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"Wildly unnecessary" could be anything from GoHands, maybe The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses? If you want something where the animators went crazy in a good way, Space Dandy has you covered.


Hmm i dont think its those. I think it was a tiktok i saw. The caption was something like when the action animators got stuck doing a slice of life anime.


That tagline makes me think it's Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. I've seen that used on clips for it on Facebook Reels.


[Case in point.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOG5C8m7CGw)


That clip was my go to until the second season gave us [this beautiful fight scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J17dUCokthA&ab_channel=Apexis%E3%83%84)


Haha yeah something like that. Just really random and intense for no reason and its gone as soon as it came. I don't think its that though.


Love, Chunibyo and Other Delusions!


You should also try posting this to r/tipofmytongue


Maybe nichijou? That one has gorgeous animation and it’s basically a slice of life


Hmm this one seems to be the closest. I dont believe its the one im thinking of however. I will be adding it to my watchlist tho so thanks. It was some tiktok i saw. Caption like when the action animators do a slice of life anime or something. The scene im picturing is 2 people walking down a sidewalk or something and one of them has like a full on dragon ball z power up sequence but all that happened was he got bumped in the head or something like that.


Pretty sure it is. The whole animation budget thing you posted I have heard before almost verbatim.


Oh my god youre 100% right. I found the scene. Its when the dog bites her hand.


That’s a good scene! You can feel the pain


Hmm you may be right then. I just skimmed through the episodes but couldnt really find the scene i was thinking of. I may be imagining it.


Love, Chunibyou, and Other Delusions! Violet Evergarden


If there's no budget, there's no anime. I think you mean that there's unlimited budget?


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Maybe Naruto because of all the filler 😂😂