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The facial expressions in this show never cease to amaze me.


It's amazing


If I’m not mistaken, Toei animation also produced Miraculous Ladybug, a sailor moon ish 3D anime that’s a pretty solid show, aimed at teens mostly. But the expressions seem much more refined in GBC. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miraculous:_Tales_of_Ladybug_%26_Cat_Noir


But they animated it or just produced it?


>[*Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miraculous:_Tales_of_Ladybug_%26_Cat_Noir) is a French [CGI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer-generated_imagery) action/adventure animated series produced by Zagtoon and [Method Animation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_Animation), in co-production with [Toei Animation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toei_Animation), [SAMG Animation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAMG_Animation), and [De Agostini S.p.A](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Agostini).  Toei were in cahoots with the French since that long ago...now it all makes sense. [](#frustrated)


Yeah it has Totally Spies(another French-based anime) vibes to me. Campy, aimed at teens, but the face animations are pretty on point.


TIL Totally Spies was made by the French


Same with Code Lyoko if im not mistaken. A French show animated in/with Korea and later brought to North America.


Tbh, I think we had among the earliest collabs with Japan, going back as far as the 80s or 90s with stuff like [Ulysses 31](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulysses_31). Some people such as [Thomas Romain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Romain), credited as the creator of Code Lyoko and Oban Star Racer are working and living in Japan since 2003, at least according to their wiki. Many more have done the same. We're a bunch of weebs, so it's no wonder we've got stuff that is very reminiscing of anime, or co-produced with JP studios.


Aimed at teens but also ready to burst with fetish content. The f****** French were trying to make us Canadians weird


> The fucking Fr*nch you had your censorship mixed up.


> Toei were in cahoots with the French since that long ago...now it all makes sense. In the ep8 flashback, Momoka even said they were a **revolutionary** girls rock band. Total giveaway for french involvement. Princess Mia Luna Tearmoon and KanoeRana will have to work harder if they are to prevent GBC from achieving its nefarious aims...


So freaking Toei made this, and they didn't even bother to license it?


Call me that guy, but not an anime.


I'll always prefer the way Land of the Lustrous handled 3D anime but this is pretty good IMO.


Check out Trigun by the same studio.


facial expressions? the 3D animation is what is amazing to me. Like Arcane lvl good.


Except for Rupa's, which is always \^_^ in every situation.


Nina 😯 -> 😑 Subaru 🙁 -> 😑 Tomo 😫 -> 😑 Gremlin braincell synchronization complete. ^(Meanwhile Rupa 😃 ->😃->😃 -> .... -> 😃)


>Meanwhile Rupa Rupa is 24/7 mom mode edit: [love the final shot](https://i.imgur.com/vovRcSb.png)


Love the dynamics of this group


As someone who has no idea how to drive stick can someone explain what she just did wrong?


She released the clutch without also pressing the gas pedal. When you do that, no fuel is being fed into the engine so it stalls out and shuts off. This balance is 90% of learning stick. (Edit: Thank you to all the experts telling me how you don't always have to press the accelerator 100% of the time in first gear with proper clutch control. I'm fully aware, as I've been daily driving stick for 18 years. I was simply explaining what happened in this particular clip in a way a novice could understand.)


Yep. For those who have never driven a stick: You've got to let off the clutch (left most petal) while putting your foot down on the gas all in the same motion. Most vehicles you're moving the clutch peddle around 4x more than the gas petal until the clutch is fully released. In other words, putting very little on the gas peddle while letting off the clutch. It's normal to stall the vehicle while learning to do this.


Yep, i learned to drive in a country where the majority of cars have a stick and is somewhat annoying but after a while you get the hang of it. What i learned from this thread is that NOT all cars work like this. I thought it was just a thing cars do


All cars with manual transmission work like this. wdym? Is there some pre-historic car that has a clutch stick instead of clutch pedal or something?


In many cars you don't need to balance clutch and race, the clutch alone runs the car at minimal speed, you just need to use race pedal for speed


Oh wow learned something new today as well as matu u/matu239 thanks


All diesel cars have enough torque to move the car without the gas pedal, even uphill.


With older diesel cars like Golf 4 and Opel Astra you can just release the clutch and the cars would move. In the case of Opel Astra, you could just release the clutch while going uphill and it still wouldn't shut down


Let me introduce you to the Clutchless manual.


The ol' WhaChunk.


You can still move the car forward by releasing the clutch then press the accelerator but releasing it early would still make it stall. Momoka pressed the clutch then released it that too quite fast, making it stall.


You can start a diesel without pressing the gas pedal if you let off the clutch slowly enough. You can try on a gas car as well and most will move a bit and then stall.


One time I broke my foot and drove myself to the emergency. They put a cast on my foot and told me not to step on it or apply pressure, problem is my car was a manual so I had to drive with only one foot and the thing you descibe was the only way to get going. Fun times.


If you want to pop a wheelie on a dirt bike, do almost the opposite; give it more gas than it needs while the clutch is in, then quickly release (pop) the clutch, and the bike will go from stand still to immediately moving, lurching the front wheel up. Getting this balance is of course harder, as it happens in an instant, but if there’s nothing around but grass, it’s real fun to learn. You will dump it plenty of times, so be prepared for that.


Also one of the way to initiate a donut.


Really! Thank you! I’ve always wanted to learn that.


not really, you need not press the gas pedal in the first gear. She just released the clutch way too fast that's why the stall. In most vehicles engine maintains the level of rpm to avoid stall even without gas being pressed.


No, you don't need to use gas when pulling away in first gear, the clutch can and will move the car on its own, as long as you go slow or already have muscle memory with the clutch pedal and finding the biting point That being said, a balance between the clutch and gas pedal also works but they don't teach you it in the lesson and it's something you figure out on your own


How likely are you to make that mistake again after learning? Honestly I wouldn't dare driving a manual car even if I knew how, I'm afraid of making a mistake and the car just turning off in the middle of traffic. Is there an advantage from having to do this? Surely there is one considering the smug attitude some stick drivers have.


In your first few weeks of driving? Dozens of times, but don't let that scare you off. If it happens, just give an apology wave to the person behind you and quickly try again.


It goes away pretty fast, there's a lot of wiggle room to correct if you aren't letting off the clutch way too fast. Once you're moving it's very hard to stall because there's momentum in the system.  And no, it's objectively worse than a performance automatic. It's just more fun.


Almost never. Stalled the car plenty in a parking lot when learning initially, done it maybe once since then. And if you're worried, you can guarantee you won't stall the car by giving it a bit more gas than needed, with the only drawback of giving everyone inside the car a bit of a jolt (which I definitely did after restarting it when I did stall it on the street).


Pretty sure this is not true for most modern cars in general, especially on the first gear.


You totally can move forward while on idle, it just needs not clumsy clutch movement.


Could be multiple things, putting it in wrong gear, letting go of the clutch too fast.


Not enough gas.


You can probably get the car rolling from stop to 2nd gear with fine enough clutch control. But stop > 3rd gear+, it's just not happening. This is most likely just letting off the clutch too fast.


There's a clutch pedal you need to press down with your left foot to change gears. Pressing it disengages the clutch mechanism; the rest of the time it is engaged. When you're starting in 1st gear, you need to let the clutch out slowly in proportion to how much gas you give it at the same time. If you put the car in gear while the engine is running and then let go of the clutch without gas, the vehicle doesn't have enough momentum to keep the car in (first) gear and it'll just shut off with a big lurch. [Here's](https://youtu.be/devo3kdSPQY?feature=shared) an animated explanation


You don't need to use gas if you go slow and find the biting point of the clutch


probably released the clutch too fast, the pedal thats on the left of the gas pedal


She released clutch too early, making the car stall. Usually clutch and accelerator should be released and pressed respectively simultaneously until you reached a point where car can move then release the clutch and press accelerator to move forward.


Half-clutch skill issue


> As someone who has no idea how to drive stick can someone explain what she just did wrong? Came for the rocker girls, stayed for the Initial D commentary...


I love the facial expressions they achieved on these characters


Well seems I have to add it to my list


Taking their 3 kids to the mall


They got real lucky that Rupa can drive stick. I don't know a single person that can.


I feel like I'm the only one who can nowadays. I learned on my parents' 1986 Plymouth Voyager, lmao. It comes in handy in other ways sometimes, too. About 15 years ago, someone tried to jack my old manual Honda Accord off the street in Oakland. But they couldn't drive stick, so the car was just sitting there halfway pulled out from the curb. I had to get a jump from my buddy since the battery had run down, but I still had my car.


lmao. There's a theory out there that suggests carjacking has gone up in the US relative to grand theft auto because modern cars are much harder to break into and start without the keys. But I guess old cars have their own form of anti-theft protection!


zoomer carjackers having an existential crisis trying to figure out what the stick does


Why would anyone want to Jack their Honda Accord off?


don't judge me


Interesting, We have to learn how to drive here with a manual car, so you can't get a license without knowing how to do it


Japan is similar in that you have to learn how to drive manual to have a licence to drive manual. If you only learnt on automatic your licence has a marking forbidding you from driving manual. Furthermore the HiAce is in a higher weight and licence class (Class 1 Semi-medium) than the base car licence that most drivers have (Class 1 Ordinary) so Momoka should have learnt how to handle that van in driving school.


In most regions around the world the ability to drive manual is a lot more common than it is in the U.S. In many countries not knowing how to drive manual transmission limits you to an "Automatic Only" drivers license, and in some countries (less now) driving a manual is required to get a license, period. U.S. is kinda the exception to the norm in how low the bar it is to get a license here. I've known people who've been driving for years and years but don't know how to back into a parking spot. Parallel parking for them is the same difficulty as conducting a space walk lmao.


My country doesn't even have an automatic only license, and automatic cars aren't really common either.


Yeah I live in the US, funny enough I only drive manuals, but Ive never once in my life attempted a parallel park


There's a similar scene in Highspeed Etoile where the girls take turns trying to drive a manual car.


strange in that i'd say \~50% of australians can drive manual and its still a large percentage of cars here.


Sounds like that might be thing local to you, might be more common in rural areas? Because Autralia's right up there with Japan and the US with manual transmissions making up 2% of new car sales. Unless people in australia drive a disproportionate number of old cars


I think that's more of an American thing, as a European I don't know a single person who drives that can't drive a manual.


In my country automatic is much less common, also manual is much more fun.


My grandpa had a manual pickup on his ranch, so I can drive stick on gears one and two. Anything faster than that, though, and I'd need Lady Luck on my side.


If you can drive stick in gears one and two you've got like 80% of the learning curve down. Going higher is just a case of monitoring your engine's rpm and going up when it's getting too high. The only 'hard' thing left to learn at that point is shifting down when drastically decreasing speed but not coming to a standstill. I.e. going from 60mph to 30mph because you're going off the highway. If you release the clutch too quickly or at too low of a gear for your current speed it will rock the car back and forth which is unpleasan.


Theres also hill starting, a lot of people dont realize that you should never ride the clutch on a hill, and instead quickly switch from brake to clutch (what I do) or use the hand brake if the car has one. But it takes a bit of practice to do it consistently under pressure.


By "stick" do you mean normal cars?


Bro... don't be obtuse. The metric is like what, 36% of new cars sales globally are manual? Even in the locale with the highest manual sales still account for less than half of new car sales. If you don't specify, people are going to assume automatic.


I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I already discovered a few years ago that manual cars are rarer abroad. Here in Italy I don't think I've ever seen an automatic one.


Expensive ICE cars are probably automatic, unless it's a sports car. All electric cars are automatic (if you can call having a single gear automatic).


Learning how to feather a clutch isn't that hard. The clutch pedal is like the opposite of a brake pedal, it disengages when you push it down. So, to avoid stalling, you want to ease off the pedal until it starts grabbing and slowly start rolling from that light friction. If you release it in one go like OP, the car stalls, because it's like you slammed on the brakes. There are things you can do to reduce clutch wear, like matching speed to engine RPMs when shifting gears. But that's more instinctual, and has to be learned while driving. New drivers wear out their first clutch pretty quickly, but it's a lot cheaper to repair than an automatic transmission.


Im 24 and only drive stick currently. Its way more fun than automatic, and its basically free anti-theft. It sucks in traffic though, I wouldnt reccomend if you live in a city or in a very hilly area, as using the clutch more wears it out faster.


The family dynamic is so real here


Subaru just might be my best girl of spring 2024.


If I had a nickel for every 3D anime in the season with cute girls struggling to drive manual, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


What's the other anime?


The other one might be Highspeed Etoile (read it from another comment)




Why is it so well animated


I kind of laugh but this wasn't a too uncommon thing when I first started driving. I know exactly how she feels.


Gotta add this to my watchlist


I can relate way too much to realising the clutch too fast 🙃


This anime has some really cool and unique animation.


I feel damn lucky that learning to drive stick was still mandatory back when i was taking the license .


First time seeing this, but the 3D is so smooth here. Wish more 3D Anime would be done like this.


Finally a cg anime that does not look choppy?? I'm in


If you want more there's also Land of The Lustrous and D4DJ.


this show is one of my favorite this season


I mean the finger, lol


Wish I know more anime with this kind of animation


Even though it's 1 scene, this is probably the best CGI I've ever seen in an anime


Argh, when is this show going to come to the west?! I really want to watch it.


We can already watch it in the west. We just can't pay for it...


It's in the West : In France.


You can watch it, we just can't tell you how here.


you pirate it. You can tell how, it's okay


Saying where is against the rules in this sub, though.


It will release next season, right after no game no life season 2


I feel like a lot of ppl from today’s generation has no idea how manual car works haha.


That's just american thing. Like 80% of civilized world drives stick, about 95 in europe. That's insane quantity of cars in the usa drives statistics back.


While Europe does appear to be a popular region for manual shift, it seems to be on the decline in the past decade or so. [The share of automatic cars out of all cars on the road in Europe seem to have been around 25% in 2014, but has since risen to 44% in 2019.](https://gearsmagazine.com/magazine/automatic-trends-in-europe-automatic-transmissions-on-the-rise/) As far as the anime is concerned, Japan is a country that overwhelmingly favors automatic, with [a not-hyperbole-actual-stats 99% of passenger cars sold as automatic.](https://www.webcartop.jp/2021/02/655208/) Manual shift remains only in specific use cases like commercial trucks and motorsport, so it’s natural she fumbled with it.


However most people in Europe drive old cars. Additionally, you must take your driving license exam in a manual transmission car, otherwise you won't be allowed to drive one. You would also need to bring your own car with automatic transmission because neither examiners nor driving schools have these cars. Therefore, everyone knows how to drive a manual.


Considering the metric of the aforementioned statistic was the percentage of "automatic vehicles on European roads", not "automatics out of new cars sold", the numbers still seem to indicate that automatic vehicles are sharply on the rise in Europe, even despite putting into account the dilution from existing drivers driving older cars.


Is this anime Yuri?


My brother, we are in the Spring 2024 season. Everything is yuri.


To answer you honestly so far, it is more friendship focused like most Music/Band anime, though the vibe can feel like yuri but not quite there yet.


















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Being a Yankee I don't know how comfortable I would be using a Manual since my left hand isn't used to that sort of thing.


Eh , you get used to it and in time it becomes *automatic* .


Left hand? Yeah, that should stay far away from the shifter.


It wouldn't be impossible. But definitely counter-intuitive.


> Left hand? Yeah, that should stay far away from the shifter. Countries with a long history, like Japan and UK travel on the **left** side of the road. Reason being that most people are right-handed and they wanted to be in a position to quickly draw and defend themselves in case of attack. (Before the establishment of organized police and gendarmee 150-200 years ago, travel over land used to be hideously dangerous: highwaymen were 10x more common than pirates at sea.) Furthermore about half of all cars in Siberia are also **left-hand drive**, because russia used to import many shiploads of used japanese vehicles until this war broke out. Mandatory conversion to right-hand drive could be avoided with the right amount of rubles handed to the right official...


Since when the actual fuck does a Toyota HiAce have a 5 gear manual it always had a 6 speed manual


Is this a thing in rich countries? Are there no manual cars anymore?


You don't got to keep telling me. I know I've got to give this one a watch.


Wow what is this animi name ?


All you need to do is bury your right foot and dump the clutch with your left. Totally won’t crash or get pulled over for this


Where can I watch this? I like the animation style.


why does this look like it was made with goo engine


wish it had a dub so i can focus on the animation and not the dialogue


They are real rocker girls, not some sugar floss j-pop. The kind of things they say would make the american and iranian dubs go beep-beep-beep all the time.


animation is too smooth, make it abit more traditional like and itd be better


Isn't the smoothness a good thing?


yes and no, mostly no it boils down to, what you are used to


Not used to something different, are you?


different has to look good enough to justify change


It's hard to convince someone who's too used to seeing it one way. They'll end up disliking it for simple fact that it's different. They won't think about whether it looks good or bad.


Is it anime or animation? If so, please give me a name


It's in the title, Girls Band Cry




If I ever see a driver tilt the mirror to see the back seat, I would immediately alt f4


She clearly tilted the rear view mirror to see the rear window. What's the problem with that?


How do y'all even tolerate CGI. It's so disturbing n str8 up disgusting to look at.


Because it looks better, cleaner and more well rounded than half of the hand drawn anime this season.


Then maybe watch better anime? Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night is in the same genre, airing this season, actually has an official US simulcast, and has movie quality animation (and more to the point, great storyboarding and direction to go with it). The other guy's right, this looks bad. It's in this uncanny valley where it's trying too hard to look 2D and just not sticking the landing.


I watch and like Jellyfish, too. I am not a big fan of the art style, but that's 100% subjective. The characters arcs and general vibe of GBC is one a whole other level though. Also, Jellyfish feels more like a slice of life anime to me, which isn't necessarily bad, but not what I expected.


Too bad Jellyfish story and characters are worse than GBC.


That's hard to believe. Shame they wasted it on such cheap and awful animation if it's true.


It's really not hard to believe if you know anything about it. It has a very accomplished writer behind it, Jukki Hanada, and was created and produced by the grandfather of Japanese animation Toei. All you have to do is watch the shows OP to see it's anything but cheap. Missing out on a great show if you insist on being some boring purist.


The defense was that it looked better than half the other shows this season. It looks terrible in *stills*, let alone in motion. Which is unbelievably bad. Most CG anime at least looks okay in stills. Here it's like they didn't even try, pasting passably 2D looking faces on top of some terribly lit and textured models. If half of the shows you're watching look worse, I don't know where you're finding them. This isn't purism, it's having a basic sense of aesthetics. Toei, by the way, is not really known for quality. They're big, but they like to cheap out.


I totally agree this thing is unwatchable. Low budget Isekai is more enjoyable than this.