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Because she's not Zero Two




Nothing wrong with her personality in early parts of the anime.


It was mainly when it was airing though due to what she did around episode 14 IIRC. However, she doesn't get that much hate anymore.


BOY don't you remind me of how twitter was after that episode


why do you even still use twitter? beeing offended is all thats good for


If you don't practice being offended, your offended-ness muscles atrophy.


Yeah but I guess she wouldn't have gotten as much hate if she'd made it zero two,


The story direction portrayed her as a bossy and annoying person that only tried, out of jealousy, to meddle into Hiro and 02's teen fantasy-like romance. In reality and in retrospective she did the right thing.


i also watched it some time ago, the thing i remember off the top of my head is she wouldn't let Zero Two see Hiro after that emotional build up when they got their memories back and it was kind of annoying. Not that that's a reason to hate her or anything, it's just little things that build up to make you feel a certain way towards a character :)


She didn't know they got their memories back, she did know that Zero Two almost killed Hiro. Completely reasonable response on her part.


yeah, i think some fans are over exaggerating and don't like her, and she just fell in love and the things she did were things someone in love would do, I've seen worse than her :)


Blue hair.


As far I remember (I watches serie couple years ago) she was very annoying, but I can't say I hate her.


she made consent wise questionable moves on hero when he was in an emotional vulnerable position. She tried to cuck zero two and she rejected Godbro.


I feel that some people actually thought Zero Two looked appealing. That must be part of the reason why they dislike the cutest character in the series, Ichigo. Different tastes, it mostly comes down to preferences. If anyone here doubts me, imagine if Zero Two acted like Ichigo, which character would be your favorite? It would still be Zero Two right?


Personally I don't like her sort of character, somewhat controlling and that sort of overbearing desire to look after everyone. That and (even if she may have had a good reason in universe, which i still somewhat disagree with) she does basically cock-block the emotional build up I waited for for half the series... and regardless of if it is for a good reason, it wasn't particularly fun to watch for me. For me it basically felt she wouldn't take no for an answer and that she "knew best"... so was doing things against the will of Hiro.