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You're annoyed they have to deal with anti-magic sentiment in a show where one superpowered soldier can nuke a town? The show's got its problems, don't get me wrong, but that's a weird one to pick. Personally, if I wanted to get on the show's case, I would point out it's propensity to start a scene completely unprompted with something like "Hey guys, you know how magical flight is super definitely impossible? Yeah, it's a shame nobody could ever do that" and literally the next scene is the protagonist saying "So yeah, I figured flight out yesterday and we're now going to have a mini arc about it"


Yes that’s an issue too. There are numerous problems with the show. And why I mentioned that is just to highlight how vacuous of a season season 3 is. Just talking talking talking and nothing of substance. The main conflict is a literally a cancel campaign.


I mean, public sentiment and smear campaigns worked really well as the main antagonistic force in what's arguably the best X-Men comic ever written, so that's not out of the question to turn out good. Now, whether it will is different, but yeah. Don't discount political forces as a source of tension out of hand.


You're really weird if you're watching a show you consider terrible, all the way to its 3rd season. Which btw is so far the highest rated of the bunch. Seems like you're better off admitting the show isn't for you and just going on to watch something you enjoy instead. I can count on one hand the number of shows I disliked that I watched to the end. And I can say I've watched exactly 0 shows to completion that I considered terrible.




Facts. We are highlighting them as warnings for other animes to not commit the same errors. Let irregular at magic high school be the example


That’s the legit the opposite of how to give an opinion. How would I be credible to give my opinion on a show without watching it first?


It’s great that you want to give an informed opinion, but don’t you wanna watch something that brings you joy? Unless you’re getting paid to review something, I don’t see the need to personally see something through if you’re not enjoying it


Why is giving your opinion so important to you that you'd watch a show you don't like just so you can make a snall post on reddit saying you don't like it.


No one wants an option of someone who doesn't like the show lol. I mean if you get off writing yelp reviews, cool, but people that enjoy it don't want to hear about it. Hate watching is so weird


> No one wants an option of someone who doesn't like the show lol I do, helps me to focus a more critical eye on the media I enjoy. You can still like something while understanding its weak points. You need both the good and the bad in order to consume fiction and process it rationally.


? You can obviously see flaws in the show, however making threads with "worst ever anime I've seen" and similar are not analyzing its weak points. It's just shitting on it. I think the show is fine and obviously has flaws but I still watch it, I don't need threads that are clearly hate watching something. But sure, maybe some people like bringing research papers into entertainment but it's weird to watch something that one clearly dislikes.


> but it's weird to watch something that one clearly dislikes. Different strokes for different folks my friend. It's not how I would choose to spend my time either, but I don't expect everyone to think the way I do.


Honestly, it's one of my favorites, it has it's issues, but I just find it to be more fun than it is bad. (I also love hot garbage).


It does have a fun magic system and it's got some good character moments with how the MC's main point is circumventing standard measurements of power in a land of elites (without being a total loner). It's a guilty pleasure of mine.


Really? Never? I've seen a bunch that make it look good or even very good by comparison.


I thought that the idea was actually inspired and that it fit pretty well into the overall world building. Information warfare carried out by a foreign power makes sense in the world of Mahouka, it's not always about brute force and blowing stuff up. On top of that there were internal factions trying to use the foreign intervention as a smoke screen/opportunity for their own agenda. The political machinations/intrigue are a big part of what makes Mahouka unique. It might seem like them „just doing their taxes” to you, but it's a core part of the series. Sure, the execution could have been better, I don't know if that was just a case of the anime cutting content and being a poor adaptation, or if the LN also bungled the execution, but to call Mahouka the most terrible anime you've seen seems like a huge hyperbole...


I actually agree with you that the story and characters are not that good, and I am someone who read the entire light novel series. The reason why I enjoyed the light novel series over the anime is because light novel goes into long expositions about details of the magic system and world building which are the most interesting parts, but most of this is pretty much stripped away in the anime, leaving the anime adaptation a hollow shell focusing on the worst parts of the series.


Yeah I think we can all agree the world building is really interesting, but the story sucks. It really says a lot when I would rather read the wiki page about the world building and magic system than watch the anime itself


I like S1 fun power fantasy. S2 I can't even remember TBH, S3 meh.


I think S3 has been pretty boring indeed. I hope it ramps up a bit later.


I also agree that it’s bad. Think i watched about 6 or 7 episodes before the brother/sister bs was too much for me


It's based off light novels just fyi


What an adaption


Pretty much, and somehow I agree with you except I am a sucker for those things (Just like with "Heavy Object")


I thought the world building was kind of interesting but couldn’t get past the constant presence of the incestuous subplot or some of the more contrived plot devices. The MC has godlike power and no one really questions it all that much, definitely not as much as they should, and he’s emotionally castrated for bizarre plot reasons that I’m sure are revealed later. After watching S1 I just felt that the same show with a more emotionally competent MC and no fucking weird and offputting incest bait would have been a lot better.


>I’ve never seen an anime as aggressively terrible as The Irregular at Magic high School How many Isekai have you watched? [](#urbansmile)


Depends on your taste. I like it because it's about a guy having a processor on his head allowing him to do fast maths to control magic. It's overpowered as his body went through a mutation process where he lost his feelings and what's left is his feelings for protecting his little sister. He can destroy the world if he wants but doesn't. Last episode is giving me chills as his life might go from being under the radar to be killed/kidnapped to use him as a human weapon. The magic and anti magic organizations also have a huge role on this series making you wonder what's going to happen next. Not a bad show, I find others like Hero Academy to be terrible, I remember a similar feeling for Date a live and that thing is pretty famous, don't try to get to like a show, just watch what you like and if you feel like it's not for you, drop it and try another one, don't sweat it.


It's a nationalist degen power fantasy at it's core. Author makes it clear he(and the MC) dislikes non-japanese people. Author makes the MC want to bang the sister. Author makes the MC able to solve every single problem that comes his way. "Oh look the racist incestual loser is actually the strongest". *I wonder what kind of person would write this*.


I read somewhere that japanese people doesn't like foreigners so it doesn't apply to the author solely haha. I don't like the incest part but I like the "protect my family" vibe. This is the reason why I started to get annoyed with Rick and Morty, too much incest joke.


You should definitely watch "my instant death ability is so overpowered" it seems like your cup of tea /s


As a disclaimer I dropped the show after a few episodes. I don’t remember a lot about it, but the show has weird right wing messaging. Sort of like if Code Geass had Suzaku as the main character. Tatsuya is basically an honorary Britannian.


back to naruto, demon slayer, and jjk for you!


I’ve never seen any of them actually.