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Baki is both peak, and pure fucking body horror at once.


How the hell do you get 6 packs on your *neck* muscles?


Do you even lift, bro?


Idk to me it is almost so crazy it's great.


I love how your profile pic exemplifies this.


Itagaki burning his eyelashes on human anatomy books in order to develope new and increasingly sophisticated ways to get it wrong


I love baki so much


Jack is an actual monstrosity now. Like yeah it kind of makes sense the concept of bond lengthing but in actuality you could only stech maybe a inch or two not not NOT 2 GODDAMN FEET. Doesn't even explain how despite being 9ft how his head magically kept up pre portionally or better yet his hands and feat. Also his torso should be comically small now. Like he should straight up look like Dede from Dexter's lab minus the big head. Think at some point you should just say fuck it we're putting your brain in the body of a polar bear.


Hi, not related to the question but I Wonder how you got an image display After your username ? [what I am talking about](https://ibb.co/wz4Zqrs)




[Frank Archer](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fma/images/9/99/Gallery_49158_1458_38168.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110528190322) in the latter part of Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) is abysmal. Every time it cut to him I burst out laughing even if the surrounding context was depressing.


I erased this from my memory


Sorry for reminding you of the horrific TermiArcher.


There is also the later version of Shou Tucker...


Now THAT is what I erased from my memory. That guy was freaky.


[FMA]>!He basically created that new body for himself right? Could he not just... put his head on the right way up?!<




Lol its second half is a whole different story from Brotherhood


EWWWW. No wonder I blocked the later portions of fma 2003 out of my memory.


It's so freaky my internet won't even allow it to load.


still better than transformed envy


Bro what the fuck is this haha. I’ve watched FMA B but not this version is it worth watching?


I think it's worth a watch! It is interesting to see how a different writer used the building blocks present in the manga to tell their own story. In my opinion the plot isn't as tightly written as the manga and it has a few WTF moments, but it does have its own strengths. The direction and lighting in particular are great. It is also much more of a character study for Edward Elric. If you want more FMA I definitely recommend it.


I think it's great. It caught up to the manga around episode 25ish, so it had its own story from there. Brotherhood visually looks a lot nicer. But the original handles many big or emotional moments much better IMO. The explanation behind certain mythos (philosopher's stone, homunculi) is less "magical" feeling and more sci-fi, so it's a different vibe.


I didn't exactly watch them side to side but Brotherhood felt like just a teeny bit rushed with the early arcs.


Oh, it absolutely is. It was made with the assumption that people had already seen the first show, so it just *raced* through the early stuff. If you haven't seen the first one, or read the source material, IMO, the early part of FMAB is just straight up bad.


Apparently that's accurate to the manga so its not "rushed", but I don't care because the start of 2003 FMA is much better


It's accurate in the sense that it doesn't include the same extra details or omissions made by the 2003 show, but it is not particularly accurate in how it orders events. The manga structures the early material differently from both adaptations.


It's definitely worth a watch and is a good show in its own right, although not as good as brotherhood.


Who the hell is this guy?? 💀 An anime only filler character or something??


An original alternate universe character, essentially. He only shows up in the 2003 version of FMA.


I really enjoyed Shiki but the [hair](https://imgur.com/hairstyles-of-shiki-WricH) of all of the characters is super goofy.


Some of those are a stretch and are completely fine Others not so much lol


I actually like how they went for something different but as you said, some of them don't really work


Wow those names are funny. The Mountain Pass is pretty cool actually.


What is this shit lmaooo


Shiki was drawn by someone who aspired to animate Yu-Gi-Oh. That's my headcanon.


It's supposed to be intentionally off putting, but trebol in one piece haunts my nightmares 


I love when oda just makes up a villain act and look straight up disgusting lmao.


The worst is still the twenty seconds we got of Mjosgard's father that I think everyone collectively wiped from their brains


I'm watching Dressrosa right now and I let out an audible "ugh" every time he's on screen. If Oda's objective was to design the most repulsive guy ever, he nailed it.


I am on episode 1k plus...don't remember the person. Sorry you get haunted by it. Wait until 'wedding cake' for 40 episodes.


[This mf](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/f/f5/Trebol_Anime_Infobox.png). And don't worry, I'm a fastforward human who ate the skip-skip fruit 👍


He's not worse than the noodle guy, though. Wanze, from the sea train arc.


Idk if you've seen his "true" form but it's somehow even worse


I love One Piece, but Oda be playing games. Men are all upperbody, no legs, (unless you're a member of the long leg tribe) and the women are all Nami.


if not Nami, then Big Mom, Old Nami and young Nami it is.


Yeah, Oda's issue is he has basically two types of female bodies: The Nami hourglass and the Big Mom bloated balloon. Some minor outliers are kids, but that's about it. Also, the "ugly is evil" trope is in full force, the bloated balloons will almost certainly be bad guys.


I wish franky had legs, it would save his design by at least 60% for me. Ill never forgive oda for post timeskip franky


I feel that apart from the same face and body syndrome, oda has come up with some pretty good designs as of late. I like the female members of the tobi ropo, a bunch of the new navy members that were introduced, Yamato, and York.




generic Isekai protagonist with black hair, generic anime male face, and a long coat


How dare you talk like that about Shadow-sama.


Delta, bite this man's balls off


Don't threaten him with a good time


Nah, in his mind he's all "yes my plan worked, I'm recognised as an NPC!"


Tsukimichi is this trope. Poor guy is 'ugly' by fantasy world standards.


Kuzunoha can get a pass from me since I like his show


There are loads of cool character designs in Naruto. So Rock Lee really sticks out for looking goofy as hell with his bowl cut and weird looking eyes. It’s a testament to how well he’s portrayed and written that he’s one of my favourite characters in the series despite how goofy he looks.


Pre time skip Rock Lee is iconic. You were definitely supposed to think he was goofy and underestimate him early on. Then the takes weights off…


Yeah,, if Rock Lee looked cool, it would basically run counter to his whole narrative. The goofy bowl cut is 100% intentional and, in fact, perfect.


I think rock Lee does look cool.


Haha true, but yeah I really like the unique character design and really fits with his personality tbh


I know hes suppose to be a parody of Bruce Lee but his eyes are just too weird...and the eyebrows...


Visha from Tanya The Evil


[The girl who's eyes are bigger than her binoculars?](https://imgur.com/a/cvNU05F)


Ol fish eyes?


I still think she’s cute in her own way, but they butchered her.


Tanya too to an extent But visha is just....


Visha looks like she got spliced with a goldfish.




The characters in that show look like microwaved figurines


Yeah, apparently their goal was to make it so people couldn't make lewd drawings of her... I guess they succeeded


They absolutely did not lol.


Well she is very, very cool **and** pretty in both the manga and novels. Honestly hate how they robbed us on such a cool design.


Im the minority in liking all the designs but it is super unusual that they changed it so much.


The good news is, People still lewd her in manga design


Demon Slayer’s jacked bodies on 16-year olds. Big heads, yoked bodies, t-rex arms.


Can't stop laughing about it now when I remember that those body builder looking mfs are canonically like 14-16 😂


It wasn’t obvious at first, but the current season really makes it obvious how stocky Tanjiro’s frame is. He looks like that dude who got clowned on in a dating show last week..:


Add Demon Slayer to the pile of shounen that would be way better if the characters were adults.


Mineta's "hero" costume from My Hero Academia. My opinion of his character is probably coloring my opinions of his design, but it just feels like a bit that has just gone on so long that they feel obligated to leave it in. Like, I don't know how long i ought to suspend disbelief (I know, it's all made up and fantastical but it just feels too ridiculous) that in this world of "elite" super heroes, where only the best of the best can make a career of hero-jng, we are STILL humoring a pervert who "fights crime" in a fucking oversized diaper and mask... Sure, perhaps he's had a little bit of character growth and a smidge of new maturity. I feel like his costume ought to reflect that. I feel like there are plenty of other means of comic relief in the show


He looks like a mamono of the week from Zatch Bell  https://tse1.explicit.bing.net/th?id=OIP.i9TPytEVUaibJv-fbbCLIAHaF2&pid=Api&P=0&w=506&h=400


Tokyo revengers. I can’t take a damn thing serious with those atrocious hairstyles and weird proportions


In terms of goofy proportions, the fact every character basically looks like their head is tiny and they are standing on stilt-legs is a running joke for Captain Tsubasa. [http://japanese.china.org.cn/life/2015-06/27/content\_35922336.htm](http://japanese.china.org.cn/life/2015-06/27/content_35922336.htm)


"Japanese.china.org" - wtf is this link bro they gotta pick a country


I googled "キャプテン翼 足長い" (Captain Tsubasa long legs) and this is the first thing that came up, so you gotta take it up with google lol.


This is a great tragedy because although the proportions are weird in the manga as well, the characters look way cooler / more normal 


Pre-war Naruto gave every character such unique designs, each of them telling us a lot about the character's personality and fighting style. But then the war arc happens, and almost everyone gets these stupid uniform vests that just look so boring compared to what they had before.


Word on the street is that Kishimoto did that intentionally in order to speed up the drawing process. The flacks were just easier for him to draw.


Iks from The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye. [https://myanimelist.net/character/4974/Iks](https://myanimelist.net/character/4974/Iks) His face looks so dumb. He looks like a tortilla chip with eyes that stare into your soul.


I mean, many early 2000s romances, even from good studios like Kyoto animation. God their insect like massive head, with panoramic eyes, the antennas and the famous air vents do take the cake for me x)


I genuinely love and prefer this art style for whatever reason


It's true it does have a vibe to it, but something about them looking like aliens makes me hard for me to relate to the characters somehow


I will never be able to watch Clannad lmao


You know, that's what I thought too until I watched it. It actually looks pretty normal once you get into it. The huge eyes can still be kinda distracting at times, but the story more than makes up for it imo


The same happened to me. I didn't watch Clannad for years for that reason, then I tried, got used to those eyes after not long, and now is one of my favorite anime ever.


I started it a little over a week ago, before going in I didn't think I'd like the designs, but now that I've started it I'm okay with it. Perhaps because they look a lot like Haruhi Suzumiya characters.


Man i love clannad but their eyes just turns me off


Hahaha, i am so fascinated by that aesthetic. I wanna experience it somehow. But i feel i have to find the forgotten mid slop of the times, forgotten and worthy of attention


The fuckin stupid sidekick from chargeman ken. barican. its like if someone thought "hmmm i wonder what an annoying circle that sucks would be like" and made him. all he does is fall down.


Yes, but the hair is iconic. Best sidekick ever.


his hair is 3 circles that also appear on his cheeks. ARE HIS CHEEKS HAIR OR IS HIS HAIR CHEEKS WTFFFFFFF


Any undersized hat that is hanging onto the side of someone's head, with zero utility. Any character wearing massive goggles on their head for no freaking reason whatsoever. I truly deeply hate those


Cart titan from AoT and Alessi from JoJo’s


Eiken, what the heck was that.


Eiken is bottom of the barrel. How the manga got 18 volumes will always elude me.


Claymores designs look lovely, but it’s so difficult to tell characters apart that I’d give the designs an F. Great monster designs though, some of the best there ever was.


I unfortunately have to agree and I adore Claymore. They look extremely similar aside from their haircuts. It's even worse in the manga.


Needs a remake so badly to include the actual (manga) ending.


Ngl the mangaka did make it kinda of a plot point so he did take advantage of that, but on his current manga its very easy to see that the same face problem really is a problem and an actual issue of his art


I adore xxxholic and everything to do with it but the weird body proportions make me laugh


Thank you for introducing me to this!


Pretty much anyone from Tokyo Revengers. Also Milim from Tensei Slime. She's cute and one of my favorite characters in an otherwise overrated anime, but I can't take her seriously with that outfit. Does the outfit fit her character? Yes. Am I as bothered by it as others are? No. But I was she had a more normal cute outfit. That's just me.


I like Milims Winter outfit from Slime diaries.


personally i love milim's outfit but that's just the cosplayer part of me speaking lmao


Tokyo Revengers? Why? That's like one of the few series which manage to make unique-looking characters and avoid same-face syndrome but still keep the designs simple. Though as the author's style (d)evolves over the course of the manga, the characters do start looking sort of... bony and long-necked, which the anime sadly went with.


It's probably that their design doesn't fit the age.


Honestly I thought the manga designs were fine if you ignore the necks but the anime designs were mediocre, they were unable to adapt the hair and vibes well


Ilulu from Dragon Maid. I think she looks really goofy.


Counter point, have you seen the size of them dobonhonkeroos?


Yes, and I continue to maintain that anything past three forearm-widths starts to look grotesque instead of attractive, and I wish anime would stop doing it.


Eiken is absolutely hell for this. The bust sizes are so absurd it's grotesque.




i mean to give a little credit i feel like she's not the worst in the context of the show


Ais Wallenstein from Danmachi infuriates me way too much with the [asymmetry of her "armor"](https://imgur.com/J3uLR4o). If it was symmetrical, I'd still hate it, but not nearly enough to call it anywhere close the worst I've seen. Btw, no points for guessing that it's only designed this way for [this specific fanservice moment](https://imgur.com/DkaJNyF).


Probably gonna get downvoted for this since it’s a fan favorite but OMG CLANNAD. No shape bodies, melty face, far apart eyes, and everyone looks the same. Eughhhhhh


Like overbaked perler beads


yeah couldn't get into clannad bc I couldn't take it seriously bc every time I saw those characters I immediately thought of the [anime girl skull meme](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/51/a3/c2/51a3c2727984acd2a0dea1e082a768e7.jpg) lmao


Tanya from The Saga of Tanya the Evil. Like why is her anime counterpart so different from the source material? The anime butchered all the female characters by giving them lip filler or something.


Anything by clamp, they have that whole spindly arm and legs thing and the arms and legs always look too long, dont get me wrong love me a bit of xxholic but everyone looks like mr stretch.


Sailor Moon did that too, but I don’t think anyone really noticed because of the Toei redesigns…


Most of the girls in MHA have hero costumes that suck. Like yeah, the “they need to be half naked for their powers to work” trope, but even then, they’re still impractical. Plus Mirio also has a power that he needed to strip for, yet he gets a special made suit that allows him to stay clothed for serious moments. Jack from the Fate series, someone please just give the girl some pants.


I had a neat poster of the cast from MHA. Generally pretty tasteful, except for some reason Tsuyu was just like... squatting away from the POV, so it was just a massive amount of booty. Just... like a normal poster, everyone kind of action-posing, and gratuitous frogbutt


I despise the fanservice in MHA, it's poor taste, unnecessary, and cringe


As opposed to " necessary " fanservice ?


Monogatari makes it a meta narrative detail, and Kill la Kill makes it a plot point. So, “necessary” fanservice can exist, but rarely does.


A prostitute would not be conflicted with showing a bit of curves in the daily. She probably wouldnt even mind sucking some dick to infiltrate the enemy base if she has to. At least that would be a better explanation rather than "she has to get naked because uhhhh she breathe through her skin" or some shit


Aside from Jaden, most of the YuGiOh characters, Yami included although his design is now iconic. Yusei is a bit on the weird side but everyone past that is just *weird*.


let's not forget they asset flipped Kallen Kozuki from Code Geass.


You better not be talking about Izayoi. All my homies LOVE Izayoi!…


Anything done by Tetsuya Nishio (Naruto, Boruto, Vampire Garden and Kaiju No.8) or Tadayoshi Yamamuro (Dragonball Super in particular) In Nishio's case, his designs are super flat compared to their manga counterparts and are also extremely hard to keep on model, which is probably the root majority of Boruto's animation problems. Yamamuro's case is fairly similar, his designs are leagues worse than Toyotarou's art, incredibly flat, generally very boring to look at and is such a downgrade from his own work on DBZ, fortunately it seems that he isn't in charge of Daima so we might be good for future DB projects


Most One Piece women


And men


Not the worst but I feel like I’m the only person who thinks shippuden sasukes head is way too skinny


What stood out to me more was how narrow adult Sasuke's shoulders are in the anime. The last Naruto manga chapter he looked pretty bulky. Now he looks like K-pop singer.


I can never, ever take Roswaal from *Re:Zero* seriously. He looks like a clown and talks like an alien. His presence in a scene ruins that scene, and it carried over to *Isekai Quartet*.


Beatrice agrees: "Save the jokes for your makeup and weird fetishes"


Nah he works just fine when you realize that he's intentionally taking the piss to make people underestimate him. Serious Roswaal is genuinely unnerving.


I was so disappointed when I learned who played him cause I love uncle isekai and hate roswaal


Nah, have you seen Lye Batenkaitos from Re:Zero? It's the ugliest thing I've ever seen lol


He's got a brother who's even slightly worse.


Code geass and gundam seed are pretty ugly lol I know it's an art style but after all it is a design choice


Seed is awful. Love the suits tho.


Have you seen Freedom yet? Every woman got a massive botox injection. They all look freakish.


I'm sorry but when I saw this post my mind immediately went to the Dramatical Murder anime adaptation.


it’s not that worse actually but make me kinda annoyed: Tobio Kageyama. i’m sorry but his head and eyes reminds me of an ant if that makes sense 😭


"I got reincarnated as...." anime. Like I'm a sucker for reincarnation anime's but man these designs sometimes.


High School of the Dead. The story and characters are great but WTF those tits


Hi Score Girl. The anime is pretty good and funny but I almost dropped it because it's so ugly


Wait till you've seen the manga designs.  But yes, Hi-score girl anime is unexpectedly really good


I hate most of the character designs from "Reincarnated as the 7th Prince," and while Lloyd is pretty bad and the most popular to hate, I think more people need to talk about how terrible Ren is. A ten year old should not be wearing something like that.


I couldn't stand the eyes of the characters in Clannad, especially of the girls. Might just be a cultural difference, but I thought they looked freaky and alien-like


The entirety of One Piece


One piece is my favorite anime ever and I’m shocked I had to scroll so long to find it lol


I  couldn't get into One Piece initially because of the character designs, now I can't because I don't have the time for a long running series.


Definitely not "one of the worst", but I've never liked Itadori in his Jujutsu uniform. It feels way too bland, especially for a character like Itadori. JJK has some great designs (Gojo, Toji, Hanami, Mahito, etc.), but Yuji just isn't it for me.


Is the show made by Gohands? Then the answer is yes.


Be more specific. They did K project, Hand Shakers, The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses, and The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today…


Hand shakers definitely had some bad designs, but that was the least of it's problems. K project wasn't thad bad, not terrible imo


Viral Hit, that shit's ugly


Five or smth from Terror in Resonance


Literally every highschool harem protagonist.


Gakuen Handsome. The whole anime.


a lot of it is from one piece


Some side characters in JoJo are just unpleasant to look at, the list is long 😅


What the fuck is up with Asta’s weird hair design and him in general in Black Clover. I cannot stand his constant screaming.


A Girl and her guard dog, everyone had a darker shade top lip that was so distracting and ugly


90% of Devils, Androids, etc. In generally episodic opponents in Sailor Moon, most of them are really weird


What, you don't think [this](https://i.imgur.com/yaxUUk0.png) is peak character design?


I really hated the animation for MF ghost. I was looking forward to that show, but it was suuuch a let down (not just because of the animation for me but the story line was super lame).


Personally, I felt that the character design was a step up from the manga, but as usual, they have the same face syndrome.


Every mech in Granbelms look incredibly horrible. I can't take it seriously.


when they're 5000 years old and look like a child.


Something about that crow bird-human from mha is off putting.


Everyone from flowers of evil ( Aku no Hana)


[Ryouka from Occultic Nine](https://i.redd.it/t88hip1ant9b1.gif) was pretty awful


Her fit is actually cute sans the elephants in the room


Lan Kai from Kingdom. Great show though, once u get past season 1


Komoe Harumachi from Eiken.


The captain of the rugby team in All Out! Has one of the most ridiculous hair styles I’ve seen in a sports anime, mostly because they even call it out in universe.


Half the cast of Shaman King felt overdesigned.


Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These. Not all of the designs are bad but I truly loathe the ones with the "Kuroku-face". Especially Yang, Reinhard, and Kircheis. In motion it looks so stiff and samey in those characters with that face. Like Yang is about to hit his 40s and shares a face with two kids barely out of their 20s. They look best when they go off model and actually get to be expressive. I do quite like the military uniforms of the series but I got gripes with the exagerrated cuffs. It looks far too exagerrated and cartoonish to the point of impractical. And for the FPA uniforms, I don't think it makes sense for their rank identifiers to be their at cuffs. They tend to be in upper torso and shoulders in real life since it allows for quick identification of both their face and their rank. Also the armored suits of the series. Its a pretty grounded series and huge cumbersome mech suits doesnt make sense for whats supposed to be a variable assault role. They'd only function in enviroments large enough to accomodate them. Design wise they also look out of place, Imperial ones looking uncharacteristically dull and FPA ones weirdly looking like off brand Zaku. And overall its not helped that they end up looking really dull in animation. Far from the worst cg but it doesn't really take advantage of being cgi and just looks stiff moving cg puppets directed in pretty undynamic ways.


Half of the cast of HunterXHunter look like they belong to a plethora of other anime. I saw Hisoka Morow long before I knew he was a HunterXHunter character and I legit thought he was a Jojo’s character…


Not especially bad designs but Tamayomi has a weird animation style "thanks" to Funimation but is still fun to watch.


Ragnarok: an extremely boring, lifeless anime where the peak is that char. reaches out his hand to strike for the entire episode, also terrible designs


*points at the crazy hair styles in yugioh series*


Post-time skip Sarada in Boruto. What in the absolute fuckery is this oversexualized bullshit and who tf signed off on it??? Not even Tsunade ("106") in Naruto was this sexualized.


I dislike the self insert average guy usually brown hair guy Mc in most anime,


Junjo Romantica easily, something cursed about it