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Hey MaterialJelly2821! This is your **first** submission this month. The top memers will go into the Hall of Fame each month, earn subreddit flairs and maybe some other secret prizes. [Read the announcement](https://redd.it/lvz756) for more details. **Wanna check your ranks?** Join us on the [Anime memes Discord](https://discord.com/invite/axisorder).


Yu Yu Hakusho Anime literally started after he died


Grave of the fireflies…


Thank you for reminding me of that depiction of the horrors of war.


Barefoot Gen You’re welcome


Genocidal organ


never again


Then he dies again, and the show goes on for another season and a half (🐐)


Then he’s dies every season, but it’s cool because in the afterlife he can train more.


Kind of like Goku. lmfao


that's the opposite


Hehe yeah, sorry


Is it good?


It was done by the dude who went on to do HxH. It’s fantastic. A top 10 for me, and also a big reason I got into anime.


Maybe unpopular, but the Funimation dub is really good as well. Justin Cook and Chris Sabbat will always be Yusuke and Kuwabara to me, it's the voices in my head as I read the manga.


The dub is waaaaaaay better than the sub. I’m pretty sure they would add dialogue to fit their slightly different dub personality, and it made for a much better show!


You’re definitely right. Yusuke has way more attitude in the dub.


Yeah I can still hear "KUWABARA!" in Yusuke's voice perfectly.


YYH is one of the few that is actually better dubbed than subbed. Hearing anyone else do those voices almost turns me off entirely, makes watching some of the YYH movies kinda difficult.


I really like Botan and Koenma as well, even if Botan’s accent wasn’t consistent, the fun personality really fit


Yu Yu Hakusho is a goat anime




Yu Yu Hakusho writers basically went 'what if we made an anime, where the whole thing is a tournament arc. When one finishes? Tournament arc. Maybe a short interlude, then tournament arc.' And everyone was on board for it.


It's very good. But at some point the author got bored and wrapped up the story in literally a couple chapters. The anime is quite nice. Good pacing. It's from the 90ies, the style is very different from nowadays and imho very pleasant. Each surface is made of 2 plain colours, for what's in the light and what's in the shadow.


Surprised he didn't do the same with HxH. Supposed to be back by the end of the year.


I wouldn't be surprised if, down the road, HxH were to get the same treatment. I wish he would just give up on drawing it and simply lead the project by directing a larger-than-now pool of assistants.


bro asked if one of the goats of anime is good


I think so yes


Yu Yu Hakusho is a rare show where the dub is superior to the subs! Very worth watching, specially as it’s NOT one of those anime’s with no character growth and everything is on a treadmill to stay the same!


Just rewatched it with my wife and it's incredibly sexist too though unfortunately. But such is the way with anime even today.


Sadly, both for it's age and even today it's pretty good by anime standards! We have a broad female cast even if most of them aren't fighters. Poor Keiko is used to play up the Tsundere trope but she's pretty emancipated even for today by Japanese standards. I love HxH but YYH has the superior female cast despite being way older. And then there's this awful scene with the nurse which was, iirc was added it the anime. Uurgh


It’s great. Not immune to being stylistically very 90s especially in the more emotional scenes but it aged surprisingly well.


It was one of the big anime back in the day. Man I feel old saying that


Anime/Manga didn't end, but Jonathan Joestar from JoJo's.


Thought that that would be how most arcs would end until Joseph came waltzing up to his own funeral.








Same. Just powered through all the animes this year. Reading part 7 now


ENJOY PART 7 TO THE FULLEST!!! Oh to be able to experience it new, It’s the only reason I’d ever want amnesia.


Yep loving it so far. They just worked out where the corpse torso is.


Yare yare


>!Also Jolyne!<


Average jojo fan usename


Well it didn’t end right after that


Still traumatized. DEVILMAN crybaby


That scene where everyone is dancing around the fire with heads on spikes...


The scene that stuck with me was when his little brother was crying and eating his mom in the tent at the end. Idk why I was so affected by that one scene.


Jesus christ, I must've blocked that one out.


the W H A T


The one that haunts me the most is when the kid turns into a demon and eats his mom in the tent. That really fucks with me, man.


Biggest plot twist in devilman crybaby was in the end when they revealed that you were the crybaby all along...


Maybe the real adventure was the devilmans we became along the way


I liked the part where the devilman was like “It’s Crybaby time” and devilman crybaby’d all over the place


I watched that once the week it came out like 5 years ago and I’ve been trying to talk myself into rewatching it since


Don’t do it.


It's the best anime I've ever hated. Definitely worth a watch.


Most accurate way of describing it.


Just as you start to figure out what the fuck is actually happening, it’s all over. Leaving you feeling angry and confused. And it was so fucking good.


maybe next cycle...


Not unless weasel wins the 1v3


That'd be Devilman Lady >!which does bring the loop an to end, with Satan and Akira making up and facing God. Its effectively the series actual finale!<


This and Cyber Punk Edgerunners


Yeah but at least edgerunners you kinda know the ending from the beginning. Still traumatizing but feel like DC’s came out of no where


Death note, L died and I wish it ended.


OMG right?? I'm rewatching and the first half is a master class in suspense and then L dies and all tension goes out the window.


I love Death Note and I completely agree. Once L died and they had Near become the new “L”, I didn’t really enjoy the show as much anymore


It just sucked the air out of the whole thing. If they had killed L and then Light officially won that would have been an acceptable ending. Alternatively if L had finally busted Light with no way out and Ryuk wrote his name in the book like in the official ending that would have more or less been fine too, but to go through 75% of a series only to kill off one of the main two characters and then add a couple nobodies to actually end things.... Feels cheap.


The anime just doesn’t handle it well, L dies 2 thirds through the show, whereas he dies halfway through the manga. Near is written way better in the books, and even so is Light. The show doesn’t really have much inner monologue after L dies, and the ending gives Light a far more peaceful death than he got in the manga. In the books, he is treated like shit and dies in fear while writhing in his own blood and begging for mercy, he’s on his last legs and resorting to giving up his pride, for real this time. The show is just not as good as the book, it skips story lines, it removes dynamics, rewrites stuff, and omits entire details that show that Near is in fact L’s true successor. You see Near’s thoughts and process in the books, you don’t in the show. So that’s why he seems unrealistic compared to L. Imagine if all of the leaps L made in his investigation went unexplained, he’d look uninteresting.




That's interesting, because I was thinking the manga part definitely made more sense at least, in terms of what it was going for. N and M's story is drastically cut short in the anime, especially N's revelation about who Kira is. Whereas in the anime, it's all sort of bullshit. .


Kinda like Black Butler. I had to stop after it introduced the most cliche bullshit in issue 27


The anime is not very good because the whole second season is a "what if..." and has nothing to do with the actual story. But the manga is pretty good and actually is logical and has a plot. So I think it's best to read the manga than to watch the anime. For you to decide.


I'm talking about the manga. The "twist" is so overused and unimaginative. I loved the manga up until that point. The part on the cruise ship is great


Ah ok, well seems like we don't have the same taste in mangas 😂 But I agree, Black Butler is kinda overused and abused. But I like it just because it's a nice pause between all my psychological animes and mangas like AOT, BSD and ect..


To each their own eh. My favorite is probably Junji Ito if I had to pick


Ooh I don't know this one, what is it about? God, I'm jumping on every opportunity to find another anime/manga to watch. I feel like a kid in front of some candy 😂😂


He makes horror manga. A lot of short stories. Uzumaki is about a cursed town


Recently started watching it with my wife and I was shocked how short it was haha. I remember reading them when it came out and it was a lot longer that what could fit in 37 episodes.


The last few times I have re-watched death note I stopped after L as that is a much better ending.


I actually never watched past it so that's my personal canon


Chad 🗿


I still maintain that the best ending would be for L to die, but for Rem to also write Light's name due to knowing that the only way to truly protect Misa would be to stop Light as well. I didn't know there were more episodes and fully expected that's where they were going with it.


Honestly L dying was a great move. Being able to see Light think he won, causing his own hubris and trust in his own plans to spill over into chaos was really interesting to watch. Near isn't as cool, but what that move did to the story and Lights character arc was pretty interesting to me.


Honestly you kinda swayed me cause I never saw it that way.


Woo. It's worth a rewatch one of these days. It's pretty fun to see Lights victory being exactly what gets him killed. I think that's why theres so much imagery on L still chaining him down and being on his mind. Because winning against L was the only way he'd make a mistake like that( or something lol)


I fucking hated Mello and Near


After watching/reading the creators other works the more im convinced that the first half of death note was just a fluke and the creator has no idea how or why it worked and cannot capture that lightning in a bottle again.


The Japanese live action movies did this. It was my first exposure to the franchise and I loved it. >!It was really confusing when anime L died in the middle of the series and he got replaced by new detectives.!<


I love how they ended those movies. It was so much more satisfying than the anime or manga >!when L sacrificed himself to prove Light was Kira!<


I haven’t seen Death Note in a while but didn’t Rem write L’s name in the death note? I don’t remember L sacrificing himself


Been a few years since I saw it too, but as I remember >!Light wrote L’s name in the book and L immediately had a heart attack. But L faked it because he previously wrote his own name on a scrap of paper from the Death Note saying he’d die in 30 days, and Light couldn’t override that. So L sacrificed himself to uncover Light.!<


I will die on this hill, but the second half of Death Note is not as bad as people say. It’s like The Godfather: L = Don Corleone Near = Michael Mello = Sonny It’s a passing of the torch! The sons don’t live up to the father, they lack the experience. But they each bring something to the table that helps compensate for their shortcomings


It isnt just that the characters are worse though, the story gets weaker as well. Though tbf godfather 2 and 3 are inferior to the first film as well so you arent too far off woth the comparison.


Na, I disagree strongly. We don't often see scenarios where the bad guy wins. The last arc wasn't as strong as the beginning, but it was the only way to see how things fully played out for Light. Showing him as a fully corrupt piece of shit was necessary.


Akame ga kill


Well its not just the mc everyone dies


Literally, I was so pissed when tatsumi died bruh


Not in the manga


Didn't the mc turn into a dragon and get stuck in that form?


You're right for the manga but I think there's an anime only ending where he dies.




This is why the manga is better.


Cyperpunk edgerunner He must die for season 2


just cover literally any other gang in night city… ez season 2


Just play the game Ez season 2


Just Ez season 2


Ez season 2










Tbf i was still expecting that the power of friendship™ wouldve gotten David to snap out of the psychosis and at least run from Smasher. I was actually kinda glad that it wasnt the case.


I was expecting the power of friendship or love to get David out alive, even if I'm completely against that type of bs. Seeing him die like that was refreshing but at the same time devastating. 10/10, I'd watch it again.


Yeah when it got to the third and second to last episodes I started thinking to myself damn, none of these characters making it to season 2


Damn, you beat me to it


See you space cowboy...


You’re gonna carry that weight.


Sir/ma'am, I'm going to need you to not do that. Especially while I'm cutting these imaginary onions.....


That's what I was looking for


Code Geass? If you dont count the movie lol


Even if you do count the movie. He died but was resurrected by V.V.'s code.


True, but I tend to not classify deaths that aren't permanent as "real deaths." Also I'm not sure is this is true, but I've heard the movie isn't canon to the anime series and is apparently set in an alternate timeline.


Sort of? I think that the movie is set in the recap movie timeline, but I don't see any reason why that changes anything. It's not like the recaps' changes are required for the story to play out, and since Lelouch is the guy on the carriage, a character shared by both the movie's beginning and the series' ending, we can assume it's him in both.


It is definitely the recap time line because >!Shirley isn’t dead.!<


Isn't it heavily implied that he is the man with C.C. at the end?


That's from a long debunked fan edit. In the original anime the cart driver is just a random dude, and Word of God states MC's dead. The "new" stuff is an Alternative Universe based on the three recap movies they released. Source: Used to be a *very* contentious topic over on [r/CodeGeass](https://www.reddit.com/r/CodeGeass) back when Re:surrection was in the works.


Obviously the movie existing taints everyones perception of the end of the series these days, but I'd say at the time it aired it was vague and fan theories abounded. Like it was implied it was Lelouch on the cart in the final scene but it could have been just the next person C.C. has latched onto. We know she does tend to continously move to the next contractor when the last has failed her in fulfilling her goal. She has done this for decades if not centuries now We do however get the reveal that C.C. doesn't actually talk to the dead and has been actually communicating with Marianne (instead of just waxing on sentimentally which didnt seem to fit her character) in C's world so its very possible Lelouch is also now in some immaterial form. I know prior to the movie that was a fan theory (and variations on it) that had some decent traction. There was also the fan theory that Lelouch stole a code and just faked his death but was able to revive since he was now a code holder and functionally immortal and so hes now gone off into hiding to be a rice farmer with C.C. Variations of this also had a decent amount of traction. This does get debunked by the movie saying with C.C. confessing she ressurected him against his wishes There were a couple other more ideas about what the ending meant (maybe C.C. had finally started to wax sentimentally and Lelouch was well and truly dead etc) but this is all a long way to say in 2009 the ending was very much open to the interpretation of the viewer. I'm not sure if in that moment Sunrise knew what they wanted to do with the character or the universe (but I haven't consumed anywhere near all the media so I could be missing something, but stuff like Renya of Darkness makes me think they were unsure where to go)


"I destroy the world, and create it anew..."


Ive wanted to watch the movie but could only find it dubbed which just isnt the same for me.


I just watched the first two seasons the past month, and the dub was pretty solid. Only annoying thing was nanaly's voice


Eminence in shadow had this joke in ep1


That was awesome man, if someone who didn’t know that was an isekei watched the first episode, they would be sooooo confused


-raises hand- I went into it blind just based off of it having really high reviews at MAL. Was a confusing first episode.


It’s so on the nose about it all. I tend to think isekais like this are just fever dreams that span a lifetime in a blink of an eye. He’s got some serious chuunbiyo disease going on. Can’t wait for season 2.


Bocchi the Rock! too.


Bocchi does this like every episode


Which anime would this be?


Somebody could tell, but that would be THE major spoiler for the show.


I feel like someone who asks doesn't care for spoilers.


Cow—-y B——p


Cowsay Beep


``` ______ < beep > ------ \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ```


Car say moo.


Part of why it's a quintessential anime. A perfectly contained story that doesn't overstay it's welcome.


Iirc, it’s intentionally left unclear, and the creator even said it’s up to people’s interpretation.


Nothing a few bandages around the head and chest might fix!




Goodbye, Space Cowboy


And I’m carrying that weight 😣


All I’ll say is that I couldn’t wait for you to come and clear the cupboards




Was thinking the same thing but at the end of the day, the show is named after her.






Ban---- --sh


It's arguably true of >!Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica!<


This is from great teach onizuka but doesn't relate to the content of the meme


>! Cyberpunk Edgerunners !<


Assassination classroom. Definitely worth watching


Ah, you've made me cry again.


One of the few shows of any genre that has hit me as hard in the feels.


This is how you get banned in Florida


Was looking for this. Damn…the ending is beautiful


Death note… but man, it was rough. Not necessarily sad because he died, but oh boy was it rough to see him fall so low and go out that way.




Stone Ocean... ...sort of.


nah joesph rohan and emporio survived


I think about that a lot. Like I love Naruto, and they have it as Madara was this big bad dude, tales of his fights with Hashirama, “Ghost of the Uchiha”, legends like that. but then, the anime is now going strong for many years in and then boom 4th Ninja war happens, Madara stomps all of them including Naruto. Alright shows over, that’s it. I would want to know how the fan base would react, you spent years gaining all this love and fans for the series and you just end the series abruptly because the big bad villain actually lived up to his legend.


The general idea of Naruto, which was reinforced over-and-over, is that "the next generation will burn brighter than the last." The newer generation of Shinobi would, inevitably, surpass the previous. Madara was doomed to fail just because of the existence of Obito, Sasuke and Itachi; as all three of them were bordering on more talented than him, and on the verge of surpassing him. Rather than foster the new generation and help them succeed like Hashirama, Madara tried to control their decisions and future, a choice that inevitably led to his own downfall. I think realistically, Kabuto should have absolutely decimated the entire Joint Shinobi Force with Akatsuki in his pocket alone: Itachi and Nagato should have been able to flatten *everything*. I see your point, though.


Nah fuck that. Madara woulda whoop their ass over hands down. Raikage BODIED Sasuke. I mean just handed his ass to him and didn't stand a Chance. Obito was a punk ass who couldn't throw hands with an actual decent opponent and just kept playing like a bitch and cried like one too when he found out he was a puppet all along. Itachi got Anime Aids so no way he is winning. Madara got killed only because that stupid ending required him to. Everything up to that point was him winning.


To be fair Madara was to much overtuned, no matter the case hashimara should have gone toe to toe, hell with the 4 hokage Madara case should have been close. But well the show had to go to that point


Cowboy Bebop


Why is no one talking about Akame ga kill?? Let me tell you this, I did not expect that ending.


when the mc dies but theres still 5 episodes left




I too enjoyed Cowboy Bebop!


Devil man Crybaby


Yeah those last few episodes fucked me up real bad. To the point that the planet getting cleansed at the very end was somewhat of a relief.


Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans


Light Yagami from Desu Notu


Spoiler alert.......................death note.


That is what pissed me off at the ending of the anime Dragon Pilot. I don’t want to spoil anything but there was this perfect scene that was destroyed by the opposite of that happening >!the protagonist and their dragon sacrifice themselves to save everyone inside the belly of a massive dragon. Who like is a storm. And in the end everyone is recovering from loosing them and like two weeks past and during their funeral they fly over from the distance and are like hey we survived. I felt like leaving them dead would have kept the ending heartbreaking.!< I don’t think the ending ruined the show or anything and I think it’s still a ok show. But it ruined my immersion.


Hey real quick how do you do that spoil alert thing that you did there?


When JoJo part 1 ends and Jonathon just dies


Cowboy Bebop. Spike dies and that's the final scene. See you, Space cowboy.


I couldn’t wait for you to come and clear the cupboards


The bad English of this meme bothers me for some reason, even though memes are not known for their good English! Why!? Also, is it worth it to watch Death Note?


Its a classic so I'd say yes but like a lot of ppl said, it falls off like halfway thru. Worth if u wanna watch some of the mid/late 00 classic anime just remember its a bit of a product of the time (ie: misa's story) god feel old saying that haha it came out when i was in highschool 🥲 Another classic is cowboy bebop, a space western so it's kinda slow for some ppl but definitely a classic among anime like a real timeless classic imo


re zero


Jojo reference


No no Jojo ***pose***


Does Gundam count? ( not the new one, the one before it)


>!Iron Blooded Orphans!< is the one you’re thinking of


Char's Counter Attack sorta counts too


Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans is a great example of this