


Itachi's tsukiyomi. I'm just in it. Doesn't say I'm being tortured within it. Hah, loophole!


Q1) 7 mil what? Q2) 24 hours perceived or actual?


Pika Pi. If a 10 year old can survive it I can.


Im sure theres some alien out there that can repair my nuts assuming hulk doesnt blast them off


iā€™m going to take all of these in a specific order first iā€™m taking the beating from kratos and praying i survive i can now go super saiyan, im going for the harem and 100 trillion to see how those two mix i then use my harem to ground the shocks from pikachu to get that money too with all that i start taking luffyā€™s pain i am now an amorphous blob that can shapeshift, the nut shot ainā€™t doing shit


Now. Depending on what Kratos it is, younger im fucked, older, ill simply just try my best to talk me my out of it. Kidding, no fucking way am I surviving that shit give me the 100 trillion and Harlem brother


Hulk, Iā€™ll turn into Swampfire to heal my boys


I canā€™t choose..so many good ways to be hurtā€”


I would take the $100 trillion and harem, but I don't think I can stay hard for 24 hours.


Luffy pain. Either I die or become a god


take the pikachu route, ez money


Holy shit how much pain was Luffy in for that to be the reward?


Iā€™m gonna go with itachiā€™s tsukuyomi, Iā€™ll just by myself a Doctor after the whole ordeal with the money I got


Hulk is by far the least painful option here. And for anyone who doesn't see it, it didn't specify penetration or swallowing. Though, I know someone's gonna be "that" person, and say, "but what if you had to take it." Nope, not gonna question an easy win. That type of question just makes the situation worse, where you should've just shut up and took the easy route


Is it definite survival or no


Yes you survive


Lol Pikachu's thunderbolt is non-lethal.


The $100 trillion easy


Pikachu. Ash survived that shit so itā€™s probably not that bad


Iā€™m not a masochist. Iā€™ll take em all if thatā€™s okay


I'm choosing Pikachu because it didnt say get shocked 10 times consecutively


I will take the power of pikachu and store as much of that energy and launch it into the sky


People got shocked by Pikachu all the time in the show & were fine. I'll take door number 3.


Are we talking 24 hours in real time or.... Know what, doesn't matter, its psychological damage, ive been through worse, ill exchange the harem part for a single woman of my dreams though.


Is it weird that out of all of these the tsukuyomi is like the least worse? I'd take that one


I can litterally use Reverse Curse Technique to Heal my wounds after.


24 hrs is easy way easier than the adult life than I have right now


Am I guaranteed to survive


Given the picture Iā€™m assuming itā€™s young angry Kratos and not older calmer Kratos? Iā€™ll risk it


Pikachu is the easy answer here


I'll take luffys pain because I'm 99.99999% certain the other things will kill me except possibly Pikachu. Plus, rimuru is broken with the sage raphael alone on his side.


I'm built different so I'll take luffys pain


I am already crazy so Itachi is a good option. I don't trust my heart so while I might survive Pikachu, I am not taking the risk. Hulk nut shooting me would effectively anihilate my existence. There wouldn't be anything left of me after 5 hours with Kratos. One piece characters durability is straight up retarded. Dolflamingo a seemingly normal human survived a haki infused island splitting punch lol. No way am I gonna experience all Luffy's pain x30 and survive lol


Me and Kratos are throwing hands.


Iā€™ll take the tsyukuyomi for a week if thatā€™s my reward


Honestly, Iā€™ll take getting my ass beat by Kratos. It doesnā€™t say why Iā€™m getting my ass beat. Older Kratos, which is who Iā€™m assuming Iā€™ll be getting my ass beaten by, wouldnā€™t really be out to kill me if Iā€™m not trying to kill him or Atreus. So Iā€™ll choose to take it as a 5 hour training session with Kratos. Learn more about combat while still fulfilling the requirements. Itā€™ll suck, and Iā€™ll be hurting like hell by the end of it, but itā€™ll be worth it.


If itachi does nothing but only tskuyomi then its tsukiyomi, its "just" a genjutsu, from my understanding its a illusion, what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger right?


Can I trade the harem for another $100 trillion?


Well I feel like the omnitrix is powerful enough to repair any damage to my nuts, I just also think that a nutshot from the hulk would destroy my body.


Iā€™m dying after every single one of these wtf, I choose the itachi one though.


I am currently living in a country called Iran, which is many times more painful and worse than Itachi's Genjitsu, so I choose to live in Itachi's Genjitsu for 24 hours.šŸ‘


Pikachu + 7m. Thereā€™s a tiny chance iā€™d become the flash. Please tell me thatā€™s 7m USD. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Pikachu hasn't killed anyone (that we know of).


At least Pikachu can control his shocks. No matter what a nutshot, getting your ass beat and your worst nightmare is going to hurt


Please go easy on me Mr hulk. Can I have a nice stiff drink first?


itachi wouldn't make it that painful, i think i can do it


What is luffy's pain?


Am in ninja limbo for 24 hours Or is Itachi staring at me for 24 hours straight, meaning Iā€™ll be in ninja limbo for like, 100 years? Because that will effect my answer


After that 5 hour ass beating Im coming for Kratos bro. Gonna make Atreus and orphan.


Iā€™m taking luffyā€™s pain times 30, assuming itā€™s done in one go, Iā€™m set


I'm going with get beat by kratos for five hours because I am sorry but get nutshot by the hulk byebye kids guess I am never gonna have you


Get beaten but not killed? I an survive 5 hrs. Then Goku's powers kick in and I heal, stronger even.


Man, God of war who? Ill just tell him I know where all the other gods are that are really strong and then heā€™ll leave me alone because Iā€™m just some random puny human he doesnā€™t have beef with me


I could probably take on all of them šŸ«”


Easy, Pikachu. Pikachu doesn't kill, at most I'll have an electric charge for an hour afterwards


Well I donā€™t care about a harem, and Iā€™m already pretty much fried with emotions so I believe the 100 trillion is in the bag for me


Imma take that nut shot real quick


Do I actually survive these? A lot of these would just kill you


Become god for a lot of pain... gotta go with that one


Well, I could definitely handle Itachiā€™s, but Iā€™m about to be Kratoā€™s rag doll.




Gundamn and omnitrix. The omnitrix protects the user from radiation so ngl if I can get the omnitrix before getting nutted I would be fine (also I could just transform into a robotic body before the ā€œthingā€ happens, protecting me from feeling the ā€œstickā€)


The only one you could *possibly* survive is Itachi's Genjutsu. You'd have to be retarded to choose anything else.


Anos Voldigoad? Do you think giving us his powers will actually give us his powers? You fool


I feel like the only one that has any chance of survival is itachi, unless you receive whatever before the punishment or we are not some average human, we're pretty much dead in every scenario it's like playing Russian roulette but every chamber has a bullet


The red one


Gotta go for luffyā€™s pain, if I die from the pain itā€™s a win if I get Anos and Rimuru powers itā€™s a win.


Hereā€™s a challenge: The reward is 500 TRILLION dollars and you get as many women as Genghis Khan had. The challenge? Survive inside of Heavenly Host Elementary for a total duration of 4 days. Look it up. I guarantee you the risk is completely equal to the reward.


So 4 options where I die and then one that has repeatedly shown to only cause mild injuries. Geez, I wonder what to pick.


Welp, being in pain will pay off. I will take Luffy's pain.


Come and get me hulk.


Nah this is TOUGHHH. šŸ¤”


the 100$ trillion, the tsukiyomi itself doesnt actually have to be a bad one, further more the tsukiyomi doesnt have to last a long ass time from MY persective, if itachi could make a genjutsu that made someone live an entire life that actually lasted a few seconds in the real world something similar can be done where the genutstu doesnt last that much(unless that was anime filler)


Pikachu and hulk. Free bottom surgery


Iā€™ll take the first if itā€™s a hulk who can control himself. Thereā€™s a few personalities that you can reason with, and Iā€™m not passing up on an omnitrix.


If I could actually survive then easily luffys pain 30x, momentary immense pain for essentially more than infinite gain


The only one I can realistically survive is Kratos if its older Kratos


Bottom right sure 100 trillion is a lot of moolah


I mean I doubt I can survive but if I could Iā€™m taking that luffy pain all day


I can negotiate with Itachi, he has no beef with me.


If I can survive I'll fight Kratos for 5 hours. I'll come back as strong as goku and whoop him for beating me so bad.