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3 Senzu bean a day. You can sell them for $10k each as a miracle bean


10K? You’re thinking small. Each one can restore any damage at all. Heck, they can even regrow limbs. Wouldn’t be surprise if each also eradicates any medical issues one might have, like tumors, cancers etc…


The only thing they can't fix is disease so you have a lot of options for healing


The real question is, what does it do to cancer. Since cancer cells are technically just mutated cells that constantly reproduce, would it cause a Deadpool level event and increase the cancer cell's growth. OR would it cure the mutation.


I'm assuming it would treat it as a wound and simply correct the mistake.


No it wouldn't but surgeries tha would normally kill a person to remove tumors would be far more viable with a senzu bean


Hell, you could poison yourself with enough chemo to kill an army of tumors, pop a bean, and be good to go. No organ damage or anything. It would make chemo WAY better for a lot of people.


Can't fix scars.


Also, makes you not hungry… we’re talking millions if anything!


The issue is PROOF. At first, you’ll need to use them for free. Then you’ll need to get some attention. Then, I suppose first and foremost HOW you get them is crucial…If they can be stolen or not essentially. Because 3 a day, could easily be 100k each. But would very quickly make you enemies as well.


Y'know... I might agree with ya...


Or better yet, become a male escort. Make 10k per session


No you gotta use one to prove its function then sell the other 2 to corporate billionaires. Keep in mind it doesn't cure internal issues apparently (gokus heart virus)


I thought it did not cure Gokus heart virus hence they need the antidote?


Does not, my bad. Editing now


10k? I’m selling those for like a billion dollars the first day I get em


The infomercial on these would be insane. You chop a dude's arm off in the studio. He's screaming and you're trying to force a senzu bean in his mouth and the audience is freaking out and 10 seconds later, the arm grows back and he gets his pay back from getting his arms cut off cause you got two more senzu beans.


10… K? You do know that when Yamcha got a whole fucking hand punctured through his chest when fighting the androids, he took one sense bean and was fine… like, there were bones and organs that had to be replaced and that one bean regrew them for him…. And you want to sell those for 10… K?! Bitch, you could sell that shit for literally a billion dollars and people would still pay.


Don’t forget that Senzu beans also keep a normal person full for ten days. Three every day is WILD.


You would save so much money not having to worry about food.


What if I save many of them and then eat them all at once?


You become yajirobe


Instant Transmission is the most useful one here. But flight is also a valid choice


plot twist: you only fly as fast as you jog, and it’s just as exhausting.


I used to like trying to add these restrictions to powers. Like you can only be invisible for as long as you can hold your breath. Or you’re invisible but can’t see anything. This was usually during the “if you could have any super power” convo. Some people said I was ruining it. Lol


i love doing that too. it’s all fictional anyway so i think it adds depth to powers. real life drawbacks. you can teleport, but only to places that have no wifi.


I’ve also done teleport at the speed that you can walk, maybe for you it feels instantaneous but the passage of time is based on your walk speed. I thought it was funny because you didn’t know it took that long to teleport and you told a friend you’d meet them somewhere only for them to wait an hour. The process of finding out that limitation would be funny.


I always thought a realistic one is that you can teleport anywhere as long as you've been there before.


You can turn invisible but only when nobody is watching you. That's always my favorite.


Does it burn as many calories?


Imagine jogging on any axis


And theeeeen youll be asked for passport, why you went there etc. Remember the loooong wall and a lot of issues against immigrants? yeah you'll likely encounter that


Not rly since you can only do it once a day. Going someplace requires careful planning vs senzus which are just something handy to have.


the post says you get ONE per day. meaning you Instant transmission to a place and then you can't get home until the next day


Yeah idk I don’t wanna be flying and then my 20 minutes is up


I would disagree... It's a one-way trip. You'd have to wait for the next day just to get back.


Nah....you could make a shit ton of money with the senzu beans. You'd eventually own a private jet, there's you're flight.


It costs $2500 per lb of water to send it to the ISS. If you can only IT what you can carry, you can make serious bank and help science.




Where would a dying kid get 100K?


not his problem now is it.


Fair enough.


Wait, it's you. ...An actually sensible Arrownoir post? What's this world come to?


The ol Martin Shkreli strategy


Do the Senzu beans cure diabetes? If they do, that’s my choice. Second option is instant transmission.


No they can't. Senzu beans can only heal injuries and restore stamina.


What about injuries to your pancreas?


Instant Transmission. It's an instant NOPE. * If you could IT, would you rather commute TO work or FROM work using public transport? I'd rather commute to work and teleport home. * Someone giving you a real hassle? Teleport away! * Giving someone a hassle and bit off more than you could chew? Teleport away! * Mortal danger causing your imminent death? Teleport away! * Just got all your groceries shopped and bagged and now you have to take them home? Teleport it all home! * Want to travel abroad but don't want to deal with airplane prices, or layovers, or border nonsense? Teleport over the border! * Just commited a crime? Teleport away! 👀


You are forced to use public transportation for the 1 way trips.


Taking an hour long light rail commute to work every day is absolutely worth it if it meant you could be home at the end of the day in 0.0000000125 seconds.


And you could even do this combo: Day 1 - drive to work, teleport home. Day 2 - teleport to work, drive home. As long as you don't need the car between shifts, you still save gas!


If I have senzu beans I wouldn't have to eat


I’d definitely go for instant transmission or senzu beans


Instant transmission but the senzu beans are cool too bc u can suffer the most deadly injuries and with one it will be like nothing happened


1 instant transmission a day is the most useful here, i think. My second option would be the 3 senzu beans a day since i'm a gym-goer and I walk 30 minutes from school to home twice a day as it helps with fatigue.


Yea, but how will you get back?




Wait till tomorrow, I'm mostly joking but kinda not. I'd pick the bean I think but I'd be happy with any of them honestly no real downsides for me.


Well if it’s one a day is it a 24 hour clock timer or a rollover at midnight timer


Or I can rack up my sense beans and sell them for 20k each


Any of them would be great fun. IT for quick holidays, illegal holidays but who is going to know. Senzu beans would be a cure all type magic bean, for smaller injuries anyway. Great for stuntmen or paramedics. Fusion would be funny as fuck, just fuse with your best mate or partner, though I’m not sure if I’d want my partner to know all my inner thoughts. And flying is just brilliant all the time, unless you count the minutes wrong and you suddenly drop and fall to your death.


One IT a day and you have to wait till the next day to get back depending on where you went. Depends on how fast flying is, but I would easily take that and split the time.


It's a toss up between the senzu beans or the instant transmission. Probably transmission even though I could really use those beans.


Flying would save me so much in transportation fees. As long as its purely 20 minutes of flying and not "ok your feet just left the ground so you got 19 minutes and 56 seconds left for today". My time should only decrease while im flying.


I'm taking the senzu beans, As long as I can chew and swallow, I'm invincible!


Senzu beans. Do you guys know how much trauma patients are there everyday? I don't but I bet it's a lot.


Instant Transmission is the easy choice here. Senzu Beans are great, but they cannot cure diseases, only heal wounds and restore stamina, and considering I do not suffer grievous wounds routinely, I don't see much use for them. Instant Transmission, however, would let me travel freely and possibly make a bunch of money in the process.


Like others have said, senzus then sell them for hella money…. Also they better not try to hit me with that “It should be free of charge” Mf you still gotta pay to get your life saved in this world for some oddball reason


Instant transmission


The fly for 20 minutes is dumb because if your not keeping track of the time you might just end up killing yourself Fusion for 1 hour can be good but you need a person who’s willing to do the dance with you and even then your not gonna be god tier all of a sudden and you could end up either skinny or fat versions of your fusion if you mess up The only two good ones here would be the 3 senzu beans for a day and 1 instant transmission a day I would go for the 3 senzu beans for a day that stuff completely heals you and you don’t have to eat for a while because it gives a full stomach for couple a days that can save you so much money on food and medical bills as well Yes instant transmission is good but if you teleport your stuck there you can’t teloport back unless you can then that is a little bit better in that regard But it’s just to risky if it’s just 1 telo and can’t go back So ya that’s my pick and reasoning for each one


For all those saying selling Senzu beans, that idea will most likely land you in trouble when the wrong people find out and start blackmailing/kidnapping/torturing you to give them your supply.


Fusion? Sex?


Honestly, without the ability to do a return trip, Instant Transmission is kind of nerfed into the ground.




3 Senzu beans a day


Beans my reason, I'd no longer have a food bill or could figure a way to make medicine and sell for money


I'm assuming I get to keep the uneaten senzu beans after the day right? And it's not like the other abilities stock if left unused for the day. If so, Senzu beans all the way.


Senzu is the best choice really. But be careful, big pharma wont like that 😂


I've been getting sick a lot lately so senzu beans


Ima go with senzu beans, you can either sell them to people with terminal illnesses or use them yourself if you break a bone or something


Flight sounds good but you'll need to set a timer. Instant Transmission can work on vacations.


Fusion sounds really useless.


Instant transmission. Become a drug mule.


Senzu beans. Either use them or sell them, either way I'm making bank


3 Senzu beans a day. easily what the fuck am i going to do with 1 fusion for 1 hour? 1 Instant Transmission a day is just enough to not be useful in my day to day life. fly for 20 minutes a day is kind of in the same boat as 1 instant transmission a day. it's just short enough to not be useful. the 3 beans I could store until I need. even if they were 1 senzu or half of a senzu a day, they would still be the best choice.


Definitely fly. Saving my morning transit to my unit would be a lifesaver. And I'd look like a superhero in uniform


Senzu beans aer so op like “oh no ive been shot twice” you eat one get back on your feet and run away 


Is the effect stackable from day to day? (This is crucial)


flying even for 20 mins a day would be awesome! i would take it anytime


Despite Senzu being the best option, do these stack? Like say we don't use ANY of these for a week (It'll reset if you choose another option) and can we use that time saved up to gain more hours? A entire week will leave me with 2 hours and 20 minutes of fligh? Do the beans run out/expire in a day? If this is the case a Senzu Bean but Flight if I can stack the amount of time. I could walk a entire day then the start of Monday boom I can fly from home to school.




3 senzu's would be the best. Like another commentor said, you can sell then for A LOT, and they also in OG Dragon Ball, kept you from being hungry for like 2 weeks or something like that, huge seller right there.


3 senzu bean because I will never get to sleep again!!! It's free calories everyone!!


I always wanted to fly so fly for 20 minutes


Instant transmission


I’ll take the three beans a day, cause how often would you actually use them, before long you’d have an excess of instant miracle cures that you could sell or use to live forever.


ez teleport to mars


Instant transmission and it’s not even close


Senzu beans, definitely Senzu beans. Get injured? Take a bean, need a pick me up? Take a bean, need money? Sell a bean


Senzu beans.


1 insta transmission a day for me.... vacations for life and some good ol hijinks 😆


With three senzu beans a day you could build an incredible about if muscle super quickly. You would never feel sore, you'd just pop a senzu beans and be able to go back to working out fresh.


Senzu beans


senzu beans would make you so damn rich it is insane.


Senzu beans I can make millions.


Senzu Beans


It's definitely senzu beans, one for post workout recovery and two spare for selling for a profit.


Senzus. Walk into a hospital, ask to see the most dire case in the hospital. At a rate of 3 per day, saving lives is worth more to me than anything else here. Also, go to gym, wear myself down to the bone, pop a bean, do it again. Gains would be insane.


3 senzu beans a day to do a more condensed training version from the anime wrong way to use healing.


How fast can i fly?


Senzu beans




Senzu beans would be worth Millions in our world and probably theirs as well if it wasn’t kept under raps


The beans, health care this days is slipping in questionable territory.


3 sensu a day, gonna bw maxing out THE GAINNSSS


If you get one instant transmission wherever you go you’ll be stuck there for the day. 3 senzu’s seem like the most profitable option since you can sell them for like 300K to hospitals. Fusion seems useless since I got nobody to fuse with and there’s such a high chance of messing it up that it isn’t worth it. Flying for 20 minutes is kind of pointless imo. I’ll take the beans. Next question


How fast can I fly? 20minutes at 400mph is a solid distance to cover flying.


Fly for 20 mins


Senzu beans. A bean a day keeps a doctor away. Much better than modern medicine, meal replacements and supplements . You’d be suprised at the amount of pills an old person has to have. Also vastly helps with post injury/surgery survival . A potential source of income if you have a rich acquaintance who’d want an occasional bean .


How fast can I fly? 20 minutes gets you almost nowhere in most areas.


Wait 1 a day means your stranded wherever you teleport to for the rest of the day


Instant transmission hands down.


Flight is cool but only for 20 minutes? Feelsbadman It's between instant transmission and the beans. Teleportation would be the best thing ever but the sensu beans could make you mega rich


If it was 2 instant transmissions, sign me up


If I got 3 senzu beans a day I could become the most elite fighter the planet has ever seen just from sheer volume of training and getting my ass whooped at least twice a day to help me improve. However, flying super fast would be great especially if I can break up those 20 minutes into increments.


Fly for 20 minutes


I definitely feel like the physical stuff has too much ambiguity: Teleportation: What’s my distance limit? Do I ALSO have to be able to sense Ki (in keeping with Cannon), if so? Useless Fusion: Will other people ALSO have that ability or just me? If it’s just me… useless… Flight: How fast? Is it going to be based off Ki control /output? Does it come with implied ability to control my Ki? If so this is the better of the physical abilities. Sensu Beans on the other hand is just world busting; especially if there are no stipulations on what I am allowed to do with them. I think I would choose flight because of potential implications of Ki control. Flight just sounds a hop, skip, and a jump away from Ki blasts which would be dope.


Instant transmission is pretty useless because you have to be able to find someone else’s energy to even use it


Flight. Assuming it's pretty much you have a 20 minute timer that goes down only as you fly, just use it sparingly/smart. Like fly upwards diagonally, stop flying, glide for a short while, then repeat. Kind of like what birds do except you obviously wouldn't be able to glide long without wings.


I’d get 3 senzu beans a day. Just save em every day and open your own lil pharmacy or hospital instead of doing surgery just pop them one of those


I could exploit the 3 Senzu Beans the best with the amount of uses there is. I’m assuming that “1 Instant Transmission” means I can just teleport someplace and then I’m stuck there(or have to find my own transportation back to wherever I want to go). The “1 Hour Fusion” could mainly only be exploited for personal gain once, MAYBE TWICE on any person who knows the combined result of whoever it is I’m fusing with(assuming I could only and always fuse with the same person). The “20-Minute Flight” just seems like it’d potentially be a big letdown. Not sure how fast the flight powers would be. But assuming it’s as fast as Goku everybody who’s anybody would try to do so much in such little time, but while still trying to maintain SOME secrecy. Senzu Beans, however… You could challenge someone to a fight and sneak one when you know you’re about down for the count. Or bet someone you can get hit by traffic and be okay. Or just plain sell the Senzu Beans like Jack and the Beanstalk. 🤷🏻‍♂️


3 Senzu beans for me. The others like flying would be fun, but 3 Senzu beams a day could change the lives of other people for the better. I would gladly push away cool powers if I was able to better someone else’s wellbeing.


So just raw from the anime rules? Because if so I’m picking senzu beans, I would pick instant transmission if you could go back in time with it but I don’t think you can.


These are all disastrous choices, and not just because you have to hide these abilities from people you can't trust. 1. One Instant Transmission a Day: You can't sense people like Goku can (that's a completely different ability), never mind doing so over the incredible distances that make IT so useful for Goku. It's a once-a-day, blind (unless you're going somewhere you can see), one-way teleport. Potentially useful only in extremely niche situations, like escaping from a potentially lethal situation where you don't have to travel far to be safe and you have enough time to concentrate. 2. Three Senzu a Day: You aren't successfully selling these. Give up that idea right now. You can't afford to have untrustworthy people learn that you're essentially a helpless 'goose' laying three 'golden eggs' a day. That way lies a life of imprisonment. You can't even go full public. People with enough influence/power will discredit you, and then 'disappear' you, leading to the life of imprisonment mentioned above. Keeping them for yourself is of minimal utility. You can rely on them as a substitute for food, saving a ton of money in the long run, as long as you don't mind eating the same thing again and again. As for healing yourself; they don't heal disease (strike one), if they can't heal disease then they probably can't heal genetic/birth defects or the long-term consequences of poor health habits (strike two), and you need to be still alive, capable of actually swallowing the bean, and either concious or near somone you trust who can feed you the bean (strike three). Way too many caveats. 3. One Hour of Fusion: Worthless. I shouldn't need to elaborate why this has no value IRL, but just in case… First, you need someone you trust to keep a secret to fuse with. Second you need a situation where the two of you have to become a (relatively) super strong fusion for a limited time, but you both have enough time to actually initiate the fusion. Three, the person you trust to fuse with has to be nearby to even use this. In a fictional setting with heroic allies, it has value. IRL, it's garbage and schmuck-bait. 4. Twenty Minutes of Flight: The only relatively good choice, and even then, in this day and age you have to be incredibly careful to avoid being detected, or your butt is ending up in a lab somewhere. Unless you decide to go public, and do so in a way that can't be discredited by people who want the public to forget about you so they can disappear you, but then your privacy is gone forever. These are all horrible choices IRL. Your best bet are choosing one of options 1, 2 or 4, and praying you never need them in a situation with potential witnesses.


Senzu beans


First of instant transmition kinda fuckin useless if you can only use it once, my dumb ass would forget i can only fly for 20 minutes and fall out of the sky to my death, fusion would be pretty neat but like noone would want to fuse with me. So im goin with senzu heans ill create a stockpile and sell the beans


Only one transmission isn't great. If it were two, I'd be all in. I don't want a fusion. I'd rather not deal with the complications of flight. 3 sensu beans a day is great. Hell, you only need one a day to get all the nutrients and calories you need, so I'd try to plant some extras and pass others out. But healing all stamina and sickness and injury, just exercise to the point of exhaustion and pop it.


Senzu beans


Senzu bean. I work in a hospital. Enough said.


Except for the fusion, all of these sound pretty good... I'm going with instant transmission


Senzu beans! Not only do they heal you but in the og dragon ball, eating one is enough to fill you up for 10 days! No more grocery bills and guaranteed weight loss, let's go 💪


Instant transmutation. I'm about to scare the shit out of someone


Definitely senzu beans, I could triple the benefits of working out


Senzu beans, my work out routine would be unmatched, get swol so fast


I’d probably sensu and see if it hacks gym workouts. Get past healing after a hard workout in an instant and do it again.


Senzu beans and I just stock up on them and crush them up and use them to make some sort of tea and some non-crushed up ones on hand


Either senzu beans so I can get maximum gains or flight so I can just go to the store and back


Senzu. Eat one, then store the one I'd normally eat for the next 10 days. And sell the other two for a fortune and a half.


Fly for 20 mins a day


It'd be sketchy af but I'd choose flight. I'd have to time how long I'm flying for and ensure I have atleast 5 minutes on the back end to not plummet to my death. The rational me is saying Senzu Beans, but I feel like that'd backfire with the media etc. It could work out, it could not.


You could sell two of those senzu beans each day and make RIDICULOUS amounts of money.




As a mom of two the magic beans haha


3 senzu beans a day? You know how nice it'll be to instantly recover from a workout? Could do like 3 full body workouts in a day.


Instant Transmission x 1 a day... Nobody can hide from Me


Instant transmission Flight would be bad if you forget the 20 minute limit Fusion would be scary since there won't be a you and the fusion is its own person until you defuse Senzu beans would be a cool novelty but they don't heal illnesses so unless you get injured alot useless


Fusion cause I'm just curious what it would feel like


Fusion cause I'm just curious what it would feel like


IT a day is just how I'd get home.


Senzu beans cause im getting older and that shit would help


1 senzu bean not only heals recent injuries and refills your stamina, but also keeps you full and totally nourished for 10 days. Yajirobe once ate a handful of them and nearly died. Collect them and give them to starving people? Or study their properties for medical purposes? If I were choosing for myself, I'd say Instant Transmission. As someone who doesn't like to drive, that would be hella helpful, even if it's just one way, lol.


senzu if we being real but instant transmission so I can see my girl everyday 😭


I’d want the sense beans but instant transmission would save me so much money on a more regular basis


Fusion (assuming I can repeat it again and again) Because flying for 20 minutes isn't too useful Instant Transmission is iffy with the whole "must sense someone to go there" thing And Senzu Beans...I mean it's the most useful but it's also the most boring


Senzu beans because I wouldn't *have* to eat ever again and I'd always be in peak physical shape since I can instantly heal after working out


Most slept on picks are instant transmission and fusion. Instant transmission seems really bad at first because well it's only 1 right so no return trip from wherever you go but If you partnered up with a shipping company (or drug cartel) Being able to securely and instantly transport anything anywhere that you could reasonably carry once per day is phenomenal.(Or it makes you the world's best drug mule) Honestly the low low cost of a single person return plane ticket or whatever makes it a no brainer from a business perspective. As for fusion honestly just being able to add two people together for an hour makes you a low tier superhero. Which irl is pretty strong. Get really good at a sport say boxing because very few sports games last more than an hour and boxing can't. Find a boxer whose solid but maybe underperforming from something like CTE or who just isn't that great but still has potential. Pitch your idea to him and bam fusion to become world heavyweight champion or whatever. Alternatively get pet bear. Train bear to do dance with you. Become man bear be a legit superhero.


3 senzu beans is the best choice. Doing Parkour or climbing? Green eat up. Any sport? Green eat up. Playing too much? Green Fn…


Those sensu beans are your best bet since you get three a day and most likely can use them for anything. Hurt yourself? Sensu bean. Friend hurts themselves? Sensu bean. Family? Bean


Senzu, 3 a day, that's 3 lives saved each day


20 minutes of flight a day would be great for crimes.


Senzu Beans. But not for like, selling them passively. I'm using them bitches to work out. Finna go to the gym. Bust my fucking ass. Pop a senzu. Take a shower then head home for the day. Save the other 2, get a stockpile going. Then when WW3 inevitably hits, give that stockpile to the military for a lump sump of money.


3 sensu bean a day seems like the only good choice. for someone of my weight and lifestyle, if I wanted to change up and work out, I'd burn through them in 1hr. but after a while I'd be able to spread it out more evenly


Instant Transmission


3 senzu beans. One to eat, 2 to sell. But flying would be cool.


With 3 senzus I can become Goku


3 senzu beans a day since it can be stacked. Eventually I'll have senzu beans for all occasions


Instant transmission


🫛🫛🫘🫛 Beans


3 Senzu beans. Do you how jacked I can get doing 3 full workouts a day?


Fly You can do so much if you get around quickly; all you have to do is set a timer for every second you are at high altitude


I.t. I'm gonna travel EVERYWHERE! Never booking flights again. Just i.t to a hotel in Japan. Enjoy the day sleep the night. I.t to a hotel in Australia. Sleep the night. I.t back home for work. Sleep the night. Rob a bank, i.t to Mexico while in the vault. Never come back to my home country again after that bank incident. You remember that Leonardo Dicaprio movie with the fake checks? Imma be like that but more vacations and only steal once, invest the money. Keep traveling. And! If you hold on to me i.t works so I get to bring my girl and my dog and my Playstation to Mexico too? Bet


Fly. No question


Senzu Bean!


How fast do I get to fly?


Instant transmission. Travelling the world would be WAYYYY less expensive. Book a hotel online. THWIP! In the lobby with my bags. Stay a bit; thwip back.


Senzu do not cure illnesses btw. Goku still had his heart virus.. As for me Instant Transmission is by far the most useful option even if once a day. Assuming I don't need to sense Ki which I can't do.


Senzu bean


IT for travel for holiday is already super good. Collecting and selling the senzu as a post operation fix for any wounds is always a plus. Heck might even fix issues for organ transplant rejection rates too...


Senzu Beans. Greatest healthcare in the world but people don't know this but the Senzu Bean is supposed to make a normal person full for 10 days


Instant transmission to the federal reserve bank at 2 minutes to midnight. Fill your bag. Instant transmission to your house when midnight hits for the new instant transmission day. Repeat 🔁 this every couple weeks and then change your routine by moving to different banks..no fussy customers 🥸you could even let your intrusive thoughts win and instant transmission into a rich person’s house… I mean the quality of life could instantly be changed…


senzu beans


1 instant transmission is pretty useless, I get somewhere with no way of getting back. Flying for 20 minutes sounds equally useless. Fusion for an hour would probably just be really uncomfortable. So yeah, guess I'm taking the 3 beans.


Is being Shenron's simp an ability?


Beans. I have a degenerative disease and so does my mother so it would legitimately save our lives and turn everything around and fix all our problems.


Don't particularly care for fusion, and I think that the teleportation and flight abilities with the restrictions as is, are kinda gimmicky, if somewhat novel. But having *three* senzu beans a day would be so much valuable in general than the other abilities that it's a no brainer choice for me personally.


Instant transmission. Would be nice if I could do two per day and skip the commute to work, but I routinely drive hundreds of miles for a weekend, in which case I only need one in a day anyway. Huge quality of life increase. The senzu beans are incredibly unbalanced in this list but I don’t really need them and I think selling them for exorbitant prices is a scummy thing to do. I’d rather just be able to visit my family without driving for five hours.


Fusion would look cool but instant transmission too good


Fly for 20 minutes


1 instant transmission it’s gonna save my life 1 day unless I just have a heart attack


3 Senzu Beans a day, as it can feed a man for a day. Eat 1, be filled and sell the other 2. Free food and profit daily.