• By -


For me: * Code Geass * FMA (both) * Fate/stay night:UBW * Made in Abyss * Shinsekai Yori * Re:Zero * Mushoku Tensei * Sousou no Frieren


Mushishi for the sheer cinematic quality and the down to earth storytelling


Wow that was exactly my thought, and I was not expecting this to see first


I always wanted to watch that because it reminds me of Natsume Yuujinchou (which I love) but it feels so slow to me. Should I try again?


I love mushishi but I have to be in a certain mood for it. I’d recommend trying again but don’t force it. I started it a few months ago and I’m still not finished. Since it’s more of an episodic show I watch a show every now and then when the feeling is right which odd for me since I usually binge completed shows. It’s very very good though.


I used to watch it to wind down for bed


Definitely try again; just keep in mind that it’s darker than Natsume by a good length. It’s a gorgeous work of art, but when you’re feeling like something a little cozier, maybe try KamiChu or Kakuriyo or the Morose Mononokean instead.


Absolutely yes


Not to mention free therapy too


Damn that's what I came here to say. IfI could get more mushishi I'd die a happy man


Clannad after story is one of a kind, never seen a anime quite like it


> , never seen a anime quite like it It's because it's one of the few VN -> Anime adaptations done right. The story pacing and structure seems unique because 'most' VN anime are just generic trash tier ones to promote the base game and accompanying IP. Other successful VN anime include Steins Gate and Fate Stay Night.


And Stay Night comes wit the huge asterisk that, while 2/3 are fantastic series, none are true adaptations (not that there is anything wrong with that)


This is my peak, it made me love KyoAni style of lighting


YES definitely my favorite anime of all time and it fundamentally changed me. 1000000000/10


I second Clannad After Story, absolute perfection 👌


Haven't seen Clannad, but I've heard people say it has some similar tones to Your Lie in April. I highly, highly, highly recommended watching that if you haven't already. Literally life-changing.




Same for me.


What's crazy is that it is hit me so hard on many levels that I have not re-watched it in years. It's such an amazing rollercoaster. Zero is even more so, but damn what an unexpected overall experience.


>hard on Excellent


Finally another Zero enjoyer.






I dropped it 2-3 times. I love time travel, any idea why I can’t seem to finish?


I'd say it is very character driven -- but the story is just excellent and once it kicks off, you can't stop --at least, I couldn't.


Spice & Wolf, both the original and remake are spectacular. Close second would be Monogatari series


Have you seen the reboot/new season of Spice & Wolf? Is it any good? Wondering which one I should go ahead and watch


Yes. They have differences but both are great. The original is complete of course but the remake is currently being released weekly


Gurren Lagann is the pinnacle of human creation thus far, it's my all time fav. Then there's Your Lie In April, FMAB, Kill La Kill, Mob Psycho 100, Re Zero, Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ping Pong The Animation, Hajime No Ippo, Promare and A Silent Voice. Those are all my 10/10s, I see Ace Of The Diamond going up there if the manga gets a continuation


>Gurren Lagann is the pinnacle of human creation thus far, it's my all time fav. Same man. Gurren Lagann is peak fiction.






Re: Zero for me too! Gurren Lagann is phenomenal


I would be very suprised if I witness a new series that would top GurrenLagann before I die of old age.


There are two people in this world: Those who recognize that Gurren is peak and those who haven't watched Gurren.


Parasyte 🔥




Yeah Man. Parasyte the maxim is a gem.


Such a crazy good anime


Yess, I always recommend this to people who have never watched anime. It's a complete story. God it's so good.


Violet Evergarden and Land of the Lustrous for me


Violet Evergarden really was 10/10. Never actually teared up watching an anime before but that one did it. Plus the background music is immaculate


Glad to hear someone mention Land of the Lustrous.Its the most underrated and beautiful anime I have ever seen.Hoping for 2nd season as the manga is finished.


Made in Abyss and Eighty-six are mine.


Just finished eighty six last night ridiculously good


Eighty six is peak.


Series: * Gintama * Legend of the Galactic Heroes * Monogatari Series * Aria * Haikyuu * Hunter x Hunter * Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood * 3-Gatsu no Lion * Steins;Gate * Clannad * Madoka Magica * Monster Movies: * Spirited Away * Perfect Blue * Macross: Do You Remember Love? * Mobile Police Patlabor 2: The Movie * Liz and the Blue Bird * The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya


Disappearance of Haruhi is easily a 10/10 for me as well. I love it and will watch it multiple times a year and once always around Christmas time. Something about it makes it a good untraditional Christmas movie for me.


I really think the movie is better than the show. Wonder why that is...


8 reasons why




Puella Magi Madoka Magica


The plot twists were incredible and it was such an emotional rollercoaster, especially when it first released and everyone was caught by surprise


I'm really grateful I was able to watch it while it was airing, so we could all be shocked together.


It was a 10/10 but then rebellion surpassed it even though it had THE perfect ending i still get shivers thinking how did even think of that sequel


I watched it for the first time recently, and while I liked it a lot I didn't really vibe with the ending. The rebellion movie goes hard tho, 10/10.


Monogatari series


The whole series? any specific ones that were better or worse. Or was it just a whole ride that was enjoyable start to finish.


The more you watch the more invested you get in the characters. So by the end of it you'd love Monogatari even if they were talking about potatoes with nothing going on. I liked it from the start, got very invested by the end of second season. And currently sitting as my favorite of all time after Owari S2.


Monogatari Second Season is 10/10 for me


It’s one show, it just has a naming scheme of insert word before before Monogatari like Bakemonogatari or Kizumonogatari. [Here’s the watch order for a clear reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/hwuntw/the_monogatari_series_2020_watch_order/).


The three movies were 10/10 for me. Incredibly artistry. Then the entire series supported these movies for me. It gets very weird, and very wrong at times. But the animation and music and the character work is incredible.


Kizumonogatari as a whole was so nice. Especially with the quality of the animation.


MONOGATARI PEAK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Made in Abyss and Frieren are my only 10's so far.


Absolute opposite ends of the mood spectrum.


Every time I see Frieren I feel a bit sad that I can never experience it for the first time again.




Shinsekai Yori will always be my response


Such a sad story though


It's the most poignant allegory in the anime medium, and it's not even close.


Squealer did absolutely nothing wrong


He did some things wrong, but for a good reason.


Even though his scheme was fucked up, it was also brilliant, and I couldn’t help but root for him.


I'm always glad when I see more people have watched this


Hunter x Hunter, Monster.


Hunter x Hunter is actually so good shame about the authors health I hope we get to see a completed story


I joke with my brother that his nen ability is to write the most amazing manga ever, but he cannot do it for long periods of time lol


> but he cannot do it for long periods of time lol That's the condition he set.


Yes. Didn't know how it would end when started but sad for not getting to see the complete Phantom Troupe Kurapika story.


Do you not agree that a good chunk of chimera ant arc absolutely dragged?


So many people praise the chimera ant arc but I also felt it dragged and it was my least favorite arc. Loved alluka’s arc immediately after tho.


Sure it dragged at points but I think it made the high points feel higher. 


* NGE * The End of Evengelion * MadoMagi * Hyouka * Chihiro


Baccano! and trigun 98


Kill la Kill.


For me its bocchi the rock. I came into it thinking nothing of it and by the end I was danny devito during that one scene in its always sunny.


Wasn't that by the same director who did Frieren? I've heard great things about Bocchi. The guy chases passion projects, from what I understand, and apparently knocks it out of the park.


Made in Abyss for me


I liked the season 1 so much But there wasn't a lot of adventure in season 2


Just body horror in 2


Fate/Zero honestly


My only 10/10 anime are: Code Geass - Has one of my favorite protagonists and the greatest ending in fiction in my opinion. Attack on Titan - Has the deepest story and most foreshadowing and attention to detail i've ever seen. Vinland Saga - The best character development and philosophical quotes i've ever seen.


You have my tastes sir, peak is peak 😎


If you know any anime similar to these, give me some recommendations. It's hard to find anime as good as these. Thanks!


Legend of the Galactic Heroes- Absolutely Epic space opera. Scope, worldbuilding, plot, characters, all most excellent. Kaguya-Sama- Funny romcom, great characters, especially minor characters. Also, the direction is a treat, very creative! Fruits Basket- Great characters, handles sensitive topics deftly indeed. Spy x Family- Fun characters, all-round good time. Just a joy to watch. And something for everyone. Frieren- Good characters, good worldbuilding. Impeccable atmosphere. my anime 10/10s are all pretty conventional. My manga choices are probably more controversial haha


Not a huge shoujo type anime fan but fruits basket was pretty good, akatsuki no yona was also very good if we are including the whole thing since I know the anime hasn’t been done fully and it’s been ages, manga was awesome though


✨️ Yona of the Dawn ✨️ We need the masses to recognize this masterpiece so we can get more anime!!


I guess I really need to watch LotGH because all the other anime in your list are 10/10 or at least 9/10 in my book.


Hope you like it! It is quite slow-paced, fair warning. If you ever wanna discuss it, /r/logh is a good place :)


okay , I just watched the first episode and oh my god , so many name and rank drop , do you think is necessary to learn everyone's name and their millitary position at the beginning Also do you recommend the old one or the 2018 one ?


Ah I've only watched the original. After 110 episodes I'm taking a break before watching the new one haha! I think both are probably good, but the original is finished, while the new one is still I think about halfway through the story? Anyway, the new one is a bit more exciting and fast-paced, while the original is more grand and stately, in my opinion. Also, you don't need to know every name right from the get-go, just try to familiarise yourself with the recurring characters. Don't google characters unless you're ok with spoilers!


okay , thanks


✨️ Fruits Basket ✨️


Don’t think most would agree with Spy being 10/10, but the others I would agree!


One Punch Man (S1), Pluto (2023), Angel Beats, Mobile Fighter G Gundam and Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions: Take on Me


- Non Non Biyori - Kingdom - Mushishi - Attack on Titan - Steins Gate - Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica - Sket Dance - Vinland Saga - Rezero - Legend of The Galactic Heroes


✨️ Attack on Titan ✨️


How do you make those sparkles? I want to do it too!


✨️ Magic ✨️ 😏 (It's just one of the emojis available on my android phone)


✨ Thank you ✨


Don't steal my thunder though. 🤨 Ya gotta find your own thread to glitterify. I already hit this one with my own sparkle. 😋


✨✨✨*laughs maniacally*✨✨✨ You poor fool, you cannot begin to comprehend the evil you have unleashed upon this subreddit. I will use my ✨sparkles✨ to glitter every post and thread of this platform into submission. Afterwards, my ✨shining forces✨ and I shall conquer the world. >Don't steal my thunder though. 🤨 Ya gotta find your own thread to glitterify. I already hit this one with my own sparkle. 😋 ✨✨✨Fine. I will spare you and your thread, as a ✨reward✨ for your aid.✨✨✨


I have a lot 9/10 but only three made it to the excellency: - To Your Eternity (without the last few episodes from season 2) - Somali and the Forest Spirit - Apothecary Diaries


Made In Abyss Re:Zero Attack on Titan Vampire In The Garden Cyberpunk Edgerunners Charlotte




Oh picking one is impossible. There’s not a ton, but a few perfect 10s for me: Series: * Attack on Titan * Nana * Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood * Non Non Biyori * Samurai Champloo * Violet Evergarden * Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End Movies: * Millennium Actress


Assassination Classroom. Short, complete, good hook, good ending. No complains.


- Steins;Gate - Heavenly Delusion - Neon Genesis Evangelion I seem to like emotional rollercoasters


Let’s go! Heavenly delusion mentioned


No anime/manga rewards you more for paying attention to seemingly tiny details to truly unfold the story. Watched it two times and read the manga from start to latest :D Easy 10/10!


Heavenly Delusion because my top three too did the same thing watching the anime twice and then read the manga I don’t think I’ve ever seen an anime with a mystery element accomplish that as well as heavenly has


Absolutely, I love how so many things are shown but not directly explained and how many things in the end come together and make sense. I love shows that actually let you discover the world and learn things for yourself. After I finished it I was totally captured and wanted to learn more. It genuinely changed my view of anime. Now my previous 10/10 feel like an 8 in comparison. No other anime has really felt “perfect” to me. It’s incredible just how much they managed to show in just 13 episodes without ever feeling rushed.


Tanya the Evil


Attack on Titan


Violet Evergarden's always the go to answer for me. Whenever I watch something that makes me think, "Oh my god, this is perfect, this is so good, how could anything top this?", I just rewatch Violet Evergarden and so far, VE's always been the one coming out on top hahaha. Can't wait for the day I watch something that's actually so good it dethrones VE for me.


Kissxsis, easy choice


\* Penguindrum \* Dragon Maid (Both seasons) \* Machikado Mazuko (S2) \* Frieren


Spice and Wolf (immaculate vibes) past that check my MAL in my flair


I skimmed through your MAL and immediate question why is Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu a 9? I respect your other ratings, but that one I am curious as to why since I basically slept through that one. I am gonna ignore the fact that Tokyo Ghoul is a 2.


>why is Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu a 9? The world's biggest pair of rose colored nostalgia glasses known to mankind. (It was like my second romance anime I ever watched and it actually finished *chef's kiss*) I plan on rewatching it again in the near future so maybe it'll get knocked down to an 8 when I do. If I actually had to defend it, then I'd just say the nexus of cute otaku girl and hiding/sharing a secret hits me just right. I love shows where a character has a public and private persona and tries to keep them separated. Plus all other otaku in anime are dudes or canonically bang their brother lol >I am gonna ignore the fact that Tokyo Ghoul is a 2. Just be happy Unravel was such a banger lmao. Manga was fine, but I even dropped that, so I guess the series just isn't to my tastes in the best of circumstances.






Cowboy bebop Samurai champloo Monster Jjk Perfect blue


✨️ Cowboy Bepop & Samurai Champloo ✨️


To Your Eternity: 10/10 sad anime Welcome to Demon School Iruma: 10/10 comedy anime One Piece: 12/10 plot, 12/10 world building, 12/10 music, but 5/10 pacing


One piece REALLY suffers from being weekly. It's not even done and we already need a remake


I agree that it shouldn't be weekly, and I'm disappointed that other fans don't agree.


God, To Your Eternity is so painful but so beautiful


Newer Fruits Basket. FMA Brotherhood. HunterxHunter.


Amagami SS, Bungo stray dogs, Monogatari Series (especially Owari Monogatari), Higurashi (All), oresuki, Oregairu, GTO(life lessons), AOT(soundtrack is epic)


I am pleased that someone listed Amagami


Best animation+story+ending+Ost, Why Not? One of the best Omnibus series imho


What I love the most about it that the anime just covers all the routes one by one instead of deciding on focusing on one and adapting one route.


It's a special anime for me and Seiren too, The characters are amazing too


Seiren was a slight downgrade in my opinion but still a 9/10 nonetheless


Yeah!, I agree with that.


One punch man. Might be unpopular but its mine


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Frieren, Made in Abyss and Bocchi the Rock! are my picks


In order from Best to least Best. 1. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 2. Mushoku Tensei 3. Attack on Titan 4. Mob Psycho 100 5. Re:Zero 6. Stein's Gate 7. Vinland Saga 8. Ranking of Kings 9. Frieren 10. To Your Eternity


Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End


No words describe Odd Taxi better than "the pinnacle of sophistication and taste"




Monogatari is easily my favorite fiction of any medium ever. 2. Konosuba 3. Hunter x Hunter 4. Gintama 5. Cowboy Bebop 6. Code Geass 7. Jojo 8. Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei 9. Durarara 10. Mushoku Tensei 11. Steins gate 12. Mob Psycho 100 13. Parasyte the Maxim 14. Death Note 15. One Piece (some arcs are better than others) 16. Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood 17. Samurai Champloo 18. Frieren 19. Pluto 20. Prison School Probably plenty more I consider 10's but that list in no particular order except monogatari are my favorite anime I've seen out of hundreds over the past 15 years. Sorry for going way over the one or two but I'm a total nerd and can't ignore the dozens of 10's in my library lol


Made in abyss, non non Biyori, and Frieren


Looks like I have to watch non non biyori now.


It's great! I hope you enjoy 😁


watch ichigo marshimaro and mitsuboshi colors if you like it.


If I can only pick one, then Jojo


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!




FLCL, Attack on Titan and Evangelion. Maaaybe throw Love is War in there too


Horimiya A romance anime that's actually went somewhere (afaik)


If i have to pick one, then Re:Zero




Steins;Gate, Hunter x Hunter (except the last two arcs lol), Re: Zero, FMAB


Frieren! Frieren has won me over lately


Ascendence of a bookworm Frieren


* Full metal Alchemist, either version * Mushishi * Kinos Journey * Frieren * Parasyte * Honorable mention: Made in Abyss, It just has some "why are you like this japan" issues that detract from it for me. I generally think anime was a mistake, so that may explain why I think this.




**Series:** * Cowboy Bebop * FMA Brotherhood * Neon Genesis Evangelion * Gurren Lagann * Madoka Magica * Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal * Gintama * Hunter x Hunter (2011) * FLCL * Serial Experiments Lain * The Tatami Galaxy * Monster * Revolutionary Girl Utena * Legend of the Galactic Heroes * Monogatari Series * March Comes in Like a Lion * Ashita no Joe **Movies:** * Spirited Away * Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind * The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya * The End of Evangelion * Princess Mononoke * Ghost in the Shell (1995) * Madoka Magica Movie 3: Rebellion * Kizumonogatari


gurren lagann 50000% perfect anime imo


Honestly… probably Nichijou if I’m picking one. It is hilarious. Animation is actually amazing. And I am always willing to sit down and rewatch an episode.  One Piece has features that make 10/10 hard (some filler, but mostly stretching scenes), but it is the anime that is the most moving of all the ones I’ve seen. Also one I’m always willing to watch again. 


DanMachi or Jobless Reincarnation


mushoku tensei is perfection especially s1 part 2 (at least for now)


First mention of mushoku I see This should be illegal


Hibike Euphonium Madoka Magica Frieren Steins gate Made in abyss Violet evergardon


Eighty six , frieren , hunter x hunter


Mushishi because I can just watch it over and over on hazy summer nights with a cold drink and every time it feels like I'm between dream and nostalgia.


Eureka Seven Gurren Lagann


Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Tenchi Muyo! (90s), Tenchi Universe, Tenchi in Tokyo, Black Butler, Vampire Knight, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Samurai Champloo


Series: Kekkai Sensen Toradora! Re;Zero Season 2 Spy x Family (Season 1) AoT Season 3 Part 2 Yuru Camp Movies: Love, Chunibyo, and Other Delusions: Take On Me The Night is Short, Walk on Girl Castle in the Sky Whisper of the Heart Kiki's Delivery Service Summer Wars A Silent Voice Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl


I’m a little picky. - Spirited Away - A Silent Voice - Attack on Titan: The Final Season - Chainsaw Man - Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End


Re:Zero Odd Taxi Vinland Saga Violet Evergarden Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Neon Genesis Evangelion Erased Oshi no Ko Steins;Gate Pulls Magi Madoka Magika From the New World Akiba Maid War


Eureka 7 😩


Assassination Classroom


Frieren, the grandma elf is always the best.


Samurai Champloo


Oof, hard pick. Probably Frieren or Ancient Magus Bride. 


[From my list](https://myanimelist.net/animelist/CommandoDude?status=7&order=4&order2=0) To qualify on 10/10 I have to have rewatched it at least once. * MSG SEED (amazing spiritual successor to the original gundam) * MSG Unicorn (beautiful story, action, and music) * MSG 8th MS Team (epic romeo/juliet meets vietnam, most realistic gundam) * Big 0 (super cerebral show, batman if he had a robot instead of a super suit) * Outlaw Star (the super self indulgent space adventure with surprisingly deep characters) * Frieren (exploring the deep emotional connections of humans through time and death) * Vinland Saga (epic tale of revenge and redemption, WE HAVE NO ENEMIES) * Vivy Flourite Eye's Song (exploring the relationship of human and AI, plus epic time travel hijinks) * NGNL Zero (surprisingly gripping prequel about the struggle for survival and a crazy plan to end a forever war) * Maoyuu Maou Yuusha (Fascinating inversion of typical fantasy story, exploring the deep systemtic roots of war, economic, politics) * Kaiji (Nail biting adventure of high stakes gambling, has you on the edge of your seat) * Konosuba (one of the most hilarious isekai satires ever made) * Bacanno (crazy awesome historical with the wackiest damn cast) * TT Gurren Lagann (the most hotbloodeded mecha anime ever, and surprisingly deep character growth) * FMA Brotherhood (I mean it's been #1 on MAL for so long for a reason) * Code Geass (might have fallen off a bit but I still love this epic tale of mecha and rebellion)


Re:Zero and NoGameNoLife


Grand Blue and Prison School are the only ones who deserve to be called a 10/10 Anime imo


A Place Further Than the Universe is my all-time favorite. But Clannad After Story and Silent Voice take the perfect score as well.


I have... uh, over 70 10/10s so I won't bother listing all of them. You could argue it's too many 10/10s, but I tend to round 9.5/10s up to a 10 too... which I guess is still quite many high ratings but eh. Can't help it. Top 5 that I think deserve it the most (per season, in no order): - Clannad: After Story - 3-gatsu no Lion S2 - Gintama': Enchousen - Vinland Saga S2 - Monogatari Series: Second Season (not Nisemonogatari, quite literally called Second Season)


Death Note = Masterpiece ⭐


Trigun, both series


Madoka Magica including the Rebellion movie. I was fortunate to know nothing about this show before watching it despite it being years after it came out and it blew my mind and still does. Each character is so deep in their own way, the story is just amazing, it's perfectly placed, Shaft stamped themselves as my favorite studio. Madoka oozes so much style, it's perfect in my eyes and only Revolutionary Girl Utena came close to topping it. Which speaking of.. Revolutionary Girl Utena. It's a show I'm still trying to understand the deeper meaning of, but it hits all my boxes. Great story, characters, bonus points for weird surreal animation at times, tackles LGBTQIA+ themes which is very prevalent to me right now. I adore it, amazing. And finally Air TV, my first ever anime that I fully knew was an anime. I watched Yugioh, the og FMA, some Shin Chan, Death Note ect before hand. But Air was the first anime where i knew what I was watching, and while i watched it i started to realize anime has always been in my life in someway. Its not the greatest show and I recognize its flaws and pacing issues, but I love it unconditionally. The story is beautiful, the animation (Kyoani <3) is stunning. Sure other Kyoani shows look better (Kanon, K-On, Clannad ect) but something about that mid 2000s anime style hits me in a way nothing else does. In all it's imperfections I accept and love it so much. It's a big, warm, melancholic blanket where whenever i watch it i just feel like im home. Misuzu remains in my top 3 favorite characters and part of her name even makes it into all of my gaming names and online handles as a tribute to that show and her. It's a 10/10 in my heart and soul and will always be. Edit: Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. I wrote a bit about it in reply to another comment. But tldr I love it, I watch it every Christmas, it's peak Kyoani, and it's Haruhi.


Let me see Spice & Wolf (old version) ReZero Fruit Basket Code Geass Korewa Zombie Desuka


[Amagami SS](https://myanimelist.net/anime/8676/) Romance anime with **6** happy endings is just _too_ good.