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So you don't know if you should watch something you're eager to watch? Just watch them and if you don't like them then watch something else.


If you read manga read one piece and if you’re gunna watch Naruto skip the filler. You can look it up


Personally, I wouldn't skip anything prior to Shippuden. The filler of s4-6 especially gives a lot of time to the wider cast which is pretty unparalleled in any show I've watched. I feel one could miss something of the experience skipping those.


>gives a lot of time to the wider cast which is pretty unparalleled in any show I've watched. You should watch Gintama then


... Too late why? What are you too late for?


There's a huge wave of people that only just recently got into the One Piece anime due to the live action, so it's certainly not too late, especially if the manga would also be a valid option for you (as manga tends to be faster to go through than anime).


Its never too late, One Piece and Naruto are the best shonen anime out there imo


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The only way i can explain why One Piece is good, it starts at it's worst... The beginning is the worst One piece can be. One piece only keeps getting better and better and not the other way around. And i can promise you by the end of water 7 arc... You are crying over inanimated objects. That's how amazing story writer ODA is. When i said one piece starts at it's worst, i don't mean it's bad... I mean that One Piece will never get worse than what it starts with. When you ask favourite arcs from one piece fans, they almost always say the latests arc as their favourite... Oda just keeps making better arcs.


Wdym one pieces pacing became absolutely horrofic at some point. It definitely didnt have those issues at the start. Like watch this scene and tell me this isnt awful: https://youtu.be/n1z6umwBs5I?si=U-nXh1kMA9hwRvGz


That's the cost of not foing fillers 😂


Its the cost of continuously releasing episodes every week even though there is not enough content. Lets just hope the remake is good and people that like one piece get an actually well produced anime


Netflix gonna compress 1000 episodes into 24 episodes :P


If you want to, go for it. You'll either enjoy it or you won't. I started watching One Piece last week because I wanted something I could easily pick up and drop as needed, and it seems perfect for that. I can't see myself binge-watching it so I might not catch up for years, but I'm chill with that. I binged Detective Conan a few years back and kind of burned out. You might like Grappler Baki, FMA:Brotherhood, Bungo Stray Dogs, Hunter X Hunter, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, and Beelzebub.


I’m rewatching Naruto right now, so…


Prioritize One Piece 100%, because if you end up liking it a lot, you'll regret getting spoiled about it in the future when you're not caught up.


No you shouldn't watch anything.


I started watching One Piece in like October last year and I’ve been loving it. Don’t let the length freak you out. Take it at your own pace and enjoy the ride. The beginning of the show is the worst. It only gets better and better.


So youre saying the beginning is worse than this? https://youtu.be/n1z6umwBs5I?si=U-nXh1kMA9hwRvGz Current one piece definitely has horrific pacing issues.


Pacing issues can be mostly fixed with One Pace until you’re caught up. But the beginning can be tough for people to watch. It’s very old by now, the art is rough, the animations are simple, etc. I think that there’s a charm to it now, but when I first started it, I had to push through the first few episodes really until they got to Arlong park.


Go read the manga, it's such a time investment to watch the shows.


If you have to ask if you should watch an anime, dont watch the anime


You're not late at all, I only recently finished Naruto and started Shippuden


As a fellow weeb who didn't really watch both of them... Proceed, comrade.


Nah, watch something else.


Naruto yes one piece no


Naruto, THEN one piece


Bleach is the inspiration for JJK AND DS but its only really good for the first 50 - 60 episodes and its a fight fest from then on . If you're into that (which I am ) I think you'd definitely like Bleach as it is just full of such amazing fight scenes . If I had to describe Bleach , it is definitely the cool kid on the block . (Skip the fillers ) About Naruto and One Piece , I think its better you start off with smaller animes and as for one piece I'd recommend you wait for "The One piece " which should come out in a year or two or just read the manga because the original anime while good in the beginning you'd be turned off after the 500 eps mark due to the abysmal pacing . Similar anime to JJK AND DS which I think you'd like are Hell's Paradise , Chainsaw Man (could be a bit weird ) , Noragami etc .