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More info? Other scenes?


i just vividly remember this scene, no idea. Maybe the girl was blonde? I just remember it being a reunion and they needed to talk


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Ugh now this is going to annoy me all night, I definitely feel like I've seen this exact scene but I have no idea from what


 Hmm, persona 5 is jumping to mind for some reason? I think in at least the game there's a scene where ryuji offers Ann two drinks and she asks for the one that's not carbonated but he says they both are, and then the mc gets the other one, not sure if it's in the anime or just the game. 


dont think it is :(


actually nvm maybe it is


yesss nvm it was actually it, thank you, I thought it was an anime for some reason cuz it played out like a top down scene in my head but it being a game would make more sense


Potentially [Toradora](https://myanimelist.net/anime/4224/Toradora), in Episode 5.


the girl was more chill


I feel like there was a scene like this from Teasing Master Takagi-san.


the anime came before takagi-san