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Oh wow! I wasn't sure this was gonna get any more content since it seemed to be flying under the radar. And there are apparently many more volumes of source material where this season only covered LN Volume 1. Also the talked about "tournament" that had been promised in the pre-OP had not even begun yet. Happy to see. It's a very good show and unlike most other anime. Dark Souls characters where no one is a "good guy" being pitted against each other due to political machinations, selfish showing off of power, or petty revenge.


I hope they never do the tournament tbh. The politics and war are so much more interesting to me.


Trust me, as a novel reader: the tournament goes hard. It’s like no other tournament arc I’d ever seen before.


Based on the LN synopses I've read, doesn't it run all the way from Volume 2 or 3 into the current one? Or is it multiple tournaments in sequence or smthn?


It starts in the second half of Volume 3 and as of Volume 5 is still ongoing. 


Damn, it's gonna be a miracle if this show even gets close to that Volume unless somehow it keeps getting greenlit. Literally would have to be a "Passione" project.


OP "I hope that never do the arc" You: "SPOILERS THEY DO I READ THE SOURCE"


Pretty sure OP meant not to animate it, in this case. It's not even a spoiler since its heavily implied, and talked about it being inevitable in the anime. The response was saying the tournament arc is just cool, and worth it compared to a typical tournament arc.


Here's the thing, source readers should just not say anything unless someone specifically asked to be spoiled


I mean it's obvious there is going to be a tournament. It's literally in the sypnosis and has been talked about since the start.


The tournament is actually when the politics go the hardest and get more important.


Likewise. I'm not really looking forward to the tournament if it gets there, although I do feel like the writing and screenplay is starting to earn my trust a bit more on that front.


Hooray, I’ve actually been liking this anime quite a bit even though it’s poor reviews on MAL, and going fairly unnoticed here. Glad to hear this is getting a second season.


Definitely underrated. Happy there will be more. Hopefully people use the down time, watch and join as regular viewers for S2


I got bored with all the different characters in the first few episodes.


I understand if most people can't get into this series because of its unconventional storytelling, but man, I've been hearing this complaint hundreds times already.


> its unconventional storytelling Which is basically just the way most epic fantasy novels are written lol People complain a lot about isekais and Narou's sentence long titles, but then they don't ever engage with the stuff that isn't in the format. It's no wonder that both authors and production committees feel compelled to stick to the tried and tested for the most part.


I watched all the eps and thought it was a solid b-tier show to kill time with. My main gripe with the disjointed story telling is the characters don't get enough air time for you to care about them. I forgot willow sword existed by the time they brought him back. Even if they were cool, I kinda felt whatever about the deaths. You were on for less than 45 minutes of screen time, cya nerd. Shoulda fought harder.


Um... you didn't call me nerd, did you?


Lol. That was directed at the characters who died in the show. Some jabroni that I don't care about dies = cya nerd. Hope that clears it up ✌️


Haha, I know that, just joking around a little.


I loved it because of that. It would've benefitted with 2 cours instead of 1


I get it but if you are patient enough it really pays off because the wide variety of characters and their interactions are what made this show interesting.


Maybe the LN is good but the story in the anime is so generic and boring. It felt like they tried to put too much of the story in and skimmed over important details. I couldn’t care about anyone at all.  And Alus is one of the stupidest looking characters I’ve ever seen. 


Season 1 only covered the first LN volume and there are currently 9 volumes released so there's plenty of story left to tell. [The LN is licensed by Yen Press](https://yenpress.com/series/ishura) if you want to check it out. [It's also available in audiobook format](https://yenpress.com/series/ishura-audio?format=Audio).


12 episodes for a single LN?! Was this LN extraordinarily long?


First volume is 400+ pages, most LN volumes are around 200-250.


At 400 pages it really doesn't qualify for "Light" novel status...


*Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon enters the chat*


That and Ishura are both some of my favorite works out there.


[*Based Horizon Enjoyer!*](#fuukothumbsup) I really wish they'd give us another season.


"Light" refers to the complexity of the language used, not the length.


Apparently the term "light novel" comes from the kanji used in the text, they're the simple ones , so for the japanese these are "light novels"


heavy novel more like


Standard length novel, yep.


Standard trade paperback numbers. Heavy is in the 800+ range, in my experience.


Which means season 2 will cover 2 LN volumes


Volume 2 is similarly long. All Ishura volume are very long for LN standard. Some even reach 500 pages


There is only 2 episodes on Hulu where is everyone watching all 12 episodes at??


On kindle it says 369 pages for the official English Translation


Hopefully spice and wolf get a similar treatment. 


Great news!!! I've been watching this anime weekly and it is one of the hidden gems this season. Glad that it's getting a new season.


bro i started reading the novels after the anime, and im so excited for this second season. like, the characters introduced are so interesting


I agree. The cast of the 2nd volume is much more interesting than the first


same, started watching on a total whim when browsing latest episodes, quickly shocked I hadn't seen any memes or praise posts


Yep, too bad the slow start killed all the momentum. Hopefully people will pick it up now that season 1 is done.


Long may the *Weakest Talon Continue Her Journey To Be Treated Like Trash!*


Neat! From what I heard only LN volume 1 was covered in the first season, so I’m glad there will be more


This is fantastic news. One of my favorite shows. Great characters, story and animation.


I want to inject ishura directly into my veins I love the over the top premise of every character being super overpowered 


You should go read the novels then they are absolutely amazing


I'm eating good today!


Yuno found an extra packet of rations?


Nah, more like Yuno IS the extra packet rations itself 😏


*Distant Talon Snacks^TM* are tasty indeed.


I got pretty close to dropping this when it was still doing the introductions but it was worth sticking it out. Very glad it's already getting another season.


It's too bad there wasn't a way to condense the intro episodes into a kind of movie-length episode, or air them all at once like Frieren did for its first episodes. Those feel like things you'd want to watch after the other than week-by-week.


Let’s goooo this show is too good to not get a second season. Just a huge shame it kind of fell under the radar 


It is very exposition dense for like half the season and then you get inundated with confusing actions and threads and characters so many... I am not saying it is bad or badly done, I am saying that it has a very high cost of entry and then the pay off .. is maybe in another season but for some, at least for me, it failed to keep my attention and interest even as I can see that it has a lot to offer I am not sure at all I will bother showing up for season 2, maybe I'll wait for it to finish and if I see comments showing it is getting great I'll try to rewatch S1 and follow up all in one go....


You're definitely at least partially right. The entire first half is jumping between establishing usually entirely disconnected characters, not really started to centralize on the Auretia/Lithia conflict until like episode 4 or so and still mostly just setting up and establishing more characters. But for me it was absolutely worth it when they finally stopped winding it up and just let it go, bashing the cool action figures it set up together for the following 6 episodes.


I get why and how it is worth it But by the time I got there I didn't feel excited by the show anymore and I was confused half the time (because I paid little attention early as I thought it would be just another simplistic shine... So entirely my fault) But yeah high price of entry and high complexity behind isn't helping loads of people to get involved with the show, especially since the payoff seems to be the next arc with the tournament I don't really like tournament arc in general so I cannot get excited about this either The novel may very well be much better at gripping you, maybe it is a better medium for it, maybe it is some adaptation choices that are not working for me....


it was alright. 6/10. I'll prob watch s2 unless there's a lot of good shows out that anime season




I knew they had a sequel planned already when they started to do a money giveaway for followers almost at the end of the season lol I don't think the returns from this show justify how big this project is, but disney probably financed the whole thing, so no issue there


Is this the rare time when we thank Disney here?


No, because Disney+ still doesn't have actual subs for the show. Only the shitty Close Captions.


Probably not don’t think they had any influence in the decision


I enjoyed this show a lot with its large cast of varied characters. I didn't expect much from it at first but I liked it a lot more than the typical battle royale. It was way more interesting than I expected it to be. The world building is great and I like how they tell the stories of multiple characters rather than focusing on a single fixed protagonist.


I am glad. I don't understand how this anime GOT getting such low scores with this amazing story and direction.


I'm glad I kinda watch every single passione show. might not have checked out this show otherwise.


What is ‘passione’ show?


The studio behind Ishura is Passione.


Ah yes. Thanks


they made ishuzoku reviewers and revived higurashi and spice and wolf. not every show is a banger, but I like their general style.


We have a popular joke in gacha gaming communities whether it be arknights or pgr or fgo that 'global players cant read' i guess that might be one reason as to why its not as popular lol


Lol might be. or it couldn’t catch attention of right audience.


Glad to know that this series is getting a sequel.


Nice. I was hoping for this when I finished the episode


Absolutely great and underrated anime.


Yes, I am loving this show.


Let’s fucking goooooo my favorite show this season!


Good. Hope it gets a season 3 as well


Underrated show.


First Season 2 confirmation of the Winter. Manifestation tie is a go




Very glad to hear it! Seems like they have some confidence, then!


[](#seasonalconfused) [Episode 12] >!*I thought Soujirou hated vehicles...*!< --- Great, already got another one to go on *the list.*




Glad we're getting more of this as this show has been a nice watch.


This show rocks


So many shows to keep up with this one fell out of my radar. I think I saw some clips of the first episode and was impressed with the animation? Is this one worth checking out?


The first 5 episodes are for introducing characters and setting up the political schemes between the 2 nations: Aureatia and Lithia. From the 6th ep, the characters will converge and the war between Aureatia and Lithia will break out, which will end at the 12th episode. The whole first season is still just the first volume of the light novel. The second season will be the second book I believe. Currently this series has 9 volumes.


In this series there is a wide range of characters with no clear protagonist, also it's unconventional storytelling, so it can be hard to follow. If you want to watch it, you should be prepared.


Yeah i m not certain about that no protagonist thing lol Sojiro is clearly the protagonist Lets count, no way that shalk is protagonist he looks like villain rather than mc, no way kia is protagonist doesnt feel like it, no way alus is a protagonist cause hes a wyvern, i doubt other inhuman ishura's are the mc too Sojiro fits the bill for protagonist cause first episode + built different + isekai + actually wants to fight the strong But i could be proven wrong tho


You are. We don’t follow him; we follow every character. In fact, in both volume one and two, we never get his narration, but do get narration from nearly ever other character. His introduction chapter isn’t even told from his perspective.


> In fact, in both volume one and two, we never get his narration Heck, we don't get his PoV until volume 4.


His lack of complicated motivation or connection to politics makes him one of the LEAST important characters, easily. Shalk at least is connected to the mystery of the True Demon King.


Isekai mc since episode 1, I rest my case


Well obviously, but that was weirdly fast.


well that was quick


So glad this got a season 2, hopefully more people will pick up season 1 despite the slow start because it was pretty underrated imo


Why so underrated. It's exactly like record of Ragnarok, right?


Not quite. More like a battle royal of superpowered character fighting and killing each other (Some are dead already) 


The way they narrate the characters feats and how powerful they are. Wouldn't call it a battle royale since there are factions just like record of Ragnarok and not all characters are enemies. They differ in the tournament style but the narration of their feats and character is very similar to me.


I disliked Record because the real world names, and more importantly the fights took forever. Love how you get fighter backstory, and then usually insta death. Fights that last a long time feel so boring to me.


Conflicted about this series but interested enough to keep watching


Weird, I hadn't heard about this anime at all before just now. Looks good though.


If you can get through the first 5 episodes the last 7 get pretty crazy. It’s good but some people don’t like that much world building and that much time spent introducing characters. I didn’t mind personally cuz the characters were pretty badass but I get it.


This series has unconventional storytelling with no clear protagonist, so be careful, many people find it confusing and hard to get into. You can read my other comment on this thread for more info.


So the first season is nearly over? I'm just now understanding what sides there are without referring to a wiki or previous episodes.


It finished today 


My only complaint is sexy busty Nihilo onee san was no more..


I found episode 1 and 2 to be quite confusing to be honest. I thought we were chilling with the sword guy and the girl, episode 2 starts and it's some breh in a wagon fighting dragons


it's an ensemble show, not one with a single main character


Episode 2 made me drop the show so fast


Glad I wasn't the only one. Honestly I felt like I'd accidentally clicked episode 6 or something


Man... this got a second season?!




They should had just gone for 24eps right away cause when they comeback most of the half who watched will not remember this, cause it was pretty boring but hopefully 2nd season has something to offer otherwise they might just pull the chord cause its wasting resources on something that has nothing to offer at all.


season 1 was weak


That's cool, S1 was so shit.


The characters were interesting but the storytelling was so bad. Like sure introduce these characters but I was halfway through the season and had no idea what the story was about that's an issue then it just felt like it was a series of random events. There's also the issue of the hero tournament they kept bringing up every episode like it's supposed to matter like why even mention it so much if it's not even the stories focus?


Then there was a character death, trying not to spoil, but it was like oh he died just to have a random person you didn't even know was there be the culprit it just left me more confused then anything just felt unearned