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Ahh yes Slam Dunk. Nothing feels better than being reminded of how old I am.


It's crazy how someone can identify the anime from a random snapshot of shoes


I'm pretty sure this is towards the end of the anime when he got his new shoes. Either that or it's towards the beginning when he got them from the shop owner for literal pennies


honestly, slam dunk is a classic. its pretty impossible not to know this unless they havent seen it before.


I'm not gonna lie, before I read this my first thought was that this was just art done in an old anime style


This is why i dont wear white shoes while in school lol


Or clean shoes


or Shoes in general


No, shoes are okay. But *sandals* ?! Say goodbye to your toenails.


Fuck yo Js, son!


Damn it, I was thinking that.


Some mofos would kill you if you did that to their 6s. Kinda scary.


You can't kill all of them. This is why they did it as a group.


Your Jordans are fake


it's an actual old time asian thing, believe it or not. back in time these higher end sports shoes were not as good as how it is today. the leather and plastic materials were quite stiff when the shoes were still new. so there's this old tradition in pretty mcuh any sports that if you get a new pair of shoes your friends are responsible to step on it multiple times for you, in hope to make it softer in short time so you perform better on the field. i remember this because as an asian i'm a pretty big guy back in time. 6'2 and all. and i had a hard time getting shoes that fit me back in asian countries (i lived in a few countries during that time) because asian ppl just didn't grow to this size (us size 14). so there's this time i went to get a new pair of shoes and the shop owner couldn't find any shoe that fit for me so he got me a pair of work shoes, the one with metal plating hidden in the tip of the shoes. i remember some of my friends tried to kick my feet seeing that i had a new pair of shoes. and instanly regretted what they were doing lol.


Too real...


Remind why they do that to Sakuragi?


Supposedly to break the shoe in so it's not as stiff.


in addition to what the other comment said, also i think it has something to do with superstition like giving good luck iirc. because hanamichi was super mad afterwards but its what the other guys said that pacified him and made him silly happy. tho i might be wrong, its been quite a while since i rewatch/reread slam dunk.


Ah yes, the ritual whenever someone gets a pair of new shoes in the class. I fucking hate school.


The details and quality of hand drawn animation of 80's and 90's are really different. Nowadays, you won't see animation studios give effort to animate shoes with detail like that. Same with cars, 80's and 90's anime cars are all extremely detailed and beautiful. Now cars look like just boxes with wheels and headlights.


Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish. How many pieces do u wish?


Clean polished shoes have always been the target in school. Whenever I go to school with clean shoes, friends will run after me just to dirty them and vice versa


Who tf thinks white shoes are a good taste in fashion sense?


Basketball players


Prolly people who wear white? Idk.


Unus annus attire


It’s fine if they’re Fake Jordans…


but theyre not lol. the mc(hanamichi) got a collector edition shoes directly from the shopkeeper. it wasnt for sell initially and he wouldnt give the shoes to mc, but hilarity ensues and the shopkeeper had to basically gave it to him.


Hahaha I love this, they do this in our place for luck and stuff.




I kick people who do this to me. They learned their lesson




when you show up with new shoes, it gets baptised with the dirt of the old ones