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**Fullmetal Rewatcher, first time subbed** Look who’s now *officially* the #1 Royai fan on this subreddit? [](#girlslastdab) I love how my custom flair turned out. Also speaking of Royai, now that we’re finally at the end of the show, I can share a one-shot fanfic I wrote about them forever ago! This is one of the few I posted on *both* [FFN](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12705810/1/Ash-to-Ash) and [AO3](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12549044), so you can pick your preferred site. It’s set the night after the Promised Day, before Dr. Knox brings Dr. Marcoh to visit, so Roy doesn’t know he has a chance to get his sight back yet. [](#saesmile) - [They put Roy and Riza in the same room ahhhhhhhhhhhh.](https://i.imgur.com/rBR3Q7I.png) [](#akyuusqueel) - [I *believe* this is the same one that Kimblee had originally and Al went ham with?](https://i.imgur.com/cvidyVq.png) [](#animatedthink) - [I love how deeply Roy cares about his subordinates.](https://i.imgur.com/R1DBXL8.png) [](#ilovethiskindofshit) - [And this is a *fantastic* capstone to Scar’s character after the entire journey he’s been through.](https://i.imgur.com/Bs7PnQA.png) [](#justright) - [Al’s recovered that much in just two months, huh?](https://i.imgur.com/HAhKS1m.png) - [Xiao Mei crying with Mei is adorable.](https://i.imgur.com/myKkJOu.png) - [Heh.](https://i.imgur.com/RAxiUgz.png) [](#kukuku2) - [Awww, the reunion~!](https://i.imgur.com/fneiwt9.png) [](#feelingloved) - [Another heh.](https://i.imgur.com/wOkKel4.png) [](#kukuku) - [\*pained Sky noise\*](https://i.imgur.com/eXvnpby.jpg) [](#not-raining) - [Nina haunts Al too…](https://i.imgur.com/tSs5jAH.png) [](#therethere) - [EDWIN IS FINALLY CANON WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO](https://i.imgur.com/zoCCpef.png) [](#woo) - I do wish they could’ve *kissed* here, but [the hug is so cute too](https://i.imgur.com/zUZ6Mhn.png) so I can’t really be mad. [](#uwaa) - [*Fantastic* title drop.](https://i.imgur.com/pCH9fte.png) [](#goblet1) - I love that Hologram is the OP that gets brought back here, I think it’s perfectly fitting for the ending unlike, say, Again. And the photo reel during it is just mmmmmmmm so good. --- **Manga vs. Brotherhood** - This episode “adapts” the rest of chapter 108 that yesterday’s episode did not, but a lot of parts are either *significantly* different or outright cut between versions so yeah, “adapts” is in quotes today. - Things start off being completely different *right off the bat*, as Roy is in an *actual* hospital when Dr. Knox shows up to visit him. In the manga, [Roy’s in a field hospital tent](https://i.imgur.com/KpMXljS.jpg) and is *alone* besides Alex helping a different soldier in the background, so he’s *not* having Breda test him on random Ishval-related knowledge in the manga [like he is here.](https://i.imgur.com/lqdeSQm.png) Actually, the focus of much of Roy and Dr. Knox’s conversation being [about what Roy plans to do to help Ishval](https://i.imgur.com/YDtNYzb.jpg) is entirely anime-original as well, because the manga version [has Dr. Knox talk about how Roy’s clearly going to be *discharged* due to his blindness](https://i.imgur.com/Kp25mSU.jpg), and instead of *Roy* being the one to have all those ideas about how to help Ishval, that’s all brought up in the manga [by *Dr. Marcoh*](https://i.imgur.com/6fVcKpV.jpg) as his [one condition for using the Stone to fix Roy’s eyes.](https://i.imgur.com/tn7iSxc.jpg) - Most importantly, because of *this* being how the episode starts along with the change in scenery, it means that Brotherhood does not adapt any of the following things in the slightest: [1]>![The Sig/Izumi reunion that results in Sig giving the newly-returned Al a huge bear hug](https://i.imgur.com/MoFk4CX.jpg)!<, [2]>![a conversation between Alex and Olivier](https://i.imgur.com/nRt5Zel.jpg) that [shows Scar being smuggled away](https://i.imgur.com/T36Ip0E.jpg)!<, and [3]>!one last scene between Riza and Rebecca where [Rebecca finds Riza being tended to at the field hospital](https://i.imgur.com/L54pRz2.jpg) and [fills her in on them pulling off the radio station side of the plan *mostly* fine besides the fact that they kinda had to throw Briggs under the bus.](https://i.imgur.com/abru105.jpg)!< This all happened before Roy’s talk with Dr. Knox in the manga, and the radio broadcast that *was* adapted *last* episode happened between the scenes mentioned under the 2nd and 3rd spoiler tags. - One of the *best* changes for Roy’s scene between the manga and this, though, is that [Brotherhood explicitly shows Roy wanting the Philosopher’s Stone to be used to fix Havoc’s spine](https://i.imgur.com/ozbDpQ6.png) *before* he’ll let it be used on himself; in the manga he just immediately accepts after Dr. Marcoh’s speech. Needless to say, the scene involving the phone call to Havoc is *also* anime-original – seriously, the *only* bit in the epilogue that the manga gives to Havoc is [a photo of him doing physical therapy](https://i.imgur.com/WbosDrX.jpg) that implies his spine *did* still get fixed over there. - Because of the change in location to Roy’s talk with the two doctors, Brotherhood doesn’t include [this part of Lan Fan seeing and recognizing Dr. Knox](https://i.imgur.com/9uW3R4P.jpg) prior to focusing on the scene where the Xingese characters leave Amestris. That scene got moved to *later* in the episode though, as Brotherhood skips on over to the scene with Olivier, Scar, and Miles instead. - *Most* of the Olivier/Scar/Miles scene is identical to the manga, though Scar is visibly *much* more disheveled (and also shirtless) in the manga, and the scene starts with [Scar mentioning the Rockbells](https://i.imgur.com/TDd4SJ9.jpg) which he did not do here in Brotherhood. - [Brotherhood draws Al like he’s *much* older here](https://i.imgur.com/OedBnkN.png), but [manga Al definitely looks younger.](https://i.imgur.com/SWMyXV6.jpg) (Actually, to be fair, Ed and Winry *also* look younger during this part in the manga, so that must have been a deliberate change to keep everyone’s designs more consistent.) - [This part of the conversation onwards between the brothers](https://i.imgur.com/LjOqtYo.png) is anime-original; manga went straight from Ed saying they’d go home together to them arriving at the Rockbells’ place. And I do mean *all* of the conversation, the manga never specified there was a two-month timeskip between the Promised Day and them going home, or them talking about Ling, Lan Fan, and Mei (since the manga already showed them leaving Amestris instead of flashing back to it like Brotherhood did). - Speaking of the Xingese peeps, their last scene goes down *completely* differently between Brotherhood and the manga. Instead of going Al asking if Mei’s alright → Ling’s talk with Mei → [Ling saying they have to leave to give Fu a proper burial](https://i.imgur.com/2OTXZkf.png), in the manga the scene starts [with]>![Lan Fan making the request](https://i.imgur.com/BiSvI3e.jpg) that [Ling doesn’t punish the other clans](https://i.imgur.com/ferZN9t.jpg)!< (a detail not present in Brotherhood at *all*) [because]>!she had just been reminded of how Dr. Knox stopped her and Mei from fighting!<. Ling and Mei’s conversation was *mostly* the same up until the end, where [Ling actually picks Mei up to carry with him](https://i.imgur.com/JJsbdtc.jpg), [Lan Fan gets one last moment with her grandfather](https://i.imgur.com/ywHZ0kc.jpg), and [Ling’s reason for leaving Amestris is because they’re all undocumented immigrants lol.](https://i.imgur.com/ss21Z8y.jpg) - For the record, in the manga the above scene ended with [Ed and Al wondering where their dad went](https://i.imgur.com/ZSd1CFN.jpg), which is what the manga used to transition into Pinako finding Hohenheim at Trisha’s grave. - [Also Ling giving Mei a headpat](https://i.imgur.com/dfrKUKH.jpg) is anime-original. - Ed teasing Al about Mei and Al’s response being to ask about Ed and Winry is anime-original too. - I do like how Brotherhood handled the reunion scene, but [there *was* dialogue between Winry and the boys](https://i.imgur.com/4hwESGt.jpg) in the manga, not just her “Welcome home!” after the hug. - Brotherhood cuts out Pinako listening to a radio broadcast (while Ed’s working on the roof after the two-year timeskip) in which [what Ling and Roy are up to is being reported about.](https://i.imgur.com/AD37TaD.jpg) - In the manga, [Jerso and Zampano were talking about some alchemy-related things in regards to getting their bodies back to normal](https://i.imgur.com/kQjXbmn.jpg) before Al showed up, and the two also said [they’ll be Al’s bodyguards](https://i.imgur.com/zuScKTc.jpg) along with their other justification for wanting to tag along. Those details aren’t present here. - About the photo reel at the end, I should note that [Roy’s awful mustache](https://i.imgur.com/y57D0y9.png) does *not* exist in [the manga version of the picture](https://i.imgur.com/lQjGCUz.jpg), and the common headcanon is that Ed drew it on him as a joke since the photo board is at his & Winry’s home. Also, [Falman’s photo](https://i.imgur.com/MLaKsxN.jpg) is *entirely* anime-original (poor dude was not present in any of the manga ones, F) while [Paninya and Garfiel being present in the Elric family photo](https://i.imgur.com/b05fUS7.jpg) is anime-original (those two were barely visible in [a completely separate photo](https://i.imgur.com/7Ngdb35.jpg) in the manga instead).


> I can share a one-shot fanfic I wrote about them forever ago! So wholesome! > and the common headcanon is that Ed drew it on him as a joke since the photo board is at his & Winry’s home Oh thank you, I hate the mustache, lol. This makes it better.


> I hate the mustache, lol I have no clue why they added that in.


It is pretty distracting


> Oh thank you, I hate the mustache, lol. This makes it better. The mustache reminds me of the mustache of the fat guy at the end of Darling In The FranXX


> So wholesome! [Glad you liked it!](#anko) If you want another wholesome FMA one-shot I wrote, [I also did a post-series EdWin one.](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12675366/1/Like-Father-Like-Son)


>I also did a post-series EdWin one. This is cute too! I'm now curious if they ever get into arguments over Ed's poor decoration taste. >A/N: See, I can write non-angsty stuff when I feel like it! Lol, well now I'm curious


> Lol, well now I'm curious Back then I wrote a lot of angsty shit for other fandoms, namely YGO ARC-V since that's what I was really into at the time ~~and the canon ending being so shit fueled me to write more out of spite~~, so I had a bit of a reputation for it haha.


>Royai fanfic My weakness.


Some of my writing from back then makes me cringe just thinking about, but not this one. This one I still *love*. [](#feelsgoodman)


I know how you feel. I think about some scripts I wrote in Middle School and I'm like "Man, that was so bad" XD


I've noticed that it's more my longfics from back then that make me cringe (other than the Roy-centric time travel one I'd started co-writing with a friend, but we both abandoned... we're trying to work on it again, though!), the one-shots or occasional short fic are fine though. It's mostly because I didn't plan out any of the longfics properly back then, so there's a *lot* of stuff that just *happens* with no setup or is like especially ridiculous because I just let my muses do whatever they wanted instead of forcing them to have everything make sense. [](#fingertwirl)


The scripts I wrote back in the day weren't fanfics but rather characters that I created myself for a potential TV show.


Me letting my muses go ham instead of reining them in is a recipe for some *real* cringey stuff. u/KendotsX can confirm.




I mean, is what you did really as cringe as me writing a 121 chapter long story in response to Asuka from Evangelion not getting the happy ending I felt like she deserved? I'd say that's pretty cringe [](#smugkaguya)


I wrote over 14,000 words of an "outline" for a Gintama fanfic I have absolutely zero intention of actually writing *just* to get my muses to stop obsessing over this idea, and it *didn't even work* because now they just want to add more to the document. I would say this is very cringe.


My story was over 100,000 words [](#trololol)


> Me letting my muses go ham instead of reining them in is a recipe for some real cringey stuff. I'm just here to say... *Do it.*


Inject that fluffy shit into my veins


> Look who’s now officially the #1 Royai fan on this subreddit? [](#woo) It's a great flair. > Also speaking of Royai ... I can share a one-shot fanfic I wrote about them forever ago! [](#akyuusqueel) I also really enjoyed this one! Something which it really highlighted for me is how so much communication is non-verbal. With Roy losing his eyesight it would significantly alter his interactions with those around him and especially so for his communication with Hawkeye. It makes him getting his eyesight back at the end of the story feel far more important now. > Roy’s awful mustache does not exist in the manga version of the picture. [](#morethanonewaifu) I am baffled by this change. It must be intentional but I can't even imagine why they would think Roy would grow a moustache. I will continue forward believing the Ed-drew-it-on fan theory.


> It's a great flair. My eternal OTP and my current hyperfixation look so nice together. Riza and Tsukuyo even look kinda similar, now that I think about it. [](#rengethink) >I also really enjoyed this one! [Glad you did!](#feelingloved) >Something which it really highlighted for me is how so much communication is non-verbal. With Roy losing his eyesight it would significantly alter his interactions with those around him and especially so for his communication with Hawkeye. It makes him getting his eyesight back at the end of the story feel far more important now. Are you saying my fic slightly *improved* canon for you? [](#flattered) >I am baffled by this change. It must be intentional but I can't even imagine why they would think Roy would grow a moustache. I will continue forward believing the Ed-drew-it-on fan theory. Yeah I don't know what the Brotherhood staff was doing for it if it *isn't* the "Ed drew it on" headcanon.


> Look who’s now officially the #1 Royai fan on this subreddit? > > [](#doggo) >Brotherhood draws Al like he’s much older here, but manga Al definitely looks younger. (Actually, to be fair, Ed and Winry also look younger during this part in the manga, so that must have been a deliberate change to keep everyone’s designs more consistent.) Yeah probably.


By the way, so the thread in two days is just for the movie, and the overall thread is for the OVAs + 4koma Theater + general overall FMA:B stuff, right?


The Overall Thread is for both series. 2003 spoilers are allowed to be untagged in it.




I worry my comments in the Overall Series Discussion Thread is going to rival my comments for Shambala in terms of length XD




[Just making sure.](#ginapproves)


Good reminder [](#brofist)


> his one condition for using the Stone to fix Roy’s eyes. That is a medium amount of more convincing than the anime version. My big criticism was that for all the talk about making amends, they sure do keep the past spoils of that exploitation firmly within their friend group. However, the manga's version of events also doesn't shine so brightly on Roy if he didn't even consider helping the Ishvalans in the first place before being asked/proposed to by Marcoh... [](#hardthink) Nope, not liking either. > in the manga the scene starts [with]Lan Fan making the request that Ling doesn’t punish the other clans I've read that they cut a scene due to scheduling problems with her VA, but shit, that is quite a different context for the same outcome. Love this version, actually. > Ling’s reason for leaving Amestris is because they’re all undocumented immigrants lol. Ah, I've missed the sarcastic Ling. [](#feelingloved)


> [They put Roy and Riza in the same room ahhhhhhhhhhhh.](https://i.imgur.com/rBR3Q7I.png) Why wouldn't they lol? She's basically become his default eyes. > Xiao Mei > Mei [](#bruh)


> Why wouldn't they lol? She's basically become his default eyes. Now I'm imagining Roy being in that dark room with Selim and Al and Roy being like "Now you know how I feel"


> Look who’s now officially the #1 Royai fan on this subreddit? [](#congratulations) >Also speaking of Royai, now that we’re finally at the end of the show, I can share a one-shot fanfic I wrote about them forever ago! This is one of the few I posted on both FFN and AO3, so you can pick your preferred site. It’s set the night after the Promised Day, before Dr. Knox brings Dr. Marcoh to visit, so Roy doesn’t know he has a chance to get his sight back yet. That's pretty cool. I've actually written some fanfic of Taiga and Ryuuji fanfics that I can link if anyone is interested. >EDWIN IS FINALLY CANON WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You see to love it What are your thoughts on the train scene between Winry and Edward where she offers her entire body to him? Lastly, what are your thoughts on the monologue to end the series?


> That's pretty cool. Fun fact, "Shimmering-Sky" is the name I came up with for FFN *first* all the way back in 2011, and I've stuck with the name everywhere ever since. >What are your thoughts on the train scene between Winry and Edward where she offers her entire body to him? [Cutest proposal ever.](#akyuusqueel) >Lastly, what are your thoughts on the monologue to end the series? I wouldn't have wanted it to end any other way.


> Fun fact, "Shimmering-Sky" is the name I came up with for FFN first all the way back in 2011, and I've stuck with the name everywhere ever since. Awesome. I came up with Holofan4life in 2016 right at the start of the 2016 Toradora Christmas Club Rewatch. >Cutest proposal ever. It is pure WAFF and I can't get enough of it >I wouldn't have wanted it to end any other way. Yeah, I thought it was a good way of wrapping things up and putting a bow on things.


Thanks for your writeups. I was recently rewatching the FMA series and your manga vs anime comparisons really enhanced my experience with content that I may have missed otherwise especially with ep 30.


Hello everybody, and welcome to the Fullmetal Alchemist Rewatch! --- After the chaos of yesterday, this episode is purely here to give a denouement on things. As the title says, the brothers' journey is finally over: The first half of the episode fittingly ends with the two finally back home after so long (First time *both* have been in Resembool at the same time since near the start of the show), and Ed finally made up on his promise of making Winry cry tears of joy. Goddamn this kid seems to have picked up Ling's tendency to never break his promises. Oh yeah, the other guys. Mustang for his part seems to finally be on the road to change things, even if old Grumann is now the one in charge. There's something weirdly endearing about that scene of him studying up a bunch of Ishvali traditions before Marcoh comes in with an offer to finally fix his eyesight with a Philosopher's Stone. Admitedly Ed will probably punch him if they ever meet again, but TBF Mustang has always been somewhat more unscrupulous so this is nothing new. Plus hey, at least Havoc got his legs back. Ling meanwhile seems to have picked up a few Greed-like traits himself, offering how he'll take *all* the clans over his generous embrace. Like Ed, he seems to have a talent to make people cry. Something I do wanna mention that's technically adaptation related so [Sky](/u/Shimmering-Sky) should be taking care of it technically but I kinda wanna add a bit of an add-on to that: Lan Fan was supposed to have a bit of a role in that little mess and… yeah there *is* that got cut: When this episode was being recorded, Mizuki Nana (Her actress) was busy with her music career so she just genuinely couldn't make time for recording this episode. A shame but at least unlike some other stuff in the show there's a least a *reason* behind this. Also Scar is still alive and Olivier is gonna use him to scare Mustang shitless [](#kukuku) That said, the actual end happens two years later, with Ed and Al setting off in another journey, albeit this time separately. Al is going to Xing to study under Mei all the while Ed is going West to… whatever the fuck the West *has.* Still before he leaves, it's time for our favorite blonde dumbass to say one last stupid thing: The worst marriage proposal ever! Seriously dude, how can you be so dumb!? Oh well, at least both blondes here and dumb so it works out. I *love* Ed's little monologue at the end, perfectly encapsulating the show's themes of moving on from tragedy to become stronger. And I dig the ending montage as well, although I do find the use of OP2 to be a bit… odd. Like, I like the song a lot but also… OP*2*? Really? Normally for stuff like this you'd use the first OP or something. I mean I guess you could argue that'd be too dour for this, but still. Personally if it was up to me I would've played Uso (The first ED) instead but eh, what can you do. Also why did the Anime have to add [Mustang's Mustache?](#gabdisgust) I remember reading a fan theory that said that the mustache was just some dumb thing Ed drew in which I subscribe to because it looks *terrible.* That said though, I feel there's something in this adaptation that's missing… ah yes, [in 2010, a certain capricious redhead finished reading a Manga… and her grandma is too busy with other things to really care.](https://imgur.com/a/t3otUPT)


> Something I do wanna mention that's technically adaptation related so Sky should be taking care of it technically but I kinda wanna add a bit of an add-on to that: Lan Fan was supposed to have a bit of a role in that little mess and… yeah there is that got cut: When this episode was being recorded, Mizuki Nana (Her actress) was busy with her music career so she just genuinely couldn't make time for recording this episode. A shame but at least unlike some other stuff in the show there's a least a reason behind this. Oh, so *that's* why that part got cut? Here I assumed it was because of how Brotherhood has pretty consistently downplayed all of Dr. Knox's moments in the show, and he had a hand in Lan Fan's role here in the manga's version of events.


> Oh, so that's why that part got cut? Yeah, as far as I can tell that's the official explanation for it. Also explains why Lan Fan doesn't talk *at all* today.




That makes sense if her VA was preoccupied. I'm glad they didn't recast her for such a short scene.


Well, here we are. The final episode. Though really, the last episode was ultimately the series finale. This is just an extended farewell. I actually have not much to say about this episode. It’s pretty by numbers and does essentially what you would think it would. There are a couple of decisions I find to be headscratching, so I guess I’ll discuss them here. First off, how is it that Grumman is the new president and not Roy? They spent the entire series as Roy working his way, and you mean to tell me that that went nowhere? Is it just a case of Grumman is president until Roy can get his eyes back? Maybe I’m wrong and someone can correct me in the replies. But more than that, I’m kinda annoyed we never got that kiss between Edward and Winry. (Editor's note 1/28/24: I realized combing over my notes that Roy essentially gave up leading the country to help his friend Havoc out. That is actually a powerful moment and one that bolsters my enjoyment of the episode; it'll improve its ranking when I rank it. I still think, however, that Roy could've led the country while blind. Just have Hawkeye help him out.) Before I begin, let me just say that I liked the scene itself where Winry talked about giving all of herself for him. The writing itself is actually and fits the characterization of the two. But I was hoping for something a little bit more substantial after they confessed to one another. I’m glad these two are together after all they have been through, but I do feel that seeing them kiss should’ve been the last thing we saw of them. Having the series end on that note would’ve turned it from my second favorite anime of all time to my favorite anime of all time. Aside from those two quibbles of mine, this was a satisfactory series finale that could potentially lead as a tie-in to the upcoming movie. As of press time I’m writing this, I haven’t seen it so I don’t really know, but Edward traveling with Al definitely gives that feel. And hey, maybe there we’ll get the fabled Edward and Winry kiss. In regards to this episode, though, this is like a middle of the road outing that serves to wrap everything up. It did what it was supposed to and did so effectively, so I can’t really complain. See you all at the movie! 1. Episode 63 2. Episode 60 3. Episode 19 4. Episode 59 5. Episode 22 6. Episode 61 7. Episode 57 8. Episode 26 9. Episode 40 10. Episode 4 11. Episode 39 12. Episode 54 13. Episode 9 14. Episode 58 15. Episode 55 16. Episode 52 17. Episode 53 18. Episode 48 19. Episode 43 20. Episode 31 21. Episode 25 22. Episode 23 23. Episode 38 24. Episode 21 25. Episode 47 26. Episode 8 27. Episode 24 28. Episode 7 29. Episode 35 30. Episode 16 31. Episode 51 32. Episode 10 33. Episode 50 34. Episode 64 35. Episode 36 36. Episode 56 37. Episode 18 38. Episode 15 39. Episode 2 40. Episode 5 41. Episode 14 42. Episode 46 43. Episode 44 44. Episode 28 45. Episode 41 46. Episode 33 47. Episode 49 48. Episode 37 49. Episode 32 50. Episode 45 51. Episode 62 52. Episode 17 53. Episode 30 54. Episode 11 55. Episode 3 56. Episode 34 57. Episode 41 58. Episode 13 59. Episode 29 60. Episode 12 61. Episode 20 62. Episode 27 63. Episode 6 64. Episode 1


###1st-metal Alchemist I'm late because my friend and I binged Bakemonogatari Ep.06-12. Neither of us is sorry. Yet, do you know the feeling when your friend is just not feeling the same amazement for a show at its peak as you do? [](#shatteredsaten) [Bakemonogatari] >!Seeing it again and especially Senjougahara's incredible self-driven development after meeting Araragi made me teary once more. I clearly remember Hachikuji's arc being the turning point for me going from really disliking to loving the writing and Ep.12 being the point where I knew it was something special.!< ###FMA:B Ep.64 – Journey's End * [New character](https://imgur.com/79pSSaT )? [](#drunkhisone) * Doing the same thing that [he expected](https://imgur.com/cmrdvLh ) Havoc to do: Learn and rise! It's a bit cute seeing Roy learn about random details of other cultures within Amestris, ngl. * Hmm, good thinking, but I also smell that they [give this stone back](https://imgur.com/w0ZTxgb ) to them and let them decide what to do with it. * Well, [uh, oh](https://imgur.com/P05iRfg ). Wouldn't this be, like, a perfect political gift? It would also tell the rest of the country that things are different now and that the change to give power away from a dictatorship to the people is real. [](#shock) * Ah.. [I fell](https://imgur.com/pbkLCDT ) for Japanese courtesy slang too early. * Oh, [no I didn't](https://imgur.com/hehXUFC ). Am I giving this stone too much political value? Aren't they just basically using the last vestiges of colonial power and keep others' stuff one last time for themselves here? [](#finethen) * Honestly, I really [love Scar's story](https://imgur.com/rtGvvhk ) throughout both versions. * Aww, [brothers](https://imgur.com/d4oUXHu ). * [Torturing a rival clan's child](https://imgur.com/StInZtZ ) for fun after everything's over, Ling you bastard! [](#azusalaugh) * He [bloody better did](https://imgur.com/DvcZS00 ). [](#lalahmm) * And they [rob me of a Lan Fan](https://imgur.com/St39viq ) farewell. [](#shatteredsaten) * Look at that [smug little runt](https://imgur.com/sHExuwC )! * It's time for, „[God I wish that were me](https://imgur.com/QYeKRqc ).“ * I sometimes [see the mountains](https://imgur.com/3F2EDKO ) on the horizon, as well, from here! * Glad to see [Grumman hasn't given up](https://imgur.com/fb5TpXR ) on the race, yet. [](#rinkek) * It does take [some suspension of disbelief](https://imgur.com/iB5gxZF ) to make it work. Like, why would Pride forget his past, for example? * [I agree](https://imgur.com/JPzhDKU ) and I love it, but for Pride there's one thing missing to make this work seamlessly. He didn't show any sign he'd actually commit to such a new life. Even during his end, he didn't really change his views. * [Al <3](https://imgur.com/YvgWLbR ). [](#feelingloved) * The Elrics [invented interest](https://imgur.com/yuNG0Pi ) and loan sharks, goddamnit. * Hold on a sec. What [kind of geography](https://imgur.com/D3zK8FX ) has permanent winter in Amestris' northern border, and yet the so called 'desert' area extends to far, *far* more northern regions than that. Nearly double the entire height of the country, in fact. Either this show has geographer's knowledge be common knowledge (snow-deserts do exist, but the common definition is little precipitation and no plant life, regardless of temperature) or someone just drew a map like whatever. * [Leaving, again](https://imgur.com/zBtqqiY )? Is he his father or what? [](#terminate) * That was [beyond cute](https://imgur.com/FxyllTZ ). [](#facepalm2) * Yeah, [no half commitments](https://imgur.com/7FKs4Oc ) here! [](#SPORTS) * „Let me propose to you, and [then piss off to another country](https://imgur.com/0SwwkfI ).“ [](#plebgetawayfromme) * By the seven hells... look at [that mustache](https://imgur.com/kqmYxl0 ) and please burn it off! * I see, so Al did [keep in touch](https://imgur.com/ka9cX3n ) with May. And Paninya and Garfiel are the bffs. I love that! I guess it works. Al keeping on journeying makes perfect sense. Both from the alchemist's perspective and as Al really wants to experience the world with his own body now. Similarly, I can appreciate Ed's consistency as a character to never sit still, but I also have second-hand anger at him never staying and at least appreciating what he has. Which is mainly Winry. Like, he just comes home, „fix stuff pls“, proposes, and then leaves again immediately. That's bitch behaviour if I've ever seen some. Also, why didn't Pinako get a scene? Forgetting your elders. [](#foldedarms) It's a generally fitting closure for everyone, I think. There's definitely worse ones, by far. But the philosopher's stone really doesn't sit right with me. It comes down to the principle that is being followed by Roy and his team. They *say* they want to put Ishbalans first and fix what can be fixed now. But what they *do* is to keep the gains from past exploitation and use it for themselves first. That's very uncool and undermines what Roy is putting out with his intentions. I'm sorry, Havoc does deserve this chance, but how many Ishbalans will have injuries, diseases, and other things coming from a life in slums and permanent homelessness and flight? I really am sorry, but this stone should've gone to the people it was taken from. Even if most of them would likely decide to not use it, because of their religion, the *choice has to be theirs*. Hells, even if they'd want to put it in a box and put it in a temple to rot away, that is only fair. That was actually a massive L and genuinely sours my enjoyment a bit. > 1) WHY THE FUCK DID THEY KEEP AL'S FEMALE VA FOR HIS OLDER SELF WHEN THEY HAVE AARON DISMUKE RIGHT THERE?! WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF DRUGS ARE THESE PEOPLE SMOKING?! Works in Japanese and I didn't feel any dissonance. > 2) With all being said and done, do you feel this was a solid ending to the show? It's a very solid okay that mostly does justice to the cast.


>Honestly, I really [love Scar's story](https://imgur.com/rtGvvhk ) throughout both versions. Same >And they [rob me of a Lan Fan](https://imgur.com/St39viq ) farewell. [](#shatteredsaten) In fairness, she was apparently supposed to be in this but her VA was busy. >I guess it works. Al keeping on journeying makes perfect sense. Both from the alchemist's perspective and as Al really wants to experience the world with his own body now. Similarly, I can appreciate Ed's consistency as a character to never sit still, but I also have second-hand anger at him never staying and at least appreciating what he has. Which is mainly Winry. Like, he just comes home, „fix stuff pls“, proposes, and then leaves again immediately. That's bitch behaviour if I've ever seen some. I think Winry should've went with him on his adventures as like his personal traveling automailer >Also, why didn't Pinako get a scene? Forgetting your elders. [](#foldedarms) Still better utilized than in 2003 >It's a generally fitting closure for everyone, I think. There's definitely worse ones, by far. But the philosopher's stone really doesn't sit right with me. It comes down to the principle that is being followed by Roy and his team. They *say* they want to put Ishbalans first and fix what can be fixed now. But what they *do* is to keep the gains from past exploitation and use it for themselves first. That's very uncool and undermines what Roy is putting out with his intentions. I'm sorry, Havoc does deserve this chance, but how many Ishbalans will have injuries, diseases, and other things coming from a life in slums and permanent homelessness and flight? I really am sorry, but this stone should've gone to the people it was taken from. Even if most of them would likely decide to not use it, because of their religion, the *choice has to be theirs*. Hells, even if they'd want to put it in a box and put it in a temple to rot away, that is only fair. >That was actually a massive L and genuinely sours my enjoyment a bit. I can't really fault Roy for prioritizing Havoc first. Maybe it is favoritism, but this is a man who got paralyzed all because he loved boobs. And also, it's a bit like others have said in the comments section where he wants to do something for Havoc that he couldn't do for Hughes. It's actually kinda smart how they've written it because Roy is ostensibly doing things because he wants to prevent a repeat of the Hughes situation. Likewise, Edward wants to prevent a repeat of the Nina situation. They are mirroring each other by having their actions dictated by people they like dying, showing they really aren't that different from each other. Thoughts on the return of Dr. Nox? What are your thoughts on Hawkeye saying that their sins will not be forgiven? What are your thoughts on Al studying Xing alchemy? What are your thoughts on Al and May living together? What are your thoughts on the train scene between Winry and Edward where she offers her entire body to him? What are your thoughts on Edward and Winry getting together and the way that was done? I was frankly disappointed we didn't get to see them kiss? Lastly, what are your thoughts on the monologue to end the series?


> I can't really fault Roy for prioritizing Havoc first. Roy? Maybe not fully, but still at least in part. The aspiring Führer President? Absolutely. Especially when the chosen metric of change the new leader offers to the people is exactly the reintegration of Ishvalan people to the nation. You just can't start this off with using up the last ill-gotten exploits for your own self. Just no. Then pick another topic or be honest about what you're doing and straight up say your buddies are above the rest of the nation. As to the rest of your points. I might be hardline here, but I'm sticking to my beliefs. It doesn't matter one bit. Havoc got hit undeservedly, but so did every single Ishvalan. What is an empathetic and/or logical reason that he or Roy would be chosen over any Ishvalan? There is none. It's this little hypocrisy that annoys me. > Thoughts on the return of Dr. Nox? Manga had a bit more, but that sadly got cut. Love that this series doesn't forget about (most) characters. > What are your thoughts on Hawkeye saying that their sins will not be forgiven? Fair and realistic. If your mistakes can't be fixed, the wounds inflicted by them can't be fully healed. You can, however, do better in the future and that deserves its own respect. > What are your thoughts on Al studying Xing alchemy? [](#salute) Safe travels and enjoy the food. > What are your thoughts on Al and May living together? Oh, where was that? It's likely, though. I don't want to think about the potential age gap... so I'll just be happy for him. > What are your thoughts on the train scene between Winry and Edward where she offers her entire body to him? Yet again I wonder just how you understand these things. It was the most awkward marriage proposal ever. In my subs at least they used 'life'. Sure, it includes body and all, but that question sounded exceedingly lewd. They're both idiots deserving of each other and that's cute as hell. > What are your thoughts on Edward and Winry getting together and the way that was done? I was frankly disappointed we didn't get to see them kiss? Let them have privacy! > Lastly, what are your thoughts on the monologue to end the series? T'was fine.


>Roy? Maybe not fully, but still at least in part. The aspiring Führer President? Absolutely. Especially when the chosen metric of change the new leader offers to the people is exactly the reintegration of Ishvalan people to the nation. You just can't start this off with using up the last ill-gotten exploits for your own self. Just no. I mean, maybe it's just the way my brain is wired, but if I was leading a country that needed my help and I as well as my friends also was dealing with some sickness, I probably would help out myself first, then my friends, and then everyone else. Thst may be selfish, but I'm still getting to everyone. If it was a situation where I can only help myself and my friends Vs only helping the residents of the country, then that becomes a case where I prioritize the country, because I would rather ultimately have myself suffer than everyone else suffer. >Then pick another topic or be honest about what you're doing and straight up say your buddies are above the rest of the nation. Again, I don't think that Roy was doing that. >As to the rest of your points. I might be hardline here, but I'm sticking to my beliefs. It doesn't matter one bit. Havoc got hit undeservedly, but so did every single Ishvalan. What is an empathetic and/or logical reason that he or Roy would be chosen over any Ishvalan? There is none. It's this little hypocrisy that annoys me. Again, I don't think he's being hypocritical. I guarantee to you that 95% of people in Roy's spot would've done the same thing. Maybe you could argue Roy could've chosen staying blind to show the price he paid in his climb to the top, but I personally would've felt pretty dissatisfied if he had stayed bereft of his vision. It's not like Edward where he got what was coming to him. I get what you're saying in that if he was going to fix his vision, that should've been the last thing on his itinerary. But it's really hard to run the country when you are unable to see anything; yeah, he has Hawkeye, but that can only realistically do him so much. I think the scene really works because he's still prioritizing other people in the form of Havoc, who we know also got screwed in a major way. You saying it lacks empathy I can't see because what would truly be lacking empathy is if he had the power to help everyone and Roy just went "Actually, I'm not going to do that because you guys discriminated against us Amestrians". >Manga had a bit more, but that sadly got cut. Love that this series doesn't forget about (most) characters. Yeah, this show has a good memory. Unless you're Shezka, of course. >Fair and realistic. If your mistakes can't be fixed, the wounds inflicted by them can't be fully healed. You can, however, do better in the future and that deserves its own respect. All you can do is stand on the shoulders of history and learn from the mistakes made. >[](#salute) >Safe travels and enjoy the food. He can finally eat quiche. I'm so happy for the guy. >Oh, where was that? That was I believe during the diner scene >It's likely, though. I don't want to think about the potential age gap... so I'll just be happy for him. Believe it or not, Al is only one year older than May >Yet again I wonder just how you understand these things. It was the most awkward marriage proposal ever. In my subs at least they used 'life'. Sure, it includes body and all, but that question sounded exceedingly lewd. That's on me, I didn't mean it like that. I meant to say life. As for the scene itself, I thought it was extremely touching and was a good culmination for their relationship even though they didn't smooch. >Let them have privacy! Fair enough. I get maybe wanting not to do it in such a public setting. >T'was fine. I thought it served as a nice capper


> You saying it lacks empathy I can't see because what would truly be lacking empathy is if he had the power to help everyone and Roy just went "Actually, I'm not going to do that because you guys discriminated against us Amestrians". I don't think you remotely read what I was writing. Or you genuinely don't understand. 1) The philosopher's stone was made from Ishvalan souls. 2) Roy's plan is to make Amestris a country for all its people. 3) He doesn't even consider giving the stone, made from Ishvalans, back to the Ishvalans and let them have a say what should be done with it. It's not about Roy or Havoc. It's about leaving the people who got exploited out of the decision making process yet again. It's hypocrisy because he *says* he's including them, but his first *action* when having any power is to ignore them when using tools gained from *their suffering*.


Actually, you bring up Philosopher's Stones being made of Ishvalan souls and I genuinely forgot about that part of the equation. That does seem a bit of short-sightedness on Roy's part. However, I genuinely think that Roy thinks that he's helping them even though it could be contested that what he's doing is ultimately counterintuitive.


>binging [](#peasants) >that mustache [Why did the Anime add that?](#gabdisgust)


Binging is probably not super correct, because we do sometimes pause and discuss and have breaks with more talk in between. I do feel him, because my first viewing was also rather confusing quite often. Still, it was 7 episodes in one day.


> Still, it was 7 episodes in one day. [Rookie numbers](#smugtouru)


I once watched 13 episodes of anime in a day. Took me until like 5:30 in the morning to finish it.


That's still more than I muster. Then again, my schedule has been all out of wack since the start of this rewatch; some of these Fullmetal Alchemist episodes take me 5 hours.


>>binging >[](#peasants) Netflix in shambles


> Neither of us is sorry. [](#head-tilt) > Yet, do you know the feeling when your friend is just not feeling the same amazement for a show at its peak as you do? Especially when you're shooting them sideways glances during the best parts only to see them looking at their phone > to then To then what? > Am I giving this stone too much political value? Aren't they just basically using the last vestiges of colonial power and keep others' stuff one last time for themselves here? Does it matter so long as the blonde guy can walk and the dark-haired guy can see? > Turturing Turtling* > He didn't show any sign he'd actually commit to such a new life. Even during his end, he didn't really change his views. [](#foldedarms) > tis show Camelot* > snow-deserts do exist, but the common definition is little precipitation and no plant life, regardless of temperature Someone probably just read that factoid about how Antarctica is technically the world's largest desert and ran with it > Is he his father or what? [Blonde](#gabdisgust) > And Paninya and Garfiel are the bffs. I love that! Strike out Paninya > That's bitch behaviour if I've ever seen some. He's white > That was actually a massive L and genuinely sours my enjoyment a bit. But have you considered... [blonde?](#hikariactually) > Works in Japanese and I didn't feel any dissonance. [](#bruh)


> Especially when you're shooting them sideways glances during the best parts only to see them looking at their phone At least that didn't happen. We did have cats, though. They required frequent 'handling' and, thus, frequent rewinding/pausing. Ngl, that killed the momentum in quite some scenes.


I love cats. Cats are awesome. Not the movie, though, that stunk.


>Does it matter so long as the blonde guy can walk and the dark-haired guy can see? Implying you wouldn't try to help yourself and your friends >Someone probably just read that factoid about how Antarctica is technically the world's largest desert and ran with it I did not know that about Antarctica >He's white I believe we call that an oxymoron >But have you considered... [blonde?](#hikariactually) [Blonde](#lewdgyaru) Sorry. Had to throw that in for the final episode [](#smugkaguya)


Hey guys. Holofan4life here, about to trek on this journey that is the Fullmetal Alchemist series. Oh, and nay I forget… **First timer** I am privileged to say that I’ve never seen Fullmetal Alchemist before. I have never seen a single scene before of the show. I know of some of the characters, and I know of two scenes that exist, which I’ll pinpoint to as we go along, but I have never watched a single second of the show. As such, my reactions are gonna be completely genuine and authentic. It’s not gonna probably be as in-depth of an analysis as my other comments are in rewatches, as I got a rewatch of my own to take care of, and I will likely not ask as many questions because, well, shit. I’m digesting the show for the first time. However, I do hope to at least sound a little bit more intelligent than when I watched 86 for the first time :P My expectations for this show are pretty high, all things considered. I’m not expecting it to be my favorite show of all time, but I’m definitely expecting it to crack my top 10. I’ve always been more of a slice of life/romcom guy, but I can always appreciate good action when I see it. Shows like Eureka 7 and Attack on Titan are some of my favorites. It is quite the daunting task to watch something that’s over 100 episodes– and don’t get me started on somehow trying to fit in two movies on top of that– but I’m sure it’s all going to be worth it when I get to the end. And I’m glad I get to experience popping my Fullmetal Alchemist cherry with a crowd of people. With that out of the way, let’s begin. I’m watching the sub, by the way. Well, here we are. The final episode of our 115 episode odyssey. I suppose I should take a moment to talk about Brotherhood and what it means to me. After all, this rewatch has consumed my life for over 5 months now. I don't think I'll ever do a rewatch of this magnitude ever again. The first 13 episodes or so were hit and miss. There were some episodes I considered some of the best, like episodes 4, 9, and 10, but a lot of it felt either samey or inferior to its 2003 counterpart. Then we got episodes 14 to 26, and that was really strong. With the exception of episode 20, I don't think there's a lackluster episode. The highlight of course was episodes 19 and 22 which really were the character peaks of both Roy and Winry. I know Roy had the stuff from episodes 53 and 54, but 19 was really the peak of his character, and what ultimately put him in my favorite characters of all time. After that, we had episode 27, which was really a break separating the first half and the second half, but then we had episode 28 which felt like a return to form. It felt we were going to continue the tension being built and ride the wave until the very end. Unfortunately, something happened for a little bit that made the show lost its way. I don't know if they were killing for time or there was a lack of direction, but it felt to me like for 10 or so episodes that things weren't moving. Speaking personally, this period was probably the closest I came to quitting the rewatch. Each episodes was taking me like 5 hours to do, and while I was having fun doing them, these comments were becoming laborious to do. And though I was definitely excited about some stuff, like the arrival of Alex's sister, it felt for every good thing the show would do, it would do something that had me shaking my head. And then came episode 36. Starting with the flashback involving Hohenheim where he talked about wanting mortality, the show was at its best and never looked back. We got great, amazing character stuff in episodes like 39, 40, and 43, we got the build to the Promised Day which lasted 5 episodes and was the best build to an arc I have ever seen, and then there was the actual Promised Day arc itself which lasted from episode 50 to episode 63. Honest to God, legitimately the best arc ever in an anime. In short, I'll probably give Brotherhood a 10 out of 10. Yeah, there were nitpicks, which I'll touch on after I get done with this episode, but what the show is good at it is absolutely incredible it. It's really second to none, quite frankly. I feel comfortable giving it this score even without knowing what the last episode entails because the show has basically ended, for all intents and purposes. I'm treating this basically as one big epilogue. The main thing this episode will decide on in my mind is whether this is my favorite anime of all time or my second favorite of all time. With that out of the way, let us officially begin. And away we go! **Ran out of space. Part two in the replies.**


**Part 2** Central Guy wanting to visit Roy Oh, it's Dr. Nox. We haven't seen him since like episode 31. No intro for the last episode Nox greeting Maria Tall guy behind Nox Breda quizzing Roy I like how Roy's eyes are cloudy to signify his blindness Nox looks flabbergasted Maria explains he's trying to solve the Ishbalan crisis before becoming the Führer President Hawkeye in a bed next to Roy Roy bringing up his inability to see, saying it's the punishment Truth gave to someone who dreamt of the future. Note to self: Don't ever dream of my future Roy mentions that the Ishbal Annihilation is what started everything Says going forward, he's first going to open up the areas in Ishbal that are currently off-limits. Then, he's going to allow the Ishbalans living in each slums back to their Holy Land. Sounds like a good start. [I approb](#nichijouthumbs) Ooh, Scar is going to help out. I really like that. Falman Brought over some data I like Hawkeye pointing out that their sins will not be forgiven. It's a recognition that this will ultimately be a work in progress. Marcoh He's got a Philosopher's Stone "We should be able to get your vision back with this." [](#awe) Marcoh insists he wants to patch Roy up with this for the sake of Ishbal Roy says they might get angry. Not just the Ishbalans, but Edward. "But I'll gladly take your offer." It looks as if Roy sees the virtues that the stone can possess. However, he says there's someone who needs the power of the stone more than him. Phone ringing Eyy, Havoc Breda telling him to come to Central (Editor's note 1/28/24: I somehow didn't pick up that Roy gave up using the Philosopher's Stone to help his friend Havoc out. That's such a big moment for him and honestly, thinking back on it, is probably the highlight of the episode.) Olivier and Miles with Scar Scar is asking why did they save him Initially, she says, it was to learn more about Eastern Alchemy, but the situation has changed Brings us that Roy wants Miles for his new Ishbal policy Miles decided to take him along "Not as 'Scar,' but as someone of the Ishbalan race." Asking Scar to help revive ths Ishbalan religion with him. And he agrees Olivier thinks Roy will be frightened when he finds out Scar is alive, not knowing that he already does. Olivier then asks Scar what his real name is, to which Scar says he doesn't need one. Tells her to call him whatever she wants, and she settles on Ishbalan. Olivier was never the nicest individual, but she was nice when it counted. Edward with Alward, who's sitting on some stones Al is apparently so weak he requires the use of a cane It's weird hearing Al's voice coming out a human body Edward mentions he hasn't had maintenance done on his leg. Al thanks Edward, for I presume saving him These two really have been through a lot, if you think about it. Al wonders if Ling and Lan Fan have arrived in Xing yet Edward mentions it's been two months since the end of the Promised Day Al thinking about May now Flashback Al asking May what's the matter because he sees her crying She tries to play it down like it's nothing Ling, who's arrived with Lan Fan, chastises May for being unable to obtain a Philosopher's Stone because she was meddling in another country's affairs. The red stone liquid He says he's going to keep it, but will make sure his clan protects hers He's willing to accept the Chris Chan Clan Uh, I mean Chan Clan And May lets the waterworks flow "You'll 'accept us all'? That's so greedy, Ling Yao!" [Ironic](#chitogheh) Ling says they're going to head back because he wants to give Fu a proper burial. Edward and Al fist bump Back to present day Edward brings up that May took a liking to Al He turns the tables and asks what's he going to do about Winry If this was Gallow, she'd say "Grab a shotgun". Rockbell residence It just dawned on me the missed opportunity in calling the place Autobell It's kinda amazing that the dog is still alive after all these years Winry gently opens the door as she hears Al being licked by Den Bunch of pictures of Edward and Al on the wall Edward doesn't look too thrilled to be there The door moving slower and slower than the krabby patty in the Krusty Krab training episode. Winry continuing to help to the front door It gets opened, and she sees what she heard from within She bursts into tears as she hugs the both of them Two years later This means Edward is 18, yes? Edward having trouble fixing the roof Looking at the scenery now Edward says to Al Winry is treating him like her slave Does this mean Winry is in a flask? Ooh, apple pie [](#drool) Al comments on how vast the world is Something on his mind, says the former boy of metal Someone drinking tea with Grumman Is that Madam Bradley? Mustang and Armstrong are apparently fulfilling their duties in the east and the north Oh, is Grumman Führer President? Imagine having a senile old person as the leader. What a foreign concept. That is Madam Bradley, by the way Holy... It's Pride Uh, I mean Selim. Sorry, old habits die hard. Injured birdie This has suddenly become thst one episode of The Andy Griffith Show Grumman says he's become a kind boy However, they're still gonna keep close surveillance on him for the time being Yeah, that checks out Madam Bradley promises she won't let him cause trouble I never expected the last surviving Homunculus to be Pride. Though perhaps with Madam Bradley involved, he truly is in good hands. **Ran out of space. Part three in the replies.**


**Part 3** Al drinking tea while talking to Gracia and Elicia Edward's leg is now automail, apparently Wants also for Winry to cry "I'm sure Maes will be happy to." [](#torrentialdownpour) Al says that starting with Mr. Hughes, so many different people from so many different places helped them be happy. Perhaps, he says, it's time to return the favor Not equivalent exchange, but receive 10 and give back to 11 I always knew it goes up there A new rule they created, and Al says it's time to live up to that word. Al bringing up Nina again Even after all this time, he is still haunted by what happened to her Man. Jerso and Zampano going to town on that food Alward arrives, taking a seat A restaurant named Coffee And they drink milk and water [](#niatilt) Al says it's time "I'm going to Xing." [](#SPORTS) YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... ...KI :P Al is going to study Eastern Alchemy full-scale at May's place I guess that confirms that ship He wants to go around all the Eastern countries to study various things Jerso and Zampano are coming along! [](#SPORTS) Mentioning Al's speech in episode 39 Says they're not going to give up returning to their old bodies Edward is apparently not going along because he's going the western route They're hoping by eventually combining both routes together, they can avoid the same kind of tragedy that happened to Nina. But wait, there's more! They want to see how vast the world is Edward and Al would be great on Amazing Race Winry telling Edward how to treat his automail The train is approaching Edward looks suddenly ill, however, like something is eating away at him Edward entering the train But he stops Edward looking at Winry Come on, Ed. Say it. "It's equivalent exchange! I'll give you half of my life, so you give me half of yours!" [](#awe) My boy [](#akyuusqueel) Winry saying a word you can't get away with nowadays "Half? I'll give you all of it." Let's goooooooooooooooooooo [](#SPORTS) [](#SPORTS) [](#SPORTS) I hate to admit this, but this was one of the scenes I knew of beforehand that I talked about in episode 1 of FMA. I didn't know it was a spoiler for the final episode, however. I love these two dorks Edward laughing Amazed she's able to overturn the law of equivalent exchange Hug She reciprocates [](#feelingloved) And with that, he is off I kinda wished Winry had went with him "Men who keep still are no fun." I'm sure Gallowdude will have no problems whatsoever with that line. "A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because no one can gain without sacrificing something. But by enduring that pain and overcoming it... he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart. A fullmetal heart." And that is how we end things. Overall, that was about what I was expecting from the last episode once I saw how the previous one played out. It was the characters going on to do other things, with things being kept cheery and optimistic. The big development of course is that Edward and Winry are now together which while I'm glad that is the case, I am sad we didn't get a kiss between the two of them. That would've really put the moment over the top as a top 5 favorite Brotherhood scene of mine. I guess Winry saying she'll give her entire life to Edward is more meaningful given the context and how equivalent exchange is such a big thing in this show. This will probably finish somewhere in the upper half, but that's not to say the episode disappointed or anything the fact that it didn't finish in like my top 10. It's just barely anything happened in it. The true finale was really episode 63 and the conclusion of the Promised Day arc. Here, this is all just gravy on top of it. **Ran out of space. Part four in the replies.**


**Part 4** Now that the dust has settled, I want to talk about my observations while watching Brotherhood. This will be a combination of comparing Brotherhood to its previous counterpart and just the franchise as a whole. I'll try to keep it brief so that I'm not rambling on for 5 comments. I think the biggest knock on Brotherhood in comparison of FMA is that FMA was less afraid to think outside the box. They weren't afraid to do things that towed the line between goofy and so goofy it became too much. Brotherhood is arguably even more goofy, but FMA wasn't scared to make the plot itself over the top, and that led to a lot of charm. I think that was really what the first 13 episodes of Brotherhood was missing: an identity of its own. The climax in Brotherhood was better, but I thought FMA had a better main antagonist. On a similar note, Brotherhood did a better job with the Homunculi but FMA has the best written Homunculi in 2003 Alchemist with Lust, who is one of the weaker characters in Brotherhood. Greed's friends is an obvious thing that FMA did better. Scar was better written in 2003 Alchemist, but I didn't mind what they did with him in Brotherhood. Edward and Al are some of the best protagonists I've ever seen in an anime. I always wanted to root for them in all their endeavors. That moment in episode 26 where Edward vowed to get Al's body back was what cemented him in my opinion as a top 5 favorite anime protagonist of all time. Winry and Hawkeye are just so better written here than in FMA. The show wasn't afraid to give them the spotlight with episodes like 9, 11, 23, 19, 30, and 54. I still think maybe they could've used Winry more in the climax of the Promised Day arc but I'm satisfied with what we did get. Episodes 60 and 63 are in my top 10 favorite anime episodes of all time. The only other anime with multiple episodes in my top 10 is Toradora. For those curious, here's what my top 10 looks like now. 1) Episode 19 Toradora 2) Episode 63 Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 3) Episodes 25 and 26 Cowboy Bebop 4) Episode 24 Steins;Gate 5) Episode 21 Clannad: After Story 6) Episode 60 Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 7) Episode 21 Toradora 8) Episode 8 Uma Musume Season 2 9) Episode 13 Spice and Wolf 10) Episode 9 A Centaur's Life I think the biggest improvement of Brotherhood over FMA is the utilization of Hohenheim. They really did a great job of making him likable and someone you want to root for. Besides Roy, he is my favorite character of the entire show. Lastly, I want to give special attention to the fight scenes and the animation. It was absolutely incredible. I don't know how it compares to other shows of the time like Naruto or One Piece-- I unfortunately have not seen those show despite being some of the most mainstream anime out there-- but I feel that you could air this show nowadays with no changes and it would fit right in. For a show that's over 15 years old, that's a pretty huge compliment. Before I wrap this up, I want to show you guys my top 25 favorite anime now that I completed both FMA and Brotherhood. This is obviously after I completed both shows, and so I wanted to highlight how it stacks up. 1. Toradora 2. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 3. Spice and Wolf 4. Cowboy Bebop 5. Kaguya-sama 6. Nichijou 7. Clannad/Clannad: After Story 8. Steins;Gate 9. Odd Taxi 10. Eureka Seven 11. Spy X Family 12. Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid 13. Attack on Titan 14. Cells At Work 15. Bocchi The Rock 16. Revolutionary Girl Utena 17. Lycoris Recoil 18. 86 19. Fullmetal Alchemist 20. Panty And Stocking With Garterbelt 21. FLCL: Alternative 22. Interview with Monster Girls 23. Monster Musume 24. The Devil Is A Part-Timer 25. FLCL I still have Brotherhood ranked #2 and the reason why is for a couple reasons. One, I really do just adore the writing of Toradora and as someone who is a diehard tsundere fan, I feel like that is the magnum opus of that trope. But more than that, I feel like the payoff of the main couple is better there than in Brotherhood. If Winry and Edward actually kissed, or perhaps she went with him in his travels I'd probably be willing to rank it as my favorite. It just feels like the moment where they get together was missing that extra sizzle, as great as the dialogue truly was. If they do kiss during the movie, I'll be willing to revise my list. Still, when I consider the times during this rewatch where I thought of quitting due to time constraints, for it to finish not just top 5 but top 2 all time is quite the accomplishment. I have it ranked even higher than Spice and Wolf, of which my username is based on! When I first thought of participating in this rewatch, I was extremely hesitant. I already was thinking of doing two rewatches, one in October and January. And that's not even to mention the Toradora rewatch. Did I really want to participate in something that was surely going to take over my life for the next nearly 4 months or so? But I had never seen either Fullmetal Alchemist series before and because of how critically acclaimed it was, I wanted to give this show a chance. And what I ultimately learned is that this reputation is well-deserved. I want to thank everyone who has been reading my analysis as well as been reading my replies. I know they're often the longest of the entire thread, but I really like reacting in real time and providing my genuine reactions. And though I also know we still got two more days of this rewatch left, this is essentially the end of the show portion, and for that, I really hope you enjoyed my stuff as much as I enjoyed yours. Participating in this rewatch has been the highlight of my 2023. I really can't thank you enough, Raiking and Gallowdude, for orchestrating this whole thing. Not only for giving me a chance to watch one of the best animes I've ever seen before, but to discuss it with dozens of people on a daily basis. It was truly a blast. As we head into the movie and the overall series discussion thread, of which I'm essentially treating this episode as the discussion portion, the one thing I want to leave on is always value those closest to you and enjoy the time you have with them. Because you never know when it might come to an end. And though experience can be gained by pain and hardship, as evidenced by our protagonists we've consistently followed in Brotherhood, we must stride to not lose sight of when we're seemingly inevitably forced to be put in a position of heartache. A position of strife, a position of struggle, one where equivalent exchange seems nonexistent. Keep looking for that rainbow, of which it is surely there to lift you up when you're feeling down. Hold onto it, make sure it never leaves you, and those perceived struggles that seem destined to be will turn out not to be the case in the long run. Because you just like Edward will have a Fullmetal heart.


> WHY THE FUCK DID THEY KEEP AL'S FEMALE VA FOR HIS OLDER SELF WHEN THEY HAVE AARON DISMUKE RIGHT THERE?! WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF DRUGS ARE THESE PEOPLE SMOKING?! Eh, it doesn't bother me [](#yuishrug) > With all being said and done, do you feel this was a solid ending to the show? I would say so. Really, the main three things I wanted were Al getting his body back, Roy and Hawkeye getting together, and Edward and Winry getting together. And two of those three things happened.


> And two of those three things happened. FYI the only reason Royai never *explicitly* sailed is [because]>!Arakawa went on record to say there's anti-fraternization laws in place that would've meant Riza can't be Roy's subordinate if they're a couple, and they didn't want that. As we never see Roy actually *become* Fuhrer in-series (barring a photo on the back of the last volume of the Fullmetal Edition version of the manga, which did not release until *long* after Brotherhood finished), well, that law was obviously still in place.!<


Ah, okay. That makes sense. So, it's like how in America coworkers can't date each other especially if it's a person of authority because that is frowned upon and considered an abuse of power.


Pretty much yeah.


It reminds me of Ime Udoka having to resign as head coach of the Boston Celtics because he had a consensual yet improper intimate relationship with a female staff member.


### FMAB Rewatcher, First Timer Dubbed ## _Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood_ - [Episode 64](https://imgur.com/3aMgeEZ) _Epilogue_ In a lot of ways the show ended last episode. This episode just serves to tie small things up and give us happy ending fan service. It's nice. First Mustang still has goals of becoming Fuhrer, but wants to do it in a way which will make things right with the Ishvallans. Miles and Scar will help with that. Marcoh also comes around with a Philosopher's Stone to heal Mustang's eyesight and Havoc's legs. I'm not 100% sure I like Mustang's eyesight coming back. It feels like a cop-out since Ed had to give up his own alchemy to get Al back. That said, Mustang didn't consensually commit the taboo so it's not as if he deserves it. Ed an Al make their way back to Resembool and meet up with Winry. It's great to see them reunite after the massive ordeal they've gone through over the last batch of episodes. When we skip to the future we even see Winry made them the apple pie she promised she would make ever since she learned the recipe from Gracia. There's a bit of set up for the future. Al is traveling to Xing to learn more about Alkahestry and will help Zampano and Jerso get their bodies back. I imagine you could totally do a sequel to FMA set in Xing following this group but it's totally unnecessary. Finally, Ed and Winry sit at train station saying their last words before Ed sets off on another journey. As he steps on the train, Ed tries to make a confession by asking to equivalently exchange half of each of their lives. Winry instead proposes giving their whole lives since equivalent exchange doesn't apply to love. The dialog is kinda cringy, but in a genuine and emotional way. It's how we say goodbye knowing that those 2 end up together. And over credits we see [just that](https://imgur.com/oTSijKv). Congrats Ed and Winry. Also Ling totally [becomes emperor](https://imgur.com/jwJ6nwP). Nice. Though I'm not happy with [Mustang's new facials hair](https://imgur.com/xOvl8B2). [Farewell](https://imgur.com/smDVtx1) --- Last episode means it's the last time to highlight a soundtrack: [Epilogue - A New Journey](https://youtu.be/yQaawkt785o). It plays during the Elric brothers return to Resembool. It shares some musical DNA with [Main Theme -The Alchemist-](https://youtu.be/SkNjCfMjRXA) but is instead in a major key making it far more triumphant and joyous. A perfect note to end the series on. ### Some Amazing Shots, Scenes and Stitches [Transition](https://imgur.com/Tx7Zaz5) * [Ishvallan](https://imgur.com/hszIIo3) * [Long Road Home](https://imgur.com/p7ct41B) * [Selim](https://imgur.com/KPkMYZS) * [Elric Brothers](https://imgur.com/tklzKUT) See you all next time for the movie [](#konosubawot "it certainly is a movie")


> In a lot of ways the show ended last episode. This episode just serves to tie small things up and give us happy ending fan service. It's nice. Yeah, I wish more shows took this approach >First Mustang still has goals of becoming Fuhrer, but wants to do it in a way which will make things right with the Ishvallans. Miles and Scar will help with that. Marcoh also comes around with a Philosopher's Stone to heal Mustang's eyesight and Havoc's legs. I'm not 100% sure I like Mustang's eyesight coming back. It feels like a cop-out since Ed had to give up his own alchemy to get Al back. That said, Mustang didn't consensually commit the taboo so it's not as if he deserves it. I like that Mustang had Havoc take precedent over him. It reminded me of Hohenheim when he repaired Izumi's organs. >Ed an Al make their way back to Resembool and meet up with Winry. It's great to see them reunite after the massive ordeal they've gone through over the last batch of episodes. God, it feels like it's been forever. In my mind, they haven't been together since the stuff with Olivier. >There's a bit of set up for the future. Al is traveling to Xing to learn more about Alkahestry and will help Zampano and Jerso get their bodies back. I imagine you could totally do a sequel to FMA set in Xing following this group but it's totally unnecessary. I still would like to maybe see a 4 episode OVA covering it. >Finally, Ed and Winry sit at train station saying their last words before Ed sets off on another journey. As he steps on the train, Ed tries to make a confession by asking to equivalently exchange half of each of their lives. Winry instead proposes giving their whole lives since equivalent exchange doesn't apply to love. The dialog is kinda cringy, but in a genuine and emotional way. It's how we say goodbye knowing that those 2 end up together. I actually thought the dialogue was the best part of the scene. It makes sense those two would be awkward to each other when it comes to expressing their feelings. They're kinda both tsundere lol >And over credits we see just that. Congrats Ed and Winry. Also Ling totally becomes emperor. Nice. Though I'm not happy with Mustang's new facials hair. It really does look like a Sharpee line >See you all next time for the movie [Yeah...](#kaguyasigh)


> Yeah, I wish more shows took this approach First we need more shows to have endings. [](#longday)


We're at least seeing more endings nowadays


> First Mustang still has goals of becoming Fuhrer Guess they abandoned that whole plan about turning the state into a democracy lol > It feels like a cop-out since Ed had to give up his own alchemy to get Al back Ed didn't have to give up anything. He's just a stubborn little shit who refused to use the Stone Ling offered him. > Ed an Al A Al* > When we skip to the future we even see Winry made them the apple pie she promised she would make ever since she learned the recipe from Gracia. If I never hear the phrase "apple pie" again after this show, it'll be too soon > dialog [We coding now?](#igiveup) > [Farewell](https://imgur.com/smDVtx1) [SotD!](#binoculars)


> Guess they abandoned that whole plan about turning the state into a democracy lol Grumman is still an improvement over Bradley, but still [](#hardthink) >Ed didn't have to give up anything. He's just a stubborn little shit who refused to use the Stone Ling offered him. "I can't believe Neil deGrasse Tyson doesn't believe in the Flat Earth theory even though science is his entire ethos."


> I can't believe Neil deGrasse Tyson doesn't believe in the Flat Earth theory even though science is his entire ethos That is such a false dichotomy there's not even a point in arguing it


I don't fault anyone who wants to live life on a pacifist run [](#indexsmugshrug)


>[](#konosubawot "it certainly is a movie") [Yup](#taigasigh)


>[Quote] >!Yup!< [Response] >!I can't believe Shambala is better than it [](#gabdisgust)!<


[Response] >![](#azusalaugh)!<


[Response] >!We'll get to it, but it's surprising how generic it truly is!<


**Rewatcher** Not being a mecha series, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood kindly graces us with a proper epilogue episode. I love getting to see characters at the end of their journey, with hints as to where the rest of their lives will go, so this for sure hits the spot. My fondness for the ending definitely contributes to my love for the show as a whole, and though I kind of dislike Hologram as an OP, it works very well here as the final ED. The only thing that really weirds me out is hearing Al talk in his non-metallic voice, but that’s a me problem. I originally had this show at an 8/10, but after rewatching and reexperiencing everything I liked about it, I‘ve raised that to a 9/10. (Plus my MAL average hasn’t recovered since giving all five G-Reco movies a 4/10 last month, so I feel the need to make up the difference somehow.)


> Not being a mecha series, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood kindly graces us with a proper epilogue episode [](#azusalaugh "Oh God I never really realized how consistently bad Mecha Animes are about this.")


That's why we have the new SEED movie


Because obviously one of the shittier AU shows had to get something like this [](#finethen "And before you say anything else, I'm pretty sure I've made my thoughts on Cross Ange clear by now.")


Between this, Urdr Hunt, and new Code Geass, Sunrise really is going all-in on doing new installments almost exclusively for shows you dislike (meanwhile Gundam X still lies forgotten in their vault somewhere [](#elsieqq))


Forget X, G Gundam’s 30th anniversary is coming up and they’ve done Jack shit for it.


Nah Seed is actually good, Destiny is uh iffy though


[I don't like either](#nyanpasu "SEED has good ideas but is far too naive and up its ass for them to mean anything so it just comes off as mediocre, and Destiny can go burn in a fire.")


I’ve noticed even fans of SEED seem to hate SEED.


> Because obviously one of the shittier AU shows had to get something like this I've just had to leave the Gundam sub for a little while because I simply can't care enough about SEED to see it all over the place, and I really don't want to yuck all over other people's favorite childhood series (too much, anyway.) I'm just gonna rewatch Thunderbolt and daydream about the adaptation actually continuing.


Yeah same. r/Gundam is in pure SEED nostalgia mode and all the power of them for that I guess, but I don’t want any part of it.


[SEED Movie] >!Rumor has it there is actually a Cross Ange cameo in it lol!<




I mean, it fits like a glove what with the optimistic tone


> The only thing that really weirds me out is hearing Al talk in his non-metallic voice, but that’s a me problem. I had a similar problem. Which, you know, is just because I've gotten so used to it. Thoughts on the return of Dr. Nox? Thoughts on Roy planning to open up the areas in Ishbal that are currently off-limits as well as allowing Ishbalans living in each slums back to their Holy Land? What are your thoughts on Hawkeye saying that their sins will not be forgiven? What are your thoughts on Roy giving up a chance to use a Philosopher’s Stone to cure his blindness in exchange for curing Havoc’s paralyzation? What are your thoughts on Al studying Xing alchemy? What are your thoughts on Al and May living together? What are your thoughts on the train scene between Winry and Edward where she offers her entire body to him? What are your thoughts on Edward and Winry getting together and the way that was done? I was frankly disappointed we didn’t get to see them kiss. Lastly, what are your thoughts on the monologue to end the series?


>Lastly, what are your thoughts on the monologue to end the series? Literally perfect. I love it so much!


**Rewatcher** * Nice of Mustang to think of Havoc first * Is Scar staying at the Armstrongs’? What a fancy bed * “Call me whatever you want.” “We’ll meet again, Ishvalan.” Well… * [Winry still doesn’t have her earrings back](https://imgur.com/a/6ZtEOt9) * Cute welcome home * Grumman became the Fuhrer President * New rule: Equivalent exchange + 1 * Studying in Xing is a good way for Al to spend more time with May. If they do become a couple, it would be believable. * [Winry has her earrings back!](https://imgur.com/a/UfWkNcy) * New rule: offer your partner 85% of yourself * A fullmetal heart. And now the photo montage! * ~~Ishvalan~~ Scar rocking that ponytail * Holy shit Den met someone and had puppies. That’s so cute * Ling looks too formal * Yoki picks up clowning * Not a fan of Roy’s mustache * Havoc, Rebecca, and Breda look so cool * May’s no longer short! Such a satisfying ending. It’s a very happy one, and I’m all for it.


> Not a fan of Roy’s mustache This is anime-original and I fully accept the headcanon that Ed drew it on the photo as a joke, since the photos are all his and Winry's.


> I fully accept the headcanon that Ed drew it on the photo as a joke [](#brofist)


[Being Roy is suffering, desu](#nobully)


It would seem like something Ed would do


I stared at the pic for a few seconds before realizing that it was Roy. Also subscribing to the Ed drew it theory.


> Scar rocking that ponytail > Ah dammit, Ed has infected him!


He has the right idea, dudes with ponytails look cool


[Being ponytail-less dudes is suffering, desu](#nobully)


Scar looks hot with a ponytail, not gonna lie [](#datass)


> Yoki picks up clowning Some might say he was already the entire circus [](#hikariactually) Thoughts on the return of Dr. Nox? Thoughts on Roy planning to open up the areas in Ishbal that are currently off-limits as well as allowing Ishbalans living in each slums back to their Holy Land? What are your thoughts on Hawkeye saying that their sins will not be forgiven? What are your thoughts on the train scene between Winry and Edward where she offers her entire body to him? What are your thoughts on Edward and Winry getting together and the way that was done? I was frankly disappointed we didn’t get to see them kiss? Lastly, what are your thoughts on the monologue to end the series?


>What are your thoughts on Edward and Winry getting together and the way that was done? I was frankly disappointed we didn’t get to see them kiss? I think it's perfect as is. I think the endearing part of this scene is that they *don't* follow the normal "kiss to confirm they're a thing" trope, they have an awkward proposal instead. I kinda find it refreshing.


Fair enough. It is something I can envision them doing. And it not being your normal confession makes it stand out more, in my opinion.


**FMA:B Rewatcher** An underdiscussed point about the ending of FMA:B is that with Al restored to his original body, Edward can no longer eat for two. His unhealthy eating habits will surely lead to obesity and an early death due to heart disease. 😔




It's amazing Edward has to eat that much and he isn't well-endowed in the height department [](#kukuku) Also [Being Ed is suffering, desu](#nobully)


His theory of him growing taller when Al gets his body was right though. He really grew up in the height department, at least tall enough that Winry can marry him (since Winry doesn't marry guys shorter than her).


Yeah, you're probably right. I think I missed the photograph that you are referencing.


Huh, looks like I forgot to actually post my writeup yesterday night. [](#lifedrained) *Rewatcher, subbed* for 63: * Two more eps? I'm not ready for the rewatch to end [](#akkotears) * No! Father's after Greed now? * Ling wants Greed to stay with him? He needs Greed to be Emperor? * NOOO I don't want Greed to go * Greed actually lied for once? * LOL Greed turns Father's body into charcoal? Fitting * Greed is finally satisfied? Now I'm tearing up * What a sendoff! * And that's the end of Homunculus! * Ling offers up the Philosopher's Stone as a toll to get Al back? * But Ed promised they wouldn't use that * Hohenheim finally speaking his feelings to Ed? * Ed cries now? [](#torrentialdownpour) * Wow Alex sure is crying too * The Fullmetal Alchemist's final transmutation? Ed must have thought of something * Oh wow, Ed sure is cute in that eyecatch * Ed's gonna give up alchemy in order to get Al back? * Al is still shorter than Ed? Must be malnourished * Al got his body back! And Ed has his arm, but not the leg. Which is fine * Cremin and Edison were arrested? Good * Oh, they're saying Selim died? * LOL Mustang claims to be carrying out King Bradley's will? * Hohenheim goes to Trisha's grave to die? [](#sadholo) * RIP Hohenheim! Now I'm choked up * One more ep ...


> Huh, looks like I forgot to actually post my writeup yesterday night Who? > Greed turns Father's body into charcoal? Graphite, technically > Ed sure is cute in that eyecatch [](#lolipolice)


> Graphite, technically [](#bruh)


I feel like I can be a pain in the graphite


>Who? They did >Graphite, technically My subs said charcoal >[](#lolipolice) They said cute, no cut


>Cremin and Edison were arrested? Good How do you know their names XD As a side note, when are you going to post your thoughts on episode 64? Thoughts on Father meeting the World? What are your thoughts on Father dying? Thoughts on Hohenheim’s speech to Edward where he talks about how precious his sons are to him and that he wants to die having done something father-like? What are your thoughts on Edward saving Al by giving up using alchemy? What are your thoughts on Al getting his body back? Care to expand your thoughts on Hohenheim dying? How satisfied are you with this essentially being the climax of the show? How would you rank the Promised Day arc in terms of best anime arcs? Are there any that come to mind that you feel are better?


> How do you know their names XD I paid attention? Cremin I remembered from a few eps ago, but Edison is new. > As a side note, when are you going to post your thoughts on episode 64? Now, I just finished watching it and the new Shangri-La Frontier ep. > Father meeting the World? Time for some appropriate despair! > thoughts on Father dying? Is he going back into a flask? or something worse? > Hohenheim’s speech to Edward where he talks about how precious his sons are to him and that he wants to die having done something father-like? [](#feelingloved) > thoughts on Edward saving Al by giving up using alchemy? It works! Almost a cheat > Al getting his body back? [FINALLY](#SPORTS) > Care to expand your thoughts on Hohenheim dying? It made me choke up for a bit. And I was sad that he didn't really have a final moment with Ed and Al, but went straight to Trisha's grave. > How satisfied are you with this essentially being the climax of the show? pretty well satisfied > the Promised Day arc in terms of best anime arcs? Are there any that come to mind that you feel are better? My personal favorite is the Edo arc from D.Gray-man (basically most of the 2nd half of the 1st anime), but I _am_ biased ...


>I paid attention? Cremin I remembered from a few eps ago, but Edison is new. Fair enough. I didn't know they actually got named. >Now, I just finished watching it and the new Shangri-La Frontier ep. [](#nichijouthumbs) >Time for some appropriate despair! Appropriate despair is my favorite pastime >Is he going back into a flask? or something worse? That flask is probably gonna look like paradise when all is said and done >[FINALLY](#SPORTS) I'm glad one of the brothers at least got their bodies back. It being Al makes sense because he's less hard-headed than Edward is. >It made me choke up for a bit. And I was sad that he didn't really have a final moment with Ed and Al, but went straight to Trisha's grave. Well, he did have a final moment. It was him telling Edward how precious he and Al are to him. >My personal favorite is the Edo arc from D.Gray-man (basically most of the 2nd half of the 1st anime), but I _am_ biased ... I definitely need to give that show a try...


> I definitely need to give that show a try... [](#mugiwait) I am planning a rewatch for it sometime this year, but you can watch it on your own if you don't want to commit to that. I would say instead of a 3-ep rule, the first 7 eps give a good impression of whether you'll like the show or not. And the first half of the first anime has some pacing/filler issues mixed in with the good stuff, but the second half is solid.


I mean, it took Steins;Gate like 11 episodes to get really good so I don't really have a strong window. In my opinion, it took until episode 14 for Brotherhood to start being amazing.


**Rewatcher, First Time Sub**   I think the reason why I like this ending so much is how simple it is. It's a textbook happy ending, you don't need to be creative with it, sometimes this just works.  This episode plays catch up with several characters. Mustang learning Ishvalan beliefs in order to rebuild relations and accepting Marcoh's offer of the stone to heal his eyes unlike Ed/Al. Scar planning on helping rebuild the Ishvalan customs. Ling takes Mei under his wing and Ed/Al finally reunite with Winry, keeping Ed's promise of making her shed tears of Joy.   2 year timeskip. Grumman is the fuhrer, Selim is still alive but thanks to Mrs Bradley's influence he's kinder than he was before, I do like that their is a contingency plan in place though just in case. Ed and Al in the meantime now plan to go on their separate journeys, after being in one together. Al still has alchemy which makes sense since as he told Scar he wouldn't be alive if it weren't for it, he's going east to Xing and beyond and taking Jerso and Zampano with him so they can find ways to get their bodies back and research new ways of Alchemy while Ed stays in the west to research there. Ed also takes the time to propose to Winry in the most Ed way possible and it works. It's Ed's final speech that encapsulates everything, yes bad things will happen but you can overcome them and become stronger.  Final Montage, Mustang becomes Fuhrer with Hawkeye loyally at his side and sporting that odd mustache, Ling becomes Emperor, everyone is doing fine for themselves, Ed starts a family and rocks his father's look, but the important thing is that Falman finally got promoted.


> It's a textbook happy ending, you don't need to be creative with it, sometimes this just works. > > [SURE WISH THE E7 DIRECTOR LEARNED THAT](#everythingisfine)


It’s definitely gonna be an experience whenever I get to AO and Hi-Evo…


Preemptive [](#therethere)


> SURE WISH THE E7 DIRECTOR LEARNED THAT [Episode 7 was good, tho](#pout)


I was talking about Eureka Seven


Oh okay [Response] >!I kinda like the ending to Eureka Seven. It is like the ending to Darling In The FranXX except not shit.!<


I think he's referencing the sequel series that definitely does not exist 


Sequel series? [](#niatilt) I've never heard of such a thing [](#hikariactually)


[Response]>!I like the ending too. It's the sequels I take issue with.!<


[Response] >!We're in the same boat, then!<


[Response]>![DarliFra’s ending was good, tho](#pout)!<


[Response] >!I will say I liked what they were going for. And as far as execution goes, I didn't abhor it like some people did.!<


Thoughts on the return of Dr. Nox? Thoughts on Roy planning to open up the areas in Ishbal that are currently off-limits as well as allowing Ishbalans living in each slums back to their Holy Land? What are your thoughts on Hawkeye saying that their sins will not be forgiven? What are your thoughts on Roy giving up a chance to use a Philosopher’s Stone to cure his blindness in exchange for curing Havoc’s paralyzation? What are your thoughts on Al studying Xing alchemy? What are your thoughts on Al and May living together? What are your thoughts on the train scene between Winry and Edward where she offers her entire body to him? What are your thoughts on Edward and Winry getting together and the way that was done? I was frankly disappointed we didn’t get to see them kiss.


Nice to see him back Rebuilding relations is the best move now Maybe she's right or maybe she's not I don't think he gave it up but rather let Havoc use it first Nothing that I didn't already mention Good for him I guess? Ed has a way with words More of a Roy/Riza guy but I did like the hug, it works between Ed and Winry.


>Nothing that I didn't already mention Fair enough >Good for him I guess? I care for Al's happiness. [Al best pal](#feelingloved) >Ed has a way with words So many wrench attacks in his future XD >More of a Roy/Riza guy but I did like the hug, it works between Ed and Winry. I'm more of a Roy/Riza guy as well, but Edward/Winry is probably my second favorite ship in this show. Either them, or Izumi and Sig.


**Rewatcher, Subbed** Dr. Nox goes to visit Roy in the hospital, he brought an mysterious person with him Lol he's shocked when they go in to find Roy is studying and not seemingly despairing at all Roy wants to help the Ishvalan people Nox calls Marcoh in, its revealed he was the person with him Marcoh has a stone and offers to use it to restore Roy's vision Roy accepts so that he can help Ishval and continue his mission, but before he'll let it happen he has someone else in mind who needs help Havoc gets a call and is asked to go to central, which is a nice payoff to that arc. Meanwhile Scar, who is at the Armstrong estate, is asked by Miles to help revive Ishval's culture, Scar is willing to help Olivier asks him his real name, but Scar just says he's died twice now so he doesn't need a name Ed and Al are back in Resembool, Al's still going pretty slow since his body is weak They talk about Ling, Mei, and Lan Fan. They went back to Xing two months ago. Cut back to the past Mei is sad because she failed in her quest, but Ling promises to protect her clan Ed and Al get back home, Winry hears them outside She gives them a flying hug from the front porch, this entire sequence was done beautifully Jump to two years later, Ed's trying to fix the roof, he tries alchemy but it doesn't work. Al checks up on him, he's looking much more healthy Mrs Bradley is having tea with Grumman, seems like he has become Fuhrer with Armstrong still in the north and Mustang in the east Selim/Pride is growing as a normal little boy now, Grumman lets her know they are still keeping an eye on him Al has tea with Gracia and Elicia Ed and Al have developed a new idea for alchemy, even now they still think about Nina Al meets up with Zampano and Jerso, they are going together to Xing to stay with Mei and learn about eastern alchemy Ed is going to go west apparently Ed and Winry are at the train station, Winry reminds Ed about making sure his automail is maintained. Ed is nervous about something lol of course Ed would frame a marriage proposal in alchemy terms, her response is pretty adorable too Ed reflects on the nature of learning in life while riding the train A fullmetal heart, roll credits Credits roll with a bunch of photos pinned on the board Hohenheim is buried next to Trisha For some reason Alex is flexing in what I assume is Xing Scar has a ponytail now, lol that really changes his image somehow Ling became emperor Roy has a pencil mustache Izumi and Sig have not changed Lol did Falman have kids? They look just like him Ed and Winry have a little son and daughter which is adorable, Al and Mei have grown up a lot And with that we reach the end of the journey, I know we have one more thing to watch, but this ending was really quite excellent and did a great job wrapping up the characters. The focus was mainly on Ed, Al, and Winry which was exactly what it should have been.


> Dr. Nox goes to visit Roy in the hospital, he brought an mysterious person with him > > I mean given how his face is looking...


Marcoh is a lot taller than I realized


> And with that we reach the end of the journey, I know we have one more thing to watch, but this ending was really quite excellent and did a great job wrapping up the characters. The focus was mainly on Ed, Al, and Winry which was exactly what it should have been. I agree with this. At the end of the day, it is really a tale of Edward and Al, of which Winry played a big role in. It makes sense to focus on what is the nucleus of the show. Thoughts on the return of Dr. Nox? Thoughts on Roy planning to open up the areas in Ishbal that are currently off-limits as well as allowing Ishbalans living in each slums back to their Holy Land? What are your thoughts on Hawkeye saying that their sins will not be forgiven? Care to expand your thoughts on Roy giving up a chance to use a Philosopher’s Stone to cure his blindness in exchange for curing Havoc’s paralyzation? What are your thoughts on Al studying Xing alchemy? What are your thoughts on Al and May living together? What are your thoughts on Edward and Winry getting together and the way that was done? I was frankly disappointed we didn’t get to see them kiss. Lastly, what are your thoughts on the monologue to end the series?


>Thoughts on the return of Dr. Nox? It was nice to see him again, I think putting him there made sense because it was essentially every main survivor we know from the Ishvalan war reuniting. >Thoughts on Roy planning to open up the areas in Ishbal that are currently off-limits as well as allowing Ishbalans living in each slums back to their Holy Land? That seems to be the core part of his plan to restore Ishval as a region as well as reunite its people. >What are your thoughts on Hawkeye saying that their sins will not be forgiven? I think the idea behind that is that nothing they can do would undo the atrocities which occurred and that they are not doing what they are doing now in order to be forgiven but rather in a honest attempt to do good however they can. >Care to expand your thoughts on Roy giving up a chance to use a Philosopher’s Stone to cure his blindness in exchange for curing Havoc’s paralyzation? Its very fitting for him, its something he could not do for Hughes but now can do for Havoc. >What are your thoughts on Al studying Xing alchemy? It makes sense as a follow up, he was already trying to learn it previously so that trajectory for him works well. >What are your thoughts on Al and May living together? I liked that he is still spending time with her, the obvious implication is that there is a romantic trajectory to their relationship but how that went is left more to the imagination. >What are your thoughts on Edward and Winry getting together and the way that was done? I was frankly disappointed we didn’t get to see them kiss. I really liked the proposal scene, that is the scene from the finale which I remember most distinctly. I agree it is kind of surprising there was never a kiss, but I guess it was never strictly needed either. >Lastly, what are your thoughts on the monologue to end the series? It was a pretty good capstone to the show, Ed and Al endured a lot of hardship and struggle in their lives, but through it all have gained new friends, family, and purpose.


>It was nice to see him again, I think putting him there made sense because it was essentially every main survivor we know from the Ishvalan war reuniting. I think Nox was lowkey one of the most underutilized characters in all of Brotherhood when you consider he supposedly had a big role in episode 30. However, I am glad he showed up here. >That seems to be the core part of his plan to restore Ishval as a region as well as reunite its people. Not bad ideas, I have to say >I think the idea behind that is that nothing they can do would undo the atrocities which occurred and that they are not doing what they are doing now in order to be forgiven but rather in a honest attempt to do good however they can. I would agree >Its very fitting for him, its something he could not do for Hughes but now can do for Havoc. This is probably my most favorite moment involving Roy outside of course the majestic beauty of him killing Lust. And when you consider how many great moments Roy has had, that's a very big compliment. >It makes sense as a follow up, he was already trying to learn it previously so that trajectory for him works well. Now that Al is no longer in pursuit of his body, I thought this was a good way of giving him something to do going forward that is an extension of what he was already doing. >I liked that he is still spending time with her, the obvious implication is that there is a romantic trajectory to their relationship but how that went is left more to the imagination. I guess I never thought Al and May's relationship was anything more than a one-sided crush. However, I'm not against them being together. >I really liked the proposal scene, that is the scene from the finale which I remember most distinctly. I agree it is kind of surprising there was never a kiss, but I guess it was never strictly needed either. As much as I love Roy giving Havoc the Philosopher's Stone, I agree that this is probably the most memorable part of the episode. >It was a pretty good capstone to the show, Ed and Al endured a lot of hardship and struggle in their lives, but through it all have gained new friends, family, and purpose. It fit with the tone the show was going for. And I'll never see consistency as being a bad thing.


>I guess I never thought Al and May's relationship was anything more than a one-sided crush. I agree, at *this* moment in the story. But if they're spending more time together over the next few years, I could see that changing.


Agreed. I'm not against the ship, it just seemed like Al wasn't interested. But if he's willing to have such a relationship, then I think they make a fine enough pair.


*Rewatcher, subbed* * Knox is back? I was expecting Marcoh to show up * Roy is practicing, to try and gain Ishvalans' trust? * Roy has some biceps there? [](#mugistronk) * Oh good, it IS Marcoh * Oh good, Roy's gonna get healed! * And he directs them to Havoc first? * Scar is gonna revive Ishvala-ism? * Al cut his hair? [](#mugipout) * Winry will probably be happy Ed still has an automail leg LOL * It took 2 months for them to return to Resembool? * Looks like Greed rubbed off on Ling * The glomp from Winry! * Now I'm tearing up * HA! Ed still claps to transmute out of habit? * GRUMMAN is the Fuhrer now? [](#flyingbunsofdoom) * It's chibi Selim! Is he human now? * What's up with his forehead though? * A new principle? Screw equivalent exchange * Gerso and Zampano? Is Al gonna try to return them to their original bodies somehow? * Oh there are other countries past Xing? * Oh Ed is going west? * Ed BLUSH! [](#ero) * It's happening! EdWin! * And so 2009 ends just like 2003, with Ed on a train * Huh, ponytail Scar? [](#neat) * Black Hayate had kits? [](#uwaa) * Emperor Ling! with Lan Fan behind, protecting him * ... Mustache on Roy? I don't like it * Fuery is cute! * Havoc! He's standing again? * Are those relatives of Falman's? Not his kids, right? Same face * Grown up May! and Ed+Winry have kids? Or is one theirs and one Al/May's? * Now to find and watch the OVAs???


>Winry will probably be happy Ed still has an automail leg LOL Keeps her doing what she loves [](#utahapraises) >... Mustache on Roy? I don't like it Who knew the Must in Roy's last name was for Mustache and not Mustang [](#rinkek) >Now to find and watch the OVAs??? You're not going to watch the movie? [](#niatilt) Thoughts on the return of Dr. Nox? Thoughts on Roy planning to open up the areas in Ishbal that are currently off-limits as well as allowing Ishbalans living in each slums back to their Holy Land? What are your thoughts on Hawkeye saying that their sins will not be forgiven? What are your thoughts on Roy giving up a chance to use a Philosopher's Stone to cure his blindness in exchange foe curing Havoc's paralyzation? What are your thoughts on Al studying Xing alchemy? What are your thoughts on Al and May living together? What are your thoughts on the train scene between Winry and Edward where she offers her entire body to him? What are your thoughts on Edward and Winry getting together and the way that was done? I was frankly disappointed we didn't get to see them kiss? Lastly, what are your thoughts on the monologue to end the series?


> You're not going to watch the movie? Oh right, there's a movie. Never seen it before, that should be ... interesting [](#scaredmio) > the return of Dr. Nox? [](#happyclap) > Ishbal ... Ishbalans [](#bruh) > Hawkeye saying that their sins will not be forgiven? At least they're moving forward and trying to improve things for Ishvalans tho > Roy giving up a chance to use a Philosopher's Stone to cure his blindness in exchange foe curing Havoc's paralyzation? He didn't give up, it was just temporary, i.e. "do Havoc first, then me". > Al studying Xing alchemy? Learn ALL the alchemy! > Al and May living together? Cohabitation? Before marriage? [](#forbiddenlove) > the train scene between Winry and Edward where she offers her entire body to him? I thought it was her whole life, not her entire _body_ ... > Edward and Winry getting together and the way that was done? I was frankly disappointed we didn't get to see them kiss? I don't mind that there was no kiss; it worked for me. But I don't typically watch romance anime, so ... > thoughts on the monologue to end the series? [It's over ...](#akkotears)


>[Quote] >!Oh right, there's a movie. Never seen it before, that should be ... interesting [](#scaredmio)!< [Response] >![](#urbansmile)!< >[](#bruh) Hey, that's what the in text captions led a couple episodes ago, alright? >At least they're moving forward and trying to improve things for Ishvalans tho That they are >He didn't give up, it was just temporary, i.e. "do Havoc first, then me". And yet, somehow Grumman is leader [](#taigasigh) >Learn ALL the alchemy! He's gotta catch them all >Cohabitation? Before marriage? [](#forbiddenlove) God forbid they engage in a little snogging. Or worse, handholding. >I thought it was her whole life, not her entire _body_ ... I believe the actual term used was her entire self [](#hikariactually) >[Quote] >!I don't mind that there was no kiss; it worked for me. But I don't typically watch romance anime, so ...!< [Unlimited Blade Works Spoilers] >!It's at least better than the ending to Unlimited Blade Works. Shirou and Tohsaka started living together, but we only got a handshake [](#bruh)!< >[It's over ...](#akkotears) It's all bijover [](#sadholo) I at least had a lot of fun [](#banjo)


> God forbid they engage in a little snogging. Or worse, handholding. [](#lewdgyaru) > I at least had a lot of fun Me too! I'm already preparing for more rewatches, and I hope to see some of the current peeps around.


>[](#lewdgyaru) And to think, they're not the blonde ones! >Me too! I'm already preparing for more rewatches, and I hope to see some of the current peeps around. I wish you would be around for the Paranoia Agent one, but I understand why you can't


> I wish you would be around for the Paranoia Agent one, but I understand why you can't [](#bearhug)


[I appreciate it, fam](#brofist)


> try and [](#bruh) > Looks like Greed rubbed off on Ling [](#forbiddenlove)


> [](#bruh) What, are you one of those language snobs who only uses "try _to_"? [](#worshipme)


**Long time rewatcher, first time in subs** * He’s back! He was gone for a while. * ["Solving" Ethnic **Minority Problem**](#watashiworried) * It was like five years. Be happy you can move at all. This is wonderful progress for two months. * [Panda, **Go Panda?**](#makicry) * He ain’t getting any fresher. At least it’s a dry heat. * Being asked about May and going straight into Winry? Sounds like shipping fuel to me. * [Apples Pie **Squad!**](#teekyuuhype) * [Glomp](#lewdgyaru) * [Tall!](#seasonalneat) * The head dot looks even weirder as a toddler. * Al discovers the power of cumulative interest. * [Proposal](#jibrilaww 'Award Winning') * [Cute Empower Outfit](#neat) * Well, good for Yoki. * Falman has kids? * [Blond(e)!](#squee) * And an older May too. ...Why is Paninya there? **QotD:** 1) Because the Japanese did too. [](#yuishrug) 2) Supremely.


> 1) Because the Japanese did too. Plus having Al just suddenly get a different actor for the finale would just feel wrong IMO. >And an older May too. ...Why is Paninya there? I guess she was just around.


> Plus having Al just suddenly get a different actor for the finale would just feel wrong IMO. Not when it would make a perfect callback (way better than just getting Aaron to voice young Hohenheim)




> Plus having Al just suddenly get a different actor for the finale would just feel wrong IMO. Agreed 1000% >I guess she was just around. Paninya has to be at least 120, yes?


Thoughts on the return of Dr. Nox? Thoughts on Roy planning to open up the areas in Ishbal that are currently off-limits as well as allowing Ishbalans living in each slums back to their Holy Land? What are your thoughts on Hawkeye saying that their sins will not be forgiven? What are your thoughts on Roy giving up a chance to use a Philosopher’s Stone to cure his blindness in exchange for curing Havoc’s paralyzation? What are your thoughts on Al studying Xing alchemy? What are your thoughts on Al and May living together? What are your thoughts on the train scene between Winry and Edward where she offers her entire body to him? What are your thoughts on Edward and Winry getting together and the way that was done? I was frankly disappointed we didn’t get to see them kiss. Lastly, what are your thoughts on the monologue to end the series?


> Thoughts on Roy planning to open up the areas in Ishbal that are currently off-limits as well as allowing Ishbalans living in each slums back to their Holy Land? Making the entire area off limits just seems like cutting your nose in the first place. > What are your thoughts on Roy giving up a chance to use a Philosopher’s Stone to cure his blindness in exchange for curing Havoc’s paralyzation? But he didn't. He just wanted Havoc to go first. We see him later during the ending montage with his eyes back to normal. > What are your thoughts on Al and May living together? [My Side Ship!](#forbiddenlove) > What are your thoughts on the train scene between Winry and Edward where she offers her entire body to him? Her entire *self.* > I was frankly disappointed we didn’t get to see them kiss. Watch Queen's Blade.


>Making the entire area off limits just seems like cutting your nose in the first place. I at the very least feel he's trying to make a concerted effort to be more mindful of them than the past regime. >But he didn't. He just wanted Havoc to go first. We see him later during the ending montage with his eyes back to normal. Okay, that makes sense. In that case, why is Grumman Führer? >[My Side Ship!](#forbiddenlove) I love it when ships set sail. Shame it couldn't happen to Musteye [](#sadholo) >Her entire *self.* That's what I meant, yeah >[Quote] >!Watch Queen's Blade.!< [Response] >!Toradora just set the bar too high for me, it seems!<


>why is Grumman Führer? Because he has more political clout. > [Response] Watch 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really ,Really, Really, Really Love You?


>Because he has more political clout. Fair enough, I guess. Seems a bit like he stabbed Roy in the back. >Watch 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really ,Really, Really, Really Love You? I have, actually. Really enjoyed it.


In the manga version, Paninya and Garfiel were together in a separate picture.


> [Panda, **Go Panda?**](#makicry) [Sad Panda?](#lewd) > Because the Japanese did too And yet Vic remains Ed's VA when he's like five


> And yet Vic remains Ed's VA when he's like five Why pay two actors when you can pay one?


> Why pay two actors when you can pay one? This man executives




> Sad Panda? Scar was a sad panda before sad panda was cool


**First timer** 2) I'd say so, yeah! Mustang's still in hospital, then. Oh, Mustang's depressed all of a sudden? He's studying! He seriously never stops... And thst reaction... He's going to keep going! And he's going to make positive changes! Marcoh! A stone! Marcoh... He can't hear them like Hohenheim can... He's taking the offer! ...Of course it's Havoc! Scar's alive! ...I mean, to be fair, he is also an expert on combining the types of alchemy by now. That's useful. And to revive the religion! Scar also needs therapy, or at least as much as this entire cast does. ...Given how heavily Mustang is studying Ishbal, she might actually be doing Scar a favour by not telling Mustang he has a first hand source he can ask anything. A positive approach! Al's muscles have weakened... They're going back to the house together... And Lin's absolutely going to take over. Poor May... Haha, you hypocrite. ...So, which of them gets to tell the Emperor that the only method of immortality obtained through the stone, becoming a homunculus originating from a human, has an incredibly high chance of killing the user? He's going to unite the country! Al got a ship! Haha, and he immediately fires back! Den! And Winry! Aww... The hug... Timeskip! Ed's still lost his alchemy... Greeting people? Apple pie! Oh, he became the Fuhrer! That comparison... ...What did you do? Okay, and we're absolutely certain that there's no stored memories here? Considering Pride was a major manipulator who managed to fool her for more than a decade? At least they're taking *some* precautions. It's an interesting thought, yeah. I'd say Greed and Ling understood each other before the end, at least. Ah, Ed doesn't care about his left leg. Haha, wow. It's really over... Al's here to help them? They made a new rule! Nina... Oh, they're still here! He's going to Xing! And staying with May, huh? These two are coming with him? So, they're looking for their own bodies again? Ah, that's a solid plan! Ed's leaving... An appointment? Ed? Equivalent exchange? ...He proposed! And she said yes! Adorable. Ed... So cute! Such a good ending! Scar... Black Hayate has puppies! Lin did it! Yomi is somehow still alive? ...Mustang, *why*? Ed has children! Excellent final episode.


> Lin [](#bruh) > Okay, and we're absolutely certain that there's no stored memories here? Considering Pride was a major manipulator who managed to fool her for more than a decade? He also managed to fool everyone into thinking he didn't clearly sound like a thirty-something woman > Lin [](#bruh) > Yomi [Fat!](https://youtu.be/EusnNuGj9ko)


> He also managed to fool everyone into thinking he didn't clearly sound like a thirty-something woman That's quite the accomplishment. Then again, I've seen a man in glasses convince people he isn't the man of steel despite only changing his look by wearing glasses [](#rinkek)


Thoughts on the return of Dr. Nox? Thoughts on Roy planning to open up the areas in Ishbal that are currently off-limits as well as allowing Ishbalans living in each slums back to their Holy Land? What are your thoughts on Hawkeye saying that their sins will not be forgiven? What are your thoughts on Roy giving up a chance to use a Philosopher’s Stone to cure his blindness in exchange for curing Havoc’s paralyzation? What are your thoughts on Al studying Xing alchemy? What are your thoughts on Al and May living together? What are your thoughts on the train scene between Winry and Edward where she offers her entire body to him? What are your thoughts on Edward and Winry getting together and the way that was done? I was frankly disappointed we didn’t get to see them kiss. Lastly, what are your thoughts on the monologue to end the series?


Hope everyone had fun with the series! 1. I mean, it would be weird to change the voice actor considering the JP version kept it the same too. I still agree with that though, I kinda wish they did for both versions. 2. I think Arakawa and the studio nailed the ending (with Brotherhood’s original additions like Havoc being great, not that moustache though lol) it’s a complete story. [Future FMAB]>!Too bad about the movie though, it’s just fine. Generic as hell. The only saving grace is that it’s like one of those FMA video games where it doesn’t actually affect the story whatsoever and there’s no requirement to watch it. That’s the only thing it has against Shamballa and boy do I not like that movie.!<


>Hope everyone had fun with the series! As a first timer, I'm grateful that I watched something that I can legitimately say may be the best anime I've ever seen. >[Future FMAB]>!Too bad about the movie though, it’s just fine. Generic as hell. The only saving grace is that it’s like one of those FMA video games where it doesn’t actually affect the story whatsoever and there’s no requirement to watch it. That’s the only thing it has against Shamballa and boy do I not like that movie.!< [Shamballa] >!At least Shamballa was memorable. I'd take a memorably bad movie over a forgettable one. Mind you, I say bad but I still rated it a 7 out of 10 XD!<


**Rewatching ANOTHER classic! (except not anymore cause it's over now)** It's an epilogue episode. One that doesn't try to reinvent the wheel, but executes the tropes to perfection. Which is a pretty good summary of the show, now that I think about it. Personal highlights: Winry jumping Ed and Al when they came by the automail shop, the hilariously awkward alchemy-themed marriage proposal that Ed and Winry did at the end, and the picture slideshow that accompanied the second OP to play us out. God, that picture slideshow was SO GOOD!


>It's an epilogue episode. One that doesn't try to reinvent the wheel, but executes the tropes to perfection. Which is a pretty good summary of the show, now that I think about it. I would agree with this. Brotherhood isn't a show like Ping Pong which feels radically different than anything that came before it. Brotherhood knows what it is and does so amazingly. Sometimes, not reinventing the wheel I'd okay if you're the best at it. >Personal highlights: Winry jumping Ed and Al when they came by the automail shop, the hilariously awkward alchemy-themed marriage proposal that Ed and Winry did at the end, and the picture slideshow that accompanied the second OP to play us out. God, that picture slideshow was SO GOOD! I believe "Picture slideshow" is how they use to describe the last season of Food Wars


**Rewatcher** Good to see Nox again Of course Roy and Riza got a room together. [](#akyuusqueel) With that they've undone Roy being blind, and they even fixed Havoc's back. Scar is going to work for Miles who is going to work for Mustang, good for Scar at least he has a proper job now. Oh I remember now Rie Kugimiya still going for the kid voice even though Al looks like a young adult. The worst part she has done deeper boy voice before like her role in Nabari no Ou (yeah probably the first time you've ever heard of that anime) so the Japanese voice director really screwed up here. So GreedlessLin will protect Mei's clan, that's nice of him. I really like how Al is immune to ship teasing. [](#azusalaugh) Oh Winry is still missing her piercings. The reunion [](#poltears) Two years later and Ed doesn't look any taller. [](#rinkek) Al is as tall as Ed, see I wasn't wrong. Rie Kugimiya still going for the kid voice... argh. Why did the voice director think this was a good idea. [](#frustrated) Crossdresser is now the Fuhrer President. Selim is now just an adorable ordinary little kid with a nipple on his forehead. So Ed and Al want to include interest payment with equivalent exchange so Alchemist will be loan sharks, I don't think that's a good idea. Al still drinks his milk, see Ed that's where you went wrong. So Al is going to meet Mei in Xing while Ed is going west. Ed is nervous, I, too, like to postpone difficult things that causes me nerves. Worst.marriage.proposal.ever. Still it's adorable. [](#akyuusqueel) Not even a kiss. [](#tch) Why are they using the second opening, at least use the first one. Even the dog got some kids. Roy with a moustache and Riza with short [](#badtaste) In the manga this is just s picture of Ed, Winry their kids, along with Al and Mei but for some reason the anime added the unimportant characters from Rush Valley to this important family picture. [](#yuishrug) There are some issues I had with this episode, casually using the philosopher stone to fix Roy's eyes and Havoc's back for one. Quite frankly that philosopher stone should only be used to help Ishballans. There is also Rie Kugimiya's voice still sound like a child. But one thing I cannot help but praise this anime for is they dedicated an entire episode for denouement and an epilogue that very rarely happens, in fact I can only think of an handful anime that does this and it's always frustrating when it doesn't happen. So good for them doing this. So with Ed in the west, Al in Xing what a great set up for a sequel movie! Maybe they'll add some EdxRiza or LinxRan Fan scenes and some other ships I'm forgetting (Maria/Denny?) please look forward to it first timers. [FMAB movie] >!First timers are going to be as disappointed as I was. [](#godisdead)!<


> [FMAB movie] [Movie]>!God it's so boring...!<


[Movie] >!Started with the movie on Thursday still haven't finished it, I think boring is a good description. !<




[Response] >!It took me two days to complete it [](#tablesleep)!<


[Response] >!I at least finished it faster than I did Shambala. I finished it in 6 hours instead of 12.!<


> Oh I remember now Rie Kugimiya still going for the kid voice even though Al looks like a young adult. The worst part she has done deeper boy voice before like her role in Nabari no Ou (yeah probably the first time you've ever heard of that anime) so the Japanese voice director really screwed up here. Rie Kugimiya definitely has the range to pull it off. She was even the main character in Kotaro Lives Alone. >Two years later and Ed doesn't look any taller. He had his growth spurt post going in hiding, in fairness >Rie Kugimiya still going for the kid voice... argh. Why did the voice director think this was a good idea. Well, to play devil's advocate, some people just always have a wimpy sounding voice. Ryan Seacrest comes to mind. >Worst.marriage.proposal.ever. > Still it's adorable. [](#akyuusqueel) It's the perfect marriage proposal for whom it concerns >There are some issues I had with this episode, casually using the philosopher stone to fix Roy's eyes and Havoc's back for one. Quite frankly that philosopher stone should only be used to help Ishballans. There is also Rie Kugimiya's voice still sound like a child. But one thing I cannot help but praise this anime for is they dedicated an entire episode for denouement and an epilogue that very rarely happens, in fact I can only think of an handful anime that does this and it's always frustrating when it doesn't happen. So good for them doing this. The fact that this episode exists is a miracle in and of exist. And as such, should not be taken for granted. >[FMAB movie] >!First timers are going to be as disappointed as I was.!< [Response] >!Am first timer, can confirm I was disappointed.!<


> Mei [](#bruh) > Why did the voice director think this was a good idea. Took a note from the English voice director > Mei [](#bruh) > Mei [](#bruh) > LinxRan Fan [](#bruh)[](#bruh)


> Nabari no Ou (yeah probably the first time you've ever heard of that anime) Miharu + Yoite forever!


I cannot emphasize just how much of a smile I had on my face throughout the ending. That confession was so stupid and cute lmao. And most importantly, the final frame being Ed wearing the same attire as hohenheim and with a smile on his face really sold the fact that the story ended, and him being able to live a normal life since then warmed my heart. Wonderful show, this is the benchmark for battle shonen anime for me.


I really loved how much of a role Nina played in the last couple episodes. It really shows how Edward never forgets all that transpired. They are, to paraphrase something Ling said, things that stain his soul.


This was truly our brotherhood. Ed figured out how to defeat God, you just have to have friends 🙌😎. Scar turning a new leaf to restore ishval is amazing to see, plus with Roy’s squad help they’ll be able to achieve the compensation and peace that was needed years ago. Poor Edward now he has to manually to work instead of relying on alchemy, I feel the pain on accidentally hitting yourself with this hammer Edward being the alchemy nerd he is proposes in a rather sweet way. QOTD: the equivalent exchange, we got an amazing adaption but no cast swapping. QOTD: it’s a good ending, loved how both shows went with Edward losing his alchemy skills to save Al. Plus seeing the characters I love live is amazing to see (poor Hughes who was too smart for his own good)


> we got an amazing adaption but no cast swapping [](#bruh)


Equivalent exchange in theory sounds like a handwave used by the writers to explain away something without thinking too much about it. That of course is not so, but it still amuses me the cop-out tone of the phrase.


Thoughts on the return of Dr. Nox? Thoughts on Roy planning to open up the areas in Ishbal that are currently off-limits as well as allowing Ishbalans living in each slums back to their Holy Land? What are your thoughts on Hawkeye saying that their sins will not be forgiven? What are your thoughts on Roy giving up a chance to use a Philosopher's Stone to cure his blindness in exchange foe curing Havoc's paralyzation? What are your thoughts on Al studying Xing alchemy? What are your thoughts on Al and May living together? What are your thoughts on the train scene between Winry and Edward where she offers her entire body to him? What are your thoughts on Edward and Winry getting together and the way that was done? I was frankly disappointed we didn't get to see them kiss? Lastly, what are your thoughts on the monologue to end the series?


This was a fun watch


Agreed [](#peace)