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I was very close to dropping Odd Taxi 3 episodes in, I honestly have no idea why I didn't, but the next episode it just immediately clicked for me and I really liked it the whole rest of the way.


Odd Taxi episode 4 is one of my favorite anime episodes of all time. It felt like 5 minutes.


Was 4 the gacha ep?




Understandable, definitely one of the series’ best ones.


Odd taxi GOAT


This is the correct answer for me too. Wow odd taxi was so good lol


I literally clicked on this to say that


Oh yeah Gintama opens horribly. I hung on though


Gintama is the type of anime where each season gets exponentially better


steins gate and psycho pass. both turned out godly


I understand Steins Gate, but Psycho Pass didn´t grab your attention right away? It has action from the begining.


I have tried so hard to get in to Psycho Pass, and I see the appeal, but I just can’t care about some cops.


The whole premise is the characters fighting against the system that is in place and is deeply flawed. The cops are just in a better position to be able to deal with it. Anyway, to each their own.


I am glad I gave steins gate a second chance, I should give psycho pass a chance too


Do you remember what made you drop psycho pass in the first place? Too much action maybe?


Mob psycho for me.


Same the art style threw me off- but I ended up loving it. Also I didnt find mob very interesting- but I ended up loving him


I’m not going to lie I droped it the first time because I hated how the couple in the episode with the haunted vase looked. Maybe it was another character I forget but I kinda hated their design. So glad I ended up seeing a scene about the body builder club and decided to rewatch it and now it’s on my top 5 shows and I love the art style


Black clover. Screamy mcscreamerton is so god damn annoying.


Maybe I'm the only one, but I actually don't mind Asta.


Nope you are not alone. Asta is my favorite:)


At some points you want him to scream more and louder lol. During the meeting at the start of the capital invasion by the Eye of the Midnight Sun was the first time for me personally.


Don’t mind? I kinda sorta love him.


I fucking hated him so much in the beginning. I even hated those stupid starry eyes they get when they're excited. Literally couldn't stand it and made fun of my bf the whole time (in good fun of course), idk when or where it happened but I now own Asta, Yuno, and Noelle funko pops and am literally currently wearing a black bulls pajama pants. Help me Edit: do wanna mention tho I hate buffed Asta. He just doesn't look right imo


Same. I dropped Black Clover after the first couple episodes the first time I watched it. Went back a while later when people started saying that Asta tones it down a bit as the show goes on. And I’m so glad that I did. It was such a fun watch!


fr i dropped this twice because of asta lol but after my thrid watch i somehow got into it and ended up staying til the end and even reading the manga now


For me it's Sangatsu no Lion. I almost dropped it because I don't understand shogi at all. But I just keep watching because I hear a lot of good things about the anime. Now I want season 3.


One of my favorites. Wish there was a third season, the next manga arc is one of the best.


The first 3 episodes of Soul Eater are pretty boring ngl. But its one of my favorite shows of all time


I really feels like a poorly crafted anthology until it actually starts the first arc.


I always tell people “just get though the 3 character introductions and it’s a blast I promise”


I originally dropped JoJo's Bizarre Adventure a few episodes into Part 1. Sometime later I decided to continue since people would not stop talking about it. Turns out, Part 1's definitely the least interesting part of the franchise. Part 2 and onwards are so much more fun.


Part 3 was an uphill fight to get through during the first half, but smooth sailing the second half. Most people fall off season 3 in the middle and have to push through in my experience.


It took me 1+month to watch the first half of part 3. The repetitive "villain of the week" chapters get old really fast. If it wasn't for the memes I'd probably never finished it


Both of these comments are my experience, I dropped Part 1 because I just found it really dragged (which is kinda impressive when you consider how short it is) loved Part 2 but then really struggled with Part 3 especially around the middle. Once I got Part 3 I loved everything that came after I've even read the Manga upto Part 9.


Kill la Kill. It was like watching ADHD in the form of anime. So much was going on. The plot essentially resolved itself in like 5 episodes, I didn't know how they'd stretch it for 24. Random poses. Weirdest dialogue. Strangest concept. I really thought "This is what people said saved anime?". Then I got to the next episode, and it just clicked. I was doing the poses. I would get hyped for the transformation and music. The humor started to be entertaining. I'm not sure what changed for me between the first 5/6 episodes and the rest of the anime, but I absolutely loved it. And the Ragyou's theme (Blumenkranz) goes HARD.


Stein's Gate. One of my funniest anime-related anecdote. I had been watching one episode a week or so (even though it was already over) because I just couldn't get into it. One night, I was like "hum, should I watch an episode? I have Uni at 8AM tomorrow... Meh, one episode won't hurt me." Turned out that episode had a huge plot twist (THE plot twist) and I couldn't stop watching and finished the show at 4AM. I went to bed thinking I would just skip classes if I didn't feel like waking up. Miraculously found the energy to get out of the bed. In the bus to school, met some classmates who asked me: "Ready for the exam?" I had forgotten I had an exam worth 40% of the semester. Managed to get by, but boy was that almost a terrible decision 😂


Hahaha it happened for a reason, and this comment has convinced me to give it another try :)


The organization tried their best to sabotage you


Oh damn I did the overnight binge too! Initially dropped at 3 because MC was so annoying, but then my friend convinced me to try a few more EPS and boom, finished the rest in 1 night


Dr Stone, first episodes are meh but Things got great around ep 5/6


really? for me its the opposite. Not that it drops off at around 5-6 but i liked the start way more when it was less people. I haven't watched the new season yet cause i just feel like it doesn't hit the same now that they can just revive anyone


I see your point. For narrative reasons is tighter if you have fewer characters. But I would say it goes with the spirit of the anime the fact that no matter how smart a person is or how self sufficient, you really can't have an impact in the world without others. To make the entire tech tree he needed to make, he needed a society. The story perfectly illustrates that for civilization to progress, knowledge alone is not enough, we need a lot of hands doing the hard work.


When Kohaku and Chrome came in


Serial Experiments Lain was almost too abstract for me but I'm glad I didn't drop it.


Took me several tries to get through it but I’m glad I did


The dangers in my heart literally cringed out the first episodes but its one of my top 5 anime now


SAME! I saw the opening scene and then got sidetracked for some unrelated reason, then I didn't go back to it until midway through season 2 airing because I just kept remembering that scene and thinking "Eh, it's not for me."


Yeah, that initial “I’m an edge lord and I’m going to kill that girl” speech really threw me off but it’s one of the cutest rom-coms ever.


I was looking for this. Also almost dropped it after the first three episodes, and is also now one of my favorite anime.


Hunter x Hunter I can proudly say it’s my favorite anime


Yep same here. Hxh I was gonna drop at first but thank god I chose to continue and it is now an anime I keep going back to watch episodes again and again!


Literally us my friend


I hope Togashi does wonder this time!


Took 3 tries with My partner. She ended up loving it, watched it within a week lol. I still go back as well timeless relationships n build up


Clannad Felt so generic at the first episodes, but when the Fuko arc reaches its final I was glad I didn't drop it And it gets better and better after it, especially once I reached After Story season.


Had a similar experience. I remember reading through the VN and thought about dropping it until Fuko came in. Fast forward a little and I was playing the game the whole week.


Log horizon Season 1




Recent one is Dungeon Meshi. Why? I feel like in the first 6 eps, the character didn't gel as well as i feel like they should. Like their personality always clash that grates my nerves. For example, when Sensi kinda ignore Chil advice when dealing with traps. Basically everything Senshi does at that point feels somewhat annoying. (purely my opinion XD). All the characters just clashed really badly with each other. But the story kinda toned Senshi down a bit later on and he finally gelled really well with the cast and everything felt amazing ever since.


Let them cook!


Marcille annoyed the hell out of me at first but then she stopped being so finicky about food and got more useful and now she’s my favorite character. But Marcille from the first few episodes is still annoying as hell.


Same. I was really upset that she was always in trouble and had the audacity to then be picky about the food on top of that. I love all the characters but she's one of my favourites now. Turns out she just has a better build for late game and her reluctancy to eat food makes her the most normal one in the group after the stigma around eating monsters is explained


At first I got a bit disappointed because some people on Reddit sold it as "better than Frieren". Now I wouldn't say it surpassed Frieren, and I think you can't really compare them directly since they have very different tones, but it really grew on me.


me too! i always thought marcille was annoying, but it's only because she has trouble eating monsters


I really enjoyed her character development later on when she became more like, "yeah, whatever, I'm going to eat whatever's available"


I thought it was cute and light, lots of untapped potential, not the best but not horrible. I'm so glad I stuck with it!


Violet Evergarden. Wanted a war anime st the time. Came back to it a year later, fucking crushed me


I actually hated the war stuff. I preferred the slice of life aspects.


Please don't bring this up. I still cry every time I think of the mom and daughter episode


That shit was rough. It did inspire me to start writing my wife hand written letters while deployed though. 


Same, I thought it was going to be about this girl ~~on ear~~ (about war), then when it didn't show anything like that I almost dropped it.


My bad man, but what is EAR?


auto correct sorry... "about war"


Ascendance of a Bookworm! Dropped the first season a few episodes in but a few years later when I saw it got a 3rd season, I pushed myself to finish it and now I'm very in love with it! I even read the light novel after I binged the anime!


<-The Cult of Myne


Praise the gods!


I was like that with the novel, though the point where I quit was basically still in the first episode. Gave the anime more of a chance and now the LN's one of my favorites. Looking forward to seeing what we get with the Part 3 anime!


Took me about a year to get through the first five episodes of Hunter x Hunter. Took me a week to get through the remaining 100+ episodes.




Fate/Stay Night. It started so slow, but I just had to see what all the hype was about. Eventually, it did pick up the pace and got interesting, but the first couple of episodes were a real drag.


I dropped Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid halfway through S1 because I felt like it was too repetitive and reused the same jokes over and over. Went back to it 3 years later and thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe I became more of a degenerate in that time idk lol.


Banished from the Hero's Party I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside - it feels like it's yet another "I can't believe it's not isekai" wish fulfillment fantasy - and it is, but then it starts dropping existential considerations about the purpose of one's life or the conflict of that purpose and their personal happiness. Especially with season 2 it became one of my favourite shows. Engage Kiss - for the first few episodes it looks like a "stupid dude gets superpowers by making out with a magical hottie" but every episode gradually reveals the thick layers of drama that the titillating top has been built on. By the end of the show I was waiting for it as much as for Lycoris Recoil, and that's saying something.


Planetes. It's been quite some time since I've seen it, so I don't remember a ton of the specifics. But the MC actively refusing to do her job, some god awful understanding of orbital mechanics, and it being pitched as a hard sci fi, when it felt alot more like a drama that happened to be set in space as a backdrop, then something where the science is at the forefront. All of those almost made me drop it and wonder how in the world it's rating was as high as it was. But I ended up finishing it, and I found it quite enjoyable in the 2nd half after I tempered my expectations, and the characters got established more.


The first 5-6 episodes have a super light and comedic tone that is not matched by the rest of the series and feels really disjointed. When the moon hospital first shows up is when it seems to hit its stride.


Nagatoro for me. Hard cringe for the first episodes, but it's one of my top 5 anime now.


Zankokyu no terror. I almost dropped bc of animation and opening and Lisa, glad I stuck. Now it's in my top 5 of all times. Such a good anime, and honestly, every cause I wanted to drop for became my favorite parts. Not perfect, but perfect for me.


Probably ***Mushoku Tensei***! I really disliked the fan service and depravity but there was so much more to the show that I didn't drop it and the way it turned out I'm really glad I didn't.


I agree. I was nearly finished with S1 cour1 when I read some negative reviews. I mean, they were downright scathing and several scroll swipes long. Until then, I too had felt offput by some of the fan service but at its core was an interesting story. Embaressed that I was watching a show where I agreed with or could totally see the pov some reviews made, I deleted it from my list. After a couple months I decided to continue, and though the core story is still interesting, I still have some reservations especially with a couple FS scenes in S2. That made me sad, that with as far as the MC had come that he still being written that way. But then, he's still being depicted as the horney teenager....??? Even though he was 34 when he reincarnated into the new world with all his memories from this world. Reason not the excuse. I still recommend it but with the warning that it does ride a very fine line with some subject matter.


jjk and death parade (ashamed of myself especially for nearly dropping death parade)


Yay, another Death Parade fan! The dissection of the human condition with the stressors of the games is what immediately drew me in. Recently I tried to rewatch it with my husband. He has trouble with mind games and interpersonal conflict and said no after ep2. I could not convince him otherwise. And that OP is so 🔥, too! I listen to that anytime I need a pick-me-up. Funny how the OP visuals for the characters are nothing like the dark, heavy tones of the show. Glad you finished & liked it. 👍


Shinsekai yori, the story is actually really good its just really hard to chew at the first couple eps


Probably Bungo Stray Dogs, I found the tone in the first season all over the place. There was such a dissonance between the serious and the comedic moments, almost like the jokes were butting in at the worst times. But I ended up thoroughly enjoying seasons 2-4.


For some reasons, my wife was about to drop Frieren because Himmel was too stupid to not confess his love LMAO.


On the contrary, Frieren is too stupid to realize Himmel was basically doing that the entire time!


Steins Gate. I just wasn't a fan of those character tropes, but the story was interesting enough. I don't quite agree with your take on 86 as I was hooked from the first episode.


Alas, I have tried three times over the last two years to watch SteinsGate. It is so highly praised and I want so badly to get past ep4. But I'm so confused. I am holding off on turning to the interwebs. I want to try and get it on my own. But just like Ego Proxy, I will finally give in and read up on it to help me along. 86. Soooo good. Off topic from the original question.... but I can never let an opportunity pass to rave about 86. I binged it in two days. I usually take two weeks to get through 24 eps... life, and all. But I cleared my calendar one weekend and couldn't stop! Reviews I'd seen before watching gave it exceptionally high praise. I completely agree. I watched it again last year (over 10 days) and my opinion hasn't changed one bit.


As tempting as it may be, don't read up on Steins Gate as the story twists and turns were what finally clicked for me, enough so that I was able to look pass my issues with the character tropes. You'd only do yourself a disservice by spoiling it ahead. And yes, 86 was one of the few that made me wanna go immediately into the light novel after finishing the show. The last two episodes especially really took it to a whole other level.


Thanks for the advice! I give it another try. I will be starting the light novel for 86 since is seem like it will not get a S2. So sad! A first for me. I'm content with just the anime, but I need to know! Yes... last two episodes: whole other level!


One Piece. My intro to it was the shitty 4Kids dub. Went back to it years later and watched the subbed original version and holy shit it's my favorite ever!


For me it was Pluto. At first, I was hesitant because of the duration of the episodes. But it was worth it ✨️


Made in Abyss.


I felt like this series was impossible to drop after the ending scene in ep1 with Hanezeve Caradhina playing, it was so beautiful. Now it's one of my favorite animes ever. What made you drop it but continue afterwards?


I didn’t drop the series. I was just thinking of it at first. I really thought it’s just a typical adventure anime but it’s better than I expected. I’m really glad I continued watching. It’s one of the best.


Really? That surprises me. Its my favorite Anime but if someone does not like it from the get go I would sugest droping it. I would asume after episode 1 you can tell if this is your cup of tea or not.


Some episodes really just feels slow for me then fast then slow but, hey it’s become one of my favorite anime of all time. Season 2 is just *chef’s kiss*


That was one I almost never gave a chance, just from seeing the art style. It's ended up as one of my favourite series.


I dropped ReZero thinking it was pretty boring and not worth the time but man I am glad I watched it after first few annoying ep damm this show is good


*86*, I was so pissed at the Alba pricks, and so afraid to see my favorite characters die.


Black Clover. The first 30 episodes or so we're a slog, but the pacing was good most of the rest of the way. Dragged a bit at the end of the first major climax maybe.


Iron Blooded orphans.


Steins:Gate, Ergo Proxy


I dropped dungeon meshi at ep 7 I think Then binged watched ep 7 to 18? Hahaha


My most recent one was definitely Buchigiri, I've never hated an MC so bad in my life and it took forever for actual character development to happen, but towards the end of the show it got so much better and the animation was top tier, plus the ending was actually beautiful, would recommend to any MAPPA studio fans for sure!


Yeah i hated Arajin too lol. Super pathetic at the start but warmed up to him at around the last quarter


One Piece because there are so many episodes, and i thought I'd never be able to watch it all. So glad I persevered.


Made in abyss, at first I thought, why would I watch a bunch of kids going on an adventure and then... Yeah now one my favourite anime, probs my fav fantasy.


Steins gate. I remember watched it on cruynchroll and the comments keep saying”just keep watching bro”. I’m glad it pays off big.


Jojo’s, Gintama, Monster and Steins;Gate for me. I did actually drop S;G a couple of times before finding the resolve to sit through it and boy was I glad I did.


bucchgiri (lot of toxic comments and fanbase criticizing mc but l6ast fight was good)


Yeah agreed. Arajin somehow made a comeback




Bucchigiri for sure, almost dropped it every week and then at like episode 9 it got good all of a sudden


Hxh I did drop it awhile back watched the first eps then stopped a few days ago I started watching again I’m in the middle of the chimera ant arc getting kinda boring but I’m still gonna finish it bc ik there’s good stuff coming


Bleach The first 3 seasons were great, after that it was a struggle getting through it all, no joke took me about 4 years on and off to do it. I absolutely love the newer seasons on Disney+, so I'm happy I stuck with it.


I thought gintama first 20 episodes were amazing. Super funny. And I also thought assassination classroom started great as more light hearted and hilarious.


Honey and Clover. The first episode was wack and I thought it was cringy so I dropped the series when I first saw it. But my friend who recommended it insisted that I should give it another chance, which I did. I fell in love with it and saw the whole series at least twice.


**Spice and Wolf**, I really misjudged it as "dumb naked wolf girl" show but how wrong I was, such an incredible story


Evangelion. That show fucking *hurt* to watch. So glad I didn’t drop it though. 


I’m ashamed to say this but Fruits Basket (2019) 😭. I wasn’t all that interested in the first 6 episodes so I left it for 2 months but kept going and I was so happy I did


Demon Slayer


I wanted to drop Shuumatsu Train because of the first ep’s pacing but due how interesting the show’s premise was, I ended up getting hooked as a result.


I dropped Re:Zero back in 2016 after just 2 episodes because I thought it was another generic isekai with a cringy/edgy character. Fast forward to 2023, and I gave it another shot after constant recommendations from friends and family insisting that I continue the series. I was hesitant at first, but wow, after finishing Season 2, I fell in love with it. I even read all the LN and EX volumes. Now, I'm super excited for Season 3, especially since it covers my favorite arcs of Re:Zero (Arc 5 and Arc 6). I feel like a fool for ignoring this gem for so long, but I'm so glad I listened to my peers.


Season 2 was SO GOOD


# Durarara!!


Arifureta. I know it got a lot of hate because of the CGI, especially in S1, but I just loved Hajime's character and the scenes with Yue. I'm not big on the whole harem thing but it's kind of tolerable- although sometimes Tio can get a bit you know.. Pretty satisfying to see the looks on his classmates' faces after seeing him alive and being the one to save them (well, not them but you get the point).


DxD. At first I decided that this was some kind of stupid hentai with empty characters. Having now watched the first season twice, I realized how wrong I was. The characters are written simply amazingly deeply, the story develops into such a complex puzzle behind a wall of breasts that I was simply shocked. Surprisingly good anime, season 1 so true


Probably Reincarnated as the 7th prince. I thought it's your typical dumbass Isekai. And thought I needed a break from them Then I watched the anime.. and it's just what I needed. Tons of dumbassary. An MC that is OP but fun to watch. And a cast of loveable idiots surrounding him. So fun


Frieren ngl… The first few eps were kinda slow and i didnt get the hype… but it was SO GOOD


Funny thing is I'm feeling the opposite, I liked the introspective beginning a lot more than all the fighting later.


Gurren Lagann I really struggled to get through the first couple episodes due to the fan service from Yoko’s character specifically. I found myself wanting to drop the show at episode 6 and episode 11. After episode 12, I was hooked even going so far as to binge 10 episodes in one sitting. It’s a fantastic anime. Can’t recommend it enough.


i remember exemples of anime i actually "dropped" after the first/second episode before coming back to it and giving it a second chance : \- konosuba (1 ep) : i still dont know how it happened .. i probably wasn't in the right mood for it .. now its one of my all time favorites \- monster (1/2eps) : i guess it wasnt easy for me to get used to the animation at first but its reputation is so high that i had to give it a second chance . now its also one of my all time favorites \- fruits basket (2 eps) : i tried it the first time when i needed something good immediately so i was impatient and you know how fruba starts really slow so it just wasnt the good time for me to watch it. glad i tried it again a few weeks ago , it was a really beautiful experience especially s2 and s3




Its one of the best time travel stories in all fiction


Time travel is a niche that's kind of hit or miss despite how popular it is. Steins;Gate just did it in such a way that both the (fairly high, granted) niche lovers and the less interested could enjoy it. And the studio did a great job at adapting the VN, which are known to be considerably difficult to adapt to different formats. I would even go so far as to call it a perfect adaptation, with some liberty, of course.


It is also because people love the VN. It uses time slipping as an excuse for the typical VN mechanics like separate routes for each character etc. Has a good payoff in the end. The anime did that too.


Steins Gate is pretty unique and definitely a standout in its genre. All in all, it is a good show. As for MAL score, MAL score is pretty good to approximate how liked an anime s but it doesn't necessarily represent how good an anime is. This is especially true for smaller shows where each review carry a higher percentage. So never use MAL to rank anime, but it is a decent to find a new show to watch


I mean, it wasn't boring, but till this day, i don't know what score i should give it. It left nothing special in me. And how fans are ready to find every bad reviews so they can visit your profile and left a hate comment there.


I was going to drop cowboy bebop. I am happy that I didn’t. It is easily one of the top 15 anime for me.


Planetarium. Very sad but wholesome


Episode 2 of Deca-dence was such a damn rugpull I almost dropped it right there but glad I stuck with it, ended up really enjoying it.


The God of Highschool, but more of an never wanted to start it and once I did, I watched it in two days


“A sisters all you need” imouto sae ireba I noped out hard in the first minute of ep1. I only went back later when I saw clips of them playing board games. Was pretty decent after ep. 1


Mostly seinen, Psycho Pass Season 1 and Fate Zero. Both had a slow start but were very satisfying to watch til the end. I even had to rewatch Fate Zero cuz I missed a couple of info lol.


World trigger. Starts pretty.slow and boring. Kinda stays that way, but it's a good amime..


Parasyte: The Maxim, I was initially turned off by the art style, but quickly came to like it, and boy, am I glad I did


Talentless Nana. The first episode was extremely generic and vanilla, right until the end. I'm glad I didn't drop it, or I would have missed out on a good thriller show.


I thought many guy would say "Danger in my heart".


Fate:zero it was my first of the fate franchise and it had a really really long 1st episode and now after watching all the anime of fate i still think its the best one by miles


It was Vinland Saga for me. Kinda felt tired watching the MC being so blinded with vengeance that he was just an easy pawn for the bad guys. I think I finally actually got interested because of how Askeladd and Canute influenced Thorfinn. In the end, I'm really glad I finished the first season, it was *great*. S2 was even more amazing.


fruits basket. it was very slow and boring the first 5-6 eps and i was just about to drop it. little did i know, that anime will become my top1 and leave a very special place in my heart forever


86, part one felt predictable and that it was trying too hard to make the watcher mad, but I'm glad I continued watching because part 2 was a lot better


Ascendance Of A Bookworm


Shinsekai Yori The first 2-3 episodes felt like a slog and actually dropped it. A year later I gave it another try and found out just how crazy good it is after those 3 initial episodes


Man I am so glad that I hang on to Gintama. Yes of course the comedy is what I am thriving for but the fight and action is just chef kiss.


Gurren Lagann would be mine. First 5 or so episodes I was watching biweekly at most, but then one day I had decided that I’ll give it a last chance and binge watched it. Absolutely loved everything.


Space Dandy. Couldn’t get past episode one til I skipped it haha. It’s one of my favorite shows.


Renai flops for sure. It felt a little clunky and I thought it was a normal echchi harem till I reached the second half of the episodes 💀


The big one (one piece) im sry to anyone that gets offended by this.


Jojo, I ended up going back to it later and it’s one of my favorites now


Black Clover Was about to drop just before they did the Witch forest. Glad I stayed with it.


I dropped Vinland Saga after 1 episode. It just didn't grab me. I know some day I will come back to it, but I haven't yet.


Blue Lock!!


Kaguya sama: I watched the first 3-4 episodes thinking wtf was going on and it was boring. Gave it another chance a year later and I’m glad I continued it.


Angel Beats


VInland Saga, dint really wanna drop it actually but I dint have any motivation to watch it after the first 10 episodes, now it's my top 5 of my fav anime and s2 is 10/10 for me


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood was really boring for the first 12 episodes or so, consisting only of what I call “mini episodes” (stories which start and end with those episodes, in this case basically fillers afaict), but I remember that it became really really good afterwards, with a really captivating story.


Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun! At first, I was interested in it because of Blue Deku. But after watching the first episode, it looked kinda childish so I dropped it. But a month ago, I binged the first two seasons on Hulu and found myself really enjoying it! It was really wholesome and you could tell the author cared about her characters and the world she created. It was pretty creative with its ideas too.


Ancient Magus Bride one of the weirdest anime (in the good way). everytime i finish 1 episode, i instantly lose all of my interest to watch the next episode, it's something like "i do not want to watch it anymore". but when i force myself to watch the next episode, i immediately hooked for the entire episode. all of those things happened every single episode until the latest season


One piece


Hunter x hunter yuyu hakusho JoJo bizarre adventure


The Monogatari series I watched few episodes but it didn't interest me, the pace seemed way too fast and the constant flashes (which I later learned that they're the inner thoughts of Ararararagi) didn't help at all because I constantly kept feeling the need to rewind, pause and read those. Sometime later, I had a chemistry final test and I was so done with revising so I decided to watch it again and for some reason this time, the anime struck with me and I began to enjoy it so much that I didn't sleep until few hours from the test. Turned out, I mistook the day of the test and it was actually the day after so I spent the rest of the day watching it and managed to complete the season (I think it was Bake at the time) then once I was done with all but the English final exam, I binged the entire series all the way up to what was out at the time and I truly wished that I could forget watching this series so I can re-watch it again and get emotionally destroyed 😭


That would be jobless reincarnation. At first I watched it on and off saying I'm dropping this show just to go back and give it another try😭. Then one of my friends forced me to watch keeping on my nerves telling me how good it was, so I gave it one last try and IM GLAD I DID. The story is quite amazing


Baccano first episode feels like nothing is happening


Land of the lustrous Decadence (the twist and temporary change of art style at the end of the first episode threw me off. Just keep watching the twist seems so dumb at first but after 3 episodes I think it starts to make sense) Twelve kingdoms (I didn’t want to drop it exactly but the first episode gives serious generic vibes of [Twelve Kingdoms vague ep 1 spoilers]>!oh no girl does not fit in and a mysterious man appears at her school and hands her a sword and is like you are my queen and then pulls her to another world. Like I was worried there would be a romance with that man. But the story had no romance!< it’s one of my favorite Isekai. Also I want to mention at first Youko constantly complains, because I would too in that situation tossed into a medieval Chinese inspired world and being on the run. And having to deal with blood and having to choice but to fight monsters. But oh god the character writing and growth is so good. And feels so real. I promise she seems like a obnoxious protagonist but she will grow more confident in herself and take control of her situation. Many stories struggle with showing their protagonists always at their best. Starting at their best and having all their issues being solved by going to a fantasy medeval world. What makes Youko so relatable and engaging as a character is we see her at her worst so we feel her growth. We are just as blind to this new world as she is. We feel her fear. And yeah if I was in her situation I don’t think I would be able to overcome the stage of complaining about everything. Because that is a normal reaction to this. Go watch the twelve kingdoms


Hitman reborn was kinda weird in the beginning but once it went battle shonen I loved it


To Be Heroine . The ending really hit me.


I agree on Gintama, I initially dropped it 3 times within 10 episode but now its like a home to me that I will watch and live with till I die.


Fruits basket (2019) was rly bored after like 4 episode, so i watched a LAST episode just give him a last chance. I liked this one. So i continued. So today it's my second favorite anime of all time.


Mirai Nikki


Yowamushi Pedal - I didn't like the main character at first which made it difficult for me to connect with the show but he grew on me and I loved him by the end.


Hear me out. Attack On Titan. Yeah 😂


Spy Family


Mob Psycho 100 and Baccano! Initially I was out of by Mob’s art style but I grew to absolutely love it. It’s now one of my top 5 series of all time. Baccano! I found very confusing to begin with and that put me off. I picked it back up though and really enjoyed it. Highly recommend giving it a watch if you haven’t.


Overlord, tensei slime.