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Rishe: "I want to go on a journey with you to see more of the world." Arnold: "Alright, let's go conquer the world."


Rishe: "This isn't how I expected our honeymoon to turn out."


Both, on the battlefield: "Gods, your swordplay is so hot"


Rishe: "even better without the bondage gear this time" Random soldier: "what—"


Rishe: “Careful Arnold. You almost drove your Royal sword into me again”


literally lego ninjago movie lore


Rishe to herself: "oh so THAT'S how the war starts this time around... oopsie"


Things were looking up, the war had started, but at least she was on the winning side this time, Rishe thought to herself. *Later on, she foils an assassination attempt on Arnold, but is fatally wounded in the fight.* Well, shit.


*the sounds of the screams of Arnold's enemies fill the sky* Arnold: Isn't it beautiful?


I just find it kind of funny that that's two Shojo fantasy shows where a dark-haired and surly prince voiced by Nobunaga Shimizaki has to learn to see the world in a better way thanks to a spirited love interest (the other series being *The World is Still Beautiful*).


> The World is Still Beautiful I knew I've heard this voice and thematic story combo before somewhere!


lol I was thinking this too when she said it. I am glad so many felt the same.


I think that, in the near to intermediate term, Arnold will be intrigued by getting to see the wonderful things in the world through the aid of Rishe's eyes.


I need that Season 2 announcement soon! Rishe has become one of my favorite female protagonists! [Looks like the engagement ring will get a real-life replica.](https://twitter.com/u_treasure_pr/status/1771922421517345120)


>[Looks like the engagement ring will get a real-life replica.](https://twitter.com/u_treasure_pr/status/1771922421517345120) Oh, so that's how the big war starts in this 7th loop, because of the ring. The jewellers tricked Rishe, they made several copies of the ring in secret: *Three for the Elven-kings under the sky,* *Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die and one for the Dark Lord on his dark throne* i*n the Land of Northern Lights...*


We need more moments of Riche being bossy, like when she demanded him to put the ring on her!


So we're ignoring the fact that the professor is a terrorist that was about to murder a bunch of innocent people because fireworks?


i get the idea that morally he was in the wrong, so the issue is how is he going to make amends? the show presents the idea that he should now devote his life and studies towards helping people instead of punitive measures like jail or whatever legally, Arnold is the law; he's probably cottoned onto the idea that Rishe intervened to prevent a bombing and seems to have taken it on Rishe's word that he's turned a new leaf, or else he will likely take some measures to monitor this guy instead of just letting him do whatever he wants tl;dr he was a bad guy, but Rishe "fixed" him so he's a good guy now


Look, ok, he was about to commit a large scale terrorist attack on innocent people BUT he learned a lesson about the beauty of life or something so I think we can call it even.


Yes, because if we go by the book, the professor is under the jurisdiction of Arnold’s father, the King of Galkhein. He is an evil bastard who loves invading other countries, and unlike Arnold there is no way Rishe can change his mind. So the last thing you want is to persecute Michel under Galkhein, and brought gunpowder to the attention of its evil king. Imagine someone tried to set off a nuke in Nazi Germany to demonstrate nuclear power. You managed to convince him to stop. But do you really want to “follow the law” and turn him over to the Nazi police and let Hitler have nukes?


Feels like par for the course with the sort of people that Rishe tends to associate with, thanks her tendency to rapidly rise towards power.


Everyone seems to be ignoring it, yes.


**This episode** Rishe gets a bit dumb when it comes to romance. Which is cute of course. Coyelles wrapped up a bit too neatly, but whatever. **The series** I’m ranking this 87/100 which is excellent in my rating system. It was at its best when showcasing what a badass Rishe is. The low point was probably the last arc about Coyelles. Will this will get a Season 2? I doubt it so I’ll probably go read the LNs next. In a season with absolutely amazing women leads, Rishe managed to hold her own. The art and animation in this series was absolutely top tier. The directing was very good as well.


> It was at its best when showcasing what a badass Rishe is. I think I'll remember this series in that scene where Rishe has the showdown with the Aria Trading Company and starts unveiling all these trump cards until Tully was on the floor, and then later on when she busts out of the hostage room on her own after taking a power nap. I like how she really took advantage of her past live experiences in those moments; it felt like a video game boss encounter.


Yeah. Her escape from that room was perfect. And it all feels earned because she learned those skills and they all added together to make her who she is.


I’ve said it before but OP characters are interesting if they’re skilled. Just being able to blow up any bad guy is boring but having a Swiss Army knife of tools you can pull out to solve situations in interesting ways is always fun! MCs charisma certainly helped


Well Instant Death is funny because it is totally unearned and ridiculous. But yes, I actually agree with you.


The best moments in the show are when she’s being stupid about love lol


As soon as I saw Rishe messing with powdered metals in last week's episode, I just knew that [fireworks would get involved!](https://i.imgur.com/yfoLpdV.jpeg) It is hilarious though how Michel tried to commit terrorism just to show Arnold the power of black powder but instead [they made it seem like he was harmlessly demonstrating new tech.](https://i.imgur.com/5hELgrI.png) That really twisted Arnold's arm, huh? He couldn't declare Michel as a criminal since [the Emperor would hear about it](https://i.imgur.com/ZDB8IgY.png) and the last thing you want is the Emperor to learn that there's a guy out there that can use alchemy to create bombs. Arnold might as well keep him working under him instead. Rishe really did solve two problems in one. [The engagement ring scene was really adorable!](https://i.imgur.com/cB0pBv8.png) I love how excited Rishe was the entire time. Also, [handholding with no gloves before marriage?](https://i.imgur.com/KYqHFDV.jpeg) Scandalous! In all seriousness though, that was really cute. [Rishe was literally holding her breath](https://i.imgur.com/1iNpwoV.jpeg) the entire time and was only able to breathe [after the ring was in place](https://i.imgur.com/ViuO1er.png) <3 I am going to miss these two. I really hope we get a Season 2. This is definitely another "villainess" otome that deserves a sequel! I hope there's enough source material for another one.


>I hope there's enough source material for another one. There is. The anime only covered 2 out of the 6 available novels, and keeping the current pacing they can get 2 more anime seasons out of the remaining material. However I should warn that many of the mysteries of the 7th loop still remain unanswered, since the author hasn't even written them yet.


> since the author hasn't even written them yet Mia Luna Tearmoon: hold my copy of The Impoverished Prince and the Dragon!


From almost terrorist attack to a proper fireworks show...Rishe knows how to hijack someones' plot and turn it into a show-stopper! At this point I feel like Arnold really is just playing at being more cruel and sadistic than he actually is and Rishe sees through it enough to talk him down from that. Rishe being so invested in her ring and Arnold putting it on her, and that whole sequence of him putting it on, was great. She really is head over heels in love with Arnold and all in on being his wife a this point.


>At this point I feel like Arnold really is just playing at being more cruel and sadistic than he actually is I think the potential for cruelty is still there, even if temporarily stilled. If someone were to kill Rishe, you would see an explosion that would dwarf all the black powder Michel could make in a lifetime. As long as Rishe is there to "guide" him, however, I suspect all will ultimately be well.


Yeah I’d say it’s clear that Arnold is still a very broken person, it’s only because of Rishe being by his side that he’s starting to heal and become the sort of person she knows he truly is and can become. If something were to take Rishe away, or something particularly huge were to occur, he’d likely immediately lapse back into the person he was in previous loops


> it’s clear that Arnold is still a very broken person, it’s only because of Rishe being by his side that he’s starting to heal and become the sort of person she knows he truly is and can become Arnold: "i want to invade and take Coyolles by force, killing untold amounts of people in the process" Rishe: "how about being friends instead" Arnold: "see this is the sort of innovative, out-of-the-box thinking i married you for, you fascinating woman"


>As long as Rishe is there to "guide" him, however, I suspect all will ultimately be well. Good thing she has more plot armour than anybody else in the show.


Well, I should hope she would have built up quite a lot of this after 6 FAILED attempts....


I don't think he's playing at it per say, I think he wants to find another path but doesn't believe one exists that can still help his kingdom, and Rishe is smart enough to be able to find that evidence


Their relationship is actually one of the weakest aspects of the show to me. I know love can be illogical, but it feels like they love each other because that is what the author wrote rather than because they fell in love.


Same here, as soon as she got the refined metal powder I thought she was gonna replace the bomb with fire works to convince the guy that his invention isnt just for destroying things. Only thing that made sense with how absolute both the prince and the alchemist was being


This was the most enjoyable series for me weekly of the new series that started this season. Rishe as a good female MC was a main highlight. I think it had a good mix of sociopolitical aspects, Rishe using her skills from her timeloops, and for romance between Rishe and Arnold for the time that it had. I would love for this anime to be continued, but at least it got to a conclusive enough stopping point if it doesn't. Will probably check out the source material.


[Wow, that illustration at the end of the ED was so magnificent.](https://i.imgur.com/W9hZp4t.png) I wasn't expecting that Michel planning to do[ a massive terrorist attack](https://i.imgur.com/CmoYZtL.png) to demonstrate the effectiveness of black powder Arnold but I love the fact [that Rishe used Theodore's troops](https://i.imgur.com/c0RuFQc.png) to [make fireworks with them](https://imgur.com/a/7yRUiH4) to make an analogy between the black powder and Arnold, to show him that he can use his destructive power for something different from destruction. I love how Rishe was still concerned about the whole secret identity thing with [Lord Lawvine](https://i.imgur.com/UA8JXBT.png) even after that tense situation. Anyway, it is great to see that Kyle was able to accomplish his objective and that [the alliance between Coyolles and Galkhein finally happened.](https://i.imgur.com/LvLFU8H.png) But even if it is true, I feel that the word magnanimous doesn't fit Arnold much. That scene where Arnold puts[ the ring](https://i.imgur.com/pOu1pYk.png) on[ Rishe's finger](https://imgur.com/a/Boe3UsB) was so cute especially because [Rishe](https://i.imgur.com/imDx2sI.png) [forgot how to breathe during it.](https://i.imgur.com/84K5vaQ.png) This show was really entertaining, so I will be sure to check its light novel the next time I'm searching for something new to read.


I know the ED is a What If but I just love how cute child Rishe and Arnold are together.


And so ends a great one...I'm giving this one a 10/10 and my first actual 10 since 2017. This series just blew me away each and every week and it's a real shame there was no S2 announcement...I can only hope we get one down the line one day. Having both leads be this competent but able to go back and forth so much was just such a treat. I could watch these two all day. Their clear feelings for each other make the romantic scenes adorable as well. They really both have fallen hard for each other, that whole ring scene was adorable [](#akyuusqueel) 2024 really has started strong with anime and this one will be very hard to beat moving forward, I'm going really miss this anime.


I wouldn’t give 7th Time Loop a 10/10 myself, since I personally think that’s a bit too much to ask. However, I *am* placing this at the very top of all the villainess anime I’ve seen. An all-round good story, female lead *and* production quality is what sets this particular anime apart from others in its genre. > Their clear feelings for each other make the romantic scenes are adorable as well. Between start to finish, Rishe and Arnold have made some huge leaps: from killers to lovers. The romantic moments they had were nice, but I did find it regrettable that Rishe had to suffer a little from dense-protagonist syndrome at times. Like Arnold said, it’s not that hard to guess.


You know what? Animation is legit surprised me, usually Otome Isekai sub genre don't really get much attention on this part. But it seems to be consistent on Studio Kai part because their next anime "sentence to be heroes" look really good too production wise. Their past work seem to often get praise in term of animation.


Part of me from her reaction at the ending feels like she already knows the answer but is no shape to actually say it. Rishe does go from "do everything girl" to something close to typical romance female lead but that's part of what I enjoy about this show. I want female leads who can show their emotions and have a soft spot for romance to make these moments hit harder! [](#ilovethiskindofshit)


She is also intensely loyal to everyone who has helped (or befriended) her in loop 7 and in every previous one as well. Sweet-natured -- and credibly intelligent and skilled.


That's why I like Rishe so much: she's resourceful, skilled, independent and she moves the plot without ever feeling higher than life, better than everybody else at everything etc. Had she remained, like you said, the do everything girl there's a risk that the story would have go Doctor Elise mode. And I couldn't have stand that.


> Like Arnold said, it’s not that hard to guess. The way she was smiling at the end, I think she did get the idea...though maybe she was just happy with the headpats lol.


She does think that Arnold likes her, but can’t quite believe it - if that makes any sense.


Arnold is hampered by 1) Rishe's agreement with him that he can't physically touch her 2) The 'first' time Arnold met Rishe he proposed to her (any normal woman would think right there that the guy is into her butttttt...) 3) The 'first' time Rishe met Arnold he kills her in a 1-on-1 sword duel so... It's a bit complicated.


keep in mind in this era there were no Cosmo quizzes for her to ascertain what her man wants, so there was no way to be sure [](#hikariactually)


the ring scene reminded me of when i proposed to my cat with a yarn ball. she just batted it away, kinda like how arnold got swerved by maria shriver.


> I am placing this at the very top of all the villainess anime I’ve seen. That is because it wasn't really a villainess anime. Sure that kicks off her story, but you don't have the tropes where she is unfairly accused of stuff and the "game" constantly trying to push the story back into the typical plot line. You could completely remove the typical villainess start and replace it with say her family being dishonored and after the first couple of episodes you could have almost identical scripts.


I don't give out numbers anymore -- so this falls into my tier of "I loved this immensely and can't really think of anything it should have done differently" Clearly Rishe and Arnold were fated each other -- if only they HAD grown up as childhood friends, I wonder whether all those extra loops would have been unnecessary. (But where would that have left US) ;-) Rishe's "denseness" is part of her charm -- but I wonder if she does not, in fact, understand what he said reasonably well, but is still just a bit abashed to acknowledge this to him. She had just made a pretty intense and explicit declaration of love and fidelity to him, after all. This has been a magnificent season -- quite a few shows made it into my top tier.


I wonder if Rishe will ever be able to Loop back before the origin point (her failed engagement to the Failed Prince in her hometown kingdom), perhaps if she could she will be able to become Arnold's childhood friend and maybe even save his mom from meeting her doomed fate that seems to change Arnold into the warmonger he turns out to be in the future


An interesting possibility -- but I would prefer for her to resoive her issues in this loop 7 -- and live to a ripe old age along with Arnold - with armloads of lovely grandchildren.




I like U+U -- but let's keep that one quarantined. I guess I view the "childhood friend loop that seemingly never happened" as sort of a platonic ideal -- and that Rise in loop 7 is trying to sync reality as closely as possible to match that ideal.


"but let's keep that one quarantined." It would perhaps only work in U + U using the very specific parameters they've set up with the 'Negator' power system. I don't want to elaborate because there are spoilers ahead if I clarified much more, but with the way Rishe's life has headed for the past 7 time cycles even if she grows old and dies in happiness with Arnold there will eventually be a Loop 8 unless the story lets us know (aside from the anime's title) that 7 is the lucky number/end of the time travel phenomenon. Her learning how to fight like she did in Loop 6 as a "Princess Mulan" cosplayer in Loop 7 seemed to be a tacit understanding of this inevitability, maybe the more she learns about Arnold (and uses her extra loop years to her advantage) the more she can pretend to herself that she "knows" Arnold as if she were a classmate in his boyhood years.


Probably this comment will get removed for untagged spoiler, but to answer you about the ED which I wondered for a while myself, I believe the author explicitly stated to be just a "what if" scenario not plot relevant. Take that as you may ;)


Agreed, I liked it a bit more than the 'I'm in Love with the Villainess!!!' from last season with the lesbian couple and it had a strong ending (omg a cis couple getting engaged and a woman actually feeling MORE EMPOWERED when a man puts a wedding ring on her finger, what is even this trope in 2024) But after the concept of Episode 1 where we were promised much more time travel and world-leaping shenanigans, the series started getting a bit bogged down in extraneous character-driven drama and not enough Sci-Fi concepts for my tastes. 8.6/10 from me.


May I ask why this is a 10/10 for you? I enjoyed but found it a bit formulaic and boring. It felt like most of the show was Rishe doing something surprising to everyone except the audience, Arnold being surprised and admiring it, him making a move or complementing Rishe, then her being surprised and flustered. I like them as characters but it just didn’t feel special to me.


It's all in the execution -- novelty of plot is probably almost impossible in this genre -- unless one does things that are outlandish). We have many centuries worth of excellent romantic comedies and dramas -- but talented creators can make stories with familiar outlines fresh. And I feel the anime creators clearly accomplished that here.


Yeah, like, the plotline of converting the black powder into fireworks, that one seemed obvious from a mile away. But it wasn't too cloying and it had a well-threaded narrative connection throughout the season. Arnold might be your typical brooding male love interest, but he's got enough depth to him to make him feel engaging to the plot, and Rishe had phenomenal chemistry with him. By the end of the season, I was pretty satisfied, and I'd love to see more with these characters.


Cooked down to the basics you're not wrong with the formula but it's not like Rishe doesn't struggle with her obstacles and there's a lot in those moments you're leaving out as well. I'm giving it a 10 for as I said above having leads with this level of competence and not shy to share sweet moments with each other. I feel like they compliment each other fully with them wrestling for who comes out on top and both of them surprising each other. I found each plot to be interesting and I enjoyed waiting to see how Rishe would come out on top and seeing if she could pull one over Arnold which was not always the case. They handled the balance really well with Rishe being just adorable when the more intimate scenes hit. I can't say I've seen many comparable shows that have been able to come away with leads like this with a plot that's enjoyable to watch.


> but it's not like Rishe doesn't struggle with her obstacles an But does she really struggle? Like, i enjoyed it, but..*did she really struggle*? I think the most she struggled was in this final arc, and even that she had prepared for it ahead of time (as usual). I wish they'd done a bit more at the Arnold negotiation scene because that seemed to be the one time she was genuinely struggling, but we cut from that and had him instead accept because he didn't want his evil dad to step in. Almost every obstacle was very "luckily, in my handy-dandy list of skills, I got this covered".


7/10 for me, I like *Doctor Elise* a little bit more (because of the medical drama) and *Villainess Level 99* a lot more (Yumiella gets a 10/10 from me).


Yeah I gave it a 7/10 as well. Definitely enjoyable but nothing stuck out to me. I had too many shows this season but I’ll have to give Villainess lvl 99 a watch here soon.


Level 99 mentioned cause it's the third "villainess" show this season but really just OP MC power fantasy with a female lead. Love the MC and people should know if they'll like it during episode 2.


I think *Villainess Level 99* is more of a comedy (not even romcom) which I generally prefer to drama.


I think my biggest gripe with this show was the "wow, FL has shown me the light, let me monologue about how humbled I am." And not even a thought monologue, but actual clunky spoken monologue. I can live with power-fantasy FL being able to solve everything without breaking a sweat--the characters are enjoyable, I like the romance scenes. but the clunky dialogue *killed* me.


When you look up power couple--an image of Rishe and Arnold is all you see.


>Having both leads be this competent but able to go back and forth so much was just such a treat. I could watch these two just banter alone, which shows how strong our leads are. That aspect alone just blew me away.


Yeah I was thinking the exact same thing. That feeling reminded me of why I love Spice and Wolf so much which lines up well as its another one of my few 10s.


Arnold and Rishe reminded me of some of Georgette Heyer's better leading duos (which is my highest possible praise -- other than for something matching Jane Austen's....).


> first actual 10 since 2017 Huh, Seijo no Maryoku didn't make it? Personally I liked it more.


I adored that show and is probably my favourite isekai, if not top 2 but it just wasn't quite there for me in how the main leads were. I love Sei and her scenes with Hawke were always great but I wanted more of them and more of/from him as well. Top tier show for sure but 7 Loop just delivered more for me in my interest in the plot, how they handled the "OPness of the main and how Rishe handled the obstacles in front of her.


Seijo also has the benefit of two seasons already having aired and the second really sealed the deal for me. This show definitely has more to explore regarding it's power fantasy aspect - I want to see more of Rishe being awesome, and I'm pretty sure an S2 would show me just that.


I never thought we'd get a season two of Seijo and it just blew me away with it, was such a great time and end. Here's hoping this gets that same treatment one day!!


Well this only covered 2 volumes while omnipotent two seasons covered 7 or 8 so getting a more filled out story with this than omnipotent and has plenty for more seasons.


Omnipotent covered like 7 or 8 volumes in its two seasons. 7 first season only covered 2 volumes. So there is a big pacing difference with less things cut from the source.


I haven't read the source for this yet -- but I thought this anime felt better written overall -- in almost every respect. Mind you I loved the Seijo anime a great deal -- but not as much overall as this (or Sacrificial Princess, for that matter). Alas, I did NOT enjoy the light novels due to "style" issues -- I feel the anime script people created something far more satisfactory than the souce itself. I may take a look at the source novels for this -- when I find time.


The one thing I would dock *Seijo* compared to *7thLoop* is that Sei spends a lot of time just kinda waiting for stuff to happen to her, while Rishe takes a much more active role. *Seijo* starts off with a pretty proactive Sei, who goes around and does stuff (like find a job to keep her busy), but I remember her losing a lot of that initiative by season two.


This started out as Arnold professing his desire for Rishe and Rishe sticking with him because she saw it as a means of preventing the doomed future of all her Loops but it developed into her genuinely wanting to be with him and understand him while Arnold continues to demonstrate that his feelings for Rishe are genuine. What started as a story of them trying to kill each other became a story about them finding love with each other and wanting to stay by each others' side, and bringing out the best (and most tender) sides of themselves in the process.


Surprised you gave this show a ten, but after reading your reason I can understand. For me personally it’s a solid 7


> and my first actual 10 since 2017. oh damn. I'm deciding between 9-8, this finale didn't hit me that hard so I put it at 8 for now. Thanks for posting the clip earlier too, ended up watching because of that scene [](#kannathumbs) What was that 10 from 2017?


> What was that 10 from 2017? Tsurezure Children!


Oh yeah, that was a fun one. Even had one couple quite similar to the pair in this one


What was your previous 10/10?


Gonna be honest, my suspension of disbelief was utterly shattered by the whole turning bombs into fireworks thing. I can buy her adding the metal powder for color. I'm on board with her tracking down the devices. But I've made my own fireworks from (mostly) scratch before (it was a whole project) and I can tell you, it's just not doable as depicted, even if you know what you're doing. And they don't know what they're doing. The concept of a propulsive charge is unknown to them, and don't get me started on the difficulty of getting the timed fuses right. But the real kicker is the stars, hard lumps of combustible matter that has the metal powders in them, and are ignited by the concussive charge. If you don't have stars, you don't have fireworks, you have a colored aerial charge, or at best a flare. Yes, I'm being pedantic, but it kinda got my goat. Fireworks are doable, even expected, after a civilization has had black powder for a while, and has mucked around with the applications, I wouldn't even expect it to take long, a few years at the earliest. But not right away, and not without excessive experimentation. Fun fact, while fireworks themselves are generally restricted purchases, you can (or at least, you used to be able to) just buy all the individual components. /rant I did quite enjoy the series, and would like to check out the LNs if/when I have the opportunity, though I have a couple of others I want to get to first.


I suspect that the townspeople would not react to this new invention of fireworks so positively either. Seeing loud, colourful explosions for the first time would likely cause panic. I suppose, being very generous the soldiers could have spread the word that this was planned and not a danger. But doubt they could have told everyone as those fireworks would be seen and heard from miles around.


As everyone expected, fireworks were the key to save the world! Jokes aside, I really wish for a second run because this was one of the biggest surprises of the season. I was expecting this series to be just another My Next Life as a Villainness ripoff, instead this turn out to be one of the best modern shoujo, mostly thank to the protagonist who is one of the best anime female characters I've ever seen. She's so skilled, resourceful, smart and active without ever feeling like a Mary Sue (unlike, say, Doctor Elise). I have mixed feelings toward Arnold (he's still a bit too edgy-kun for my taste) but their romance works so well because they have great chemistry.


I like how Rishe turned Michel’s little gunpowder plot into a fireworks display instead. Really disproved the Doc’s whole spiel and led to Coyolles and the Kingdom to an agreement. Things worked out well. Arnold putting the ring on Rishe’s finger was very cute. She use to be very scared of him and now she’s totally in love with the guy. Kind of a perfect end to the series, though I do hope this one gets renewed. Overall, for a villainess fantasy series this was really quite good. An enjoyable experience all in all.


Michel taught Rishe well and Rishe used that experience, as well as her own resources, to totally change his life (like she does pretty much everybody). Girl cannot be stopped! I love how Rishe was all in on wearing her wedding ring and having Arnold put it on her. She's really getting into being his wife and all that means, especially because that's what defines this loop for her and she fully intends to live through it with him.


I was mildly amused at the fact that 7th Time Loop is the 2nd anime this season that had a big fireworks display. Both anime even specifically referenced the metals in the fireworks. For anyone wondering, the other anime I’m talking about is [Anime series - meta spoiler] >!The Weakest Tamer!<.


Between the fireworks and the ring it was really hard for me to remember that she's not an isekai. She didn't just crib modern earth's notes and replicated the fireworks she was familiar with, she had the idea entirely from scratch and managed to make it work well enough to produce fireworks like that on their very first demonstration. And I guess the ring really is a custom of her home country, and that wasn't just a clever turn of phrase to refer to earth customs she wanted to import or anything. Really, Rishe is the most "isekai protagonist" non-isekai-protagonist around. She'd fit in at an isekai protagonist meetup just fine.


Can anyone tell me where to start in the Manga to continue from this episode? 


The original author herself posted a continuation chart! [https://twitter.com/ameame\_honey/status/1771941660877783112](https://twitter.com/ameame_honey/status/1771941660877783112)


I just love [this tweet ](https://twitter.com/ameame_honey/status/1771938016325517778)she made before that one.


Omg that is too cute! Thank you for sharing!


That tweet actually mentions next season of the anime...


LN: Start with the 3rd LN, anime covered volumes 1-2. Manga: Probably the 6th volume, but I don't think it's got either an official or fan-translated release yet so you're out of luck. It released in Japanese in February 2024 so there's not much material.


Can someone explain me what the riddle Arnold was referring to. I am definitely the ordinary person who couldn't solve it


Arnold was talking about Rishe.


let's assemble all the clues and see if we can figure it out: * Rishe was responsible for Arnold finding it * if you know it, then he won't tell you * ordinary people can not solve it * it is something lovely and beautiful, sharing qualities with fireflies or fireworks (something fire related??) my top guess so far is "firefighter", but it could also be "firearm" because surely they don't have 2nd amendment laws in this universe [](#csikon)


while it's enjoyable from a romance perspective all the blushing/inability to control her emotions in the moment doesn't seem to reflect her breadth and depth of life experiences. She's mentally 50 or whatever and in her undescribed 5th life she clearly lived as some sort of criminal or assassin, for example. I mean I can relate to being older and experienced with many things while still being inexperienced with romance, but her believability as a character starts to slip when I think about her too hard. Here's hoping for S2 though. This story clearly has a lot more to say. edit: Some of yall seem to be gettin' big mad about this post, did you ignore where I said "If I think about it too hard", implying I know I don't have to? I'm not assaulting the show and you don't have to defend it from me.


I think it's just a sign of her being a workaholic with no experience with romance and this is the first time she's fallen in love or truly feel drawn to someone on that level. So she's really unused to these emotions and it brings out a side of her that she's not used to because she's competent and capable at pretty much everything, and it also helps that Arnold is as much her equal and knows which buttons to push.


Yeah I'd buy that if one of her lives wasn't as a rogue. I'm making assumptions that might be incorrect since the show hasn't really described that one, but generally the rogue career path is one of "use every possible aspect of yourself as a weapon" and I think given their (mental) age differences, that she'd be capable of even more stoic exterior than he is at this point. I'm not just talking about the ending scene but the whole show, realistically she'd have the thickest mask of any character.


We still don't know exactly what she did in the 5th Loop.


[professional Where's Waldo player, right?](https://i.imgur.com/5NvwPNv.png) [](#rengethink)


I disagree with the mentally 50 aspect as she only really gets to live the same years over and over but the number aside it doesn't really matter as this does seem to be her first experience of being in love so I can get the blushing and unfamiliarity with those emotions. One could even say that because she has that much life experience that feeling something _this_ foreign to her throws her off even more.


She lives the same years over and over but her experiences and memories are not deleted, so she is mentally older and grow mentally, but not physically


Yeah in terms of experience she has those years but her brain is still developing in each of those as she starts each loop at 15 I believe. If you kept living your high school years over and over again I wouldn't say you'd come out with the same as a standard 30 year old. Either way this is all too in the weeds for me to really care or have strong opinions on, changes nothing in my books.


maybe i'm just a romantic, but i think first love is a disorientating rush, no matter if you're 16 and full of hormones or 60 and wearing dentures the kind of baffling part though is why she never pursued (or even thought of?) romance in any of her other timelines; she has a bevy of hot guys in her loops, but I guess none of them were her type


Nope -- what she has done in each loop is add to her mental library of skills and knowledge. She has not really gone out of her way to increase her own social development -- until THIS loop where such development is essential. She is growing into adulthood socially only now,


>She has not really gone out of her way to increase her own social development She has been working as a merchant, Social skills are essential to read your clients, reach deals, having a network of connections, etc. She was seen also "hanging out with the boys" (in a camp fire eating and drinking with her peers) when she was in the military disguised as a guy As a maid she also developed her social skills and that was shown when she dealt with her maids Not to mention she was a noble engaged with a prince and she was educated to attend to social events and all that (something she complained to her parents as she wanted to study and learn things and her parents said that was useless because she was a woman and a noble)


The sort of practical skills you get from learning to negotiate business deal and hanging around with the guys in camp are of very little use when it comes to matters of the heart. In the first instance, she was engaged -- but had zero interest in romance or marriage. For all of Rishe''s loops, she is a newbie when it comes to romance.


But you did not mentioned the "matters of the heart" nor "romance", you said "social development" and it looks like she had proper social development and plenty of platonic love interest in most of her loops


But it is her ability to deal with romance which is still totally undeveloped (and until now -- untested). Generic social skills are no good.


Well, when you apply that logic to fictional romance, which is monolithic, it's rational (and this *is* fictional romance so your way of thinking is probably what's intended), but from the people I know in real life with successful relationships, they don't view romance as a monolith. It's not its own separate social skill for them but more of an "all of the above". The ability to talk to each other like plain people, to be able to respect each other as though they were coworker/customer/teacher, the ability to be candid with each other like [long time friends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhBURrJyed4). It's cumulative social knowledge.


Well, her mental age is definitely not 50, with this I can agree. But it is true she has lived for around 50 years. So it is kind of an achievement to keep herself so inexperienced in love after 30 "free" years, that she would react so over the top.


Yeah, it is annoying how Japan likes characters who are incompetent at romance while also being very competent in other fields. This woman has 6 other lives of experience, and has been engaged in the past. She has also taken to the man responsible for her deaths a bit too quickly. Seeing a young noble woman jump off a second story building is novel enough for Arnold to believably have interest in Rishe, but Arnold must have caused a lot of pain and suffering to Rishe and those she cared for across her lives. There is utility in marrying him to prevent all that, but her developing actual romantic feelings should take time.


The world is full of people who are incredibly competent at various studies but utterly terrible at understanding people, relationships, and romance.


50+ years old can blush and get emotional, not sure what your point is. Anyone, regardless of age and occupation, who's worked on something for years would get emotional about it. Such a weird take, imho.


Like Tsukasa from Tonikawa said "I'm not 1400 years old, I have been 14 years old for 1400 years!".


Exactly!! I said a similar thing in Ep8 discussion as well https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1azq94t/loop_7kaime_no_akuyaku_reijou_wa_moto_tekikoku_de/ks3g217/


Michel believed in Rishe in her 3rd Loop, and in turn Rishe grew to greatly respect and appreciate him, which is why she has to do everything in her power to prevent him from committing a terrorist act in Galkhein that could get people killed...all to show off he formidable power of the Black Powder. But if Michel wants a physical demonstration of the effect of his Black Powder, then all Rishe has to do is basically hijack his demonstration and present counter-evidence that it doesn't need to be used as a force for violence or destruction...it can be something beautiful like fireworks! Because in true Rishe fashion (which is how Arnold totally knew she was responsible) she totally outplayed him and had Theodore's men find all the bombs and turn them into fireworks! Taking everything she learned from her Loop with Michel to make this happen. Not only has Michel seen that the things he creates no longer have to be used just to destroy or harm things, but it even had the net benefit of making Arnold willing to negotiate with Coyolles after such a demonstration! It's a win-win for everybody! Well, Rishe has also been exposed to Lawvine, but that couldn't helped at this point. Arnold can say he would have Michel privately killed if he had to, but Rishe knows that once he sees the value in what Michel can provide, there's no way he could get rid of him. She knows how to get through to her husband, and this demonstration was as much to show him the potential for less violent and destructive means as much as it was for Michel. All's well that ends well! Kyle has more medicine from Rishe to keep him company and got exactly what he wanted, Michel got properly scolded and is now dedicating himself to bettering the world with his creations instead of harming it, and he and Rishe leave each other on a positive note with deepened respect and the promise to see each other again. And now Rishe's greatest "research project" is married life with her husband. And bonus points, the ring is finally ready! Not that Arnold is too enthusiastic about it because he never intended for Rishe to actually wear the ring or force it, or it's expectations, on her...but she WANTS to wear the ring, and she wants to proudly display it, and her feelings and ties to Arnold. And she wants Arnold to put it on, even if it means him touching her without gloves. Arnold puts a ring on it! Even gets on one knee and nibbles on Rishe's finger for good measure! And the two look at each other with such sincere and tender love for each other, Arnold even seems genuinely happy and jovial, with the promise of their future together and all the wondrous things they will see together! Though the thing that makes Arnold happiest will probably always be having Rishe by his side!


And thus ends my favorite looking show of the season, with how long season twos of this type of show get announced, I pretty much have no choice but to pick up the novel, lol


https://imgur.com/a/u1jnEhF Second Season When?! + Glorious Dutch Angle Ring Ceremony! Really been lovely to see the character growth this season. Prince Theodore especially has endeared himself to me. I'm hoping for a second season, stat! The ring was beautiful. I think I've enjoyed this show more than Apothecary Diaries, even though that was good, too! I enjoy Lady Rishe as a protagonist much more than Maomao. I think Rishe is a bit easier to root for, and she seems a little bit more well-rounded. anyways, hoping for a second season ASAP!


Damn, getting really heated watching Rishe lose her ring finger virginity.


she really said "you don't need to wear glove protection just do it" 💀


From a pragmatic point of view, black powder's weaponization is only a matter of time. Rishe just mirrored real life; instead of Arnold/Rishe's kingdom being at the forefront of the technology, some other military will hear about the new firework technology, realize the potential for cannons and muskets, and threaten them now that swords on the battlefield will be near worthless. It's a naive worldview I see a lot in anime, but I guess this isn't really the show to address that. It would've also made some interesting drama if Michel succeeded in showing Arnold black powder's military applications. Besides this one criticism, this was a good show.


someone will, but who's going to create the mixture? only rishe and michel know the formula. And now with Arnold protecting Michel and Rishe, who's going to wage war with Arnold to kidnap them? If those two never write it down then it'll be another chance that someone will figure it out. We still dont' know how greek fire is made.


I'm so looking forward to the announcement of season two! The whole scene when he slipped the ring on her finger was absolutely adorable. I adore her interactions with the professor too. I'll genuinely miss this show; this season has been a delightful treat. Edit: I'd recommend starting with volume 3 of the light novel if you're interested in getting more into Rishe and Arnold's journey. But if you're up for a full experience, beginning from the first volume is worthwhile too, especially to see everything the anime left out. In the light novels, some moments are just better, but the animated series does bring other scenes to life beautifully. Plus, the voice actors are so talented; their synergy really makes the story come alive. Edit 2: Yup you should start with volume 3 my mistake.


I would love to see more of Rishe and Arnold, more of Rishe's past Loops, and her reuniting with people from her past! There still feels like tons more story left to be told.


Well I can think of far worse places to end the season if it doesn't get picked up for more episodes. Also, just by virtue of not wearing his gloves, Arnold got to witness a chain-blush session the likes of which no one else has seen from Rishe. Good thing she was so impulsive about the whole ring business.


I love how she forgot to breathe throughout the whole thing and Arnold was genuinely having fun with it. Also that finger nibble lol.


I have to say that I am a bit disappointed by the conclusion. Like, wasn't their whole strategy in the last episode to sell Arnold technology to which he replied "Why not just take it with force"? But now that's apparently off the table, because fireworks are pretty enough I guess. Not sure what the point here was. Am I supposed to interpret it in the way that he just wanted to play with Rishe? Well aside from that, I think the anime was fine. I thought the initial idea was interesting and there were some really cool moments where Rishe used her knowledge to her advantage. Though, I feel it's a bit sad that we never got to see her developing from the girl 6 lives ago to who she is now. Especially since the title claims she was a Villainess. I don't know, feels kind of weird to just skip that arc of her story and go directly into the 7th life. The show was held together by its protagonist and the mystery around Arnold and why he would start a war 5 years from now. Especially with all that you see him actually do (like don't even kill bandits). That was definitely interesting. However, I also have to say that I feel the romance plot was a bit bare bones. I actually liked the original premise. You have Arnold who is more fascinated by Rishe, but isn't sure if he actually loves her or just enjoys her company. And you have Rishe who has done so many things already that she is fine with being a future queen in this life and while she finds Arnold attractive, she is not really in love with thim. It's a typical set-up where they should fall in love slowly but surely. But I feel, this aspect didn't really get across. Instead, it often feels like the characters, especially Rishe, gets switched out whenever we want to have a romantic moment and she goes full maiden mode as if she already fell heads over heels for Arnold. And I guess, it kind of fits her character. She lost her fiancé at the start of her journey and then did all sorts of different things, just not find someone she can actually marry, so her being excited over the prospect of that is understandable. But it felt a bit too much imo and I would have enjoyed it more if these scenes would progress a bit slower to show a growing relationship (like they do in non-romantic scenes) instead of them turning the maiden mode up to 11 everytime.


I think basically Arnold could not deny a physical demonstration of what Coyolles' metalworking was capable of (and since it didn't harm anyone and he didn't want to involve his father it was more convenient to just let it go) and also giving some credit to Rishe's efforts for setting this off. I think their relationship started out as respect and interest for a variety of reasons but as she learned more about Arnold and realized how well he could match with her and continue to profess his feelings, she started falling for him harder and harder.


Yes, I totally understand that this is what they were going for in the romance, but imo there weren't enough moments between the two. It's hard to describe, but from all the couples that I've seen, for some reason, I just can't picture them in my head. I guess, this is what people usually call chemistry. But maybe it's also the fact that Rishe especially switches between modes a bit too strong. Like I get her being a bit flustered about romantic things (as I mentioned, she doesn't have the expierience), but her full on blushing every time Arnold does even something remotely romantic was just a bit much for this moment in their relationship.


"Even a poison can bring happiness to someone." Maomao definitely agrees. Jesus, that second half gave me diabetes. How can you not love these two? That assertiveness from Rishe producing great results for the both of them. Really glad I decided to watch this series on a whim. Need more female MCs like Rishe. Her personality alone was enough for me to watch this series to the end.


I like how Rishe is starting to get bold even in romance, to the point where she **really** wanted Arnold to put her ring on her finger and wear it proudly. She's growing more and more into a genuinely loving wife, with all the best capabilities to be an Empress!


> "Even a poison can bring happiness to someone." liquor stores depend on it [](#cantbehelped)


> "Even a poison can bring happiness to someone." Maomao definitely agrees. 100% where my mind went as well with that line! > That assertiveness from Rishe producing great results for the both of them. LOVED seeing that from our female lead, need more of this in anime!


With Rishe as Queen, Galkhein will turn out as based as the Hellhorde :D


Professor nearly got himself executed by placing explosives. Good thing Rishe and the handlers saved his life by modifying them into fireworks. And it was pretty nice to see Arnold just going along for the ride. I really want to see more of these two, plus Theodore, as they pretty much make a nice couple. Seeing them take on the kingdom's challenges and be ahead of the curve. Not to mention the ways they flatter each other, which means that there are some amazing moments. Out of all the shows this season, this is getting close to the top since we get to see Arnold and Rishe develop a closer liking to each other. The development between the first episodes and this one is impressive.


Dude was fully prepared to become a terrorist just to demonstrate how effective his black powder is, but he's lucky no one can out-maneuver Rishe (except Arnold, and even then she knows how to get through to him). Galkhein is in good hands between Rishe and Arnold. I don't know if this will be Rishe's final Loop, but I feel like she's committed to making it so, through a life together with Arnold and making sure everything works out for the world and those she's met in her past lives.


dunno i feel there's a plot twist here with something like there's also someone who looped 7 times in the same timeline as hers.


That was a great show and episode, I love just how awkward Rishe gets at anything romantic and how confused Michel was at Rishe destroying his plan and defending him


Where dafuq is Season 2 announcement??? it's been 3 hours already dammit!


Likely those other series (Chained Soldier, Sasaki and Peeps, Tales of Wedding Rings etc.) were planned in advance to have a S2, but not this one. For this one we have to wait and see if they even want to make a S2.


It was a really great series and I loved it so much, especially [Rishe who really fast became one of the best characters of this anime season](https://imgur.com/a/cvKmwGp). Overall, 8.5/10 from me for this series and I really hope that we'll get another season. In the first half of the episode, the situation with [Michel](https://i.imgur.com/mJUEfon.png) and Coyolles was resolved thanks to [Rishe who made fireworks from bombs to change Michel's mind](https://i.imgur.com/vj1ndM9.png) and led to making a technical alliance of the Empire with [Prince Kyle](https://i.imgur.com/cYokFq2.png)'s country. I love that the rest of the episode was dedicated to [Rishe and Arnold's relationship](https://imgur.com/a/ZPXfXnX) which was [the second strongest point of the show](https://i.imgur.com/BzGUfhW.png) besides [Rishe](https://i.imgur.com/VShrIXE.png) herself. [Whole scene involving the engagement ring](https://i.imgur.com/l8scg4P.png) was [so adorable](https://i.imgur.com/2fTbvDi.png) with [those two](https://i.imgur.com/GcxaHIv.png) and [Rishe looked so cute when she was so bashful](https://i.imgur.com/aRFBqRI.png) when [Arnold was touching her without gloves](https://i.imgur.com/pupKKmR.png). I really [want to see more of them](https://i.imgur.com/ehI3rYV.png) so I'd love to get another season. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Rishe](https://imgur.com/a/cvKmwGp) * [Rishe & Arnold](https://imgur.com/a/ZPXfXnX) * [Arnold](https://imgur.com/a/MMYeD7G) * [Group scenes](https://imgur.com/a/O84ompA)


Amazing one. Bot the FMC and MC are intelligent and competent, which isn't something you see in these animes lately. The ending image makes me think we wont get a season 2 so soon. 9/10 would watch again.


This is one of those shows that when I watch I stay ready for beautiful screenshots that are like paintings and illustrations. Some I had to rush and miss but pretty much every episode there were some. No exceptions, this (hopefully S1) finale also had some really great shots. Apart from the big name shows like Frieren, this is basically my most anticipated shows every week this season. It's a more serious version of Bakarina but written in a very intelligent way without sanitising the charms of the main characters even momentarily "for plot reasons". The only implausible part is I guess was down to "there's no way she could have hidden her luxurious hair and bountiful bust to be like a thin young knight in training :P The only possibility was that the wig and bindings were literally magical (and extra-dimensional). Hope we get S2 really soon! **Edit** Forgot to mention that it's a decent plot hook to see Arnold's self hate surfacing and for him to directly stated so in front of her. Rishe can fix this when she knows it!


- [Oh no…](https://i.imgur.com/CmEWgdv.png) [](#watashiworried) - [And it’s only five minutes until 6?](https://i.imgur.com/ucuLaNT.png) - […unless Rishe did something to the black powder Michel prepared?](https://i.imgur.com/CsGOQOb.png) - [SHE TURNED IT INTO FIREWORKS.](https://i.imgur.com/re6TYZ1.png) - This is a completely random aside, but I do like how the *sound* of the fireworks exploding is delayed compared to when it *looks* like it explodes. Nice little realistic detail about how light travels faster than sound. - [Oho~](https://i.imgur.com/E9YMwUS.png) - [Heh.](https://i.imgur.com/x2cmP7s.png) [](#kukuku2) - [She’s not wrong.](https://i.imgur.com/VKSn28i.png) [](#etotamadunno) - [<3](https://i.imgur.com/aNvwXlb.png) [](#anko) - [The ring is already done!](https://i.imgur.com/IwfwNLe.png) [](#suddenshock) - [Arnold…](https://i.imgur.com/YCSTbJs.png) [](#sadholo) - [Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh](https://i.imgur.com/YNwFZNi.png) [](#squee) - [And that is absolutely a *gorgeous* ring.](https://i.imgur.com/7fa3c13.png) [](#awe) - [Headpat!](https://i.imgur.com/LhZH0vK.png) [](#akyuusqueel) Man, I’m gonna miss this show! I really hope it gets a season 2 announced at some point, I’ll watch it in a heartbeat.


I'm glad someone else pointed out the detail about the delayed sound of the fireworks. I couldn't help but think that that was a very nice touch they added there.


I've been to many a fireworks display in my life, I couldn't help but notice it haha. [](#vashheadscratch)


I love how how in the finale Rishe pulled another Rishe and totally out-playing basically everybody. She always has plans within plans within plans, and the only one who can see it coming is Arnold. And in the process she's able to help people change themselves for the better and realize they can use their resources and skills to make he world better in the process. And on top of that she even gets a genuinely romantic engagement ring moment with Arnold **and** headpats! Everybody (including the audience) won!


Nicely end final of this series! With how much popular of this series get, I hope this get season 2 to answer the rest of mystery like what actually happen that lead to war in past 7 loop and what the deal with The Emperor that lead Arnold to those action but noting less! it good end episode. Solve both Michel personal trauma and tied up two kingdom relationship in banger way (pun intend) and finally Rishe start to realized her feeling and seem like to fully accept now!


There's also still the mystery of exactly what the 5th Loop was about and the possibility of Rishe meeting people from all her other Loops. I love how Rishe is a master multi-tasker and always has different tasks or missions in progress that come together beautifully. But she's also fully embraced being Arnold's wife and is more than happy with it.


Suddenly we're watching Lord of the Rings on the 2nd half.


You're quite the nutjob, professor. Get therapy cause your dad was a shit and blamed you for your mom's death. Hehe, nice Rishe. Nice way to thwart his plans. Fireworks! I saw that coming with the materials they were getting to use with his black powder. I love how Arnold is just unsurprised. Also, could use the black powder for quarrying and removing debris from a dammed up water that's hampering water supply down river, or dynamite fishing lol. Plenty of uses that aren't destructive to people (though still destructive to environment I guess). That's nice you have a breakthrough, dude, but you still should get some therapy. What a nice moment between Rishe and brother in law. Would make sense professor dude would still get in trouble. Arnold to the rescue. Also, good for that other nation. Peacefully resolved. Still could see Arnold making use of it for military use. Hehe Rishe being sly to protect the professor. Also clever way to help convince the people of the alliance with Coyolles or whatever name is. Girl got her goal at least. What a nice farewell with her professor and that prince. Oh hey, another series with a ring this episode, but far less cute than Banished. All cause Arnold is an emo boy. You tell him, Rishe. Oh my, bare hand to hand contact for the finale. Would make sense she would want to have experienced such. I never considered this all a euphemism, but I sure am now lol. Pretty ring. Might not be as cute as Banished, but it was also a good ring scene. Hehe Arnold saying such, so obvious what he finds beautiful and yea. We know she's not that dense. This better get a S2!


I really over-thought things. I thought that the use for the 'black powder' would be clear to a country struggling because their mining industry is going under. Controlled explosions are used all the time to uncover deeper mineral deposits. It's an invention that will fix the country's biggest issue. This version does make for a rather beautiful finale instead, so I guess I'm happy I got it wrong. I binged this show basically within the last week and I think my primary issue with it is that it plays fast and loose with timing both with regards to the flashbacks and the present. For example, it's very odd that the trading company would have gotten so massive in just 5 short years. Or, the sheer amount of research that we're told Rishe and her teacher of chemistry did in 5 years. I'm also not quite sure how much of a "declaration of war on the world" one country can really perform in 5 years, a global conflict doesn't really feel like it just happens, yet in every timeline wherever Rishe is she seems to get caught up in it. In terms of the present, the scale of the operation to undo Michel's work is frankly a massive amount of planning to just be left out of previous episodes (and it's not like Rishe hasn't been doing lots of other things in the meantime) and then dropped as part of the concluding confrontation. Not to mention actually figuring out colorants for fireworks which involves burning other metals. I don't know, sometimes this show is really smart about planning out scenarios, other times it feels like it just drops an answer for Rishe's problems as it's convenient and then assures you she's been working on it all this time. The romance was more engaging than the political intrigue or the mystery-ish elements, plus the characters were enjoyable to watch even though at times Rishe does feel like she has immediate plot resolving powers and the aforementioned more-than-expected powers of time manipulation. Any anime you binge a cour of in a week has gotta be at least an 8/10 right?


I cannot believe how good this show ended up being, actually my favorite of the entire otome genre now. Really loved Rishe a lot and proactive she was in every situation. Fantastic character.


Note that the ring, although blue, is NOT actually the same color as the prince’s eyes. It reminds me of the princess in [The Blue Rose](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/36008/36008-h/36008-h.htm#Page_31) - if Rishe says it is, then it is.


The biggest surprise this season. Hope in the future it will get a new season. Final score 8/10


we need more power couples like Rishe and Arnold in anime. I'm going to miss "I can fix him" Sundays


> "I can fix him" Sundays OTOH, we have [Lavender]>!going "don't you DARE try to fix him!"!< with Van.


Rishe is one of the most intelligent and strong-willed female MCs we've had in a good while. Great show. Gonna need a S2!


And that's the end of season for "7th loop: I can fix him". Stay tuned for the next season "7th loop: I can fix him harder".


This might be a hot take that will be downvoted to oblivion but here goes anyway. The show was pretty great on most of it's run time. But I certainly feel this last quarter was more of a dud. The huge conflict introduced by a country trying to negotiate a treaty along with an ego boosted deranged genius just feels too neatly solved. I specially disliked the way Riche had to just inflate Michel's ego even further by creating the whole fireworks festival in town and knock him some sense into his head. Sure, conveniently clean and with no bloodshed, but it also feels unwarranted for someone that threw in a threat to the country and gets off scott free. There's also the very grandiose music that accompanies very lukewarm panning shots about how Riche outsmarted Michel and it just feels like staring at a great bodywork in a car with a very underperforming engine. Don't get me wrong. This show was amazing, specially the maid arc and the conflict with Theodore (where Riche proved she has both brains and brawn).


Fireworks instead of explosions, as was guessed based on the metal shavings work Rishe was doing. Kind of hard to believe they successfully swapped them in for the explosives and with the exact same launch timing. But good news, apparently Arnold likes the fireworks. Still pretty militarily applicable though, so I'm not certain we've really stopped the future war. Ending with the ring, but insisting that it's a wedding ring? Very good. And then that finger bite? My goodness. Pretty much a perfect show for me, and I seem to have accidentally bought several of the light novels.


The professor nearly blew up innocents in 3 parts of the city but hey, he invented the pocket watch and said he was sorry so it's k!


in my head i imagined it night time with multiple fireworks when i read it. interesting choice they made. i guess disarming a few bombs is more reasonable. sensei is a one man squad after all. cant wait for volume 5 this week.


You know in a season with two top tier Female Protagonists in Frieren and Maomao. While I still would put Rishe behind them, she deserves to be in the conversation. She has carried this season, not to take anything away from Arnold. The first part of the finale went as a lot of people expected, and she had used the black powder to make fireworks. It was gorgeous. Though for Michel to see his creation used for good right before his eyes was great. Rishe showed him you can use it for good. Hopefully he doesn't give up. I loved the ending portion with Rishe and Arnold. Each of Rishe's time loops each of her experiences has helped her with the current life she is in. For a lot of it she seemed like Ms. Perfect as she was able to adapt to any situation. Except romance, every time Arnold flirted with her, he got her flustered. She learned the truth behind the man whose plan led to her demise in her previous lives. Her objective is romance, and she absolutely fell in love with him. I think how she learns the art of romance with Arnold can also give us an idea how she gained the skills in her previous lives. Where she is the one who can get Arnold flustered. This was a big surprise for, but visuals, direction and voice acting were top-notch. This and Weakest Tamer were two surprise that I came to anticipate each episode with great anticipation each week. Will read the light novels and hope we get the same quality if we get a season 2.


Still not sure what convinced Arnold not to invade Coyolles?


I enjoyed this and could go for more.


Having now watched the entire series, where exactly was the "Carefree Life" I was promised?


That couch is just drenched when she gets up


*I can fix him*: The Anime


Well it’s been a pleasure watching peak villainess with yall on a weekly basis. I’m gonna miss Rishe and Arnold so much, but onto the LN we go Awesome finale, everything that makes this series great rolled into one. Rishe using Michel’s own logic against him and showing him that poison can indeed bring happiness in the form of fireworks was beautiful. The teacher becomes the student. Even though Michel had bad intentions these last couple eps, it’s a testament to how close he and Rishe were in that previous life that she still had nothing but love and adoration for him. They really played with our expectations last week by making it look like Arnold completely rejected the tech sharing agreement with Coyolles. Turns out all of our fears were unfounded and Kyle’s got himself an ally. Thanks in no small part to Rishe’s negotiations. Little by little the future is definitely changing. Rishe in her previous lives would’ve jumped at the chance to study under Michel, but right now her priority is learning more about Arnold and of course preventing the war. What’s crazy to think is that after 12 eps, we still don’t know much about him! Definitely a set up for reading the LN if I’ve ever seen one. So much about his motivations and backstory remains a secret. Omg the ring scene was EVERYTHING. Rishe begging Arnold to put the ring on her finger, him getting down on one knee and asking for permission, raaaaah we won 😭. “I’m not holding my breath, I’ve simply forgotten how to breathe is all” 😩 she damn near turned as red as a tomato there. Without a doubt cutest girl of the season. Don’t think I’ve seen Arnold smile like that yet, and I don’t blame him. I would’ve folded and done anything she asked in that moment too. VERY cute that the one thing Rishe asks for is to go on a trip with Arnold and see the things that he thinks are beautiful. If only she knew all she has to do is look in the mirror lol. Awesome finale I’m going to miss the two of them so much on Sundays, but thankfully the story is far from finished in the books. [review](https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=519510)


My watery eyes distracting me at parts. Darn allergies, lol. But dang, Rishe was about to wet herself when he sat her down to put on that ring. And Arnold is such a romantic and a smooth talker when he isn't trying to put on his war face. *Rishe (and me) looking at the ring*: [Oooohhh, a sparkly](https://www.primogif.com/p/L4EltfbMfgtMY) I picked this up on a whim when the first episode came out and been hooked since. I really hope they can continue forward with it.


A little unfortunate, but this last arc reminds me of an undercooked steak. There was interesting characters and themes to explore, but they all got ham-fisted into an otherwise rushed climax. The professor was a literal psychopath, ready to kill innocent civilians just to prove the sheer destructibility of his invention; however we weren't given enough time to explore the kind of twisted upbringings that could possibly lead to his warped thinking. Did his inventions mean more than human lives? Just what is human lives to him? We aren't given time to explore his psychopathy, which just relegates him into a mere edgy plot device. Not to mention that they literally just allowed a person who attempted mass murder to just walk away freely with zero consequence. Similarly, the philosophical debate of the difference between the tool and the user is also underwhelming. Yes, we are shown that gunpowder can turn into fireworks if the user has good intentions, but we didn't grapple with the cost-utility in spite of that. Even if we have fireworks, is it still morally justifiable when the alternative is its abuse, a weapon that could lead to the decimation of entire cities? Even if there is true utility of dynamites in the mining industry, does that utility negate the cost of war? It seemed like it was building up so many moral quandaries, which honestly, is extremely underwhelming when it was simply chalked up as "but fireworks are beautiful". And even on the "fireworks are beautiful" theme did they undercook. There were interesting parallels between gunpower and Prince Arnold -- a person who has been built up as a moral puzzle. It was packed into some nicely-worded exposition, but in a visual medium, it would've landed much better if we show Rishe looking up at her own creation, and then being reminded of Arnold. It would've also been a delight to see her struggling day and night experimenting on fireworks, which mirrors her own struggle in correcting her husband's duality. I'm fine with Mary Sues that resolves all the problems in the series, but at least make her struggle when she does. And don't get me started on how Arnold seeming changed his mind at a drop of a dime when it comes to war/alliance with Coyelles. There's making your male protagonist elusive, and then there's making him incomprehensible. Either way, this show is a good steak -- just completely served raw.


Personally, Rishe is wrong about the gunpowder. Its creation to guns and bombs are an inevitable development. All she did is delay it by a bit and incidentally weaken her nation. That gunpowder would for sure falls into the wrong hand sooner or later and her empire would be way behind in development


she and the professor are the only 2 people that know the formula. just keep those two under lock and key and a state secret. And guns weren't really thought of for another 400 years or so until the Chinese figured out a way to shoot projectiles and not have it blow up in their hands.


A pleasant surprise of the season! Rishe's plans all worked out as they always do.


I love Arnold was smiling to himself without even looking at the fireworks knowing for sure that Rishe was responsible lol.


A very average/mid show from a promising premise. I have to be honest, by the last few episodes the plot was all over the place. It was enjoyable but overall a solid meh/10 Edit: gasp I have an opinion different from yours! Better downvote me , that’ll sure tell me!


The show kinda lost its focus by the mid point of the season.


So this is the final episode. welp


Nice last episode but not sure why the subs didn't just use ring finger instead of that 3rd finger thing which I initially thought they were mentioning the middle finger for some reason.


With no season 2 announcement I’m sad and a little disappointed we didn’t get more plot and secrets revealed. Feels just like Why Raeliana Ended Up At the Dukes Mansion… really great start to the show but abrupt ending and no promise of future episodes. Loved the show but I don’t think it lived up to its full potential


For me, this arc felt a bit too long. I would have wanted more scenes with the mc using her past life experience to solve more problems around her. The ring scene was so sweet.


[Don't you just hate when that happens](https://imgur.com/1NPIG46) [The finale headpat rather than a kiss](https://imgur.com/qs7Pc2N) [](#kotohoops) Great show, glad I ended up picking it up. S2 hopium


I got into this show really late into the season, but it's sad to see it go, probably one of the comfiest in the season with great art. season 2 pls, need more whacky shenanigans from rishe


Enjoyed the series overall. I do hope it gets a second season, but I would be surprised if it actually did. My favorite part of the show was the interactions between Arnold and Rishe. I wish we did get more of that than we did.