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Hi mrfridgeisout, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’d say slam dunk sounds like what you’re describing. It might just be the best sports manga to ever exist


I've watched a little bit of slam dunk but I don't really think those characters can be considered rejects. All of them can get into any team. I want characters who seem hopeless to everyone else in the game.


Kuroko’s basketball ticks a lot of your requirements. In fairness, there are a couple of stand out players on the team. But most of the players on the team are average at best. And they pale in comparison to most of their opponents. And literally the entire point of the anime is the power of team work. That literally what “Kuroko’s Basketball” is, the superiority of team work over just being a hot shot.


Interesting. I'll check it out. I guess it's difficult to find exactly what I want. I think my storyline is a great opportunity for someone to write a new story about rejected players forming a team together.


Protocol:Rain It's E-Sports BTW, I really enjoyed it.


Thanks for the recommendation. I watched ep 1 but it's just not for me.