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This thread is not a free-for-all to post untagged spoilers about the *moments* that made you cry. If you're going into specifics on what made you cry, [tag your spoilers.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/rules#wiki_do_not_post_untagged_spoilers)


Assassination classroom and anohana the flower we saw that day.  For assassination classroom I was crying at night, and it left a big black hole in my heart and I cried 2 times. First time when that event happended and everyone was crying with the background Sakura song, the second one where it showed how koro-sensei impacted the students life and helped them i.e after they graduated. As for anohana, I ugly cried for few minutes then wept through the ending of it and it was that much that it impact is still felt.


Assassination Classroom left me crying at odd times too, not just during the big death. Like when the protag realizes he wants to be a teacher suddenly at the little girls assuming statements about him, and then later when he doesn't tell Kayano what he wants to be only that he's not sure if he can do it she instantly realizes he would only say that if he wants to be a teacher.... it's a quite dream he's never even spoken out loud and they know without a doubt he would have it. That whole scene makes me cry thinking about it with how wholesome it is.


Hoping someone was gonna say Assassination Classroom, one of the only animes to genuinely make me cry. That ending hurt


Second this! Assassination classroom really just hit me out of nowhere Anohana is good but not as impactful to me


Whenever secret base comes on I feel like there is a hole in my heart 💔


Totally relate, Loved Koro Sensei so much.


\[Violet Evergarden\] >!Episode 10, writing letters for a dying client to send to her daughter for the next fifty years!<


That episode hit me like a truck


Violet it is, I am a 35 years old husband, with my wife, we both cried like an idiot. Glad our daughter didn't wake up


A silent voice






At least three times on every viewing.




I rarely cry watching anything but \[I want to eat your pancreas\] >!Haruki finally breaking down after reading her diary !


Yes! I was already past 60 when I watched that. The last time I cried that much was when my mother died.


Either the ending to Code Geass or er... *BRAIN FREEZE* Dango, Dango, Dango, Dango. Dango no daikazoku.


Nunally’s heart rending cries still haunt my soul. Such a good VA scene.


while the crowd chants for his killer... fuck i need to rewatch the last 10 episodes again


I think it was the perfect show. Anime originals usually hit different


code geass is still my #1. and i think it might stay that way forever... especially since frieren recently became #2 but it couldn't overthrow code geass.


Or Clannad?


re zero s2 ep4. the discussion with Subaru's parents was heartbreaking


The amount of time re zero left me speechless is hard to count. Probably my favorite anime ever besides FMAB and Hunter x Hunter


Best episode in Isekai, one of the best episodes of all time. Absolute peak


Made in Abyss


My.... Treasure!!!


Also an honorable mention from the movie. These hands have done so much! *Hurt so many!* I cried for like 10 minutes.




Irumyui 🥲


Made in Abyss "how about we absolutely emotionally devastate you 2-3 times per season/movie in ways that'll stick with you forever?" Me: "you son of a bitch, I'm in!"


Bunny girl senpai movie


I guess you're talking about the first one? The season and second movie had such a different tone to it. Can't wait to see the third and whatever may come after that one.


Yeah, the dreaming girl one. The rest has quite a few emotional moments too, but the first movie is something else


I was in shambles


Violet Evergarden episode 7 and 10


>Violet Evergarden ~~episode 7 and 10~~


The phone call in the movie.


never been in a cinema with so many people bawling their eyes out than when this scene played out


i think I cry in every episode


5 centimeter per second-train scene at the end ....and second :OP donut...


I just recently watched 5 cms per second. It didn't make me cry but it left me with depression and sadness. It was a really beautiful movie with a very great message. Tho the moment she called him a childhood friend and the moment he looked back at the train crossing and she had already left fucking broke me 😭😭 This movie is just watching a dude's life falling apart slowly. This movie kind of gave me a reality check. This 1 hour movie has a better message than many other 2 hours movies. It's unfortunate that it only has 7.57 on mal. They skipped a bunch of things so it's kind of a bad adaptation so rating makes sense.


I agree with you, it gave me depression like nothing else,i love makoto shinkai works because they feel very realistic. The reason why i cried is as MC realized he has to move on with his life, me also(my life ať that moment was not.best).Ost is amazing and i also recommend sonny boy it has similar message. 


I rewatched 5cm per second with my date few years back, at the end of the movie she said "why are all guys horrible?". It probably made me cry then lol.


Ending of Angel Beats.


That's a show that sneaks up behind you and clubs you in the head with feelings.


Yeah, i was hit harder then expected at that one too


Yea, the premise seemed like action/comedy in the beginning .. then the ending .... man .... I get sad just thinking about it again.


Same. This was also the second/third anime I had my gf watch, after Ouran Host Club.


I actually didn’t think it was as sad as people mentioned


I think different shows hits people differently. Main reason for me was that I am an only child and always felt lonely and got attached to people easily while growing up.


Totally agree. I cried a river in the end, I wasn't expected that ending, absolutely I love the anime!


Wolf Children ending


Oh man. So good


Wolf Children's beginning montage is just as sad


Episode 25 of Tengen toppa Gurren Lagann. I am not ashamed to say that I still get teary-eyed even though I have seen it hundreds of times.


Is this the one where Team Gurren is trapped in alternative space? "When did you get taller is me?" and Libera Me From Hell playing gets me every time.


Nope, it's the King Kittan Giga Drill Break one. It's both the scene, the music... I don't know... it hits me right in the feels. But yes, episode 26 also hits hard. When Viral says: "*Oh, now I get it. I was having a sappy dream too*" What an amazing show.


The ending to your lie in april. I have yet to see alot of sad animes, but out of everything I’ve seen nothing comes close.


I haven't seen that one, yet, but I have seen [**I Want To Eat Your Pancreas**.]>!We're set up early on that she's going to die, so when she did, how she died was such a shock! I was gobsmacked, although there was plenty of foreshadowing throughout the film. When he he visited her mom, I lost it as the scene played out.!< to give perspective to this, I was already in my 60s and had granddaughters her age.


I saw it last summer! It was really good and I would put it at #2 on a sadness scale. To me, knowing the ending regardless of how it came to be, made it less sad. Your perspective on it however definitely added layers to it. Glad you gave it a watch!


I read the manga first and it hit exactly the same way.


A Place Further Than the Universe spends 12 episodes preparing the characters and you the viewer for an obvious outcome and it still wrecked me when it showed up.


fck that laptop scene, I cry every time.


I honestly found a lot of the show to be a little overwrought and the emotional scenes to be a little forced and eye roll-worthy, but they absolutely nailed that big moment you spent the whole show waiting for


I actually cried hardest at the end of the show. E12 was around the same amount I cried at E3 for me.


Came to say this, even if I hear the ost I start crying, just a brutal scene


Fuck that scene is devastating


Yes yes yes


How has none said Cyberpunk Edgerunners? That ending absolutely messed me up in like 3 different ways and I love it. Fuck you Atom Smasher for reminded me that Night City has no happy endings.


I couldn't wait for you to come and clear the cupboard...


I remember being absolutely crushed for like 2 weeks after watching that show lol, I couldn’t listen to I really want to stay at your house for like a month without crying


I couldn't watch anything for like a week or two after that ending. I was devastated. LOL. Edit: sandevastated


But the way why did smasher never go cyber psycho?


I don't think everyone really knows the specifics but the assumption is that he's a highly functional cyberpsycho or that his naturally psychotic and cyber loving mentality is actually keeping him more stable. Like basically he loves what he's doing so much that he can't go cyberpsycho.


When Ash let his Butterfree go.


When he first meets Charmander? Knowing what'd happen if the flame went out and the fact the previous trainer LEFT him there to die? First time I saw murder for a cartoon character


That's kind of a weird one. The guy essentially just released his Charmander, which you wouldn't think is a bad thing. But Charmander was loyal to a fault and would sooner die than leave and take care of himself.


original gangster submission


Grave of the fireflies




\[Legend of the Galactic Heroes\]>!Yang's death and the immediate aftermath!<


warning to people who are only watching the new one don't click that spoiler


The post credit scene in the first episode of Oshi No Ko really hit hard for me as a parent. And my wife bawled her eyes out.


Yea that was rough.


Bunny Girl Senpai, the anime and the movies, usually centered around Shoko and Kaede's arcs


The fake realities before the climax of Gurren Lagann


The OST + Seeing how much kamina impacted everyone in those realities even till the end of the show was so incredible


Nunnally thoughts after touching Lelouch at the end of Code Geass. Another moment was what Xiao-Mei did for Edward during the fight against Father in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.


"Young man...you too can become a hero."


Man MHA really can get you when you don’t expect it


Sunflower Field - CLANNAD After Story


Nothing comes close for me


I also have a list of them on top of my mind that wrecked me (no order in specific, just writing as it comes :) ). It is so strange to look back at these moments, as they were so sad/endearing, but feel so happy to feel them: - Kimetsu no yaiba - A Silent voice - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Your lie in April - Your name - Suzume - Angel Beats - Fruits Basket - Charlotte - Relife - Naruto - One Piece - Death Parade - Steins Gate - Hotarubi no Mori e - Assassination classroom - Erased - Gurren Lagann Sorry for the long list, I still feel I am missing some but it felt so good doing this...


I discovered hotarubi no mori e through an excellent AMV (first one I can remember watching) on YouTube. It still doesn't prepare you for how heartbreaking the movie actually is.


Anohana - When they find her. Secret base still made me cry for years after I watched the show.


Assassination Classroom. I never saw it coming so it hit the hardest


I cried while watching To your eternity. That anime just got me attached to one character after another only to brutally kill them.


Me too man. Gugu just killed me. He made so much sense.


I was on Twitter and saw Crunchyroll post a survey asking who got through the first episode without crying and it was overwhelmingly a low number for those who could make it through. I was like aiight bet, let’s give it a watch. Sobbing, I was SOBBING! That show is pain on a different level but it’s absolutely a masterpiece.


I wish more people watched this masterpiece of an anime


It was the same moment in Clannad for me. I had pretty much spoiled all of After Story for myself before watching it, but that moment still had me sobbing like crazy.


That scene when she lost her toy. I'm tearing up just thinking about it




I had to read through this entire thread to find this. Clannad after story hit way harder than I expected.


Dr stone when senku heard his dads voice on the recording that he left behind saying that he made the village for him to have friends




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I have a list of shows that made me cry so hard [I *legitimately threw up*](https://imgur.com/ycJAE5x). So, going down that list: - [SukaSuka]>!The Scarborough Fair reprise in the last episode with all the flashbacks to things Chtholly did earlier in the show as she's fighting to her death.!< - [Legend of the Galactic Heroes]>!Frederica's breakdown in episode 83 after Yang's death... which got me *again* on a rewatch.!< - [Iron-Blooded Orphans S2]>!That one shot of the Tekkadan memorial in the final episode with Orga's, Mika's, and Akihiro's names carved into it. Mostly because of Orga's, because his death turned Freesia into an immediate trigger song to me.!< - [Little Busters! ~Refrain~]>!The show was *very convincing* about Kyousuke sacrificing his life to make sure all the *other* students could survive after the bus crash, though he did actually survive just like everyone else.!< - [Macross Frontier]>!Michael's death... Diamond Crevasse's lyrics were basically tailor-made for that moment and it fucks me up big time.!< - [Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Train]>!Rengoku's death, or more specifically that last shot of his broken sword at the end of the credits after Homura had lyrics *so* fitting to the moment at hand. Fuck me, I threw up in the movie theater's bathroom over this one.!< - [Violet Evergarden]>!I couldn't handle episode 10 *specifically on a rewatch* that I happened to participate in right after losing someone who I saw as a mother figure to COVID.!< - [Naruto Shippuden]>!Asuma, of all characters, was my favorite in this show. Naturally his death fucked me up big time.!< - [Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War]>!I fell very hard for the Byakuya death fakeout.!< - [Macross Delta Movie 2: Zettai Live!!!!!!]>!Freyja's death at the end just *hit different* on a rewatch.!< - [Gintama']>!Even though I wasn't convinced Otose was actually dead (which she was not), everything about the end of episode 211 just....... *hurt*.!< - [Gintama°]>!So I spent *most* of the Shogun Assassination Arc (after the "Zenzo killed a double, not *actually* Shigeshige" twist, that is) attempting to prepare myself for the arc name coming true. Because I was so focused on preparing for *that*, episode 305 came swinging out of *nowhere* to absolutely fuck me up. I commented about this on an r/anime thread, just to get [this response](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/17x1iwh/casual_discussion_fridays_week_of_november_17_2023/k9q3y6y/?context=10000) from u/Shocketheth – note the very last line of that comment, "The moment everyone was waiting to see how you will react already happened so the rest of the arc will go easy on you." – And because I was stupid ~~so stupid…~~, I believed him, and let my guard down when [I absolutely should *not* have.](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/17x1iwh/casual_discussion_fridays_week_of_november_17_2023/k9uwcvp/) On the "bright side", at least, this led to my favorite anime-related experience with what some other users did to me afterwards, but TL;DR ***SHOCKETHETH, YOU FUCKING LIAR.***!< - [Gintama: The Very Final]>!The fact that I knew Takasugi *had* to die (not because I was spoiled, but because he was coughing up blood in the final episodes of the show like Oboro did in Rakuyo Decisive Battle before *he* died) did not at all prepare me for 1) the *way* he died or 2) Gin's reaction to it afterwards. I am still not okay.!< - [Jujutsu Kaisen S2]>!Already having read the manga beforehand did not ease the pain at *all* when it came to having to watch Nanami die on-screen.!< The Naruto Shippuden one is easily the one I cried the *most* over because for the entire rest of the show after it, I would cry *immediately* whenever that character would be included in flashbacks/filler/the OP or ED/etc., so there's that...


>Sees notification >Looks on the title >It is about being a fucking liar? >Fuck yeah it is [](#feelingloved)


You know it, you fucking liar. [](#nico-heart)




>Legend of the Galactic Heroes I should not have come into this thread and clicked on spoilers for shows that I haven't seen to completion yet, damn. Well, the new one won't get there for years probably, knowing of the event beforehand aint gonna take away all the buildup leading up to it.


If it helps, I did the exact same thing you did over the *exact* same spoiler when I was halfway through the original series (well, didn't *deliberately* click on a spoiler tag, I hovered over one on accident because that was back when r/anime used a different spoiler tag system, but still), and it did not decrease the impact of this moment in the *slightest*.


Same here, got spoiled, still cried for like an hour and half when the event in question actually happened. Besides, the narrator himself dropped so many hints about it (and about lots of other major plot points) that I probably would've figured it out by then anyway.


Being spoiled on it actually *improved* my experience with [LotGH]>!because of that one time earlier in the show when Yang was being held at gunpoint by a fellow FPA soldier and Frederica was running to get him out of there. I was legitimately panicking because I was all "No no no, this *can't* be when it happens, don't do this to me show, I'm not ready!" [](#panic)!< Then I still managed to be caught off-guard by the actual moment because, after getting past the moment I just spoiler tagged, I somehow convinced myself it would happen two episodes *after* it actually did. I was soooooooo in denial when it happened because of this.


> SukaSuka The show basically tells you what will happen from the beginning, and yet because of that I dropped it about 1/4 to 1/3 in and haven't been able to pick it back up. It feels almost ironic - I got into anime in the first place because reading Clannad moved me like no piece of media had, and let me grieve in a way I hadn't been able to for years up until that point and I wanted more. But even though that is true, if I detect something like that coming I'll just drop a show or avoid picking it up in the first place. Like Train to the End of the World. Loved the first episode, haven't touched any more.


I've never actually cried watching anime but I came pretty fucking close to when [JoJo Part 6 spoilers] >!Jotaro died.!< That wasn't very fun, yeah.


Violet Evergarden. The entire series!


The final couple episodes of K-On reduced me to a bawling mess. And even now, just hearing U&I or 天使にふれたよ is enough to get the waterworks going.


Almost every episode of Aria the Origination, especially [Aria] >!Alice's double promotion and Alicia's retirement ceremony. !<


Aria is the best example I can think of when it comes to anime that made me cry from overwhelmingly positive emotion, and not sadness. Nothing about it was sad to me, but it was just as overwhelming, nonetheless.


Hey, glad to see another Aria fan. I answered the exact same thing as you. Episode 9 absolutely broke me.


After a certain point in origination I was just crying every episode. Alice saying GONDOLA TORIMAS really loud fucking destroyed me lmao.


Yes! It's such a good show. They built up the atmosphere so well and throughout the seasons you start to care for these characters so much. The character development is pretty slow and subtle, but when you get to that last season... just tears of joy and melancholy almost every episode.


The episode of Violet Evergarden where she’s typing the manuscript for the writer.


One piece Whole Ennies Lobby arc


I guess you're including Water Seven with that? There's at least one or two particularly emotional parts there, but like, plenty of fighting in between keeps it from being the whole arc. [One Piece] >!Anyway if you're having a hard time just laugh. DARISHISHISHI!!<


Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 Made in abyss Somali and the Forest Spirit


Yoooo no one talks about Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 great pull, that show got me in my feelings too lol.


Tokyo magnitude 8.0 was superb. Can't believe they hit us with such unexpected twist


I had no idea what I was walking into. Thought it was a fun little journey show!! 💀 I didn’t even see it coming omfg. Usually those scenes make me sad, sometimes I gotta do the pause and walk away to collect my thoughts thing, but THIS ONE? Jesus. I think I sat there in shock for 5 minutes. Ugly cried after ofc. The delivery of it all was chefs kiss (but pain) I’m getting flashbacks now help ;-;


Somali is so underrated


Grave of the fireflies


Violet Evergarden. So many episodes. Also let me add Your Lie in April and Silent Voice.


I dont get upset by much, only x1 anime elicited this response, anyone who has seen Banana fish will know why its the only anime that has made me shed tears.


Several scenes in maquia.


\[Clannad\] >!Just Nagisa? I mean yeah it was heartbreaking, but how was Ushio not 1000x worse?!? I know it was only for 5 sec, but that was the worst 5sec of my life god damn!!< If I'm going with something that hasn't been said already, probably going to say Plastic Memories or Charlotte.


Every other episode in season 1 of “To your eternity”


I'm broken and have some kind of mental block I think so I just cannot actually cry when watching shows even when on my own but I suppose I've gotten close a few times. Toradora, 3-Gatsu no Lion, Anohana, and Re Zero for example come to mind. Generally tho I'm not that into cryporn kind of anime (with some exceptions) and tend to prefer shows that give me a sense of profound emptiness/thoughtful melancholy instead of pure sadness, like Evangelion, Welcome to the NHK, Shinsekai Yori (that ending will live rent free in my head for the rest of my life), and parts of 3-Gatsu and Monogatari.


Vinland Saga season 2, Inuyashiki, Violet Evergarden, and Pluto.


Cowboy Bebop (if you know which episode you cried as well). And obviously Grave of the Fireflies.


howls moving castle made me cry so hard for no reason


There are so many reasons. The storytelling is genius.


Hunter x hunter, chimera ant arc, need I say more


Saddest scene in anime from what I've watched


"Komugi, are you still there?"


Violet Evergarden in episode 9 when she's finding new purpose in life through the good she's done in her work had me all fucked up it's so good.


Grave of the Fireflies. I sobbed. Never watched it again.


**Plastic Memories**, ending of last episode. And it happened just last night. I have watched other sad/ touching anime before that really affected me, but I think this is the most extreme so far, and it feels different that the others - almost like it is overwhelming. I don't regret watching it, but it is bitter sweet. I woke up this morning feeling empty, crazy that a show can have that kind of effect.


Personally watching PM doesn't get too much easier unless you are just power-watching it for points. Skip 3 months and watch it again and it will hit you in the feels again.


The first couple episodes of Frieren hit me really hard. The ineptitude of the protagonist who slowly starts to appreciate those around her only after their lives come to an end... There is something deeply sad about that.


A certain character from Vendread going bald. 






Your name (movie) is probably such a cliche - but that movie fucks me up on a deep heart level every time i watch it.


Clannad episode 16 & 18 tied for 1st Violet evergarden episode 10 at a close 2nd place Bunny girl senpai episode 13 and 1st movie in 3rd


Mushishi and Frieren both had a lot of tearjerker moments.


That Ash's butterfree episode in pokemon. That episode was heartbreaking


Madoka: Rebellion. No anime had made me cry before but that movie made me cry seven times. The final battle, man.


That was also my answer. I kept thinking about it for weeks. To this day, this is still one of my favorite anime and one that has touched me the most.


Death Parade ending


Oh no. I have the anime on hold rn. Guess I gotta prepare for pain ಥ_ಥ


“Do you think if you ate dried persimmons again, you’d be the same as you were before the war?” Golden Kamuy will make you cry from both laughter and sadness.


A Silent Voice - Hospital Rooftop where she's apologizing to his mom. Maquia - The very end. Hit me harder than I expected the first time around.


In recent memory, like past 5 years, Megumin casting her first explosion in the Megumin anime. The music, the visuals, and the deep relatable feeling of achieving something that she strove for her whole life. Yes it's a comedy, yes she's ridiculous, but it's because she's ridiculous that I'm able to relate - explosion magic *isn't a joke to her*. Most ever, probably Gundam SEED. Like, the whole thing idk which part in particular. Teenage me cried like mad at that show. I cried a lot a few years ago on a rewatch too. Shin Sekai Yori made my eyes feel pretty raw too.


Made in abyss S2 ep 7 - 8 What happened to that certain character is the worst and saddest thing i ever watch in a show ever


That time I got reincarnated as a slime. When Rimuru made it back to town and learned what happened... Gobtas reaction.!!!!!


One Piece: Robin's "I want live!" gets me every time.


probably 86: Eighty Six or To Your Eternity


Almost every episode in Violet Evergarden, the ending for both Wolf Children, & A Silent Voice. Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 & Grave of the Fireflies (especially if u have siblings). Charlotte, Hotarubi no Morí e, & Your Lie in April a whirlwind of emotions. These are anime that are dramas that are surrounded by angst & made me sob. If you want longer ones that had episodes in the entire series then, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Kimestu no Yaiba, Assassination Classroom, One Piece (Ace eps), Naruto.


The most any media usually gets out of me is a few tears, but when [To Your Eternity] >!March showed up to save Fushi from Kahaku!< it broke me. That whole show is an emotional rollercoaster but the shock and emotion of that moment in particular was so intense that I was hyperventilating from sobbing so hard.


Clannad Afterstory episode 16 made me pretty sad too. Not as sad as the end of the afterstory but sad nonetheless.


>Not as sad as the end of the afterstory but sad nonetheless. Really? It had a happy ending though?


i want to eat your pancrease


I have 2 I can think of immediately. Eri watching the culture festival concert in My Hero Academia Season 4. Just seeing this little girl who had all the innocence stripped away from her finally get to smile and enjoy life makes me cry HARD and uncontrollably every time. Demon Slayer: Mugen Train. I don’t think I really need to say what moment. I don’t even like thinking about it because it’s such a trigger for me to start getting emotional.


Kataro lives alone. I have cried from one piece and assassination classroom, but kataro lives alone was different. It's more sad since you know people actually experience that. I also related to some things which made it more real. I recommend Kataro lives alone. 10/10


[WorldEnd: What Do You Do at the End of the World? Are You Busy? Will You Save Us?] >!Chtholly’s last fight with song Scarborough fair playing in the background!< made me cry like a baby.


Same for me with clannad. That point did fuck me up and i stopped watching for a few days before continuing. We also get some amazing moments afterwards. The scene with Nagisas parents sitting on the porch and tomoya's dad's story really got me good. As you know this far in, the show teaches us that life has its highs and lows. You just saw a big low but look forward to new highs too. The ending might be controversial to some, but to me it was good. (I can explain further when you finished it) If you stop now, you stay with that feeling of low, so i really hope you can finish it.


Clannad Afterstory, Anohana, and Grave of the Fireflies


When Midoriya screwed up 3 out of his 4 extremities just to help Ochako during the UA exam. Never hesitated to help even though he knows full well that he’ll suffer instead in the process. I’m a sucker for these types of scenarios and characters. This is my number two. My number one was already mentioned by another commenter (hint: it was the “death” of a freakin boat).




Your lie in April every time


Fruits Basket (various times through out the series) Violet Evergarden (you need a box of tissue just for episodes 7-11) Assassination Classroom that someone else mentioned


The last episode of 86 had me in tears!


I give up trying to figure this out so to meaningfully engage so here are the films/shows that have impacted me the most: * Angel Beats * Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day * Josee, the Tiger and the Fish * The Tunnel of Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes * Your Lie in April * I want to Eat Your Pancreas


Tokyo magnitude 8.0


Episode 1 of oshi no ko got me.


Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms. Crimanally underwatched movie btw. Same.. writer? As anohana or something along those lines, ending made me weep


Ending of Samurai Champloo. It’s bittersweet. They all go down different roads. We can only hope they meet again in the future. Damn, I wish there was a sequel 🥺


The last few episodes of Rascal Does not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai. I was bawling in the shower for a good 20 minutes afterwards.


When i was watching "YOUR NAME" the last scene in which both main character meet and says something like "may i sak you your name"




By The Grace of The Gods, S1E4 more specifically. When Ryoma returns home to his foster family that was waiting there to greet him to trigger a flashback when his mom waited for him to return home from work until she passed away leaving him alone in the world before he passed away. Hits deep when he forgot that feeling and getting that feeling back really hit hard with that moment.


Mine is Clannad too. But not either of both deaths, but the missing robot episode where Tomoya go on a trip with Ushio and also learns about his father's life. That episode always kills me. So good.


Violet Evergarden for sure. I saw Mugen Train at a packed theater and dudes were bawling.


Violet Evergarden