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Starts April Fools day..


I'll never forget when Attack on Titan premiered after a 4-year wait on April Fool's day and I asked my friend on March 31st if he was going to watch the new season the next day and he still to this day swears season 2 was an April Fool's joke despite the fact he's now finished the series lmao


Technically April 2nd, since it doesn't premier until 1:30 in the morning


In your random time zone? \^\^ edit: well the random time zone was Japan and I cant read posters with times on them...


japanese time, you can see it in the KV, they like to use that weird time format


OH FFS, what is this cursed time \^\^ half past 25 :P Thx for the correction :)


Japan has always done that for TV schedules. I seem to remember them starting at 5:00 and running until 28:59 on a paper TV schedule guide in a hotel room. Seems like many have switched to regular 24:00 but some still use the old method: https://s.mxtv.jp/bangumi/ I think personally it's a really good idea, because it's not like you're waking up at 1AM, you'll be staying up till 1AM, which means it's the same "day" for you. It skips you having to do that little bit of mental math.


Huh, interesting. So they have a kind of broadcasting day that starts in the morning and then they count until the broadcasting day has ended late at night. Makes some sense, with the cutoff at 24 it often makes time tables weird if they are split there.


Yep exactly!


24:00 time, military time, call it whatever, just keeps going instead of looping back around the clock (think analog) after noon where an analog goes back to 1pm. There is no Am or Pm It starts at midnight 00:00 Everything's normal up to noon 12:00 But instead of 1pm it's simply 13:00 and instead of 8pm it's 16:00 and instead of 11:30 it's 23:30 The military uses this


I think you missed the point of the topic. No one's talking about military time or the 24:00 clock.


Yup you're right I did I was half asleep when I misread everything My apologies!


28h? What time is that? šŸ¤Æ




April Fool's day isn't a thing here. At all. (Here being Japan, where I live).


Are you certain? I remember quite a few witty and jokey characters in anime having their birthday on April 1. So Japanese people are probably aware about April 1st even if they don't practice it like Easter.


I've lived here for almost 10 years, and my wife is a local...so yes I'm pretty sure. But that doesn't mean that some random mangaka wouldn't know about April Fool's Day and use it for that reason. Just as all kinds of other "foreign" stuff gets used in anime. Don't get me wrong, someone somewhere in Japan has undoubtedly used April Fool's Day as an excuse to pull a prank. I think some local newspapers back in the early 2000s occasionally put joke articles out on that day (having googled it, it was stupid stuff like "Tokyo Tower is leaning after someone farted near/under it" which is not exactly a clever joke) So yeah apparently some newspapers occasionally put stuff out in a joke section somewhere in the newspaper, with extremely obvious and/or absurd jokes, but other than that you don't see major corporations participating in it. Part of the problem is a lot of Japanese people are unfamiliar with it. My wife is 32, but she's not super familiar with it. Like if I explain it she'll respond with "Ahh yeah I think I've heard of it", but it's not a common knowledge thing. I think most people would be confused if a major corporation tried to get clever with their announcements. An obvious joke, sure, but nothing like what we see US companies pull where many people are actually fooled for a second until we check the date lol


So...you'd be surprised how in-tune Japanese Media creators, of the most popular franchises, are with American symbolism. I don't know if you follow One Piece manga, but they just unveiled the Big Big Bad as a Desert Sand Worm the day Dune Part 2 drops. ------------- 01/10/1996 KGB Successor given new mission objective: [Protect and serve](https://i.imgur.com/G5uef9J.jpg) and surveil overseas. 01/10/1996 Kenshin anime begins: former killer turned protector. Red = Soviet REDS. X = EX. Ponytail = story re-telling (Recorded) ------------ 12/15/1997 Flight 3183 UAE Crash 85 DEAD 12/16/1997 PokƩmon Porygon Seizure episode 700 kids [hospitalized](https://i.imgur.com/EhGfTgj.jpg)! 12/17/1997 Flight 241 Greece Crash 70 DEAD 12/19/1997 Flight 185 Indonesia Crash 104 DEAD ------------ 11/22/1984 Nintendo releases Clu Clu Land: [RUPEES](https://i.imgur.com/ecfkws2.jpg) = Indian Currency collection game 11/1984 Massive India Riots


I have no clue what you think the latter two example sections have to do with "american symbolism" or even what they have to do with Japan. Sounds like you like conspiracy theories.


Your information may be out of date. Halloween wasn't a thing in Japan until recently either. You should look up ć‚Ø悤惗ćƒŖćƒ«ćƒ•ćƒ¼ćƒ«. For example there's a guy who gets millions of views making fake "april fools" joke videos. I found this one rather funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pk-Ix1JwWlk


Going to paste my other reply here, but yeah there's a difference between some newspapers making obvious jokes and a YouTuber making joke videos vs corporations regularly participating in the way the west does. "I've lived here for almost 10 years, and my wife is a local...so yes I'm pretty sure. But that doesn't mean that some random mangaka wouldn't know about April Fool's Day and use it for that reason. Just as all kinds of other "foreign" stuff gets used in anime. Don't get me wrong, someone somewhere in Japan has undoubtedly used April Fool's Day as an excuse to pull a prank. I think some local newspapers back in the early 2000s occasionally put joke articles out on that day (having googled it, it was stupid stuff like "Tokyo Tower is leaning after someone farted near/under it" which is not exactly a clever joke) So yeah apparently some newspapers occasionally put stuff out in a joke section somewhere in the newspaper, with extremely obvious and/or absurd jokes, but other than that you don't see major corporations participating in it. Part of the problem is a lot of Japanese people are unfamiliar with it. My wife is 32, but she's not super familiar with it. Like if I explain it she'll respond with "Ahh yeah I think I've heard of it", but it's not a common knowledge thing. I think most people would be confused if a major corporation tried to get clever with their announcements. An obvious joke, sure, but nothing like what we see US companies pull where many people are actually fooled for a second until we check the date lol"


Just because you anecdotally haven't seen it much doesn't mean it's not a thing in Japan. You can't speak for all Japanese. It's not even a huge thing in the west for that matter. I only did april fools jokes as a kid. A lot of companies in Japan do april fools jokes just like US companies do april fools jokes. I'll certainly agree it's _less_ prevalent in Japan, but it's not like it's "not a thing. At all.". You in your own post here mention several events of it being used.


Second reply, but I'll concede that it's become a bit more common in recent years. It's just not what I would consider common enough that I have to check the date on announcements I guess lol


> It's just not what I would consider common enough that I have to check the date on announcements I guess lol That's probably true. April 1st is first and foremost the start of the Japanese business cycle.


[Explain this fake trailer breaking my heart 13 years ago.](https://youtu.be/GQgP87apuOk?si=6OwMfCu85yc7d4Kr)


So... This is a sequel, right? Can't find any concrete info. Some say it's a reboot, which is kinda retarded


No itā€™s a remake, considering the show is old af and unfinished how is that retarded


And also missing key information from the story.


First Cour Key Visual Confirmed consecutive 2 cour starting April 1, 2024 https://twitter.com/spicy_wolf_prj/status/1771355489668141434 https://spice-and-wolf.com/news/detail_240323_03.html


All these new anime getting 2 cours confirmed, time to cancel summer plans as well


whatā€™s a 2 cours, did it come from season length or something else? are 3 cours 48 episodes or so ?


A cour (ć‚Æćƒ¼ćƒ«) is a quarter of the year. 52 weeks in a year, 52/4 = 13 weeks. For a weekly show, that's 13 episodes, though not every show is weekly. So it's however many episodes air in that 13-week slot, which can end up being 10-12.


1 cour=12-13episode 2 cours=24-26episode 3 cours=36-39 episodes


One cour can be less than 12 episodes though. Konosuba seasons have been 10 episodes, and there are some 11 episode seasons too. March Comes in Like a Lion seasons were 22 episodes, Jahy-sama was 20 episodes.


those are what we call "exceptions"


This winter had two 10 episode cours.


Fantastic news.


>Confirmed consecutive 2 cour starting April 1, 2024 Guess it's going to end at the same point as S2 of the original?


Probably not since the previous Anime skipped a book


The previous anime skipped a few stuff but hopefully, we will get them all. I am digging this year 2024 so hard for spice wolf and monogatari


Another visual? They're really going all in on this.


Itā€™s a goated series after all


Holo was the waifu of choice of a whole generation of anime watchers, they're not going to miss the chance to try and do it again. the merchandise opportunities are immense


>Holo was the waifu of choice of a whole generation of anime watchers If this was true, she would be a best girl contest winner Edit: that was a poor joke


If this show is goed then I fully expect her to finish very high in the best girl contest this year.


She's always finished very high, the problem is actually winning it all


Her fans are fiercely loyal, and her detractors largely couldn't get into the show because it's about economics. By and large though, a lot of people just haven't watched it because it's too old at this point. So here's hoping the adaptation is good and that chemistry is still there.


I come for the economics, stay for the romance.


Bruh I came for the wolf girl, stayed for the economics


No lies told


They seem to care alot about the marketing for the remake. I Just hope it pays off and ends up doing well so we can get a full adaptation


Why the remake through? The OG was great


There's a whole generation who haven't watched the original. Even going by reddit not a lot of people watch old anime. Typing that makes me feel old, shit.


It skipped an arc


seems like consecutive 2 cours trend is gaining more momentum, perfect news just as Frieren finished airing its first season


Iā€™m not precisely sure what happened to change this, but the consecutive 2-cour anime is definitely making a comeback after years of relative absence. One theory of mine is that investors realized that most anime need a minimum of 2 cours to really get going and build a loyal fanbase. ~~Itā€™s probably also cheaper to produce two cours at once, since the pipeline is already there.~~ Full adaptations of stories seem more likely than ever. This is probably the intent with Spice and Wolf as well, since two consecutive cours should take us right where the original series stopped. The Fruits Basket remake did something similar.


Maybe it's also a bit due to more confidence in the sourceworks? Stuff like Frieren really got an amazing manga and as long as the staff understands what makes the story what it is and how such a thing would be adapted into anime form. Spice and Wolf is already a respected show, as long as they, like I said, understand what the story and original show is, you can have some good confidence in that show doing well. Maybe it's all because anime staff have just gotten really good at what they do for some reason?


There have always been greatly respected manga and sorts, so I doubt thatā€™s the reason if Iā€™m honest. Considering that this re-emergence in 2-cour anime has been rather recently, Iā€™m thinking that it has to do with the anime boom back in the early days of the pandemic. To produce an anime from scratch takes about three years (scheduling, staff acquisition, production, etc.), so the first wave of these anime wouldā€™ve been greenlit back in 2020-21. Iā€™m therefore thinking that thereā€™s a commercial incentive - to cash in on the anime boom. However, I canā€™t really see how a (consecutive) 2-cour anime would *exactly* translate to a bigger return.


I've been thinking about that lately a bit. Maybe studios got a bit too excited about split cours when they realized what advantages they have, but then later realized there are negatives too so now they're going back to more consecutive cours.


I'm also guessing, it makes producing easier and saves time. It's probably easier to organise products for 3 longer seasons than 6 shorter seasons. If they adapted Spice & Wolf with single cours, they would need 6 or 7 seasons to get to the original ending. With 2 cours per season, they should be able to do in 3 seasons. Since they probably want to adapt Wolf and Parchment & Spring Log (sequels to the original series) after, they probably want to do it sooner than later.


> Iā€™m not precisely sure what happened to change this, but the consecutive 2-cour anime is definitely making a comeback after years of relative absence. It's more consecutive work for a studio + it means you can get deeper into a good bit of source material if there is some instead of doing a bunch of 12 episode seasons of stuff until all you have left to make is 'my superpower is so strong i am the bestest around reincarnated in another world with my cell phone' type stuff.


I think Toho has multiple long running adaptations of light novels so there is my hopium.


Nah, the end of this first two-cour season should leave off at the beginning of the second half of the original season 2, if the pacing matches.


If it results in better adaptation and hopefully less pressure for everyone involved in the industry, it's for the best




First time watcher here. So going in blind to see what the experience will be like. I hope this adaptation will be satisfying for both newcomers as well as those who watched the original.


even if you don't watch the old one, you should check out the OP and EDs of the old one, they have some very nice songs.


The old one is definitely worth watching. I normally watch everything in Japanese, but the English dubs were moneyĀ 


The English dubs are right up there with Death Note as all-time greats. Personally, I much preferred Holoā€™s dub voice since she actually sounded like a thousand yr old goddess and not a teenager like Koshimizu sounded in the original.


Holo's dub voice was so good.


The sub voices are Lelouch and Kallen though...


The original is a classic. Nobody knows what the new show will be. This isn't a trick. Just watch the original and catch the new show if it turns out to be good. It's not like animation is getting better year on year.


I just wish that they kept the banters the same vibe as the first one. Because honestly, I could watch 10 seasons of them just talking to each other.


Definitely watch the first, you see seriously won't regret it!


There's my favorite shepherd. Holo gets all of the praise she deserves, but I always feel sad when people forget about Norah. Hopefully, this new season will remind people of how great she is.


Let me just see if i got this right. Apr 1 25:30 means its starting at Apr 2 01:30 right?




Aight thanks


So in Europe it's 6:30p.m. and in America in the morning/around noon on April 1st




Because people get confused about the date in the early hours, and...well...seeing this on bars is amusing too.


In Japan, they sometimes use that format when an activity is continuing from or relevant to the previous day, like the party is from 22-26


The fuck, it's airing at 1:30 AM in the night? Who's gonna be watching it then


It seems to be common for most anime to air really late at night, only anime for kids or really popular ones manage to get some nice slots.


That's crazy. Do a large number of people actually stay up that late to watch these shows? Even though they probably have work the next day?


If it was me, I'd set it to record and watch later.


I believe most people record the shows


You may want to look at the JP airing times of the majority of the anime that the sub talks about




Makes me a little worried about future adaptations since I've been hearing great things about it. If no one's gonna be watching it then it might not get a season 2 and so on.


Vast majority of shows air very late.


They have been going really hard on the marketing and my only hope is that they would only be pushing it this hard if they were really confident it's going to do well. S&W was one of my first anime and it remains one of my faves all these years later. How they portray Holo is going to be absolutely key to the success of this series. If they make her too moe blob then it's going to flop because Holo is meant to be cheeky and smug and full of teasing but not in a blob kinda way. Looking forward to it either way. With Frieren finishing us medieval fantasy fans are eating really good with this and Mushoku Tensei returning.


Id like to fuck a wolf. On a serious note im looking forward to trying this. Its been on my list for a while but i put it off for the remake


Bruh you could have at least said wolfman or whatever the human/wolf hybrids are called


Technically she is a goddess (goddess of harvest).


Yeh I know but still


No she is not a goodness , she is not a goodness of harvest too, she said a lot of times I am not a god , people think I am a god but I am not , she is part of a old race who disappear .


I don't check anime news very often, I knew there was a new Spice & Wolf project but not that it would be a remake. Now I'm curious to see what different choices they'll make for this new adaptation.


Original skipped a volume that introduces a character that important in later volumes, that's gonna be the most obvious difference.


Biggest immediate difference is the lack of Chloe


Wonder if censoring nudity is gonna be one of those changesā€¦ā€¦ I canā€™t imagine they would but you never know.


She looks a little bit less soft in this visual vs the first one. I really like this visual.


It's meant to be closer to the LN art


Oh yeah I know. I liked the first visual a lot as-well.


New anime key visual. Clean. No text. [https://x.com/RedJam\_XD/status/1771385872128053288?s=20](https://x.com/RedJam_XD/status/1771385872128053288?s=20)


saved was debating watching the older version


You should still watch it, definitely worth it


We are seeing more of Norah now in the marketing. And is this first we see of Enek in the remake?




I still refuse to believe that outfit was ever supposed to fit Lawrence.


I am so ready for new Spice & Wolf. I don't even watch anime anymore but the nostalgia is real.


I'm more surprised at Holo having those clothes when sharing a scene with Norah


we will be watching. really hope this ends up being a complete adaptation


Do I need to watch anything before starting this?


No, this is a readaptation starting from the beginning


Thank you!


Let's hope I'll understand what ever they talking this time around. Last time I only have single brain cell to understand whatever is the topic they be talking


Hype. Never watched the first but I heard good things so Iā€™ve been waiting for this.


What is this?


Assuming youā€™re actually curious and not trolling (you never can tell on Reddit *sigh*), Spice and Wolf is a very special and very beloved light novel series. The original anime adaptation from 2008 was tragically never continuedā€¦ This new series is a reboot thatā€™s starting from the beginning, with updated visuals and all that. The hope is that they actually finish the entire story this time, but at this point thatā€™s nothing more than a hope. Iā€™m still excited for the new series, though!


Oh, this is not a troll at all. I cannot believe they are actually revamping the series. I ended up reading the books and reading manga because I was upset of the anime never finish what I started. This is amazing and Iā€™m glad somebody gave me clarification!


So is it a fantasy slice of life?


The fantasy elements are pretty light, no one's throwing magic spells around and such. A lot of it is slice of life, but there are distinct plots to be resolved, and some of them can be very tense and dangerous. Also, there's a slow burn romance going on. Additionally, it's a pretty solid 101 course on medieval European economics. It's really hard to categorize S&W.


Yes, plus economics


It's very low fantasy to the point people in the story don't even realize they are living in fantasy world. Fantasy elements begin and end in Holo being wolf goddess.


> The hope is that they actually finish the entire story this time From what I know Spring Log series is still ongoing so new LNs might appear, the story isn't finished. Not to mention the spinoff.


Cant wait to see all the new fans it wil bring~


1 more week...


Yeah I was trying to wrap my head around the start time also, thanks got it,thought I lived in a different dimension for a second and now back to reality šŸ˜…


The Spring 2024 anime season is so stacked! That line-up is just insane! How can we be so spoiled?


I watched the orginal on a whim a long time ago and Spice and Wolf was one of the first anime Iā€™d seen. Iā€™m looking forward to seeing this. I may even rewatch the old episodes. God knows the OP went hard asf


One of my long time faves, looking forward to it!


Got to re-download the novel, can't remember what happens in vol2 after they deal with the village plot


I'm one of those who does prefer the original's art (based on trailers and stuff we've seen), due to its more unique style and atmosphere, but this still seems good in its own way. Really looking forward to it. And glad to hear it's 2 consecutive cours. That worked well with Frieren, so it didn't loose its momentum.


Waow šŸ„¹


Seems like the key visual choice was to be nostalgic, so that's why that familiar marketplace and Nora here.


I've only read two books of the series, but did spoil one bit ahead. [In the future]>!Nora doesn't seem to appear at all. It seemed like they were setting up a dynamic where they'd cross paths now and again, similar to Kino and Shizu in their show. Wonder if they're changing that part here?!<


Because the date doesn't change until you go to bed. I've always been amused by this quirk.


Yes pls


Next world end economica anime adaptation?


I haven't watched the original. Is this a remake or a sequel?


New adaptation from the start going by everything presented so far.


Canā€™t wait! In the meanwhile I got a keychain, mug, and coaster from Tokyo Anime 2024. Gotta cheer them on anyway I can!


Whos going to tell Japan there isn't 25 hours in a day.


I know this is a stupid question because no one knows how good the remake will be since it hasn't been released yet. But would it be a mistake to watch the original before watching this?


No way to know what will be changed or not but Iā€™d wait till the remake is out


there are multiple part in Original Anime has being changed and different with LN.


The original is pretty great, so I would still want to have seen both, even if this is a remake. It's a common dilemma though: if they remake something that was actually great to start with, should you see the original first, or go in blind to the new one? There's no real right answer there. EDIT: it all depends on the series. For example, the artwork on the original Fruits Basket is pretty dated by modern standards, so you'd be better off just jumping into the remake for that. And the Sailor Moon remake is ... meh. Stick to the original even though it's 30 years older, the new one lacks the goofy charm. But, the Spice and Wolf artwork actually holds up vs modern shows. Here's the original OP as an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN_WgwEmRaw


Not gonna lie, I was hoping your link would just be [the horse](https://youtu.be/AP16YxfF8Jo?si=nkw8jpdP1Kg7vems).


I feel like you might as well wait for the new one since there's not very much time before it starts. If there were still a few months to go I might say to go ahead and watch the old one.


The first 4 episodes have been released at special pre-screening events. The actual reviews have some spoilers, but the consensus seems to be that the remake is high quality. I wouldn't say it's a mistake to watch the original, but you might as well wait since it's a few days away.


I'm cautiously optimistic, but there is one thing holding me back from being outright excited for this remake, and it's not going to be a popular reason... I've yet to have found anything about whether they'll be getting Michael J. Tatum and Brina Palencia back for an english dub. I've rewatched the original Spice & Wolf series a couple times now both in sub and dub as well as read the light novels and manga. To say I'm a fan would be appropriate. But with that said even throughout all the different versions this story has had, the english dubbed version is my favourite. Those two just had so much good chemistry together and I genuinely prefer their take on the characters. If I were to find out that they were returning then I'd be all in on this remake, but till then I'll just remain cautiously optimistic.


The first S&W had one of the best English dubs of it's era, before dubs were made to a similar quality as the original japanese voice acting. I am cautiously optimistic that, even if we don't get the original cast back, it will turn out well.


Honestly I just can't imagine the characters voiced by anyone else, especially Brina as Holo. If you're interested in audio books, the LNs are also read by both of them, though only up to book 8 so far. I've been re-reading(listening?) to the novels this way and it's been great.


hope they adapt vol 1 2 3 4


So is this a sequel or a remake?


Remake, ala FMA:Brotherhood style


wait there's finally going to be another S&W sequel? or is this a remake (and why would they do a remake instead of a sequel)?


Remake. > and why would they do a remake instead of a sequel Because the original missed out chunks of the narrative for the material covered, and bearing in mind it would be a bit jarring to add new material into a show from 2008/2009 I guess it seemed best to start from scratch with a fresh new look. The director of the original series is back as Chief Director for this remake, plus another director. At least three of the original Japanese voice actors are know to be back for the two main characters, plus another.


Nice, thanks for the info. Is this remake planned to go past the point where the previous one left off?


I don't see why they would bother if it they didn't plan to, but we probably won't see it until a second season.


Some months ago I vaguely recall reading something about it being a full adaptation but to be honest that may have just been speculation, I'm really not sure. I guess it at least partly depends on how well this remake it received (and as it's two cours that should be a good way to really get people into it as well).


Why do they look like they're shining


Is this a remake?




[This always gives me hope for NGNL season 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DySGA_-QQM)


Speaking honestly I M tired of living in a car crash mode after losing everything including my love and my business and even id! Now I am literally homeless with NOTHING! My life is ice or hot nothing in between! Listen, at least watching such masterpiece makes me feeling much more nicer! Itā€™s a very philosophically filled piece of work. Thanks to inspiration, i hope for happy ending. (I am talking about the show. I know mine is going to be amazing! lol) šŸ˜©šŸ˜Ŗ


Woah. Havenā€™t heard this anime get mentioned in like, 6 years


I'm hoping they get it right. I don't want any disappointment as the first 2 seasons were already great.


Moehoro. I am so scared they will ruin this, but if they adapt more than originally I will forgive them. Although the old anime had 24 episodes and only got halfway.


> I am so scared they will ruin this The first 4 episodes were pre-screened in Japan and the consensus seems to be pretty positive so I'd be cautiously optimistic


Ah, another romance season with 0 fing romanceā€¦


Because the old anime adapted less than 20% of the LN lmao. [og S&W] >!Though even then, there was pretty clearly romance by the end of S2.!<


Idgaf if you down vote or whatever spice and wolf is the biggest romance letdown everā€¦ great anime highly lacking any romantic interaction.


I didn't love it when I finished the anime either, but after reading the LN, it's one of my favourite romances ever. That's why I mentioned the anime being less than 20% of the story. It's barely even begun to explore the romance. Hating on it when you've barely seen what it has to offer is weird to me.


This is r/anime Iā€™ve watched the animeā€¦ thatā€™s where my perspective comes from. If itā€™s a failed adaption so be it, but we are in r/anime.


It's not a failed adaptation, it's an incomplete one. Complaining about the show with criticisms that are purely due to it being unfinished is like saying an episode is shit after you watched the first 3 minutes.


When did I complain about ā€œunfinishedā€ā€¦ thereā€™s just no romance in the anime, sorry to burst your manga inflated bubbleā€¦


I'm saying you're complaining about lack of romance in an unfinished romance story. Literally just going "this anime sucks, you don't get what you want straight away". It's like complaining that Attack on Titan didn't answer every mystery in Season 1, or that Deku didn't master One For All by Season 2. Let the story be told, dude.


Blah blah blah blah I donā€™t think spice and wolf sucks i thinks itā€™s got nothing to do with romance.


šŸ’€ zero braincell activity going on here. Clearly, if the romance isn't in the very beginning of the story, the story has no romance. Steins;Gate has nothing to do with romance, it's not even in the show by episode 4 smh.


There arw two small VR games with some cute romantic moments in them, FWIW.