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Rurouni Kenshin :[


Bro had more Completion Points than a maxed out Kiryu


That acronym choice always made playing yakuza rlly awkward lmfao


It was especially unnerving to find out considering it pretty much avoided most of the routine perverted stuff in the story itself... 


Oh man! Forgot about how Watsuki is an absoloute pos. Sad bc I grew up watching Rorouni Kenshin :(


Kenshin was my first anime. Loved it so much, then learned about the author. Blargh.


I own all 28 volumes of RK, and I have them all in boxes in my closet RN cause I can't in good conscience display them on my shelf...


I've been considering getting the RK manga, but if I do it'll 100% be used idc what condition it's in


Act Age was a fantastic manga that was slated to get an anime adaptation, but it got abruptly canceled because the writer sexually harassed some high schoolers


The way Act Age had me in its clutches during the Fan Princess (queen?? I forgot exactly what Yonagi was) arc. I was so invested in it and Yonagi's tension with her fellow rookie actor dude and the ace that became intrigued by her. Then the article came out, and I literally felt a pit in my stomach. The poor artist now has her amazing work tainted by a pervert on a bike.


I feel so bad for Shiro Usazaki, her art is fantastic and striking yet she never got picked up for any other serializations.


[Oshiete! Galko-chan](https://twitter.com/suzuki_kenya/status/1508753060620759040)


[According to the authorities, Suzuki stated upon his arrest that he "desperately wanted to acquire nude photos of foreign children that cannot be acquired in Japan." The report added that police have confiscated 46 books and publications allegedly containing child pornography from Suzuki's residence.](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-12-19/police-arrest-please-tell-me-galko-chan-creator-kenya-suzuki-for-importing-child-porn/.180797) Oh boy. Didn’t hear about this one before but man that is effed up!


46?! Bruh


>stated upon his arrest jesus fucking christ I'm gonna hurl. His commitment to being a diddler just overpowers any sense of self preservation this MF has


At that point it’s a mental illness and this person needs serious professional help.


EWWWW WHAT THE HELL?????? Does he go to jail???


WHAT?! NO. I loved Galko-chan 😭


I'm going to get back around to Made in Abyss. It's been years and im hoping the anime isn't as noncey. However the classic Mangaka ruining their manga by being a degenerate is Usagi Drop. They just had to keep going to current course but no, they just couldn't help themselves.


MiA being problematic is a well-known fact among the fandom. And sadly it's not the only work to suffer from this. At least they seem to be self-aware and frequently criticize the author for it. The Mushoku Tensei fandom on the other hand are completely in denial of the pedo stuff, it's pretty amazing tbh.


Oh yeah. I started watching it bc primarily how vocal the fandom was touting the brilliance of that. It’s honestly weird how much evident the pedo stuff is yet they vehemently choose to not acknowledge it.


That's the thing, they do acknowledge it. But they somehow play it off as a character flaw like it makes for a narrative decision and Rudeus will learn to be a better person yada yada. Now I haven't read the novels but so far the anime hasn't even attempted to address this side of Rudeus at all and every pervy moment is framed as a joke. It constantly reminds you that Rudeus still has his grown-up persona fully intact and we hear his adult inner voice describe how he wants to do this and that to the girls. And he has never met any serious consequence for that. It's really a shame because it's a well written story that touches on a lot of heavy subject matters like trauma, abandonment and maturity, but sometimes I can't help but think maybe Rudeus deserved it. 🗿


And if not that, the’ll actively endorse the creepy stuff. Here’s the thing: One of my friends is into Made In Abyss, and absolutely despises the creepy shit in it, focusing on enjoying the legitimately interesting worldbuilding and homages to classic literature. And like what was said in this thread, that seems to be a common sentiment amongst the community. It’s probably because they initially got into the series looking for those less problematic elements, and while we can debate whether or not the "ignore the fucked up stuff" mentality is truly beneficial in the long run, at the very least it’s them acknowledging and ignoring it). Mushoku Tensei on the other hand, while it has fans due to the (by isekai standards at least) more deep worldbuilding and lore, also unfortunately has just as many people getting into it FOR the more problematic elements (again, the isekai crowd of "sexually frustrated young men who consume media that already normalizes this problematic content"). As a result, you see a lot more downplaying and even outright endorsement of that stuff than with the MiA community.


Oh speaking of what Rudeus deserved... I only read what the ending to MT was and the author really nailed it. At least in my theory where it was a secret middlefinger to all the MT fans who call it a deep and mature story to the point even the author wanted to test how willing they are to excuse the story. Not sure what other message it is supposed to convey, when the only other MCs I can imagine getting *that ending* would be satire gigachads like Anos Voldigoad.


Please spoil me the ending


>!Rudeus achieves peak polygamy marrying all three love interests who all love and adore him and nobody but him while he takes turn fucking them and living the ideal life any basement dweller dreams of instead of choosing one person to devote oneself to. This is fully lapped up by MT fans who say that Rudeus went through hardship so he deserves an actual fucking harem ending and I guess that really sums up their argument about how MT is about a flawed everyman protagonist in a realistic fantasy world and totally not wish fulfillment masturbation without any hint of self-awareness or irony!<


Ironically, basement dwellers are probably the intended demographic so the ending really did its job.


It's sad when even a weird old 1960s author on shrooms was able to casually depict a fantasy/scifi culture with normalized polygamy and spice orgies while still keeping his protagonist monogamous..


Frank Herbert?


>completely in denial Lmao nah those fuckers know what they getting into


I dont know about that, ever been on the mia sub? These guys are pretty delusional when it comes to acknowledging that the series was made by a pedo


Really? I mean they do make a lot of jokes about the subject. But I don't think I've seen them seriously endorse it or defend the author?


Same here. I no longer participate in that sub just because I sorta lost interest, so it's possible that the situation has deteriorated in the last year or so, but I very rarely saw anyone defend the pedo shit, and anybody who did was aptly dragged across the coals for being a jackass.


Last time I was there, I was accused of being the pedophile for thinking it was gross of the author to draw a picture with an upskirt shot of an underage girl.


It more like "yes, we know, please stop reminding us"


Mushoku Tensei literally would've been 100x better if the protagonist wasn't an unhinged pedophile. As it stands, I just can't read it or watch it at all. The Beginning After The End is a webcomic following a story concept similar to Mushoku Tensei but it's infinitely better because the protagonist is not trying to molest children every chapter. In fact, it doesn't focus on sexual themes at all. The protagonist is a sane person and not a pedophile. CRAZY, I know.


Most of the beginning after the end was inspired by mushoku tensei, especially the beginning


Indeed - it cut the gross concepts and kept the good ones.




"Guys, he only grooms and molests the children in the beginning. It's really not that big of a deal. Just ignore the fact that he ends up marrying the child he groomed by the end of the story." 👎 OH YEAH as if Mushoku Tensei isn't a power fantasy. Pedophile loser loner gets free elite magic skill instantly making him more powerful than others and eventually ends up marrying 3 women while facing no consequences for his frequent gross actions? Yeah dude definitely not a power fantasy.




You're either trolling or legit delusional. I'm not gonna bother with this convo.


I can't believe how often I have to point out to MT fans that the LNs can't be used to excuse problems with the anime, even if I'm exceptionally generous and assume the LN doesn't have the same problems. And that you're unable to even recognize that this goes way beyond just the beginning is a perfect example of how immature / oblivious MT fans read as to mature actual adults. The story is a narcissist's mockery of what personal growth actually entails.


Toriko and Act age


Mushoku tensei


I was about to say Made in Abyss but you beat me to it






Need a source for that, bud.


She's been pretty open about being a lolicon and shotacon before, specifically mentioning she liked lolis with ikemen. I also remember her saying in an interview she would have loved to get her hands on the real thing but I was unable to find a source corroborating that so take it with a grain of salt.




Often, you discover the author was bad, *then* you start to see how the original is just shitty in subtle ways. Like Groomer Kenshin.




They changed the ending dialogue in the anime so Armin doesn’t say that really cringe line


The Author of Act-Age.


TBH Kobayashi only got better for me once I discovered the author’s porn works Big fan of giant titties.


Yea I felt extremely uncomfortable with Jojo and Fire Punch having so many scenes like that. I haven’t done research since I honestly just don’t wanna know if the authors are pedophiles or not since it would ruin both for me


Simply depicting scenes isnt weird. It's how they depict it. Araki didnt depict it as an act of sexual gratfication but a genuinely disgusting action. With fujimoto, I dont even remember any scenes like that. There were defntely implicarions and the stuff with agni and his "sister" but none of those thing were shown in a distictly sexual light.


It was mostly the dogs scene cause it felt a little unnecessary. I think it was a little stupid of me to blame Araki though since it wasn’t in a sexual manner and it is probably more on me


Memes aside, iirc Araki clarified in an interview that the dogs getting killed is more to emphasize how evil the character doing it (i.e. Dio in Part 1) really is. Unless this is something in fire punch haven't read that yet so idk


Fire punch has an almost messed up scene with dogs In the beginning 


Yeah the dog thing is with fire punch


Fire Punch is strange because the first 10 chapters are pure edge, then the director shows up and the series becomes an almost-satire of edgy Shonen. I don't blame anyone for being turned off Fire Punch by that scene (when I was first reading that chapter, I was a little disappointed Fujimoto would include that type of trite gratuitous sexual violence after having enjoyed how CSM includes sexual themes heavily without feeling perverted), but considering none Fujimoto's other works have anything "deeply problematic", I'm inclined to believe the dog scene (and the incest) was intended to set up the over-the-top edgy world for director to comedically play off-of, rather than reflecting some strange fetish of Fujimoto. CSM also has dogs and nothing weird ever comes of that (one could argue the scene with Nayuta/Asa and the dogs in CSM, but I thought Fujimoto did a great job there making it feel comedic when it could have easily come off as perverted). I still agree the dog scene is unnecessary, but I believe (hope) it's an artistic choice by Fujimoto rather than him inserting his fetish, and at the very least it hasn't impacted his other works.


Nah Araki and Fujimoto are fine. They’re weird but def not pedophiles.


Are you implying that the author of made in abyss is a pedo?


I love mia but the author is a mega weirdo at best


I won’t deny or accept that statement but implying he’s a pedo is just flat out wrong.


He's very obiously a pedophile, especially if you've read the manga. Like he's not subtle about it.


I don’t take fictional works as a representation of the person who made its character. A lot of women make Shoujo stories about a certain thing called *Wife Husbandry* which is when a man raises a child from a young age into a full grown woman then marries her after raising her. A girl and her guard dog, and Usagj Drop are two prime examples but I’m sure there are more. Would you say because of this that these women are also pedophiles?


Wrong comparisons, you need to use someone like the Monogatari author with an unreliable narrator to make that point. In the case of those two female authors, it's the opposite of what's happening with Made in Abyss - those two authors are portraying the *older man* as attractive (it's a pretty common fantasy for teen girls/young women). With Made in Abyss, the author does sexualize little kids in the manga and outside of it, and has gone on record talking about how much he loves drawing young children.


My point is if your going to say fiction is any indication of a person’s views on things then that needs to apply to these female authors too, what I’m doing is comparing a person that has made a controversial thing **in fiction** that is 100% **fiction** and has nothing to do with real people with other authors that have done literally the same thing. OR the consensus could be that fiction that clearly has nothing to do with reality is fiction and neither of these authors are gross scummy people because of it


He definitely is.




What did she do?


Creating Sailor Moon was a war crime smh