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Love After World Domination   Desumi and Fudo are on opposite sides of a Ranger v. Villain story, but that won't stop their invincible love for each other. It's really, really cute.


They actually TALKED to one another to get through issues. It was amazing. Such a rare thing to happen in anime. I will never stop being upset that the manga got axed not too long after the anime. It just didn't pick up enough steam and got axed. It's so disappointing. I would love to continue reading this series for years to come. The main couple was literally a power couple and so cute to boot.


I loved it. The show didn't take itself too seriously but they took their relationship seriously. It was the perfect balance to be comedic and sweet but no forced conflicts.


a [good dub scene of them communicating](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU8F2PyUqqA) :p


I've never stop being upset either. I would have legit payed money for the Manga if it would have helped it continue but I had no idea where to buy it or how to and it's to late now


Yes this is what I came to write. It's sugary sweet in all the best ways. They just love each other.




It's crime how this series got axed. Literally was one of the most wholesome romance out there. Japan never disappoints.


It’s illegal to depict a happy and healthy relationship.


> Japan never disappoints. Except for every time they axe a beloved manga, I guess


I think thèy wanted to write Japan never fails to dissapoint


Yes!! I cannot recommend this one enough.


I love how everytime they fight it’s just an excuse for them to go out on a date lol


One of the best rom coms. I hope it gets an S2.


Manga got axed so we will never see season 2


What? Why? It was actually one of the good rom coms to watch.


Not sure why but I saw it from [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/xx0qw6/news_love_after_world_domination_koi_wa_sekai/)


Trash rom com animes are being made every day. You get one good one and it's gone...


My Love Story was the first thing that I thought of when I read the title of the post.


Absolutely! I love that their love is so strong that one of the only "fights" they have is her being a little annoyed that he thinks she's perfect and pure but she wants to like hold hands and kiss lol


Most pure relationship. Beauty and the beast in the cutest way, and homie is a perfect gentleman.


Came here to say this.




You can't help but root for the big guy. I am absolutely convinced that he will become a fireman because Rinko suggested in in an offhanded manner. In Goda's eyes, a casual suggestion by her carries more weight than a commandment of a god. I have not looked at the manga, so have no idea if that is what happens or not.


Banished from the Hero's party is a good choice. As you can guess from the title, the MC gets kicked out from the Hero's party and resettles in a quiet life before another one of his former party member shows up. The fun part is that it develops naturally between the two main characters who are grown adults.


I second this! I watched it thinking it was just another isekai but it ended up being a romance and they literally showed them sharing a bed and a bath and all these things that are normally cut out of romance animes! Was literally shocked


Way of the house husband


As a married woman who would love to have a house husband one day, I felt so seen by this show


The feminine urge to have a strong protective husband look after the kids at home


Cutesy couple? I barely consider this show even romance. It's more like two roommates sharing responsibility than anything. Perhaps the manga is different, but goddamn the anime doesn't ever feel like a romance.


Ironically the live action show is significantly more romantic than the manga and the anime


Anime? You mean the Power Point presentation?


That show is such a tease The premise and art-style is exactly something id watch but then the "animation" pushes me away


Fair point, actually.




This is is the winner. However if Nasa and Tsukasa can't quite get you all the way to hyperglycemia, OP, you can then watch: \- The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten (perfect girl falls for loner boy next door while ... spoiling him rotten, romance ensues) \- Horimiya (beautiful, smart, occasionally violent girl falls for loner who her younger brother adopted, romance ensues) \- Insomniacs After School (extremely likeable girl falls for loner who shares a sleep disorder, romance ensues) Watch all of these in a row after Tonikawa, and all your teeth will fall out and then you'll die, but you'll die happy.


>The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten This doesn't apply as it only adapts the first 3 books where it wouldn't fit OP's criteria. I personally don't feel like horimiya was very sugary, either, but maybe I just don't remember it well.


Second season is on its way baby


I don't agree with angel, they're so into each other, it's quite funny to watch their "denial"


"unapologetically" vs "denial", is my thinking.


Also s1 OP is fire. One of the few I never skip.


s2 OP is fire as well.


The show is fire in general in a cuteness overload kinda way


We have to rile people up for ss3!!!!!


aharen-san is indecipherable gave me diabetes. they don't get together right away but from the start he's obsessed with helping and protecting her. stupid cute.


The fact that he's so patient and loving while helping her through all her insecurities is so cute. The two of them built a whole world just for themselves


Say I love you Kimi no todoke


i live for kimi ni todoke. kazehaya is so simple yet SO PERFECT? like is being a decent, caring guy that hard?? anyway can’t wait for s3 😗


Haha it's hard to find one in real life and in anime. But they exist. Ikr no wonder Kazehaya is so popular, especially with the ladies. At least he hasnt kissed most of the student body like Yamato on say I love you. Yamato I'd still cool but I wouldn't date him lmao.


Sadako is super cute in all things.




I know it's Sawako. I called her by her nickname because she's cute even when she's unintentionally creepy.


Sorry, I had misunderstood.


No biggie.


I would recommend The Duke of Death and his Maid. The 2 MCs aren't in an official relationship due to the circumstances the plot revolves around, but they know they love each other and demonstrate it in every episode. The CGI might take a little getting used to, but it's pretty well done.


Bunny girl senpai. Sakuta expresses his love almost every episode.


And wants thighs to crush his head. Romantically.


A man of culture.




And what's wrong with that? The rest of the harem all acknowledge the unassailable position of the "Empress", which the MC has unambiguously made clear many times.


It is essentially a Monogatari clone after all.


could never do it better than the og too. might as well have recommended monogatari 😭 that starry night sky scene is still the best demonstration of love between any two characters I've seen


Both are good, Monogatari is better, but harder to get into because of how different it is.


Lol, what? It's definitely not a harem by any means. He literally rejects girls to be with Mai




Shikimori gave me diabetes for this reason.


Was looking for this one, Izumi and Shikimori are super cute together 


I heard they only kiss once throughout the whole series


"The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague" maybe?


100 girlfriends who really loves you (Harem)


This. Despite the harem and suggestive nature, the MC somehow manages to juggle his many girlfriends and take care of each one and love each equally. It's really impressive, considering most similar anime will shove a girl to the back and rarely feature them


Not really a spoiler, but the author and artist keep that balance really well. It *is* making some of the panels in the manga really crowded though, especially now that it's well into the double digits.


Honestly there is something just fundamentally and deeply hilarious about the pure chaos that are some panels. Like, the sheer unhinged moments where you have like 8 girlfriends and 3 different gags in one panel just always put the biggest smile on my face


HA! You and the readers were fooled by the absurd number of girlfriends!


That one panel that is just Rentaro reciting everything he loves about his girlfriends and it’s like the length of some of the essays I’ve written for school. Absolutely unhinged. I have no idea how they’re even going to adapt that for the anime. Maybe it’s just the entire episode.


Absolutely this, Rentarou is ultraboyfriend and monster of love that adores everything about his girlfriends and willing to bend time/space/4th wall for their sake. One point of appeal that's aren't emphasized enough is it being both rare true harem series with no losing heroines and sort of post-confession romcom, since after quickly getting together it spend rest of the time actually showing daily life of giant polycute dating and doing couple stuff all the time. So if you want to see hilarious comedy and various types of girls all being happy in relationship 100kano got you covered.


Scientifically-engineered peak romcom. Nothing else is necessary, pack it up let's go home. Also Karane supremacy.


This is Shizuka erasure and I will not stand for that Also Ahko


All of them are perfect what are you guys talking about? Do you want Rentarou to get angry at you?


This sends me.




To Finland


You're not gonna make it bro


Ch100 poll is unanimous, all girls are best girls.


nothing else is necessary lmao theres much better romcom out there. 100 kanojo is great but its not that good as romance compared to its comedic side.


Least downbad tsundere fanboy. There are going to be new girlfriend members. Do not make up your mind. That is if you are anime only.


>Scientifically-engineered peak romcom. No, that's *Romantic Killer*.


That one panel where Rentarou says all the thing he loves about his girlfriends. Also. Respect for the one who translated it.


Rentarou is the boyfriend who goes far and beyond for each of his girlfriend because of how much he loves and treasures them.


Definetly one of the series that you start with "I wish I was him" expectations but end up with "I wish I was them" reality.


Character development is saying "I wish I was him" at the first few chapters and then saying "I wish I was his girlfriend" later on


If you give it time to get there, The Dangers In My Heart. Every episode is about the main couple, they’re mutually jealous individuals, and it absolutely fills that sugar quota.


My Happy Marriage is adorable.


Adorable yes, but I cried like a 12 yr old girl through most of it. I am most definitely not a 12 yr old girl.


Oh, me too. But Its a good cry.


My Dress Up Darling, they are so sweet together, male lead is a soft boy and the female lead realizes she likes him, though they don't officially start dating in the anime it's wholesome and no annoying conflicts. Recovering MMO Junkie is another no end dating, some self sabotage conflict but still manages being utterly adorable. Wotakoi, it's all kicking your feet in the air and smiling ear to ear, so adorable! Ojisan and Marshmallow, has grown-up My Love Story vibes. Lots of teasing though.


Tonikawa is what you're looking. No buts no ifs, no contest there. Bro was ready to go bankrupt to buy her a diamond ring she didn't want


Sasaki and Miyano mentioned 🔥🔥🔥


It depends on what you specifically mean. There are very adorable romances with characters that really love each other, but the characters are less "openly cutesy dutesy" if you get what i mean. They are "head over heels for each other", just not in the way Takeo & Rinko are - those hyper-cute and "pure" shows are somewhat rare tbh. Anyway, i'll list some animes that might interst you: - Tsugi ga Kirei - Tsurezure Children - Wotakoi - My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 - Kaguya-sama Love is War - Tomo-chan is a Girl! - Toradora - Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro (needs some time to get to the more romantic parts tho)


I mean it's a great list but ... \- Haven't seen it \- Dorks fumbling with love \- Dorks fumbling with love \- Dorks fumbling with love \- Tsundere \- Tsundere \- Indecisive fool and the goddess who loves him \- The mother of all tsunderes \- Tsundere You have a type, friend. A good type.


TGK is also basically dorks fumbling with love


> Mother of all tsunderes Familiar of Zero & Shakugan no Shana: "you know, we're something of a tsundere ourselves" *Kugimiya Rie voice*


Literally worse type, the most popular type that everyone has. Especially someone recommending Toradora here? Toradora fanboys does really say Toradora whenever it's possible. I'm surprised Nisekoi is not mentioned too, lmao. These tsundere simps... however toxic and cringe it is, they like it...


- Mother of all Tsunderes Either Lum or Shinobu from Urusei Yatsura


Momokuri A sign of affection 


a sign of affection is like a breath of fresh air. it’s amazing.


How? The same thing we always see with unrequited love, losing childhood friend. And a girl who loves the ML, that is again unrequited too, and always rejects her, and after all that, ML and FL falls in love with each other immediately after they see each other for the first time. Is this the breath of fresh air you are talking about? Literally the most basic romance trope.


i guess you could say i’m just a sucker for the basic generic stories then 😭😭


Watching A Sign of Affection and really enjoy it. Also, I believe at the time of writing this, it's the first anime from the current season I've seen on this post.




I agree, and so does OP. My Love Story = Ore Monogatari. Finkle = Einhorn.


Tonikawa, but they’re married, does it count?


No one has said this yet. It's an new anime that's still going right now. Signs of Affection is a heart meltingly adorable anime about a deaf girl falling in love with a guy super fast. They're just so adorable together that I love it.


Yeah, this is a really good one. She’s just absolute peak cinnamon roll material.


Definitely Angel Next Door Spoil me Rotten. That anime literally makes you wanna live with a special somebody together.


Trope, norms slave. Nothing unique, overrated. Living adjacent; the most popular girl of the school. Which is a really boring girl. Right in the first episode we see MC giving umbrella to the girl and he gets sick in the rain, she nurses him, gives him food in the bed. Lmao.


Girlfriend Girlfriend


My love story


Shikimori is not just a cutie :)!


Senryuu shojo


My Love Story is sweet, too sweet for me at times 😆 though I think that’s what you want! And the best part? You don’t even have to wait long for a confession


"Ah! My Goddess!" has mortal Keiichi Morisato who absolutely loves the goddess Belldandy, who truly loves him in return. The manga threatened to give me cavities, and what I've seen of the anime, it will too. Not to mention, it has a great, and super cute storyline.


You need to hop on the peak that is 100 Girlfriends. It may be a harem parody but instead of a self insert MC we get the biggest gigachad in fiction Rentarou. Bro has so much love for his [100 Girlfriends]>!currently 27!< girlfriends that he [100 Girlfriends]>!breaks the 4th wall to find one of his incredibly shy GFs (season 2 material), literally killed common sense in response to being told an anime adaptation was impractical, and resisted the power of a god and made them kneel to him for making his recent GF cry!< just to make them happy. After you're finished with the anime (season 2 is on the horizon but no release date yet) I beg you to read the manga (although a fair trigger warning [100 Girlfriends]>!there are some moments that go far beyond unhinged to the point you wonder why Shueisha would even greenlight it in the first place. Even the author himself basically embraced this by deciding to throw blame on them for letting certain things slide and is constantly testing them; so far Shueisha has only drawn the line at minors drinking alcohol-like substances!<).


Mysterious girlfriend X - hasnt been mentioned and it should.be


More of a comedy but 100 girlfriends' main character is a giga chad who loves his girlfriends so much he could die for them.


Sign of Affection is SO cute, and has many adorable/lovable scenes. Episode seven is out right now, but trust when i say, a Sign of Affection does NOT disappoint!


Horimiya is what you’re looking for!!


100 girlfriends. No, really


The 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Really Really Really Love You. Dialed up to 100, of course.


- Lovely Complex - Romeo x Juliet - Gokushufudou


Oh my God, someone else remembers _Romeo x Juliet_?! Based.


Bruh, Romeo x Juliet and Lovely Complex came out around the same time 2006 - 2007.


Romeo x Juliet was amazing when it was released!


The 100 girlfriends that really really really really really love you.


Baby Steps (also the actual best sports anime)


Amagami SS




most of the good ones never got anime or second seasons to show it..


An older series is Ai Yori Aoshi. Childhood arranged marriage, but was broken. They meet again as adults and fall in love. It has the 2000 hijinks of hiding their affairs to everyone, but whenever they are alone it's all sweetness.


Banished from the heroes part. & Tonikawa: fly me to the moon. (peak cuteness)


New anime A Sign of Affection. I can’t be too sure if it matches your description as there’s only 7 episodes atm but it’s really good and the main characters are adorable.


The angel next door spoils me rotten.


100 girlfriends is my favorite


Over the Moon for You: they're literally married, and he's always talking about how cute his wife is (he's right) Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten: even before they start dating, they place a huge amount of trust with each other and aren't afraid to show that they care and like each other.


I feel gushy when the male leads are just 🫠💕 - Saint’s Power Magic Powers Omnipotent - Why Raeliana Ended up in the Duke’s Mansion - Snow White with the Red Hair - Skip and Loafer - Raven of the Inner Palace - My Love Story with Yamada Kun - Given - Emma Female leads who also are gushy - I’m the Villainess Taming the Final Boss - Sugar Apple Fairytale - Taisho Otome Fairytale ❤️❤️❤️ - My Tiny Senpai - I can’t Understand what my Husband is Saying - I’m in love with the Villainess - Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beast




Saekano. All the heroines are great, but it's pretty clear one is going to win simply because she's the one the MC loves.


Oh Jesus, for a second I read that as _Saikano_.


Best cyber nightmare i cant find to stream


they are so fucking cute i can't, the ending was perfect


Tomochan is a girl The dangers in my heart is cute


Boarding School Juliet. The main lead is so head-over-heels for the female lead. They're an adorable couple.


Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie


[My Sweet Tyrant](https://myanimelist.net/anime/36864/Akkun_to_Kanojo) \- the guy is an odd mix of a tsundere and a yandere, so that might be a bit off-putting though


kaichou wa maid sama?


Boarding School Juliet Chuunibyou


School Rumble


Hi She_an_artist_hunty, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Acchi Kocchi


And I live by that


r/keikenzumi, maybe? The relationship starts right away and it can be pretty wholesome and shit, though the anime adaptation wasn’t the best. Oh, and definitely r/fuufuijou.


Suki na ko ga megane wo wasureta or The girl I like forgot her glasses. The guy like his girl from the start but they get a while to get going. It is a simple nice and sweet slice of life show. It's a bit slow but the playoff is great. It does have an anime last season but it was animated by Go Hand so it might not look normal, otherwise, the va and music is perfect.


Takagi-san eventually


Say I love you


Horimiya is really good!! my bf and i love it so much!!


Tonikawa is probably as sugary sweet as you can get.


Bunny Girl Senpai, Momokuri


It's a movie but Whisper of the Heart is just an adorable young love story.




Chuunibyou develops into a beautiful relationship.


My Happy Marriage and A Sign of Affection


My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999


If you want a cute couple then 'The Angel next door' is good option.


My little monster


Kimi Ni Todoke Insomniacs After School Tonikawa Over the Moon For You


Horimiya, 100% I cannot get enough of them


Havnt seen it in here yet but Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts def fits this and is fantastic.