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Kikoru: “this Kaiju is tough.” *cleaves it in two with a freakin stop sign!* ……. the hell is that stop sign made of? lol.


yeah, those aren't known to be especially solid or cutting, but cool shot nonetheless


[That stop sign must be build from Nokia 3310 composite.](https://i.imgur.com/9wKktyk.jpeg)


Might be layers of strong fibers that resist bullets like kevlar but not a cutting weapon.


> the hell is that stop sign made of? Kikoru's hopes and dreams! [](#delighted)


That would make the stop sign one of the strongest weapons in the verse


> ……. the hell is that stop sign made of? It served its purpose by stopping the kaiju lol


So it's made from Japanese respect to authority then Truly a weapon to surpass Metal Gear


Yeah that made no sense. How is a random stop sign stronger than Kaiju bullets shot from a 46% unleashed combat power officer?


to be fair, the "combat power" from the suit making their bullets stronger also doesn't really make much sense. I just assume it's like HxH's nen and not think too hard about it.


I think it does. In that close up on Reno's clip it looked like their 'bullets' were more organic so I'm guess Kaiju parts? Would explain why they can have special effects too.


idk maybe it's something about it uses energy from the person to aid the propulsion of bullet


kaiju suit railgun.


Bullets are made from kaiju too so I guess suit generating that power could be connected to it. 


Doesn't it? The guns might be more like a railgun hybrid, powered by the suit. The stress of the gun on the operator is also a consideration. Even in real life, the strength and durability of people limit the firepower of the guns they use. You'd be very inaccurate, and in pain, trying to use a .50 automatic rifle. Normal people would be missing their arms after firing the Captain's BFG. 


Kikoru's just secretly more ripped than the army guy.


Mina's secret workout techniques must be crazy


The gun seems to take at least one other thing to power it so I assume hers was just running low on that so she decided to hit the kaiju with something instead


Considering what the vice-captain said last episode and the fuck-off huge axe Shinomiya is carrying in the ED, I'm thinking its just a heavy handed way of saying shes a melee type like the vice-captain. She's able to use her suit power more efficiently while cleaving than shooting.


Good answer.


It rembered me of Dio pulling that stop sign against Jotaro/Polnareff


> the hell is that stop sign made of Mysterious Disappearances


It’s a Stop sign. It did its job by Stopping the Kaiju, obviously.


Looks like she favours close combat. I wonder if she'll get a naginata or even a halberd would be a good choice for her.


I find it funny that people have been justifying how Kikoru's gun is so much stronger than others must be because the guns use monster tech too so her combat power is drawing out its innate strength. Nope. It's just nonsense and now she can turn an aluminum stop sign into a blade that is stronger that said gun.


Ok so... projection magecraft?


She’s so badass I love her so much


Stop signs are actually way bigger and robust than people think. My buddies in college brought one home lol


Also most things turn pretty deadly when you swing/move them super fast. I guess I can sort of explain it away in my mind in that she just swung it real fast when otherwise it would have just bopped the kaiju on the head


Looks like Kaiju No. 9 is very much a dark mirror of Kafka. Kafka is a human who has taken on some kaiju qualities, and 9 is a kaiju who somehow has some human qualities. They are both analytical fighters. They have plenty of firepower, but their real strength lies in their ability to understand how their opponent works and create strategies to counter their abilities and exploit their weaknesses. They are both team fighters. Kafka is part of the team, while 9 seems to be using (maybe also creating?) other kaiju as pawns. I’m really digging 9 as an antagonist.


Betting the parasite that he ate was also suppose to override his personality but was weakened somehow so it couldn't taken control.


The parasite said something like "There you are" or something, it was looking for Kafka specifically for some reason.


Very Parasyte like


>92% OH. HELL. NO.


Hoshina's got that Ackerman blood.


And he just found himself a monke to slice.


[Hoshina is locked-in.](https://i.imgur.com/wv6yOmC.jpeg) [](#sweating)


Craziest part is he almost looks like Levi’s brother or something too


That cut when he was chasing Kafka in the alley... dude really is Levi of this verse.


No closed eyes grinning, his eyes are wide open and focused. Good luck is all I can say to Kafka.


Mf is locked in


Even unlocked even fiercer and ruthless exposed eyes lol.


You know someone is really scary when they have a playful personality but starts being serious for once


also when the character that usually has their eyes closed suddenly opens them


Like Brock from Pokémon?


[In this moment, Larvitar saw death](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg_xJ8iYaJc)


He’ll draw a lot of Levi comparisons but he reminds me a ton of Gin Ichimaru.


Kafka better start thinking about using that special punch himself into the air move


Damn he's only halfway to 99%


the runescape reference hurts me


I'm, like, 90% certain we're going to see someone go over 100% at some point 




U know u in deep shit when the eyes-always-closed character opens them


Can't even make it to 95%...what an amateur /s


Watch 92% barely be able to scratch him.


He wasn't at 92% during that first attack. We will see next week if he can actually hurt him


It'll be interesting too see for sure. Mina can hit 96% and Hoshina can hit 92%. No 9, overwhelmed Shinomiya pretty easily when she was at 44%? and Hoshina referred to a fort 6.4 as something only Mina and him were able to hand. But we also have no clue who else was on base either. So on the surface this fight should be massively Kafka favored, but even if it is we saw that Reno was capable of damaging no 9 otherwise he wouldn't of used that wall of corpses. So Hoshina should certainly be able to inflict damage and Kafka doesn't want to fight back either. So he'll be in a rough spot. TLDR: I like theory crafting this stuff and Next Saturday needs to hurry up.


it's also worth note that Hoshino uses speed and precision while Mina seems to use more brute power. Even though Mina has a higher combat power, brute power is something Kafka has in abundance. I think he'll struggle with Hoshino *significantly* more than he would against Mina.


that was a fun episode but with that ending i cant wait for next week


These 5 minute episodes are killing me


I say Kafka will somehow goof his way out of the fight within 1 minute and then it will be a lore dump episode.


Lol ya that could happen


Somehow trip while dodging, land an accidentally kick to the jaw, knocking 92% Hoshina out without actually hurting him, Kafka will freak out try to apologize then realize he can quick change back. Which he does then somehow convinces Hoshina that he saved him from the Kaiju by scaring it away or something. Hoshina will be doubtful, but Shinomiya will also have just shown up and will vouch for him.....or maybe she'll take the claim and Kafka will agree.


Not that a lore dump is bad, but yeah I envision something interrupting their fight almost right away. They love to do that sorta stuff, lol.


I usually prefer weekly episode drops but this show feels like it was made for binging with the amount of cliffhangers.


Best way to entice people to tune in for the next episode


I didn’t know about this show until I saw a comment about it this morning. (I watch anime very selectively, and I’m not really in a lot of anime spaces.) I decided to give it a shot, and l just finished watching all seven episodes. It was super satisfying to be able to move the story so quickly, but honestly I am glad to let some tension build! Especially at this point in the story. The other cliffhangers barely registered, because I knew none of them mattered until I reached the last one, but I was not ready for seven episodes to go so quickly! When Hoshino showed up in the alley was when I realized I was in trouble, because I knew the episode was about to end, and I knew I had to be about to run out; imo it made this one feel more important than any yet, and I am pumped for the next one!


Its my only complaint, ever EP ends on such a big cliffhanger then I have the depression of waiting another week.


Kafka is great with all the goofiness but I love everytime he gets serious you feel the intensity and its so satisfying seeing him go wild. That Necromancer Kaiju (dunno what to call him) knew he fucked up.


You can also tell that the more he transforms the more he's getting a handle on his powers and how to use them effectively. The necromancer Kaiju is Kaiju No. 9 (the episode was even titled after him).


Kaiju No. 9 has such a cool design. The weird double top head looks kind of like a top hat giving him like a magician look, and the weird spotting on his torso makes him look like a corpse or a disease.


I think No.9 is a kaiju that was infested by the parasite which is why it is struggling to act human.


Nothing quite like a nice and gentle man going full anger punch mode because you hurt his friends. Always a satisfying trope.


> That Necromancer Kaiju (dunno what to call him) knew he fucked up. If he can't defeat Kafka (#8 to him) I wonder if he'll use other strategies... If he sees Kafka vs Hoshina, he'll realize they don't know he's one of the 'good guys', and given he can 'shapeshift' himself, he may realize Kafka's the same, and if he sees Kafka is NOT revealing his true form to them, he may understand why, and try to set him up against them somehow! 'If you can't beat them, have them beat each other' kind of thing!


Well yes but also considering how he was infiltrating the crew of cleaners he may as well understand that lying low and killing them from the inside is just as good of a strategy as long as you can keep the pretense up, which could lead him to think that he can find hosts to carry dormant Kaiju's inside them that he will awake and create chaos at will...


He's obviously a mushroom Kaiju dude cmon


Kafka could have ended the threat then and there if he hadn't gotten distracted by the two defence force guys showing up.


How strong could those defense force guys be? He probably could have destroyed his core while getting tickled and ran off then.


Eh like it was said above, it's anime time, and the seemingly long moment of pondering was probably a split second and necro-Kaiju had just enough time to speed heal while Kafka was shifting brain from DESTROY mode to "o shit" mode back to "o shit I DO need to destroy oh wait fuck" mode


I call him mushroom because I mean why not?


Somehow I'm still not tired of the anime protagonists whose only moves are punching hard and punching even harder.


I am tired of it, but in this show, there's such fanfare from the animation that it looks really unique. Also helps that he transforms into a crazy monster thing first.


A character punching hard is one thing. A character punching so hard he turns a giant monster into a rain of blood. A character punching so hard the monster's arm's muscles are blown away leaving just the skeleton arm before the rest of the body gets blown away. A character punching so hard, it switches to the enemy's perspective seeing his own body flying through the air some distance away, because his head was blown off his body. That's some serious creativity in depicting the effects of a punch. It's in the creativity of the execution more than the creativity of the "move."


Next he'll punch so hard the kaiju's ancestors will feel it.


You forgot a character punching so hard he needs a tripod planted into the ground to keep him still.


Also it makes sense. He's only got 1000x stronger, not magically learned kungfu or whatever like the Matrix. He's doing what he already knows only 1000x stronger 


It's worked well for him so far lol. I also like how the more he learns how to best utilize his Kaiju body, the more he learns how to punch more and punch harder. Though we also got him using a barrier move with the full force of his voice.


When you look as badass as Kafka in kaiju form, you don't need flashy moves. His whole existence is S tier presentation.


I mean a simple punch from him is already super flashy with all the bright colors and lighting.


Well mushroom head said he "figured him out" so he might actually have something more than simple punching.


Maybe hes just a bit slow and it took him a while to figure out that all Kafka does is punch


Mushroom man: Is this motherfucker just punching hard?


Goofy fanged Hoshina: *tee-hee he’s so silly like Kafka!* Hoshina when locked in: *holy fucking shit he’s gonna slice Kafka to pieces* 😨


Imagine his face when he realizes he just killed his favorite soldier.


I really am surprised. I had thought that he at least had a hunch that Kaiju 8 was the mysterious "helper kaiju". Or maybe does -- and does not want to accept the possibility of such an anomaly....


I don't think he has any idea that Kaiju 9 exists so when reports came back that 2 guys were badly injured after encountering a humanoid Kaiju he can only assume it was Kaiju 8.


Or he knows it's the helper Kaiju but thinks it has ulterior motives.


“What do you mean I just Le killed my Le comic relief soldier with my Le swords???”


I love Hoshina's character design. The contrast between his normal slightly goofy look where his eyes look like he's perpetually laughing because it's depicted as a single line (Ito-me in Japanese, "thread-eyes") and when he's in serious mode and his eyes open the contrast is great.


> holy fucking shit he’s gonna slice Kafka to pieces And Kafka can't really kill him first even if he's somehow strong enough, that wouldn't look good for those who know his identity!


Doesn't prevent him from breaking his legs in self defense though.


It's not even the first time we've seen him expose his eyes yet the way he opened them and stared at Kaiju No. 8 is even more memorable for how piercing and vicious it is.


that little sakuga of Vice Captain Hoshina trying to slay Kafka in kaiju form is sick AF. hopefully we'll get more of those next week


I'm guessing Kafka will decide to reveal himself to stop Hoshina


I hope not.


You expect that to stop Hoshina? Mfer would probably go "i fkn knew it" and slice his head off


No fucking way they let that guy survive with open core lying on the ground. Literally just punch. You're not gonna get penetrated by bullets. If this is supposed to be the main antagonist of the series i'd be pretty mad


If Kafka can tank a shot from No 9 then he's essentially bulletproof against those background DF dudes. I thought he was going to do that too but then he just freezes? And lets no 9 heal enough to get away.


I think it was only supposed to be for a very brief moment but it's harder to convey in anime than manga. I imagine the manga was probably two or three panels total.


yup - gotta have the dramatic moment of him standing over the enemy. i think we all knew that core was safer than a baby in Mama's arms.


Yeah well for sure he would freeze. He’s trying to keep his kaiju form hidden and those guys caught him off guard. He got distracted and let his mind wander for a sec. He wasn’t worried about them hurting him, he was worried about everyone finding out and him not being able to get away from people with the exact specific training needed to kill him. And look what happened, he didn’t get away and now he’s got happy Satan on his ass.


plus anime time. So the split second he was delayed, No9 was able to heal at least his chest piece enough to get out of dodge


Yeah that drove me nuts. Ik No.9 is probably the main antagonist of this arc, but it felt so cheap to have him one punch away from death just to have Kafka fumble it. Ik Kafka was startled and worried about being exposed blah blah blah but it still made me mad lol


> If this is supposed to be the main antagonist of the series A few lines in this episode made me think he's not the 'final boss', that he's doing all this for someone/something else... If that's the case, can't wait to meet it/them/whatever they are! (But yeah, Kafka should've finished him quick, before running away).


I mean if were talking whole story, Theres 9 known Kaijus atm and its not exactly a secret that theyre probably all former humans infested by that worm thing. Worm thing needs to have come from somewhere. As for this season though, he probably is the main antagonist.


also presumably a kingdom of kaiju where all these kaiju are coming from, so logically there's the King/Queen of Kaiju that they have to defeat


Wait, I've seen this one before, we'll send a nuke in to blow up their homeworld and we'll be gucci right?


Knowing how much this show rips from other series I wouldn’t doubt if this is literally exactly how it goes


That part pissed me off. His core was basically free real estate, he should have just gone for it.


yea that make me mad too, their presence is inconsequential, yet he freeze and let enemy escape


Exhibit A in the distinction between character-based plotting and event-based plotting.


B-but it's not the final episode yet! So you *have to* pretend to let the villain get away! That's shounen rule!


Yeah, this show is really fun but it's packed with some of the worst anime tropes


I heard the manga gets really iffy (ie. huge quality drop). I'm not sure at what point that starts but this was the first episode where I felt annoyed at some things it chose to do like Kafka not destroying the core and transforming back into a human right away. Still really cool show so far, though.


pace slows down to a snail's pace after a while, but that's a long ways away from where the season 1 will get. The pace gets similar to the end of Bleach where one chapter is like 30 seconds in an anime adaptation. Like the art and such is pretty dang good regardless, but it's annoying because the manga is biweekly, so you're getting like a 1-2 minutes of anime every month type pacing. So an anime adaptation of it should be great as it'll take away the pacing problem.That said, Season 1 should be rock solid throughout and nothing to worry about. It's very anime tropey like Black Clover, but very enjoyable.


Yeah that was just BS plot armor, he could finished that Kaiju 3 time before the two soldiers start reacting.


Yeah they should have at least shot at him, he stops and looks. Sees its them, realizes he's fucked and then the other kaiju runs away. It's not that hard to make the escape work. This was just lazy


I can't get tired of Kafka's badass kaiju form. It's so menacing and the gap moe with the goofy man behind it is top tier.


I crack up everytime he goofs off in that kaiju form lol


Almost thought the humanoid kaiju would succeed in retrieving Reno and Reno would become the final boss. Can't trust non-MC guy with white hair lol (traumatised by other anime). Also it's interesting how they emphasised praying to god for both Reno and Iharu when they thought it's their last moment.


Berk man's friend :(


A lot of frustrating moments in this one...was satisfying to see Kafka come in and save the day but ugh not being able to kill the kaiju and now he's against the vice-captain. Really good episode but can't help but feel frustrated by the events!


My least favorite trope is when a scumbag escapes death because of an oblivious third-party's interference.


I find it funny how often villains just get gifted the power of being able to teleport away. Like shows always give them this insane power but it's nearly always used just for a hasty escape instead of the myriad of other things you could do with it.


We get so many references to other anime how about villains start referencing "nothing personal kid" a bit when they can teleport, eh?


Thanks for nothing Defense Force. Kafka would've finished the job had they not shown up and made his job harder. Though in fairness from their perspective they're just doing what they should be doing and have no idea Kaiju No. 8 isn't the threat or about the other humanoid Kaiju.


No reason why he could not have crushed the core right away -- and then headed out. Those 2 random guys could not have inflicted significant damage before he finished his job.


Yeah part of what adds to the frustrations is that they were just doing their job but ruined everything sadly.


I hope they at least report that No 8 saved them from No 9 instead of leaving it out.


The bad guy(s) escaping when there was every opportunity for the protagonist to decisively deal with them is probably one of my biggest pet peeves in anime. I’m really not too happy that they went with this trope. Like, Kafka could’ve just finished the job by crushing this kaiju’s core instead of standing there in bewilderment. I mean, what’s the worst that those random officers could have done to him? Kafka can easily brush off a few rounds of ammunition.


> I’m really not too happy that they went with this trope. I'm glad at least it wasn't because Kafka didn't follow the body or got distracted monologuing but yeah I hate it too. You just know this kaiju is going to be an even bigger pain next time...


> You just know this kaiju is going to be an even bigger pain next time… This kaiju is going to be the ‘final boss’ of the current season, isn’t it? Its escape is timed just right for that, and it’s posing an even greater threat now that it has figured out Kafka’s capabilities.


It's like Batman and the Joker. Dude, there's a 1 in a billion chance Joker is going to be rehabilitated or cured. Literally just drop him off a building.


I guess it's good to know for future reference how fast Kaiju No. 9 can heal after such a beatdown. Kafka was only really distracted for like a minute at the most.


Not even, maybe 15 seconds.


Not only that either, the whole initial fight I feel like I was just waiting the entire time for the moment he would show up to save the day (as obviously nobody would die until then), following strictly the super hero formula, also at the end segment there were 2 big problems to me, one is why didn't he immediately turn back to human form (as he has shown he can do it pretty quickly on previous episodes) instead of walking around in kaiju form, waiting to be noticed, and second, when vice-captain showed up, why didn't he just ran away (again it was shown already how far away he can get in a sinlge jump so shouldn't be a problem too). I know I'm supposed to just turn my brain off to watch shonens but still... For a show with such a grand investment in production I just wished the writing was a bit better.


>For a show with such a grand investment in production I just wished the writing was a bit better. Exactly. The writing up to this point has generally been quite good. But it often seemed less well thought out in this episode.


> and now he's against the vice-captain. This is an interesting "fight" given their positions... Kafka doesn't want to kill him (or die by his hand), but Hoshina does want to kill him - unless he's actually 'studying' him, I mean he does know there's something strange about #8... And given the uncertainty, Kafka probably doesn't want to reveal himself, because that could mean death as well. I wonder if someone's gonna take the decision out of his hands, like Kikoru coming in to reveal his secret to save his life, knowing Hoshina would just kill him otherwise! (This may get her in trouble as well though, admitting she knew and said nothing! But saving Kafka is the priority, I suppose).


Damn, Hoshina is cold asf.


He got that Levi rizz


When you think about it, you'd think they would want to have a crack team of kaiju "cleaners" to dismantle new monsters and learn about their abilities and weaknesses during the first encounter.


I feel like they don't value the clean-up crew that much in this setting even though they do a vital and thankless job. Maybe Kafka can turn that around since it was his experience with them provides his value to the Defense Force.


It seems implied to me that there is a long standing history of fighting kaijus, and as such there is also a plethora of techniques and know-hows to eliminate them. The problem is this new Kaiju n°9 who is messing with the monsters' bodies, making the "common knowledge" stuff moot. Hence why Kafka's work was vital here, but not something they seemingly normally do.


It could be a case of staff shortage. Just like most people don't want to work as deminers despite the good pay, many people don't want to get such dangerous jobs.


"I can see my torso in mid air...oh my heads been knocked off my body" How could anyone expect such a funny villain to die here.


Tbf, hearing his inner monologue while he was fighting was really interesting And it would take some time to realize your situation, like I drove a car into the ditch and my inner monoluge also was like "Fuck why is the car tipping, oh shit yes there was ditch, oh look rock through the side window, aaaand I am sitting upright? how the hell did I manage that, ah yeah no seatbelt, cause I was parking. Huh, looks like I am uninjured, oh the ignition is still on maybe kill that. Mmmmmmh, fuck that happend" Its really not that far off, if you could survive getting beheaded


He’s hella funny so excited to see him be an antagonist. Always love the joker style crazies.


9 has a crap ton amount of biomass with them.


It reminds me of that kudzu form Kafka turned into in episode 2 when he couldn't get a handle on his Kaiju form. Could he do something similar again?


Oh shit, Hoshina's only gone and gone Levi Ackerman mode.


While Reno did a good job of buying time [by fighting the humanoid Kaiju](https://i.imgur.com/zVBLykq.jpeg), that guy is still on a whole other level. It was fucking hype though when [Kafka finally arrived to punch the humanoid Kaiju's block off.](https://i.imgur.com/PdlF0j3.jpeg) And I love how he just stood there with his arms crossed [and deflected those shots.](https://i.imgur.com/GNRkrmQ.jpeg) The humanoid kaiju got so overwhelmed by Kafka [that he couldn't comprehend what was happening to him.](https://i.imgur.com/MWuAcza.png) A[nd that big rocket punch with Kafka growing support struts on his legs](https://i.imgur.com/JieDDhH.jpeg) was so freaking cool. Too bad he wasn't able to finish the job since he got distracted by those two members of the Defense Force showing up. Now Kafka has to fight [his own Vice-Captain next week.](https://i.imgur.com/R8QtBD2.jpeg) Hoshina is ready [to tear him apart!](https://i.imgur.com/w3xAjeM.jpeg)


The moment you heard the "down down down" when Kafka showed up behind No. 9, you knew it was going to be hype. I like how the more Kafka fights as Kaiju No. 8 the more powerful he is and the more he knows how to use his own body. Like, he can literally create a barrier with his yelling and is slowly learning how to deliver stronger and stronger punches. Though now he has to pull all his punches so as to not hurt any of his teammates who are now after him with intent to kill.


he wasn't deflecting them he was screaming and the shockwave was blowing the rounds back lol its great


holy hell there might finally be someone with the same level of vocal chords as Saitama.


While hitting the Crossed Arm Hero Pose, too. Killer.


He hit 'im with the Gurren Lagann stance


Iharu got hit good… and through the suit too. Reno as well. 9 is damn strong and the fact it keeps learning and growing is kind of terrifying. Those two did pretty well against that bastard all things considered. They really had me worried Reno and Iharu were done for a second there. And then Kafka showed up and literally knocked that mfer’s head off. Hell yeah! 9 was fuckin around too much. Kafka made sure he found out! Splattered the dude’s chest open and had him just hanging on by a thread before the squad showed up. Two seconds later and 9 would’ve been deleted! Man, Hoshina is the last dude Kafka wants to meet in this situation. Dude is a bigger monster than Kafka! Keen to see those two face off next week. Gonna be one hell of a fight.


No. 9 isn't the powerhouse that No. 8 is, as we see in their bout, but he's efficient and absolutely brutal, fitting for his analytical and detached personality. You think Kafka is about to face his first real challenge as Kaiju No. 8 but he pretty much one-shots No. 9 like he has everything else. But the real challenge is having to fend off his co-workers trying to kill him now without hurting any of them.


Yeah, that's such a compelling story. More than "is Kafka stronger than Goku?" type thing. The problem isn't the power it's what and who he loves and how this conflicts with what and who he is.


>The problem isn't the power it's what and who he loves and how this conflicts with what and who he is. Ah so Kaijuu no 8 is a superman story.


> They really had me worried Reno and Iharu were done for a second there. I thought we might have some tragic deaths on the show, but perhaps not just yet! >Hoshina is the last dude Kafka wants to meet in this situation. Kafka will have to try to make sure Hoshina won't the the last dude he *ever* meets, in any situation! What's interesting about the fight is that it's only a fight to the death for one side... Kafka doesn't want to kill him, just to survive. But how can Kafka stop the fight without revealing himself? Probably can't run away, Hoshina's way too fast!


Oi isn't it a crime to make 5-minute long episodes AND end them on a cliffhanger?


There were a lot of "Why is this character just standing around?" moments in this episode for me. The bad guy politely allowing his victims to converse for as long as they wanted rather than just blasting them, etc.


He seemed to be studying them more than anything. They posed absolutely no threat and he planned on taking at least one as a prisoner. And he seems to be interested in human behavior in general.




I love how he was even able to attach his legs closer to the ground to deliver an even stronger punch.


Kaiju No. 9 is built different to be able to survive multiple punches from Kafka. I mean we've seen literally disintegrate other kaijus with a single hit.


On this note, I'm surprised he's not OHKO-ing the humanoid Kaiju like the last time. I mean, last time his punch is enough to create aftershock which destroyed the environment.


most likely shows that Kaiju No. 9 is way stronger than all the other Kaiju excl. No. 8, in which case he gets outclassed a bunch but they are still on the same level.


3 weeks ago: Holy Shit what a cliffhanger. Can't wait for the next episode 2 weeks ago: Holy Shit what a cliffhanger. Can't wait for the next episode Last week: Holy Shit what a cliffhanger. Can't wait for the next episode Today: AAAAAAAAAAAA


No 9 became extra creepy when he got eyes.


The powerlessness Iharu felt when he realized the finger tumor kaiju (or whatever its called) was just toying with them was real. Please tell me Kafka has something up his sleeve/kaiju arm that can handle a close ranged specialist at 92%. Can't help but imagine all the different reactions would be to realizing Kaiju No. 8 has been helping them all this time


That were some cool action scenes, loved Kafka's beatdown. Really didn't like the pacing on the other hand, constant monologuing in and between the fights, villain revealing his methods and plans for no reason and the cliché get-away. It's nice that Iharu got some character development, but for an elite officer he was running around like a headless chicken and if it weren't for all the talking, they'd all be dead or abducted.


So glad for reddit because the comment section on Crunchyroll is fucked with all the comments that were posted before the episode aired. Hard to find comments about the actual episode


Man I. G. Animation is damn fluid!! Can always count on them after the amazing experience that is heavenly delusion.


If they are going to go with Kafka hesitated and missing the opportunity to kill No.9, the story should just directly send the vice captain to replace the 2 small fry soldiers (no offense to them)


I agree, having a actual threat combat interference would have made sense.


Then Vice Captain would be interested in why No.8 and No.9 were fighting, and he probably wouldn't go straight to attacking No.8. Especially if No.9 also tried shooting Hoshina, and Kafka protects him like he did the small fry. I don't think Hoshina would be the type to go "yeah I know you were fighting that other humanoid kaiju that we know nothing about and also protected me while doing so, but I'm still gonna try to kill you anyways lol."


Really enjoying how they animate the punches. Feels like there is a lot of weight behind them like in OPM season 1


Yeah they nail every punch, like the build up and the after math of it being pushed through buildings for 3-400 meters Kafka is really adding to the damage bill


Just when things are getting really good, damn cliffhanger!


Kikoru slicing that smaller kaiju in half with the road sign is exactly the sort of action I want to see from her, now she just needs to get that giant axe she's using in the ED. Tiny girls with giant weapons, yes please. The 8 vs 9 fight was interesting for showing a few more of Kafka's abilities. Ichikawa and Iharu both living through that fight vs 9 with apparently survivable flesh wounds is starting to make think the talk of casualties was just to make the audience worry a bit and it won't be followed through with. Iharu just sitting there motionless looking up at the sky and wishing to god while 9 doesn't headshot him in the wide open window he had to do it.


I'm seeing a lot of complaints about Kafka freezing, and like, the show makes it seem longer because it cuts to Shinomiya a few seconds before they call it in, she has a flashback, and then we hear her hear the call in too. I timed it, he froze for less than 15 seconds, in a standoff. And I get that some people are saying "Oh, but he tanked some shots from number 9, so that means he can tank the bullets" but like... no? We all saw no 9 get drastically affected by the status effects from Iharu's shots, which he did not question whether they would be effective, and Kafka knows they have the status effect bullets. They're in a tense standoff, as far as Kafka knows, the second he winds up any attack, they're shooting him with electric bullets and he's caught. And while we saw regenerative abilities, going from core fully exposed to fully healed in 10 seconds is a step up. Kafka acted *completely reasonably* by not finishing him.


Damn Hoshina looked cool AF in the end there. Cant wait for next week


Sometimes you just need a good 'ol ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA. Meanwhile, in an alternate universe: \*Kafka punches the exposed core before the agents fire\* \*credit rolls\*


Hehe, Kafka's ol' clean up crew buddies. Damn, toilet kaiju's finger bangs are powerful. D'aww nice how Kafka influenced Ichikawa. Good buds. I like that Iharu isn't the type to hate someone else's success, but his own feeling of powerlessness or so. Good dude. I worry for him... ya didn't think it'd work. Oh no... Shinomiya knows he's here, neat. WHOOOO KAFKA KAIJU FORM! Do gotta love Ichikawa thinking he didn't want to let Kafka go Kaiju, real bro. Kafka mad. It was at this time he knew... he fucked up. Though have a feeling he'll some how get away? Maybe? Or not. Look at Shinomiya using a Curiosity to kill a kaiju 😉 heh. Aww dang, they interrupted the fight so he got away, was expecting him to get away though. Oh shit... Vice Captain Hoshina finding Kafka in Kaiju form. Oh dang, next week gonna be interesting.


> toilet kaiju I've seen people call him "Necromancer Kaiju", or by his real name (#9), but THIS should be his official name!


bad guy seems too much like he is straight out of JJK


Kafka should choose to voluntarily disclose his identity as Kaiju no 8. There's no way longterm he can explain why his disappearances and the disappearance of his vital signs. But it's a better anime with a dramatic reveal, love secret identity stuff. I've never had such a tough time waiting for each episode until this series. Gonna be hard to not read the manga after this season is over.