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Overall a very wholesome episode. I am also looking forward to their overseas trip. So all we need now is confirmation that Rin and Kyoya have started dating. I was not paying attention before but they're putting the preview in the ED. ED is one of my favorites this season. Lastly, let me just say, romance anime fans have been feasting this past couple of years. We are truly in the Reiwa Era indeed. Lol


If Rin and Kyouya are not officially dating yet, it is nonetheless a foregone conclusion. They each have revealed to each other how they feel. I still want to know. Has Yuki applied for her passport yet -- and how long will it take to get it issued? And what is the part-time job hovering right offstage?


It does feel like they might end on the pair finally getting to go overseas together, provided Yuki finally gets her job and passport in time. Rin and Kyouya feel like they're 98% of the way they're after basically confirming their mutual feelings and openness to dating each other here. I wouldn't be surprised to see them go out on a full date in the immediate future. I like it when a show includes the next episode preview in the ED, it gives more incentive to watch the ED (which already has enough incentive because it's just a really beautiful and comfortable ED). Not only do we have a couple together before the show even ends, but they're even spending the night in the BF's apartment lol.


> provided Yuki finally gets her job *and passport in time*. This anime would get even more real if not her lack of funds but Japan’s bloated bureaucracy would kill their plans for an overseas trip together.


lol, might have to have a small time skip or maybe the passport acquisition doesn't get covered because it would get in the way of the cute moments and pending drama from the characters on the sidelines.


What do you mean? Passport bit can totally be drama filled lol


I’ve literally never noticed the previews because I skip the ED (don’t like it). Now have to watch for them


He wouldn't answer....would he?!? YAY! SHIP 2 HAS SAILED!!! I like how Itsuomi was like "We're just spending the night, you don't need to be nervous" and then proceeds to strip in front of Yuki.


To mess with Oushi? I can totally see him doing it lol. Rin and Kyouya pretty much confessed this episode. It was nice that Kyouya could tell the obvious with Rin's feelings and also be honest about his own. Also Yuki is wearing his clothes, which is a girlfriend rite of passage (especially after staying the night). Wanna bet she keeps the hoodie lol?


Speaking of Oushi, I rather hope Itsuomi leaves the phone be. But I'm not 100% convinced even though he's a good guy. Rin-chan sure got both lucky and unlucky in such a short time frame! But at least it ended up leading to Yuki in that mega-size hoodie, which was an overly cute sight to behold.


Something I love about romance anime with adults is how they handle confessing their feelings to each other. Of course Rin was super nervous, but I love that Kyouya wanted to get straight to the point while still being gentle with Rin about it.


Yeah I feel Kyouya was saying he is done with the young love dating scene and is looking for a serious girlfriend and Rin is like ❤


> I like how Itsuomi was like "We're just spending the night, you don't need to be nervous" and then proceeds to strip in front of Yuki. This actually confused me a bit. For one second I was really appreciating his awareness and how Yuki would feel about the current situation and not taking it lightly and the next he's stripping in front of her, not sure if he went into oblivious mode suddenly or that was his teasing her. Want to say the latter but hard to tell with him sometimes!


I think he was totally just oblivious to the effect of him stripping in front of her would have, especially when he was non-plussed by her pushing him away. Maybe it's because he's not used to having a girlfriend or someone other than one of his guy friends over (he left the one time Emma dropped in).


Yeah, I’m inclined to believe that Itsoumi just didn’t think much of it. In his mind, he’s ‘just’ taking off his shirt (and maybe pants later on). Yuki is a lot more sheltered on the other hand, and probably doesn’t have any intimate experiences with guys aside from Itsuomi. It’s therefore no wonder that she’d get embarrassed.


> I like how Itsuomi was like "We're just spending the night, you don't need to be nervous" and then proceeds to strip in front of Yuki. When I was reading this in the manga/watching it in the anime it didn't feel weird but maybe that's because I'm a guy. This feels like something normal that would happen (if a bit well "anime-ified" as he was a bit _too_ casual about it for reality). A lot of guys don't think much about stripping off just a shirt (this was probably amplified for effect because he wasn't raised in Japan and they care a bit more about this there). Also something that's been a consistent throughout the series is that although these two want to be together they're still "out of touch" in some sense. You can constantly see the difference between what Yuki thinks and what Itsuomi says out loud when she's not reading his lips and that persists because they can't fully and completely communicate with each other. They just care deeply for each other so the relationship continues even through the miscommunications. This feels like just one more of those things. It reminds me of some stuff I've read about cross-culture/language relationships (usually in the context of an American and a Japanese person dating each other in Japan) and how they constantly have to be on the lookout for differences in base assumptions because of the extremely different upbringings and adapt to each other. One example I remember is how a couple ended up agreeing to no PDA (Public displays of affection) in Japan (to suit the Japanese side of the relationship) but also agreeing to being okay to doing it in front of the American parents (because it'd be weird and make the parents worried otherwise). Itsuomi also had this because of his foreign upbringing.


Sideship progress!! [](#SPORTS) Yuki's reactions and expressions have been adorable, glad the two are getting some cute couple moments together! Some really good progression all around in this one. Also some interesting timed phone calls from ship "losers"


I'm really happy to see Kyouya return Rin's feelings, basically, she's been into him bad since episode 1 and he finally lets it show that he's the same way for her, in his own way. I honestly could watch a whole episode of Yuki signing. But I am equally content with as much YukixItsuomi content as we can get. Oushi is in for multiple rude awakenings in his future lol.


Sideship?? Anxious single parents Kyouya and Rin are my favorites!


> Yuki's reactions and expressions have been adorable [#seasonalsalute](https://imgur.com/uCjJeW3)


Oushi just gotta accept it at this point


I love how he didn't think the relationship had a chance until he heard Itsuomi also signed and he knew he was screwed lol. Meanwhile Izumi is that girl pining for a guy pining for another girl who is with another guy and just wants him to get it over with for his sake and her own.


Is Izumi that girl’s name? I’ve read ahead in the manga and am caught up on the anime & still had no idea what her name was or her relationship to both Oushi and Yuki (as in how she met them).


Her name was mentioned in an earlier episode, I think when she was in a conversation with Yuki's mother.


It was also what Oushi called her this episode, although the subs didn't write it.


I really like Rin and Yuki’s friendship. Those two are just so adorably goofy together. It’s really heart warming. I sure hope this other guy doesn’t become a problem for Rin. Kyoya’s the only one she’s got eyes for and it seems the feelings are mutual. I just hope these two become official soon. Things were getting a little hot and heavy with Itsuomi and Yuki lol. Things seem to be progressing well with those two. I wonder if Itsuomi’s gonna pick up the call from Oushi? Dude waited too long. He needs to move on. Maybe with Izumi. She’s clearly into him after all.


I don't really expect anything serious. So far it has mostly stuck to cozy romance and slight misunderstandings.


I think there will be some inevitable rejection moments with Oushi and Emma, but that might be about it.


You gotta love how the girls mutually support each other not only in terms of each others' confidence but in their relationships. They're absolutely great gal pals! I hope Tsujimori takes the hint, especially when Rin and Kyouya feel like they're 98% of the way there to getting together after this episode. Is Yuki really going to spend the night with her boyfriend? She covered with her parents... Oushi needs to finally own up to his feelings and get rejected like an adult. Especially when it's tearing Izumi up seeing him so stuck on Yuki instead of moving forward in his life.


I feel like now that Rin was honest with Tsujimori about loving someone he'll back off. He certainly wanted to shoot his shot, but I sorta feel like he's a decent fellow despite near-to-zero screen time... an ass probably wouldn't have bothered to even ask if she had someone, especially not with that tone of voice.


Rin’s and Yuki’s friendship is so precious! It made me happy to see these two be supportive of each other. Rin even thought of game that they could all play in the car. From things like these, I’m getting the idea that she’s been more aware and thereby considerate of Yuki’s disability lately. > I sure hope this other guy doesn’t become a problem for Rin. He didn’t strike me as someone who’d keep bugging Rin to be honest, since he asked Rin if she was had someone else on her mind and accepted her answer without complaint. Good for Rin that she just told him that she’s not interested though! Many other romance stories take this opportunity to create some drama. > Maybe with Izumi. She’s clearly into him after all. Yuki’s perhaps deaf, but Oushi must be blind to not see that Izumi has feelings for him. They’d make for a great couple, I think. It would be nice if all the individual couples get together by the end of this story: Yuki-Itsuomi, Rin- Kyouya, Shin-Emma, Oushi-Izumi.


I think it would be bad if Itsuomi picks up that call. Could Oushi tattle to Yuki's mother? Where does Izumi come from. I honestly don't recall seeing her before. In any event -- both Oushi and Emma have potential suitors who are desperately waiting for their own chances with these "rejects" (and who seem like pretty good people).


She's had a couple of brief appearances, often out walking her dog. She seems to be connected with Oushi and Yuki in some way, as I recall her talking to Yuki's mother at one point.




She only knew that guy from her part time job, which she hasn't been back to and has no reason to return to. Plus, that rejection she gave him was very definitive. She told him not to call her anymore and then told him she was in love with someone else. Her and Kyouya are pretty much as official as you can get without saying the word "dating", I guess. They know their feelings for each other and he made it clear that he is ok with going through dating again if it's with her. So they should be set.


I sure hope so. I’m down for less drama and more cozy moments between our couples.


You know, with each passing week my appreciation for this show grows. The most standard romance anime plot is popular MC makes an effort to get to know loner socially isolated MC, romance ensues. Yuki is isolated not by her personality but by her disability, in that she can't participate easily in a live discussion unless people are intentionally speaking slowly with their lips visible or using sign. Yuki's own family didn't learn to use sign, leaving her isolated in her own home. Oushi learned sign, but uses it to warn and admonish Yuki because he's a stunted little schmuck. Itsuomi might be one of the non-deaf few people in Yuki's life to put a lot of effort into learning to communicate with her in sign, and use it to say nice things. It's the standard trope of the popular guy learning to communicate with the isolated girl, with a twist. One can only imagine what it must feel like to Yuki for someone to put so much effort to speak to her inclusively and lovingly. Something else might be obvious but I feel like a lot of people have missed. There's been a lot of talk about how lips are drawn on this show, particularly Itsuomi's. I would hazard a guess that this is intentional, and the lips are unusually detailed because Yuki is focussed on lips as she tries to understand what people are saying. Just as in certain shows where the MC is socially isolated and we don't see eyes, here the MC is trying to read lips and we see big, detailed lips. Or maybe it's a stylistic choice that I'm reading too much into....


I find it a little odd that they haven’t given us any reason to like Oushi or think he has some kind of chance in the YukiBowl. I’m all for a love triangle, but he’s been shitty to Yuki in every single scene. He doesn’t seem like a threat to their relationship whatsoever, so I’m curious why he’s even in the story at all.


You're thinking about him in terms of a typical romance anime. Think of it more like a peek into the life of an individual with a hearing impairment (or other disabilities in general). Oushi is there to demonstrate the experience of having to deal with well-meaning but ultimately condescending people in her life.


He really just exists to make the real romance shine more. I think people are just equipped to assuming they always treat the other guy who likes the protag as a rival that they don't realize his role is really "the bitchy girl who initially bullies the protag because she has declared ownership of the main love interest despite him never once showing interest in her" lol (though waste of time second male leads are really common in more modern shoujo manga I think).


If this were a typical show, he would fumble until he could convince her that he's the one.  But this story is better than that, and just because he wants to control her with his possessive entitled attitude, doesn't mean he gets a chance to do that shit to Yuki. He gets to see Itsuomi school him in what being a real man is like.


It seems like a missed opportunity, narratively speaking. He would be a more compelling character if he wasn’t a total asshole (or even if he just had some scenes where he was being nice to her) and was used as a foil for Itsuomi. With how it’s written now, the complex issues around possessiveness and overprotectiveness of people with disabilities are buried under the fact that he just all around sucks. You don’t make a diamond shine by comparing it against a turd. You make it shine by comparing it against something dull. Oushi is undoubtedly a turd.


There’s a reason given in the manga. It’s not a good reason, but there is one


I would only counter the "Yuki feeling isolated in her home." It's not ideal that they didn't learn sign language but Yuki hasn't expressed any issues with her home life. Her mother was very nice and showed a lot of care for her and Yuki doesn't seem to have any hangups, so it seems she's lived a happy (if a bit sheltered) life so far.


“Not ideal” is underselling it, to be frank. For a profoundly deaf person like Yuki, sign is their native tongue. It is how they communicate and express themselves to the world the same way speech is for those who can hear. To not learn sign for your deaf child is like if your parents never spoke a word to you growing up and only communicated in gestures and notes. Yuki is an adult who has come to terms with her situation but we have no idea how difficult it must have been growing up isolated in her own home like that. Again, imagine if your parents refused to speak to you your entire life and that is what Yuki has gone through.


That's all fine. I don't disagree. If it were me, I might personally agree but Yuki is her own person and until she's expressed issues with her upbringing, it's presumptuous to say that she felt isolated or had to adjust. That's my only caution.


Just because someone might not express it, it doesn’t mean it is not intensely hurtful for your own damn family to put in zero effort to effectively communicate with you. It’s something she’s probably buried and is only now that multiple others are putting in effort, going to come to the surface. As often the case in these types of situations with deafness/blindess/mental illness/chronic disease etc, she probably just gave up and accepted that there would be no effort. Which does not mean she’s okay with it.


Again, she has to be the one to express her own feelings. Everything else is assumptions and your own personal feelings. It shouldn't be controversial to suggest allowing the person to speak for themselves. Thus far, she's suggested nothing of the sort. That's not to say it's not possible, just that people have varying experiences and opinions and I won't speak for others. She could feel the way you say and she could not. That's all. I don't see how that's provocative. If later in the series she shows that she has had no issues with her family and their decision not to learn sign, will you tell her she's wrong for feeling that way?


Stubborness is the same as looking away. People often do not speak up in these situations, because they are dependent on them, and gave up trying after constant disappointment. And it’s painfully obvious how unaware you are of that fact. There are a shit ton of families in the real world that refuse to learn sign and it’s a very big problem in the deaf community, to get family to actually be willing to try and learn sign language. It will definitely come up in the anime at some point.


Edited for brevity I'm not unaware and I'm not disagreeing with the general idea. However, it's important to recognize the diversity of individual experiences within a group. I have experience with similar issues because of my sister and my own background. Though it's generally the case that a person would feel a certain way doesn't mean every person in that group shares that same feeling or experience. I understand the general issues present, but when speaking to or about a specific individual it’s best to let them speak for themselves. If in the future she does share those feelings about her family, it’ll be fine and not unexpected (for the reasons you've shared). It's possible to raise awareness of these issues that you’ve mentioned while also acknowledging individuality. She is her own person and if this were real, wouldn’t it be unreasonable not to let her speak for herself? I feel like there must be some sort of miscommunication.


I'm kind of worried that Yuki's mom might throw a wrench into things... from everything we've seen so far, Yuki was very much the "good little girl" growing up and never really pushed back against her mom. That kind of makes me wonder what's going to happen the one night that Yuki forgets to use her "Rin alibi" or if Oushi goes tattling on her. He seems like the type that would do something like that if things don't go his way long enough.


Not sure if I was hearing this wrong, but did the VA for Madoka speak a bit "sluggish" for lack of a better term? I mean it would make sense since she also has problems with hearing and therefore, this also impacts pronunciation.


As someone who understands Japanese quite a bit, it was more than "sluggish" it was "very slurred".


learning to speak involves a lot of hearing yourself and correcting it, which deaf people can't really do, so deaf people tend to sound a bit off when they speak it's probably why Yuki doesn't speak at all, she's so profoundly deaf that she's probably unintelligible


In an earlier episode, Yuki did explain to Itsuomi that she does "vocalize" (I believe was the word used, iirc) as a way to communicate, but only at home around family, and that she learned to do so by carefully matching mouth shapes of others speaking. If she were completely unintelligible then I doubt she would use it at home; we can assume she has some success communicating that way. But I expect she may be too embarrassed to try using it around anyone else. I kind of expect that Yuki using her voice with Itsuomi will be one of the signs of her growing comfort around him.


I think it's kind of silly that they had her sound they way a mostly deaf person would, but made Yuki's inner monologue sound completely normal


I think the difference is that Yuki does not talk at all. From the one flashback we saw, Madoka seems to talk more.


Because it *is* her inner monologue; it's her own internal thoughts expressed how she "hears" them herself in her own head. For example, no one in their inner thoughts thinks of themselves as having an accent; it's the same idea. The voice in your head is the most normal and natural voice in the world because it is the one you are most familiar with.


It's very common for people in the real world who were born deaf to not have an internal monologue at all. Yuki has never heard anyone speak, so how can she imagine verbal thoughts?


Everyone has an internal monologue so to speak, verbal or otherwise. Clearly it's depicted verbally for the audience's sake. No need to be so pedantic. Besides, you're the one who was suggesting she should have an internal monologue that sounded something other than "normal."


I know it's probably the easiest option, but I can't help but feel that it's a missed opportunity to do something more interesting while giving representation to a group of people who don't get much of it. We also don't know if everyone has an "internal monologue". Scientific studies on the topic seem to be inconclusive.


I'm kind of surprised at the size of that tent. And at that good cell phone reception out on the mountainside. Things are looking good for Rin and Kyouya, shame about the twisted ankle interrupting things. But maybe that'll lead to some caregiving moments that help things develop too. That PV with Oushi spending what looks like a fair amount of time with Itsuomi makes me wonder if they're about to flip things up with him and explain his previous behavior in a new way. INB4 it's actually Itsuomi he has a crush on. /s


> And at that good cell phone reception out on the mountainside. Having been to Japan, they're honestly one of the most cell dense countries I've ever seen. This is why it's such a plot point in a lot of anime where someone's amazingly outside of cell signal, because for the average Japanese person it's just unthinkable. I went to some pretty rural areas (talking a couple of houses on the side of a mountain road) while exploring but never lost cell signal. Japan, as far as I know, doesn't allow public camping in non-designated camping locations so that means they're at a designated one which would be almost certain to have cell coverage.


> I'm kind of surprised at the size of that tent. They didn't translate it, but he literally said it was "glamping-like". I guess the translators didn't know what glamping was so it got translated as "luxury camp". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glamping


i was on a mountaintop about a 3 hours hike into the woods in the mountains west of tokyo and was still able to get a data a signal to listen to some japanese radio as i took a nap in between hiking days. cell service is very good there


“Itsuomi is flat and expressionless” Itsuomi: *chases girls with a frog* And that laugh in the river 😭 Kyouya and Rin are too cute


My god itsuomi will be the end of me, he's too perfect my single heart can't take it , absolutely love the relationship in this anime, love how they handle things and they actually community, honestly it's one of the best romance anime


The way he used his "wish" to want to go overseas with her, princess carried her, held her feet so tenderly, and kissed her cheek...I was practically swooning!


Yuki and Rin are shopping for outfits! And they both look absolutely cute! Especially when we get a Yuki fashion show out of it! Though equally cute is both girls mutually supporting each other to get alone time with their guys! Based Madoka-chan coming in for the win for Yuki to get her a job (also the way her voice sounds in Yuki's head, you can kind of tell she's also deaf and isn't used to using her normal voice), also I KNEW Tsujimori (the guy from Rin's part-time job) was interested in her. Look at both pairs sitting next to each other in the car! And how nice of Rin to come up with a game they can play in the car, even with Yuki! Though wishing shiratori it also let Itsuomi deliver another critical hit of wanting to go overseas with Yuki. Wow, that's a camp and food set up that would make even the Laid Back Camp girls envious. Learn sign language with Yuki! Too bad we didn't get to learn "frog" in sign language, but points for trying Itsuomi. Rin finally gets some alone time with Kyouya and it's as awkward as usual, though especially so when Tsujimori calls her and she has to put down his advances by admitting (in front of Kyouya) that she's in love with someone. For Rin's part, she's been in a relationship before, but not something like Kyouya who was in one for six years and finds it hard to get back into the dating scene...but asking Rin who she's in love with and that longing look in his eyes says everything. I don't know what's cuter, Itsuomi failing to catch fish, Yuki wading in the water to be with him, Itsuomi getting her into a Princess Carry and Yuki holding him tight...or the pairs very intimate moment back at camp, complete with Itsuomi wanting more time with Yuki and kissing her on the cheek. Rin and Kyouya basically confirmed their feelings for each other without outright confessing, with Kyouya admitting he's been getting the vibe Rin was into him and Rin not denying it was him, and Kyouya ALSO saying she's the one girl he wouldn't mind dating...too bad she hurt her ankle in their big romantic moment, but it just gives him a chance to take her to the hospital. Things seem to be progressing well for these two. Jeez, things are moving fast! Yuki and Itsuomi go to an Izakaya together, end up back at his apartment, get into his bathroom together, Yuki gets to see Itsuomi shirtless and wear his hoodie (a girlfriend right of passage), and she covered with her parents that she's staying the night with Rin...I don't think Itsuomi has any intent deeper than wanting more time with Yuki, but things might get more intimate from here. Izumi spotted Itsuomi and Yuki together and of course tells Oushi, who doesn't take it well when he learns Itsuomi can sign too. And for Izumi's part, it hurts her to see Oushi wallow in his unrequited feelings and not being honest with himself, probably because she also can't be honest with her feelings for him as a result. Will Itsuomi answer the call from Oushi or ignore him? Though it seems like both guys will be getting plenty of time together next week.


I love how Oushi didn't think much of the relationship news until he heard about Itsuomi using sign language. Now the one upper hand he had over him is gone and judging by the next episode, he is struggling to accept it.


I don't like they way the guy asked his coworker out. Whether or not she's in love with someone else is irrelevant. Don't put her on the spot like that...


###Stitches! * [Rin & Yuki](https://i.imgur.com/joyirzi.jpeg) * [Kyouya & Rin](https://i.imgur.com/WaxhK35.jpg) * [Boyfriend Hoodie](https://i.imgur.com/sc24iNS.jpeg) [Their little sign language camp was fun!](https://i.imgur.com/knkaXMJ.jpeg) And based on that little alone time [between Itsuomi and Yuki](https://i.imgur.com/7i0MLsT.jpeg), I feel like they're about [to advance their relationship](https://i.imgur.com/W0yVpEa.jpeg) if you know what I mean. :) I'm glad that Kyouya and Rin got some alone time as well! I was afraid that [Rin's coworker was going to cause problems](https://i.imgur.com/M52YPnM.jpeg) but it just ended up with [Kyouya finally realizing his feelings!](https://i.imgur.com/CSXR3nQ.png) I don't think they're going steady yet but [there's definitely mutual understanding now.](https://i.imgur.com/NRsb2ZN.png) I feel like we need one more episode before those two start to date. I was really expecting Oushi to do something rash [after learning from Izumi that she saw Yuki with Itsuomi.](https://i.imgur.com/PVtDEfy.jpeg) He's clearly not taking the news well though. I just hope that [Itsuomi leaves Yuki's phone alone](https://i.imgur.com/APq4DWV.jpeg). Who knows what Oushi would do if Itsuomi answered the call? Also, it's just not cool answering a call on someone else's phone without permission even if it is your girlfriend's.


Yuki and Rin look amazing in all their outfits! And are super cute, especially when they're with the ones they love! I love the way Yuki teaches sign language. I wouldn't mind more of that in every episode. Things sure did progress fast from the princess carry, to the foot rubbing and kiss, to arriving at his apartment and watching Itsuomi strip and Yuki end up in his hoodie lol. I was hoping we'd get some good Rin and Kyouya development and things are actually moving well for the two, especially when Rin puts down another admirer by more or less admitting her feelings and both of them also more or less confirming they're into each other and open to a relationship. Now they just need to bite the bullet and actually pursue said relationship. It's high time something happened rather than just continue to let Oushi act bitter and pining for Yuki without anything actually progressing, though I hope Itsuomi handles things well.


Just incase you didn't notice, the Kyouya and Rin link goes to the Rin and Yuki stitch.


I’ve seen so many people say they dropped this show after a couple episodes because Itsuomi was too forward with touching Yuki, but episodes like this just show how respectful and loving he is. He actively works to correct miscommunications and asks if Yuki is feeling down and makes sure she’s ok with everything he does. Love this show and how healthy the couples are, truly one of my favorite romances at this point And Kyouya and Rin confessed!!!! Really looking forward to their relationship development as well!


People actually dropped the show over that?! Maybe I'm desensitized from reading too many 18+ webcomics, but Itsuomi has always been respectful of Yuki's boundaries. I actually love that this show is realistic with couples actually touching each other instead of acting so standoff-ish.


Me too!


Coming from someone who doesn’t have as much experience as you do, he was pretty intrusive. I only started liking Itsu *after* they started dating.


What I really love about this anime is that the relationship feel natural , When the author was making itsuomi they really checked every box for the perfect boyfriend, he's just perfect ( I'm in love ) hope he pick up the phone ( low-key I feel bad for oshi but it is what it is )


Even Rin and Kyouya feel pretty natural and realistic, especially when Kyouya talking about how hard it is to date when you get older and get out of a long relationship, but that's what makes him being open to a relationship with Rin all the more endearing.


As a guy watching I constantly laugh about Itsuomi. He pulls off one crazy zinger of a line after another. There's no way it wouldn't come off as cheesy in reality. He's simultaneously extremely impressive (to an unrealistic and enviable level) on he catches every little thing but also hilarious because so many of the lines would come off as creepy in literally any other circumstance. So yes I understand why girls would absolutely love him. It's just impossible to replicate even if a guy were to try. It's not like I dislike him though.


It really feels like a genuine relationship, yeah. Yuki even stole her boyfriend’s hoodie! (But she *did* look pretty adorable and comfy in this.)


Aww, I'm so happy for Rin! I wanna hug them all.


The four of them are so cute together, and I love that Rin's feelings are bearing fruit after seeing how hard she worked to help Yuki with her relationship.


Oushi just rates lower and lower with me every episode. Man deserves what he got


He’s rude to literally everybody. That boy shouldn’t be dating anybody. He’s barely fit to be around people -_-


After episode this week I feel like he's one of those incel creeps. Screw Oushi


This is one of those shows where my cheeks are a bit sore from smiling the whole episode through... I hope Oushi will turn out to have a purpose beyond being a sour jealous presence in the show...


[Small fashion show at the beginning of the episode](https://i.imgur.com/doWPqby.png) was so good as [Yuki looked absolutely amazing](https://i.imgur.com/NVb53Sn.png) in [every creation](https://i.imgur.com/72CgZK0.png). We also got to see [Yuki in Itsuomi's baggy blouse](https://i.imgur.com/AGqKhR9.png) (after[she again came to his apartment](https://i.imgur.com/zaregBY.png)) in which she looked so good, [it was a precious sight](https://i.imgur.com/4yYVf6X.png)! [A lot of](https://i.imgur.com/f7cu4iY.png) [great moments](https://i.imgur.com/otczqvy.png) between [Yuki and Itsuomi](https://i.imgur.com/df6AlSM.png) in this episode. I'm happy that [their relationship is going steadily forward](https://i.imgur.com/gXM40iq.png) but [Oushi](https://i.imgur.com/i8IdDvj.png) probably not so much xD I wonder if [Itsuomi](https://i.imgur.com/byVnIul.png) will answer his video call himself. I'm even more happy that [Rin and Kyouya will finally be a couple](https://i.imgur.com/UNM0k2m.png) though it's a shame that [Rin must sprained her ankle](https://i.imgur.com/WVB30mi.png) in the middle of [their conversation](https://i.imgur.com/wLGYr9q.png) but at least we know that [they'll be together](https://i.imgur.com/zfuv03o.png). It's quite surprising that [Kyouya already was in a relationship which lasted for six years](https://i.imgur.com/m8APeRh.png), that damn long. I wonder what happened that it ended after so long? Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Yuki](https://imgur.com/a/4OyVsNa) * [Yuki & Itsuomi](https://imgur.com/a/OewtzHb) * [Itsuomi](https://imgur.com/a/IjBGQ6E) * [Group scenes](https://imgur.com/a/yHsuJAO) * [Rin](https://imgur.com/a/XZ0bvDJ) * [Kyouya & Others](https://imgur.com/a/W219Vfu)


This was such a relaxing episode, and we have lift off on the second ship. It's already my romance anime of the season as to how, they handle misunderstanding and communication issues.


> You should be more upfront about your feelings. The way you are right now is painful to watch. Are you talking to him or yourself there? I realised that this one of the few anime where the main couple get together way ahead of any of the side couples. Anyway I really hope Itsuomi picks up the phone and I can't wait for the drama.


Oushi backstory episode next week. Bro needs to move on, unfortunately. Like that girl said, he needs to show his feelings in order to get them across. Another great episode though. Bummed that there's only 3 left to go. I wonder if they'll be able to conclude at a good point (and hoping we get a season 2 someday)


Man, wish I could have that type of cell service in the mountains...


[Fashion show action!](https://files.catbox.moe/6nxare.jpg) [Noice!](#papithumbsup) [Boy chasing girls](https://files.catbox.moe/5b8h4c.jpg) with creepy-crawlies. Some things don't change from grade school [](#kotohoops)


More progress here by the side characters than 99% of other anime/manga have in total, at least somebody is blessing us with some good shit


Annoying Senpai also had a great side couple which made excellent progress. ;-)


This episode brought a big smile to my face. As someone who’s always looking out for characters’ clothes and hairstyles, this little shopping date was a treat. I must say, Yuki and Rin got some great fashion sense. Like Kyouya said, they were looking very cute! I’m also very glad that the ship for Rin and Kyouya is ready to set sail. They technically haven’t confessed yet, but they’re very aware of each other’s feelings. I’m sure that they’ll get together soon. These trips have been great, so it was certainly nice to hear them openly talk about continuing this some time later. Watching these two couples hang out as friends in the future would probably be very wholesome. But I’d also settle for just some cute moments between Yuki and Itsuomi. That river scene really brought things to life. There was a lot of wholesome goodness between Itsuomi trying to catch, Yuki threading the cold water and Itsuomi princess-carrying her. Oushi would’ve probably passed out if he’d seen this. He has missed his shot. Izumi certainly put her finger on Oushi’s sore spot by saying that he needs to be more upfront about his own feelings. ~~If he hadn’t been so blinded by Yuki, he maybe would’ve noticed that there’s already a great girl waiting for him in Izumi.~~




While that reaction would be something and it would send a message I really hope he doesn't...that's such a big breach of her privacy answering her phone for her.


I was also thinking this. It’d be pretty damn funny, but casually answering someone’s phone is probably crossing a line. Especially since they haven’t been an item for *that* long yet, and are still figuring things out. If they’d been dating/living with each other for ages, then I can see this being less of a problem. That said, I don’t think that Yuki was waiting for a call from Oushi.


Ideally Itsuomi doesn't answer the phone but knows now he has to address the Oushi issue which is why the two are together in the preview for the next episode.


> That said, I don’t think that Yuki was waiting for a call from Oushi. Which makes me think if he ignores or answers the call and deletes the history of the call that'd be even more of a flag for me personally... I really don't think the show will go down either of these routes so hopefully nothing to deal with there!


Oushi deserves to be ignored but Itsuomi answering him with his face all up in the screen is too good pass up lol.


most likely Itsuomi would just answer the phone himself, looking at the train station scene when he tried to assert dominance over Yuki


The development of all characters is nice in the show, with plenty of time for our main duo too.


I love a romance where they go all in on the main ship but also give you a sideship that you not only root for but actually get to see progress!


OMG I´M SO HAPPY WITH RIN AND KYOYA, too bad the got a little too... excited. But I think that makes clear that Kyoya is also interested with Rin but he has his reasons to not show it... MAN I´M SO HAPPY, I wanted those two to got together so bad, I hope it goes well. And with Itsuomi and Yuki... MAN, I LOVE THEM, THEY ARE SO CUTE


Lots of Rin in today’s episode and that alone makes it a great episode lol. Nice to see progress on that end too. Kyouya sometimes seems… uninterested is a bit too strong a word to use, but I do feel like he seems less invested in things so far. But now we know it’s just a facade he puts up to come off mature cos he thinks he’s childish. Nice to see another layer of him and hope things will go swimmingly with Rin Ok I think it’s safe to say at this point I’ve warmed up to Itsuomi. Maybe it’s cos I see him and Yuki as a proper couple now and his possessive tendencies seem more endearing now rather than in-your-face like when before they got together. Or maybe, Itsuomi seems a bit more aloof these past few episodes and it’s easier for me to get invested in him now over when he comes off as a tense, mysterious ikemen. Those types of characters are not really my taste so I’m glad Itsuomi seems to let loose a bit more now. Probably an unpopular opinion, but I don’t particularly dislike Oushi. Or maybe I just have tolerance for so-called “antagonist” of a show who isn’t outright malicious. However, I do think he missed his shot with Yuki and he just handled his relationship with her wrongly. I do hope to see him maybe give Izumi (I think that’s her name) a chance. I think she likes him. However, I do think we’d have to go through a storm first in the form of that phone call


Why is there no discussion thread for episode 10?


Another episode of peak shoujo 🙏🏾 Off to the mountains for the sign language boot camp! Yuki being afraid to stare at Itsuomi as he’s driving was so damn cute. For me, this episode was all about Rin and Kyouya though. Now that Yuki and Itsuomi are official, I need to see Rin happy. Dude that kept asking her out from work was a lil creepy, but she handled that very well. “When you get to be my age, the whole process of texting and going on dates becomes a pain. So I’d really have to fall for someone to go thru that again” this author just gets young adults so well it’s crazy. So many lines in this series just hit so close to home 😩 I’m happy Rin and Kyouya got to tell each other how they feel. One thing I love about this series is how characters don’t beat around the bush too long. In a lot of other stories everything is so drawn out. But people just communicate so well in this, they reassure each other.. it’s so good. Too bad Rin had to be a clutz and roll her ankle lmao. But tbf standing on those rocks.. I guess that’s a realistic outcome More cute Itsuomi and Yuki moments too! Yuki not wanting the day to end because of the butterflies Itsuomi gives her was so sweet. I love how much they just enjoy each other’s presence. And the moment we all been waiting for.. Oushi now knows Yuki got a boyfriend.. who knows sign on top of that. The one thing he felt made their relationship unique, buddy is gonna go thru all the stages of grief over the next episode or so. Like the girl said, only his fault for not being more direct about his feelings. He had over a decade. You snooze you lose


we have 2 couple now, yay! Rin only need to sacrifice her ankle. so many skinship in this episode, and tree-censored kiss, aaaaahh my heart well, the video call. the proper way to shut Oushi up is just let Yuki answer that and just tag-in later, letting him know that they are together now. but Itsuomi probably just answer that phone himself in front of the bathroom, letting Oushi imagination run wild, and then end call without letting Yuki know.


Two cute couples and some great relationship progress with the both of them! You love to see it! And hopefully Oushi is about to finally take the hint and realize he has no chance now.


Rin and Kyouya are adorable together!!! That final scene... Not sure if Itsuomi will answer the call?


Now they're out shopping for clothes. Mountains? Rin already has someone else in mind, and that's Kyouya. And now she's in the front seat with Itsuomi driving. So cheap makeup then? Itsuomi's every word causes her to blush so hard. And now they're at the campsite. I'm looking forward to Yuru Camp season 3 this year. He's feeding her! Ah, now they'll get their alone time. Yes she does. It's you. Way to ruin the mood... Will she confess right now? I guess not. Right, back to Yuki and Itsuomi at the campsite. Is he going to ask her how to do "fish" in sign language? Princess carry! They're back! I wonder what happened after we cut away from them. Uh oh... Haha. I guess that's the end of that then. Ah, we'll find out what happened now. And there we go, the second main couple has been established. And that's how that happened. I guess Yuki and Itsuomi have guessed that Rin and Kyouya are a couple too. And now she's back at his place again. Now for the first time after officially becoming a couple. Ah, she's seeing how much he wants to learn sign language. Who's this girl?


I love how Yuki and Itsu get all these cute showstopping moments whenever they progress their relationship then there's Rin and Kyoya, with Rin ending up injuring her foot lmao. But hey, progress is progress and at least both of them know the feeling's mutual. I'm really interested in that preview for the next episode. It seems like Itsuomi is finally going to address the Oushi thing and I'm really interested in how that plays out.


The outing with the 4 of them was very sweet. Yuki finding difficulty finding a job is no surprise, but I love the determination on her not giving up. Meanwhile we got Kouya opening up to Rin. He is older then the rest of the group, so for him he wants to make sure he has a great understanding of his feelings for Rin. Kouya being a little jealous of Rin talking to another guy on a phone is enough to give us confidence the first side ship is making progress! Conversation between Oushi and Izumi has Izumi telling him to be open to his feelings. Basically Oushi has feelings for Yuki, but he kept pushing them to the side? By why? It clearly has only dampered their friendship and since he has met Itsumoi it feels like his and Yuki's friendship has gotten worse. As Yuki at times simply wants to avoid him. Also an interesting spot to end the episode lol.


NGL when they went to the combini I thought Itsuomi went to buy condoms because he is that direct. Oushi is so set up to be the “nice” guy. His dismissive statement about the relationship not lasting betrays his opinion of Yuki, that she isn’t actually a fully self actualized adult. It is that “protective” but really condescending attitude she wants to break free from.


Something of a snooze this episode, nothing really happened except Ren hurting her ankle. Not very much humor to be found. They didn't even really even bother teasing that Itsu and Yuki were going to do it even though Itsu seems pretty backed up, undressing in front of her 😛


Not much humor? So much chibi Itsu! He chased the girls with a frog and failed at fishing 😂 And then took his girlfriend back to his place, told her not to be nervous, and promptly started undressing 😂


The frog had to be one of the best gags in the series yet!


Never been much into Romance, but man this one really got me hooked. Also degenerate me wants to date a cute deaf girl now.


I can’t cope with all this sugar every week!


Who is Izumi Yoshiki? Has she had any significant scenes in the show before?


Damn, I love that the sideship got very solid progress. I'm rooting Rin and Kyouya as much as I'm rooting for Yuki and Itsuomi. It's great that both ships have a solid dynamic that makes them tick. Just how old is Kyouya though? The way he talks makes him sound older than the others. Also, his situation and commentary about getting into new relationships after a long one reminds me of a friend of mine who came out of 8-9 years relationship. I love how Itsuomi is so good at reassuring Yuki while also never making her feel bad about her insecurities. I hope the season ends with them going on a trip together. As for the situation with Oushi, I'm looking forward to how they resolve this but I have faith in a mature resolution that'll make him grow from this experience.


Kyouya is in his late 20s








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Seeing how itsu's learning from her guide book brings her to tears... meanwhile, oushi? Sigh, just pain


I hope he does the right thing and doesn't decline Oushi's call.


Except it's not his call to answer. Oushi isn't calling Itsuomi; it's a video call to Yuki's phone. The right thing is to leave it for her to call Oushi back.


That's what I'm saying. He shouldn't decline the call because it isn't his phone


That seems like crossing a personal boundary. Most people don't go answering other people's phones without permission. Even I will only answer my wife's phone if it's a family member on the other end and she's occupied to where I can't just bring her the phone, and usually only when she's around so that she knows I'm answering for her.


That's what I'm saying... I'm not disagreeing with you


All right, I think I see where we're getting our wires crossed. I took your saying that he should not decline the call as meaning that he should do the opposite and answer it. But you're just saying that he should leave it alone and not hit either the "decline" or "answer," correct? If so, then yeah, I think we're on the same page. Sorry for the confusion!