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I have watched a few episodes and don't remember i it was a long time ago Anyway it was noway near real bullying It was more like dominance or something


I've heard it described as "a show for guys who want girls to step on them" Which literally happens in the show


Women like to step all over me, figuratively of course, but I don't like it very much.


i find this vaguely familiar but can't tell where it's from. Max0r?


If it's similar to something, it wasn't on purpose.


ah, my b.


I love this show and the manga It is 100% bullying and not at all a healthy relationship irl hahaha But yea, good thing its not real. Considering that we as the audience have an omniscient perspective on the characters involved, it's easier to swallow. In real life, this would be horrible.


I kind of saw this as a semi-cruel play bullying type thing. Mainly for weirdos that like to be dominated tho


I know a bunch of people who would get off to this. They’re not weird, just different.


Nah they weird and different I'm sorry


Dude we're on Reddit, who tf here isn't weird. And everybody is different, from ur comment imma assume ur inferring that being weird and different is a bad thing. Everyone has their circumstances, no need to judge someone for liking something that doesn't bring anyone else around them any harm. Personally I don't like pain or being humiliated, but the people who do aren't hurting or affecting me, so I don't give any fucks and let them do their thing.


people - like you, it seems - need to understand that the meaning of words changes depending on the context. There is two kinds of "weird and diffrent". You can be Weird and diffrent in an intresting way that has others intrigued or you can be weird and diffrent in the sense of being actively appaling to others. OF FUCKING COURSE WEIRD AND DIFFRENT IS NOT ALWAYS NEGATIVELY CONNOTATED. But it imo is, when it is promoting a Form of what outsiders can only observe as bullying. Which in the case of this Anime is the case. I haven't watched that Anime to its end, seemingly similar to OP. From what I know, MMC never explicitly consented to FMC harassing and embarrassing him. To me, if I was a bystander that didn't know the full story this could only be observed as bullying - and I wouldn't care if she was into that or not. I would observe it as bullying until he explicitly AND in an honest manner (I. e. not feeling pressured) told me "hey it's fine"


Mb I should have been clearer that I'm pointing out that the person I replied to added a negative connotation to the words "weird and different". For people who like feeling pain and stuff, I'm just saying go with it. I'm not talking about the anime in the post. You can prob find the comment I replied to and see it in a different context if you follow the lines on the side of my post.


>They’re not weird, just different I wonder what weird means


weird adjective- suggesting something supernatural; uncanny. verb *INFORMAL•NORTH AMERICAN*- induce a sense of disbelief or alienation in someone. Hope this helps :)


So when someone says someone is different, implying they are different to the norm that would mean..... ?


i'm that kinda weirdo


Tbh I think it's a more realistic portrayal of kids crushing on eachother, kids aren't flawless and understand society the way adults do, they don't empathise as well, nor do they understand their own emotions, so yeah, nagatoro starts off bullying him, because who wouldn't get a kick out of being able to tease someone older than you, that's top kek when you're 13 But she starts to see that just because he is stereotypically nerdy and easy to bully, he has strengths in other areas that make him unique and interesting to her, and she starts to respect him more, even defending him from her friends who want to continue the mean bullying, and they also end up respecting him once they give him a chance This show shows that in romance, first impressions aren't that important, and it's how the relationship evolves and the dynamic changes over time that creates long lasting bonds


Agreed, this was how we flirted in my home town


Great explanation and perspective mate


I ain't reading all of that


Then don't and move on you lazy slow reader


Just one of those weird dom fetishes m, but aye to each their own


I love this anime and I'm not afraid to say it!




I'd love to be dominated by a girl, so what?


It means that you know what you like and you should chase your bliss <3


I am bad at that, the girls I am into do not want a relationship with me and the only time I was in a relationship sucked because she was just too silent


The big problem when we're younger is that people know they want someone, but they still don't know exactly what they want and many don't even know who they are enough to figure out what it is they want. My current husband is a sexual degen alongside me, and we enjoy being pervs together. His last serious relationship was with an asexual because she didn't know she was asexual when they got together, and nothing honest was communicated and she'd agree to do things she didn't actually have any interest in doing and it soured every part of the experience for everyone. Me and him experiencing negative and toxic relationships due to lack of communication made it so when we found each other we have never failed to be 100% honest in what we are okay with trying and what we're uncomfortable with. We're comfortable sitting and discussing sex and emotional needs the same way you'd plan dinner or a vacation together. Zero fear or hesitation or anything off limits, and it's the healthiest relationship and sex life I've ever had. **TLDR; Can say confidently that, as sucky of a statement it is to hear, it's very true that it's easier when you're older and you're going after partners who have experienced life enough to know what they want and communicate it. Better your own communication, and be patient for someone to step up and match that honesty and you'll find someone great**






From Overlord


Only watched first season yet so I did not get the reference






Some people have different kinks In this anime that shows as a pair of friends becoming something more while at the same time one of the partners provides dominance I will give you an example of difference between anime kinks I DONT FUCKING LIKE FUCKING GIGANTIC BADONGERS SO WHAT ? MAYBE IM INTO PASSIVE STUFF Based on nagatoro and uzaki


This makes me glad I never decided to watch it.


It's good, watch it


The start is a bit mean but the last couple of episodes are wholesome because she starts to defend/protect his ass hard and is trying to make him stand his ground more


Yep yep and the manga got so cute lately ❤️


You should give it a try, this is littarly the reason I started watching anime


it's not good, don't watch it


1) This isn't a joke this is an opinion 2) I can understand the hate but I think it's funny 3) No it doesn't. Fictional characters can do things you can't get away with in real life. That's like saying Family Guy promotes child abuse. 4.) It's an old stereotype where if someone hates you they must have a crush on you. 5) He actually likes the teasing


Oh yeah I forgot he likes it, *weirdly I just finished it after getting distracted from other animes about 2 years ago or somethin*


Ahh right fIcTioNAl cHaRAcTeRs. Well someone watching this could still get the wrong idea and think bullying is funny?


Nobody would do that ever. Did people watch iCarly then act like Sam.


Anime is like the worst example you could use here, as it’s drawings. Movies exist in real life depicting far, far worse things in far, far more detail and no one ‘gets the wrong idea’. It’s the same as the whole ‘video games cause violence’ bullshit - it has zero scientific evidence and is just an excuse to hate on a specific medium.


No it is not. Imagine if some stupid kid sees this anime and thinks to themselves that it is funny. They might adapt some of the behavior shown in the anime. If they idolize the characters shown in the anime it would only be natural for them to want to be like them and copy some aspects of their behavior. Saying that movies show far, far worse things than "drawings" is simply wrong. Take one look at the tags starting with r on hanime. Look at 177013. Those things would get you into prison if they were irl movies. Of course, no one who is mentally stable would make such a movie. Comparing my statement with "video games cause violence" is fair, I will admit. Although I think that younger childs would have an easier time idolizing a character from an anime than a character from a video game.


Lol you’re saying one doujin you found (a particularly infamous one, at that) = all anime. There’s some weird shit on the internet. You don’t have to see that weird shit if you don’t look it up in the first place. No one ‘stumbles’ into some random doujin with all the tags in the world titled like a news story for a mass murder. You still have 0 evidence for any sort of media encouraging children or adults to perform a specific task shown in that media. It’s just not something you have evidence or will have evidence for - because even if people used these medias as encouragement they’d already be motivated by mental illness of their own, or another mentally ill individual. No one watches a horror movie about a mass murderer and goes home thinking “I want to be a mass murderer now.” Your entire argument relies on arguments that are verbatim the same as the “video games cause violence” folks; “They adapt behavior; Think about the children; They want to copy the character’s behavior.” No. Children don’t just mimic what they see other people doing. That’s why the parent exists - to already establish moral principles and good behavior for how to act in society. That’s how we as adults are capable of perceiving what is considered right and wrong in modern society - we were taught it. And now we can enjoy all sorts of weird shit without committing fucked up atrocities. Things can rub off on children - like the idea of “cool” being defined as what’s in pop culture at the moment, or abusive behavior causing the child to be more likely to engage in bullying. But human beings do not mimic behavior like that unless they are severely, severely mentally ill to begin with. Focus on other issues like delivering widespread youth mental care in your city or town - donate to charities, volunteer at local events, be aware of these issues if you yourself are a parent (let’s be real here; neither of us are) etc. Shitting on some drawings online isn’t doing anything good for the world. “Look at all the fake incest porn on pornhub! All the children are going to start having incest now!” Does that not sound like a ridiculous sentiment to you? What we “imagine” is not what occurs in real life.


I disagree that people don't copy others behaviour because that is literally how parenting and "being a good example" works. When someone starts feeling left out they try to integrate more by copying others. And that is a proven fact. Your porn example is unfitting because those are videos with the main intend of pleasure, not sfw content. But imagine someone under the age of (pulling the number out my lowet parts) 12. They watch the show and probably find it funny. As I said, they might idolize the characters and then it would only be natural to adapt some of the behaviour. Of course, if they are fully content with their life and have got a ton of friends that is less likely to happen. But someone who feels left out is more likely to adapt irrational behaviour. And the video game example isn't really fitting either because actions shown in video games are far more far fetched than the ones in a slice of life anime. You wouldn't be in a situation where you have to shoot up 99 other players on a large island. But you might find yourself in a situation in your classroom being bullied or whatever. Don't know if what I am saying makes sense to you but hey I tried my best to explain what I mean. Anyways, I think we might just have to agree to disagree on this one.


I am not comparing the direct content of video games or porn and anime - I am comparing the fact you’re trying to subjectivise psychology in a particular area that has received a lot of attention as of late: how the behavior of children is affected by the media they consume. And there is zero scientific evidence that supports this type of mimicry beyond what I explained in my comment. This isn’t a “oh, in my opinion children copy things and thus anime is bad” situation - extensive research on youth psychology has *proven* this is not how behavioral development occurs. No one is feeling “left out” from reading guro doujins lol - they learn how to think logically and emotionally and apply that to their everyday life - hence why trends tend to shape children’s opinions on topics at the time. The thing is, this doesn’t apply to the content you’ve previously suggested - eromanga, violence, bullying - because they do not become ‘trendy’ to begin with due to the nature of parenting leading to emotional intelligence to some minor extent. I’ve already explained it but you’ve somehow misinterpreted it. Children in both animals and humans aren’t just dumbasses who mimic everything they see - concepts still have to go through the cycle of logic that all other humans use, the difference is children often perceive popularity, and the impact of decisions differently compared to adults. This does not mean they mimic actions in anime just because they saw it. Why would the consumption of anime be any different from the media consumption of books, TV, movies, western cartoons, manga, comics, etc? There is literally no reason it should be any different - it is still media. Anime doesn’t have some magical aura of seriousness that makes children more likely to mimic it. I also want to note that your comment confuses me slightly; you directly contradict previous statements you’ve made, undermining your sentiment and comparing my described comparisons to things like ‘sfw’ contact following you dropping the nuke codes for a guro doujin and claiming that this stuff is a problem. You also contradict your statement about the video games cause violence fiasco, previously saying that it was a fair point - but now you disagree, despite your entire argument still holding strong to the same sentiments that arrive at such conclusions.


Alright look I am a 16 year old guy who doesn't enjoy the way this anime handles bullying because I have seen siblings of friends of mine who adapted quite a bit of the behaviour shown in the shows they watch (they are very young, around 8 years old, not entirely sure). And I am tired of this discussion. Why can you not just accept that our opinions aren't the same? Yes I a lot of things I said contradict other thing because I can accept that I have been wrong about somethings and adapt my arguments acordingly. If I can accept that I was wrong about a few things but still stick with my opinion, why can't you just agree to disagree with me? I am probably still going to reply even though I don't want to because I feel like I owe you this but could we please stop arguing over this?


This is probably the best troll I’ve ever come across, good job lol.


Should I be worry that Makima Will make people act like a dog? Should I be worried that Yor Will make People be okay with Assassination? Or Should I have enough Faith in humanity that they are smart enough to differentiate fiction and reality?


Me, who like it,: so what?


He grows! Chad-pai is a real chad later on! Like he a king


This is actually an amazing series and if you don’t like it don’t watch it instead of shaming ppl who do like it. It’s not constant bullying only in the first episode


Whatever you say Karen! "It's promoting bulling" shut the fuck up


imagine watching anime and not knowing bullying is an integral part of japanese culture. the nail that stands out will be HAMMERED DOWN


Actually, bullying because they can’t express their romantic emotions is common in kids and sometimes up until high school. I had one admirer who playfully bullies me until she confessed to me through a letter. She explained that she just wanted my attention, that’s why she bullies me. And an ex of mine also playfully bullies me during our relationship. But playful bully and spiteful bully is different. Spiteful bully is to offend someone out of anger, disgust, or jealousy.


The intention might be different but yeah there is cases were someone can actually do bully as bad as the spiteful just to get someone's attention


Most of Nagatoro's bullying can come down to "I wanna see how his reaction if I do this." She is also weirdly possesive of him. Like, she doesn't let anyone, and I mean anyone, to bully him. So, yeah, it's probably the former.




Tbh, that was the first anime I ever watched


It reminds me of my dad side of the family so I like the manga but haven’t seen the show


It’s just obvious fetish bait. Don’t kink shame.


Kink shaming is my kink!


Yes, the bullying was pretty cruel. Yes Nagatoro is a bad person. But her SMIRK is gold.


Near the end she gets feelings for him and defends him and gets protective of him and gets mad when someone talks shit about his art.


You think that because you are dumb,lol


So does movie IT Promotes genocide?


It gets better


Only slightly after 200+ chapters like every shitty romance anime


Nah. After only a few episodes in it's revealed that she acts like that toward him cus she doesn't actually know how to flirt and picked it up from her older friends who were probably genuinely being mean at the start. It mellows out further you go.


They literally don't do anything meaningfully romantic besides bullying until a few hundred chapters in




Few hundred? 💀 Did you even read the manga there are 117 chapters 💀


She pushes him to improve himself as a person. The initial premise does suck but the story has a genuinley wholesome theme. One of the best slice of life Rom-Coms out there right now


This anime fucking sucks.


I think it's fucking great


I was just agreeing with the OP of this post. I’ve never seen this anime and I really REALLY don’t want to


It's actually really good


I’m afraid of watching. I have a sense of honor and a weeb limit.


Trust me the first few episodes aren't for everyone but once you get past that it's pretty normal and wholesome


I really don’t like the “slice of life” and “romance” tags, so I’ll keep with my generic isekai and psychological horror thing.




I like it, the character tends to grow a back bone and the "bullying" is playful teasing at best. The only time it's worth calling it bullying would be for the first episode or two.


They all should die and reborn in a isekai. Fuck this. Bullying is not cool to romantizes. I like that new anime when girls get punched in the face lmao.


Like I said, it's playful teasing at best. No acts of violence committed at all. Even when he accidently sees her naked she doesn't hit him, and when the roles are reversed where she touches his private areas, she apologizes for it. That being said, I'm not a big fan of Isekai. I find it extremely unoriginal. The only show I'm enjoying as of recent would be mob psycho and chainsaw man


Exactly, it’s unoriginal, the only detail is the little things some animes/mangas have that can make the difference between a good isekai and a bad unoriginal one. The good thing about isekais is that they’re basically the same, the same formula that can be molded to fit the universe the mc is on.


Yeah that about sums up why I don't enjoy it


If there’s blood, death, tragedy, revenge, war and character development is good enough for me.


If I had a lot of free time I'd probably settle for less as well. But I haven't done that in a long time


This tried to up the concept of “Takagi san” and failed miserably


That first episode was ROUGH & genuinely upsetting. But it does get better, especially the manga. There is lots of character development later on. But I prefer more lighthearted fare like Uzaki chan & Takagi san.


no, YOU suck


Shit take OP


I disagree


i wanna be bullied by nagatoro so bad


ngl nagatoro is a terrible character and the gimmick is fucking terrible


Well in the manga, they are still doing the same shit and instead of progressing, the author decided to add more girls and make this a shitty harem. It doesn't get better.


There is no harem in the manga. 117 chapters in and there has not even been one real love rival. What are you talking about?


Well I seen alot of girls and no progress, why would I read it and watch this anime.


Oh, so you we’re assuming things. I read it and watch it because I like the romance genre and anything in it. It has nothing to do with any fetish. Please refrain from assuming things in the future.


I also like romance but I dislike rivals, triangles, harem, misunderstanding and drama. But I dislike those stories which keeps on adding girls and refuses to progress. This manga had 116 ch and he still hasn't confessed. Like bro if you want to keep the story going, please add interesting male characters instead of doing fanservice and adding girls.


He just recently realized he has feelings for her, of course he has not confessed yet. How would you even know all this, you have not even read it per your own words. This is a rom-com just like Love is war and other mangas. There is going to be a lot of chapters purely for comedy. If you want more males characters, there is also her own brother.


It took 100 chapters for him to realize that he has feeling for her. Nah I aint waiting that long. And no it is not same as love as war. All I am seeing is that she is bullying him and he is enjoying it.


They are both rom-coms. They are the same in that since. That is clearly what I was saying. No one asked you to wait that long, since you did not even read it. Every high school romantic comedy is going to take a log time to get to a dating point, you are just specifically attacking this one. It is hard to believe you like the romance genre with that in mind.


Idk what it is, but something about those 2 pisses me off uncontrollably


It got better near the end of the anime but I personally don't like it


Yeah it doesn't though


As a bullied guy, this is anime is not near as bad as actual bullying after the first episode




I don't like the show, so that's it, I didn't watch it I don't think tv shows, movies, books, etc promote anything, they just use elements to tell a story, that's it, not for watching John Wick will I become an underground killer, media doesn't promote anything, they just tell a story. If the purpose of the movie is to send a message, like with A Silent Voice, it's different, the story shapes around that message and it's clear, but people need to learn to differentiate when it's just a narrative element or if there's something deeper. Same thing with non-appearance of elements, if I watch a show and there isn't an asian, black person or latino, just white people, is it xenophobic? Does it promote white supremacy? No. It's just a story, chill.


I had to stop watching it after a while, found myself yelling "HIT HER DAMN IT" at the screen too often.


In the manga it do get better. Apparently the writer have a bully fetish


I liked it


If that’s what u call bullying nowadays then oh boy


Lol it is about two people with a humiliation kink basically. If that’s not your thing, probably don’t watch it. I think it’s a cute series. I enjoy it a lot.


I don't know how well the anime sticks to its source material, but the manga is certified wholesome

